BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Shellback1998 Group - FULL Rss Feed  
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2011-08-01 2:06 PM
in reply to: #3439366

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

Goleta Beach Sprint Triathlon Race results:

Race time:  01:10:39

Weather:  65F

Climate:  Light rain, thunderstorm about 6-10 miles away O_O

Overall Rank:  144/225

AG Rank:  8/15

AG:  35-39

Prerace Routine:  Day prior:  Googlemapped the bike route (course was not on road), ran the beach segment, cycled other run segment.  Surveyed possible siting objects for swim. 

Race Day morning:  Set transition area as planned.  Red bag over bike saddle. 1 hour before, hydrate with a Clif Bar.  15mins before a Clif shot block and a little water.  Meditate with positive thoughts...get through the swim and you'll kill the rest!

Event Warmup:  Chatted with those in my transition area.  Loosened up arms doing dynamic stretch routine as if warming up for a run.  Swam around the water until 1st wave to get acclimated.

Swimming Segment:

Distance:  440yards

Time:  00:10:46
Pace:  02:22/100yards
Water temperature:  62F
Current/Chop:  Low
Suit:  Xterra Vortex 4
Course:  Two big turn buoys set to be race in counterclockwise fashion.  Rocks at the wave break so be careful of those!
Start type:  Running, 4 sprint waves
First 100yard performance:  Good, waited 3 seconds before running in.
Rest of swim performance:  Good
Breathing:  Good @ training pace, 2:3 bilateral
Drafting:  Passed stalled swimmers
Catching waves:  Good
Navigation:  Good, big buoys
Rounding Bouy:  Good
Age Group Rank:  Unreported
Overall Rank:  160/225

Comments:  Went with my training pace to ensure I finished and I did!  A few swimmers stopped at the first turn buoy and in between there and second buoy.  I actually passed some swimmers! Yay! Some had to change their stroke to easier ones.  I got bumped a few times in the first third which threw me off a bit but after that, my groove sunk in and I started bumping people (by accident ofc) and making them stop haha!  Some swimmers still bumped me but at that point my groove could not be disrupted.  A couple swimmers from the prior wave were barely finishing when I got to the end. =)

What would you do differently?  Learn to be more patient with the catch before pulling.  Increase stroke rate to increase velocity.


Time:  04:57

Comments:    Running up the sandy beach was a little wobbly for me since it was about 50-75 yards to transition.  Got top half of wetsuit down to waist successfully.  2 new race friends I met before the race at transition did not put on their shirts underneath their wetsuits. They both beat me in the swim but I beat them out of T1 despite having trouble removing my wetsuit because of the timing chip strapon.  =) Took a Clif Shot Blok chased with Gatorade Perform.

What would you do differently?  Find an easier way to remove wetsuit with timing chip in place. Possibly remove it, remove wetsuit, put it back on to save time.

Bike Segment:

Distance:  8.0miles
Time:  26:04
Pace:  18.41mph

Addtl lap and HR data:

  • Z4 @ 160-162bpm 1st half ~18-19mph
  • ^Z3 @ 154-156 2nd half ~20mph

Wind:  Light wind
Course:    Bike path course, wet from rain, some curves, lots of volunteers keeping things safe and coordinated.  There was a hill a the halfway mark which slowed down alot of cyclists who I passed. =)

Age Group Rank:  Unreported
Overall Rank:  70

Comments:  Passed 15-20 bikers. There was a pretty competitive female I felt I couldn't catch but saved a push to pass her in the last 2 miles and I did! No one passed me on the bike! This was my strongest part of the race.  I nearly dropped my water bottle once 4 miles in.  It was wet from condensation. Whew!

What would you do differently?  Make sure Camelbak Ice Podium's contents is cold (not frozen) to eliminate condensation.


Time:  02:28

Comments:  Pretty smooth T2.  Had to wait for a cyclist in front of me to dismount  before I was allowed to.  He wasn't very good at it so I had to slow down ughh!  Racked bike, put shoes on, moved watch from bike to left wrist, ate another Clif Shot Blok and chased with some Gatorade Perform.

What would you do differently?  Dismount before cyclists ahead who are having trouble to run by them.  Remember to bring my running belt with my number.  Doh! >.<

Running Segment:

Distance:  3.10miles
Time:  00:26:26
Pace:  08:30min/mile

Addtl lap and HR data:  HR spiked to Z4 @ 158bpm immediately and felt like I was dragging the first 3/4 mile even though my HR was high.  I started feeling slight cramps form on my right side so  I dropped my HR to 154 and got into cruise control pace.

  • Mile 1, 08:48, 8'48"/mi
  • Mile 2, 17:18, 8'30"/mi
  • Mile 3, 25:22, 8'04"/mi

Course description:  Flat run on a bike bath then to a beach run on packed sand near the wave breaks. Tough running in the soft sand parts.

Age Group Rank:  Unreported
Overall Rank:  135

Run comments:  Ran my race and kept a good pace.  Passed a few and got passed a few.  I got off track for about 15 seconds in the last 1/4 mile because I saw the blue arch where the swim waves started and got confused and ran below it.  Corrected myself after noticing my mistake and finished!  Great negative split times!

What would you do differently?  Make sure you know where you're going while on course and don't forget race number belt! 

Post Race:

Warm-down description:  Hydrated with remaining on hand Gatorade Perform, ate oranges, yogurt, water.  Stretched and walked around.  Chatted with other finishers.  Looks like some people did not run the beach portion.  O_O  Back in transition I shared my training knowledge from BT forum with some new triathletes. =)

What limited your ability to perform faster?  Lack of hill training to increase running strength/speed.  Need to improve swim technique/stroke rate.

Overall comments:  Loved this race as my first triathlon.  Running portion needs to be better marked/flagged so runners don't get confused. ^_^


2011-08-01 2:42 PM
in reply to: #3439366

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
Great job especially for your first and a great report. What's next?
2011-08-01 2:56 PM
in reply to: #3624173

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

everlong - 2011-08-01 12:42 PM Great job especially for your first and a great report. What's next?

Thanks!  Pacific Coast Sprint Triathlon, 0.50mile swim, 12 mile bike, 5K run.  Sept. 11th.

2011-08-01 3:13 PM
in reply to: #3439366

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

Way to go Roland!!!!  Wow, it sounds like your for your first tri you were well prepared and swam, biked and ran your race.  I'm so proud of you and I really enjoy reading the race reports.  How did you feel the day after the race.  Were you tired or still pumped.  You are an official triathlete man.  How cool is that!



2011-08-01 3:20 PM
in reply to: #3439366

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

Hi Everyone - I've been out of commision with a 5 day migraine.  I used to get these all of the time but haven't had a bad one for over a year.  So I took 3 days off of training, which is proabably what I needed.  I am now on vacation at the cabin. No cell phone coverage, but one of our friends brough a hotspot so I have internet.  WOW - we are living the high life now.  One bathroom cabin with 11 people - one must learn patience grasshopper.  Anyway, I have been doing all of my workouts real easy.  Taper week for me for my race August 6th.  My swimming has improved so I am looking forward to this race.  I know I won't be last out of the water and so burned out for the bike.  Hope my race looks more even like Rolands.  I slept 13 hours last night. Unbelieveable.  But the migraines always take alot out of me.  Two migraine & headache free  days and feel back to normal, but tired.  Good week to taper.

Missed everyone. 

2011-08-01 3:37 PM
in reply to: #3624248

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
tashia153 - 2011-08-01 1:13 PM

Way to go Roland!!!!  Wow, it sounds like your for your first tri you were well prepared and swam, biked and ran your race.  I'm so proud of you and I really enjoy reading the race reports.  How did you feel the day after the race.  Were you tired or still pumped.  You are an official triathlete man.  How cool is that!



Thanks Linda!  I didn't feel totally wasted at the end of the race.  In fact, I felt more wasted in the first third of the run hehehe!  It was totally exciting to have finished it w/o any mishaps.  Had a delicious Maine lobster for lunch at around 12.  Yummy!  ^_^


2011-08-01 5:38 PM
in reply to: #3624277

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
tashia153 - 2011-08-01 1:20 PM

Hi Everyone - I've been out of commision with a 5 day migraine.  I used to get these all of the time but haven't had a bad one for over a year.  So I took 3 days off of training, which is proabably what I needed.  I am now on vacation at the cabin. No cell phone coverage, but one of our friends brough a hotspot so I have internet.  WOW - we are living the high life now.  One bathroom cabin with 11 people - one must learn patience grasshopper.  Anyway, I have been doing all of my workouts real easy.  Taper week for me for my race August 6th.  My swimming has improved so I am looking forward to this race.  I know I won't be last out of the water and so burned out for the bike.  Hope my race looks more even like Rolands.  I slept 13 hours last night. Unbelieveable.  But the migraines always take alot out of me.  Two migraine & headache free  days and feel back to normal, but tired.  Good week to taper.

Missed everyone. 

Welcome back!  Gosh, 5 day migraine???   That really sucks.  I glad you're feeling better.  Reminded me of when I had food poisoning and how happy I was it happened during a taper week.  I'm excited to see how much your swimming improved when your race happens! =)


2011-08-01 6:35 PM
in reply to: #3624277

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
tashia153 - 2011-08-01 4:20 PM

Hi Everyone - I've been out of commission with a 5 day migraine. 

Ouch hope these stop.

2011-08-01 11:41 PM
in reply to: #3624102

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
kloofyroland - 2011-08-01 2:06 PM

Age Group Rank:  Unreported
Overall Rank:  135

Post Race:

Warm-down description:  Hydrated with remaining on hand Gatorade Perform, ate oranges, yogurt, water.  Stretched and walked around.  Chatted with other finishers.  Looks like some people did not run the beach portion.  O_O  Back in transition I shared my training knowledge from BT forum with some new triathletes. =)

What limited your ability to perform faster?  Lack of hill training to increase running strength/speed.  Need to improve swim technique/stroke rate.

Overall comments:  Loved this race as my first triathlon.  Running portion needs to be better marked/flagged so runners don't get confused. ^_^


Great job Roland! Sounds like you had fun in your first tri. It looks like this BT group has helped you become a quality triathlete. What I mean by that is you know your body and how it will perform for you in the furure, the sky is the limit!

2011-08-02 12:58 AM
in reply to: #3624857

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
jimyak - 2011-08-01 9:41 PM

Great job Roland! Sounds like you had fun in your first tri. It looks like this BT group has helped you become a quality triathlete. What I mean by that is you know your body and how it will perform for you in the furure, the sky is the limit!

Thanks Jim! BT and our forum group has definitely made my first tri a success.  I don't think I would have performed as good as I did w/o everyone here.  I appreciate our forum group and BT!  Thank you very much!

*bows humbly* ^_^

2011-08-02 1:02 AM
in reply to: #3624857

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
Almost forgot to ask... How has your training been?  I see your race is happening in less than 2 months.  =)

2011-08-02 1:08 AM
in reply to: #3439366

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

Active recovery week begins!  Went cycling for 10.2 miles today after work and kept cadence high (80-95rpm) but at low Z1/Z2 intensity.  It was easier to hold back this time hehehe! 

Tomorrow will be a recovery swim at the pool for 1000.  =)


2011-08-02 2:42 PM
in reply to: #3439366

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
Before they breakup the group sometime in the fall I'm Scott Hitchcock and if you want to send me a Facebook invite just include that you're from this site and your user name. It would be nice to stay in touch and see how far you all take your triathlons. Pretty cool if somebody made it to Kona!
2011-08-02 3:47 PM
in reply to: #3625898

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

everlong - 2011-08-02 12:42 PM Before they breakup the group sometime in the fall I'm Scott Hitchcock and if you want to send me a Facebook invite just include that you're from this site and your user name. It would be nice to stay in touch and see how far you all take your triathlons. Pretty cool if somebody made it to Kona!

I agree, I'll try adding you.  Found 1 user with the name you listed but could not friend request.  For those who'd like to, I'm Roland Valdez, [email protected].  Kona is my goal several years down the road and I plan on doing triathlons until I no longer can.  =)


2011-08-02 5:18 PM
in reply to: #3439366

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

That should work. A lot of Roland Valdez come up no idea which one is right.

2011-08-02 6:56 PM
in reply to: #3626207

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
everlong - 2011-08-02 3:18 PM

That should work. A lot of Roland Valdez come up no idea which one is right.

Friend request sent!  Try doing a search for [email protected].  That should work too. =)

Edited by kloofyroland 2011-08-02 6:57 PM

2011-08-03 10:23 AM
in reply to: #3439366

Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

Hello! I have been out for a while presenting at at National Conference in Washington DC and getting ready for school to start back (OH NO!!!). Well, I trained last week in DC and did some running and riding Monday and Tuesday. Now, my knee hurts! Any suggestions. I am wearing a compression brace and resting as much as possible. I am going to swim today only. I have a race I want to do really well in on the 13th, so I want it to get better. Any advice would be great!


2011-08-03 10:56 AM
in reply to: #3627107

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
charminchick - 2011-08-03 8:23 AM

Now, my knee hurts! Any suggestions. I am wearing a compression brace and resting as much as possible. I am going to swim today only.


Good solutions so far.  I would also do some stretching exercises (3 reps 30 seconds each twice a day) for your hamstrings and quads.  Mainly the areas that have muscles supporting your hurting knee.  Before those stretches, some knee strengthening exercises would help too.  After these all these exercises, ice that knee (also twice a day) for 10 minutes but no more than 15.

This process may take a couple weeks to make any noticeable difference depending on how many times you do them.  3 times a week should be the minimum.  =)


2011-08-03 12:08 PM
in reply to: #3439366

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

Maybe I should have taken Monday off because yesterday, my body was starting to tell me "GET SOME REST!".  I was stubborn and went to the pool anyway but it was closed because of a water flow problem hehehe! 

Went home and did some really light weight training instead.  I feel so much better today so I'll do an active recovery swim or run after work.  =)


2011-08-03 1:28 PM
in reply to: #3439366

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

Hey Jen - I thought I had posted the information about bike trails in the south metro but apparantly the hot spot at the cabin has some issues.  Here are my favorite bike paths:

1.  Highland in West Bloomington is great for a hill workout.  It has hills of varying grades and length.  You can do loops if you want to get more distance in.

2.  Cleary Lake Park in Prior Lake - It has a 3.5 mile loop with rolling hills.  I use this for my brick workouts.  I usually do 4 laps on the bike and then 1 lap for the run.  It's the site of my tri this Saturday so I've been out there more than usual.

3. Fairbault (S on 35W, take 2nd exit to Fairbault and park at the DQ).  This is mostly flat.  The first mile of the trail is not in great shape but after that it's nice.  It goes through Sakata Park and along some lakes.  The trail goes all the way to Mankato, but I usually just go out for an hour and turn around and head back.  Warning - it takes me 45 minutes to get here so it is farther out, and there is a turkey barn about 10 miles out and at certain times of the year the smell is a real gag factor.  The plus is my brother-in-law's cabin is just off the trail and the DQ stop on the way back is an added bonus.

4.  I used to bike around the lakes alot last year but this year I am biking faster so don't go there anymore.  The only place it seems like you can really get up some speed is the Greenway.

5. Want to try the Luce Line Trail that starts in the West metro....Eden Prairie ish?  The drawback for me previously was that it was a crushed limestone trail but a guy at work said it is packed so it's like pavement.  I haven't been on this one but plan to try it soon.

Currently, if I am not at Cleary I am on the roads.  I don't have quite the reputation that Everlong does.  I've only almost been hit by a car once.  I've got good lungs and got the guys attention....not a Saab either.



2011-08-03 4:14 PM
in reply to: #3624102

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
kloofyroland - 2011-08-01 3:06 PM

Goleta Beach Sprint Triathlon Race results:

Race time:  01:10:39

Weather:  65F

Climate:  Light rain, thunderstorm about 6-10 miles away O_O

Overall Rank:  144/225

AG Rank:  8/15

AG:  35-39

Prerace Routine:  Day prior:  Googlemapped the bike route (course was not on road), ran the beach segment, cycled other run segment.  Surveyed possible siting objects for swim. 

Race Day morning:  Set transition area as planned.  Red bag over bike saddle. 1 hour before, hydrate with a Clif Bar.  15mins before a Clif shot block and a little water.  Meditate with positive thoughts...get through the swim and you'll kill the rest!

Event Warmup:  Chatted with those in my transition area.  Loosened up arms doing dynamic stretch routine as if warming up for a run.  Swam around the water until 1st wave to get acclimated.

Swimming Segment:

Distance:  440yards

Time:  00:10:46
Pace:  02:22/100yards
Water temperature:  62F
Current/Chop:  Low
Suit:  Xterra Vortex 4
Course:  Two big turn buoys set to be race in counterclockwise fashion.  Rocks at the wave break so be careful of those!
Start type:  Running, 4 sprint waves
First 100yard performance:  Good, waited 3 seconds before running in.
Rest of swim performance:  Good
Breathing:  Good @ training pace, 2:3 bilateral
Drafting:  Passed stalled swimmers
Catching waves:  Good
Navigation:  Good, big buoys
Rounding Bouy:  Good
Age Group Rank:  Unreported
Overall Rank:  160/225

Comments:  Went with my training pace to ensure I finished and I did!  A few swimmers stopped at the first turn buoy and in between there and second buoy.  I actually passed some swimmers! Yay! Some had to change their stroke to easier ones.  I got bumped a few times in the first third which threw me off a bit but after that, my groove sunk in and I started bumping people (by accident ofc) and making them stop haha!  Some swimmers still bumped me but at that point my groove could not be disrupted.  A couple swimmers from the prior wave were barely finishing when I got to the end. =)

What would you do differently?  Learn to be more patient with the catch before pulling.  Increase stroke rate to increase velocity.


Time:  04:57

Comments:    Running up the sandy beach was a little wobbly for me since it was about 50-75 yards to transition.  Got top half of wetsuit down to waist successfully.  2 new race friends I met before the race at transition did not put on their shirts underneath their wetsuits. They both beat me in the swim but I beat them out of T1 despite having trouble removing my wetsuit because of the timing chip strapon.  =) Took a Clif Shot Blok chased with Gatorade Perform.

What would you do differently?  Find an easier way to remove wetsuit with timing chip in place. Possibly remove it, remove wetsuit, put it back on to save time.

Bike Segment:

Distance:  8.0miles
Time:  26:04
Pace:  18.41mph

Addtl lap and HR data:

  • Z4 @ 160-162bpm 1st half ~18-19mph
  • ^Z3 @ 154-156 2nd half ~20mph

Wind:  Light wind
Course:    Bike path course, wet from rain, some curves, lots of volunteers keeping things safe and coordinated.  There was a hill a the halfway mark which slowed down alot of cyclists who I passed. =)

Age Group Rank:  Unreported
Overall Rank:  70

Comments:  Passed 15-20 bikers. There was a pretty competitive female I felt I couldn't catch but saved a push to pass her in the last 2 miles and I did! No one passed me on the bike! This was my strongest part of the race.  I nearly dropped my water bottle once 4 miles in.  It was wet from condensation. Whew!

What would you do differently?  Make sure Camelbak Ice Podium's contents is cold (not frozen) to eliminate condensation.


Time:  02:28

Comments:  Pretty smooth T2.  Had to wait for a cyclist in front of me to dismount  before I was allowed to.  He wasn't very good at it so I had to slow down ughh!  Racked bike, put shoes on, moved watch from bike to left wrist, ate another Clif Shot Blok and chased with some Gatorade Perform.

What would you do differently?  Dismount before cyclists ahead who are having trouble to run by them.  Remember to bring my running belt with my number.  Doh! >.<

Running Segment:

Distance:  3.10miles
Time:  00:26:26
Pace:  08:30min/mile

Addtl lap and HR data:  HR spiked to Z4 @ 158bpm immediately and felt like I was dragging the first 3/4 mile even though my HR was high.  I started feeling slight cramps form on my right side so  I dropped my HR to 154 and got into cruise control pace.

  • Mile 1, 08:48, 8'48"/mi
  • Mile 2, 17:18, 8'30"/mi
  • Mile 3, 25:22, 8'04"/mi

Course description:  Flat run on a bike bath then to a beach run on packed sand near the wave breaks. Tough running in the soft sand parts.

Age Group Rank:  Unreported
Overall Rank:  135

Run comments:  Ran my race and kept a good pace.  Passed a few and got passed a few.  I got off track for about 15 seconds in the last 1/4 mile because I saw the blue arch where the swim waves started and got confused and ran below it.  Corrected myself after noticing my mistake and finished!  Great negative split times!

What would you do differently?  Make sure you know where you're going while on course and don't forget race number belt! 

Post Race:

Warm-down description:  Hydrated with remaining on hand Gatorade Perform, ate oranges, yogurt, water.  Stretched and walked around.  Chatted with other finishers.  Looks like some people did not run the beach portion.  O_O  Back in transition I shared my training knowledge from BT forum with some new triathletes. =)

What limited your ability to perform faster?  Lack of hill training to increase running strength/speed.  Need to improve swim technique/stroke rate.

Overall comments:  Loved this race as my first triathlon.  Running portion needs to be better marked/flagged so runners don't get confused. ^_^



Awesome job man!

2011-08-03 4:16 PM
in reply to: #3627337

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
kloofyroland - 2011-08-03 1:08 PM

Maybe I should have taken Monday off because yesterday, my body was starting to tell me "GET SOME REST!".  I was stubborn and went to the pool anyway but it was closed because of a water flow problem hehehe! 

Went home and did some really light weight training instead.  I feel so much better today so I'll do an active recovery swim or run after work.  =)



The pool is a great recovery for your muscles. You made the right decisions. Did you take fish oil after the race?

2011-08-03 4:17 PM
in reply to: #3627107

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
charminchick - 2011-08-03 11:23 AM

Hello! I have been out for a while presenting at at National Conference in Washington DC and getting ready for school to start back (OH NO!!!). Well, I trained last week in DC and did some running and riding Monday and Tuesday. Now, my knee hurts! Any suggestions. I am wearing a compression brace and resting as much as possible. I am going to swim today only. I have a race I want to do really well in on the 13th, so I want it to get better. Any advice would be great!


Is it your Knee or IT Band?

2011-08-03 4:19 PM
in reply to: #3624881

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
kloofyroland - 2011-08-02 1:58 AM
jimyak - 2011-08-01 9:41 PM

Great job Roland! Sounds like you had fun in your first tri. It looks like this BT group has helped you become a quality triathlete. What I mean by that is you know your body and how it will perform for you in the furure, the sky is the limit!

Thanks Jim! BT and our forum group has definitely made my first tri a success.  I don't think I would have performed as good as I did w/o everyone here.  I appreciate our forum group and BT!  Thank you very much!

*bows humbly* ^_^


anytime... I'm glad you were successful, but at the end anyone who finishes no matter what the time is, is a triathlete. You all did amazing

2011-08-03 5:01 PM
in reply to: #3627811

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
shellback1998 - 2011-08-03 2:16 PM
kloofyroland - 2011-08-03 1:08 PM

Maybe I should have taken Monday off because yesterday, my body was starting to tell me "GET SOME REST!".  I was stubborn and went to the pool anyway but it was closed because of a water flow problem hehehe! 

Went home and did some really light weight training instead.  I feel so much better today so I'll do an active recovery swim or run after work.  =)



The pool is a great recovery for your muscles. You made the right decisions. Did you take fish oil after the race?

Thanks Scott!  Welcome back!  Work must be keeping you busy. =)  I had lobster for lunch instead.  ^_^

I did take some fish oil Monday and today though. 


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