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2011-08-04 8:46 AM
in reply to: #3439366

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
Did a .7 mile OWS this morning with a few members from the local team and follow it up with a 2.13 mile low key recovery run. That's all she wrote until Sunday and NYC.

2011-08-04 1:53 PM
in reply to: #3439366

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

Joy - Is it an IT band?  If you think it is I would recommend rest and stretching it.  I did not do this when my IT band started to act up, had the old just grit through it because I can't afford the time off from training and ended up not being able to run or bike for 7 weeks.  If you think it's an IT band the best stretch I have is the basic one.  My problem is always with my right knee, so standing I cross my left leg over my right so both are flat on the floor (left foot is now to right side of right foot) and stretch my torso to the left gently.

Good luck!


2011-08-04 5:22 PM
in reply to: #3627814

Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
shellback1998 - 2011-08-03 4:17 PM
charminchick - 2011-08-03 11:23 AM

Hello! I have been out for a while presenting at at National Conference in Washington DC and getting ready for school to start back (OH NO!!!). Well, I trained last week in DC and did some running and riding Monday and Tuesday. Now, my knee hurts! Any suggestions. I am wearing a compression brace and resting as much as possible. I am going to swim today only. I have a race I want to do really well in on the 13th, so I want it to get better. Any advice would be great!


Is it your Knee or IT Band?

It's under the knee cap. I ran 2 miles today, did advil and ice when done and stretched. It seems better.

2011-08-04 6:55 PM
in reply to: #3628580

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

everlong - 2011-08-04 6:46 AM Did a .7 mile OWS this morning with a few members from the local team and follow it up with a 2.13 mile low key recovery run. That's all she wrote until Sunday and NYC.

Nice!  Rest day tomorrow and recon Saturday.  Good luck on your race man!


2011-08-04 10:36 PM
in reply to: #3439366

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

Went for a slightly longer bike ride today at a higher intensity level since my body felt lots better than the past couple days. 

I have a month to prepare for the next tri which has a longer bike and swim.  Terrain is also gonna be harder as the bike and run will consist of rolling hills.  After the swim is about a quarter mile hill climb to transition and the end of the run will be a quarter mile (I think) hill climb to the finish line!  O_O

Any training suggestions for the next 4 weeks?  I've been doing alot of hill work on the bike already but not rolling hills.  So far, most of my running has been on flats.


2011-08-05 6:39 AM
in reply to: #3629927

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
kloofyroland - 2011-08-04 11:36 PM

Any training suggestions for the next 4 weeks?  I've been doing alot of hill work on the bike already but not rolling hills.  So far, most of my running has been on flats.

I would crush it the next two weeks then week three do 85% of the volume at a lower intensity and then taper the 4th week.

Rolling hills are actually fun and work as good intervals in your training. It's the big hills that hurt and the one's where you have to actively monitory your heart rate and cadence to make sure you're not blowing up. This is true for the run and even more so for the bike where it's easy to not recognize the level of exertion.

2011-08-05 6:41 AM
in reply to: #3630076

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
everlong - 2011-08-05 7:39 AM
kloofyroland - 2011-08-04 11:36 PM

Any training suggestions for the next 4 weeks?  I've been doing alot of hill work on the bike already but not rolling hills.  So far, most of my running has been on flats.

I would crush it the next two weeks then week three do 85% of the volume at a lower intensity and then taper the 4th week.

Rolling hills are actually fun and work as good intervals in your training. It's the big hills that hurt and the one's where you have to actively monitory your heart rate and cadence to make sure you're not blowing up. This is true for the run and even more so for the bike where it's easy to not recognize the level of exertion.


Great advice Scott... 

2011-08-05 6:42 AM
in reply to: #3439366

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
Kick some in New York this weekend Scott. Make us all proud...
2011-08-05 6:42 AM
in reply to: #3629681

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
kloofyroland - 2011-08-04 7:55 PM

Nice!  Rest day tomorrow and recon Saturday.  Good luck on your race man!

Thanks man. I'll be traveling Sunday after the race so I might not get to the forum until at least Monday but I'll post my times on Facebook via my cell. Also my bib is 834 for tracking.

2011-08-05 7:07 AM
in reply to: #3439366

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
Kick some in New York this weekend Scott. Make us all proud...
2011-08-05 2:14 PM
in reply to: #3439366

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

I just noticed I lost 3-4 lbs since I started training 3 months ago.  Should I be concerned?  I used to weigh 148.  >.<


2011-08-05 3:55 PM
in reply to: #3439366

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
I don't think there's a need for concern considering your activity level has greatly increased.
2011-08-06 5:16 PM
in reply to: #3439366

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

Hey guys - Here is my race report.  My only comment is I really need to get in better shape.  I was suprised because it seemed like I smoked the bike but I was (82/100 females and 234/260 overall) and had a difficult time with the run but was (70/100 females and 202/260 overall).  I think I did better in the run because despite the humidy (brutal) I didn't walk and almost every other person did.  And best of all, I was NOT last in the swimLaughing(97/100 females and 249/260 overall). 

Lakefront Days Triathlon
Prior Lake, Minnesota
United States
Dakotah! Sport and Fitness
82F / 28C

Triathlon - Sprint
Total Time = 1h 51m 3s
Overall Rank = 86/100
Age Group = 50-54
Age Group Rank = 4/4


Pre-race routine:

Arrived at race early and set up transition area. There were plenty of spots and I chose one close to the exit to the bike and run. Once set up went back to car and took a 20 minute nap (reflection).


Event warmup:

I had already checked out my bike prior to racking it. Took a short jog toward the end of the course where we would end the run to get a feel for landmarks that let me know there was only 1/4 mile to go. Then took a brief swim before the first wave was set up.





Really need to continue to work on the swim. This time I left everyone in my wave go out so I was last but caught 2 people by the time we were 100 yds out. I swam my own race and paced myself based on my ability. This time I did not come out of the water totally wasted. Tired but with enough energy to proceed to the bike.


What would you do differently?:

I need to join a masters swim to improve my stroke and breathing.





I liked that my bike was within a few rows of the exit to the bike. The weather was nice so I was able to lay out my stuff for transitioning to the next event.


What would you do differently?:

Nothing, just continue to work on streamlining the transition process.





I felt really good on the bike. The course was constant rolling hills and I feel like my legs are alot stronger than they were a month ago. A few of the guys from the 2 swim waves after mine passed me on the bike in the first mile, but after that I was only passed by 2 people and I passed a number of people.


What would you do differently?:

Have a more structured bike training plan, do more hill workouts and some longer rides to build endurance.





I ran out of transition area while putting my headband on and attaching watch. I think the place for me to make progress was with racking my bike. It seemed to take me alittle longer to get it in place before I could start taking off my shoes and helmet.


What would you do differently?:

Practice the transition when I do a brick.





It was really hot and humid. It was difficult when not in a shaded portion of the trail. I only saw one person not walk for awhile during the entire 3.3 miles. I tried to use the downhill portion as a recovery, using long strides and loose hips. There were two water stops, one at mile 1 and one at mile 2. I drank water and then took and additional cup to pour over myself, which helped for only a minute because of the humidity.


What would you do differently?:

Run more.


Post race


Warm down:

Walked around, found tub of ice water and rehydrated myself.


What limited your ability to perform faster:

I need to continue to work on getting in better shape and to improve my swim technique.


Event comments:

This race was well planned, from the volunteers directing people where to park, to the hot dogs/chips/cookies at the end. There were volunteers everywhere, if you had a question, pointing out turns and encouraging participants. Very well ran.


2011-08-07 4:38 PM
in reply to: #3439366

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL




bib number:834
overall place:1349 out of 3103
division place:213 out of 386
gender place:1154 out of 2067
2011-08-07 4:46 PM
in reply to: #3630941

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
kloofyroland - 2011-08-05 3:14 PM

I just noticed I lost 3-4 lbs since I started training 3 months ago.  Should I be concerned?  I used to weigh 148.  >.<


is this a joke?

2011-08-07 7:11 PM
in reply to: #3632803

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
shellback1998 - 2011-08-07 5:38 PM




bib number:834
overall place:1349 out of 3103
division place:213 out of 386
gender place:1154 out of 2067

Thanks for posting. I'll do a full write up  but that swim pace is 1:08/100 in the worst chop I've ever swam in. It was 2 foot waves and I worked a lot harder than I thought I was trying to stay in control. I knew when I got to the dock that it was too fast. 

The bike however as perhaps one of the best rides I've ever had given how hilly it was. I kept my heart rate for the most part where I wanted it but the fast swim didn't help. Also the bike course was soaking wet and done in drizzle in parts.

The run was just like Stamford. I was crushing it and felt good right until the sun came out. The temp went from 80 to 92 in about ten minutes and I could just feel my power leaving me. By the end I had fallen way off the pace of the first three miles and especially the first two which were under cloud cover. I ate and drank way more than Stamford and wore a cooling beanie and yet as soon as the sun hit it was like a light switch.

I need to figure out why the heat and/or sun just crush me at a certain level and i need to get a waterproof heart rate monitor because I never feel like I'm working as hard as I am.

Swim was good for 359th

Bike 1226

Run 2048

T1 was 7:48 but that included a 750 yard run from the water to transition. I didn't feel like I could do it faster given the run and pulling my stuff out of plastic bags. 

T2 was 1:44 and given I had to pull my stuff out of rain protection I smoked it.

1349/3130 I'm happy with. It shows that given the conditions I did pretty well. I wanted my time to be better and I'm mildly upset that I blew up on the run again when the temp went up. I almost went to the medical tent after the event and had to sit for 10 minutes drinking and icing down. I saw a half dozen people who finished right around me go to the medical tent.

One woman on the bike underestimated the size of a puddle at the bottom of the bike courses largest hill. She went down and was sitting up but couldn't stand. Pretty sure she broke a leg or hip. Every single person who saw that, including me, avoided that puddle like the plague on the way back.




2011-08-07 8:42 PM
in reply to: #3439366

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

Great job Everlong!!!  Looking forward to your write up.


2011-08-08 6:24 AM
in reply to: #3439366

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

Sadly there were casualties and I wasn't the only one dehydrated when the heat spiked.


2011-08-08 8:24 AM
in reply to: #3625898

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

everlong - 2011-08-02 1:42 PM Before they breakup the group sometime in the fall I'm Scott Hitchcock and if you want to send me a Facebook invite just include that you're from this site and your user name. It would be nice to stay in touch and see how far you all take your triathlons. Pretty cool if somebody made it to Kona!

Great idea! I am on facebook as well.

Look up Thor Barabonoff.

2011-08-08 8:30 AM
in reply to: #3439366

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

Sounds like everyone has been kicking butt!!

Great job Roland, Linda and Scott and anyone else I may have missed!

I had a great holiday! Tweaked my back so I never put on a a pair of running shoes but I did get out swimming in the wetsuit. Swam across the lake the one day and it felt great! Managed to go biking for fun a couple days as well! Back at the training today. Did a 4.5mile run this morning. Other then sore knees and back I felt great...

Going for a bike tonight.

Next race is less then two weeks away. An Oly on August 21. My 8yr old son`s first ever race is August 20. Going to be a great  weekend!

Cheers everyone!

2011-08-08 10:23 AM
in reply to: #3632818

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
shellback1998 - 2011-08-07 3:46 PM
kloofyroland - 2011-08-05 3:14 PM

I just noticed I lost 3-4 lbs since I started training 3 months ago.  Should I be concerned?  I used to weigh 148.  >.<


is this a joke?

I would need to cut my arms and legs off to hit 145...

2011-08-08 10:31 AM
in reply to: #3633872

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
thor67 - 2011-08-08 11:23 AM
shellback1998 - 2011-08-07 3:46 PM
kloofyroland - 2011-08-05 3:14 PM

I just noticed I lost 3-4 lbs since I started training 3 months ago.  Should I be concerned?  I used to weigh 148.  >.<


is this a joke?

I would need to cut my arms and legs off to hit 145...


HA... I would have to cut three limbs off


my face book www.facebook/scott.gaudet

2011-08-08 4:21 PM
in reply to: #3633893

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
shellback1998 - 2011-08-08 8:31 AM
thor67 - 2011-08-08 11:23 AM
shellback1998 - 2011-08-07 3:46 PM
kloofyroland - 2011-08-05 3:14 PM

I just noticed I lost 3-4 lbs since I started training 3 months ago.  Should I be concerned?  I used to weigh 148.  >.<


is this a joke?

I would need to cut my arms and legs off to hit 145...


HA... I would have to cut three limbs off


my face book www.facebook/scott.gaudet

hehehe!  Sillies!  =P

2011-08-08 4:44 PM
in reply to: #3632103

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
tashia153 - 2011-08-06 3:16 PM

NOT last in the swimLaughing(97/100 females and 249/260 overall).

Post race


Warm down:

Walked around, found tub of ice water and rehydrated myself.


What limited your ability to perform faster:

I need to continue to work on getting in better shape and to improve my swim technique.

Nice race Linda!  I'm happy to hear about the swim part.  The masters swim program would help lots.  Seeing how much Scott Everlong kicks butt on swims, I'd do the same thing.  =)

2 sprints done!  Are you gonna do another before this season ends?


2011-08-08 5:25 PM
in reply to: #3633377

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
everlong - 2011-08-08 4:24 AM

Sadly there were casualties and I wasn't the only one dehydrated when the heat spiked.


Oh gosh.... what a story.... >.<

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