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2012-02-17 1:14 PM
in reply to: #4051787

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
Tripopo - 2012-02-17 7:50 AM

Sorry I've been AWOL for awhile, I have been having trouble gettin my training in which frustrates me and then I over think it and get more frustrated if I don't hit more unreasonable goals, like today tried to do a 30 min swim, 2.5 hour trainer ride and planned on a 4 mile run after...

So I asked my friend who ran the HM with me in January if she would be willing to do the run portion for the HIM and she agreed so I will be part of a relay team.  My initial thoughts on training is to continue the plan in terms of swim and bike and keep a couple or 3 shorter runs in to keep my running from losing too much for the sprints and Oly's I have planned for during the summer/fall.  What say the wise MANATEE POD on this or should I add another workout to the swim/bike already in my training plan?

AWOL is fine, ranting is fine, especially even tri-specific ranting (unlike what I usually do!) ...

Sounds like a good plan on the HIM. Will they let you transfer your registration to relay? Also, by the way, you really can wing a HIM, especially if you're aquabiking. So the plan sounds fine; do what you can, and what you can't, can. Couple 2-3 short runs and once in a while (every 2-3 weeks) a bit of a longer run will keep you in stellar running shape.

2012-02-17 6:45 PM
in reply to: #4052312

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
TriAya - 2012-02-17 7:53 AM
jogo - 2012-02-17 8:20 PM

TriAya - 2012-02-17 1:24 AM
Hollz - 2012-02-17 7:38 AM

My plan is to stick to my training plan

What?! Stick to the PLAN? Sacrilege!


This is why I love Yanti!!!


That pic of you and your beautiful grandpuppy makes me smile every time I think of it ...




I will try to post a picture with my new KITTY!!   I am "fostering" her if you ask my husband but I've already told the shelter that she found her forever home.  I sign all the adoption papers tomorrow!!   She is super sweet and my niece put her picture up on FB, saying that she has been in a cage for over a year so she is losing muscle tone in her legs, and needs a home ASAP.  She was in rough shape on Sunday.  She already looks like she has had a makeover.  Amazing what room for a kitty to bathe herself, lots of brushing, some ear mite treatment, and a warm safe home will do for a girl.  Her cage was so small that she had to stand in her litter box to eat and she slept on a hard shelf right above her litter box so there was no room for her to really even fully stand up.  Poor baby!   She was waiting for me.      They said she doesn't like other cats and they weren't going to let me take her which is why I convinced them to let me foster her.  I haven't had any bloodshed among the girls yet so all is good with my feline children. 

Edited by jogo 2012-02-17 6:46 PM
2012-02-18 7:38 AM
in reply to: #4053366

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
TriAya - 2012-02-17 2:14 PM
Tripopo - 2012-02-17 7:50 AM

Sorry I've been AWOL for awhile, I have been having trouble gettin my training in which frustrates me and then I over think it and get more frustrated if I don't hit more unreasonable goals, like today tried to do a 30 min swim, 2.5 hour trainer ride and planned on a 4 mile run after...

So I asked my friend who ran the HM with me in January if she would be willing to do the run portion for the HIM and she agreed so I will be part of a relay team.  My initial thoughts on training is to continue the plan in terms of swim and bike and keep a couple or 3 shorter runs in to keep my running from losing too much for the sprints and Oly's I have planned for during the summer/fall.  What say the wise MANATEE POD on this or should I add another workout to the swim/bike already in my training plan?

AWOL is fine, ranting is fine, especially even tri-specific ranting (unlike what I usually do!) ...

Sounds like a good plan on the HIM. Will they let you transfer your registration to relay? Also, by the way, you really can wing a HIM, especially if you're aquabiking. So the plan sounds fine; do what you can, and what you can't, can. Couple 2-3 short runs and once in a while (every 2-3 weeks) a bit of a longer run will keep you in stellar running shape.


Yes I can change to a relay, gotta fork up the difference but I'm happy to do it to get the experience in. 

This will be my relay partners second HM and she is going for sub 2 (her first was 2:05), and will be happy with a strong showing for the both of us.

And there will be no pottery, maybe home beer brewing but no pottery...  the animals would get clay EVERYWHERE.Laughing  Speaking of animals got no sleep the other night because the cat and dog conspired to eat a dozen cream puffs my wife had made filled with butter cream frosting Slammer was doing laps in the backyard where his backend was going faster than his front end, hilarious.

2012-02-18 11:14 AM
in reply to: #4053366

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
Yanti, I don't know how you train when you are sick.  I have a miserable cold, complete with low grade fever, runny nose, cough, congestion, headache.  I wanted to get 15 miles in today and only got 12.  Took lots of snot stops (good thing I had a ton of kleenex, I don't do snot rockets).  It was awful and hard.  The cold and wind didn't help.  Hot coffee waiting for me in my travel mug did help though.  Love a good thermal travel mug!!   It is a winter dweller's best friend!! 
2012-02-18 12:12 PM
in reply to: #4054418

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

jogo - 2012-02-19 1:14 AM Yanti, I don't know how you train when you are sick.  I have a miserable cold, complete with low grade fever, runny nose, cough, congestion, headache.  I wanted to get 15 miles in today and only got 12.  Took lots of snot stops (good thing I had a ton of kleenex, I don't do snot rockets).  It was awful and hard.  The cold and wind didn't help.  Hot coffee waiting for me in my travel mug did help though.  Love a good thermal travel mug!!   It is a winter dweller's best friend!! 

I don't anymore, but it took an awful lot of near-death misery (truly not an ounce of exaggeration there) and getting even sicker than sick to stop.

As they say, some are sicker than others ...

The problem with training sick is that your body is using its finite and currently compromised energy and resources towards training effort instead of repair. Then, when you fuel and rest, which is when the body would normally be rebuilding back stronger from the breakdown of training, that is, actually reaping the training benefits--it doesn't have the resources it needs either to be recovering from the illness or rebuilding from the training.

Sometimes it can be beneficial to do some mild exercise for certain types of relatively minor afflictions--stuffy nose, mild nonspecific headache, menstrual or hormonal related aches and pains, the blahs ...

If what I've got is minor, I may head out anyway but keep in mind to cut it short if it gets worse, and in any case I usually do it more lightly and only if it's a shorter workout. (Admittedly, I think I've only done this twice ever, only recently, but I am trying to make this my MO now from all that horrid experience).

Case in point, and it is a HUGE achievement for me ... had a swim and 2-hour bike on tap for today. Woke up and felt like crap. WAITED. Didn't feel better. Headed out to meet some folks for sunset coffee and dinner (okay, surf piglets, if you must know). Definitely felt better after dinner, but when I got home, stretched out on the bed to cuddle Biscuits the Cat ... and fell plumb asleep, fully dressed, lights blazing, legs dangling off the side of the bed, and woke up at 12:30am.

To be honest, I was still considering riding, but I have a scratchy throat, so I had some hot tea and am BTing instead. Will go back to bed soon. Have a full plate of workouts + long run scheduled for tomorrow but will definitely back down if I'm not fully better, or worse.

2012-02-18 5:51 PM
in reply to: #3942879

Hoosier heartland
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

Ahh, I'm glad you mentioned sickness and training.  I just got over a cold today.  I had a nasty cold that started with a sore throat on Tuesday night.  Wednesday was my rest day.  Thursday, I felt like total crap.  I had a run in store for that day and decided to scrap it.  Friday I felt a little better, but ended up scrapping that workout too.  I just felt SO tired.  I had three days in a row of getting up at 4:20am to go to work.  Plus with a cold, my body was not having it.  

Sooo, today I had a scheduled long run.  I was seriously considering doubling up a workout, but decided on just doing the run only and getting back on track as planned.  I decided that any additional workouts was not going to benefit me in the end.  My fitness level didn't change after taking those days off.  My body desperately needed the rest.  In the end, I'm glad I took those rest days and decided not to feel guilty about it.  

So I say, when you're sick, listen to your body and be o.k. with yourself if you decide to rest.  It really isn't going to hurt your overall fitness in the end.  

BTW, Yanti....6 hours on the trainer?!!!!!!!!!!!!  You are one hard core girl!

2012-02-18 6:51 PM
in reply to: #4054802

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
cggale - 2012-02-18 5:51 PM

Ahh, I'm glad you mentioned sickness and training.  I just got over a cold today.  I had a nasty cold that started with a sore throat on Tuesday night.  Wednesday was my rest day.  Thursday, I felt like total crap.  I had a run in store for that day and decided to scrap it.  Friday I felt a little better, but ended up scrapping that workout too.  I just felt SO tired.  I had three days in a row of getting up at 4:20am to go to work.  Plus with a cold, my body was not having it.  

Sooo, today I had a scheduled long run.  I was seriously considering doubling up a workout, but decided on just doing the run only and getting back on track as planned.  I decided that any additional workouts was not going to benefit me in the end.  My fitness level didn't change after taking those days off.  My body desperately needed the rest.  In the end, I'm glad I took those rest days and decided not to feel guilty about it.  

So I say, when you're sick, listen to your body and be o.k. with yourself if you decide to rest.  It really isn't going to hurt your overall fitness in the end.  

BTW, Yanti....6 hours on the trainer?!!!!!!!!!!!!  You are one hard core girl!

you are a very smart lady! This is perfect. There is no reason to push your body when it needs a rest.
2012-02-19 11:04 AM
in reply to: #4054851

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

Ok Mentor group, I need some mentoring.... I'm going to use your knowledge and wisdom.

So you all know that I am totally panicked about the time limit at Big Sur, right?  My plane tickets were bought 2 weeks ago so there is no turning back.  I really am not too nervous that I won't finish.  What I am nervous about is the training.  Seriously people, I have come to the conclusion that I SUCK at training plans.  I like to run for fun.  Its why I run.  I don't like to do tri's because I don't like to train on the bike or swim.  I do like to bike and swim but not train.  I just like to play.  I like to do events but I don't like to train for them.  I know that is crazy but sanity was not a prerequisite for this group so I didn't list that on my resume (or maybe I did and you all just let me into the madness anyway). 

So here is where the help comes in.  I hired a coach so that I would feel accountable to someone and I haven't felt that.  I don't get any feedback and haven't had any one-on-one time for him to do any of things that we set forth in my contract.  I am not renewing with him at the end of Feb.  I don't think any of this is totally on his shoulders.  I am not coachable.  I learned that about myself.  I don't like being told what to do.  I like to do what I feel like doing.  Somedays that is easy, some days its to run hills, some days its to do speed.  I just suck at following a plan. 

How bad would it be if I dump the coach and just start doing my own thing during the week with my long runs on the weekends?   Is there anything magical about a plan?   What are the advantages of following a plan to the letter?   My friends all swear by what is on their plan.  I feel like a rebellious teenager who says, if you want me to do it then I won't.  I am the queen of reverse psychology on myself.  I hate HAVING to do something.  I want to go back to WANTING to do it. 

Am I setting myself up for failure?   Can a marathon plan just be run 5 times a week with a long run on the weekend?   Tempo or hills or easy or whatever you feel like doing that day?  

I would love to wake up and say I feel like going fast today so lets go run some speed or I feel like conquering some hills so lets do some repeats.  I don't want to look at a plan and say I feel like going fast but I have to do hills today so lets go slug through some hills. Blech. 


2012-02-19 11:16 AM
in reply to: #4055382

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
jogo - 2012-02-20 1:04 AM

Am I setting myself up for failure?   Can a marathon plan just be run 5 times a week with a long run on the weekend?   Tempo or hills or easy or whatever you feel like doing that day?  

I would love to wake up and say I feel like going fast today so lets go run some speed or I feel like conquering some hills so lets do some repeats.  I don't want to look at a plan and say I feel like going fast but I have to do hills today so lets go slug through some hills. Blech. 


Indeed. LACK of sanity would be the prerequisite for this group--look, "Madness," it's right there in the title

Provided that the training overall has sufficient volume and specificity (hills, tempo since finish time is important) to prepare you for the task at hand, and the manner in which you do your training allows you to recover well for your next run, and the load isn't giving you any warning signs (repeated niggles, fatigue, continued soreness, etc.) ... then do whatever the hell you want and most importantly, what actually keeps you on the road.

Like a bike that doesn't quite fit right, a running training plan that you don't actually want to do doesn't do you any good.

2012-02-19 12:35 PM
in reply to: #4055396

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
TriAya - 2012-02-19 11:16 AM
jogo - 2012-02-20 1:04 AM

Am I setting myself up for failure?   Can a marathon plan just be run 5 times a week with a long run on the weekend?   Tempo or hills or easy or whatever you feel like doing that day?  

I would love to wake up and say I feel like going fast today so lets go run some speed or I feel like conquering some hills so lets do some repeats.  I don't want to look at a plan and say I feel like going fast but I have to do hills today so lets go slug through some hills. Blech. 


Indeed. LACK of sanity would be the prerequisite for this group--look, "Madness," it's right there in the title

Provided that the training overall has sufficient volume and specificity (hills, tempo since finish time is important) to prepare you for the task at hand, and the manner in which you do your training allows you to recover well for your next run, and the load isn't giving you any warning signs (repeated niggles, fatigue, continued soreness, etc.) ... then do whatever the hell you want and most importantly, what actually keeps you on the road.

Like a bike that doesn't quite fit right, a running training plan that you don't actually want to do doesn't do you any good.

x2.  Plus I might consider looking at a plan like Hal Higdon and getting an idea of the volume he espouses for a person with your experience.  You wouldn't have to follow it, but at least you could have an outline.

2012-02-19 5:48 PM
in reply to: #4055468

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
amd723 - 2012-02-19 1:35 PM
TriAya - 2012-02-19 11:16 AM
jogo - 2012-02-20 1:04 AM

Am I setting myself up for failure?   Can a marathon plan just be run 5 times a week with a long run on the weekend?   Tempo or hills or easy or whatever you feel like doing that day?  

I would love to wake up and say I feel like going fast today so lets go run some speed or I feel like conquering some hills so lets do some repeats.  I don't want to look at a plan and say I feel like going fast but I have to do hills today so lets go slug through some hills. Blech. 


Indeed. LACK of sanity would be the prerequisite for this group--look, "Madness," it's right there in the title

Provided that the training overall has sufficient volume and specificity (hills, tempo since finish time is important) to prepare you for the task at hand, and the manner in which you do your training allows you to recover well for your next run, and the load isn't giving you any warning signs (repeated niggles, fatigue, continued soreness, etc.) ... then do whatever the hell you want and most importantly, what actually keeps you on the road.

Like a bike that doesn't quite fit right, a running training plan that you don't actually want to do doesn't do you any good.

x2.  Plus I might consider looking at a plan like Hal Higdon and getting an idea of the volume he espouses for a person with your experience.  You wouldn't have to follow it, but at least you could have an outline.


This was sort of what I was thinking.  Hal doesn't necessarily specify how the distance has to be done but gives you the distance.  I sort of like that.  He does specify how the long runs should be run but for the novice and lower intermediate plans he just states the daily mileage goal. 

I have 10 weeks.  I know I have the fitness to pull this off, now I just have to maintain it and maybe get a little stronger.  I just can't face the next 10 weeks without having some fun too.  When training becomes a stressor in your life, you are doing it wrong.  This whole coaching thing has been a stressor.  Its almost 7pm here and I don't even know what is on my plan for tomorrow yet because next week is still empty from my coach.  I've asked him numerous times to load in my plan on Saturday or before.  It really screws me up if I have to plan my week around this and I don't know what I am planning around.      I don't get any feed back either.  The stressor is not so much the training as it is that I am paying $$$ per month for not much of anything.  I can get more insight from Hal's free plans.  Lesson learned.  

2012-02-19 6:18 PM
in reply to: #4055777

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
jogo - 2012-02-19 5:48 PM
amd723 - 2012-02-19 1:35 PM
TriAya - 2012-02-19 11:16 AM
jogo - 2012-02-20 1:04 AM

Am I setting myself up for failure?   Can a marathon plan just be run 5 times a week with a long run on the weekend?   Tempo or hills or easy or whatever you feel like doing that day?  

I would love to wake up and say I feel like going fast today so lets go run some speed or I feel like conquering some hills so lets do some repeats.  I don't want to look at a plan and say I feel like going fast but I have to do hills today so lets go slug through some hills. Blech. 


Indeed. LACK of sanity would be the prerequisite for this group--look, "Madness," it's right there in the title

Provided that the training overall has sufficient volume and specificity (hills, tempo since finish time is important) to prepare you for the task at hand, and the manner in which you do your training allows you to recover well for your next run, and the load isn't giving you any warning signs (repeated niggles, fatigue, continued soreness, etc.) ... then do whatever the hell you want and most importantly, what actually keeps you on the road.

Like a bike that doesn't quite fit right, a running training plan that you don't actually want to do doesn't do you any good.

x2.  Plus I might consider looking at a plan like Hal Higdon and getting an idea of the volume he espouses for a person with your experience.  You wouldn't have to follow it, but at least you could have an outline.


This was sort of what I was thinking.  Hal doesn't necessarily specify how the distance has to be done but gives you the distance.  I sort of like that.  He does specify how the long runs should be run but for the novice and lower intermediate plans he just states the daily mileage goal. 

I have 10 weeks.  I know I have the fitness to pull this off, now I just have to maintain it and maybe get a little stronger.  I just can't face the next 10 weeks without having some fun too.  When training becomes a stressor in your life, you are doing it wrong.  This whole coaching thing has been a stressor.  Its almost 7pm here and I don't even know what is on my plan for tomorrow yet because next week is still empty from my coach.  I've asked him numerous times to load in my plan on Saturday or before.  It really screws me up if I have to plan my week around this and I don't know what I am planning around.      I don't get any feed back either.  The stressor is not so much the training as it is that I am paying $$$ per month for not much of anything.  I can get more insight from Hal's free plans.  Lesson learned.  

I would hate that too.  Sounds like your coach needs a smack in the back of the head

2012-02-19 7:25 PM
in reply to: #4055803

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North Bend, WA
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
amd723 - 2012-02-19 4:18 PM
jogo - 2012-02-19 5:48 PM
amd723 - 2012-02-19 1:35 PM
TriAya - 2012-02-19 11:16 AM
jogo - 2012-02-20 1:04 AM

Am I setting myself up for failure?   Can a marathon plan just be run 5 times a week with a long run on the weekend?   Tempo or hills or easy or whatever you feel like doing that day?  

I would love to wake up and say I feel like going fast today so lets go run some speed or I feel like conquering some hills so lets do some repeats.  I don't want to look at a plan and say I feel like going fast but I have to do hills today so lets go slug through some hills. Blech. 


Indeed. LACK of sanity would be the prerequisite for this group--look, "Madness," it's right there in the title

Provided that the training overall has sufficient volume and specificity (hills, tempo since finish time is important) to prepare you for the task at hand, and the manner in which you do your training allows you to recover well for your next run, and the load isn't giving you any warning signs (repeated niggles, fatigue, continued soreness, etc.) ... then do whatever the hell you want and most importantly, what actually keeps you on the road.

Like a bike that doesn't quite fit right, a running training plan that you don't actually want to do doesn't do you any good.

x2.  Plus I might consider looking at a plan like Hal Higdon and getting an idea of the volume he espouses for a person with your experience.  You wouldn't have to follow it, but at least you could have an outline.


This was sort of what I was thinking.  Hal doesn't necessarily specify how the distance has to be done but gives you the distance.  I sort of like that.  He does specify how the long runs should be run but for the novice and lower intermediate plans he just states the daily mileage goal. 

I have 10 weeks.  I know I have the fitness to pull this off, now I just have to maintain it and maybe get a little stronger.  I just can't face the next 10 weeks without having some fun too.  When training becomes a stressor in your life, you are doing it wrong.  This whole coaching thing has been a stressor.  Its almost 7pm here and I don't even know what is on my plan for tomorrow yet because next week is still empty from my coach.  I've asked him numerous times to load in my plan on Saturday or before.  It really screws me up if I have to plan my week around this and I don't know what I am planning around.      I don't get any feed back either.  The stressor is not so much the training as it is that I am paying $$$ per month for not much of anything.  I can get more insight from Hal's free plans.  Lesson learned.  

I would hate that too.  Sounds like your coach needs a smack in the back of the head

Seems like many coaches out there could use a smack in the back of the head!  $$$ and not a lot of coaching.  I had one of those last year for my IM - not impressed with him at all.  Didn't rejoin the team cause I didn't believe in the coaches. 

I have done marathons with 3-4 days of running.  Good you know yourself..and as long as you do the 'work' you can get to the finish line!  Good luck.

2012-02-19 7:30 PM
in reply to: #3942879

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North Bend, WA
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

Been MIA this was INSANE.  We did an implementation and I worked a ton.

Did a Mt Bike duathlon was a BLAST!!  Cold and rainy but fun.  The race was a 5K trail run followed by about a 4.5 mile Mt Bike ride.  I did the short course...the long course was 5K run, 15 mile bike, 5 k trail run.  MUD MUD and more MUD.  you know you are smiling when you ride when a friend says you have MUD on your teeth! 

Today, did a team swim and then a ride outside...with no rain...and for Seattle area this time of year...amazing!  This is actually the 3rd sunday in a row with no rain on ride day!  SWEET!

This week starts my training plan for my 2 1/2 Ironmans - one 6/2 and then other 7/8.  Looking forward to getting on my plan. I do so much better when I am on a schedule....

Now I need to catch up on everyone's updates!!  Make it a great week everyone.


2012-02-19 11:11 PM
in reply to: #3942879

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Citrus Heights, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

Oohhh Mtn. Bike Duathlons look like SO MUCH fun! We have a few here, but none fit with my schedule! Cry I'm glad you enjoyed it---rain and all!

I just finished a couple of lower intensity workouts, after spending two days using a jackhammer to remove stones from concrete inside one of our large exhibits--Unfortunately the exhibit is fully enclosed, so not only did I have a bunch of soreness from handling the jackhammer, but I also prob'ly inhaled WAY too much concrete dust...the last two nights it was very hard ot get to sleep, I ended up having to use my asthma inhaler. Tonight it shouldn't be as bad >fingers crossed< Tomorrow's a rest day for training, and I intend to relax and maybe ice up; maybe a massage too if I can talk Clint into it!Laughing

2012-02-19 11:11 PM
in reply to: #3942879

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Citrus Heights, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

Oohhh Mtn. Bike Duathlons look like SO MUCH fun! We have a few here, but none fit with my schedule! Cry I'm glad you enjoyed it---rain and all!

I just finished a couple of lower intensity workouts, after spending two days using a jackhammer to remove stones from concrete inside one of our large exhibits--Unfortunately the exhibit is fully enclosed, so not only did I have a bunch of soreness from handling the jackhammer, but I also prob'ly inhaled WAY too much concrete dust...the last two nights it was very hard ot get to sleep, I ended up having to use my asthma inhaler. Tonight it shouldn't be as bad >fingers crossed< Tomorrow's a rest day for training, and I intend to relax and maybe ice up; maybe a massage too if I can talk Clint into it!Laughing

2012-02-21 12:14 PM
in reply to: #4055881

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
stampinann - 2012-02-20 9:30 AM

Been MIA this was INSANE.  We did an implementation and I worked a ton.

Did a Mt Bike duathlon was a BLAST!!  Cold and rainy but fun.  The race was a 5K trail run followed by about a 4.5 mile Mt Bike ride.  I did the short course...the long course was 5K run, 15 mile bike, 5 k trail run.  MUD MUD and more MUD.  you know you are smiling when you ride when a friend says you have MUD on your teeth! 

Today, did a team swim and then a ride outside...with no rain...and for Seattle area this time of year...amazing!  This is actually the 3rd sunday in a row with no rain on ride day!  SWEET!

This week starts my training plan for my 2 1/2 Ironmans - one 6/2 and then other 7/8.  Looking forward to getting on my plan. I do so much better when I am on a schedule....

Now I need to catch up on everyone's updates!!  Make it a great week everyone.



2012-02-21 12:30 PM
in reply to: #3942879

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

Speaking of dirty ...

I'm kind of a mess!

Training is going great; at least I'm able to put some solid volume and several key long workouts (yes, I really did do 6 hours on a trainer) in before taper for the IM.

However, I seem to be minus a tooth -- I feel like I'm right back in that second-grade really awkward stage -- and plus an infection and recovering from having it and some bone dug out of my gum. The antibiotics are being none too kind to my energy levels or GI tract, either.

I look STOOPID ... I'll have to post a picture when it's not *quite* as gross/red/puffy/big black stitches, so you all can recommend some kind of appropriate matching outfit, like a jester or pirate.

2012-02-21 12:33 PM
in reply to: #3942879

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
How did everyone else's (for some of you, long) weekend go?
2012-02-21 12:55 PM
in reply to: #4058498

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
TriAya - 2012-02-21 12:30 PM

Speaking of dirty ...

I'm kind of a mess!

Training is going great; at least I'm able to put some solid volume and several key long workouts (yes, I really did do 6 hours on a trainer) in before taper for the IM.

However, I seem to be minus a tooth -- I feel like I'm right back in that second-grade really awkward stage -- and plus an infection and recovering from having it and some bone dug out of my gum. The antibiotics are being none too kind to my energy levels or GI tract, either.

I look STOOPID ... I'll have to post a picture when it's not *quite* as gross/red/puffy/big black stitches, so you all can recommend some kind of appropriate matching outfit, like a jester or pirate.

You don't seem to catch a break, do you? At least you have the benefit of good/cheap dental work!

Also, fun fact! Ann (stampinann) not only both live in the Seattle area, but we work in the SAME building! Caaaa-raaaa-Z!

2012-02-21 2:39 PM
in reply to: #4058563

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

Ok Mentor group, MENTOR me!!

I ditched my coach.  I have less than 10 weeks.  Just jump into a Higdon Novice/Intermediate program?  I have loosely done his programs before (sort of combined them).  The other option is Runners World smart coach.  The only thing I don't like about that is, it puts the 20 miler 2 weeks out from race day.  I've always my last 20 3 weeks out.  I like that they give you goal paces to run at though. 

Just think, come 4/29, you won't have to hear me moan and groan about this anymore. 

2012-02-21 2:51 PM
in reply to: #4055382

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
jogo - 2012-02-19 12:04 PM

Am I setting myself up for failure?   Can a marathon plan just be run 5 times a week with a long run on the weekend?   Tempo or hills or easy or whatever you feel like doing that day?  

If the coach isn't working for you, dump the coach.  The thing is, I would really think hard about replacing the coach with some kind of framework. 

Will something a little more a la cart work for you?  Maybe keep your long run distance goal for the week (or time, my coach says run 3 hours in zone 2 or whatever but maybe run x miles is more your style).  Then make a goal of on Tuesday or Thursday I will do ___ (tempo, hills, whatever) each week.  Just decide that day which it will be. 

2012-02-21 2:55 PM
in reply to: #4058498

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
TriAya - 2012-02-21 1:30 PM

Speaking of dirty ...

I'm kind of a mess!

Training is going great; at least I'm able to put some solid volume and several key long workouts (yes, I really did do 6 hours on a trainer) in before taper for the IM.

Your volume has been huge!

However, I seem to be minus a tooth -- I feel like I'm right back in that second-grade really awkward stage -- and plus an infection and recovering from having it and some bone dug out of my gum. The antibiotics are being none too kind to my energy levels or GI tract, either.

Oh no!  If it's not one thing it's another!

2012-02-21 2:57 PM
in reply to: #4058836

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
jogo - 2012-02-21 3:39 PM

Ok Mentor group, MENTOR me!!

I ditched my coach.  I have less than 10 weeks.  Just jump into a Higdon Novice/Intermediate program?  I have loosely done his programs before (sort of combined them).  The other option is Runners World smart coach.  The only thing I don't like about that is, it puts the 20 miler 2 weeks out from race day.  I've always my last 20 3 weeks out.  I like that they give you goal paces to run at though. 

Just think, come 4/29, you won't have to hear me moan and groan about this anymore. 


Yes, pick a plan and jump in.  Trust the plan.  If you like Higdon, go for it!  Lots of people have used it successfully and you will too!

2012-02-21 5:12 PM
in reply to: #4058898

Hoosier heartland
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
jmkizer - 2012-02-21 2:57 PM
jogo - 2012-02-21 3:39 PM

Ok Mentor group, MENTOR me!!

I ditched my coach.  I have less than 10 weeks.  Just jump into a Higdon Novice/Intermediate program?  I have loosely done his programs before (sort of combined them).  The other option is Runners World smart coach.  The only thing I don't like about that is, it puts the 20 miler 2 weeks out from race day.  I've always my last 20 3 weeks out.  I like that they give you goal paces to run at though. 

Just think, come 4/29, you won't have to hear me moan and groan about this anymore. 


Yes, pick a plan and jump in.  Trust the plan.  If you like Higdon, go for it!  Lots of people have used it successfully and you will too!

First of all, I'm glad you dumped your coach.  It sounded like he wasn't working well for you at all.  I agree with the others.  Go ahead and jump into the Higdon plan.  If you had followed this plan somewhat before and it gave you success, than I would stick to what worked for you.  Tweak the plan to your liking as long as you are getting the recommended volume required.  You will rock the marathon!!!!

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