BT Development Mentor Program Archives » swbkrun with us!!! - Closed Rss Feed  
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2011-01-12 7:50 AM
in reply to: #3293614

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
fattyfatfat - 2011-01-11 8:39 PM seems tony ran goofy with the flu.  ha!  now sam has it.  and jarrett down here.  sucks. 

I hope Doug and everyone else feels better soon!  School was cancellled in the next county where I teach so I have a snow day...only 3 inches! 
I am not racing this weekend and I am focusing on flexibility with lots of stretching, building more strength in the weight room and making sure I get to the pool during the off season.


2011-01-12 7:51 AM
in reply to: #3293931

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
velcromom - 2011-01-12 4:20 AM Hubby's flight to Boston cancelled.,...he's stuck in Chicago.   AND I just had an earthquake jolt me out of bed.  I'm guessing it was close to 5.0.  Wondering if Kim felt it?

Earthquake, wow! Do you feel those often?
2011-01-12 7:52 AM
in reply to: #3294071

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Blizzards and earthquakes and the flu, oh my! Stay safe and get healthy, everyone!

No racing for me this weekend. What I'm doing right: getting myself to the pool and starting to rebuild my swim base. What I need to improve: getting more out of my bike workouts. 
2011-01-12 7:53 AM
in reply to: #3293864

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
tahrens - 2011-01-12 12:14 AM Speaking of heart rates I win the max heart rate prize of the week.  Max heart rate was 215!!!!   Funny thing was I felt completely fine. Except I was waiting for my Garmin to call the EMTs for all the times it was beeping at me to slow my HR down.   Had forgotten to mention my crazy high HR to the coach. He just laughed and said, "maybe we'll do that 2 mile TT sooner rather than later to get your zones all set." 

Everything is covered in ice in NC.  Makes getting out very difficult.  Hope everyone is doing well.

That is really high! I am surprised (but happy) you felt fine!
2011-01-12 8:00 AM
in reply to: #3294125

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
gotta run - 2011-01-12 8:52 AM Blizzards and earthquakes and the flu, oh my! Stay safe and get healthy, everyone!

No racing for me this weekend. What I'm doing right: getting myself to the pool and starting to rebuild my swim base. What I need to improve: getting more out of my bike workouts. 

how was the movie? 
2011-01-12 8:17 AM
in reply to: #3294155

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
fattyfatfat - 2011-01-12 6:00 AM
gotta run - 2011-01-12 8:52 AM Blizzards and earthquakes and the flu, oh my! Stay safe and get healthy, everyone!

No racing for me this weekend. What I'm doing right: getting myself to the pool and starting to rebuild my swim base. What I need to improve: getting more out of my bike workouts. 

how was the movie? 
x2john, you are brilliant, THAT should be the next mg meet up...12 of us in a van, 197 miles, three mountains to get over...priceless!Linda-i was sleeping soundly and missed another one. Not the normal time of year for these.I am sorry if this is one big run on, i am on the i touch...

2011-01-12 8:19 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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metro west, MA
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

The snow has been falling all night here.  Daycare is closed and the pool has a delayed opening of noon so no early morning w/o for me today.  I'm hoping I'll finally use this time to get my trainer setup and get in a good bike, maybe fit in my swim later if MH is feeling generous.  Only problem is I still have actual work to do on top of caring for my munchkins.

For this new year, I've been struggling with getting on the bike.  1. I haven't set up my trainer b/c I can't figure out where to put it, and 2. I still need to figure out why my HRM isn't working. 

Question for all; I've got a 1/2 mary at the end of Feb for which I'm currently trying to follow Higdon's intermediate 1/2 mary plan but with fitting in (or trying to) the swim and bike into my schedule it leaves me with this..
Mon- skiing; Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sun- run; Wed and Sat- swim and bike. I'm just building for swim and bike but I'm worried that I'm not putting in enough volume for the run for the 1/2 mary.  Is 4 days/ wk enough? I am shooting for sub 2hr.

2011-01-12 8:20 AM
in reply to: #3294155

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
fattyfatfat - 2011-01-12 9:00 AM
gotta run - 2011-01-12 8:52 AM Blizzards and earthquakes and the flu, oh my! Stay safe and get healthy, everyone!

No racing for me this weekend. What I'm doing right: getting myself to the pool and starting to rebuild my swim base. What I need to improve: getting more out of my bike workouts. 

how was the movie? 

It was pretty good. There were some great moments, but in the end I wished it had been more about running and less about the zaniness of the race. Did anyone else see Hood to Coast last night?
2011-01-12 8:44 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Once again I am lost in the MG thread. What movie?
2011-01-12 8:48 AM
in reply to: #3293965

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SSMinnow - 2011-01-12 6:14 AM Hopping in to ask the all important question, WHO'S RACING THIS WEEKEND?

For us non racers, it's 12 days into the new year, what are you doing right? what do you need to work on?

ME!!!  Half marathon on Sunday.  Weather should be good....50's at the start time...high in the 60's....but scatter t-storms.  I am ready!!! 
2011-01-12 8:50 AM
in reply to: #3294256

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
DougRob - 2011-01-12 6:44 AM Once again I am lost in the MG thread. What movie?

Sorry Doug, that was me getting carried away.  Julia went to see "Hood to Coast" last night.  I had heard an interview with the guy who directed the sounded really cool.  The race itself sounds really challenging, it's a 12 person relay from mount hood to the oregon coast.

2011-01-12 8:53 AM
in reply to: #3294198

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
mighty mom - 2011-01-12 8:19 AM

The snow has been falling all night here.  Daycare is closed and the pool has a delayed opening of noon so no early morning w/o for me today.  I'm hoping I'll finally use this time to get my trainer setup and get in a good bike, maybe fit in my swim later if MH is feeling generous.  Only problem is I still have actual work to do on top of caring for my munchkins.

For this new year, I've been struggling with getting on the bike.  1. I haven't set up my trainer b/c I can't figure out where to put it, and 2. I still need to figure out why my HRM isn't working. 

Question for all; I've got a 1/2 mary at the end of Feb for which I'm currently trying to follow Higdon's intermediate 1/2 mary plan but with fitting in (or trying to) the swim and bike into my schedule it leaves me with this..
Mon- skiing; Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sun- run; Wed and Sat- swim and bike. I'm just building for swim and bike but I'm worried that I'm not putting in enough volume for the run for the 1/2 mary.  Is 4 days/ wk enough? I am shooting for sub 2hr.

That's my ultimate goal, too!  But I'm following HH's full marathon plan up until like week 10 or 11, which is when I start tapering for the half.  I noticed that his half-mary plan doesn't ever get you up to the 13.1, so by doing the full mary training, I hit a 16-miler, and that'll help me feel more prepared.  I think 4x/week is enough, especially with the biking and swimming thrown in there.  Those are great recovery days while still building endurance.  And if you're anything like me, I don't know that my body could take more than 4x/week running.  I think my shins would hate me too much!  I think you can do it!
2011-01-12 8:54 AM
in reply to: #3294271

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
gdctex - 2011-01-12 6:48 AM
SSMinnow - 2011-01-12 6:14 AM Hopping in to ask the all important question, WHO'S RACING THIS WEEKEND?

For us non racers, it's 12 days into the new year, what are you doing right? what do you need to work on?

ME!!!  Half marathon on Sunday.  Weather should be good....50's at the start time...high in the 60's....but scatter t-storms.  I am ready!!! 

Go get 'em, Glen!!!!! 
2011-01-12 8:58 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Wow, lots of sick people on here today!  I did my bike ride this morning with tissues stuffed up my nose because my nose was dripping everywhere.  Gross, I know, but I had to share because apparently Ryan thought it was funny enough to laugh at me for quite a while.  Oh well!  I hope everybody gets to feeling well soon!

I think it's funny about all the snow everywhere!  It's not bad here in Wisconsin.  Didn't see that coming.  But there's still plenty of winter to be had here, I'm sure.

Also, I may have to ix-nay the full marathon for this fall because of scheduling and other logistics, but this also depends on whether I get the internship and whatnot.  I might just heed some advice and run another half in September-ish to finish up my racing season, even if that means no full marathon until summer/fall of 2012.  I'm not going anywhere, and I don't think marathons are either!

Happy Wednesday!
2011-01-12 9:06 AM
in reply to: #3294198

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
mighty mom - 2011-01-12 6:19 AM

The snow has been falling all night here.  Daycare is closed and the pool has a delayed opening of noon so no early morning w/o for me today.  I'm hoping I'll finally use this time to get my trainer setup and get in a good bike, maybe fit in my swim later if MH is feeling generous.  Only problem is I still have actual work to do on top of caring for my munchkins.

For this new year, I've been struggling with getting on the bike.  1. I haven't set up my trainer b/c I can't figure out where to put it, and 2. I still need to figure out why my HRM isn't working. 

Question for all; I've got a 1/2 mary at the end of Feb for which I'm currently trying to follow Higdon's intermediate 1/2 mary plan but with fitting in (or trying to) the swim and bike into my schedule it leaves me with this..
Mon- skiing; Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sun- run; Wed and Sat- swim and bike. I'm just building for swim and bike but I'm worried that I'm not putting in enough volume for the run for the 1/2 mary.  Is 4 days/ wk enough? I am shooting for sub 2hr.

We live in a really small house and the only place for my trainer is in the living room.  I drag it off to the side when not in use and when company comes over I'll disassemble it and hide the bike in the bedroom or office.  (but not if it's family or close friends!)  So, my suggestion would be to put it where it is comfortable to ride and you have room to set up a fan and put it on an exercise mat so sweat doesn't drip all over the floor/rug.  And preferably where you can watch tv?

re: higdon's plan, it looks like a 5/week plan with a moderate amount of miles.  I think if you have time for 4x/week, maybe scoot down to the novice.  The thing about these plans is that if you eliminate one day, most people eliminate an easy day, it opens you up to possible injury, especially if you try to do those speed sessions and don't have enough recovery mileage.  It might be better to do the novice and then add something vs. the other way around.  I think I used a runners world 3x/week for my first half, but I wish I would have added one day of easy 4 or 5 miles...just to build up some strength in my legs.  I didn't get injured but remember feeling kind of achy all of the time. 

Good luck!
2011-01-12 9:11 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Hi gang - we are heading for the airport in an hour to go home.  Sadly, our trip ended with a family wide flu attack.  Tony started w/ symptoms Sat. evening and was down for the count by Sunday evening.  I  sucked it up until Tues. evening and my poor daughter was ok until Tues. AM when she was supposed to go to her princess makeover and lunch w/ Cinderella.  She was a good sport butI felt terrible that she was sick and had to miss the day she was looking forward to for the entire trip.  Drew is ok so far but getting a cough now.

On the other hand, I discovered that 2 days of walking around amusements parks is a great way to recover from a marathon.  My quads are no longer sore.  LOL  Who knew!

2011-01-12 9:16 AM
in reply to: #3294192

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
kt65 - 2011-01-12 9:17 AM
fattyfatfat - 2011-01-12 6:00 AM
gotta run - 2011-01-12 8:52 AM Blizzards and earthquakes and the flu, oh my! Stay safe and get healthy, everyone!

No racing for me this weekend. What I'm doing right: getting myself to the pool and starting to rebuild my swim base. What I need to improve: getting more out of my bike workouts. 

how was the movie? 
x2john, you are brilliant, THAT should be the next mg meet up...12 of us in a van, 197 miles, three mountains to get over...priceless!Linda-i was sleeping soundly and missed another one. Not the normal time of year for these.I am sorry if this is one big run on, i am on the i touch...

i'd be all over that!   and the minnow could be in charge and we'll call her kazoo! 

2011-01-12 9:17 AM
in reply to: #3294271

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
gdctex - 2011-01-12 9:48 AM
SSMinnow - 2011-01-12 6:14 AM Hopping in to ask the all important question, WHO'S RACING THIS WEEKEND?

For us non racers, it's 12 days into the new year, what are you doing right? what do you need to work on?

ME!!!  Half marathon on Sunday.  Weather should be good....50's at the start time...high in the 60's....but scatter t-storms.  I am ready!!! 

awesome!  good luck!!!!  and have fun!!!!!!
2011-01-12 9:25 AM
in reply to: #3294349

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
fattyfatfat - 2011-01-12 10:16 AM
kt65 - 2011-01-12 9:17 AM
fattyfatfat - 2011-01-12 6:00 AM
gotta run - 2011-01-12 8:52 AM Blizzards and earthquakes and the flu, oh my! Stay safe and get healthy, everyone!

No racing for me this weekend. What I'm doing right: getting myself to the pool and starting to rebuild my swim base. What I need to improve: getting more out of my bike workouts. 

how was the movie? 
x2john, you are brilliant, THAT should be the next mg meet up...12 of us in a van, 197 miles, three mountains to get over...priceless!Linda-i was sleeping soundly and missed another one. Not the normal time of year for these.I am sorry if this is one big run on, i am on the i touch...

i'd be all over that!   and the minnow could be in charge and we'll call her kazoo! 

You sir, have a strange mind! And that is a good thing. Kazoo! When I was looking for the GPS link I posted in the past MG I went through 60 pages to find it. In the process I found elephants crapping, "a blonde moment", etc... How you find/think of this stuff is beyond me.
2011-01-12 9:26 AM
in reply to: #3293965

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

SSMinnow - 2011-01-12 7:14 AM Hopping in to ask the all important question, WHO'S RACING THIS WEEKEND?

For us non racers, it's 12 days into the new year, what are you doing right? what do you need to work on?

What I'm doing "right" right now is not doing any extensive work outs. Resting my back, making sure it doesn't flare up again. It is very annoying as I am unable to run, bike or swim. I'm doing some very light strength and stretching to help get it back in shape. I'm going to try a short run tomorrow and see how that goes. If that is OK then its game on and I'll be able to build back up to my potential or at least closer to it than I am at now

Good luck Glen. Go out and rock your race.

2011-01-12 9:26 AM
in reply to: #3293965

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SSMinnow - 2011-01-12 6:14 AM Hopping in to ask the all important question, WHO'S RACING THIS WEEKEND?

For us non racers, it's 12 days into the new year, what are you doing right? what do you need to work on?

Doing right: YOGA once a week, a new Master's class once a week that challenges the crap out me and leaves me the last one at the wall every time and following the plan to a T with no overages.

Still need to work on: diet and patience!

Edited by SSMinnow 2011-01-12 9:27 AM

2011-01-12 9:26 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Not racing -b ut officiating at a huge, 2500 swimmer, championship meet this weekend.  Always exhausting!

I'm working on consistency.  Trying to do my own 'peach' challenge. So far, so good, but we're only on day 12! 

I'm also trying to eat better, and that's not going so well.  I tend to overdo something everyday, it seems.  Pepsi, wine, cheese, Izze, pellegrino, cheese biscuits, spice drops.  Seems like everything has it's day, and I overindulge on that item.  No self control.  Some items are obviously less healthy (at least I wait until much later in the day if it's wine!), and some are just too expensive to rationalize as I keep my stash from my family!

Within my training plan (which is another problem, because I really don't have one) I'm trying to compete in the USAT NCC,
and this month is bike month.

 ??T?h?i?s? ?m?a?y? ?o?r? ?m?a?n?y? ?n?o?t? ?b?e? ?w?i?s?e?.?.?.?.??I? ?m?a?y? ?b?e? ?f?o?c?u?s?i?n?g? ?o?n? ?t?h?e? ?w?r?o?n?g? ?g?o?a?l?s?.? ? ?Frown?    ?
2011-01-12 9:28 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
I'm also REALLY EXCITED about meeting Kim and riding a REALLY TOUGH course with her on Monday!!   Keep praying for sun!!  Anyone want to join us?   It's supposed to be in the high 50's and dry.....

Edited by velcromom 2011-01-12 9:28 AM
2011-01-12 9:29 AM
in reply to: #3294385

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
velcromom - 2011-01-12 9:26 AM Not racing -b ut officiating at a huge, 2500 swimmer, championship meet this weekend.  Always exhausting!

I'm working on consistency.  Trying to do my own 'peach' challenge. So far, so good, but we're only on day 12! 

I'm also trying to eat better, and that's not going so well.  I tend to overdo something everyday, it seems.  Pepsi, wine, cheese, Izze, pellegrino, cheese biscuits, spice drops.  Seems like everything has it's day, and I overindulge on that item.  No self control.  Some items are obviously less healthy (at least I wait until much later in the day if it's wine!), and some are just too expensive to rationalize as I keep my stash from my family!

Within my training plan (which is another problem, because I really don't have one) I'm trying to compete in the USAT NCC,
and this month is bike month.

 ??T?h?i?s? ?m?a?y? ?o?r? ?m?a?n?y? ?n?o?t? ?b?e? ?w?i?s?e?.?.?.?.??I? ?m?a?y? ?b?e? ?f?o?c?u?s?i?n?g? ?o?n? ?t?h?e? ?w?r?o?n?g? ?g?o?a?l?s?.? ? ?Frown?    ?

In your defense, I think when  you are super thin, you forget to eat well.  There are days I wish I was you and then others when I think if I was you I would eat like crap 100% of the time!  Such a quandary.

I'm sliding down the USAT Challenge and finding I'm ok it.  Don't fret!
2011-01-12 9:30 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

It's weird hearing about all the bad weather everyone is experiencing. That is normal life up here in the north. Hope everyone is feeling better soon and all the snow melts where it is not supposed to be.

Cancelled school and events because of a forecasted snowfall.  What is the world coming to? Next thing you know Sugar won't want to train in the rain

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