BT Development Mentor Program Archives » kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2012-02-16 11:47 AM
in reply to: #4050671

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Meulen - 2012-02-16 10:02 AM
IceManScott - 2012-02-16 9:36 AM
Meulen - 2012-02-16 8:33 AM
IceManScott - 2012-02-16 8:11 AM

Kath, word to the wise:  Don't "attack" the bike course in Wisconsin.   A great goal is to stay at endurance pace and spin, spin, spin the hills.  If you go into the red on the hills on the first loop, the second loop with be a sufferfest and the marathon a real joy.

I've had a terrific winter so far.  Weight loss = 12 pounds on paleo, stronger than ever with kettlebells as strength training, bike workouts have been really consistent and the running has been OK, though indoors mostly on a small track.  It will be fun to see how all that translates to the outside.  I would love to shave another 10 pounds.  May be a lot given that I', about 10% body fat now.  Looking lean.

8 days and counting from release for journalism.  Getting good responses from potential workplaces and lining up some really great references.  Hoping for a job that is challenging and offers enough freedom to work all the workouts around.  I'm sure it will happen.

Hope your training all goes well. 



Scott, you're doing incredible man! I was just looking at your logs. Incredible time on the bike for a guy in the Midwest this time of year!!! I'm really impressed with the weight loss from the kettlebells. I'm sure it's got a lot to do with hard work on diet and all the other excercise too. I'm trying circuit training with core excercises. If that doesn't work to get me past this rut, I'm going to give the kettlebells a try. Question for you: How do you feel your run is going? Are you maintaining or improving? I'm a little more focussed on my run right now with a Half Mary the first race of the year for me. After that I need to figure out how to cut back some run time and focus more on the bike and swim.


Hard to say.  The track workouts seem to be going very well.   Fartleks have been harsh but good.  I'm hoping to find out soon - the running club's annual get moving program starts next week.  it's in the midst of my bike testing so I don't know if the coach will let me run then or the week after.  I am trying to get stronger core, glutes and legs with the kettlebells.  That all seems good.  So we will see. 

How much are you running a week before the taper for the half IM?  Which are you doing? I think I was only running about 15 to 18 a week for the half IM.  I'll have to check.  That's like one 90 min race pace and two 5K, one for fartleks the other all out, isn't it?    I don't vary much from 4X bike, 3X run, 2- 3X swim.  I just add time.   

Are you doing Tri Sharks here in central Illinois in June?  Evergreen International in July? 




LMK how it goes. I have no idea how I'm going to trainsition to 3x/wk running. I'll do 35 the week before taper. But, I'm using a full marathon plan to train for the half I'm doing the Palos HM I still have to look into tri sharks, might be a good tune-up for Racine. I can't do Evergreen this year. It conflicts with Racine.


Tri Sharks closed.  I got into Evergreen but am still considering Racine if I am ready.  35 miles a week for a half IM seems a bit much.  I wasn't doing that for my IM training.  My long runs there were 2.5 hours.  The most important are a long run and a brick off the bike, IMO. Actually, I've gotten into doing short bricks off the brick every time as races near.  I do one decent brick off the bike, but the others are just a mile or so.  I think it really gets the body tuned for running after the bike.


2012-02-16 11:51 AM
in reply to: #4050512

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CarlaLThompson - 2012-02-16 10:03 AM

abake - 2012-02-16 5:38 AM Work has been nutso for me too this week. Haven't had to pull overtime in a long time and had to work late twice this week. Plus I picked up a cold or virusy thing, probably on the plane this weekend. Ugh, everytime I fly I wish I had one of those HAZMAT suits. Anyway, will need to do some very serious SMACK TALKING to get myself back on schedule. 

Abake - ...did someone say "serious SMACK TALKING"????!?!?

Wednesday DOUBLE Duty Smack Down:

60 min Treadmill Run: 6 x 9 min @ 5.0MPH/12:00 pace, 1 min Rec

** Was not sure I could do this! **
Had to focus on final two intervals

Avg HR 143 bpm
Avg Cadance 79 spm
Pace: 12:00 min/mile, 5.0MPH


65 min Trainer Ride:  10 x 2 min 90+ RPMS, 1 min Rec

OMG 2 min is a *REALLY* long time!

w/u: 20 min as
[16 min (Small/17), 90+ RPMs,
3 x 30 sec (Big/15), 90 RPMs (30'),
3 x 30 sec (Small/15), 90+ RPMs (30')]

m/s: 30 min as 10 x [2 min (Big/24), 90+ RPMs, (60')]

c/d: 15 min as 3 x [5 min (Small/17-19-21)]


Stay tuned for my NEXT Double Duty Smack Down!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice job with the double smack talk!

2012-02-16 11:50 AM
in reply to: #4050870

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2012-02-16 11:19 AM
IceManScott - 2012-02-16 9:11 AM

Kath, word to the wise:  Don't "attack" the bike course in Wisconsin.   A great goal is to stay at endurance pace and spin, spin, spin the hills.  If you go into the red on the hills on the first loop, the second loop with be a sufferfest and the marathon a real joy.

I've had a terrific winter so far.  Weight loss = 12 pounds on paleo, stronger than ever with kettlebells as strength training, bike workouts have been really consistent and the running has been OK, though indoors mostly on a small track.  It will be fun to see how all that translates to the outside.  I would love to shave another 10 pounds.  May be a lot given that I', about 10% body fat now.  Looking lean.

8 days and counting from release for journalism.  Getting good responses from potential workplaces and lining up some really great references.  Hoping for a job that is challenging and offers enough freedom to work all the workouts around.  I'm sure it will happen.

Hope your training all goes well. 



Great advice Ice!  True with most IM courses!

Congrats on a fine start to the year!

I hope everything works out on the job front! 


Thanks.  Let's say it can't get any worse.  This place is a shadow of its former self.  Layoffs are common...down from 350 to 140 and 40 more going in a bit.   Shame.   It all will be good on my end.

2012-02-16 11:54 AM
in reply to: #4050640

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
russrisher - 2012-02-16 10:51 AM

Rough week for me.  We had terrible weather on Sunday, which is normally my long run day.  I decided I would skip the run and go for a swim instead and just got lazy and never went.

A little bike in on Monday.

I had to take Tuesday off because work has gotten crazy and to eat with my wife.

Wednesday was foiled by work and having to go out for drinks with a co-worker that is moving to Poland.

I've got to get it together.  I'm having lunch with a guy that is doing IMFL - hopefully, it will be the kick in the gut that I need to get back on track.

I hope everyone is having a better week than I am.

Sometimes life gets in the way, its only February so no need to panic!  Just get back in the saddle (literally )

2012-02-16 11:54 AM
in reply to: #4050923

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
IceManScott - 2012-02-16 11:47 AM

Meulen - 2012-02-16 10:02 AM
IceManScott - 2012-02-16 9:36 AM
Meulen - 2012-02-16 8:33 AM
IceManScott - 2012-02-16 8:11 AM

Kath, word to the wise:  Don't "attack" the bike course in Wisconsin.   A great goal is to stay at endurance pace and spin, spin, spin the hills.  If you go into the red on the hills on the first loop, the second loop with be a sufferfest and the marathon a real joy.

I've had a terrific winter so far.  Weight loss = 12 pounds on paleo, stronger than ever with kettlebells as strength training, bike workouts have been really consistent and the running has been OK, though indoors mostly on a small track.  It will be fun to see how all that translates to the outside.  I would love to shave another 10 pounds.  May be a lot given that I', about 10% body fat now.  Looking lean.

8 days and counting from release for journalism.  Getting good responses from potential workplaces and lining up some really great references.  Hoping for a job that is challenging and offers enough freedom to work all the workouts around.  I'm sure it will happen.

Hope your training all goes well. 



Scott, you're doing incredible man! I was just looking at your logs. Incredible time on the bike for a guy in the Midwest this time of year!!! I'm really impressed with the weight loss from the kettlebells. I'm sure it's got a lot to do with hard work on diet and all the other excercise too. I'm trying circuit training with core excercises. If that doesn't work to get me past this rut, I'm going to give the kettlebells a try. Question for you: How do you feel your run is going? Are you maintaining or improving? I'm a little more focussed on my run right now with a Half Mary the first race of the year for me. After that I need to figure out how to cut back some run time and focus more on the bike and swim.


Hard to say.  The track workouts seem to be going very well.   Fartleks have been harsh but good.  I'm hoping to find out soon - the running club's annual get moving program starts next week.  it's in the midst of my bike testing so I don't know if the coach will let me run then or the week after.  I am trying to get stronger core, glutes and legs with the kettlebells.  That all seems good.  So we will see. 

How much are you running a week before the taper for the half IM?  Which are you doing? I think I was only running about 15 to 18 a week for the half IM.  I'll have to check.  That's like one 90 min race pace and two 5K, one for fartleks the other all out, isn't it?    I don't vary much from 4X bike, 3X run, 2- 3X swim.  I just add time.   

Are you doing Tri Sharks here in central Illinois in June?  Evergreen International in July? 




LMK how it goes. I have no idea how I'm going to trainsition to 3x/wk running. I'll do 35 the week before taper. But, I'm using a full marathon plan to train for the half I'm doing the Palos HM I still have to look into tri sharks, might be a good tune-up for Racine. I can't do Evergreen this year. It conflicts with Racine.


Tri Sharks closed.  I got into Evergreen but am still considering Racine if I am ready.  35 miles a week for a half IM seems a bit much.  I wasn't doing that for my IM training.  My long runs there were 2.5 hours.  The most important are a long run and a brick off the bike, IMO. Actually, I've gotten into doing short bricks off the brick every time as races near.  I do one decent brick off the bike, but the others are just a mile or so.  I think it really gets the body tuned for running after the bike.


It's a half marathon Scott I'll be peaking at 35mpw. For HIM I'll more likely be around 25mpw. That seems to be my norm. I averaged just under that all of last year.
2012-02-16 11:57 AM
in reply to: #4050814

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
shake-n-bake - 2012-02-16 11:52 AM

Well Well!!Sorry I've been mia the past couple of days.Just been busy..Have a little smack talk to catch up on I see

Tuesday smack was 44:00 min run with with 9x30 sec with 1 min rec. Had to do this on the dreadmill(ugh) ran my intervals at 7:30 pace with the last one at 6:40 min pace.. Finished the workout at 6mph/10 min pace avg.

Wednesday Double Smack Talk!! Sorry Carla I meant TRIPLE Smack Talk!(lol)

32 min swim holding a 2:00 per 100 average then straight to the gym for a 30 min circuit workout. Then on the bike last night in the trainer for 30 min with a 15 mph avg. 87 cad. avg/max 104 cad.

Anyways everyone keep up the nice work..Almost the weekend...

Nice work Tim!

2012-02-16 8:07 PM
in reply to: #4050512

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CarlaLThompson - 2012-02-16 9:03 AM

abake - 2012-02-16 5:38 AM Work has been nutso for me too this week. Haven't had to pull overtime in a long time and had to work late twice this week. Plus I picked up a cold or virusy thing, probably on the plane this weekend. Ugh, everytime I fly I wish I had one of those HAZMAT suits. Anyway, will need to do some very serious SMACK TALKING to get myself back on schedule. 

Abake - ...did someone say "serious SMACK TALKING"????!?!?

Wednesday DOUBLE Duty Smack Down:

60 min Treadmill Run: 6 x 9 min @ 5.0MPH/12:00 pace, 1 min Rec

** Was not sure I could do this! **
Had to focus on final two intervals

Avg HR 143 bpm
Avg Cadance 79 spm
Pace: 12:00 min/mile, 5.0MPH


65 min Trainer Ride:  10 x 2 min 90+ RPMS, 1 min Rec

OMG 2 min is a *REALLY* long time!

w/u: 20 min as
[16 min (Small/17), 90+ RPMs,
3 x 30 sec (Big/15), 90 RPMs (30'),
3 x 30 sec (Small/15), 90+ RPMs (30')]

m/s: 30 min as 10 x [2 min (Big/24), 90+ RPMs, (60')]

c/d: 15 min as 3 x [5 min (Small/17-19-21)]


Stay tuned for my NEXT Double Duty Smack Down!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh very nice workouts Carla!!!  It hurts just reading it!

2012-02-16 8:12 PM
in reply to: #4050640

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
russrisher - 2012-02-16 9:51 AM

Rough week for me.  We had terrible weather on Sunday, which is normally my long run day.  I decided I would skip the run and go for a swim instead and just got lazy and never went.

A little bike in on Monday.

I had to take Tuesday off because work has gotten crazy and to eat with my wife.

Wednesday was foiled by work and having to go out for drinks with a co-worker that is moving to Poland.

I've got to get it together.  I'm having lunch with a guy that is doing IMFL - hopefully, it will be the kick in the gut that I need to get back on track.

I hope everyone is having a better week than I am.

Life happens and there are always going to be weeks when the workouts have to be pushed back. Next week will be better

2012-02-16 9:36 PM
in reply to: #4050933

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2012-02-16 11:54 AM
russrisher - 2012-02-16 10:51 AM

Rough week for me.  We had terrible weather on Sunday, which is normally my long run day.  I decided I would skip the run and go for a swim instead and just got lazy and never went.

A little bike in on Monday.

I had to take Tuesday off because work has gotten crazy and to eat with my wife.

Wednesday was foiled by work and having to go out for drinks with a co-worker that is moving to Poland.

I've got to get it together.  I'm having lunch with a guy that is doing IMFL - hopefully, it will be the kick in the gut that I need to get back on track.

I hope everyone is having a better week than I am.

Sometimes life gets in the way, its only February so no need to panic!  Just get back in the saddle (literally )


Kenj - I love your "Sage Voice of Calm Wisdom!"  Amazing! ~Carla

2012-02-17 12:53 AM
in reply to: #4050135

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Sin City
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

gator22 - 2012-02-16 2:40 AM Did you say he gave you a wedgie? Is that some sort of new dating technique? I have only been married three years but I must be way out of the loop!


Yup.  I was making a sarcastic joke, and he just proceeded to give me a wedgie. Then I felt the riiiiiiiip! I laughed and said, "you ripped MY underwear!!" He didn't believe me, then he said, "I don't believe you. Show it to me."  Without thinking, I just pulled down my pants, and he said, " I know how to get you naked!" I totally fell for it.   He laughed and said he was really sorry.  I told him that's okay.  A couple weeks later, I found a surprise in the mail from VS. I thought perhaps my mom sent me something. I got a few pairs of underwear, bras and pajamas.  I was shocked, and quickly emailed mom. She claimed that she didn't buy me anything, and Roy emailed me and asked if I enjoyed my gift! So, it has become a little tradition. :-)

I also tricked him into eating cat we're kind of even. That's another story for another


EDIT: Yes I know it's a little unusual for a guy to give a new girlfriend a wedgie. We're just funny that way.

here's a little more info if you're curious... Enjoy! (Pictures were from 2008...I was a little heavy...need to update that!!)

Edited by CyborgQueen 2012-02-17 1:03 AM
2012-02-17 4:17 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Morning folks! Whats up for the weekend?  Anyone racing?

2012-02-17 5:30 AM
in reply to: #4052229

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2012-02-17 4:17 AM

Morning folks! Whats up for the weekend?  Anyone racing?

Good morning Ken! No racing for me this weekend. Just a run tomorrow and swim/bike on Sunday. Trying to get caught up on all my household stuff too, seems like stuff piles up quickly. 

2012-02-17 7:08 AM
in reply to: #4046439

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2012-02-14 9:51 AM
Meulen - 2012-02-14 9:26 AM
MarlaS - 2012-02-14 7:58 AM
shake-n-bake - 2012-02-13 7:05 PM
IceManScott - 2012-02-13 9:33 AM

Meulen - 2012-02-12 9:45 PM I have to admit a little dissapointment this weekend. I got on te scale and was up 3lbs. I know that's not a lot and can be a lot of different things. But I have been on a 1500 cal/day diet for months now. That should equal 2lbs per week weight loss. Not gain 3 lbs. I'm not sure what happened here! So in my frustration I over indulged in wine and pizza this weekend!

Anyway, I felt guilty today. So besides my 9.5 mile run this morning per my HM plan, I took a dinner break during work tonight and got on the trainer for 6x4'@95-100% CP.

After losing 200 pounds I've learned a thing or three about weight loss and I'm still learning, but this much I know;

- The scale is fickle.  A little thing can toss it off.  The need for a bowel movement.  Hydration.  Such little things.  I think they told me at IM that I was down 4 pounds after 14:56.  They said that was four bottles!  Not a lot.  So my advice, relax about it.  Don't let the scale get into your head.  As long as the trend is in the right direction over time, you will get the results for the work you put into it. 

- If there is a problem, it is often one of two things.  One, we aren't measuring portions.  We are actually consuming more than we think. Or two, we aren't accurate in our measurements of calorie burn and think we are burning more than we are.  That is one reason I like the Power Tap.  No BSing the device.  It tells you exactly what you burned.  Body Bugg seems pretty accurate except on the bike. Using it I found I was burning less than was telling me I was.

But again, relax.  Frustration from unfulfilled expectations is our greatest enemy.   Do the right things, we get the right results over time.  Eat less than you burn and your body has no choice but to lose the weight. 

Get back to it! You rock!  It's a new day! 


 I have had the same problem as Meulen, I log and measure everything that goes in, and I have had no weight loss at all according to the scale I'm up another 5 and BF% went up 3% in 4 weeks...I guess I think to much about it, I might look into ready Paleo because nothing else seems to be working...Congrats on your success Iceman..Keep up the great work.

That's why I went back to Jenny Craig... I'd tried Paleo last spring, thought I was being good, watching portions, etc., and gained 10 pounds... I really needed something to jump start me now, and with as little thought as possible, frankly...lot going on with my life these days, and I'm loving the structure and having one less thing to think about -- I go to the pantry/freezer, grab and go, and I'm getting a dose of chocolate and salty/crunchy daily to keep me happy. It's about 1250 cal, but I'm choosing meals based primarily on maximizing protein vs. following their recommended combos. 9 days into and I'm still hungry a lot of the time, but if I go to bed early enough it helps to avoid the kitchen AND get more sleep, which I also needed to do.

I had a lot of succes on something similar to Paleo. own version of clean eating, anyway. I can't do stuff like Jenny Craig where they give you little tastes of bad things. I'm a very addictive and indulgent personality. Sometimes one little taste is all it takes to send me on a bender. Before I know it I'm passed out drunk on the couch with an empty box of cookies and a buritto wrapper next to me. The calorie in calorie out thing baffles me too. I've noticed this is a pretty simple formula for most. But for me......not so much. I've only got fat around my waste line. I'm super lean everywhere else. I think for some men that can be a bit tougher to lose. It's not just as simple as cals in / cals out. Women have the same issues in their thighs. I look kback at my logs here at Bt for the last couple years and there is no way I could eat as many cals as I've burned. So for me to still have the belly fat is baffling and frustrating. I do realize livestrong over estimates cals burned and I compensate for that too. So really.....I have no idea what to do. I've contemplated seeing a nutritionalist, but I feel I've read so much about the topic I've already tried everything they would probably suggest anyway.

A couple of thoughts from your post, first on the calorie counters.  I cant understand why they cant get it closer.  Like Ice said in an earlier post, the power meters seem to get it right.  Everything else I do, I reduce the number that My Fitness Pal gives me to be on the safe side. 

The second thought is on Jenny Craig.  I lost the bulk of my weight using Nutrisystem, pretty similar programs.  The menu is pretty different now, but there was nothing, including the deserts, that was on the plan that tasted good enough to push me the wrong way.  It wasnt bad for a diet plan, but it is still pre-packaged food.  The biggest problem with the no thinking part is it doesn't always prepare us for when we go off the plans.  Fortunately for me I found tri's, BT and endurance sports.  Learned a lot here about balanced nutrition and the racing motivates me to stay at it.

Jenny Craig's owned by Nestle - they have great chocolate! ...but I think you're absolutely right about the lack of preparation for post-plan life. Actually, on JC, you're supposed to wean gradually, with the consultant helping you thru the transition and starting at the halfway point, so that by the end you're losing weight on all, or nearly all, your own food. I skipped that step last time, though not entirely sorry i did, bc i ultimately lost 75 lbs & it's my lifestyle & kitchen skills (or lack thereof) that are my biggest challenges.... but I also realize I can only handle so much at a time. I'm self-employed & still trying to build my practice, have an exceptionally high-maintenance teen, her upcoming bat mitzvah 6 weeks away that i'm planning 3 states away, an 81-year-old mom who's losing a multi year cancer fight and i'm not nearby, AND i'm trying to train & lose, if i can rely on a diet plan & have one less thing to think about for a while, i'm ok with that.... for now Smile

2012-02-17 7:11 AM
in reply to: #4051950

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
abake - 2012-02-16 9:07 PM
CarlaLThompson - 2012-02-16 9:03 AM

abake - 2012-02-16 5:38 AM Work has been nutso for me too this week. Haven't had to pull overtime in a long time and had to work late twice this week. Plus I picked up a cold or virusy thing, probably on the plane this weekend. Ugh, everytime I fly I wish I had one of those HAZMAT suits. Anyway, will need to do some very serious SMACK TALKING to get myself back on schedule. 

Abake - ...did someone say "serious SMACK TALKING"????!?!?

Wednesday DOUBLE Duty Smack Down:

60 min Treadmill Run: 6 x 9 min @ 5.0MPH/12:00 pace, 1 min Rec

** Was not sure I could do this! **
Had to focus on final two intervals

Avg HR 143 bpm
Avg Cadance 79 spm
Pace: 12:00 min/mile, 5.0MPH


65 min Trainer Ride:  10 x 2 min 90+ RPMS, 1 min Rec

OMG 2 min is a *REALLY* long time!

w/u: 20 min as
[16 min (Small/17), 90+ RPMs,
3 x 30 sec (Big/15), 90 RPMs (30'),
3 x 30 sec (Small/15), 90+ RPMs (30')]

m/s: 30 min as 10 x [2 min (Big/24), 90+ RPMs, (60')]

c/d: 15 min as 3 x [5 min (Small/17-19-21)]


Stay tuned for my NEXT Double Duty Smack Down!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh very nice workouts Carla!!!  It hurts just reading it!

Carla,  you are a BEAST!

2012-02-17 7:11 AM
in reply to: #4052244

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
abake - 2012-02-17 6:30 AM
kenj - 2012-02-17 4:17 AM

Morning folks! Whats up for the weekend?  Anyone racing?

Good morning Ken! No racing for me this weekend. Just a run tomorrow and swim/bike on Sunday. Trying to get caught up on all my household stuff too, seems like stuff piles up quickly. 

how you feeling?

2012-02-17 8:04 AM
in reply to: #4052352

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
I have my first kid sports free weekend I'm forever. Gonna maybe even swim.....

2012-02-17 8:29 AM
in reply to: #3943039

New user
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Okay, I think I need a big kick in the BUTT.  Been dragging the month of Feb so far and it's already half over.  I still have a long way to go go for IMFL but Florida 70.3 isn't that far away.  Work has been crazy but that's not a real excuse . I knew work was crazy before I signed up for everything.  So if I go missing for a while feel freee to tell me to wake my butt up and get to training. Going to get some time on the trainer tonight after work and then outside ride and run tomorrow.
2012-02-17 8:41 AM
in reply to: #4052539

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Wesley12 - 2012-02-17 8:29 AM

Okay, I think I need a big kick in the BUTT.  Been dragging the month of Feb so far and it's already half over.  I still have a long way to go go for IMFL but Florida 70.3 isn't that far away.  Work has been crazy but that's not a real excuse . I knew work was crazy before I signed up for everything.  So if I go missing for a while feel freee to tell me to wake my butt up and get to training. Going to get some time on the trainer tonight after work and then outside ride and run tomorrow.

Wesley, you'd be surprised how work effects your health. I'm dragging myself lately. I just can't get the sleep and recover. It first showed up in my FTP/CP testing and continues to show up on the bike trainer. I couldn't even get through 1/2 hour last night. Finally, my body told me I've had enough. My body temp is all over the map and I feel rundown like I'm sick. Some how some way it eventually catches up to you! Worst part, to me, is it messes with your head. You mentally lose the focus it takes to complete tough efforts and get discouraged.

I'm not exactly a stranger to this as my work has really cut into my life over the last 3 years. It's hard to complain, because a lot of people don't have jobs!!

Anyway, one trick I've learned in the last few years is to buy a new toy when I get discouraged. New toys have a way of ramping your interest back up and getting you out there working out!!
2012-02-17 9:06 AM
in reply to: #4052229

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2012-02-17 4:17 AM

Morning folks! Whats up for the weekend?  Anyone racing?

@Abake - Yes, it does hurt reading it!!!  It hurts even more when I get home and it's late evening and I realize I still have yet to do it!  Loving the "Smack Talk" competition as it helps me "Git'er Done!"

@Mullen - I am about to use ::: dramatic music ::: "THE HIGHLIGHTER!!!!"  !!!!

@MarlaS - No... not a Beast!  Just trying not to fall too far behind in my training.  Hoping to find balance with my new job and my increased training Program.

@Wesley12 - Consider this "DOUBLE SMACK TALK" a swift kick into the seat of your Tri Shorts!!! Step into your training my friend.  I DNF'ed IMFL 2011 because I missed the bike cut off... so I'm VERY MOTIVATED to train.  Work, for me, has always been crazy... find a way to work within the chaos!

@Kenj - Hoping to get in a ride outside this weekend.  Calling for 50's in Colorado... and I want to try out my new "legs"! 

Thursday DOUBLE Duty Smack Down:

2300yd Swim Sprint Set:

40 x 25's! This was a "Bret Sutton, Chrissie Wellington's original coach's" style workout!  Did get the arms "Turning OVer!"

75 Min Trainer Ride: Cadance Focus

Main Set: 10 x [5 Min High Cadance, 1 Min Rec]

1. Big / 24 Avg Cadence= 93
2. Big / 21 Avg Cadence= 88
3. Big / 19 Avg Cadence= 82
4. Small/ 17 Avg Cadence= 91
5. Small/ 15 Avg Cadence= 88
6. Small/ 14 Avg Cadence= 85
7. Big / 24 Avg Cadence= 91
8. Small/ 13 Avg Cadence= 80
9. Big / 24 Avg Cadence= 88
10. Big / 21 Avg Cadence= 85

2012-02-17 9:44 AM
in reply to: #4052466

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

gator22 - 2012-02-17 9:04 AM I have my first kid sports free weekend I'm forever. Gonna maybe even swim.....

Enjoy the down weekend Kirk!  I remember my kids being young, very few weekends were free of running around!

2012-02-17 9:47 AM
in reply to: #4052341

User image

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
MarlaS - 2012-02-17 8:08 AM
kenj - 2012-02-14 9:51 AM
Meulen - 2012-02-14 9:26 AM
MarlaS - 2012-02-14 7:58 AM
shake-n-bake - 2012-02-13 7:05 PM
IceManScott - 2012-02-13 9:33 AM

Meulen - 2012-02-12 9:45 PM I have to admit a little dissapointment this weekend. I got on te scale and was up 3lbs. I know that's not a lot and can be a lot of different things. But I have been on a 1500 cal/day diet for months now. That should equal 2lbs per week weight loss. Not gain 3 lbs. I'm not sure what happened here! So in my frustration I over indulged in wine and pizza this weekend!

Anyway, I felt guilty today. So besides my 9.5 mile run this morning per my HM plan, I took a dinner break during work tonight and got on the trainer for 6x4'@95-100% CP.

After losing 200 pounds I've learned a thing or three about weight loss and I'm still learning, but this much I know;

- The scale is fickle.  A little thing can toss it off.  The need for a bowel movement.  Hydration.  Such little things.  I think they told me at IM that I was down 4 pounds after 14:56.  They said that was four bottles!  Not a lot.  So my advice, relax about it.  Don't let the scale get into your head.  As long as the trend is in the right direction over time, you will get the results for the work you put into it. 

- If there is a problem, it is often one of two things.  One, we aren't measuring portions.  We are actually consuming more than we think. Or two, we aren't accurate in our measurements of calorie burn and think we are burning more than we are.  That is one reason I like the Power Tap.  No BSing the device.  It tells you exactly what you burned.  Body Bugg seems pretty accurate except on the bike. Using it I found I was burning less than was telling me I was.

But again, relax.  Frustration from unfulfilled expectations is our greatest enemy.   Do the right things, we get the right results over time.  Eat less than you burn and your body has no choice but to lose the weight. 

Get back to it! You rock!  It's a new day! 


 I have had the same problem as Meulen, I log and measure everything that goes in, and I have had no weight loss at all according to the scale I'm up another 5 and BF% went up 3% in 4 weeks...I guess I think to much about it, I might look into ready Paleo because nothing else seems to be working...Congrats on your success Iceman..Keep up the great work.

That's why I went back to Jenny Craig... I'd tried Paleo last spring, thought I was being good, watching portions, etc., and gained 10 pounds... I really needed something to jump start me now, and with as little thought as possible, frankly...lot going on with my life these days, and I'm loving the structure and having one less thing to think about -- I go to the pantry/freezer, grab and go, and I'm getting a dose of chocolate and salty/crunchy daily to keep me happy. It's about 1250 cal, but I'm choosing meals based primarily on maximizing protein vs. following their recommended combos. 9 days into and I'm still hungry a lot of the time, but if I go to bed early enough it helps to avoid the kitchen AND get more sleep, which I also needed to do.

I had a lot of succes on something similar to Paleo. own version of clean eating, anyway. I can't do stuff like Jenny Craig where they give you little tastes of bad things. I'm a very addictive and indulgent personality. Sometimes one little taste is all it takes to send me on a bender. Before I know it I'm passed out drunk on the couch with an empty box of cookies and a buritto wrapper next to me. The calorie in calorie out thing baffles me too. I've noticed this is a pretty simple formula for most. But for me......not so much. I've only got fat around my waste line. I'm super lean everywhere else. I think for some men that can be a bit tougher to lose. It's not just as simple as cals in / cals out. Women have the same issues in their thighs. I look kback at my logs here at Bt for the last couple years and there is no way I could eat as many cals as I've burned. So for me to still have the belly fat is baffling and frustrating. I do realize livestrong over estimates cals burned and I compensate for that too. So really.....I have no idea what to do. I've contemplated seeing a nutritionalist, but I feel I've read so much about the topic I've already tried everything they would probably suggest anyway.

A couple of thoughts from your post, first on the calorie counters.  I cant understand why they cant get it closer.  Like Ice said in an earlier post, the power meters seem to get it right.  Everything else I do, I reduce the number that My Fitness Pal gives me to be on the safe side. 

The second thought is on Jenny Craig.  I lost the bulk of my weight using Nutrisystem, pretty similar programs.  The menu is pretty different now, but there was nothing, including the deserts, that was on the plan that tasted good enough to push me the wrong way.  It wasnt bad for a diet plan, but it is still pre-packaged food.  The biggest problem with the no thinking part is it doesn't always prepare us for when we go off the plans.  Fortunately for me I found tri's, BT and endurance sports.  Learned a lot here about balanced nutrition and the racing motivates me to stay at it.

Jenny Craig's owned by Nestle - they have great chocolate! ...but I think you're absolutely right about the lack of preparation for post-plan life. Actually, on JC, you're supposed to wean gradually, with the consultant helping you thru the transition and starting at the halfway point, so that by the end you're losing weight on all, or nearly all, your own food. I skipped that step last time, though not entirely sorry i did, bc i ultimately lost 75 lbs & it's my lifestyle & kitchen skills (or lack thereof) that are my biggest challenges.... but I also realize I can only handle so much at a time. I'm self-employed & still trying to build my practice, have an exceptionally high-maintenance teen, her upcoming bat mitzvah 6 weeks away that i'm planning 3 states away, an 81-year-old mom who's losing a multi year cancer fight and i'm not nearby, AND i'm trying to train & lose, if i can rely on a diet plan & have one less thing to think about for a while, i'm ok with that.... for now Smile

I can appreciate what you are saying. 

2012-02-17 9:54 AM
in reply to: #4052539

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Wesley12 - 2012-02-17 9:29 AM Okay, I think I need a big kick in the BUTT.  Been dragging the month of Feb so far and it's already half over.  I still have a long way to go go for IMFL but Florida 70.3 isn't that far away.  Work has been crazy but that's not a real excuse . I knew work was crazy before I signed up for everything.  So if I go missing for a while feel freee to tell me to wake my butt up and get to training. Going to get some time on the trainer tonight after work and then outside ride and run tomorrow.

Just get back at it and don't worry about the first half of the month, still a couple of weeks to turn the month around.

2012-02-17 9:57 AM
in reply to: #4052631

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CarlaLThompson - 2012-02-17 10:06 AM
kenj - 2012-02-17 4:17 AM

Morning folks! Whats up for the weekend?  Anyone racing?

@Abake - Yes, it does hurt reading it!!!  It hurts even more when I get home and it's late evening and I realize I still have yet to do it!  Loving the "Smack Talk" competition as it helps me "Git'er Done!"

@Mullen - I am about to use ::: dramatic music ::: "THE HIGHLIGHTER!!!!"  !!!!

@MarlaS - No... not a Beast!  Just trying not to fall too far behind in my training.  Hoping to find balance with my new job and my increased training Program.

@Wesley12 - Consider this "DOUBLE SMACK TALK" a swift kick into the seat of your Tri Shorts!!! Step into your training my friend.  I DNF'ed IMFL 2011 because I missed the bike cut off... so I'm VERY MOTIVATED to train.  Work, for me, has always been crazy... find a way to work within the chaos!

@Kenj - Hoping to get in a ride outside this weekend.  Calling for 50's in Colorado... and I want to try out my new "legs"! 

Thursday DOUBLE Duty Smack Down:

2300yd Swim Sprint Set:

40 x 25's! This was a "Bret Sutton, Chrissie Wellington's original coach's" style workout!  Did get the arms "Turning OVer!"

75 Min Trainer Ride: Cadance Focus

Main Set: 10 x [5 Min High Cadance, 1 Min Rec]

1. Big / 24 Avg Cadence= 93
2. Big / 21 Avg Cadence= 88
3. Big / 19 Avg Cadence= 82
4. Small/ 17 Avg Cadence= 91
5. Small/ 15 Avg Cadence= 88
6. Small/ 14 Avg Cadence= 85
7. Big / 24 Avg Cadence= 91
8. Small/ 13 Avg Cadence= 80
9. Big / 24 Avg Cadence= 88
10. Big / 21 Avg Cadence= 85

Wow, 40 X 25!  We did 25 X 25 the other night and I thought I was going to go nuts!  Nice work and nice work on the bike too! 

I hope you do get outside and enjoy the riding!

2012-02-17 1:06 PM
in reply to: #4052229

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Sin City
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2012-02-17 2:17 AM

Morning folks! Whats up for the weekend?  Anyone racing?

Not racing, but there's two rides up for this weekend. One is a Chocolate Chase Ride. 15mi/30mi/50mi. $25 (for any of the three distances) and the money goes to Fibrous Dysplasia Foundation. The other is a causal 50 mi ride.   I haven't quite decided which one to do so far...and both of them are TOMORROW! :-)   As much as I would love to do the 50 mi ride, but I'm getting doubts that I can do it when the last time I rode 50 miles was early fall. Longest ride this year so far was in January for 34 miles. I don't give myself enough credit at times!   I also would like to do the Flatlander's Ride (which ain't flat, but it's flatter than most rides) on Sunday, which is 27 miles. So I figure that if I do the 30 miler one, then do the 27 miler on Sunday, that's a pretty solid bike weekend.   Currently just getting time in the saddle, nothing more.

2012-02-17 3:44 PM
in reply to: #4052564

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Morgan Hill, CA
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Meulen - 2012-02-17 6:41 AM - Wesley, you'd be surprised how work effects your health. I'm dragging myself lately. I just can't get the sleep and recover. It first showed up in my FTP/CP testing and continues to show up on the bike trainer. I couldn't even get through 1/2 hour last night. Finally, my body told me I've had enough. My body temp is all over the map and I feel rundown like I'm sick. Some how some way it eventually catches up to you! Worst part, to me, is it messes with your head. You mentally lose the focus it takes to complete tough efforts and get discouraged. I'm not exactly a stranger to this as my work has really cut into my life over the last 3 years. It's hard to complain, because a lot of people don't have jobs!! Anyway, one trick I've learned in the last few years is to buy a new toy when I get discouraged. New toys have a way of ramping your interest back up and getting you out there working out!! :)

Brian, I think it's amazing how you, and many others in our group, are able to squeeze in your  workouts with all the work stress, family commitments, lack of rest, etc. You guys are amazing! I can't imagine getting out of bed before 7 AM, and yet many of you guys are regularly up hours before that! Hopefully, things will eventually calm down and you'll get some adequate R&R time. Regardless, all of you who are up and working out before dawn have my sincere admiration! That's some serious dedication!

Edited by sdswriter 2012-02-17 3:46 PM
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