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2009-07-17 1:59 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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El Dorado Hills, CA
Subject: just poking my head in
Hi all....

Thought I would poke my head in and say hi....kind of fell off the training wagon for a while there with a nasty sinus thing. Frown

Sorry to hear about all the goings on....Art you had someone watching out for you!  And that they even saved your bike shorts..dang! you are one lucky guy!

My tri is about 6 weeks away so I'm trying to stay very focused...

Sending my good thoughts out to you all,


2009-07-17 7:08 PM
in reply to: #2292261

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: just poking my head in

happybunny - 2009-07-17 11:59 AM Hi all....

Thought I would poke my head in and say hi....kind of fell off the training wagon for a while there with a nasty sinus thing. Frown

Sorry to hear about all the goings on....Art you had someone watching out for you!  And that they even saved your bike shorts..dang! you are one lucky guy!

My tri is about 6 weeks away so I'm trying to stay very focused...

Sending my good thoughts out to you all,


Hi Carole -- Good to hear from you.  Art -- enjoy your weekend. My DH had the same experience going back to work after his crash. He would go in for a few hours and then just lose focus. Make sure you have a swimming partner! I've been out riding and swimming today. Also hit the Canari warehouse sale. They have pretty good deals. Got some $5 bike shorts and some $15 ones, plus jerseys for DH and one for me. I think I found another kitty for our family. Since I'm the only female in this house -- a DH, son, male dog and 2 male kitties. On second thought, maybe I need two female kitties!

I've got a 4 hour ride tomorrow and a 30 minute brick run and then a 2 hour run on Sunday, then I get to taper for my HIM August 1st. I'm excited, nervous, apprehensive...all those emotions.

I'm glad Yanti is all right. I thought of her immediately. Hope you all are having a great start to your weekends!


2009-07-18 10:31 AM
in reply to: #2292733

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El Dorado Hills, CA
Subject: RE: just poking my head in
Great deals on the sale!!  I have been shopping around to find some tri capri's.....or long shorts....need the coverage for the

Went to swim this morning's beautiful out right now...guaranteed to be REALLY hot later.  Over 100 again.

Anyone have any bike seat recommendations?  I'm thinking of getting a new saddle maybe a womens specific one.

2009-07-20 9:08 AM
in reply to: #2293279

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Victoria, BC
Subject: Happy Monday!
Hello everyone - happy Monday!

I am determined to have a fabulous week. Fabulous. I have lots of spare time this week - no clients booked (like not even one! OMG!) .. but I'm going to make constructive use of that time to get caught up on some chores. And I'm going to the gym every day. No ifs ands or buts about it.

Anyone else have any intentions for the week?
2009-07-20 4:01 PM
in reply to: #2295602

User image

El Dorado Hills, CA
Subject: RE: Happy Monday!
My intention is to get to the pool 4 times this week.....I went yesterday so 3 more to go. :D

2009-07-20 5:36 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
My intention is to live vicariously through my fellow Manatees while I continue to recover.

I spent the weekend relaxing. Sore ribs and shoulder kept me from doing anything but going for a couple walks. The good news is that my head continues to clear. I met with the insurance adjuster this afternoon. I should have some idea of what they will do for the bike, etc. later this week.

I hope everyone had a good Monday!


2009-07-21 7:05 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: ...
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2009-07-21 7:39 PM
in reply to: #2069346

Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Hola Sweet Manatees!

I just have to say that I truly love the support that this group gives to each other, whether it be training, injuries (goodness knows we've seen a few of those), life's little bumps and life's big bumps - everyone is here to support each other.

It's my privelage and honor to be a part of this wonderful group.

Carole - so, so good to hear from you!  I'm glad you hear you are feeling better and are training hard for your upcoming tri - be sure to let us know if you need anything from us

Lynn - sounds like a smart approach to me - to be spending more time on the bike youre going to be racing on - i'm sure that soon enough you and your new ride will be fast friends

Art - hang in there, i know to some degree how frustrating it can be - the best thing you can do right now is rest and heal, you will be tempted - especially as you feel better to push it, but don't....take the time to heal. Tinkerbeth's orders

Cathy - i'm so glad to hear that forward progress is being made in both situations, we all continue to send you love and support.  i'm also glad that we can be an outlet for you, i understand completely about not wanting to or maybe even being able to talk to friends or family - hang in there

TR - i love your resolve and positive outlook for the week. -   need any more Gibbs therapy?

Bill - have a great week in Tampa!!!  Enjoy the fun in the sun

2009-07-21 7:45 PM
in reply to: #2069346

Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL

So here's the news from Never Never land

The ankle is feeling fine - i'm no longer wearing the sexy air cast w00t w00t!

i go in for my next x-ray tomorrow - so i'll know more then - i'm highly doubtful that he'll release me to run

i figured out that I have swum somewhere in the neighboor hood of 83,000 yds since the beginning of may - no wonder my swim suit fell apart :/

i've started to do the elliptical some, which is a nice change of pace - i never thought i'd say that about the elliptical

things in my life are going really well right now, i have much to be thankful for

i'm headed to minnesota for a vacation next week, so i won't be around much - leaving on saturday

2009-07-22 10:28 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Hi everybody! To so many of us--injured, spiritually injured, at crossroads, etc.--HANG IN THERE.

We understand, we really do.

This is a fantastic group and while I don't have much time to post, I always read. You are the light of my life!!!

Carole, re. saddles--such a personal thing. Definitely only buy saddles with a liberal return policy. I've gone through a bunch of saddles and haven't settled yet.

If you're going to spend time in aero, I would recommend a tri-specific saddle, and moreover, a WOMEN's tri-specific saddle.

If not, you have a little more leeway. Serfas Rx Women's didn't break the bank, was plenty cushy and had the cutout in the middle. Completely does not work for me in aero, though.
2009-07-22 11:09 AM
in reply to: #2301457

El Dorado Hills, CA
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Thanks for the saddle tips!  I ended up getting a Specialized Lithia Gel saddle- women specific....has the whole body geometry design thing...much better than my previous saddle already....and also got a nicely padded pair of bike shorts...woohooo!  I have a road bike so no aero at this point.....I'm not trying the clip-ons yet

So mainly now I just have to get my behind used to riding my bike as opposed to the lovely exercycles at the gym......

Are all of you playing the Trek scratch and win game online or at your local store?  I have won 3 water bottles....not big but 3 things i dont have to buy...Lol!   

2009-07-23 9:19 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Hi again Manatees!

Checking in from Jogja, a beautiful city in between Jakarta and Bali. It's considered by many to be the seat and preserver of Indonesian culture ... had the best run of my life in terms of scenery. Horse carts, pedicabs, bicycles, street bands, street market, everyone cheering for me as I went by ... never thought I could find a more interesting place to run than Venice Beach. I was wrong!

It looks like I may be itinerant for a while, travelling between Jakarta (where the business is run from) and Jogjakarta, where the business itself (shrimp farms) is based. I will have to get very creative about training! I will also try to run away to Bali paradise as often as I can, to get some head and soul space. Might be bike-focused in Jakarta, run-focused in Jogja, swim-focused in Bali ... who knows?

It's actually always a relief to be away from my folks' house/main office in Jakarta, but I worry about my mom when I'm gone.

As Bethie Love and many wise folks say, "One day at a time." Right now I'm just relaxing in an Internet cafe and that's all I have to do!

2009-07-23 6:05 PM
in reply to: #2069346

Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
report from the ortho yesterday - as usual, i'm going to be lazy efficient

went to the ortho after work  w00t w00t! had another x-ray taken and he declared me healed .  and the results from the bone density were ok - he said not as good as he'd like, but nothing that he was overly alarmed about - just keep doing what i'm doing and be really religious about taking the calcium supplement

he doesn't feel it was the cause of the fracture

as far as training goes  - slow and methodical, slow, slow slow - ease into it

to start with i can do 10 min of walking at a fast pace, see how it feels, check for any swelling, pain etc - do that a min of three times in a row, and increase the time - repeat the drill, and so on, he doesn't want me to actually incoporate any running for another 2- 3 weeks and then walk/run intervals - good thing i'm already a huge fan of walk/run intervals

2009-07-24 1:03 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL

God love internet cafes, and the ability to grow and change with life. Even injuries can be a very intense learning experience. I love how Yanti looks at things--as well as my other manatee friends--so positive, so calming. Thanks guys! Mwah!!!

2009-07-24 1:13 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL

In other news, I got in another OWS today. I am really liking my wetsuit, but I do NOT like trying to  put the silly thing on.  Taking it off is fairly easy, so long as I do it in the shallow water just before getting out. I need to get to the store to buy some tri slide spray. I tried it out at a clinic with the local tri club and it was MUCH better than body glide. Anybody else ever tried the spray? 

Friday is a holiday here in the lovely state of Utah, and nearly everything will be closed. There will be parades and fireworks and rodeos, though. AND my hubby decided to actually take a day off work *gasp*. I think I should take his temp--he may be delirious with fever--he NEVER takes a day off of work. Well, actually I think he's taken a couple days off this month. Maybe he really DOES need medical help, LOL. I'm not sure what we'll do tomorrow, though, since we seem to be in the midst of a heat wave here. Amusement park in 100 plus degree heat? Nah. Take the kids to the park? Nope. Yard work. Uh, NO. Sorting what used to be the contents of my basement, which have been dumped in the garage for 2 months now (and really shouldn't be in the heat and varying humidity of the garage (thus the reason all that stuff was in the basement and not the garage to begin with)? Well, that just sounds like torture. Plus, it's the last time until Christmas that both of my kids will be out of school at the same time. *sigh* Maybe I'll just sleep on it and decide tomorrow.


'Night manatees!  

2009-07-24 8:02 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL

Good morning, Manatees!

Beth, I'm so glad to hear about your recovery! Sounds like your entry back into running will be a lot like mine has been. Slow and steady.

Yanti, I continue to marvel over what an interesting life you have. I admire the creative way you're handling your training. I doesn't have to be perfect, it just needs to happen. And I totally agree with your philosphy about taking things one day or even one minute at a time. Right now, I just need to finish this post and get ready to ride my bike. That's very comforting.

I'm doing ok. Just dealing with some well justified anger issues. It's hard on T, but he's just gonna have to deal. I have to get through this to move on. But I'm feeling stronger everyday. And a little more able to think clearly and set boundries, make decisions about what I want. I'm hopeful for the future.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

2009-07-24 10:06 AM
in reply to: #2305349

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Hi Everyone,

Busy as usual here at the ranch!   Oldest ds flew in last Sunday for a week so that has been nice.   He met a girl online and she happened to live about an hour north of part of his trip home was to meet her and so far it seems to be a good thing.    The 2 youngest and this oldest ds and I leave for 4 days in San Diego tomorrow!!!  Can't wait!

I have gotten in more training this week and it feels good to be back at it again!   I do have a question for the bike folks here.   My toes and sometimes my hands get numb and tingling feeling when I ride.   Am I doing something wrong to make this happen?  

Cathy - in the course of my healing I found that for all "traumas" we have to go through a grieving process...basically the whole grief cycle of which anger is one stage.    What was SO helpful for me was to find a way to really let it out without it being directed at anyone.   I would get a box full of old plates from Goodwill and then take them to our dump and smash them while loudly proclaiming my rants!    It truly helped to release the pent up emotions.   If you lived closer, you would be welcome to use our dump!     I just want to encourage you to find some way to release and not just push them back down when they bubble up...and from my experience, again, it is better not to let them boil over on another person! lol

Just found out that ds is coming with the new girl....gotta go cook some breakfast for them!

2009-07-24 10:44 AM
in reply to: #2305691

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
ranchrunner - 2009-07-24 10:06 AM Hi Everyone,

Busy as usual here at the ranch!   Oldest ds flew in last Sunday for a week so that has been nice.   He met a girl online and she happened to live about an hour north of part of his trip home was to meet her and so far it seems to be a good thing.    The 2 youngest and this oldest ds and I leave for 4 days in San Diego tomorrow!!!  Can't wait!

I have gotten in more training this week and it feels good to be back at it again!   I do have a question for the bike folks here.   My toes and sometimes my hands get numb and tingling feeling when I ride.   Am I doing something wrong to make this happen?  

Cathy - in the course of my healing I found that for all "traumas" we have to go through a grieving process...basically the whole grief cycle of which anger is one stage.    What was SO helpful for me was to find a way to really let it out without it being directed at anyone.   I would get a box full of old plates from Goodwill and then take them to our dump and smash them while loudly proclaiming my rants!    It truly helped to release the pent up emotions.   If you lived closer, you would be welcome to use our dump!     I just want to encourage you to find some way to release and not just push them back down when they bubble up...and from my experience, again, it is better not to let them boil over on another person! lol

Just found out that ds is coming with the new girl....gotta go cook some breakfast for them!

Thanks, Sharie. Luckily, I have one very close friend whom I feel comfortable talking about this with. I can also bring up the issues in therapy with dh, and I can express them to him anytime. I've been writing alot in my log, too. It's hard for my dh to hear alot of what I have to say, but he created this situation and hearing me rant about it is just kind of the natural and logical consequences that go along with that, which he's willing to accept, thank goodness. It's also great to have this thread to vent on, too. I've found a wonderful source of support here and I value it beyond words.

Oh and btw, my hands & feet get numb sometimes too. Especially my feet. My hands do better when I stay aero. But ARE we doing something wrong?
2009-07-24 2:26 PM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: ...
This user's post has been ignored.
2009-07-24 6:06 PM
in reply to: #2069346

Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Hi Manatee friends!

Beth - I'm so happy to hear the good news about your ankle!

Yanti - I'm still amazed you're in Indonesia and able to share your experiences with us. I'm glad you are able to adjust and get your workouts in.

Cathy - Good to hear things keep getting worked out for you. Still praying for you!

Amy - Let me know how that tri slide stuff works. I can't ever get my wetsuit off without flopping around on the ground.

Everybody - Glad to hear some of us are able to get some training in!

Me? I've been sitting on the couch getting fat (or fatter). I went to the doctor the other day and got my stitches out and got some x-rays on my ribs and shoulder because they continue to bother me. Both were negative. Thinking that was good news, I made the mistake of asking if it was o.k. to swim and he said not until there isn't any pain. He seems to think I might have torn something in my shoulder. If it still bothers me in two weeks they're going to do an MRI. I got the $7,500 bill from the ER visit today. Nice. I can't tell you how many insurance people I've talked to. It's funny they ask the same questions. Most of my answers include "I only know what I was told. I don't remember hitting the car and after that I was unconscious."

HIM is out for this year. I've decided to regroup and be in better shape when I do that longer race rather than pushing it and going into it undertrained. If I'm feeling better in the next week or two I'll do a local Oly in mid-September. I'm thinking about signing up for Eagleman next June, we'll see.

Read the "oh how I laughed" thread in tri talk (and the supporting thread) if you haven't already. It'll make your day.

Have a great weekend and get some training in for me!


2009-07-24 7:34 PM
in reply to: #2305145

Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
givemashot - 2009-07-24 2:13 AM

In other news, I got in another OWS today. I am really liking my wetsuit, but I do NOT like trying to  put the silly thing on.  Taking it off is fairly easy, so long as I do it in the shallow water just before getting out. I need to get to the store to buy some tri slide spray. I tried it out at a clinic with the local tri club and it was MUCH better than body glide. Anybody else ever tried the spray? 

Friday is a holiday here in the lovely state of Utah, and nearly everything will be closed. There will be parades and fireworks and rodeos, though. AND my hubby decided to actually take a day off work *gasp*. I think I should take his temp--he may be delirious with fever--he NEVER takes a day off of work. Well, actually I think he's taken a couple days off this month. Maybe he really DOES need medical help, LOL. I'm not sure what we'll do tomorrow, though, since we seem to be in the midst of a heat wave here. Amusement park in 100 plus degree heat? Nah. Take the kids to the park? Nope. Yard work. Uh, NO. Sorting what used to be the contents of my basement, which have been dumped in the garage for 2 months now (and really shouldn't be in the heat and varying humidity of the garage (thus the reason all that stuff was in the basement and not the garage to begin with)? Well, that just sounds like torture. Plus, it's the last time until Christmas that both of my kids will be out of school at the same time. *sigh* Maybe I'll just sleep on it and decide tomorrow.


'Night manatees!  

Good to hear from you Amy!!!

good luck with the big decision

2009-07-24 7:36 PM
in reply to: #2305349

Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
mammatri's - 2009-07-24 9:02 AM

Good morning, Manatees!

Beth, I'm so glad to hear about your recovery! Sounds like your entry back into running will be a lot like mine has been. Slow and steady.

Yanti, I continue to marvel over what an interesting life you have. I admire the creative way you're handling your training. I doesn't have to be perfect, it just needs to happen. And I totally agree with your philosphy about taking things one day or even one minute at a time. Right now, I just need to finish this post and get ready to ride my bike. That's very comforting.

I'm doing ok. Just dealing with some well justified anger issues. It's hard on T, but he's just gonna have to deal. I have to get through this to move on. But I'm feeling stronger everyday. And a little more able to think clearly and set boundries, make decisions about what I want. I'm hopeful for the future.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

seems like slow and steady is a good mantra for any kind of healing

one day at a time

I'm glad things are moving in the right direction for you

2009-07-24 7:37 PM
in reply to: #2305691

Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
ranchrunner - 2009-07-24 11:06 AM Hi Everyone,

Busy as usual here at the ranch!   Oldest ds flew in last Sunday for a week so that has been nice.   He met a girl online and she happened to live about an hour north of part of his trip home was to meet her and so far it seems to be a good thing.    The 2 youngest and this oldest ds and I leave for 4 days in San Diego tomorrow!!!  Can't wait!

I have gotten in more training this week and it feels good to be back at it again!   I do have a question for the bike folks here.   My toes and sometimes my hands get numb and tingling feeling when I ride.   Am I doing something wrong to make this happen?  

Cathy - in the course of my healing I found that for all "traumas" we have to go through a grieving process...basically the whole grief cycle of which anger is one stage.    What was SO helpful for me was to find a way to really let it out without it being directed at anyone.   I would get a box full of old plates from Goodwill and then take them to our dump and smash them while loudly proclaiming my rants!    It truly helped to release the pent up emotions.   If you lived closer, you would be welcome to use our dump!     I just want to encourage you to find some way to release and not just push them back down when they bubble up...and from my experience, again, it is better not to let them boil over on another person! lol

Just found out that ds is coming with the new girl....gotta go cook some breakfast for them!


Hey there Sharie - be sure to let us know how it went with ds and the new girl

my dd is on her way to chicago as we speak

2009-07-24 7:38 PM
in reply to: #2306352

Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
wgraves7582 - 2009-07-24 3:26 PM

Howdy Manatees from the Tampa airport.  Hot and humid but I love it!

Got some good swim training in and of course biking.  Had every intention of running but it never came to be - oh well.  Maybe next week!

Hope everyone has a great weekend - we have more company staying at our house !

Chat with you next week!

Good to hear from you Bill! 

glad you are having a great time

2009-07-24 7:40 PM
in reply to: #2306768

Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
reid15 - 2009-07-24 7:06 PM Hi Manatee friends! Beth - I'm so happy to hear the good news about your ankle! Yanti - I'm still amazed you're in Indonesia and able to share your experiences with us. I'm glad you are able to adjust and get your workouts in. Cathy - Good to hear things keep getting worked out for you. Still praying for you! Amy - Let me know how that tri slide stuff works. I can't ever get my wetsuit off without flopping around on the ground. Everybody - Glad to hear some of us are able to get some training in! Me? I've been sitting on the couch getting fat (or fatter). I went to the doctor the other day and got my stitches out and got some x-rays on my ribs and shoulder because they continue to bother me. Both were negative. Thinking that was good news, I made the mistake of asking if it was o.k. to swim and he said not until there isn't any pain. He seems to think I might have torn something in my shoulder. If it still bothers me in two weeks they're going to do an MRI. I got the $7,500 bill from the ER visit today. Nice. I can't tell you how many insurance people I've talked to. It's funny they ask the same questions. Most of my answers include "I only know what I was told. I don't remember hitting the car and after that I was unconscious." HIM is out for this year. I've decided to regroup and be in better shape when I do that longer race rather than pushing it and going into it undertrained. If I'm feeling better in the next week or two I'll do a local Oly in mid-September. I'm thinking about signing up for Eagleman next June, we'll see. Read the "oh how I laughed" thread in tri talk (and the supporting thread) if you haven't already. It'll make your day. Have a great weekend and get some training in for me! Art

Art, so sorry to hear the HIM is out

I know how frustrating it is - I know it's easier said than done, but be patient and let your body heal

take care my friend!

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