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2011-12-15 1:06 PM
in reply to: #3931419

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!

Can I join you with the red wine, Lisa? I've got some Wayne Gretzky Estates waiting for me when I get home. That stuff is tasty!

Sounds like an awesome weekend, though! I'm kinda jealous. I'm going to meet up with a few friends, and we're going rock climbing. That's about as much physical activity as I'll be getting this weekend. 

2011-12-15 1:09 PM
in reply to: #3931419

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Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
And I'm done with Xmas shopping for my kids. Now I just got to wrap them tonight so they can open them up tomorrow night.
2011-12-15 1:09 PM
in reply to: #3940011

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Checkin' out the podium girls
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
lisac957 - 2011-12-15 2:03 PM

Busy weekend for lisac957... good thing, I neeeeed to stay busy this time of year. Otherwise I sit on my couch in a snuggie and drown myself in red wine. Mmmm red wine...

Joggers and Laggers tonight... run from a bar to... somewhere... and back. Drink w/ fellow runners. DrSpeedo will be there, but I've recruited a running partner so hopefully it won't be awkward. I REFUSE to let him get inside my brain and keep me from doing what I want to do.

Date with Frenche tomorrow. He's never been to a Japanese steakhouse where they cook in front of you. He wants to pick me up in his new Mustang. 

Saturday so many workouts... spin class, yoga, swim-a-thon for charity. Aaaand getting my hair did.

Sunday 20-mile run and church choir concert my Dad is singing in. 

WHEEWWW now where is my red wine?!

Everything sounds very cool, but you lost me with snuggie. Really?
2011-12-15 1:15 PM
in reply to: #3931419

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!


I was afraid you were going to get to the magic page without me.

Actually, I couldn't sleep.

I'm usually lying when I say I'm going to bed. Well, not lying, but it just means I'll be back shortly.

2011-12-15 1:16 PM
in reply to: #3940023

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!

pitt83 - 2011-12-15 1:09 PM
 Everything sounds very cool, but you lost me with snuggie. Really?

Don't judge!

2011-12-15 1:20 PM
in reply to: #3940037

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
lisac957 - 2011-12-16 3:16 AM

pitt83 - 2011-12-15 1:09 PM
 Everything sounds very cool, but you lost me with snuggie. Really?

Don't judge!

Almost as cool as the Forever Lazy Jumpsuit. Has modifications for when nature calls.

2011-12-15 1:22 PM
in reply to: #3931419

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Lost in the Luminiferous Aether
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!

Yanti they were supposed to keep me out of that other thread but they are falling down on the job.  Punish them for me please.

2011-12-15 1:24 PM
in reply to: #3940046

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
trinnas - 2011-12-15 2:22 PM

Yanti they were supposed to keep me out of that other thread but they are falling down on the job.  Punish them for me please.

It's not usually YOU who we have to keep out. Usually, it's the one you are running to for help! I think that means you're in big trouble...

2011-12-15 1:30 PM
in reply to: #3939897

Subject: ...
This user's post has been ignored.
2011-12-15 1:33 PM
in reply to: #3940046

Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
trinnas - 2011-12-16 3:22 AM

Yanti they were supposed to keep me out of that other thread but they are falling down on the job.  Punish them for me please.

Nobody's tried to keep me out of Tri Talk lately, either. Slackers.

Then again, I'm doing dumazz shyte which is worse than the worstest noob question in TT, so there you go.

Or I could just pull my leashes and chains out.

2011-12-15 1:34 PM
in reply to: #3940059

SouthSide of Chicago
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
Sharyn5 - 2011-12-15 1:30 PM
mjh1975 - 2011-12-15 1:08 PM

Pete & Sharon, I have to say that getting 'let go' in the month of December sucks and is bunk that your employer did this.  I know that I am restating the obvious, but here is why it hit me today.  I have an employee that I am fuming (to the point that I could fire her today) with her due to her lack of brain power when it comes to her work over the past few weeks, but today the straw broke the camels back.  

BUT I have not and cannot fire her this month as it is December and to fire someone this close to the holidays is cr8p. I can say that she will be gone by the middle of January weather or not I have a replacement for her. 

Ok, sorry for the rant and I feel horrible that you both got let go during the Holiday season.

aw, thanks for this. Yea, I thought about this myself when I went to bed last nite. Like, why didn't they wait til after the holidays? But, this way...I get some time off for the holidays, which I wasn't planning on taking, and honestly? In my case? I knew I wasn't going to be able to fulfill their goals (unrealistic, i thought all along) so...I was waiting for the axe to drop for a while now. I wasn't surprised really. But, I hear you. It definitely sounds scrooge-like to let people go two weeks before Christmas. Laughing

did i spell axe right? or is it ax? omg. my cognitive skills are already slipping. Surprised

thank you for your kind words, mjh.

Hi Sharon and welcome back.  You're right it is 'AXE'.

So whats new in the world of Sharyn?

2011-12-15 1:34 PM
in reply to: #3940066

Subject: ...
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2011-12-15 1:36 PM
in reply to: #3931419

Lost in the Luminiferous Aether
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
You know somebody needs to keep me from volunteering for stuff in the morning before I have had my coffee.  Looks like I am rowing with our men's team tonight.
2011-12-15 1:37 PM
in reply to: #3940070

Subject: ...
This user's post has been ignored.
2011-12-15 1:39 PM
in reply to: #3940037

Checkin' out the podium girls
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
lisac957 - 2011-12-15 2:16 PM

pitt83 - 2011-12-15 1:09 PM
 Everything sounds very cool, but you lost me with snuggie. Really?

Don't judge!

Troof! You don't go to the store in PJ's do you? That's plain wrong right there!
2011-12-15 1:40 PM
in reply to: #3931419

Chatham Ontario
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!

Dear Tan though I would say hello..

Turns out my work will give me a 10 min a week quote of personal internet time... woohoo... They filter sports and everything you can think of.... so you get to use a quota time.. Boom once you activate you get 10 mins total.. and that is all.


I am spending 2 mins with Tan it has been so long... Hope everyone is doing well. I am in a winter funk and hardly working out... and eating a lot.. Offseason can be good in some ways.

2011-12-15 1:40 PM
in reply to: #3940072

Checkin' out the podium girls
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
trinnas - 2011-12-15 2:36 PM

You know somebody needs to keep me from volunteering for stuff in the morning before I have had my coffee.  Looks like I am rowing with our men's team tonight.

For you, I'm not seeing a down side to this?
2011-12-15 1:41 PM
in reply to: #3940080

Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
Techdiver - 2011-12-15 2:40 PM

Dear Tan though I would say hello..

Turns out my work will give me a 10 min a week quote of personal internet time... woohoo... They filter sports and everything you can think of.... so you get to use a quota time.. Boom once you activate you get 10 mins total.. and that is all.


I am spending 2 mins with Tan it has been so long... Hope everyone is doing well. I am in a winter funk and hardly working out... and eating a lot.. Offseason can be good in some ways.

Uh oh, were your ears burning? I was talking about you earlier. 

10 minutes a week? That's not enough time to... do anything! Not even worth it! Get a smart phone

2011-12-15 1:43 PM
in reply to: #3940077

SouthSide of Chicago
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
Sharyn5 - 2011-12-15 1:37 PM
mjh1975 - 2011-12-15 2:34 PM
Sharyn5 - 2011-12-15 1:30 PM
mjh1975 - 2011-12-15 1:08 PM

Pete & Sharon, I have to say that getting 'let go' in the month of December sucks and is bunk that your employer did this.  I know that I am restating the obvious, but here is why it hit me today.  I have an employee that I am fuming (to the point that I could fire her today) with her due to her lack of brain power when it comes to her work over the past few weeks, but today the straw broke the camels back.  

BUT I have not and cannot fire her this month as it is December and to fire someone this close to the holidays is cr8p. I can say that she will be gone by the middle of January weather or not I have a replacement for her. 

Ok, sorry for the rant and I feel horrible that you both got let go during the Holiday season.

aw, thanks for this. Yea, I thought about this myself when I went to bed last nite. Like, why didn't they wait til after the holidays? But, this way...I get some time off for the holidays, which I wasn't planning on taking, and honestly? In my case? I knew I wasn't going to be able to fulfill their goals (unrealistic, i thought all along) so...I was waiting for the axe to drop for a while now. I wasn't surprised really. But, I hear you. It definitely sounds scrooge-like to let people go two weeks before Christmas. Laughing

did i spell axe right? or is it ax? omg. my cognitive skills are already slipping. Surprised

thank you for your kind words, mjh.

Hi Sharon and welcome back.  You're right it is 'AXE'.

So whats new in the world of Sharyn?

well. let's see. got up at 11am. i picked my daughter up from school. and ate my first meal du jour at 12:30 pm. life's good. Cool

actually, that's not good to have one's first meal that late. ha

how are you today??

All in all things are good.  Waiting for word back on a presentation that I made last week.  THere are 5 accounts that I want badly and we were referred to them to make a presentation to one of them last Friday.  The suspense is killing me.  I do not wait very well.

2011-12-15 1:43 PM
in reply to: #3940070

Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
mjh1975 - 2011-12-16 3:34 AM
Sharyn5 - 2011-12-15 1:30 PM
mjh1975 - 2011-12-15 1:08 PM

Pete & Sharon, I have to say that getting 'let go' in the month of December sucks and is bunk that your employer did this.  I know that I am restating the obvious, but here is why it hit me today.  I have an employee that I am fuming (to the point that I could fire her today) with her due to her lack of brain power when it comes to her work over the past few weeks, but today the straw broke the camels back.  

BUT I have not and cannot fire her this month as it is December and to fire someone this close to the holidays is cr8p. I can say that she will be gone by the middle of January weather or not I have a replacement for her. 

Ok, sorry for the rant and I feel horrible that you both got let go during the Holiday season.

aw, thanks for this. Yea, I thought about this myself when I went to bed last nite. Like, why didn't they wait til after the holidays? But, this way...I get some time off for the holidays, which I wasn't planning on taking, and honestly? In my case? I knew I wasn't going to be able to fulfill their goals (unrealistic, i thought all along) so...I was waiting for the axe to drop for a while now. I wasn't surprised really. But, I hear you. It definitely sounds scrooge-like to let people go two weeks before Christmas. Laughing

did i spell axe right? or is it ax? omg. my cognitive skills are already slipping. Surprised

thank you for your kind words, mjh.

Hi Sharon and welcome back.  You're right it is 'AXE'.

So whats new in the world of Sharyn?

Either/or. Generally, it's "ax" in American English and "axe" in British English; strictly, one should adhere to whichever style the rest of one's writing is in. However, it's not one of those words that has a clear favor (like favor vs. favour).

2011-12-15 1:44 PM
in reply to: #3940092

Subject: ...
This user's post has been ignored.

2011-12-15 1:44 PM
in reply to: #3940071

Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
Sharyn5 - 2011-12-16 3:34 AM
TriAya - 2011-12-15 2:33 PM
trinnas - 2011-12-16 3:22 AM

Yanti they were supposed to keep me out of that other thread but they are falling down on the job.  Punish them for me please.

Nobody's tried to keep me out of Tri Talk lately, either. Slackers.

Then again, I'm doing dumazz shyte which is worse than the worstest noob question in TT, so there you go.

Or I could just pull my leashes and chains out.

why would anyone want to keep you outta tri talk? Kiss


2011-12-15 1:45 PM
in reply to: #3940081

Lost in the Luminiferous Aether
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!

pitt83 - 2011-12-15 2:40 PM
trinnas - 2011-12-15 2:36 PM You know somebody needs to keep me from volunteering for stuff in the morning before I have had my coffee.  Looks like I am rowing with our men's team tonight.
For you, I'm not seeing a down side to this?

Hmmmm Maybe they will let me stroke tonight.

2011-12-15 1:45 PM
in reply to: #3940080

Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
Techdiver - 2011-12-16 3:40 AM

Dear Tan though I would say hello..

Turns out my work will give me a 10 min a week quote of personal internet time... woohoo... They filter sports and everything you can think of.... so you get to use a quota time.. Boom once you activate you get 10 mins total.. and that is all.


I am spending 2 mins with Tan it has been so long... Hope everyone is doing well. I am in a winter funk and hardly working out... and eating a lot.. Offseason can be good in some ways.


Well, I bet you're gone now ... but hi.

2011-12-15 1:46 PM
in reply to: #3940096

Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
trinnas - 2011-12-16 3:45 AM

pitt83 - 2011-12-15 2:40 PM
trinnas - 2011-12-15 2:36 PM You know somebody needs to keep me from volunteering for stuff in the morning before I have had my coffee.  Looks like I am rowing with our men's team tonight.
For you, I'm not seeing a down side to this?

Hmmmm Maybe they will let me stroke tonight.

Stroke, pull, yell ... it's all good.

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