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2012-02-15 10:43 AM
in reply to: #4045629

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

robingray_260 - 2012-02-13 6:26 PM so aqua jogging is interesting. Better than I thought it would be once I got over the fact that I was "one of those people". It can be hard to get the heart rate up so after a 5 minute warm up I did 1 minute intervals going as hard as I could.  Doesnt feel like running but whatcha gonna do!

At least you're doing something, so good for you! Sounds more boring than the dreadmill to me, so impressed you're getting it done. Good luck with easing out of the boot...will have my toes crossed for you..

2012-02-15 10:44 AM
in reply to: #4048863

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2012-02-15 11:33 AM

Quiet around here last night and this morning!  I guess everyone was either working or enjoying Valentines Day.  After doing the bike and Insanity in the morning, the wife reminded me that it was Tuesday and that means bootcamp after work.  It had been a few weeks since I have been home on a Tuesday so I completely forgot.  So double the strenght/plyo work yesterday. 

Run this morning and pilates at lunch.  Whats up with everyone else? 

just got back from PT, and have some new stuff to do w/ band to strengthen hip, and played with the airex balance pad since i got one for my office & can use it to help improve my own balance. need to run a few later, but the sun's shining, so life must be good!

2012-02-15 10:45 AM
in reply to: #4047347

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Meulen - 2012-02-14 3:24 PM
Wesley12 - 2012-02-14 1:53 PM Just ordered some new 85mm Boyd carbon clinchers.  I sure hope they help me get a little faster.  But on a lighter note, even if I don't get any faster, it sure will make my bike look cooler.Laughing  Looking fast is almost as good as going fast.  They might be in before the weekend.  Work as been crazy and really getting in the way of my workouts the past few days.  This having to work thing can be extremely disruptive to my workouts.  I'll get off work tonight around 10PM and try to run about 4 miles home and maybe get on the trainer for a little while if it's not too late.
Nice!!! You're going to love the wheels. They do help a little. You'll notice it being easier to hold speeds above 22mph. I agree, this work thing is disruptive!! I just found out I have to work again tonight. I've been working 7am to Midnight since Sunday!! This was supposed to be a night off. I've been able to step away for workouts at least. Tonight I'll go to computrainer class and then work from home the rest of the night. Recovery is the worst though. I can't recover from workouts going to bed at midnight and getting up at 4am!!!

I've heard that sleep is kinda important...good luck with that!

2012-02-15 10:46 AM
in reply to: #4048863

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2012-02-15 10:33 AM

Quiet around here last night and this morning!  I guess everyone was either working or enjoying Valentines Day.  After doing the bike and Insanity in the morning, the wife reminded me that it was Tuesday and that means bootcamp after work.  It had been a few weeks since I have been home on a Tuesday so I completely forgot.  So double the strenght/plyo work yesterday. 

Run this morning and pilates at lunch.  Whats up with everyone else? 

I went to computrainer class last night. I was one of 3 people in class! LOL I had to work anyhow so it was a dinner break for me. My wife and I got engaged on Valentine's day 13 years ago so I'm sure I'm in the doghouse. I'll have some making up to do this weekend. Hopefully, I can stay awake!!
2012-02-15 10:22 PM
in reply to: #4048863

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Sin City
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2012-02-15 8:33 AM

Quiet around here last night and this morning!  I guess everyone was either working or enjoying Valentines Day.  After doing the bike and Insanity in the morning, the wife reminded me that it was Tuesday and that means bootcamp after work.  It had been a few weeks since I have been home on a Tuesday so I completely forgot.  So double the strenght/plyo work yesterday. 

Run this morning and pilates at lunch.  Whats up with everyone else? 

My fiance and I don't really celebrate Valentine's Day. In our mind, everyday should be Valentine's day.  He does lots of little surprises for me throughout the year.  For instance, a few days ago he got Mallow Bits, and I didn't really get to have some (20 calories for TWO tbsp - that's a lot, but very low in calories), and tonight he made me hot chocolate with them. I didn't even ask him for it.  When I had a bad day at school...he goes and makes my bath with candles, scented bath stuff, etc. 

However, as tradition, he buys me new undies and bras from Victoria Secret (and he never gives it to me ON Valentine's day...always a few days before...the man can't wait).   It's a little joke, ever since he tore my underwear while giving me a wedgie when we first started dating, and he felt really bad for that, and a few days later I got a surprise in the mail with a bunch of new undies and bras.  I don't know how he knew my size...I don't want to know. LOL! So it's become a tradition since...8 years! :-)


Too bad when it comes to dishes piling up, he looks the other way.!

2012-02-15 10:32 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Lol...awesome story DJ!

Except for the dishes, what's so hard about throwing some dishes in the dishwasher? Lol

Today started out slow for me. I am soooo tired and mentally drained from work. I skipped my circuit core stength workout at 4am and went back to bed. I went to work and really didn't feel like running but forced myself to hit the gym in my building downtown after work. I went home and didn't want to swim. Thankfully, I had a friend hold me accountable and met him at the pool at my gym by home. I went home and made up my circuit core strength workout while I was watching tv with my wife.'s time for bed!

2012-02-16 4:40 AM
in reply to: #4050044

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Did you say he gave you a wedgie? Is that some sort of new dating technique? I have only been married three years but I must be way out of the loop!
2012-02-16 5:32 AM
in reply to: #4047279

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Wesley12 - 2012-02-14 1:53 PM Just ordered some new 85mm Boyd carbon clinchers.  I sure hope they help me get a little faster.  But on a lighter note, even if I don't get any faster, it sure will make my bike look cooler.Laughing  Looking fast is almost as good as going fast.  They might be in before the weekend.  Work as been crazy and really getting in the way of my workouts the past few days.  This having to work thing can be extremely disruptive to my workouts.  I'll get off work tonight around 10PM and try to run about 4 miles home and maybe get on the trainer for a little while if it's not too late.

Very nice Valentines Day present!

2012-02-16 5:35 AM
in reply to: #4050038

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CyborgQueen - 2012-02-15 10:22 PM
kenj - 2012-02-15 8:33 AM

Quiet around here last night and this morning!  I guess everyone was either working or enjoying Valentines Day.  After doing the bike and Insanity in the morning, the wife reminded me that it was Tuesday and that means bootcamp after work.  It had been a few weeks since I have been home on a Tuesday so I completely forgot.  So double the strenght/plyo work yesterday. 

Run this morning and pilates at lunch.  Whats up with everyone else? 

My fiance and I don't really celebrate Valentine's Day. In our mind, everyday should be Valentine's day.  He does lots of little surprises for me throughout the year.  For instance, a few days ago he got Mallow Bits, and I didn't really get to have some (20 calories for TWO tbsp - that's a lot, but very low in calories), and tonight he made me hot chocolate with them. I didn't even ask him for it.  When I had a bad day at school...he goes and makes my bath with candles, scented bath stuff, etc. 

However, as tradition, he buys me new undies and bras from Victoria Secret (and he never gives it to me ON Valentine's day...always a few days before...the man can't wait).   It's a little joke, ever since he tore my underwear while giving me a wedgie when we first started dating, and he felt really bad for that, and a few days later I got a surprise in the mail with a bunch of new undies and bras.  I don't know how he knew my size...I don't want to know. LOL! So it's become a tradition since...8 years! :-)


Too bad when it comes to dishes piling up, he looks the other way.!

Aww, this is very sweet! 

2012-02-16 5:38 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Work has been nutso for me too this week. Haven't had to pull overtime in a long time and had to work late twice this week. Plus I picked up a cold or virusy thing, probably on the plane this weekend. Ugh, everytime I fly I wish I had one of those HAZMAT suits. Anyway, will need to do some very serious SMACK TALKING to get myself back on schedule. 
2012-02-16 8:11 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Kath, word to the wise:  Don't "attack" the bike course in Wisconsin.   A great goal is to stay at endurance pace and spin, spin, spin the hills.  If you go into the red on the hills on the first loop, the second loop with be a sufferfest and the marathon a real joy.

I've had a terrific winter so far.  Weight loss = 12 pounds on paleo, stronger than ever with kettlebells as strength training, bike workouts have been really consistent and the running has been OK, though indoors mostly on a small track.  It will be fun to see how all that translates to the outside.  I would love to shave another 10 pounds.  May be a lot given that I', about 10% body fat now.  Looking lean.

8 days and counting from release for journalism.  Getting good responses from potential workplaces and lining up some really great references.  Hoping for a job that is challenging and offers enough freedom to work all the workouts around.  I'm sure it will happen.

Hope your training all goes well. 



2012-02-16 8:33 AM
in reply to: #4050379

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
IceManScott - 2012-02-16 8:11 AM

Kath, word to the wise:  Don't "attack" the bike course in Wisconsin.   A great goal is to stay at endurance pace and spin, spin, spin the hills.  If you go into the red on the hills on the first loop, the second loop with be a sufferfest and the marathon a real joy.

I've had a terrific winter so far.  Weight loss = 12 pounds on paleo, stronger than ever with kettlebells as strength training, bike workouts have been really consistent and the running has been OK, though indoors mostly on a small track.  It will be fun to see how all that translates to the outside.  I would love to shave another 10 pounds.  May be a lot given that I', about 10% body fat now.  Looking lean.

8 days and counting from release for journalism.  Getting good responses from potential workplaces and lining up some really great references.  Hoping for a job that is challenging and offers enough freedom to work all the workouts around.  I'm sure it will happen.

Hope your training all goes well. 



Scott, you're doing incredible man! I was just looking at your logs. Incredible time on the bike for a guy in the Midwest this time of year!!! I'm really impressed with the weight loss from the kettlebells. I'm sure it's got a lot to do with hard work on diet and all the other excercise too. I'm trying circuit training with core excercises. If that doesn't work to get me past this rut, I'm going to give the kettlebells a try.

Question for you: How do you feel your run is going? Are you maintaining or improving? I'm a little more focussed on my run right now with a Half Mary the first race of the year for me. After that I need to figure out how to cut back some run time and focus more on the bike and swim.
2012-02-16 9:03 AM
in reply to: #4050162

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

abake - 2012-02-16 5:38 AM Work has been nutso for me too this week. Haven't had to pull overtime in a long time and had to work late twice this week. Plus I picked up a cold or virusy thing, probably on the plane this weekend. Ugh, everytime I fly I wish I had one of those HAZMAT suits. Anyway, will need to do some very serious SMACK TALKING to get myself back on schedule. 

Abake - ...did someone say "serious SMACK TALKING"????!?!?

Wednesday DOUBLE Duty Smack Down:

60 min Treadmill Run: 6 x 9 min @ 5.0MPH/12:00 pace, 1 min Rec

** Was not sure I could do this! **
Had to focus on final two intervals

Avg HR 143 bpm
Avg Cadance 79 spm
Pace: 12:00 min/mile, 5.0MPH


65 min Trainer Ride:  10 x 2 min 90+ RPMS, 1 min Rec

OMG 2 min is a *REALLY* long time!

w/u: 20 min as
[16 min (Small/17), 90+ RPMs,
3 x 30 sec (Big/15), 90 RPMs (30'),
3 x 30 sec (Small/15), 90+ RPMs (30')]

m/s: 30 min as 10 x [2 min (Big/24), 90+ RPMs, (60')]

c/d: 15 min as 3 x [5 min (Small/17-19-21)]


Stay tuned for my NEXT Double Duty Smack Down!!!!!!!!!!!

2012-02-16 9:20 AM
in reply to: #4050512

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CarlaLThompson - 2012-02-16 9:03 AM

abake - 2012-02-16 5:38 AM Work has been nutso for me too this week. Haven't had to pull overtime in a long time and had to work late twice this week. Plus I picked up a cold or virusy thing, probably on the plane this weekend. Ugh, everytime I fly I wish I had one of those HAZMAT suits. Anyway, will need to do some very serious SMACK TALKING to get myself back on schedule. 

Abake - ...did someone say "serious SMACK TALKING"????!?!?

Wednesday DOUBLE Duty Smack Down:

60 min Treadmill Run: 6 x 9 min @ 5.0MPH/12:00 pace, 1 min Rec

** Was not sure I could do this! **
Had to focus on final two intervals

Avg HR 143 bpm
Avg Cadance 79 spm
Pace: 12:00 min/mile, 5.0MPH


65 min Trainer Ride:  10 x 2 min 90+ RPMS, 1 min Rec

OMG 2 min is a *REALLY* long time!

w/u: 20 min as
[16 min (Small/17), 90+ RPMs,
3 x 30 sec (Big/15), 90 RPMs (30'),
3 x 30 sec (Small/15), 90+ RPMs (30')]

m/s: 30 min as 10 x [2 min (Big/24), 90+ RPMs, (60')]

c/d: 15 min as 3 x [5 min (Small/17-19-21)]


Stay tuned for my NEXT Double Duty Smack Down!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh no she didn't just use the yellow highlight...did she?!?! LOL

Nice smack down Carla!
2012-02-16 9:36 AM
in reply to: #4050445

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Meulen - 2012-02-16 8:33 AM
IceManScott - 2012-02-16 8:11 AM

Kath, word to the wise:  Don't "attack" the bike course in Wisconsin.   A great goal is to stay at endurance pace and spin, spin, spin the hills.  If you go into the red on the hills on the first loop, the second loop with be a sufferfest and the marathon a real joy.

I've had a terrific winter so far.  Weight loss = 12 pounds on paleo, stronger than ever with kettlebells as strength training, bike workouts have been really consistent and the running has been OK, though indoors mostly on a small track.  It will be fun to see how all that translates to the outside.  I would love to shave another 10 pounds.  May be a lot given that I', about 10% body fat now.  Looking lean.

8 days and counting from release for journalism.  Getting good responses from potential workplaces and lining up some really great references.  Hoping for a job that is challenging and offers enough freedom to work all the workouts around.  I'm sure it will happen.

Hope your training all goes well. 



Scott, you're doing incredible man! I was just looking at your logs. Incredible time on the bike for a guy in the Midwest this time of year!!! I'm really impressed with the weight loss from the kettlebells. I'm sure it's got a lot to do with hard work on diet and all the other excercise too. I'm trying circuit training with core excercises. If that doesn't work to get me past this rut, I'm going to give the kettlebells a try. Question for you: How do you feel your run is going? Are you maintaining or improving? I'm a little more focussed on my run right now with a Half Mary the first race of the year for me. After that I need to figure out how to cut back some run time and focus more on the bike and swim.


Hard to say.  The track workouts seem to be going very well.   Fartleks have been harsh but good.  I'm hoping to find out soon - the running club's annual get moving program starts next week.  it's in the midst of my bike testing so I don't know if the coach will let me run then or the week after.  I am trying to get stronger core, glutes and legs with the kettlebells.  That all seems good.  So we will see. 

How much are you running a week before the taper for the half IM?  Which are you doing? I think I was only running about 15 to 18 a week for the half IM.  I'll have to check.  That's like one 90 min race pace and two 5K, one for fartleks the other all out, isn't it?    I don't vary much from 4X bike, 3X run, 2- 3X swim.  I just add time.   

Are you doing Tri Sharks here in central Illinois in June?  Evergreen International in July? 




2012-02-16 9:36 AM
in reply to: #4050549

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Meulen - 2012-02-16 9:20 AM
CarlaLThompson - 2012-02-16 9:03 AM

abake - 2012-02-16 5:38 AM Work has been nutso for me too this week. Haven't had to pull overtime in a long time and had to work late twice this week. Plus I picked up a cold or virusy thing, probably on the plane this weekend. Ugh, everytime I fly I wish I had one of those HAZMAT suits. Anyway, will need to do some very serious SMACK TALKING to get myself back on schedule. 

Abake - ...did someone say "serious SMACK TALKING"????!?!?

Wednesday DOUBLE Duty Smack Down:

60 min Treadmill Run: 6 x 9 min @ 5.0MPH/12:00 pace, 1 min Rec

** Was not sure I could do this! **
Had to focus on final two intervals

Avg HR 143 bpm
Avg Cadance 79 spm
Pace: 12:00 min/mile, 5.0MPH


65 min Trainer Ride:  10 x 2 min 90+ RPMS, 1 min Rec

OMG 2 min is a *REALLY* long time!

w/u: 20 min as
[16 min (Small/17), 90+ RPMs,
3 x 30 sec (Big/15), 90 RPMs (30'),
3 x 30 sec (Small/15), 90+ RPMs (30')]

m/s: 30 min as 10 x [2 min (Big/24), 90+ RPMs, (60')]

c/d: 15 min as 3 x [5 min (Small/17-19-21)]


Stay tuned for my NEXT Double Duty Smack Down!!!!!!!!!!!

When you do your "Session" you get to use the "Yellow Highlighter!" !!!Oh no she didn't just use the yellow highlight...did she?!?! LOL Nice smack down Carla!

2012-02-16 9:51 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Rough week for me.  We had terrible weather on Sunday, which is normally my long run day.  I decided I would skip the run and go for a swim instead and just got lazy and never went.

A little bike in on Monday.

I had to take Tuesday off because work has gotten crazy and to eat with my wife.

Wednesday was foiled by work and having to go out for drinks with a co-worker that is moving to Poland.

I've got to get it together.  I'm having lunch with a guy that is doing IMFL - hopefully, it will be the kick in the gut that I need to get back on track.

I hope everyone is having a better week than I am.

2012-02-16 10:02 AM
in reply to: #4050600

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
IceManScott - 2012-02-16 9:36 AM

Meulen - 2012-02-16 8:33 AM
IceManScott - 2012-02-16 8:11 AM

Kath, word to the wise:  Don't "attack" the bike course in Wisconsin.   A great goal is to stay at endurance pace and spin, spin, spin the hills.  If you go into the red on the hills on the first loop, the second loop with be a sufferfest and the marathon a real joy.

I've had a terrific winter so far.  Weight loss = 12 pounds on paleo, stronger than ever with kettlebells as strength training, bike workouts have been really consistent and the running has been OK, though indoors mostly on a small track.  It will be fun to see how all that translates to the outside.  I would love to shave another 10 pounds.  May be a lot given that I', about 10% body fat now.  Looking lean.

8 days and counting from release for journalism.  Getting good responses from potential workplaces and lining up some really great references.  Hoping for a job that is challenging and offers enough freedom to work all the workouts around.  I'm sure it will happen.

Hope your training all goes well. 



Scott, you're doing incredible man! I was just looking at your logs. Incredible time on the bike for a guy in the Midwest this time of year!!! I'm really impressed with the weight loss from the kettlebells. I'm sure it's got a lot to do with hard work on diet and all the other excercise too. I'm trying circuit training with core excercises. If that doesn't work to get me past this rut, I'm going to give the kettlebells a try. Question for you: How do you feel your run is going? Are you maintaining or improving? I'm a little more focussed on my run right now with a Half Mary the first race of the year for me. After that I need to figure out how to cut back some run time and focus more on the bike and swim.


Hard to say.  The track workouts seem to be going very well.   Fartleks have been harsh but good.  I'm hoping to find out soon - the running club's annual get moving program starts next week.  it's in the midst of my bike testing so I don't know if the coach will let me run then or the week after.  I am trying to get stronger core, glutes and legs with the kettlebells.  That all seems good.  So we will see. 

How much are you running a week before the taper for the half IM?  Which are you doing? I think I was only running about 15 to 18 a week for the half IM.  I'll have to check.  That's like one 90 min race pace and two 5K, one for fartleks the other all out, isn't it?    I don't vary much from 4X bike, 3X run, 2- 3X swim.  I just add time.   

Are you doing Tri Sharks here in central Illinois in June?  Evergreen International in July? 




LMK how it goes. I have no idea how I'm going to trainsition to 3x/wk running.

I'll do 35 the week before taper. But, I'm using a full marathon plan to train for the half

I'm doing the Palos HM

I still have to look into tri sharks, might be a good tune-up for Racine. I can't do Evergreen this year. It conflicts with Racine.
2012-02-16 10:52 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Well Well!!Sorry I've been mia the past couple of days.Just been busy..Have a little smack talk to catch up on I see

Tuesday smack was 44:00 min run with with 9x30 sec with 1 min rec. Had to do this on the dreadmill(ugh) ran my intervals at 7:30 pace with the last one at 6:40 min pace.. Finished the workout at 6mph/10 min pace avg.

Wednesday Double Smack Talk!! Sorry Carla I meant TRIPLE Smack Talk!(lol)

32 min swim holding a 2:00 per 100 average then straight to the gym for a 30 min circuit workout. Then on the bike last night in the trainer for 30 min with a 15 mph avg. 87 cad. avg/max 104 cad.

Anyways everyone keep up the nice work..Almost the weekend...

2012-02-16 10:53 AM
in reply to: #4050038

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CyborgQueen - 2012-02-15 11:22 PM
kenj - 2012-02-15 8:33 AM

Quiet around here last night and this morning!  I guess everyone was either working or enjoying Valentines Day.  After doing the bike and Insanity in the morning, the wife reminded me that it was Tuesday and that means bootcamp after work.  It had been a few weeks since I have been home on a Tuesday so I completely forgot.  So double the strenght/plyo work yesterday. 

Run this morning and pilates at lunch.  Whats up with everyone else? 

My fiance and I don't really celebrate Valentine's Day. In our mind, everyday should be Valentine's day.  He does lots of little surprises for me throughout the year.  For instance, a few days ago he got Mallow Bits, and I didn't really get to have some (20 calories for TWO tbsp - that's a lot, but very low in calories), and tonight he made me hot chocolate with them. I didn't even ask him for it.  When I had a bad day at school...he goes and makes my bath with candles, scented bath stuff, etc. 

However, as tradition, he buys me new undies and bras from Victoria Secret (and he never gives it to me ON Valentine's day...always a few days before...the man can't wait).   It's a little joke, ever since he tore my underwear while giving me a wedgie when we first started dating, and he felt really bad for that, and a few days later I got a surprise in the mail with a bunch of new undies and bras.  I don't know how he knew my size...I don't want to know. LOL! So it's become a tradition since...8 years! :-)


Too bad when it comes to dishes piling up, he looks the other way.!

Glad my wife doesnt think every day should be valentines, I would need a 2nd job.Embarassed

I am trying to imagine in what situation giving a new girlfriend a wedgie would be appropriate?  Thats funny!

2012-02-16 10:55 AM
in reply to: #4050044

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Meulen - 2012-02-15 11:32 PM Lol...awesome story DJ!

Except for the dishes, what's so hard about throwing some dishes in the dishwasher? Lol

Today started out slow for me. I am soooo tired and mentally drained from work. I skipped my circuit core stength workout at 4am and went back to bed. I went to work and really didn't feel like running but forced myself to hit the gym in my building downtown after work. I went home and didn't want to swim. Thankfully, I had a friend hold me accountable and met him at the pool at my gym by home. I went home and made up my circuit core strength workout while I was watching tv with my wife.'s time for bed!

Tough way to get in a workout when you're tired like that!  Be careful, falling asleep on the treadmill can be dangerous., but worse in the pool!

2012-02-16 11:08 AM
in reply to: #4050822

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2012-02-16 10:55 AM

Meulen - 2012-02-15 11:32 PM Lol...awesome story DJ!

Except for the dishes, what's so hard about throwing some dishes in the dishwasher? Lol

Today started out slow for me. I am soooo tired and mentally drained from work. I skipped my circuit core stength workout at 4am and went back to bed. I went to work and really didn't feel like running but forced myself to hit the gym in my building downtown after work. I went home and didn't want to swim. Thankfully, I had a friend hold me accountable and met him at the pool at my gym by home. I went home and made up my circuit core strength workout while I was watching tv with my wife.'s time for bed!

Tough way to get in a workout when you're tired like that!  Be careful, falling asleep on the treadmill can be dangerous., but worse in the pool!

LOL hahahahahahha!! good thing I was swimming with a buddy!

I have no problem getting the workouts in. Recovery is a different story!
2012-02-16 11:09 AM
in reply to: #4050162

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

abake - 2012-02-16 6:38 AM Work has been nutso for me too this week. Haven't had to pull overtime in a long time and had to work late twice this week. Plus I picked up a cold or virusy thing, probably on the plane this weekend. Ugh, everytime I fly I wish I had one of those HAZMAT suits. Anyway, will need to do some very serious SMACK TALKING to get myself back on schedule. 

A little recovery after a race doesn't hurt Anne! I hope the cold doesn't hang around too long!

2012-02-16 11:19 AM
in reply to: #4050379

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
IceManScott - 2012-02-16 9:11 AM

Kath, word to the wise:  Don't "attack" the bike course in Wisconsin.   A great goal is to stay at endurance pace and spin, spin, spin the hills.  If you go into the red on the hills on the first loop, the second loop with be a sufferfest and the marathon a real joy.

I've had a terrific winter so far.  Weight loss = 12 pounds on paleo, stronger than ever with kettlebells as strength training, bike workouts have been really consistent and the running has been OK, though indoors mostly on a small track.  It will be fun to see how all that translates to the outside.  I would love to shave another 10 pounds.  May be a lot given that I', about 10% body fat now.  Looking lean.

8 days and counting from release for journalism.  Getting good responses from potential workplaces and lining up some really great references.  Hoping for a job that is challenging and offers enough freedom to work all the workouts around.  I'm sure it will happen.

Hope your training all goes well. 



Great advice Ice!  True with most IM courses!

Congrats on a fine start to the year!

I hope everything works out on the job front! 

2012-02-16 11:47 AM
in reply to: #4050671

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Meulen - 2012-02-16 10:02 AM
IceManScott - 2012-02-16 9:36 AM
Meulen - 2012-02-16 8:33 AM
IceManScott - 2012-02-16 8:11 AM

Kath, word to the wise:  Don't "attack" the bike course in Wisconsin.   A great goal is to stay at endurance pace and spin, spin, spin the hills.  If you go into the red on the hills on the first loop, the second loop with be a sufferfest and the marathon a real joy.

I've had a terrific winter so far.  Weight loss = 12 pounds on paleo, stronger than ever with kettlebells as strength training, bike workouts have been really consistent and the running has been OK, though indoors mostly on a small track.  It will be fun to see how all that translates to the outside.  I would love to shave another 10 pounds.  May be a lot given that I', about 10% body fat now.  Looking lean.

8 days and counting from release for journalism.  Getting good responses from potential workplaces and lining up some really great references.  Hoping for a job that is challenging and offers enough freedom to work all the workouts around.  I'm sure it will happen.

Hope your training all goes well. 



Scott, you're doing incredible man! I was just looking at your logs. Incredible time on the bike for a guy in the Midwest this time of year!!! I'm really impressed with the weight loss from the kettlebells. I'm sure it's got a lot to do with hard work on diet and all the other excercise too. I'm trying circuit training with core excercises. If that doesn't work to get me past this rut, I'm going to give the kettlebells a try. Question for you: How do you feel your run is going? Are you maintaining or improving? I'm a little more focussed on my run right now with a Half Mary the first race of the year for me. After that I need to figure out how to cut back some run time and focus more on the bike and swim.


Hard to say.  The track workouts seem to be going very well.   Fartleks have been harsh but good.  I'm hoping to find out soon - the running club's annual get moving program starts next week.  it's in the midst of my bike testing so I don't know if the coach will let me run then or the week after.  I am trying to get stronger core, glutes and legs with the kettlebells.  That all seems good.  So we will see. 

How much are you running a week before the taper for the half IM?  Which are you doing? I think I was only running about 15 to 18 a week for the half IM.  I'll have to check.  That's like one 90 min race pace and two 5K, one for fartleks the other all out, isn't it?    I don't vary much from 4X bike, 3X run, 2- 3X swim.  I just add time.   

Are you doing Tri Sharks here in central Illinois in June?  Evergreen International in July? 




LMK how it goes. I have no idea how I'm going to trainsition to 3x/wk running. I'll do 35 the week before taper. But, I'm using a full marathon plan to train for the half I'm doing the Palos HM I still have to look into tri sharks, might be a good tune-up for Racine. I can't do Evergreen this year. It conflicts with Racine.


Tri Sharks closed.  I got into Evergreen but am still considering Racine if I am ready.  35 miles a week for a half IM seems a bit much.  I wasn't doing that for my IM training.  My long runs there were 2.5 hours.  The most important are a long run and a brick off the bike, IMO. Actually, I've gotten into doing short bricks off the brick every time as races near.  I do one decent brick off the bike, but the others are just a mile or so.  I think it really gets the body tuned for running after the bike.


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