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2014-08-24 8:11 AM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Sunday Update

This started out as an okay week, and Thursday night went right out of the window... I woke up at 2am Friday shivering my butt off. Not sure why, or how, but I'd caught something and was feverish. Did not weigh this morning as my training and diet went out the window.

Swim: Missed monday due to wife's schedule, same for my wednesday backup day. FYI, I'm not complaining at all (if it sounds like it), my wife just happens to be a nurse, works at night, and keeps her schedule flexible to help both the hospital and her paycheck . Even though I felt like I'd been through a meat grinder, I did make it to the Y on friday morning. After 1250yds, and having a hard time breathing, I jumped in the whirlpool to try to relax and called it quits.

Bike: Thurs group ride was fun. Our two heavy hitters showed up, so I knew my keeping up was not going to happen, lol! This guy kept up with Lance Armstrong for most of a ride in Little Rock not too long ago. Lance's group slowed down to 14ish with about ten miles to go. Right about the time that it clicked in that the group has slowed so far, the group stood up and they were gone. No matter what you think of the guy, or what he did, he is just amazing in the saddle. I suggest you look him up on Strava. Some of the Mt Bike pulls that he makes are... just wow... Oh yeah, thurs ride... I kept up with the group for the first couple of miles (23+mph), and we lost our 4th going around a corner. I held up long enough to make sure he was okay, then I tried to reel the other two back in... nope! hehehehe! Our 4th, passed me and caught back up, but I was stuck at about 50yds back for the next 2-3 miles, then I started fading. And the guy that passed me started fading right after that. I caught him, and we paired off for the rest of the ride.

Run: I did manage to get my Sat run from last week in Sunday night. I also managed 2 more short runs on Tue (PM) and Thurs (AM). I'm not sure if it's because the heat has come back, or I was already starting to get sick, but neither run was terribly long, and the Thurs AM run was VERY slow... even for me.

This is my peak week before RiverBluff in Nashville. I'm pretty dead set on keeping today as a rest day since I'm not feeling all that great still (I am at work, and almost a liter of water in as well, though). Tomorrow's swim is up in the air as well since Amy works tonight. I'm hoping I can push my bike and run a little bit , since next week is taper. I'm not worried about the swim distance. The swim is 400m and I've been training at 1000. I am somewhat worried about the start. Thankfully, I don't seem to have open water issues, but this will be my first wave start so... we shall see! I'm hoping for 17mph on the bike in the race. I have avg'd over 18 (once), so I know I can push it. As far as the run... honestly... If I manage to run the entire 3.4mi distance, I'll call it a win. To me, the run is the weakest of the 3 for me at this time and will be my off-season focus.

2 weeks to go!

2014-08-25 7:26 PM
in reply to: #5040921

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Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Web - sounds like a productive week. You should be fine in the water. My biggest mistake was actually starting too far back. I'm not great, but apparently I'm not terrible. Passing people on the swim is much more difficult than the bike or run (not that I pass people in those events!)

CW: 214.2

I am currently training for a half marathon in the fall but prefer triathlon training so I do a lot of multisport/crosstraining.

1x - 1,000 yards - 30 minutes
Didn't make it to the pool as often as I would like. 30 minutes includes rest times. Biggest part of workout was 3x200 at around 1:50 pace

Ran 3x - 14.17 miles - 2.82 hours
Long run of 8 miles yesterday was rough. Heat wasn't too bad but 95% humidity didn't help.

2x - 56.98 miles - 4.66 hours
I signed up for Trainer Road so one session was on the indoor trainer for an hour to establish a baseline. I rode 56.98 (I'm calling it 57 today). I was shooting for 40 miles (my longest ride ever) but realized if I rode to the trailhead instead of drive I could hit 50 miles. Eventually I did the math in the middle of the ride and realized it was going to be closer to 60 miles. Unfortunately I didn't bring enough fuel and decided that discretion is the better part of stupidity and decided not to go for the metric century (100km, 62.1 miles).

71.77 miles
6,531 Calories Burned

Diet - My diet this week was solid. Saturday is usually the night I splurge and I went ahead with Thai food and some wine. The rest of the week went well.

I have a rough week coming up that will require me to work in the shop (of course this is the hottest week of the summer). I am hoping to get 3-4 runs in and at least 2 bike sessions. My goal is 2 pounds for the week.

I am really looking forward to being done with running so I can focus on biking, which I enjoy more.
2014-08-26 12:20 PM
in reply to: Toefuzz

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Well I am keeping my wetsuit. I dropped about 6 lbs and it feeling better plus I did not do shoulder for a few days so my shoulders are not really sore to begin with.
2014-08-27 9:53 AM
in reply to: chirunner134

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!

Originally posted by chirunner134 Well I am keeping my wetsuit. I dropped about 6 lbs and it feeling better plus I did not do shoulder for a few days so my shoulders are not really sore to begin with.

Nice job. That is the way to do it, if it is too small, shrink yourself.

Hmmmmm..... maybe I could do that and get into my old wetsuit again. Good idea!

2014-08-27 1:33 PM
in reply to: #5043506

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Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
That's my plan as well. I had a serious case of moobs when I wore mine (man boobs).
2014-08-29 1:34 PM
in reply to: Toefuzz

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!

this is week three that I have been out with my back. I am STILL pissed off that I had to miss my tri, but I thought I would be better by now. I had a massage yesterday  that helped a lot. Now I just need to keep the progress going. The good news is that it is too hot to do all the yard work that I want to do and My bike is in the shop so I can't even get it on the trainer. I do have a spin bike that I can use, as long as I don't go over about 1/2 an hour. I did 45 minutes the other day and I thought I would have to go to the EM clinic that night. My foam roller has become my best friend.... and a couple of glasses of red wine

2014-08-31 8:45 AM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Sunday Update:

This week was horribad... Real life got in the way big time, and this was supposed to be my peak week, lol!

Swim: Had to go into work late on Wed due to an Optometrist appointment. I made the decision to try contacts out again since my running, riding, and sweating at work was wearing the earpieces down to bare metal. Quite painful. I delayed going to work to jump in the pool for a quick 750 with the contacts in. Sighting is going to be much better now that I can see . Every other return lap, I would read the time on the 18" clock on the wall.

Bike: What bike?

Run: Got up early Wed to run before getting the kids up for school. Got a grand total of 2 miles... for the week... woohoo! I did get out for a quickie 1.2mi this morning. Running with contacts was a little weird since it throws your depth perception off a touch. I have a week to get used to it.

Even though I didn't do squat this week, the scale at least was nice giving me a 251.5.

MMMkay. I've realigned my goals for Riverbluff since my peak week was more like a canyon week . I'm still tapering this week. There's nothing I can do to really improve my performance next weekend, but I can at least keep the moving parts oiled up as it were. I will be able to jump in the pool tomorrow (so long as they're open) since I'm off work, and will shoot for about 1500. I will stick with 1-1.5 mi runs today, Tue and Thurs. I will also plan to hit the group ride on Thurs. I should be fresh enough to survive on Saturday Yup, the goal is simply to finish. Should I beat my Memphis in May time, that's just bonus. Since my official off-season starts after this race, I'm seriously thinking about getting my avatar inked on my left calf
2014-09-02 3:04 PM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!

Originally posted by WebFootFreak Sunday Update: This week was horribad... Real life got in the way big time, and this was supposed to be my peak week, lol! Swim: Had to go into work late on Wed due to an Optometrist appointment. I made the decision to try contacts out again since my running, riding, and sweating at work was wearing the earpieces down to bare metal. Quite painful. I delayed going to work to jump in the pool for a quick 750 with the contacts in. Sighting is going to be much better now that I can see . Every other return lap, I would read the time on the 18" clock on the wall. Bike: What bike? Run: Got up early Wed to run before getting the kids up for school. Got a grand total of 2 miles... for the week... woohoo! I did get out for a quickie 1.2mi this morning. Running with contacts was a little weird since it throws your depth perception off a touch. I have a week to get used to it. Even though I didn't do squat this week, the scale at least was nice giving me a 251.5. MMMkay. I've realigned my goals for Riverbluff since my peak week was more like a canyon week . I'm still tapering this week. There's nothing I can do to really improve my performance next weekend, but I can at least keep the moving parts oiled up as it were. I will be able to jump in the pool tomorrow (so long as they're open) since I'm off work, and will shoot for about 1500. I will stick with 1-1.5 mi runs today, Tue and Thurs. I will also plan to hit the group ride on Thurs. I should be fresh enough to survive on Saturday Yup, the goal is simply to finish. Should I beat my Memphis in May time, that's just bonus. Since my official off-season starts after this race, I'm seriously thinking about getting my avatar inked on my left calf

I LOVE your avatar. It would make a nice tat.

2014-09-03 8:01 AM
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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Originally posted by ceilidh
I LOVE your avatar. It would make a nice tat.

It's been done before, so it's definitely not original. I've seen it with a sprocket around the edges. Not sure I would do that, but I would invert the wheel part and make the spokes, hub and rim black. I think I have a pic....

Edited by WebFootFreak 2014-09-03 8:02 AM

(Tri Yang.jpg)

Tri Yang.jpg (2KB - 4 downloads)
2014-09-03 11:19 AM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!

Originally posted by WebFootFreak
Originally posted by ceilidh I LOVE your avatar. It would make a nice tat.
It's been done before, so it's definitely not original. I've seen it with a sprocket around the edges. Not sure I would do that, but I would invert the wheel part and make the spokes, hub and rim black. I think I have a pic....

I like that!

2014-09-03 12:32 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Originally posted by ceilidh

Originally posted by WebFootFreak
Originally posted by ceilidh I LOVE your avatar. It would make a nice tat.
It's been done before, so it's definitely not original. I've seen it with a sprocket around the edges. Not sure I would do that, but I would invert the wheel part and make the spokes, hub and rim black. I think I have a pic....

I like that!


2014-09-03 8:56 PM
in reply to: Mfechter67

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Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
would this be your first tat?
2014-09-03 9:37 PM
in reply to: Fechter99

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Ummm, back again, if you'll have me. Training fell apart this summer and I'm trying to get it back now.

Question for the collective. I am a 60-80 cadence on the bike. That 90-100 might be fine for Lance and the other professional riders, but I just can't sustain it. Besides, when I try to pedal that fast I am bouncing all over the seat.

At that cadence, is it better to be crushing the big ring (3-3 or 3-4) or spinning the middle ring (2-4 to maybe a 2-6)? I'm still riding my straight bar Cannondale Quick CX-3. Hopefully I will get the Cannondale Synapse 105 tuned and riding this week.
2014-09-04 8:36 AM
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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Originally posted by Clarkey77
would this be your first tat?

Yes, It will be my first. The plan is to get it on my lower left leg, and eventually make it a lower sleeve incorporating something about each of my kids and wife (if I can handle the pain, hehehehe). I've also been wanting a skull with crossed wrenches (I'm an auto tech).

Originally posted by leatherneckpa

Ummm, back again, if you'll have me. Training fell apart this summer and I'm trying to get it back now.

Question for the collective. I am a 60-80 cadence on the bike. That 90-100 might be fine for Lance and the other professional riders, but I just can't sustain it. Besides, when I try to pedal that fast I am bouncing all over the seat.

At that cadence, is it better to be crushing the big ring (3-3 or 3-4) or spinning the middle ring (2-4 to maybe a 2-6)? I'm still riding my straight bar Cannondale Quick CX-3. Hopefully I will get the Cannondale Synapse 105 tuned and riding this week.

I doubt I'll get slapped down for saying this, but... Heck yeah we want you back! You're not the only one who's had training issues, believe me!

As far as your question... I'll have to leave it up to someone who knows these things, because it's not me.

Edited by WebFootFreak 2014-09-04 8:40 AM
2014-09-06 8:47 PM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
enjoy - tats are addictive - you get an adrenaline rush after them.
they hurt like f heLL....
2014-09-08 10:03 AM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Riverbluff Tri (formerly NashVegas) - Ashland City, TN (Nashville) - Sprint distance

Things did not start well... At least they ended at the finish line!

Swim: 11:02.93 (400m)
T1: 2:35.19
Bike: 50:41.04 (14mi)
T2: 2:11.16
Run: 53:10.28 (3.4mi)

OT: 1:59:40.62 - 16/19 Clyde

Things started rocky. Got up and ate a bagel with PB, then had to talk to my sis-in-law because she was lost getting to the hotel. We left the hotel about 15 mins late, so my warmup consisted of jogging with my bike to barely make it to transition to set up.

Swim starts off, in the Cumberland (I think....) River. Big sharp rocks on the banks were very unpleasant. Buzzer goes off and I wait a split second for the pack to get going. I get my head under water, and it was just NASTY! Brown chunks (hope it was mud) and black oozing chunks that reminded me of motor oil. I get about 50yds in and take a mouthful of water. No biggie, I've trained to cough underwater mid-stroke, but I have to take a HUGE breath on the next stroke. I go to take that stroke, and I get ANOTHER mouthful! That killed me right there. I ended up side stroking/coughing/gagging for about 2/3 of the race. I did manage to get back in form and pass a few people in the home stretch. Noone from the wave after me caught me. Odd thing, I know 400m is only a few feet short of 440yd, but I somehow managed to cut almost 2:00 from my Memphis in May time... weird!!!

I rolled up the boatramp and into T1, flip my recently acquired Firehouse Sub pickle bucket , clean my feet, slam on my socks, shoes, shirt, helmet and fly out of there. Cut close to 2:00 there as well.

I hit the mounting line, get my first shoe clipped, and I'm gone. Takes a couple spins to clip the second, but doesn't slow me down. Passed 4-5 riders in the initial quarter mile out to the street. Okay, my gameplan here was to hammer the bike. the entire course was out and back rolling hills with a big climb (for me) in the middle. I live in flood plain farmland, ie: no hills . I think I managed my gearing and everything pretty well. Of course I was passed more than I passed, and I stopped to make sure a rider was okay (think she snapped her frame! ). When it was all said and done I had gone 2 miles further and avg'd 16.57 mph over 15.4 in May.

Swung back into T2, racked my bike, pickle bucket helped with shoes, downed extra water (was getting HOT) and got out of there. About the same time as May, but added in a shoe change as I didn't have clipless at the time... so... IMPROVEMENT

Now... Here's where the story turns into tragedy. Well, not really, I knew that hammering the bike would decimate the run, and I was (and still am) okay with that. 3.4 miles of freaking HOT running on a cramped shoulder with 2-way traffic... yeah, it sucked. Once I got my wind back I did run for a bit, however, a bit of chest pain and my left hand going numb put and end to that with a quickness. Wasn't sure what was going on, but I wasn't about to push it after that. I did take water and Gatorade at all 3 stations, and a GU at the last one. Ended up about 1:00/mi slower than May.

I'm not sure that nutrition would have helped much, but I was on water only until the run, and 18oz of Gatorade and 1 GU were the sum of my caloric intake during the race. I am now officially in my "off season". Like I've said before, this winter will be run-focused. I will get as many miles on the bike as I can work in, and I plan to swim when I can. I've got to improve my stamina!

2014-09-08 10:07 AM
in reply to: Clarkey77

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!

Hey all

After a trip to Ohio vising octogenarians. I am home and have renewed ju-ju! Pure evidence that if you keep using it, you get to use it longer. Those old folks (86, 85 and 82) all are doing pretty damn good. We went downtown to watch the fireworks and even with a rolling walker, a cane and a tottery one, they got around better than the.... ahem.... large people eating LOTS of junk food who could hardly get out of their chairs. And they were younger than me! I am sure that where they were at the river was the farthest they had walked in ages and ages! (and it was only 1/4 mile at the most).

2014-09-08 10:50 AM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!

Originally posted by WebFootFreak Riverbluff Tri (formerly NashVegas) - Ashland City, TN (Nashville) - Sprint distance Things did not start well... At least they ended at the finish line! Swim: 11:02.93 (400m) T1: 2:35.19 Bike: 50:41.04 (14mi) T2: 2:11.16 Run: 53:10.28 (3.4mi) OT: 1:59:40.62 - 16/19 Clyde Things started rocky. Got up and ate a bagel with PB, then had to talk to my sis-in-law because she was lost getting to the hotel. We left the hotel about 15 mins late, so my warmup consisted of jogging with my bike to barely make it to transition to set up. Swim starts off, in the Cumberland (I think....) River. Big sharp rocks on the banks were very unpleasant. Buzzer goes off and I wait a split second for the pack to get going. I get my head under water, and it was just NASTY! Brown chunks (hope it was mud) and black oozing chunks that reminded me of motor oil. I get about 50yds in and take a mouthful of water. No biggie, I've trained to cough underwater mid-stroke, but I have to take a HUGE breath on the next stroke. I go to take that stroke, and I get ANOTHER mouthful! That killed me right there. I ended up side stroking/coughing/gagging for about 2/3 of the race. I did manage to get back in form and pass a few people in the home stretch. Noone from the wave after me caught me. Odd thing, I know 400m is only a few feet short of 440yd, but I somehow managed to cut almost 2:00 from my Memphis in May time... weird!!! I rolled up the boatramp and into T1, flip my recently acquired Firehouse Sub pickle bucket , clean my feet, slam on my socks, shoes, shirt, helmet and fly out of there. Cut close to 2:00 there as well. I hit the mounting line, get my first shoe clipped, and I'm gone. Takes a couple spins to clip the second, but doesn't slow me down. Passed 4-5 riders in the initial quarter mile out to the street. Okay, my gameplan here was to hammer the bike. the entire course was out and back rolling hills with a big climb (for me) in the middle. I live in flood plain farmland, ie: no hills . I think I managed my gearing and everything pretty well. Of course I was passed more than I passed, and I stopped to make sure a rider was okay (think she snapped her frame! ). When it was all said and done I had gone 2 miles further and avg'd 16.57 mph over 15.4 in May. Swung back into T2, racked my bike, pickle bucket helped with shoes, downed extra water (was getting HOT) and got out of there. About the same time as May, but added in a shoe change as I didn't have clipless at the time... so... IMPROVEMENT Now... Here's where the story turns into tragedy. Well, not really, I knew that hammering the bike would decimate the run, and I was (and still am) okay with that. 3.4 miles of freaking HOT running on a cramped shoulder with 2-way traffic... yeah, it sucked. Once I got my wind back I did run for a bit, however, a bit of chest pain and my left hand going numb put and end to that with a quickness. Wasn't sure what was going on, but I wasn't about to push it after that. I did take water and Gatorade at all 3 stations, and a GU at the last one. Ended up about 1:00/mi slower than May. I'm not sure that nutrition would have helped much, but I was on water only until the run, and 18oz of Gatorade and 1 GU were the sum of my caloric intake during the race. I am now officially in my "off season". Like I've said before, this winter will be run-focused. I will get as many miles on the bike as I can work in, and I plan to swim when I can. I've got to improve my stamina!


Hey, I see more improvements than anything else. You got to the finish just fine. Now to work on that nutrition, ESPECIALLY when it is hot out there. Good job overall, WFF!

2014-09-14 8:43 AM
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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Seems like we've died again...

Sunday Update:

Not much to say at all. I'm still trying to work training time around the kids being back in school and Amy's rotating schedule. Don't ask about the schedule because It's days, nights and rotating days all in one .

Swim: Escaped to the Y Monday morning and got in a relaxing 1000yds.
Bike: Nada. It's hard to find even an hour away from the house at the moment. I need to get my hands on a trainer, BADLY
Run: .4mi, unloaded groceries, then 1.0mi on Tuesday.

I suppose I can write last week off as post-race R&R... yeah, right. I can say what I want, but it doesn't mean I believe what I'm saying. I do have a needs list that I am working on for training and next season:

***ABOVE ALL*** - Need an indoor trainer!!!
1) 39/53 crankset & bottom bracket. I overspin way too easy. Also my BB has started tapping
2) Speed/Odometer for the bike. All I have is Strava. I'd be nice to know how fast/far I'm going in real time. Cadence would be nice, but not necessary.
3) Handlebars/Aerobars. Cruddy Kent 2-piece bars suck and twist grip gear shifts aren't much better (I have the parts to fix that !)
4) I'd like to find a better wheelset. Hitting a dog jacked my front a bit, and I'd like to have a cassette-friendly rear instead of a freewheel... but now we're in the "wish zone"

Edited by WebFootFreak 2014-09-14 8:44 AM
2014-09-15 7:38 AM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!

Maybe not died, but in hibernation.

I always flounder around after my last race of the season. August was crappy with no motivation and a hurt back. It lead, frighteningly easy, into the habit of doing NOTHING again. This is something I cannot let happen. I am too close to the edge of "where I used to be" and I never want to go back to that again.

I re-upped my training plan and started the whole life challenge, just to be accountable to someone other than myself for something. So my week training consisted of a trainer ride and a 10 K yesterday.

I hear you WFF on the wish-list and needs for bike upgrades. My problem is that my bike needs LOTS of adjustments and I know NOTHING about bikes to know what I need. First and foremost is a good fit, however, that seems impossible around here.

2014-09-15 7:48 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Well I got stuck in the need you to work basicly out of town for work for a week and a half. 3.5 hours drive every day plus working 9 to 10 hours kinda killed my working out. Also killed my diet.

Speaking of diets I have switched to carb restricted diet. So far it seems to be working well. I I kinda regained some of the weight so I was only 10 lbs down for the year. . I switched and 3 weeks latter I am down 15 lbs. I figure 10ish is water weight I put on before but that leaves 5 lbs of real weight and I am not even in the sweet spot yet. Since I am carb restricted the water weight is not coming back which is also nice.

I feel I have more energy and Friday I even swam 1 mile. Best part is I am rarely hungry.

2014-09-15 7:50 AM
in reply to: chirunner134

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!

I would agree about the bike trainer. Good news is you got time before you need anything unless rear wheel is jacked up too. I would suggest though you also get a trainer tire. This way you do not wear out your road tire over winter. Plus its much smoother ride.
2014-09-15 7:54 AM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!

Originally posted by WebFootFreak Seems like we've died again... Sunday Update: Not much to say at all. I'm still trying to work training time around the kids being back in school and Amy's rotating schedule. Don't ask about the schedule because It's days, nights and rotating days all in one . Swim: Escaped to the Y Monday morning and got in a relaxing 1000yds. Bike: Nada. It's hard to find even an hour away from the house at the moment. I need to get my hands on a trainer, BADLY Run: .4mi, unloaded groceries, then 1.0mi on Tuesday. I suppose I can write last week off as post-race R&R... yeah, right. I can say what I want, but it doesn't mean I believe what I'm saying. I do have a needs list that I am working on for training and next season: ***ABOVE ALL*** - Need an indoor trainer!!! 1) 39/53 crankset & bottom bracket. I overspin way too easy. Also my BB has started tapping 2) Speed/Odometer for the bike. All I have is Strava. I'd be nice to know how fast/far I'm going in real time. Cadence would be nice, but not necessary. 3) Handlebars/Aerobars. Cruddy Kent 2-piece bars suck and twist grip gear shifts aren't much better (I have the parts to fix that !) 4) I'd like to find a better wheelset. Hitting a dog jacked my front a bit, and I'd like to have a cassette-friendly rear instead of a freewheel... but now we're in the "wish zone"

Oh.. and I just bought a Strava cat-eye bike computer with cadence for 35 bucks. It is just what I need. No, you can't upload to a computer, but it is perfect to use on the road, or on the trainer.

2014-09-15 11:51 PM
in reply to: #4916495

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Okay... It just seemed like I was going post-crazy again (still? ), then I saw the dates.

chirunner: I didn't taco the front wheel, but it's definitely not true anymore. Really not sure my WalMart wheels are worth $20/ea to get them trued. As far as training tires go, I'm going to use what I have because I'm planning on dropping from 700/32 to /28 and I'll use the stock tires to train with for now.
2014-09-15 11:52 PM
in reply to: #5050668

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
ceilidh: I may have to check that one out
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2011-12-18 3:37 PM playmobil31
date : August 26, 2011
author : Nancy Clark
comments : 1
Research provides insight into struggles with shedding weight while training.
date : May 22, 2007
author : acbadger
comments : 0
Are you getting adequate rest after your workouts? Rest and over-training effects on weight loss, weight gain.
date : March 21, 2007
author : acbadger
comments : 2
Interval training for weight loss. Weight training for weight loss. These interval workouts can be done in 15 to 20 minutes and have huge caloric expenditures for those who are crunched for time.
date : November 27, 2005
author : Ontherun
comments : 0
For most age-group triathletes, getting the most out of there time for quality workouts can be daunting. Think outside the triangle to get a little more.
date : November 27, 2005
author : Rich Strauss
comments : 0
Tri clubs offer all of us, from beginner to advanced athlete, a venue in which we can realign our perspective of what “fast” and “far” are, pushing us to new and greater heights of performance.
date : February 13, 2005
author : JeremyLikness
comments : 9
Losing fat is not difficult. So why does this continue to be an elusive goal for so many people, who “struggle” just to lose a few inches?
date : September 19, 2004
author : Michael
comments : 0
I’m a C-L-Y-D-E-S-D-A-L-E! Many people in the sport know the division is there, but many of them think that it's a 'fat boys division.' So what constitutes a Clydesdale? Why even have this class?
date : September 3, 2004
author : Ron
comments : 0
What happens in your body when you eat, fast or workout?