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2012-02-13 7:59 PM
in reply to: #4045705

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
shake-n-bake - 2012-02-13 7:20 PM

Alright guys and gals a little smack Monday smack talk!!!Tongue out Long day at work and the pool was closed..So I just hit the gym for a 30 min.strength circuit training session, then got on a machine called Jacobs Ladder and went 30 minutes with a total climbing effort 2250 feet...This machine is great for cardio...

Checkout the website if you want to see the machine not sure how many know about it..Time for some dinner and recovery...

Glad everyone in our group is still at it..

Has anyone heard from abake???


I haven't heard from her, but I am guessing she didn't take computer.Nice work Tim, that machine looks like a solid workout!Smack talk? Ok this morning started with the daily dose of Insanity and an hour on the trainer. Tonight was the final swim clinic for now. After doing the benchmarking test we did some drills and finished with 25 X 25 starting on 45 seconds and dropping 5 seconds every 5.

2012-02-13 8:19 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

I am back! Sorry to have been MIA, I did not have good internet access over the weekend so could not really check in. Had a very nice race. I think I would have PR'd except for a pesky but necessary bathroom break that added 3 minutes to my time. My race report is up. I think that some kind of record cold hit Florida this weekend.

Will read back and see what I have missed. Hope everyone had a great weekend and wonderful workouts!

2012-02-13 8:23 PM
in reply to: #4044010

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
IceManScott - 2012-02-13 7:27 AM

I'd say that duathlon was a bear for early in the season.  Way to step up. 

I'm proceeding well, I think.  The kettlebells continue to do a number on my body and thanks for it.  As of yesterday's weigh-in, I'm down 12 pounds since starting k bells and paleo on Jan. 1.  I've noticed a tempo to the losses...two weeks slow or steady, third week a dramatic drop...repeat.

I will say that I am under 2200 every day, somethings as low as 1700 like yesterday and burning 3200 like yesterday.  Evidently my body has shifted to burning fat well.  I seem to have plenty of energy. Sleeping well but for frequent trips to the bathroom which I attribute to the weight loss and hydration.  When losing, a byproduct seems to be water. 

My scale measures body fat and it has stayed around 10% inaccurate as it may be, the measure should be relative and show that I am NOT losing muscle as I drop weight thanks to the strength training.  

I test again on the bike next week before entering another phase of training. I'll be interested in seeing how I do.  But I am more pain free than ever, which I also attribute to greater strength. 

All good. 

How about Lance, eh?  A beast.  Love the guy. 



12 pounds since January 1?  Congratulations!!

2012-02-13 8:24 PM
in reply to: #4045629

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

robingray_260 - 2012-02-13 5:26 PM so aqua jogging is interesting. Better than I thought it would be once I got over the fact that I was "one of those people". It can be hard to get the heart rate up so after a 5 minute warm up I did 1 minute intervals going as hard as I could.  Doesnt feel like running but whatcha gonna do!

Nice job! I have not aqua jogged in a long time but do remember that it's a difficult workout, both mentally and physically.

2012-02-13 9:28 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Nice race Anne!

Hmmmmmm.... A little smack talk
Up at 4am for circuit core training. Work till 3pm hit treadmill for 4.5 miles. Commute home, and back to work. Take a dinner break at 7pm and hit the gym for 2500m swim. Back to work till 11 pm
2012-02-14 1:47 AM
in reply to: #4045629

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

robingray_260 - 2012-02-13 5:26 PM so aqua jogging is interesting. Better than I thought it would be once I got over the fact that I was "one of those people". It can be hard to get the heart rate up so after a 5 minute warm up I did 1 minute intervals going as hard as I could.  Doesnt feel like running but whatcha gonna do!

Way to go with the Aqua Jogging!  Nice work!  I did chuckle at your comment about being "One of those people!"  I know I have been "critical" of "those people" in the past, but having more compassion as I listen to your experience. 

Monday SMACK Talk!

3000yd Swim plus nice surprise on the treadmill tonight! Ran well. Fastest to date! Yay!

Tempo: [5 x 6 min, 2min rec]

Avg Pace: 10:20 min/mile (5.8 MPH)
Avg Cadence: 81 spm
Avg Heart Rate: 152 bpm
Distance: 6 miles!


2012-02-14 6:39 AM
in reply to: #4046115

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CarlaLThompson - 2012-02-14 1:47 AM

robingray_260 - 2012-02-13 5:26 PM so aqua jogging is interesting. Better than I thought it would be once I got over the fact that I was "one of those people". It can be hard to get the heart rate up so after a 5 minute warm up I did 1 minute intervals going as hard as I could.  Doesnt feel like running but whatcha gonna do!

Way to go with the Aqua Jogging!  Nice work!  I did chuckle at your comment about being "One of those people!"  I know I have been "critical" of "those people" in the past, but having more compassion as I listen to your experience. 

Monday SMACK Talk!

3000yd Swim plus nice surprise on the treadmill tonight! Ran well. Fastest to date! Yay!

Tempo: [5 x 6 min, 2min rec]

Avg Pace: 10:20 min/mile (5.8 MPH)
Avg Cadence: 81 spm
Avg Heart Rate: 152 bpm
Distance: 6 miles!


AwesomeCarla! I missed my 4:30 am stint but I hope to make it up tonight after my valentines obligations
2012-02-14 7:32 AM
in reply to: #4046115

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CarlaLThompson - 2012-02-14 1:47 AM

robingray_260 - 2012-02-13 5:26 PM so aqua jogging is interesting. Better than I thought it would be once I got over the fact that I was "one of those people". It can be hard to get the heart rate up so after a 5 minute warm up I did 1 minute intervals going as hard as I could.  Doesnt feel like running but whatcha gonna do!

Way to go with the Aqua Jogging!  Nice work!  I did chuckle at your comment about being "One of those people!"  I know I have been "critical" of "those people" in the past, but having more compassion as I listen to your experience. 

Monday SMACK Talk!

3000yd Swim plus nice surprise on the treadmill tonight! Ran well. Fastest to date! Yay!

Tempo: [5 x 6 min, 2min rec]

Avg Pace: 10:20 min/mile (5.8 MPH)
Avg Cadence: 81 spm
Avg Heart Rate: 152 bpm
Distance: 6 miles!


Nice swim!!! congrats on the run!
2012-02-14 7:45 AM
in reply to: #4046192

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
gator22 - 2012-02-14 6:39 AM
CarlaLThompson - 2012-02-14 1:47 AM

robingray_260 - 2012-02-13 5:26 PM so aqua jogging is interesting. Better than I thought it would be once I got over the fact that I was "one of those people". It can be hard to get the heart rate up so after a 5 minute warm up I did 1 minute intervals going as hard as I could.  Doesnt feel like running but whatcha gonna do!

Way to go with the Aqua Jogging!  Nice work!  I did chuckle at your comment about being "One of those people!"  I know I have been "critical" of "those people" in the past, but having more compassion as I listen to your experience. 

Monday SMACK Talk!

3000yd Swim plus nice surprise on the treadmill tonight! Ran well. Fastest to date! Yay!

Tempo: [5 x 6 min, 2min rec]

Avg Pace: 10:20 min/mile (5.8 MPH)
Avg Cadence: 81 spm
Avg Heart Rate: 152 bpm
Distance: 6 miles!


AwesomeCarla! I missed my 4:30 am stint but I hope to make it up tonight after my valentines obligations
Gator - I have a 65 Min bike set today that I DON'T want to miss! Let's make a pack to do a Valentines day SMACk Down or a Double Smack Down on Wednesday!
2012-02-14 7:49 AM
in reply to: #4044010

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
IceManScott - 2012-02-13 8:27 AM

I'd say that duathlon was a bear for early in the season.  Way to step up. 

I'm proceeding well, I think.  The kettlebells continue to do a number on my body and thanks for it.  As of yesterday's weigh-in, I'm down 12 pounds since starting k bells and paleo on Jan. 1.  I've noticed a tempo to the losses...two weeks slow or steady, third week a dramatic drop...repeat.

I will say that I am under 2200 every day, somethings as low as 1700 like yesterday and burning 3200 like yesterday.  Evidently my body has shifted to burning fat well.  I seem to have plenty of energy. Sleeping well but for frequent trips to the bathroom which I attribute to the weight loss and hydration.  When losing, a byproduct seems to be water. 

My scale measures body fat and it has stayed around 10% inaccurate as it may be, the measure should be relative and show that I am NOT losing muscle as I drop weight thanks to the strength training.  

I test again on the bike next week before entering another phase of training. I'll be interested in seeing how I do.  But I am more pain free than ever, which I also attribute to greater strength. 

All good. 

How about Lance, eh?  A beast.  Love the guy. 


You just keep finding more ways to inspire. Sounds like I should check out the kettlebells at the gym....

2012-02-14 7:51 AM
in reply to: #4044656

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Viyoung - 2012-02-13 12:36 PM
MarlaS - 2012-02-12 4:09 PM
kenj - 2012-02-12 11:31 AM

Insanity and spin class this morning.  Legs felt pretty

good for both. 

Hows everyones weekend going?

Happy to say I think I'm full emerged from December slugdom...down 4.1 pounds this week, and just ran ~4.5 miles in below 30 degree temps (big deal for my wimpy southern butt!) after 90 minute spin this morning. Debating hitting pool tonight feeling pretty smug this afternoon..stinky but smug.

How'd the racers fare?

Nice work on the weight loss and the workouts!  I don't blame you for being smug - you've earned it

Thanks, Vivian! How've you been?

2012-02-14 7:58 AM
in reply to: #4045689

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
shake-n-bake - 2012-02-13 7:05 PM
IceManScott - 2012-02-13 9:33 AM

Meulen - 2012-02-12 9:45 PM I have to admit a little dissapointment this weekend. I got on te scale and was up 3lbs. I know that's not a lot and can be a lot of different things. But I have been on a 1500 cal/day diet for months now. That should equal 2lbs per week weight loss. Not gain 3 lbs. I'm not sure what happened here! So in my frustration I over indulged in wine and pizza this weekend!

Anyway, I felt guilty today. So besides my 9.5 mile run this morning per my HM plan, I took a dinner break during work tonight and got on the trainer for 6x4'@95-100% CP.

After losing 200 pounds I've learned a thing or three about weight loss and I'm still learning, but this much I know;

- The scale is fickle.  A little thing can toss it off.  The need for a bowel movement.  Hydration.  Such little things.  I think they told me at IM that I was down 4 pounds after 14:56.  They said that was four bottles!  Not a lot.  So my advice, relax about it.  Don't let the scale get into your head.  As long as the trend is in the right direction over time, you will get the results for the work you put into it. 

- If there is a problem, it is often one of two things.  One, we aren't measuring portions.  We are actually consuming more than we think. Or two, we aren't accurate in our measurements of calorie burn and think we are burning more than we are.  That is one reason I like the Power Tap.  No BSing the device.  It tells you exactly what you burned.  Body Bugg seems pretty accurate except on the bike. Using it I found I was burning less than was telling me I was.

But again, relax.  Frustration from unfulfilled expectations is our greatest enemy.   Do the right things, we get the right results over time.  Eat less than you burn and your body has no choice but to lose the weight. 

Get back to it! You rock!  It's a new day! 


 I have had the same problem as Meulen, I log and measure everything that goes in, and I have had no weight loss at all according to the scale I'm up another 5 and BF% went up 3% in 4 weeks...I guess I think to much about it, I might look into ready Paleo because nothing else seems to be working...Congrats on your success Iceman..Keep up the great work.

That's why I went back to Jenny Craig... I'd tried Paleo last spring, thought I was being good, watching portions, etc., and gained 10 pounds... I really needed something to jump start me now, and with as little thought as possible, frankly...lot going on with my life these days, and I'm loving the structure and having one less thing to think about -- I go to the pantry/freezer, grab and go, and I'm getting a dose of chocolate and salty/crunchy daily to keep me happy. It's about 1250 cal, but I'm choosing meals based primarily on maximizing protein vs. following their recommended combos. 9 days into and I'm still hungry a lot of the time, but if I go to bed early enough it helps to avoid the kitchen AND get more sleep, which I also needed to do.

2012-02-14 8:26 AM
in reply to: #4046335

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
MarlaS - 2012-02-14 7:58 AM

shake-n-bake - 2012-02-13 7:05 PM
IceManScott - 2012-02-13 9:33 AM

Meulen - 2012-02-12 9:45 PM I have to admit a little dissapointment this weekend. I got on te scale and was up 3lbs. I know that's not a lot and can be a lot of different things. But I have been on a 1500 cal/day diet for months now. That should equal 2lbs per week weight loss. Not gain 3 lbs. I'm not sure what happened here! So in my frustration I over indulged in wine and pizza this weekend!

Anyway, I felt guilty today. So besides my 9.5 mile run this morning per my HM plan, I took a dinner break during work tonight and got on the trainer for 6x4'@95-100% CP.

After losing 200 pounds I've learned a thing or three about weight loss and I'm still learning, but this much I know;

- The scale is fickle.  A little thing can toss it off.  The need for a bowel movement.  Hydration.  Such little things.  I think they told me at IM that I was down 4 pounds after 14:56.  They said that was four bottles!  Not a lot.  So my advice, relax about it.  Don't let the scale get into your head.  As long as the trend is in the right direction over time, you will get the results for the work you put into it. 

- If there is a problem, it is often one of two things.  One, we aren't measuring portions.  We are actually consuming more than we think. Or two, we aren't accurate in our measurements of calorie burn and think we are burning more than we are.  That is one reason I like the Power Tap.  No BSing the device.  It tells you exactly what you burned.  Body Bugg seems pretty accurate except on the bike. Using it I found I was burning less than was telling me I was.

But again, relax.  Frustration from unfulfilled expectations is our greatest enemy.   Do the right things, we get the right results over time.  Eat less than you burn and your body has no choice but to lose the weight. 

Get back to it! You rock!  It's a new day! 


 I have had the same problem as Meulen, I log and measure everything that goes in, and I have had no weight loss at all according to the scale I'm up another 5 and BF% went up 3% in 4 weeks...I guess I think to much about it, I might look into ready Paleo because nothing else seems to be working...Congrats on your success Iceman..Keep up the great work.

That's why I went back to Jenny Craig... I'd tried Paleo last spring, thought I was being good, watching portions, etc., and gained 10 pounds... I really needed something to jump start me now, and with as little thought as possible, frankly...lot going on with my life these days, and I'm loving the structure and having one less thing to think about -- I go to the pantry/freezer, grab and go, and I'm getting a dose of chocolate and salty/crunchy daily to keep me happy. It's about 1250 cal, but I'm choosing meals based primarily on maximizing protein vs. following their recommended combos. 9 days into and I'm still hungry a lot of the time, but if I go to bed early enough it helps to avoid the kitchen AND get more sleep, which I also needed to do.

I had a lot of succes on something similar to Paleo. own version of clean eating, anyway. I can't do stuff like Jenny Craig where they give you little tastes of bad things. I'm a very addictive and indulgent personality. Sometimes one little taste is all it takes to send me on a bender. Before I know it I'm passed out drunk on the couch with an empty box of cookies and a buritto wrapper next to me.

The calorie in calorie out thing baffles me too. I've noticed this is a pretty simple formula for most. But for me......not so much. I've only got fat around my waste line. I'm super lean everywhere else. I think for some men that can be a bit tougher to lose. It's not just as simple as cals in / cals out. Women have the same issues in their thighs. I look kback at my logs here at Bt for the last couple years and there is no way I could eat as many cals as I've burned. So for me to still have the belly fat is baffling and frustrating. I do realize livestrong over estimates cals burned and I compensate for that too. So really.....I have no idea what to do. I've contemplated seeing a nutritionalist, but I feel I've read so much about the topic I've already tried everything they would probably suggest anyway.
2012-02-14 8:27 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Way to go everyone!  Weight loss, race success, great training and hopefully the final removal of the boot!  I tried to respond to individual posts but the server is acting up.

The Ironman Wisconsin course is certainly a challenge but once again I enjoyed doing the class and it was great to see the actual course. This class does bring out the competitor in me, so I give it my all, most of the time.

So I bit the bullet and purchased a treadmill (have I already mentioned that?).  I had this great idea that we could pick it up on Saturday, move it to the basement (in parts) and have it running later in the day. NOPE!!  It was so heavy that we had to hire to guys to carry it to the basement. Then we couldn't put the thing together as the holes were to small for the screws! I worked on it for about two hours on Saturday night and then we tackled it again on Sunday. After a period of time it was suggested I call the store/manufacture (you know how that goes).  By that evening we were back at it and were able to put the thing together.  Took all weekend.  I did my first run on it last night. 6.3 miles while watching all the shows I DVR'd.  It was great! The treadmill has a lot of cushion to it which is very helpful to me and I never thought I would be so happy to be in my own little space running on a treadmill with a remote control in my handTongue out.  

Have a great day all!

2012-02-14 8:30 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Happy Valentines day folks! 

I got my daily dose of Insanity in this morning then a bike ride.  2 X 20' @ 90 - 95% CP.  Hit 95% no problem on the first one and stuggled mightely on the 2nd.  Disappointed a bit, but I think that it was a combination of the strength training, lack of nutrition ( I should have grabbed a gel) and pushing the first one a little harder than I should have.  I also think it was partly the 2 minute recovery, but that is part of the plan.  Next week is the last week of the plan as scheduled.  I am then going to repeat the last 4 or 5 weeks before leaving off season mode.

Sounds like everyone is having a great February so far!

2012-02-14 8:34 AM
in reply to: #4046399

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2012-02-14 8:30 AM

Happy Valentines day folks! 

I got my daily dose of Insanity in this morning then a bike ride.  2 X 20' @ 90 - 95% CP.  Hit 95% no problem on the first one and stuggled mightely on the 2nd.  Disappointed a bit, but I think that it was a combination of the strength training, lack of nutrition ( I should have grabbed a gel) and pushing the first one a little harder than I should have.  I also think it was partly the 2 minute recovery, but that is part of the plan.  Next week is the last week of the plan as scheduled.  I am then going to repeat the last 4 or 5 weeks before leaving off season mode.

Sounds like everyone is having a great February so far!

Nice!!!! those 2x20's are soooooo tough! I've been told these should be a staple of a good bike plan. I've been adding these and variations of these like into my workouts weekly. I think I'm one of those wimps that needs to visit my "pain cave" more

2012-02-14 8:51 AM
in reply to: #4046390

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Meulen - 2012-02-14 9:26 AM
MarlaS - 2012-02-14 7:58 AM
shake-n-bake - 2012-02-13 7:05 PM
IceManScott - 2012-02-13 9:33 AM

Meulen - 2012-02-12 9:45 PM I have to admit a little dissapointment this weekend. I got on te scale and was up 3lbs. I know that's not a lot and can be a lot of different things. But I have been on a 1500 cal/day diet for months now. That should equal 2lbs per week weight loss. Not gain 3 lbs. I'm not sure what happened here! So in my frustration I over indulged in wine and pizza this weekend!

Anyway, I felt guilty today. So besides my 9.5 mile run this morning per my HM plan, I took a dinner break during work tonight and got on the trainer for 6x4'@95-100% CP.

After losing 200 pounds I've learned a thing or three about weight loss and I'm still learning, but this much I know;

- The scale is fickle.  A little thing can toss it off.  The need for a bowel movement.  Hydration.  Such little things.  I think they told me at IM that I was down 4 pounds after 14:56.  They said that was four bottles!  Not a lot.  So my advice, relax about it.  Don't let the scale get into your head.  As long as the trend is in the right direction over time, you will get the results for the work you put into it. 

- If there is a problem, it is often one of two things.  One, we aren't measuring portions.  We are actually consuming more than we think. Or two, we aren't accurate in our measurements of calorie burn and think we are burning more than we are.  That is one reason I like the Power Tap.  No BSing the device.  It tells you exactly what you burned.  Body Bugg seems pretty accurate except on the bike. Using it I found I was burning less than was telling me I was.

But again, relax.  Frustration from unfulfilled expectations is our greatest enemy.   Do the right things, we get the right results over time.  Eat less than you burn and your body has no choice but to lose the weight. 

Get back to it! You rock!  It's a new day! 


 I have had the same problem as Meulen, I log and measure everything that goes in, and I have had no weight loss at all according to the scale I'm up another 5 and BF% went up 3% in 4 weeks...I guess I think to much about it, I might look into ready Paleo because nothing else seems to be working...Congrats on your success Iceman..Keep up the great work.

That's why I went back to Jenny Craig... I'd tried Paleo last spring, thought I was being good, watching portions, etc., and gained 10 pounds... I really needed something to jump start me now, and with as little thought as possible, frankly...lot going on with my life these days, and I'm loving the structure and having one less thing to think about -- I go to the pantry/freezer, grab and go, and I'm getting a dose of chocolate and salty/crunchy daily to keep me happy. It's about 1250 cal, but I'm choosing meals based primarily on maximizing protein vs. following their recommended combos. 9 days into and I'm still hungry a lot of the time, but if I go to bed early enough it helps to avoid the kitchen AND get more sleep, which I also needed to do.

I had a lot of succes on something similar to Paleo. own version of clean eating, anyway. I can't do stuff like Jenny Craig where they give you little tastes of bad things. I'm a very addictive and indulgent personality. Sometimes one little taste is all it takes to send me on a bender. Before I know it I'm passed out drunk on the couch with an empty box of cookies and a buritto wrapper next to me. The calorie in calorie out thing baffles me too. I've noticed this is a pretty simple formula for most. But for me......not so much. I've only got fat around my waste line. I'm super lean everywhere else. I think for some men that can be a bit tougher to lose. It's not just as simple as cals in / cals out. Women have the same issues in their thighs. I look kback at my logs here at Bt for the last couple years and there is no way I could eat as many cals as I've burned. So for me to still have the belly fat is baffling and frustrating. I do realize livestrong over estimates cals burned and I compensate for that too. So really.....I have no idea what to do. I've contemplated seeing a nutritionalist, but I feel I've read so much about the topic I've already tried everything they would probably suggest anyway.

A couple of thoughts from your post, first on the calorie counters.  I cant understand why they cant get it closer.  Like Ice said in an earlier post, the power meters seem to get it right.  Everything else I do, I reduce the number that My Fitness Pal gives me to be on the safe side. 

The second thought is on Jenny Craig.  I lost the bulk of my weight using Nutrisystem, pretty similar programs.  The menu is pretty different now, but there was nothing, including the deserts, that was on the plan that tasted good enough to push me the wrong way.  It wasnt bad for a diet plan, but it is still pre-packaged food.  The biggest problem with the no thinking part is it doesn't always prepare us for when we go off the plans.  Fortunately for me I found tri's, BT and endurance sports.  Learned a lot here about balanced nutrition and the racing motivates me to stay at it.

2012-02-14 8:59 AM
in reply to: #4046393

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Kath2163 - 2012-02-14 9:27 AM

Way to go everyone!  Weight loss, race success, great training and hopefully the final removal of the boot!  I tried to respond to individual posts but the server is acting up.

The Ironman Wisconsin course is certainly a challenge but once again I enjoyed doing the class and it was great to see the actual course. This class does bring out the competitor in me, so I give it my all, most of the time.

So I bit the bullet and purchased a treadmill (have I already mentioned that?).  I had this great idea that we could pick it up on Saturday, move it to the basement (in parts) and have it running later in the day. NOPE!!  It was so heavy that we had to hire to guys to carry it to the basement. Then we couldn't put the thing together as the holes were to small for the screws! I worked on it for about two hours on Saturday night and then we tackled it again on Sunday. After a period of time it was suggested I call the store/manufacture (you know how that goes).  By that evening we were back at it and were able to put the thing together.  Took all weekend.  I did my first run on it last night. 6.3 miles while watching all the shows I DVR'd.  It was great! The treadmill has a lot of cushion to it which is very helpful to me and I never thought I would be so happy to be in my own little space running on a treadmill with a remote control in my handTongue out.  

Have a great day all!

I don't know if you posted that here or not Kathleen, I did see on facebook you were looking for some strong backs to help move it. I would have volunteered, but the comute would have been a little tough! Smile

Enjoy it, and I would also suggest looking at the websites of Runners World and Running Times as they both have some pretty good programs for the treadmill.  Some of the incline stuff is quite challenging and a great workout!

2012-02-14 1:53 PM
in reply to: #3943039

New user
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Just ordered some new 85mm Boyd carbon clinchers.  I sure hope they help me get a little faster.  But on a lighter note, even if I don't get any faster, it sure will make my bike look cooler.Laughing  Looking fast is almost as good as going fast.  They might be in before the weekend.  Work as been crazy and really getting in the way of my workouts the past few days.  This having to work thing can be extremely disruptive to my workouts.  I'll get off work tonight around 10PM and try to run about 4 miles home and maybe get on the trainer for a little while if it's not too late.
2012-02-14 2:24 PM
in reply to: #4047279

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Wesley12 - 2012-02-14 1:53 PM

Just ordered some new 85mm Boyd carbon clinchers.  I sure hope they help me get a little faster.  But on a lighter note, even if I don't get any faster, it sure will make my bike look cooler.Laughing  Looking fast is almost as good as going fast.  They might be in before the weekend.  Work as been crazy and really getting in the way of my workouts the past few days.  This having to work thing can be extremely disruptive to my workouts.  I'll get off work tonight around 10PM and try to run about 4 miles home and maybe get on the trainer for a little while if it's not too late.

Nice!!! You're going to love the wheels. They do help a little. You'll notice it being easier to hold speeds above 22mph.

I agree, this work thing is disruptive!! I just found out I have to work again tonight. I've been working 7am to Midnight since Sunday!! This was supposed to be a night off. I've been able to step away for workouts at least. Tonight I'll go to computrainer class and then work from home the rest of the night. Recovery is the worst though. I can't recover from workouts going to bed at midnight and getting up at 4am!!!
2012-02-14 3:04 PM
in reply to: #4047279

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Wesley12 - 2012-02-14 2:53 PM Just ordered some new 85mm Boyd carbon clinchers.  I sure hope they help me get a little faster.  But on a lighter note, even if I don't get any faster, it sure will make my bike look cooler.Laughing  Looking fast is almost as good as going fast.  They might be in before the weekend.  Work as been crazy and really getting in the way of my workouts the past few days.  This having to work thing can be extremely disruptive to my workouts.  I'll get off work tonight around 10PM and try to run about 4 miles home and maybe get on the trainer for a little while if it's not too late.



I bought a set of the Boyd 85mm tubular last year and was very pleased with them..ran like 160 psi at the HIM last year..Had right at a 22 mph average..They look good also..Enjoy!!

2012-02-15 9:40 AM
in reply to: #4047279

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Wesley12 - 2012-02-14 2:53 PM Just ordered some new 85mm Boyd carbon clinchers.  I sure hope they help me get a little faster.  But on a lighter note, even if I don't get any faster, it sure will make my bike look cooler.Laughing  Looking fast is almost as good as going fast.  They might be in before the weekend.  Work as been crazy and really getting in the way of my workouts the past few days.  This having to work thing can be extremely disruptive to my workouts.  I'll get off work tonight around 10PM and try to run about 4 miles home and maybe get on the trainer for a little while if it's not too late.

I think they help, I currently have a HED Jet 90 on the back, but I think I am going with a disk for Florida this year.  Plus they deep wheels just look fast!

Better to get the work stuff done this time of year I guess so we can get our training in as we get closer to the season.

2012-02-15 10:03 AM
in reply to: #4048734

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2012-02-15 9:40 AM

Wesley12 - 2012-02-14 2:53 PM Just ordered some new 85mm Boyd carbon clinchers.  I sure hope they help me get a little faster.  But on a lighter note, even if I don't get any faster, it sure will make my bike look cooler.Laughing  Looking fast is almost as good as going fast.  They might be in before the weekend.  Work as been crazy and really getting in the way of my workouts the past few days.  This having to work thing can be extremely disruptive to my workouts.  I'll get off work tonight around 10PM and try to run about 4 miles home and maybe get on the trainer for a little while if it's not too late.

I think they help, I currently have a HED Jet 90 on the back, but I think I am going with a disk for Florida this year.  Plus they deep wheels just look fast!

Better to get the work stuff done this time of year I guess so we can get our training in as we get closer to the season.

I've got a set of Hed Jet 90's as well. I also have a cover from I've found very little to no difference with the cover as opposed to the open Jet 9. THe wheels themselves make a noticeable difference though. Especially over 22mph.
2012-02-15 10:33 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Quiet around here last night and this morning!  I guess everyone was either working or enjoying Valentines Day.  After doing the bike and Insanity in the morning, the wife reminded me that it was Tuesday and that means bootcamp after work.  It had been a few weeks since I have been home on a Tuesday so I completely forgot.  So double the strenght/plyo work yesterday. 

Run this morning and pilates at lunch.  Whats up with everyone else? 

2012-02-15 10:37 AM
in reply to: #4048863

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2012-02-15 10:33 AM

Quiet around here last night and this morning!  I guess everyone was either working or enjoying Valentines Day.  After doing the bike and Insanity in the morning, the wife reminded me that it was Tuesday and that means bootcamp after work.  It had been a few weeks since I have been home on a Tuesday so I completely forgot.  So double the strenght/plyo work yesterday. 

Run this morning and pilates at lunch.  Whats up with everyone else? 

Guilty as charged! Will be posting "Double Duty Smack Talk" Through Saturday!
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