BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2014-03-12 8:14 PM
in reply to: glfprncs

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Originally posted by glfprncs

Stuart and you swim gurus...

While swimming last year, I noticed (particularly in the pool when I had the opportunity to think about my stroke) that when I take a breath (doesn't matter if it's to the left or to the right), that I tend to lose my catch on the opposite hand (so if I'm breathing right, I lose my left hand and when breathing left, I lose the right hand). What I mean is this: When starting a swim stroke as my hand enters the water, I extend forward with my right hand, I then drop my fingers towards the bottom of the pool by bending at the wrist and then push the water backwards maintaining a highish elbow.

However, if I'm needing a breath, I will turn my head to the left, and rather than being able to catch the water and push it backwards (or push my body beyond my hand...whichever way you want to think about it) with my right hand, I find that I end up using that opposite hand (in this case, the right) for stability and then push my hand towards the bottom of the pool and then pushing it backwards versus pushing it back alongside my body to propel myself forward. It seems to me that it's got to be a body position/stability issue, but I'm not quite sure how to fix it.

Does what I described make ANY sense at all? If so, any exercises or drills that you can think of to allow me to keep that catch and use it to my advantage rather than losing that momentum by using the hand to balance myself? I'm wondering if a faster turnover (I'm a SLOW swimmer...I tend to be a bit of a glider) might help.

Thoughts? Suggestions?


If I stop paying attention to my stroke, even for a second, I do the same thing. In my swim lesson a month ago the coach pointed out to me that I was doing this with my left hand out in front but my right hand was good. One of the things I concentrated on was fixing that left hand. On Sunday I had another swim lesson and the coach said the left was better but now I was doing it with my right. Getting all of the little things right in swimming requires constant vigilance.

A couple things I would try:

Catch up drills but really concentrating on keeping the hand out in front of you near the surface when you breathe.

Make sure, absolutely sure, 100% sure that you are not lifting your head when you breathe, just turning it to the side. If you do that it tends to make your hips sink, then you push your hand toward the bottom to try to counter-act the sinking hips and you waste the whole front part of your catch.

I don't know if either one of those things will help. I can barely swim myself, much less coach someone else. Stuart? Are you out there?

2014-03-13 12:50 PM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Originally posted by wannabefaster Suzy As you know, I am totally bummed for you. I hope the internet diagnostics are wrong. Hang in there and I will keep my fingers crossed for you. On the bright side, I guess you are in a pretty nice place to participate in forced total rest.

Today's photo is brought to you from our lanai. I'm trying to ignore the two runners in the image.

Knee is less swollen and hurts less when walking , but still know it's not right.    Off to another beach for the day.


2014-03-13 1:30 PM
in reply to: SSMinnow

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Great picture Suzy-glad the knee is some better. You and Blanda need to get in the postcard business! 

2014-03-13 1:30 PM
in reply to: SSMinnow

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New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
My God that looks beautiful. Someday I'll make it out there. Let's see, kid is 2, next one in a year, 18 years after that, so yeah, give me 20 years then I'll be out there.

Decided to do the dreadmill at lunch today instead of swimming since I still have a bit of a cough. 3 miles oh boredom. Forgot my iPod too. I just have to suck it up but man I can't stand the mill.
2014-03-13 7:08 PM
in reply to: jonD81

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Have any of you seen this?

I watched the attached video and did some of the drills and then used it in the water today and it totally worked. When I got it right I could absolutely feel my lats engaging and my whole core getting involved with the stroke. It just felt "better." I was amazed at how much difference it made for me.

Give it a try and see what you think.
2014-03-13 7:31 PM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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Grand Rapids, Michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Originally posted by wannabefaster

Have any of you seen this?

I watched the attached video and did some of the drills and then used it in the water today and it totally worked. When I got it right I could absolutely feel my lats engaging and my whole core getting involved with the stroke. It just felt "better." I was amazed at how much difference it made for me.

Give it a try and see what you think.

I watched it yesterday. I can't make my elbow do that...AT ALL!!!

I did try out a side swimming drill I had seen in the pool today for a couple hundred yards, actually seemed to help with a couple things. (Wishful thinking maybe?)

2014-03-13 7:32 PM
in reply to: SSMinnow

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Grand Rapids, Michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Originally posted by SSMinnow

Originally posted by wannabefaster Suzy As you know, I am totally bummed for you. I hope the internet diagnostics are wrong. Hang in there and I will keep my fingers crossed for you. On the bright side, I guess you are in a pretty nice place to participate in forced total rest.

Today's photo is brought to you from our lanai. I'm trying to ignore the two runners in the image.

Knee is less swollen and hurts less when walking , but still know it's not right.    Off to another beach for the day.


I quoted it because I don't think we can see it enough! Thanks Suzy!
2014-03-13 8:16 PM
in reply to: 43YORook

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Originally posted by 43YORook

Originally posted by SSMinnow

Originally posted by wannabefaster Suzy As you know, I am totally bummed for you. I hope the internet diagnostics are wrong. Hang in there and I will keep my fingers crossed for you. On the bright side, I guess you are in a pretty nice place to participate in forced total rest.

Today's photo is brought to you from our lanai. I'm trying to ignore the two runners in the image.

Knee is less swollen and hurts less when walking , but still know it's not right.    Off to another beach for the day.


I quoted it because I don't think we can see it enough! Thanks Suzy!

I'll keep the pic going, and I hope the knee keeps improving Suzy!
2014-03-13 8:44 PM
in reply to: SSMinnow

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Originally posted by SSMinnow

Originally posted by wannabefaster Suzy As you know, I am totally bummed for you. I hope the internet diagnostics are wrong. Hang in there and I will keep my fingers crossed for you. On the bright side, I guess you are in a pretty nice place to participate in forced total rest.

Today's photo is brought to you from our lanai. I'm trying to ignore the two runners in the image.

Knee is less swollen and hurts less when walking , but still know it's not right.    Off to another beach for the day.


So, so pretty! I'm glad there's less pain for you today. Put that leg up and enjoy the view.

This weekend will be a 14 mile run, and I was supposed to do a bike race Sunday, but I'll be taking my sister on a trail run to show her what she's getting into when she teams up for Xterra Guam. She was asked to run by fellow science department teachers. I wonder what they'll name themselves! She's never run trails and I need to help her discover a different center of gravity so she doesn't get hurt.

Today is "rest" day. I'll be going for a swim if I can't get a hair appointment.

Happy training!
2014-03-14 11:48 AM
in reply to: Blanda

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New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Crazy swim at lunch today for me. I haven't been in the water in over a week and I'm fighting off the tail end of a cold. Get in, do 100/100/200/200 warmups, just easy pace (for me). Then I get into 100 picking it up and I hit like 1:47, which recently for me is slower than I'd like, especially for my first set when I'm fresh so I'm thinking the whole swim is going to be crap and I shouldn't have let it slide so much the last week. Do a few more around 1:43 which is acceptable (again, this is just where I'm at right now). I stopped for a minute and decided it was time to HTFU, STFU, whatever you want to "TFU" pretty much. Then I started moving. 1:41, 1:39, 1:37 and I was pumped. Good, exhaust yourself, kick your butt. Next sets were 1:36, 1:36 and 1:35, my quickest 100 ever. I tried for the 1:34 but it wasn't happening. Then I moved into 50s. 48, 48, 47, 46 but couldn't get 45. By that time I was jelly in the pool and my right leg started cramping a bit. My lesson to myself: If nothing is hurting, just HTFU and take control of your workout when you're supposed to. If I have to think back to a workout to motivate myself, this one may just be it. Please excuse me while I go eat a horse and collapse on my desk.
2014-03-14 2:34 PM
in reply to: Blanda

, Georgia
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
First day of Spring Break today, so what else would I do than to go shopping. So I walked the 1.2 miles down the street from my University,which ironically broke two PRs that were set in January, and picked up a grilled chicken calzone. Then I walked across the street to Perpetual Motion Bikes and picked up the two beauties you see below.

Yes...I finally upgraded to clipless. They're a pair of mountain bike, two-bolt shoes. However, the reason I'm foregoing tri-shoes for now is that I'm not all that concerned about getting a fast transition time in my first triathlon. Second, if I get tri-shoes, I'd like to be running around with a job when I do pick them up. It's more a personal preference than anything else for the time being.

Anyways, I walked back to the campus to grab the shuttle back to my apartment. Turned out that on the walk back, I broke the two PRs I just set on the walk to lunch AGAIN. It really has been a weird day.

I got on the trainer with the shoes, and let me just say that standing on them was an interesting experience in of itself. I'm used to having all the support split between the heel of the shoe and front of the shoe. Turns out everything is on the front of the shoe and it felt weird walking over to my trainer.

Still gotta work on the clip-in/clip-out a bit, but I did do 15 minutes on the trainer with 3 sets of ILT built into the 10 minute main workout. I figured that would be easy to get going smoothly....should've known it wasn't. :P

Anyways, off to pack up my stuff and get ready to head home for Spring Break. I'll be back on hills again for the first time in 3 months in a bit better shape. It'll be interesting to see what happens.


IMG_8011.jpg (1496KB - 3 downloads)

2014-03-14 3:15 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Completed my personal triathlon training day. 3000 yard swim, 3:25 hour bike and a 20 minute run. Fell apart towards the last half of the bike and got to visit a "dark" place that I haven't been to in a while. Surprisingly was able to come back and run well off the bike.  I'm still not sure what happened on the bike as nutrition was same as usual.

The best part of the day was bothering Jason and Randy with  frequent updates and pictures. Which I know they loved.

Edited by Catwoman 2014-03-14 3:30 PM
2014-03-14 4:53 PM
in reply to: Catwoman

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North Augusta, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Home by 4:15 with just enough time to get Frieda (Frieda Marie Felt, my bike) out for a lovely hour long ride. We have a bike path that's 3 miles from my house that runs parallel to the interstate bypass. It's a lovely trail that's rarely used, but it's a great hour ride from the house and hilly as hell. My legs were screaming as I pulled into the neighborhood.

As I pedaled in, a group of 5 or 6 teenagers was standing there. I did my polite headnod hello when the "lead moron" took a step towards me and did what I can best explain to be some sort of stupid zombie impression. He did something with his head waggling it back and forth and made some dumb noises (nah nah nah nah nah on a monotone voice). I swear, I don't get kids. That last thing I'd want to do is irritate a 42-year-old woman on a bicycle when I was 15.
2014-03-14 5:18 PM
in reply to: Catwoman

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Originally posted by Catwoman

Completed my personal triathlon training day. 3000 yard swim, 3:25 hour bike and a 20 minute run. Fell apart towards the last half of the bike and got to visit a "dark" place that I haven't been to in a while. Surprisingly was able to come back and run well off the bike.  I'm still not sure what happened on the bike as nutrition was same as usual.

The best part of the day was bothering Jason and Randy with  frequent updates and pictures. Which I know they loved.

Absolutely. Sorry to not offer more support in your dark moments.

Hope the beer tasted good.
2014-03-14 5:46 PM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

The beer was wonderful! 

2014-03-15 6:54 AM
in reply to: Catwoman

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Originally posted by Catwoman

The beer was wonderful! 

Rene-bet that's not the first time you ever said that Good job on your workouts....that's quite a day.

Bryan-glad you were able to get some cycling shoes. Look very much like the first pair I bought. I hope you wear them out over the next couple of years.

Nancy-strange thing with the kids. Glad nothing came of it. It doesn't take much to knock someone off balance on a bike.

Bike and run on the schedule for me. Then, some work cleaning out our storage unit......don't be jealous   I did a swim set yesterday that made me feel like all the swimming over the Winter was somewhat worth it. 15X100 leaving on 1:35. Initially I planned to do 10, then 12 and once I got to 12 I figured 15 was a better looking set. It went well although during the last 3 my arms/shoulders/lats started to fatigue significantly. Jason had mentioned a tough set he had done in the pool just to see if he could do it and that's what made me decide to try this today. No way I could have survived that set a year ago. So, as much as I B##ch about swimming I thought a good workout deserved to be mentioned. Now, the next challenge is 15X100 on 1:30.......might be another 5 years to get to that point.     

2014-03-15 8:45 AM
in reply to: PhoenixM

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Suzy - I'm very jealous of the location. Looks awesome. Sit on the beach with ice your knee and a drink in your hand.

Bryan - Nice shoes. Remember - PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE

Rene - you are evil. And I love you for it - keep needling Jason and Randy!

Nancy - I hope you ran his little a$$ over

As for me, I'm out for a few days - well, since Friday actually. Do I whine a lot? Sorry, Don't mean to LOL. I'll spare you the details but let's just say I had some snips, some stitches and hopefully in a week I'll be good to go again.

Keep up the good work guys - spring is almost here. And WTH is my new BIKE>! I heard it got to WI from China and is on it's way to CT. Maybe I should get a tracking number!!
2014-03-15 8:48 AM
in reply to: slornow

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Grand Rapids, Michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Awesome Swim set Randy! ...maybe someday...

A couple hour tempo ride on the bike for me and a swim today. I start my actual training plan for the MiTi next weekend. All looks really easy except for the swimming. I think I will be at the pool about 25 hours per week to hit my distances! I used the custom plan creator here on BT and it says to utilize the times for the bike and run and not worry about the distance (of course I'll easily hit the distances in these) and to hit the distance on the swim and not worry about the time.

Also, what do you all think about lengthening some of the bike times in the early part of the plan. I can't even imagine just getting on my bike for 24 minutes, especially when I have rides up to three hours over the last couple months. I just don't see much reason to do any ride under an hour. Thoughts?
2014-03-15 3:37 PM
in reply to: 43YORook

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North Augusta, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
I realized this morning, after I finished my 5 mile run, that training for triathlon is actually quite enjoyable when you're not in pain with each step that you take. Props to my exercise physiologist for putting Humpty Dumpty back together.
2014-03-15 4:07 PM
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New user
New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Sorry for being MIA, been crazy busy.
Suzy- I hope that knee is feeling better. Beautiful pics, I hope to make it there in the near future. Although my DD just informed us she is looking a Masters programs now.
Bryan- great idea on doing a group ride, you can learn a lot just from watching experienced riders.
Nice work everyone else, you guys are putting in some impressive efforts. I got to run in shorts for the 1st time this year today! Woohoo! 50 degrees here today so I swapped today's trainer ride and tomorrow's long run seeing how its going to be back to 27 degrees with 20 mph winds tomorrow. Winter just won't give up this year.
Today's long run turned into a bit of a Spring fartlek run. Lots of puddles from the melting snow. See the puddle. Wait for it, wait for it. Go! Sprint past the puddle before the oncoming car can splash you! One carload of kids almost got me but I hit the brakes once I could see they weren't going to go around the puddle for me. Nice try boys but you'll have to time it a little better to get this old fox. The two in the front were wearing those trucker hats. Friends of yours Randy? That's all I could think of when they went by.

Edited by GoldenSprocket 2014-03-15 4:08 PM
2014-03-15 6:20 PM
in reply to: 43YORook

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

I agree with you on the bike training. It sounds like a couch to IM plan and you are far from the couch already, I agree that an hour is about as short a ride as I would do unless you are doing something really intense or if this bike is a warmup for a bric run.

2014-03-15 8:43 PM
in reply to: slornow

, Georgia
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
So it turns out I left my running shoes behind when I left for Spring Break, so I'll be doing it in my day shoes I guess. With three runs this week, this may get fun really fast.

That being said, I'm taking this weekend off to prep some work for this week and get a bit of recovery in as well. I'll be hitting the trainer to work on my cycling shoes again tomorrow afternoon/evening, but that'll be about it.

2014-03-16 3:33 PM
in reply to: PhoenixM

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Extreme Veteran
Silicon Valley
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Sorry I have been MIA. Like Kevin I have been super busy at work. I have logged on a few time but pretty briefly.

Nancy how GREAT to be in a place where “training for triathlon is actually quite enjoyable when you're not in pain”. I hope to get there soon.

Rene it’s not getting into a dark place that means much, it’s how you fight your way out. Glad you worked through it and got to the fun run (although not sure I will ever get to a point where any run I find ‘fun’).

I have been on a few rides over the past few weeks. The only exercise other than my daily PT. I have two routes, one 18.1 miles and the other 17.41. Same basic route with a small detour at the end of the longer one. I put a watch on for the first time today though. Did the 17.41 in 1:02:30. Not too bad given I had to stop for three lights. I want to get it to 58:00 for an 18mph spin in short order.

I see the doctor in two weeks for a go/no-go on an Aqua/Bike in mid-April. If I do it, it will be with almost no pool time but I am not concerned about that, just want to get some good bike legs under me.
2014-03-16 4:48 PM
in reply to: Stuartap

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North Augusta, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED's hoping you get the thumbs up from your doctor. I know it's been a rough time over the past year. A green light would be nice.

I swam 1700 yards at the YMCA and felt as though I had a really good swim. I had viewed the video mentioned earlier in this thread about elbow positioning, and was amazed at how effortless the swim stroke felt. The only real 'change' I felt I had to make was the angle of my hand once I extend forward. I found, with a bit of tweaking, that a 45 degree hand angle into the water worked well for me mechanically. I also swam a few hundred yards with small hand paddles, and that really made that high elbow move feel strong in the catch/pull.

In addition, it seems as though that move creates higher turnover, with less glide, and that pretty much eliminated the issue I was having with pushing my hand towards the bottom of the pool rather than really pulling/pushing with it in the stroke. Breathing right, I had it sorted out. Breathing left is still a bit of a work in progress. I'm pretty sure I'm lifting my head when I breathe to that side, but when I made myself think about breathing into my left armpit (for lack of a better way to explain it) and looking for the bottom of the water, I could really keep the stroke with the right hand.

2014-03-16 5:36 PM
in reply to: glfprncs

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Stuart-glad to hear you are back on the bike. Hoe the doctor gives you a good report.

Nancy-sounds like it clicked in the pool for you today. Nice!

Really nasty day here. Did an easy bike ride this morning and then went to the gym for a treadmill run and some weight work. Wish we had another day or ten before the weekend ends. 

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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED Rss Feed  
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Playmobil31's Group - Open

Started by playmobil31
Views: 65 Posts: 1

2011-12-18 3:37 PM playmobil31
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The most valuable thing you can do for your endurance training is to schedule a weekly 2-4hr long ride from now until the end of time. Simply make this “what you do” every Saturday or Sunday morning.
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Tri clubs offer all of us, from beginner to advanced athlete, a venue in which we can realign our perspective of what “fast” and “far” are, pushing us to new and greater heights of performance.
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The start of the race I had the jitters. I was watching the other age groups start as they seeded the swim with over 1000 participants.