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2014-03-06 4:43 PM
in reply to: Blanda

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Randy- great pic and a really nice kit. You look good in the hat. I think you should wear it.

2014-03-06 5:46 PM
in reply to: Catwoman

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Randy-That picture is spectacular. I'm just speechless!

I'll second what was said about making annual gains over multiple seasons. I began in 2012, with mostly Sprints and worked up to an Olympic. The next year I took on a HIM and IM, and the IM just about did me in! However, that training volume has really set me up for this season. I'm holding paces that I wasn't even able to hit last year, much less hold. I'm a big believer in long-term triathlon goals, especially since I'm not a lifelong athlete. The body I have now isn't the body I had three years ago, so it's just a matter of being consistent and getting the workouts in. There are good workouts and bad workouts, but whenever I'm down I can just look back at previous seasons & races to see my progress.

I'm heading to Memphis again this weekend to see the girlfriend. We've got a 2-hour ride on Saturday, which should be great since the weather finally looks nice. I'm going a trainer ride tonight, and I'm going to take it easy since my legs feel beaten up after my 10k race last Saturday, 50-mile ride Sunday, 30-mile ride Tuesday, and 8-mile run yesterday. I'm sooooooooo ready for Spring and some warmer temps!
2014-03-06 7:22 PM
in reply to: PhoenixM

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Originally posted by PhoenixM Ouch. 42 minutes doing all of this. 10' Warm-up, lowest gear 2x 30" seated all out (highest gear), 1' Recovery 2' Recovery - Easy spinning, lowest gear 2x 30" sprinting all-out (highest gear), 1' Recovery (lowest gear) 30" easy spinning (lowest gear) 30" Jumping Jacks & 30" sit-ups off bike 5x 30" all out (highest gear), 2' R (no spinning) 10' Cool-down I put a lot of focus on working up sprinting and endurance on the first half. Second half, I did some "cold" all-outs to work on strength development as well as stamina. Since my heart rate was already at a pretty decent level, I didn't lose much not spinning for two minutes. As time goes on, I'll increase the time and incorporate some lower spinning as rest periods. It was interesting though; this was the first time I used this kind of layout and I made up the second half on the fly. It seems to be a workout that'll have the flexibility I need to both cut short if needed as well as extend to incorporate various elements. Hope ya'll are doing well. I'll catch up on post reading tonight after I get done with my classes for the week. If ya'll have any other crazy ideas for me to try out at some point, or think this idea is horrible, feel free to critique.

Bryan-bike workouts often go by quicker when they are broken up with intervals as you have done. I think the first question to ask yourself with any workout is what am I trying to accomplish or what is the purpose of the workout. Is it recovery, endurance, tempo or VO2(hard intervals)?. Each has its purpose but for right now I'm thinking you should focus on endurance. Do you use a heart rate monitor? Thats a good metric to see how hard you are working. Another is RPE which is Rate of Perceived Effort in which you assign a number to your level of effort. Either 1-10 or 1-20 depending on the scale you use.   Right now your workout seems to be a combination of sprints and easy. Not necessarily a bad thing but, as a new cyclist, you want to build your endurance. A "go to" workout right now might be 5-10 minute warm up with 2-3 mod/hard 1 minute intervals toward the end of the warm up on 30 sec-1 min easy. Then a main set of 3X(10-12 minutes moderate effort/3 minutes easy) and a 5 minute cool down. That should put you at 50 minutes to an hour. You can of course reduce the length of the intervals to reduce the overall time. That is just an example....the most important thing is to ride. Try to put in some moderate or moderate+ efforts in each workout and build a base. Down the road you can work in hard efforts. Just my thoughts.

Randee-our tri kits are the Tri Elite shorts and tops.   

2014-03-06 9:03 PM
in reply to: slornow

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Grand Rapids, Michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Randy, love the picture!! The trucker hat should definitely be a pre or post race staple.

All the conversation about time to realize results in this sport is something I really need to be paying attention to. Patience is not exactly a virtue I am overly blessed with. It is really hard for me to look three years down the road and have that conversation with myself to just keep putting in the time and doing the right things and it will all come. I want it to be there right now. It does really help to look at the paths that some of you have taken to where you are now and realize there really is no shortcut to all of this, especially coming from such an unconditioned place for nearly the last two decades.

Pretty easy end of the week coming up for me. It actually doesn't look like its going to snow here this weekend. A little run tomorrow, a couple shortish trainer rides Saturday and Sunday and make sure to get to the pool at least once if not twice in the next few days. Have a great night everyone.

2014-03-06 9:51 PM
in reply to: 0

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Originally posted by slornow

OK gang, at the risk of humiliating myself a bit I am posting a picture. Last night I tried on my new tri kit and had my wife take a picture of me. For some odd reason part of the swag we got with our kit package was a "trucker hat". I'm 51 and there is no way I can pull off a trucker hat and it only emphasized my already large ears but I had to wear it. So, she took a picture so I could send it to our kids. They always seem horrified by the "costume" I wear for racing and I feel one of my main jobs as a parent is to embarass them at every opportunity. The quality of the picture is not great but I suspect that is largely do to the overwhelming desire my wife was feeling due to my sexy look. My children's responses:

Daughter. age 19: "never will be able to unsee that."

Son: age 20: "Jesus. I feel bad that mom had to take that."

I like the kit but I think I like last year's better. Pakage included tri shorts, tri top, 2 visors, trucker hat, Pre/post race shirt, car magnets and helmet stickers. We have great sponsors and I absolutely love being a part of the Team. It is really motivating and great to have a group of guys to hang out with at races.

So, look away if you are eating or have sensitive eyes

Your kids are hilarious and typical.  I had a male friend who was in really great shape wearing a similar kit and his 17 year old daughter wouldn't stand next to him.  Seriously, I think you look great!

Mike--ugh!  I have no idea what would have caused that, but feel better soon!

Jason, very well said.

Edited by SSMinnow 2014-03-06 9:52 PM
2014-03-07 5:49 AM
in reply to: SSMinnow

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Grand Rapids, Michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Originally posted by SSMinnow

Aloha!  We arrived in Kauai last night and I am really digging the warm temperatures and the sound of the ocean hitting the shoreline.  Today is an hour run IN SHORTS before heading to the store to lay in supplies for the two weeks in paradise.  Hitting the beach this afternoon and then it's off for a LAVA FLOW at our favorite little eatery.  

Jason--30x100s?  That sounds intimidating to me no matter what the interval. I need to get passed that (see below!)

Steve-I have had countless people talk to me about technique at the wall.  I believe all are well meaning so take it openly.  Sometimes it does mess with your head when you have too many people giving you advice.  Lately, I've just been trying to swim faster and hoping some of the things I've worked on stick.

I listened to an interesting webinar on Training Peaks on suffering which I thought was quite good (weird, right?).  If interested check it out here.  I feel as if I'm pretty good at suffering on the run, but still have a tremendous amount of work to do to be willing to experience it in the pool or OW, and to a lesser extent the bike.

Later Peeps!


Ok, there's not much of this entire post that I'm not jealous of right now!!! Have a great time Suzy. (running in shorts...hmmmm, who knew?)

Mike, sorry to hear about the tweak, pull, strain...Hopefully you can get it resolved and be feeling better heading out of your recovery week.

2014-03-07 8:04 AM
in reply to: slornow

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Originally posted by slornow

Randee-our tri kits are the Tri Elite shorts and tops.   

Yeah those look nice.

How come everyone doesn't ask my opinion before ordering these things? **shrug**
2014-03-07 5:47 PM
in reply to: Catwoman

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
I laughed out loud when I saw the comments from Randy's kids. Only because I can 'hear' my kids saying something like that about me.

A couple weeks ago I was getting in a trainer ride in, tri shorts only, no shirt, when my wife yelled down for me to come upstairs. Which I did. Only problem was that my daughter had a friend over who was treated to more of her friend's dad than she probably wanted.

I won't be forgiven for that any time soon.

I had my best ten minute TT in a long while. It hurt and I was barely hanging on for the last minute so I think I did it right.

Short break.

25 minutes on the treadmill with ten of it hard!

I guess this weekend is a mini-replica of American Triple T to see how I hold up. I must admit that I don't feel as fit as I did at the same time last year. We will see how the season unfolds.
2014-03-07 8:05 PM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Jason-nice job on the TT. I have a 20 min TT on Tuesday and given how poorly my recent hard intervals have gone I am not optimistic. Always good to get those done.

I had a 800 TT swim today. Never really do any longer swim TT so didn't really know what to expect. I am pleased with my result although I really didn't have an expectation of  a specific time Paced it pretty well and probably left a couple of seconds on the table since I waited pretty late to really push it  Ended up at 11:43 which works out to 1:27.875/100scy. I've done several swim TT's over the last couple of weeks after a swim focus in January and Feb. Here is where I ended up...interesting to see how much the pace slows as the distance increases. Of these I think there is the most room for improvement on the 400...pretty big drop off from the 200.

100 TT: 1:11

200 TT: 2:38 (1:19/100)

400 TT: 5:40 (1:25/100)

800 TT: 11:43  (1:27.875/100

2014-03-07 8:41 PM
in reply to: slornow

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Originally posted by slornow

Jason-nice job on the TT. I have a 20 min TT on Tuesday and given how poorly my recent hard intervals have gone I am not optimistic. Always good to get those done.

I had a 800 TT swim today. Never really do any longer swim TT so didn't really know what to expect. I am pleased with my result although I really didn't have an expectation of  a specific time Paced it pretty well and probably left a couple of seconds on the table since I waited pretty late to really push it  Ended up at 11:43 which works out to 1:27.875/100scy. I've done several swim TT's over the last couple of weeks after a swim focus in January and Feb. Here is where I ended up...interesting to see how much the pace slows as the distance increases. Of these I think there is the most room for improvement on the 400...pretty big drop off from the 200.

100 TT: 1:11

200 TT: 2:38 (1:19/100)

400 TT: 5:40 (1:25/100)

800 TT: 11:43  (1:27.875/100


Those are amazing times.

Well done.
2014-03-07 9:04 PM
in reply to: 0

, Georgia
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Originally posted by slornow

Bryan-bike workouts often go by quicker when they are broken up with intervals as you have done. I think the first question to ask yourself with any workout is what am I trying to accomplish or what is the purpose of the workout. Is it recovery, endurance, tempo or VO2(hard intervals)?. Each has its purpose but for right now I'm thinking you should focus on endurance. Do you use a heart rate monitor? Thats a good metric to see how hard you are working. Another is RPE which is Rate of Perceived Effort in which you assign a number to your level of effort. Either 1-10 or 1-20 depending on the scale you use.   Right now your workout seems to be a combination of sprints and easy. Not necessarily a bad thing but, as a new cyclist, you want to build your endurance. A "go to" workout right now might be 5-10 minute warm up with 2-3 mod/hard 1 minute intervals toward the end of the warm up on 30 sec-1 min easy. Then a main set of 3X(10-12 minutes moderate effort/3 minutes easy) and a 5 minute cool down. That should put you at 50 minutes to an hour. You can of course reduce the length of the intervals to reduce the overall time. That is just an example....the most important thing is to ride. Try to put in some moderate or moderate+ efforts in each workout and build a base. Down the road you can work in hard efforts. Just my thoughts.

Appreciate the feedback. I don't have a heart rate monitor but am in the market for one. I'm trying to aim for something compatible with my iPhone since it's already a very effective GPS unit that doubles for about two dozen other relevant things to tri-ing. Do you happen to know of good iphone-compatible HR monitors that will be worth looking into?

Edited by PhoenixM 2014-03-07 10:28 PM

2014-03-08 12:26 PM
in reply to: slornow

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North Augusta, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Randy...I love the photo! In reality, I bet your kids think you're pretty cool.

Funny thing about kids. Last night I had to volunteer at my school's Miss EMS pageant. A pageant is about the LAST place I wanted to be for 3 hours on a Friday night, but it's our grade level fundraiser, so... Anyhow, pageant night has become one of the 2 or 3 days during the entire school year where I actually wear my hair down. I generally have my hair pulled up in "fitness mode" which means it's in a pony tail or a pseudo bun in a hair band. Last night was 'long hair night' for Nancy. My own students, who I have seen daily now for about 135 days didn't recognize me. Then, when they finally realize it's me, I get comments like these: "Wow Mrs. Schwertfeger. You're actually really pretty." LOL I'm not sure if that's a compliment or not!!

Had a nice 4 mile run this morning, and one of my faster efforts which was nice (and no, my hair was NOT down). Our tri club is having a Tri Swap this afternoon, so I'm digging through things I thought I liked/needed when I got into tri and now realize either don't work for me or I don't use. Here's hoping someone else actually needs it or thinks they need it.

2014-03-08 7:22 PM
in reply to: glfprncs

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Rene represented the group well today. First age group and 3rd overall female in her sprint today. It sounds like she just about froze doing it. Poor Texas girls.... I'll let her tell all about it. Congratulations.

I had a relatively tough training day with a tougher one on the schedule tomorrow. Should be interesting to see how my body responds to three tough days in a row.

My wife is at a 'girls weekend'. Five years ago that would have meant little or no training for me. Now that my kids are big enough to look after themselves for chunks of time it makes everything much easier. I keep trying to spend time with them but all I get is, "go away Dad." Oh well. I guess I will train
2014-03-08 7:54 PM
in reply to: PhoenixM

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Originally posted by PhoenixM
Originally posted by slornow

Bryan-bike workouts often go by quicker when they are broken up with intervals as you have done. I think the first question to ask yourself with any workout is what am I trying to accomplish or what is the purpose of the workout. Is it recovery, endurance, tempo or VO2(hard intervals)?. Each has its purpose but for right now I'm thinking you should focus on endurance. Do you use a heart rate monitor? Thats a good metric to see how hard you are working. Another is RPE which is Rate of Perceived Effort in which you assign a number to your level of effort. Either 1-10 or 1-20 depending on the scale you use.   Right now your workout seems to be a combination of sprints and easy. Not necessarily a bad thing but, as a new cyclist, you want to build your endurance. A "go to" workout right now might be 5-10 minute warm up with 2-3 mod/hard 1 minute intervals toward the end of the warm up on 30 sec-1 min easy. Then a main set of 3X(10-12 minutes moderate effort/3 minutes easy) and a 5 minute cool down. That should put you at 50 minutes to an hour. You can of course reduce the length of the intervals to reduce the overall time. That is just an example....the most important thing is to ride. Try to put in some moderate or moderate+ efforts in each workout and build a base. Down the road you can work in hard efforts. Just my thoughts.

Appreciate the feedback. I don't have a heart rate monitor but am in the market for one. I'm trying to aim for something compatible with my iPhone since it's already a very effective GPS unit that doubles for about two dozen other relevant things to tri-ing. Do you happen to know of good iphone-compatible HR monitors that will be worth looking into?

If you're looking for any info that's tri-gadget related, go to DC Rainmaker's blog here.

It will be more that you ever wanted to know, about everything technology-related to training.  And you will want to spend money.  :-)

2014-03-08 7:56 PM
in reply to: slornow

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Originally posted by slornow

Jason-nice job on the TT. I have a 20 min TT on Tuesday and given how poorly my recent hard intervals have gone I am not optimistic. Always good to get those done.

I had a 800 TT swim today. Never really do any longer swim TT so didn't really know what to expect. I am pleased with my result although I really didn't have an expectation of  a specific time Paced it pretty well and probably left a couple of seconds on the table since I waited pretty late to really push it  Ended up at 11:43 which works out to 1:27.875/100scy. I've done several swim TT's over the last couple of weeks after a swim focus in January and Feb. Here is where I ended up...interesting to see how much the pace slows as the distance increases. Of these I think there is the most room for improvement on the 400...pretty big drop off from the 200.

100 TT: 1:11

200 TT: 2:38 (1:19/100)

400 TT: 5:40 (1:25/100)

800 TT: 11:43  (1:27.875/100

I could hold your 800 pace for about 100 yards.  <sigh>

2014-03-08 8:01 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Speaking of fast swim times...the MD State Championships are this weekend, and some of the kids from my daughter's swim team are competing.  One of the boys, 14 YO, who has only been swimming about a year and a half, swim a 23.09 50 free SCY.  That's not his best event, either.  The winner of the 100 Y free in my daughter's AG swam around 53 flat.  At 11 years old.  <facepalm>

I am really just in awe of how fast these kids are swimming.

2014-03-08 8:03 PM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Originally posted by wannabefaster I laughed out loud when I saw the comments from Randy's kids. Only because I can 'hear' my kids saying something like that about me. A couple weeks ago I was getting in a trainer ride in, tri shorts only, no shirt, when my wife yelled down for me to come upstairs. Which I did. Only problem was that my daughter had a friend over who was treated to more of her friend's dad than she probably wanted. I won't be forgiven for that any time soon. I had my best ten minute TT in a long while. It hurt and I was barely hanging on for the last minute so I think I did it right. Short break. 25 minutes on the treadmill with ten of it hard! I guess this weekend is a mini-replica of American Triple T to see how I hold up. I must admit that I don't feel as fit as I did at the same time last year. We will see how the season unfolds.

Now that's funny.  :-)

2014-03-08 8:55 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Grand Rapids, Michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Speaking of fast swim times...the MD State Championships are this weekend, and some of the kids from my daughter's swim team are competing.  One of the boys, 14 YO, who has only been swimming about a year and a half, swim a 23.09 50 free SCY.  That's not his best event, either.  The winner of the 100 Y free in my daughter's AG swam around 53 flat.  At 11 years old. 

I am really just in awe of how fast these kids are swimming.

Thank Mike, I was feeling all right about my swim today...until this!

Just kidding, it really is amazing what these kids can do.

2014-03-08 9:57 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Speaking of fast swim times...the MD State Championships are this weekend, and some of the kids from my daughter's swim team are competing.  One of the boys, 14 YO, who has only been swimming about a year and a half, swim a 23.09 50 free SCY.  That's not his best event, either.  The winner of the 100 Y free in my daughter's AG swam around 53 flat.  At 11 years old. 

I am really just in awe of how fast these kids are swimming.

Yup, pretty humbling. I just want to be able swim as well as an 11 year old girl!

2014-03-09 10:46 AM
in reply to: slornow

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North Augusta, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Had a lovely ride this morning with a group of tri friends. Had a new member of the tri club join us. He'd never ridden beyond 10 miles. He had the option of going home at mile 14, but sucked it up and stayed with us for another loop. Gotta' love tri club 'peer pressure.'

If I decide to do a full IM in 2015, this is where I'll do hill repeats. The loop itself is right around 25 miles, and there are two biggerish climbs, each about 3 miles in length and nice rollers in between. Traffic is light (except when we caught the church crowd right around 10:00) and friendly.
2014-03-09 1:09 PM
in reply to: glfprncs

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Swim and bike done for the day. I still have an hour run left on the schedule but I am totally dreading it.

My legs are done.

If this is what I will feel like on day three of Triple T, I may be in deep trouble. I guess that I have two more months to be ready. Made the mistake of reading the testimonials on the website. Things like, "this is harder than any IM I have ever done" are not reassuring.

2014-03-09 2:42 PM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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New user
New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Originally posted by wannabefaster

Swim and bike done for the day. I still have an hour run left on the schedule but I am totally dreading it.

My legs are done.

If this is what I will feel like on day three of Triple T, I may be in deep trouble. I guess that I have two more months to be ready. Made the mistake of reading the testimonials on the website. Things like, "this is harder than any IM I have ever done" are not reassuring.

I just googled Triple T. That's absolutely crazy. I love it.
2014-03-09 2:47 PM
in reply to: slornow

, Georgia
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
First 5k done today. Ended up walking all but 6 minutes of it, but doing it in 46:01 isn't too shabby right now. I'd like to get that time knocked down by about 15 minutes before September, though I won't complain if it lands between the 30:00-35:00 range.

Overall, I did 3.6 miles in 00:52:23. Had to stop a number of times though (Strava excluded the stoppage from the time I gave you). Stopped 3-4 times because the bottom of my foot where my PF is was getting sore and I had to stretch it out. Not sure if I need more padding down there or not, but it's ONLY on the right foot; I've yet to have a problem with my left foot.

In addition. I had to stop three times after I hit the 5k mark because my feet kept falling asleep. I can deal with it initially but it's really difficult to deal with when it goes from a sensation of ants to feeling like wet sand. I'm thinking it's a mix between uneven roads within my apartment complex as well as how my laces are done on my shoes. For some reason though, I can't seem to fix the latter so that I don't have to worry about this issue. I'm going home next week over spring break, so I'll know for sure whether the roads are playing a factor in the mess and will have close access to where I bought the shoes in case it needs more augmenting.

I'm trying to decide whether to do a bike trainer workout this evening or not, especially considering I'll be back on the bike tomorrow, but time will tell on that end.

Speaking of Spring Break: I'm gonna be heading back to my hometown about 90 minutes northwest of here and dragging my gear along with me. Workout schedule will remain the same, but I'm also looking into doing my first group ride (no drop) a week from this coming Saturday where I can get a first taste of actually riding on legitimate roadways. It'll also give me an opportunity to talk with experienced cyclists face to face about various issues and matters I'm still working on with my bike such as the best way to stop and signaling.

I've come to the conclusion that my center of gravity on my bike is over on my left side since I seem to be going that direction whenever I let go of the handlebar with my left hand. In addition, I've realized that while I could stop without bike shoes, it's probably a whole lot easier to stop with cycling shoes. On my saddle, the tips of my shoes are barely touching the ground, so I'm having to lean to the right (heavily) and hop off the saddle simultaneously. Every time I do the latter, both feet want to come with me. Tends to throw me off balance when trying to stop and it creates a bit of an issue when I try to get back going again. Not entirely sure how to deal with the matter, but I sincerely hope it's not a fit issue on my bike.

Anyways, I'm off to get some work done on my flashcards. Happy Sunday to ya'll. I'll report back later if I decide to go through with the bike workout anyway.
2014-03-09 3:31 PM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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North Augusta, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Originally posted by wannabefaster

If this is what I will feel like on day three of Triple T, I may be in deep trouble. I guess that I have two more months to be ready. Made the mistake of reading the testimonials on the website. Things like, "this is harder than any IM I have ever done" are not reassuring.

Jason...I have a bunch of friends doing Triple T this year, too. They're all bad a**es in my book, which means you clearly are one, too!

Portsmouth is about an hour and change south of where I grew up. This really cold winter may make the water temperature a bit cooler than normal. I have a friend who has been on this "cold weather training" kick (he purposely wears minimal clothes and swims when it's ridiculously cold sans wetsuit), who says he's not wearing a wetsuit for any portion of Triple T.
2014-03-09 3:38 PM
in reply to: PhoenixM

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North Augusta, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Originally posted by PhoenixM

I've come to the conclusion that my center of gravity on my bike is over on my left side since I seem to be going that direction whenever I let go of the handlebar with my left hand. In addition, I've realized that while I could stop without bike shoes, it's probably a whole lot easier to stop with cycling shoes. On my saddle, the tips of my shoes are barely touching the ground, so I'm having to lean to the right (heavily) and hop off the saddle simultaneously. Every time I do the latter, both feet want to come with me. Tends to throw me off balance when trying to stop and it creates a bit of an issue when I try to get back going again. Not entirely sure how to deal with the matter, but I sincerely hope it's not a fit issue on my bike.

Bryan...I've never tried, but I don't think I can even tough the ground with my feet when I'm in the saddle. Most of us tend to automatically unclip with one foot and always put that one down first. For me, it's my left, mainly because when you ride on the road, the road is cambered to allow water to run off the side during a rain. If I were to try to unclip on the right, it's further to the ground on that side (if I'm stopping on a paved road at a stop sign) and causes me to lose my balance.

When I'm approaching a stop, I unclip well in advance, and as I slow, I lean my bike to the left and then catch myself with my left foot. I'll have to think about it next time I'm on my bike, but I may also slide off the front of the saddle just as I'm getting ready to touch down with my foot. I try not to put my foot down too soon, as my cleats (I use Look Keo pedals) are plastic and can be quite slick on pavement. They can skid which would cause me to lose my balance. So I wait to put my foot on the ground until my bike is almost at a stop. I don't unclip my right foot at all unless I'm not going to start pedaling right away.
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Playmobil31's Group - Open

Started by playmobil31
Views: 65 Posts: 1

2011-12-18 3:37 PM playmobil31
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