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2010-06-29 1:42 PM
in reply to: #2950959

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
Sulcus - 2010-06-29 1:54 PM

ceilidh - 2010-06-29 9:38 AM I have been MIA all weekend. No, I did NOT finish the yard work. I FAIL!!
It is too hot and dry to plant anything. It would be murder for the little buggers.
I did have hospital visits, funerals, birthday parties, house guests and some lolling in the lake time, though.

Wooo - I finally won something!!  Tongue out

It's hot and dry here and probably going to be the death of what we planted but we did it anyway.  Take that mother nature!! 

At least you got some lake lolling time though...that makes it all okay.

I would send you a finisher medal if I had one!

2010-06-29 1:42 PM
in reply to: #2950999

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
MarlaS - 2010-06-29 2:11 PM
ransick - 2010-06-29 1:46 PM Thanks! My last race was a blast.  For a couple days leading up to it, I was dreading it.  Not because of the race itself, but because of the hassle and not knowing anyone there.  It seems like a hassle to me to pack up all the gear, get up at 4 am, drive by myself to the race site, etc.  Oh, and it was very hot and humid and the course was very hilly.  After my pre-race dread routine, I decided to HTFU and go get it done.  The course was very hilly and technical.  I'd never been there before so every turn was new.  I didn't know whether I'd be shifting up or down, just that I would be shifting.  I cycled through all 30 gears a bunch of times and had a blast.  I was disappointed in my run but it was hot, humid and hilly so I shouldn't be so hard on myself, but to tell the truth, I'm disappointed with my running in general.  It seems like I should be able to run a lot faster than what I do now.  I'm wondering if some of it is mental.

sorry bud, but ROTFLMAO on that one. My only question is what proportion of the running thing ISNT mental?! i'm trying hard to like it, but can't quite get hoping that if i can EVER do it pain free i might start to like it...or maybe not think it sucks??

My snickers aside, do you have a local running club that does speed workouts you could hang with sometime? When I was still trying to run a few weeks ago, I was substituting intervals for 1 or 2 of my 3-4 weekly runs....made it up as I went along, but would start w/ .5-1 mile slower jog, then alternate 90 sec of kick-butt fast-as-i-can treadmill speed with 1-2 min brisk walk recovery, and amass 2-3 miles total. Then, on the runs, found that I could actually maintain my pace (for 3 miles at least) running at a rate just faster than that at which I could hold a conversation, which is what I'd been trained to do. My goal was to try to keep the distance constant, but try to increase my pace 5-10 sec a week for a few weeks & see if that worked....

your ride sounded great, tho, btw...what fun! Besides the obvious physical effort required, wouldn't write off the extra mental effort required to be on your toes to handle a technical & new course like that, too - that is, would think that's bound to contribute to the general fatigue too, wouldn't you?

As for the heat, not sure what the male equivalent of a bra full of ice would be ...actually, I do have some ideas, but none of them pretty Innocent

2010-06-29 1:43 PM
in reply to: #2950986

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
ironannekidd - 2010-06-29 2:03 PM
ransick - 2010-06-29 1:46 PM Thanks! My last race was a blast.  For a couple days leading up to it, I was dreading it.  Not because of the race itself, but because of the hassle and not knowing anyone there.  It seems like a hassle to me to pack up all the gear, get up at 4 am, drive by myself to the race site, etc.  Oh, and it was very hot and humid and the course was very hilly.  After my pre-race dread routine, I decided to HTFU and go get it done.  The course was very hilly and technical.  I'd never been there before so every turn was new.  I didn't know whether I'd be shifting up or down, just that I would be shifting.  I cycled through all 30 gears a bunch of times and had a blast.  I was disappointed in my run but it was hot, humid and hilly so I shouldn't be so hard on myself, but to tell the truth, I'm disappointed with my running in general.  It seems like I should be able to run a lot faster than what I do now.  I'm wondering if some of it is mental.

Anyway, I had so much fun doing the race that I signed up for two more.  The next one is 7/11 and is about 2/3 of an Oly distance.  The one after that is a Sprint with an Oly distance ride on 7/18.

Full RR here 

As for the increased training volume, it's because I started a 12 week Oly plan two weeks ago and it has a lot more volume than what I had been doing, specially swimming and biking.  So far so good though I have some travel and vacation coming up that will have a big impace on my training.  The Oly is September 4th.   I share some on my training thoughts on my blog


You are turning into a tri machine!
2010-06-29 9:37 PM
in reply to: #2950999

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
I'm wondering if some of it is mental.

sorry bud, but ROTFLMAO on that one. My only question is what proportion of the running thing ISNT mental?! i'm trying hard to like it, but can't quite get hoping that if i can EVER do it pain free i might start to like it...or maybe not think it sucks??

Lol, I guess that came out wrong.  I meant that I don't run faster because I don't think I can.  Before signing up for my first half mary I thought I couldn't run more than 5 miles.  My friend convinced me it was mental and I just need to tell myself I'm gonna run 10 more minutes every week and do it.  Maybe I need to try that with speed. 

I do have some local trail runners, no running club per se.  The trail runs are too early for me to join. 
2010-06-30 8:03 AM
in reply to: #2952146

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
ransick - 2010-06-29 10:37 PM
I'm wondering if some of it is mental.

sorry bud, but ROTFLMAO on that one. My only question is what proportion of the running thing ISNT mental?! i'm trying hard to like it, but can't quite get hoping that if i can EVER do it pain free i might start to like it...or maybe not think it sucks??

Lol, I guess that came out wrong.  I meant that I don't run faster because I don't think I can.  Before signing up for my first half mary I thought I couldn't run more than 5 miles.  My friend convinced me it was mental and I just need to tell myself I'm gonna run 10 more minutes every week and do it.  Maybe I need to try that with speed. 

I do have some local trail runners, no running club per se.  The trail runs are too early for me to join. 

Have you looked at getting a speed interval training program going. I am too far away from any of the running or tri clubs/ groups as well. I purchased a couple of interval running programs from ITunes that help with the speed (when I use them). I have been focusing on distance and hills vs speed for some time now.

It is way too true that thinking you can't do something is as an effective block as not doing it at all. The mind is a powerful thing. I remember how it felt when I was doing my one and only HM when I realized I WOULD finish and COULD finish, it was just a matter of how long it took me. That was a powerful feeling.
2010-06-30 8:06 AM
in reply to: #2770589

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
My Mike, that is a very cool interactive map for your tri that you have on your blog.

2010-06-30 1:02 PM
in reply to: #2952594

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
ceilidh - 2010-06-30 8:03 AM Have you looked at getting a speed interval training program going. I am too far away from any of the running or tri clubs/ groups as well. I purchased a couple of interval running programs from ITunes that help with the speed (when I use them). I have been focusing on distance and hills vs speed for some time now.

Good idea.  I think my plan has some speed work coming up.  If it doesn't, I'll look on Itunes.
2010-06-30 1:32 PM
in reply to: #2953533

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
ransick - 2010-06-30 2:02 PM
ceilidh - 2010-06-30 8:03 AM Have you looked at getting a speed interval training program going. I am too far away from any of the running or tri clubs/ groups as well. I purchased a couple of interval running programs from ITunes that help with the speed (when I use them). I have been focusing on distance and hills vs speed for some time now.

Good idea.  I think my plan has some speed work coming up.  If it doesn't, I'll look on Itunes.

The program on I tunes was great because it is in your ear, telling you when to RUN and when to s l o w down. You don't have to time is so you can concentrate full out.
2010-06-30 8:03 PM
in reply to: #2952601

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
ceilidh - 2010-06-30 8:06 AM My Mike, that is a very cool interactive map for your tri that you have on your blog.

Yea, it is what convinced me not to make that race my first Oly.  The heat on my second Sprint tri further convinced me to train more before I do an Oly distance. 
2010-06-30 11:02 PM
in reply to: #2952594

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
ceilidh - 2010-06-30 9:03 AM  I purchased a couple of interval running programs from ITunes that help with the speed (when I use them).

I just got an iphone - what apps would you recommend?
2010-06-30 11:05 PM
in reply to: #2770589

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
went to ortho today who thinks i have bursitis in my hip - never been so excited to get a shot before. hurts like hell now after standing for 4 hours at the longest swim meet on record, but have my fingers crossed that it'll be magic! tried to run just A BLOCK kinda hard while working out today, and totally sucked wind. feel like i'll really have to backtrack just to get back to the this-sucks-but-i-might-be-able-to-finish-5K-nonstop-anyway point.  Cry

2010-07-01 7:22 AM
in reply to: #2954912

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
MarlaS - 2010-07-01 12:05 AM went to ortho today who thinks i have bursitis in my hip - never been so excited to get a shot before. hurts like hell now after standing for 4 hours at the longest swim meet on record, but have my fingers crossed that it'll be magic! tried to run just A BLOCK kinda hard while working out today, and totally sucked wind. feel like i'll really have to backtrack just to get back to the this-sucks-but-i-might-be-able-to-finish-5K-nonstop-anyway point.  Cry

Dang Marla. I hate that it hurts but I hope the shot works its magic. Maybe with the pain at bay running may not be such a sucky thing to do. I will keep fingers crossed for you.
2010-07-01 7:35 AM
in reply to: #2954910

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
MarlaS - 2010-07-01 12:02 AM
ceilidh - 2010-06-30 9:03 AM  I purchased a couple of interval running programs from ITunes that help with the speed (when I use them).

I just got an iphone - what apps would you recommend?

Oh Marla. You are light years ahead of me. What I am using is my Ipod with downloaded running programs I purchased from I Tunes. I know there are some really good apps that folks use but I am still in the dark ages.
2010-07-01 7:39 AM
in reply to: #2954910

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
MarlaS - 2010-07-01 12:02 AM
ceilidh - 2010-06-30 9:03 AM  I purchased a couple of interval running programs from ITunes that help with the speed (when I use them).

I just got an iphone - what apps would you recommend?

What kind of apps are you looking for? I have about 80 on my phone.
2010-07-01 7:41 AM
in reply to: #2954912

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
MarlaS - 2010-06-30 11:05 PM went to ortho today who thinks i have bursitis in my hip - never been so excited to get a shot before. hurts like hell now after standing for 4 hours at the longest swim meet on record, but have my fingers crossed that it'll be magic! tried to run just A BLOCK kinda hard while working out today, and totally sucked wind. feel like i'll really have to backtrack just to get back to the this-sucks-but-i-might-be-able-to-finish-5K-nonstop-anyway point.  Cry

That just sounds painful.  Hope it helps.
2010-07-01 7:44 AM
in reply to: #2955170

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
ironannekidd - 2010-07-01 8:39 AM
MarlaS - 2010-07-01 12:02 AM
ceilidh - 2010-06-30 9:03 AM  I purchased a couple of interval running programs from ITunes that help with the speed (when I use them).

I just got an iphone - what apps would you recommend?

What kind of apps are you looking for? I have about 80 on my phone.

oh, sorry...vagueness doesn't help! i meant exercise/training related apps, tho i'll take suggestions of anything you like. i'm partial to the 3d brain tutor myself Smile along wit doodle buddy

2010-07-01 7:49 AM
in reply to: #2955187

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
MarlaS - 2010-07-01 8:44 AM
ironannekidd - 2010-07-01 8:39 AM
MarlaS - 2010-07-01 12:02 AM
ceilidh - 2010-06-30 9:03 AM  I purchased a couple of interval running programs from ITunes that help with the speed (when I use them).

I just got an iphone - what apps would you recommend?

What kind of apps are you looking for? I have about 80 on my phone.

oh, sorry...vagueness doesn't help! i meant exercise/training related apps, tho i'll take suggestions of anything you like. i'm partial to the 3d brain tutor myself Smile along wit doodle buddy

Most of these are the free versions, I don't like paying for apps.

I use Lose It to track calories and exercise
Betty Crocker Cookbook - you can put in an ingredient and it will give you recipes with that ingrediet. I've used several recipes from it.
McCormick Recipe Finder is another recipe one I like
I like to play Scrample 2 - it's like Boggle
I like WeatherBug just to see a radar map of impending rain

Radio Apps I use
Radio Disney
Y! Music
2010-07-01 3:41 PM
in reply to: #2770589

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
Is it just me or is today draaaaaaaaaaaaaaging along?

Here's hoping everyone get a good workout in today! 
2010-07-02 8:52 AM
in reply to: #2770589

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
How about jumping over to the Ghoulie thread if you would like. Ask questions, enjoy the banter, be a part of the VILLAGE of GHOUL.
This month we are focusing on running.
And chatting and making trouble as usual
2010-07-02 4:47 PM
in reply to: #2957678

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
sounds good
2010-07-03 7:31 AM
in reply to: #2958940

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
ransick - 2010-07-02 5:47 PM sounds good

See ya there!

2010-07-05 8:04 AM
in reply to: #2957678

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
ceilidh - 2010-07-02 9:52 AM Morning GHOULIES.
How about jumping over to the Ghoulie thread if you would like. Ask questions, enjoy the banter, be a part of the VILLAGE of GHOUL.
This month we are focusing on running.
And chatting and making trouble as usual

Oh gawd - it feels like we're being called up from the minors to the big leagues!  Here's hoping we don't disappoint you!! 
2010-07-05 8:23 AM
in reply to: #2961365

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
Sulcus - 2010-07-05 9:04 AM
ceilidh - 2010-07-02 9:52 AM Morning GHOULIES.
How about jumping over to the Ghoulie thread if you would like. Ask questions, enjoy the banter, be a part of the VILLAGE of GHOUL.
This month we are focusing on running.
And chatting and making trouble as usual

Oh gawd - it feels like we're being called up from the minors to the big leagues!  Here's hoping we don't disappoint you!! 

Never, ever ever ever ever., EVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!... Mwah!
2010-07-06 10:05 PM
in reply to: #2770589

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
vacation's winding down, so plowing through the emails now & seeing the iphone app recs -- belated THANKS for the suggestions.....

hope you all had a nice holiday weekend!
2010-07-06 10:19 PM
in reply to: #2964860

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
MarlaS - 2010-07-06 11:05 PM vacation's winding down, so plowing through the emails now & seeing the iphone app recs -- belated THANKS for the suggestions.....

hope you all had a nice holiday weekend!

Same to you! I am off to the Highland games until sunday night. Lots of kilts and scotch (not for me- I do wine) and the kilted miles and  the race "the bear". Ill check in on Monday.
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