BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2011-05-20 9:52 AM
in reply to: #3509804

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
libramom - 2011-05-20 9:51 AM

oh man, the rapture is coming tomorrow at 5pm. that totally sucks. all this training for nothing! Yell

You mean I'm not going to get to do my HIM?

2011-05-20 10:43 AM
in reply to: #3509808

Pittsburgh, PA
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

Meulen - 2011-05-20 10:52 AM
libramom - 2011-05-20 9:51 AM oh man, the rapture is coming tomorrow at 5pm. that totally sucks. all this training for nothing! Yell
You mean I'm not going to get to do my HIM?


i might go post-rapture looting. wanna join us?!/event.php?eid=121968371215699
2011-05-20 11:04 AM
in reply to: #3509900

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
libramom - 2011-05-20 10:43 AM

Meulen - 2011-05-20 10:52 AM
libramom - 2011-05-20 9:51 AM oh man, the rapture is coming tomorrow at 5pm. that totally sucks. all this training for nothing! Yell
You mean I'm not going to get to do my HIM?


i might go post-rapture looting. wanna join us?!/event.php?eid=121968371215699

Sure!! I'm not allowed on facebook though. Anne says so! I'll bring some weapons to protect our stash!! LOL
2011-05-20 11:17 AM
in reply to: #3509947

Pittsburgh, PA
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
Meulen - 2011-05-20 12:04 PM
libramom - 2011-05-20 10:43 AM

Meulen - 2011-05-20 10:52 AM
libramom - 2011-05-20 9:51 AM oh man, the rapture is coming tomorrow at 5pm. that totally sucks. all this training for nothing! Yell
You mean I'm not going to get to do my HIM?


i might go post-rapture looting. wanna join us?!/event.php?eid=121968371215699

Sure!! I'm not allowed on facebook though. Anne says so! I'll bring some weapons to protect our stash!! LOL


Nice! We can get some sweet bikes for free!!

2011-05-24 7:51 AM
in reply to: #3256125

Pittsburgh, PA
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
Just wanted to post that last night was the first night since January that I have run with Michael!!! Though he is still in pain, it was inspiring to see how far he has come- still lots more healing to do, but he ran with me!! What a great night!
2011-05-24 8:05 AM
in reply to: #3515418

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
libramom - 2011-05-24 7:51 AM

Just wanted to post that last night was the first night since January that I have run with Michael!!! Though he is still in pain, it was inspiring to see how far he has come- still lots more healing to do, but he ran with me!! What a great night!

AWESOME!!! take it slow! Anne and I have been running together occassionally. I enjoy it, and I need to slow down sometimes anyway. But it really hurts my knees to run slower than what comes natural to me.

2011-05-24 4:29 PM
in reply to: #3515418

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

libramom - 2011-05-24 8:51 AM Just wanted to post that last night was the first night since January that I have run with Michael!!! Though he is still in pain, it was inspiring to see how far he has come- still lots more healing to do, but he ran with me!! What a great night!


It was great to actually run together again!!  It's very annoying running at these minor distances, but it does make me feel better to at least be going on my legs again.  I ran a mile today with my fifth grade students.  There were a couple who embarrassed me, but overall I held my own      Now I am actually going to ride tomorrow because I have a half day, a babysitter, and it's not supposed to rain.  Wow, this could make for 3 days in a row, but I will believe the forecast when I see it....

2011-05-26 1:00 PM
in reply to: #3256125

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Greensburg, PA
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

Michael, you are out running.  That is great.  The distances will come back!

How is Anne's nose doing?  Hope it is feeling better!

I finally got my bike off the trainer.  My husband so nicely took it off the trainer for me last night and put my race wheels back on.  I was all excited to head out for my first real ride last night!  I was a couple miles from home and suddenly POP!  I had that momentary thought of what was that odd sound, before I realized that it was my tube!  I stopped and got off and looked at my wheel and the break was not adjusted right and it was hitting half on the rim and half on the tire!  The thing that really sucks is that it ate right through my tire so now I have a nice hole in it!  I ended up calling my husband to come get me.  Now I have to order a new tire.  I had a Continental GP4000, and I think I will replace it with the same.  Any thoughts on that anyone?  I put the other wheel back on, so I will be able to at least ride tonight, but I am kinda nervous to go back out, especially since my husband won't be home tonight if I have any problems!!

Hope everyone is training well!


2011-05-26 1:07 PM
in reply to: #3520253

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
gadgetlaw - 2011-05-26 1:00 PM

Michael, you are out running.  That is great.  The distances will come back!

How is Anne's nose doing?  Hope it is feeling better!

I finally got my bike off the trainer.  My husband so nicely took it off the trainer for me last night and put my race wheels back on.  I was all excited to head out for my first real ride last night!  I was a couple miles from home and suddenly POP!  I had that momentary thought of what was that odd sound, before I realized that it was my tube!  I stopped and got off and looked at my wheel and the break was not adjusted right and it was hitting half on the rim and half on the tire!  The thing that really sucks is that it ate right through my tire so now I have a nice hole in it!  I ended up calling my husband to come get me.  Now I have to order a new tire.  I had a Continental GP4000, and I think I will replace it with the same.  Any thoughts on that anyone?  I put the other wheel back on, so I will be able to at least ride tonight, but I am kinda nervous to go back out, especially since my husband won't be home tonight if I have any problems!!

Hope everyone is training well!


Anne's having some problems with the nose. She almost passed out from it yesterday. Seems to happen when she's excersizing. She's had a lot of headache's too from it.

I really like the GP4000s. Specifically the GP4000"s" Great all around tire!!! Low rolling resistance and pretty good durability. I bought 6 of them a couple months ago. Amazon had them on sale for around $30 a piece!
2011-05-26 1:18 PM
in reply to: #3256125

Pittsburgh, PA
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

I'm sorry to hear about Anne. If she hasn't already, she should really go to a neurologist. Are they migranes? They're horrible- I get them, but prescribed medicine seems to help.

I have some exciting news- I got a new job!!!!! I just found out today that after three interviews, I have the job! It's a wellness specialist for Plus One and I'll be overseeing Westinghouse's Wellness Program! I am so excited and I get to travel! Finally, after 12 years, I'm finally getting out of admissions work and will be planning events and health fairs, and implementing them in five different locations. I'm psyched- I'll be doing something I love.

Training is going well! It's been gorgeous outside.

2011-05-26 1:40 PM
in reply to: #3520303

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
libramom - 2011-05-26 1:18 PM

I'm sorry to hear about Anne. If she hasn't already, she should really go to a neurologist. Are they migranes? They're horrible- I get them, but prescribed medicine seems to help.

I have some exciting news- I got a new job!!!!! I just found out today that after three interviews, I have the job! It's a wellness specialist for Plus One and I'll be overseeing Westinghouse's Wellness Program! I am so excited and I get to travel! Finally, after 12 years, I'm finally getting out of admissions work and will be planning events and health fairs, and implementing them in five different locations. I'm psyched- I'll be doing something I love.

Training is going well! It's been gorgeous outside.


2011-06-06 5:39 PM
in reply to: #3256125

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
Hey everyone!

I just wanted to remind you I'm still here. Haven't been around much. Anne and I went on a little vacation. I worked it in as a step back week in my HIM program and we just did some light walking and a cycling trip. We had a blast! We went to Boston for a few days. We caught a Whitesox/Redsox game at Fenway, did a haunting and cemetary tour, went to Nantasket beach, ate some fresh seafood, and hung out at Thaniel Hall and the North end. Then we flew out to Vegas!!!! We hit the Vegas Strip for some gambling, fine dining, and shopping for Anne. We also saw a Circus de Solei show and Nitro Circus Live! Then went out to Red Rock to do some cycling in the Mountains. If you're ever out there, Mcghie's Bike shop in Red Rock has a sweet program to rent bikes and get a tour guide to take you on a ride. Anne did great and conquered some serious climbing in the Mountains. It was a great way to see the park too! We even made a little money gambling this time! So it was really hard to come home, but we missed our dogs!!

Hope everyone is still doing well!

2011-06-09 1:58 PM
in reply to: #3535764

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

Hi! I'm still around---getting my training in like a good little triathlete My birthday was yesterday and it was great! We went out for a great dinner and I got a new cycling jersey that I LOVE! I can't believe my first triathlon is coming up so soon! June 26...I can't wait! I had a really good brick workout last weekend (1900y swim, 2:30 bike, 30 min run) which took me about 4 hours which is *hopefully* longer than the race will take!

This week is a little light for me because I am actually doing the MS150 ride this weekend! It is a 150 mile bike ride from Pittsburgh to Erie over 2 days and it raises money for MS. I have heard such great things about the weekend and that it is always a ton of fun so I am really looking forward to it---just praying for no rain! I am on a team with a bunch of people from my gym so I think we will have a good time. I am nervous though---I have never biked anywhere near that far before! It should be interesting...

2011-06-09 2:07 PM
in reply to: #3541269

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
sbux87 - 2011-06-09 1:58 PM

Hi! I'm still around---getting my training in like a good little triathlete My birthday was yesterday and it was great! We went out for a great dinner and I got a new cycling jersey that I LOVE! I can't believe my first triathlon is coming up so soon! June 26...I can't wait! I had a really good brick workout last weekend (1900y swim, 2:30 bike, 30 min run) which took me about 4 hours which is *hopefully* longer than the race will take!

This week is a little light for me because I am actually doing the MS150 ride this weekend! It is a 150 mile bike ride from Pittsburgh to Erie over 2 days and it raises money for MS. I have heard such great things about the weekend and that it is always a ton of fun so I am really looking forward to it---just praying for no rain! I am on a team with a bunch of people from my gym so I think we will have a good time. I am nervous though---I have never biked anywhere near that far before! It should be interesting...

HBD Sarah!

you're going to do fine in yout tri. you are sooooooo ready! That ride sounds like a lot of fun. I bet it will be pretty laid back with lots of stops along the way and some good snacks! Don't be nervous. Doing all those miles will be good for you. Just think how easy the little bike ride in the tri will be after that. You're going to be nice and fresh for the run because the bike will seem like nothing.
2011-06-09 9:01 PM
in reply to: #3256125

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

Sarah, it sounds like you are having a great year of training!  That sounds great!  I have slowly been getting back into running.  It feels pathetic running 2 miles at a 10 minute pace indoors, but I am happy running.  Biking has been going a bit better.  I had a nice 20 mile ride today.  Unfortunately it ended prematurely because Erin called because she wrecked my Jeep.  She is quite sore, but otherwise she seems to be ok. 

Brian - How is Anne feeling since her last accident while swimming?


Question  - My gears seem to be slipping and moving when in a certain range.  Is that just an adjustment problem?  I sure hope so, but please let me know if it could be something worse.


I still have my goal of completing an international distant at the end of July.  Now that I am done teaching for the summer I will have a lot more time to put into training. 


Have fun everyone and keep up the fun!

2011-06-10 7:32 AM
in reply to: #3256125

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
I hope Erin is doing ok!

Anne has an appointment with the surgeon today. She's healed up now and they can evaluate how it healed and what needs to be done going further.

You just need an adjustment on your bike. This is common since it's new. Those cables settle in and stretch a bit. You could either take it in and have them do it, or try adjusting it yourself. There should be a barel adjuster on the cable somewhere. It's either on the cable going into the rear deraileur, or on the frame at the top of the downtube. If the chain is jumping down to lower cogs, adjust the barel so the deraileur moves slightly in toward the wheel. Run through the gears and make sure you don't move it too far so that the chain doesn't fall off the biggest rear cog and into the spokes.

2011-06-10 4:01 PM
in reply to: #3542152

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

Meulen - 2011-06-10 8:32 AM I hope Erin is doing ok! Anne has an appointment with the surgeon today. She's healed up now and they can evaluate how it healed and what needs to be done going further. You just need an adjustment on your bike. This is common since it's new. Those cables settle in and stretch a bit. You could either take it in and have them do it, or try adjusting it yourself. There should be a barel adjuster on the cable somewhere. It's either on the cable going into the rear deraileur, or on the frame at the top of the downtube. If the chain is jumping down to lower cogs, adjust the barel so the deraileur moves slightly in toward the wheel. Run through the gears and make sure you don't move it too far so that the chain doesn't fall off the biggest rear cog and into the spokes.


Erin is doing fine today.  She's a a little sore but much better from yesterday.  When I am switching gears from the smaller cogs to the bigger it will sometimes jump up two or more gears instead of just one.  Also, when I am riding on the bigger cogs it has jumped gears.  I am not sure if it is going up, down, or both.  I will check out the adjuster tomorrow.  As always, thanks for the advice. 


I am happy to hear that Anne is doing better.  I hope her appointment went well and that minimal actions are needed at this point.

2011-06-14 9:36 AM
in reply to: #3543184

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

Hi guys! I had the most epic weekend I did the MS 150 bike ride and I HIGHLY recommend it to everyone! It was so well organized that you did not have to think about one single thing besides riding your bike! They had fully stocked rest stops every 15-20 miles with TONS of snacks, lots of volunteers, medical, and bike mechanics at each one. Everyone was so supportive too and it really is for a great cause. We rode all through the countryside and it was absolutely gorgeous!

The normal ride goes 80 miles the first day and there is an option to do a Century. I don't know what I was thinking because I had never done more than 35 miles in one day but I went for the Century option. I can't believe that I rode 100 miles in 1 day but I did it and it felt great! I just paced myself, stayed hydrated and fueled, and stopped at every rest stop to stretch and eat. The Century option was really tough---thats where the BIG BIG hills were. There was lots of climbing the whole first day and over that 100 miles there was 4,700 ft elevation gain! There were some fun downhills too and I reached 40mph at one point--my max yet, it was AWESOME! It took about 7 hours of riding time so I kept an average pace of about 14.5mph.

I felt surprisingly great the second day! I got a massage right when I finished my ride which helped and I was ready to go again. I'm not going to lie, it was AGONY sitting on that seat again but after about 10 miles it got better. Day 2 was a lot flatter and easier but there were some nasty headwinds! It was only 60 miles that day and took me about 4 hours.

I am SO SO proud of myself that I accomplished that. It was great and I had so much fun. I was on a team with a lot of friends and got a team jersey and everything. Everyone was so supportive too.

And the best news is I felt great after! My quads were a little sore yesterday and I'm still a little tight but other than that I feel back to normal. I'm sad to be at work and not out on my bike!

2011-06-14 10:39 AM
in reply to: #3548130

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
sbux87 - 2011-06-14 9:36 AM

Hi guys! I had the most epic weekend I did the MS 150 bike ride and I HIGHLY recommend it to everyone! It was so well organized that you did not have to think about one single thing besides riding your bike! They had fully stocked rest stops every 15-20 miles with TONS of snacks, lots of volunteers, medical, and bike mechanics at each one. Everyone was so supportive too and it really is for a great cause. We rode all through the countryside and it was absolutely gorgeous!

The normal ride goes 80 miles the first day and there is an option to do a Century. I don't know what I was thinking because I had never done more than 35 miles in one day but I went for the Century option. I can't believe that I rode 100 miles in 1 day but I did it and it felt great! I just paced myself, stayed hydrated and fueled, and stopped at every rest stop to stretch and eat. The Century option was really tough---thats where the BIG BIG hills were. There was lots of climbing the whole first day and over that 100 miles there was 4,700 ft elevation gain! There were some fun downhills too and I reached 40mph at one point--my max yet, it was AWESOME! It took about 7 hours of riding time so I kept an average pace of about 14.5mph.

I felt surprisingly great the second day! I got a massage right when I finished my ride which helped and I was ready to go again. I'm not going to lie, it was AGONY sitting on that seat again but after about 10 miles it got better. Day 2 was a lot flatter and easier but there were some nasty headwinds! It was only 60 miles that day and took me about 4 hours.

I am SO SO proud of myself that I accomplished that. It was great and I had so much fun. I was on a team with a lot of friends and got a team jersey and everything. Everyone was so supportive too.

And the best news is I felt great after! My quads were a little sore yesterday and I'm still a little tight but other than that I feel back to normal. I'm sad to be at work and not out on my bike!

what an accomplishment!! Way to go opting the 100. I bet you don't regret it now!! 4700 ft of elevation gain is HUGE!!! I wish we had more hills around here to do that stuff. Climbing is soooo fun!
2011-06-15 9:13 PM
in reply to: #3548329

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
Meulen - 2011-06-14 11:39 AM
sbux87 - 2011-06-14 9:36 AM

Hi guys! I had the most epic weekend I did the MS 150 bike ride and I HIGHLY recommend it to everyone! It was so well organized that you did not have to think about one single thing besides riding your bike! They had fully stocked rest stops every 15-20 miles with TONS of snacks, lots of volunteers, medical, and bike mechanics at each one. Everyone was so supportive too and it really is for a great cause. We rode all through the countryside and it was absolutely gorgeous!

The normal ride goes 80 miles the first day and there is an option to do a Century. I don't know what I was thinking because I had never done more than 35 miles in one day but I went for the Century option. I can't believe that I rode 100 miles in 1 day but I did it and it felt great! I just paced myself, stayed hydrated and fueled, and stopped at every rest stop to stretch and eat. The Century option was really tough---thats where the BIG BIG hills were. There was lots of climbing the whole first day and over that 100 miles there was 4,700 ft elevation gain! There were some fun downhills too and I reached 40mph at one point--my max yet, it was AWESOME! It took about 7 hours of riding time so I kept an average pace of about 14.5mph.

I felt surprisingly great the second day! I got a massage right when I finished my ride which helped and I was ready to go again. I'm not going to lie, it was AGONY sitting on that seat again but after about 10 miles it got better. Day 2 was a lot flatter and easier but there were some nasty headwinds! It was only 60 miles that day and took me about 4 hours.

I am SO SO proud of myself that I accomplished that. It was great and I had so much fun. I was on a team with a lot of friends and got a team jersey and everything. Everyone was so supportive too.

And the best news is I felt great after! My quads were a little sore yesterday and I'm still a little tight but other than that I feel back to normal. I'm sad to be at work and not out on my bike!

what an accomplishment!! Way to go opting the 100. I bet you don't regret it now!! 4700 ft of elevation gain is HUGE!!! I wish we had more hills around here to do that stuff. Climbing is soooo fun!


First off, Brian, climbing is not all that fun to everyone, especially since that is all there is to do here.  I can't ride anywhere without a billion hills 


More importantly - Sarah - amazing job!!!!  Please send me the info for the ride because I would definitely be interested in doing it next year.  It sounds very painful, but even more of an accomplishment than many tri's.  I am impressed!!!  What route did you take?  Where did the ride actually begin?  I think that would be such an amazing ride, and it would be very cool because my sister live in Erie.  Actually, I want to do the Presque Isle tri in August up in Erie.  It's just a sprint, but I have heard it's a great race.  Congrats again!!!!

2011-06-16 7:51 AM
in reply to: #3256125

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
Yeah Michael I have no idea whats worse. All the roads around here are relatively flat. Maybe some rolling hills. All I get to do is watch the corn stalks go by and deal with the wind that has me going 25-26mph out and 16-18 on the back for my out and back loops. When I get out of my element and get to climb some hills and enjoy a beautiful landscape I really enjoy it! Maybe we are going to have to trade a couple weekends and ride in each others shoes to try it out!

2011-06-16 4:01 PM
in reply to: #3551908

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

Meulen - 2011-06-16 8:51 AM Yeah Michael I have no idea whats worse. All the roads around here are relatively flat. Maybe some rolling hills. All I get to do is watch the corn stalks go by and deal with the wind that has me going 25-26mph out and 16-18 on the back for my out and back loops. When I get out of my element and get to climb some hills and enjoy a beautiful landscape I really enjoy it! Maybe we are going to have to trade a couple weekends and ride in each others shoes to try it out!


Those winds can be killer!  Last year I took an out and back ride at the Outer Banks on the first day.  I was cruising at 22 mph!  I was so happy to be riding on the flat that I was amazed at how fast I could go.  That is until I turned around after 10 miles and could barely get above 13 mph on the way back!  That is so frustrating.  I have been staying off the roads and riding at the parks and bike routes.  I can at least control the hills I do.  It just gets defeating to me after awhile, but as you said, it always seems greener on the other side


How long until your HIM?  You must be so excited!  Can't wait to hear all about it.  What race is it again?

2011-06-16 4:37 PM
in reply to: #3256125

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
4 more weeks! I am getting excited. Can't wait! It's the Racine HIM in Racine Wisconsin. I've been so focused on this and the marathon I haven't done any other races this season. While I recover I plan on looking at some more events to do through the end of the year. I'll do Naperville sprint with anne, but I'd like to do an xterra race and maybe an mtb race yet too. I've been a little scared to do races to break the training I've been doing. Now I'm just nervous to wreck myself for the race. I have a feeling my marathon would have gone better if I didn't get into the back and forth of that group ride I did the week before. I definitely shouldn't have been going that hard the Sunday before the race!
2011-06-16 8:46 PM
in reply to: #3553147

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

Michael--- here is the website for the MS150...they actually have a few rides over the summer and I'm thinking about doing the one in August too.

I'm not totally sure what route we took but it was all gorgeous back country roads. There wasn't too much traffic and besides the rest stops you hardly had to stop at all--just once or twice crossing major intersections but they had police out helping out with that.

In case you're curious here are my garmin uploads. I'm telling you, it was HILLY that first day but the second was great! Lots of winds though---so I guess Brian, I got the best of both worlds, HILLS and flats with WIND.


Wow Brian---I can't believe the HIM is almost here! That is so exciting! I can't wait to hear all about it. My tri is coming up SO soon too---10 days! I don't think I've ever been so nervous!

2011-06-17 2:11 PM
in reply to: #3256125

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
I am still debating as to whether or not to go through with the Olympic tri that I was planning for at the end of July.  I am no where near as prepared as I had wanted to be (or need to be), but I still want to go through with it for the experience.  I just need to be able to change my mindset to being happy with completing it and not focusing on a time.  That's really hard for me though.  If I go ahead with it, I am pretty sure that I will not have my running back up to a 10k by that time, so I will need to let the excitement of the race take it from there.  Lately, however, my workouts have been going pretty well.  I swam 2 miles today, and did a brick yesterday with running 3 miles and "spinning" for 15.  Now that I am off for the summer I have a lot more time.  Next week the boys are in Bible school, so I can drop them off and I will have 3 hours to get some good riding in.  That should boost my confidence level to make me more sure of my decision.
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