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2013-09-24 10:53 AM
in reply to: squirt

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
SO.....whats the date for IMCDA next year, and is there extra room on your lawn for another tent?

In training news, I started 'run' rehab with a brisk 1.2 mile walk yesterday. Not exactly a marathon, but one step at a time. The dog didn't seem to enjoy it much, thats for sure.

2013-09-24 11:09 AM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Murrieta Calif.
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
I'll through my name in the hat for IMCDA! I was there the first year they had it but DNSd due to a torn rotator cuff (always something)! Lets get a head count of who would go, even if only to cheer on!
2013-09-24 11:14 AM
in reply to: ironjim

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
There is this small outside chance that we are not 16 anymore and that our bodies like a little more time to adjust to things than we think they do. It would be cool to have the gang up for an event, but we are kind of scattered across the US. I would hate to fly with my bike unless it was to some place warm and surrounded by water. So ya that is 2 IM IMs down 10/11 to go. I am thinking flatter maybe IMAZ.
2013-09-24 12:10 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Steve I've read your race report several times. It's pretty awesome and crazy. Incredible test of endurance, congrats to you. I thought about you a lot Saturday because of the drop in weather. Knew you and your family were camping and know how miserable camping can be if you don't have the proper gear. So I'm glad you all survived! After I read the report I becme really excited about my next test of endurance. Kinda ironic .. after reading THAT report! But need to do another HIM! -doesn't have to be branded. So a-searching I go! Again, Well done!
2013-09-24 1:59 PM
in reply to: EV3110

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Originally posted by EV3110
After I read the report I becme really excited about my next test of endurance.

Elena, you hit the nail on the head with this one! Today's workout was definately done with the intensity of raising my fitness level for my next endurance test. I did a 7.25 mile run today; this is the furthest I've gone since my HM last September. It was a slow pace but I did it with a female friend who is going through a tough divorce atm. The runs with her are always great because we talk and talk and the miles just seem to fade away...only downside is stopping for her to take water or bio breaks...but well worth it. After that, I went to the Y and did a 1300y swim workout. I actually got some side stitches while doing my workout but I got through it; I give my OLY race the credit for that...not sure I'd have believed I could gut it out prior to the race. I also took a moment to reflect on my fitness level today and realize its a lot better than it was last year at this time.

The visit with my doctor was interesting. I'm very fortunate that I'm a very healthy person so I spent my time to pick his brain about dieting and triathlon. Sadly, there's a growing sentiment amoung my "inner circle" that thinks I should stay away from low carb during my serious racing/training times. My doctor gave me a good book to checkout and in turn I shared with him my Amrita Bar discovery...we both wrote down notes on them. I have to admit I'm disappointed in my weigh in at the office...I"m at the highest weight I've been at in over a year. The odd part about it is my work uniform has been fitting better and my belt has been getting maybe time to try and turn off the Type A switch and just eat better and let my weight fall where it may.

I just looked up IMCDA...still room. How serious are we about trying to meet up there??
2013-09-24 2:39 PM
in reply to: medeiros13

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Murrieta Calif.
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
I'm in for IMCDA!! I have family that lives in Western Wash. so we'll make it a vacation! Of course that means my family gets to watch me suffer!!

2013-09-24 3:11 PM
in reply to: ironjim

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
So here's the skinny. I'd love to have any or all of you come to race/cheer at IMCDA. I have a decent size yard. I can probably dO 4 4-5man tents. I want to talk with my neighbor and see how she will feel and find out if she's willing to let us encroach on her lawn (it's a duplex with a shared yard) so possibly more. There will be room in the house as well and I really love being accommodating. Also I'm offering Saturday night dinner, bfast and snacks for all who are there to cheer during the race. Then breakfast on Monday. Another great option is to volunteer for either the start or the bike. That leaves you free to cheer on the run, you get a t-shirt and they feed you. Just a thought. And I live about two miles from the swim start/transition area/finish line. And for anyone driving and bringing family I highly recommend bringing bikes. It is the best way to get around specifically during the marathon. Ask questions if you have them. And let me know if you decide so I can make plans!

Boy am I excited to meet some of you in RL!

2013-09-24 5:25 PM
in reply to: 0

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Samantha thanks so much for your hospitality, CDA is goning to seem soo much flatter than the last time I did it. Hopefully the waves are not as big as my last swim there (2 foot).

7+ mile run at any pace is significant, grats for moving on up in distance. Weight loss, at least for me, lags behind fitness improvements. Waist size is a good indicator of how your body is changing to the desired composition of muscle to fat. I would recommend ditching chocholate, candy etc., but not fruit, healthy-er carb foods and just let the exercize take care of the rest.

Last year IMLT sold out in hours, it is interesting, but not surprising that there are still pleanty of slots open 2 days later. I wonder what they are going to do if the event tanks. Some folks were speculating that they would change it to a 70.3, and moving it earlier in the year would also help weatherwise.

Edited by Baowolf 2013-09-24 5:59 PM
2013-09-24 6:38 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Steve, Oh My!!! What a day! What a battle! You are absolutely amazing. No IM is easy but that one was a perfect storm in so many ways. It was crazy, ridiculously hard, and brutal. WTG!!!!

Much as I would love to meet you all in RL, I won't be at IMCDA. Way too far for me. But IMFL anyone.......anyone.......anyone. I live 2 hours from PCB, would provide a cheering section, and a place to stop before and/or after. Sorry Samantha, not trying to steal people but if anyone wants to hit the East and warm climate. Well, mostly warm - one year it was freezing at IMFL. But dang, IMCDA sounds awesome and I think it's great the way Samantha is going to host everyone.

Up this morn early and got 10*800 done. Garmin is dying so I don't have splits but finally started using my watch and I was around 8mm for the ones I monitored.
2013-09-24 7:00 PM
in reply to: Pink Socks

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Murrieta Calif.
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Samantha, very sweet of you to offer! Because I will be bringing family with me, I will probably stay in a hotel (host resort if reasonable)! I very much look forward to meeting you guys, it will be nice to put a face to the names!
2013-09-24 7:27 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Murrieta Calif.
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed

Originally posted by Baowolf There is this small outside chance that we are not 16 anymore and that our bodies like a little more time to adjust to things than we think they do. It would be cool to have the gang up for an event, but we are kind of scattered across the US. I would hate to fly with my bike unless it was to some place warm and surrounded by water. So ya that is 2 IM IMs down 10/11 to go. I am thinking flatter maybe IMAZ.

IMAZ is definitely on my list as well, but honestly unless you volunteer at this years race you will not get in for next year! It sold out in under a minute last year!

2013-09-24 7:37 PM
in reply to: ironjim

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Originally posted by ironjim

Samantha, very sweet of you to offer! Because I will be bringing family with me, I will probably stay in a hotel (host resort if reasonable)! I very much look forward to meeting you guys, it will be nice to put a face to the names!

jim - not sure what a host resort is, but I have a friend who is looking to rent out his house for IM. It is a fantastic house about 4 miles from the hub. Not sure how much, but it'd be less than going through a rental agency. Let me know. And I'd love for you and your family to join us for dinner on Sat. night or Monday breakfast. It won't be fancy, but a fun way for us to all hang out and break some bread.
2013-09-24 8:02 PM
in reply to: anthalynn

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Murrieta Calif.
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed


jim - not sure what a host resort is, but I have a friend who is looking to rent out his house for IM. It is a fantastic house about 4 miles from the hub. Not sure how much, but it'd be less than going through a rental agency. Let me know. And I'd love for you and your family to join us for dinner on Sat. night or Monday breakfast. It won't be fancy, but a fun way for us to all hang out and break some bread.

Samantha, I would be very interested in your friend's house! My wife and kids will be coming up because her sister and her kids live just outside of Seattle so they will drive over for it! Also, I am trying to get Mitch to sign up! A house would be great! Let me know what they're looking to get for the weekend!!

I'm definitely in for Saturday night dinner and Monday breakie though!!

2013-09-24 8:09 PM
in reply to: anthalynn

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Murrieta Calif.
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed


jim - not sure what a host resort is, but I have a friend who is looking to rent out his house for IM. It is a fantastic house about 4 miles from the hub. Not sure how much, but it'd be less than going through a rental agency. Let me know. And I'd love for you and your family to join us for dinner on Sat. night or Monday breakfast. It won't be fancy, but a fun way for us to all hang out and break some bread.

The host Resort is usually the resort right at the swim start!

2013-09-24 8:15 PM
in reply to: ironjim

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Oh. That would probably cost you every one of your children. Haha. I just sent my friend a text. He will get back to me before the night is over I'm sure. It would be a wonderful set-up. I just hope they haven't rented it yet.
2013-09-24 8:34 PM
in reply to: anthalynn

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Murrieta Calif.
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Originally posted by anthalynnOh. That would probably cost you every one of your children. Haha. I just sent my friend a text. He will get back to me before the night is over I'm sure. It would be a wonderful set-up. I just hope they haven't rented it yet.
Great! Thank you Samantha, let me know!!

2013-09-24 9:19 PM
in reply to: ironjim

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
You guys are awesome! lol I wasn't taking the "head count" seriously for IMCA but the quick responses made me realize .".this aint no joke" "They serious!!" ..hahaha. I have a lot to do before I hit an 140.6. It is definitely in my future just not next year! But how fun to plan something like this out!!!

I have a race this Sat. A double-road-race run. 10k then a 5k.- the 5k starts an hour and 45 min after the 10k. Looking forward to going all out Last week I ran 33 miles. Loved it. Its the most I think Ive ever run in a single week.
2013-09-24 10:24 PM
in reply to: EV3110

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Roseville, CA
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Lurking in here - back from the Spring mentor group. Just wanted to say congrats Steve sounds like a big accomplishment especially with all that you were battling early in the year. I was hoping to make it up there to volunteer but kids activities got in the way. I now wish I stayed more focused on my training as I would be registering ASAP. Still so tempted!!!!

EV - noticed you are from Hollister, I am also looking for a low key HIM, I think HITS in Napa may be a good choice in the spring
2013-09-25 4:17 AM
in reply to: BMiller71

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Sadly, IMCDA may have to wait for me. I was outvoted 3-1 for going (wife, 2 kids were in the 'nay' column ). When they think vacation, they're not thinking "Idaho"...

Back on the bike today. Have a long way to go to get back into any sort of shape other than "round". Have PT tonight. Leg is slowly getting better. It doesn't hurt nearly as often as it has, so I'm being optimistic about it.
2013-09-25 5:27 AM
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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Originally posted by Mike_D

Sadly, IMCDA may have to wait for me. I was outvoted 3-1 for going (wife, 2 kids were in the 'nay' column ). When they think vacation, they're not thinking "Idaho"...

Haha Mike, I dropped this on my wife last night and she was err...less than thrilled. I gently mentioned that she always wanted to go out to the Northwest but she wasn't buying that either. I finished that conversation by stating that maybe I'll do my first race alone like I do most of my endurance events....icy glare, oops bad choice there Jay!

Having said that, I think I could probably convince her but my bigger concern would be not having a HIM under me before I competed. I know that Mitch went straight to the IM distance and is now dialing back to lesser distances but I feel like I need to ramp up gradually....for nothing else other than confidence and experiencing proper fueling for longer distances (especially after not doing well with my OLY nutrition) Theoretically, I could do the Patriot but IMCDA would be two weeks later....what if things went wrong? I was fortunate to bounce back from a bad sprint OWS this year but I've watched Samantha and Steve deal with concern during their tapering...knowing myself I'd be a basketcase if I had a bad HIM Honest opinions I way off with my thoughts?

Steve: Thanks for the thoughts about my weight. Up until last year when I read a book about dropping weight to help you during the run part of a triathlon....I've never worried about weight. During my appointment yesterday, my doctor didnt say a word about my weight being too much...nothing. I mentioned it to my wife, she was surprised at the number but just shrugged it off....actually she said...yea but you LOOK great. Time to go back to my old way of thinking....focus on strength/fitness level and let the chips fall where they fall. How are your knees feeling btw? And the rest of your body for that matter!

Edited by medeiros13 2013-09-25 5:28 AM
2013-09-25 7:58 AM
in reply to: medeiros13

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Seriously thought about going out to see Samantha's race this past summer. But with other travels, it was just not in the cards. As for 2014, I'd love to meet y'all and volunteer/cheer, but need to consider my hubby's vacation desires, and CDA is not on the top of his list either. As for IM's, don't forget about Texas. I think it tends to be slower to fill up and is flat. If heat and humidity are tends to be good for that, but do be careful what you wish for! We live a few hours away from the venue, but very near DFW airport, so if anyone needed to stop by on the way through, we have a spare bedroom .

2013-09-25 11:04 AM
in reply to: squirt

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Wow!!! Steve that was awesome man!!! Such a tribute to self-determination and motivation. Incredible post to describe to us about the IMLT experience. It was awesome getting to see you cross the finish line! Congrats man!!!

I would like to entertain the thought of IMCDA but I do not know if I could get ready by then.
2013-09-25 1:23 PM
in reply to: jhight

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Wow, Idaho has a bad rap. In an attempt to save CDA face I will mention that the city is known for being an amazing place to vacation. Think Tahoe on a smaller scale. Have your family members looked it uP online? Anyway, I am really just trying to meet as many of you as pOssible.

Jim - sad news. My friends decided to Not rent out their house. Wish that could've worked. I'm putting the word out and I'll let you know. Check online for IM rentals. Or just go for the resort. Just don't tell the kids you are selling them...hahaha. It's a very nice resort on the water with access to everything CDA has to offer.
2013-09-25 2:29 PM
in reply to: anthalynn

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Murrieta Calif.
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed

Originally posted by anthalynn Wow, Idaho has a bad rap. In an attempt to save CDA face I will mention that the city is known for being an amazing place to vacation. Think Tahoe on a smaller scale. Have your family members looked it uP online? Anyway, I am really just trying to meet as many of you as pOssible. Jim - sad news. My friends decided to Not rent out their house. Wish that could've worked. I'm putting the word out and I'll let you know. Check online for IM rentals. Or just go for the resort. Just don't tell the kids you are selling them...hahaha. It's a very nice resort on the water with access to everything CDA has to offer.


No worries Samantha, thank you for checking!!

Coeur d"Alene is an awesome place to vacation, we used to go there every year when we lived in Washington! Absolutely stunning scenery, and like Samantha said "like Tahoe but on a smaller scale"! I haven't told my wife yet because she doesn't consider it a vacation anytime an Ironman is involved but I know she will be excited to go!

2013-09-25 3:01 PM
in reply to: ironjim

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
you should have seen the look on my wife's face when I mentioned IM Coeur... We're gonna have our baby any day now, maybe not the best time to plant seeds!

I really want to sign up, Hopefully it doesn't sell out before the baby arrives. If all is well I may just sign up and figure it all out later???
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