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2011-05-01 4:40 PM
in reply to: #3476133

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
SSMinnow - 2011-05-01 4:53 PM

WOO-HOO to Cheri, Linda, Tony, Rob!!!!!!!!! I hope I didn't miss anyone....what about George and David?

Today was a tough weather day in Wisconsin.  Winds in the 25-35mph range with gusts to 40mph....I made a critical error going down a steep hill and touched my brakes...made for a not so nice landing as my wheel slid out.  Thankfully, I was wearing insulated tights (it was 40F), a coat and a turtleneck.....they're trashed, but the bod is reasonably in tact.  Bike is going in for a tune up for REV3 so the damaged pedal will get rehabbed at that point.....cut the ride short at 35m and hit the run which was equally interesting...but fine.  Overall, the hills were so much easier than last year, hit my power #s, nutrition still works and I realize I really like riding solo!

Off to stretch this sore, old body!

Suzy you are amazing! I can't believe you still did a run after that ride, go girl!!

2011-05-01 4:41 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Linda, an amazing race, I'm very happy for you and Cherri way to race your tri, are you hooked?
2011-05-01 5:39 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Congratulations, Cheri!!!  It is so wonderful to hear the excitement in your voice and I love that you said "I am strong!".  Yes, you are and more power to you for signing up for an early spring (read-cold water) tri in No. Cal!  When you get that wetsuit thing figured out, that swim will be so much better.  Love it!

Kyla...Big Sur results were here:, Nollette, Linda, she was in the top 20 in her age group!  You scared me, I had to look again to make sure...I didn't want to mis-state her race time...lord knows we wouldn't want that.

Awesome and I will say it again, I am soooooo proud of you, Linda!  And your Sharks won today in honor of your amazing race!!!  RR soon, please!  Can't wait to read all about how you crushed the course. 

Rob, good job on your 5k!!!  Good to have you racing. 

Tony, good job for putting yourself into those tough bike racing situations.  My self preservation mechanism would probably kick in right at the starting line. 


2011-05-01 5:54 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

I'm HOME!!!

Jazzed beyond words.  Got a little spooked at all of the seminars and packets that suggested the 20-30 minute race delta.  Drove the course yesterday, more scared.  An amazing amount of're either going up or down - NO flats.  The people at Cliff asked about my prior races,  my training, and told me, if I felt strong, to pace with the 4:00 group, maybe the 4:10.  So I picked up the race bracelet for 3:50 and 4:00 and agonized.....this morning, with advice from Jeff, I wrapped the 3:50 on, found my pacer-guy, and figured that I'd hold on as long as I could.

I WILL write a race report.....but bottom line, I HELD ON!  I negative split it (barely) and passed the pacer at mile 17.

I'm feeling pretty good, all things considered! Can't stop grinning!

Jeff's not as happy with his race - did a 3:41; after a best of 3:21 at CIM last year.  And THEN he carried my suitcase up all of our stairs.  He's amazing!

Time to pour a glass of wine!!!!!!   They had beer in the tent, but no wine.  What's up with THAT?!?!

2011-05-01 6:11 PM
in reply to: #3476166

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Terps421 - 2011-05-01 5:40 PM
SSMinnow - 2011-05-01 4:53 PM

WOO-HOO to Cheri, Linda, Tony, Rob!!!!!!!!! I hope I didn't miss anyone....what about George and David?

Today was a tough weather day in Wisconsin.  Winds in the 25-35mph range with gusts to 40mph....I made a critical error going down a steep hill and touched my brakes...made for a not so nice landing as my wheel slid out.  Thankfully, I was wearing insulated tights (it was 40F), a coat and a turtleneck.....they're trashed, but the bod is reasonably in tact.  Bike is going in for a tune up for REV3 so the damaged pedal will get rehabbed at that point.....cut the ride short at 35m and hit the run which was equally interesting...but fine.  Overall, the hills were so much easier than last year, hit my power #s, nutrition still works and I realize I really like riding solo!

Off to stretch this sore, old body!

Suzy you are amazing! I can't believe you still did a run after that ride, go girl!!


x2 on both posts. Congratulations to all our MG racers - let us know when we can read the race reports! Suzy, I'm glad you're okay!

2011-05-01 6:15 PM
in reply to: #3475320

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-30 9:33 PM

tricrazy - 2011-04-30 4:45 PM Hey all!  I have been a little MIA for a while.  I guess I don't always know what to say since y'all seem to know each other so well.  Anyway, I had a 60 mile bike ride this morning that went so much better than I anticipated.  I have a little less than 4 months until IM Louisvilee and starting to get very, very nervous. 

well, you can keep on lurking and not say anything and that would suck, for you and me because i like to talk.  but just ask away and i think you'll feel at home pretty quick.  remember, there are no stupid questions.  just  stupid people that ask questions.      ha.  one of the best espn ads ever!

yeah, if you're out at 60 milers now you're in setting yourself up nicely for the long rides to come.  what plan are you using or did you get suckered into do you have a coach?

and i know l'ville is tt start and the majority is downriver, so its a little girl im swim... but you still might want to get in the pool at some point!!! 


No coach here.  With 4 little kids and one salary a coach is most definitely not in the budget.  I am using Fink's book.  And I totally agree I need to get back in the pool. 

Edited by tricrazy 2011-05-01 6:16 PM

2011-05-01 6:33 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed


Way to go George!!!! You did great!

2011-05-01 6:57 PM
in reply to: #3476286

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
velcromom - 2011-05-01 6:54 PM

I'm HOME!!!

Jazzed beyond words.  Got a little spooked at all of the seminars and packets that suggested the 20-30 minute race delta.  Drove the course yesterday, more scared.  An amazing amount of're either going up or down - NO flats.  The people at Cliff asked about my prior races,  my training, and told me, if I felt strong, to pace with the 4:00 group, maybe the 4:10.  So I picked up the race bracelet for 3:50 and 4:00 and agonized.....this morning, with advice from Jeff, I wrapped the 3:50 on, found my pacer-guy, and figured that I'd hold on as long as I could.

I WILL write a race report.....but bottom line, I HELD ON!  I negative split it (barely) and passed the pacer at mile 17.

I'm feeling pretty good, all things considered! Can't stop grinning!

Jeff's not as happy with his race - did a 3:41; after a best of 3:21 at CIM last year.  And THEN he carried my suitcase up all of our stairs.  He's amazing!

Time to pour a glass of wine!!!!!!   They had beer in the tent, but no wine.  What's up with THAT?!?!

what a great buzz. congrats!

2011-05-01 7:01 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Chatham Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Congrats to everyone that raced.. just reading through all of it.

I AM SOOOOOOO PUMPED RIGHT NOW. After having almost 3 months off for my injury and really just starting running pain free again 2 weeks ago. I just PR'd my 5K race time

Previous PR in the fall was 33:13 and today I ran 5K in 29:16. I had no intention of it at all but I got out and caught up in the race enviroment and it all felt good.. no pain in the knee. I checked my pace and backed off a few times making sure I could maintain.. GREAT race... Lots of fun... Also showed me that cross training, spinning, swimming without running can still keep helping you improve. 6 weeks ago I wasn't sure I would run another race....

I know compared to all you AWESOME people it is a small win for me. But reading about everyone here just keeps inspiring me.

Edited by Techdiver 2011-05-01 7:03 PM
2011-05-01 7:44 PM
in reply to: #3476394

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Techdiver - 2011-05-01 8:01 PM

Congrats to everyone that raced.. just reading through all of it.

I AM SOOOOOOO PUMPED RIGHT NOW. After having almost 3 months off for my injury and really just starting running pain free again 2 weeks ago. I just PR'd my 5K race time

Previous PR in the fall was 33:13 and today I ran 5K in 29:16. I had no intention of it at all but I got out and caught up in the race enviroment and it all felt good.. no pain in the knee. I checked my pace and backed off a few times making sure I could maintain.. GREAT race... Lots of fun... Also showed me that cross training, spinning, swimming without running can still keep helping you improve. 6 weeks ago I wasn't sure I would run another race....

I know compared to all you AWESOME people it is a small win for me. But reading about everyone here just keeps inspiring me.

Very nice PR!

2011-05-01 7:45 PM
in reply to: #3476394

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Techdiver - 2011-05-01 7:01 PM

Congrats to everyone that raced.. just reading through all of it.

I AM SOOOOOOO PUMPED RIGHT NOW. After having almost 3 months off for my injury and really just starting running pain free again 2 weeks ago. I just PR'd my 5K race time

Previous PR in the fall was 33:13 and today I ran 5K in 29:16. I had no intention of it at all but I got out and caught up in the race enviroment and it all felt good.. no pain in the knee. I checked my pace and backed off a few times making sure I could maintain.. GREAT race... Lots of fun... Also showed me that cross training, spinning, swimming without running can still keep helping you improve. 6 weeks ago I wasn't sure I would run another race....

I know you are all awesome ppeople and now so am I!!!! compared to all you AWESOME people it is a HUGE win for me. But reading about everyone here just keeps inspiring me.

Fixed that for ya!  Congrats!

PS. We DONT downplay our accomplishments and compare ourselves to each other....we're all individuals...just like snowflakes!  That'll probably happen tomorrow in WI

Edited by SSMinnow 2011-05-01 7:46 PM

2011-05-01 7:48 PM
in reply to: #3476394

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Techdiver - 2011-05-01 8:01 PM

Congrats to everyone that raced.. just reading through all of it.

I AM SOOOOOOO PUMPED RIGHT NOW. After having almost 3 months off for my injury and really just starting running pain free again 2 weeks ago. I just PR'd my 5K race time

Previous PR in the fall was 33:13 and today I ran 5K in 29:16. I had no intention of it at all but I got out and caught up in the race enviroment and it all felt good.. no pain in the knee. I checked my pace and backed off a few times making sure I could maintain.. GREAT race... Lots of fun... Also showed me that cross training, spinning, swimming without running can still keep helping you improve. 6 weeks ago I wasn't sure I would run another race....

I know compared to all you AWESOME people it is a small win for me. But reading about everyone here just keeps inspiring me.


No comparisons, we all do our best.  Coming off an injury you and are 4 seconds away from a 4 minute PR - in a 5K.

Dude, that is one huge PR!!!   Congrats 

Edited by Havin'Fun 2011-05-01 7:49 PM
2011-05-01 7:52 PM
in reply to: #3476346

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Terps421 - 2011-05-01 6:33 PM


Way to go George!!!! You did great!

Thanks for looking that up!!!  I guess our boy is on a plane to China....WAY TO GO GEORGE!

PS. Linda, go find David's now!  I tried.

2011-05-01 8:02 PM
in reply to: #3476286

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
velcromom - 2011-05-01 6:54 PM

I'm HOME!!!

Jazzed beyond words.  Got a little spooked at all of the seminars and packets that suggested the 20-30 minute race delta.  Drove the course yesterday, more scared.  An amazing amount of're either going up or down - NO flats.  The people at Cliff asked about my prior races,  my training, and told me, if I felt strong, to pace with the 4:00 group, maybe the 4:10.  So I picked up the race bracelet for 3:50 and 4:00 and agonized.....this morning, with advice from Jeff, I wrapped the 3:50 on, found my pacer-guy, and figured that I'd hold on as long as I could.

I WILL write a race report.....but bottom line, I HELD ON!  I negative split it (barely) and passed the pacer at mile 17.

I'm feeling pretty good, all things considered! Can't stop grinning!

Jeff's not as happy with his race - did a 3:41; after a best of 3:21 at CIM last year.  And THEN he carried my suitcase up all of our stairs.  He's amazing!

Time to pour a glass of wine!!!!!!   They had beer in the tent, but no wine.  What's up with THAT?!?!

Can't wait to read the report, sounds like an awesome race.

2011-05-01 8:06 PM
in reply to: #3476476

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Chatham Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
SSMinnow - 2011-05-01 7:45 PM
Techdiver - 2011-05-01 7:01 PM

Congrats to everyone that raced.. just reading through all of it.

I AM SOOOOOOO PUMPED RIGHT NOW. After having almost 3 months off for my injury and really just starting running pain free again 2 weeks ago. I just PR'd my 5K race time

Previous PR in the fall was 33:13 and today I ran 5K in 29:16. I had no intention of it at all but I got out and caught up in the race enviroment and it all felt good.. no pain in the knee. I checked my pace and backed off a few times making sure I could maintain.. GREAT race... Lots of fun... Also showed me that cross training, spinning, swimming without running can still keep helping you improve. 6 weeks ago I wasn't sure I would run another race....

I know you are all awesome ppeople and now so am I!!!! compared to all you AWESOME people it is a HUGE win for me. But reading about everyone here just keeps inspiring me.

Fixed that for ya!  Congrats!

PS. We DONT downplay our accomplishments and compare ourselves to each other....we're all individuals...just like snowflakes!  That'll probably happen tomorrow in WI

Thanks everyone...


2011-05-01 8:07 PM
in reply to: #3476394

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Techdiver - 2011-05-01 8:01 PM

Congrats to everyone that raced.. just reading through all of it.

I AM SOOOOOOO PUMPED RIGHT NOW. After having almost 3 months off for my injury and really just starting running pain free again 2 weeks ago. I just PR'd my 5K race time

Previous PR in the fall was 33:13 and today I ran 5K in 29:16. I had no intention of it at all but I got out and caught up in the race enviroment and it all felt good.. no pain in the knee. I checked my pace and backed off a few times making sure I could maintain.. GREAT race... Lots of fun... Also showed me that cross training, spinning, swimming without running can still keep helping you improve. 6 weeks ago I wasn't sure I would run another race....

I know compared to all you AWESOME people it is a small win for me. But reading about everyone here just keeps inspiring me.

CONGRATS! As impressive as all the big runs/races are, yours is the one I can most relate to, so thanks for posting - I'm just getting back into training after 2 successful injuries since January, am starting to feel like I might make it thru my my 1st oly race in 4 weeks, and your post really helped, too. Very happy for you, and you're inspiring yourself!

2011-05-01 8:15 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
way to go Cheri, Linda and Tony.  and Chris. Cery nice to get a PR in so early in the season.
Went out for a run today and got caught in rain showers. Not too bad temp wasn't cold 13 C (about 55F) but did have to keep my head down to keep the rain out of my eyes. Overall a good run today. It is so nice to be able to bike and run outside again in "decent" weather

Edited by Redknight 2011-05-01 8:18 PM
2011-05-01 8:36 PM
in reply to: #3475794

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
dalessit - 2011-05-01 11:14 AM

Crit done, it was a .8 mile loop, each lap took less than 2 minutes to complete, I think we avg'd about 23 mph for 30 mins.  Again I feel good as if I would have had myself in the right position I could have contended for the win, but on the 2nd to last turn I had someone cut inside me and I had to slow down to avoid crashing into him.  So same as last week, sprinting to catch back up, just in time to sprint for the finish.  Think I finished again 15th or so.

So another lesson learned which I should have learned from last week, stay at the front for the last few laps, don't wait until the bell lap to try and get up there.

Hope everyone else had (is having) great races this weekend!

well, if he cut inside you then he was along side you at some point, probably 200m.  so if you ain't gonna listen to advice then i'm done with you.




nice job man!

2011-05-01 8:40 PM
in reply to: #3476519

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
MarlaS - 2011-05-01 7:07 PM
Techdiver - 2011-05-01 8:01 PM

Congrats to everyone that raced.. just reading through all of it.

I AM SOOOOOOO PUMPED RIGHT NOW. After having almost 3 months off for my injury and really just starting running pain free again 2 weeks ago. I just PR'd my 5K race time

Previous PR in the fall was 33:13 and today I ran 5K in 29:16. I had no intention of it at all but I got out and caught up in the race enviroment and it all felt good.. no pain in the knee. I checked my pace and backed off a few times making sure I could maintain.. GREAT race... Lots of fun... Also showed me that cross training, spinning, swimming without running can still keep helping you improve. 6 weeks ago I wasn't sure I would run another race....

I know compared to all you AWESOME people it is a small win for me. But reading about everyone here just keeps inspiring me.

CONGRATS! As impressive as all the big runs/races are, yours is the one I can most relate to, so thanks for posting - I'm just getting back into training after 2 successful injuries since January, am starting to feel like I might make it thru my my 1st oly race in 4 weeks, and your post really helped, too. Very happy for you, and you're inspiring yourself!

I always forget to ask...Marla what is "I'm bleeding?Where??"

2011-05-01 8:42 PM
in reply to: #3476073

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Redknight - 2011-05-01 4:08 PM awesome run Linda.

I finished my 5K race  in 27:40 on Saturday. No RR as there was really nothing special of note to report. GOt to race did about 10 minute warm up run  then hung out until race time. Lots of people

here.   there's ALWAYS something of note.  sometimes it might take a few beers, but its there.    nice job!

2011-05-01 8:43 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Lots of great races so far this weekend i see.

great PR there Chris. Spring is coming to Canada yet!!

Awesome 1st time racers. Looking forward to a bunch of RR's.

I have tomorrow off work, so looking to get in a nice WARM long ride.


2011-05-01 8:48 PM
in reply to: #3476286

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
velcromom - 2011-05-01 6:54 PM

I'm HOME!!!

Jazzed beyond words.  Got a little spooked at all of the seminars and packets that suggested the 20-30 minute race delta.  Drove the course yesterday, more scared.  An amazing amount of're either going up or down - NO flats.  The people at Cliff asked about my prior races,  my training, and told me, if I felt strong, to pace with the 4:00 group, maybe the 4:10.  So I picked up the race bracelet for 3:50 and 4:00 and agonized.....this morning, with advice from Jeff, I wrapped the 3:50 on, found my pacer-guy, and figured that I'd hold on as long as I could.

I WILL write a race report.....but bottom line, I HELD ON!  I negative split it (barely) and passed the pacer at mile 17.

I'm feeling pretty good, all things considered! Can't stop grinning!

Jeff's not as happy with his race - did a 3:41; after a best of 3:21 at CIM last year.  And THEN he carried my suitcase up all of our stairs.  He's amazing!

Time to pour a glass of wine!!!!!!   They had beer in the tent, but no wine.  What's up with THAT?!?!

THAT is a GREAT race!.   AWESOME freakin' job.    and sorry for the cross post, but

legs up, tights on, wine in hand!

please, please, PLEASE.... post pics. 

2011-05-01 8:51 PM
in reply to: #3476394

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Techdiver - 2011-05-01 8:01 PM

Congrats to everyone that raced.. just reading through all of it.

I AM SOOOOOOO PUMPED RIGHT NOW. After having almost 3 months off for my injury and really just starting running pain free again 2 weeks ago. I just PR'd my 5K race time

Previous PR in the fall was 33:13 and today I ran 5K in 29:16. I had no intention of it at all but I got out and caught up in the race enviroment and it all felt good.. no pain in the knee. I checked my pace and backed off a few times making sure I could maintain.. GREAT race... Lots of fun... Also showed me that cross training, spinning, swimming without running can still keep helping you improve. 6 weeks ago I wasn't sure I would run another race....

I know compared to all you AWESOME people it is a small win for me. But reading about everyone here just keeps inspiring me.

AWESOME JOB BRO!!!  and maybe the best part is no knee pain!

2011-05-01 8:56 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Lots of great stuff this weekend!!!!  Congrats Cheri!   George... dude run faster, HA!  AWESOME!!!

Where are you Andre!?!  Lets see the dance!!

2011-05-01 8:59 PM
in reply to: #3476519

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Chatham Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
MarlaS - 2011-05-01 8:07 PM
Techdiver - 2011-05-01 8:01 PM

Congrats to everyone that raced.. just reading through all of it.

I AM SOOOOOOO PUMPED RIGHT NOW. After having almost 3 months off for my injury and really just starting running pain free again 2 weeks ago. I just PR'd my 5K race time

Previous PR in the fall was 33:13 and today I ran 5K in 29:16. I had no intention of it at all but I got out and caught up in the race enviroment and it all felt good.. no pain in the knee. I checked my pace and backed off a few times making sure I could maintain.. GREAT race... Lots of fun... Also showed me that cross training, spinning, swimming without running can still keep helping you improve. 6 weeks ago I wasn't sure I would run another race....

I know compared to all you AWESOME people it is a small win for me. But reading about everyone here just keeps inspiring me.

CONGRATS! As impressive as all the big runs/races are, yours is the one I can most relate to, so thanks for posting - I'm just getting back into training after 2 successful injuries since January, am starting to feel like I might make it thru my my 1st oly race in 4 weeks, and your post really helped, too. Very happy for you, and you're inspiring yourself!

Well Marla. I totally focused on some cross training workout I got from this mentor group last time. Swam my butt off two days a week and hit the bike on the trainer a lot. And P90X when I could. I feared it all... 4 weeks ago I was cleared to run but struggled with a 2k run. I then got reset by my Chiro found my hip out of place causing my tracking issues. and I was able to start picking up some volume on the running. I also eased in helping my friend run her learn to run group on monday nights... starting with 1 min run 4 min walk... and to be honest I struggled at first with the knee... So I backed off again an only ran monday nights with this group.. 2 weeks ago.. after another chrio appointment I finally had my core back and I was able to run easy 4km... then a couple of 5km... If you keep up the other stuff you will be totally fine. Not only was I fine but I actually improved.

It all started 2 months ago when my buddy stef dropped off a tri mag about an elite tri woman that was injured.. she swam 5 days a week and spun easy 2 days a week.. eventually picking up the spinning... when she got back to running she completed her fastest HM and fastest HIM. It showed me that you can not only keep your base you can build on it and get stronger.

So you can TOTALLY DO IT. Just make sure you don't push the injury. Every time I had a tiny hint or niggle of something I stopped right away. hence the not run more then 2km... I got a niggle I stopped. I could have run through it but why.

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