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2009-08-24 7:07 PM
in reply to: #2366641

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: First Bike injury :(
Hey guys! OMG bike falls... I once fell over in my own driveway, waiting to get on the road! Seriously ... good times. ;-)

Ummm .. I'm not a bike expert by any means, but I was told not to move from small to medium to large (and back) with the chain on the smallest ring - you need to be in the middle. Maybe that's why it got dropped? I dunno. Like I said - I'm no expert by any means. And I don't need to be when the only riding I do is on the trainer watching NCIS.

It sounds like everyone is doing well. OH .. YES YES .. a great early-winter marathon is the Mardi Gras Rock'n'Roll Marathon in NOLA in February! I know at least two manatees that will be there. hee hee.

Although - I'm starting to doubt myself again - today my physio told me I am broken beyond repair and there's nothing more she can do for me. That hurts - that's a pain like nothing physical, knowing your body is so messed up that you can't be fixed. Actually - it's gotten worse over the past month or two ... so ... it's back to square 1 with the healing.

I'm going back to my doc on Wednesday to get a req for some xrays, and get the process started for an orthoped consult. The xrays will happen pretty quick, within a week or so (and are just to rule out any old broken bones that are still floating around causing residual issues - doubtful) - but the orthoped will take likely 9-12 months just for the consult. All this for a torn Achilles. Remarkable. But considering I've had days lately that I can't even walk ... well - it's a long time coming.

HUGS to all the manatees!

2009-08-24 8:03 PM
in reply to: #2365428

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: First Bike injury :(
happybunny - 2009-08-23 8:25 PM So .... hill i clipped in pedals that are apparently a little too momentum and nasty scraped knee.....

not so good....and then had to get up and ride another 4 miles back to the car...I didnt cry

some how I knew something was going to happen.....My tire blew when we aired it up before we left....then my friend couldnt find his pad for his aero bar.....that must have been the third thing.....

OOOOOHHHHH and I dropped my chain TWICE....and managed not to crash my foot out just fine....

Why am i doing this???? LOL


cuz it's fun???   it is, it really is - good for you Carole getting through the mishaps

it makes a great story, doesn't it?

2009-08-24 8:05 PM
in reply to: #2367875

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: First Bike injury :(
SpiritFire - 2009-08-24 8:07 PM Hey guys! OMG bike falls... I once fell over in my own driveway, waiting to get on the road! Seriously ... good times. ;-) Ummm .. I'm not a bike expert by any means, but I was told not to move from small to medium to large (and back) with the chain on the smallest ring - you need to be in the middle. Maybe that's why it got dropped? I dunno. Like I said - I'm no expert by any means. And I don't need to be when the only riding I do is on the trainer watching NCIS. It sounds like everyone is doing well. OH .. YES YES .. a great early-winter marathon is the Mardi Gras Rock'n'Roll Marathon in NOLA in February! I know at least two manatees that will be there. hee hee. Although - I'm starting to doubt myself again - today my physio told me I am broken beyond repair and there's nothing more she can do for me. That hurts - that's a pain like nothing physical, knowing your body is so messed up that you can't be fixed. Actually - it's gotten worse over the past month or two ... so ... it's back to square 1 with the healing. I'm going back to my doc on Wednesday to get a req for some xrays, and get the process started for an orthoped consult. The xrays will happen pretty quick, within a week or so (and are just to rule out any old broken bones that are still floating around causing residual issues - doubtful) - but the orthoped will take likely 9-12 months just for the consult. All this for a torn Achilles. Remarkable. But considering I've had days lately that I can't even walk ... well - it's a long time coming. HUGS to all the manatees!

Oh my TR

sounds like you need some serious Gibbs therapy!!

I hope you get some answers!

2009-08-24 8:22 PM
in reply to: #2367990

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El Dorado Hills, CA
Subject: RE: First Bike injury :(
OOOOoooooooh...I LUV Gibbs

TR hang in there!!  I'm sending some good healing thoughts your way Smile

2009-08-24 9:17 PM
in reply to: #2368024

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: First Bike injury :(
It's Gibbs/NCIS, and the Criminal Minds marathon on A&E, that are getting me through this. How do I choose between Gibbs, Reid, and Morgan? They're all so different, but yet all so terribly yummy.

Yeah. Injuries suck. Same refrain going on 10 years now. An entire decade of my life - wasted on pain and physical torment. My old age better be VERY good to me.
2009-08-25 9:37 AM
in reply to: #2368149

Subject: ...
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2009-08-26 8:34 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Hey!! I'm still alive! Just busy- I'm helping to host a bridal shower in a few weeks. I'll catch up with the thread later today I promise! Getting ready to go out on my bike for a while. The weather here is unusually gorgeous. Just wanted to drop in & say hi real quick! I'll be back later.
2009-08-26 4:17 PM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Carole, sorry to hear about the bad luck on the bike. Hope the next ride goes better.

TR, wow, I hope you're leg gets better soon. It won't be long before it's time to start training for MGM.

Sharie, I sympathize with your seasonal allergies. I have them too. Training helps, though, it really does.

Things are fine here. Not much is new. We are still behaving our way to success. It seems to be working. Things are getting better all the time. I was encouraged today to engage in a little retail therapy so I did. I bought 2 new pair of shoes, some hot, sexy jeans, and a few assorted tops. It was fun. I rarely just go out and shop without any particular reason except for recreation. I really enjoyed it. It needs to happen more often.

I hope everyone else is doing well!

2009-08-26 6:49 PM
in reply to: #2372599

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
So today I saw my doc to get the req for the xray .... she asked if I've been running, and I said mostly woggling, I'm starting slow and ramping up - I have a marathon in 6 months.
She said - no you don't.
I said - what?
She said - I'd put that marathon out of your mind. You probably won't run again.

I didn't say anything ... but come on. Now I like my doctor, she's very smart and very thorough, and the last time I had cancer she was VERY concerned (don't read too much into that .. my body just liked growing little things it shouldn't - it seems to be over that now) ... but seriously? I've been seeing my naturopath and my physio every week - sometimes twice a week - for months. They know my injury inside and out and upside and down. They both promise I'll be running again, eventually. My doctor, who has never seen me for this (just the cancer stuff) immediately and without an examination tells me I can never run again?

I'm pissed.

And I don't believe her - nor will I listen to her. I'll still see you in February at MGM, Cathy!
2009-08-26 8:17 PM
in reply to: #2372851

Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL

SpiritFire - 2009-08-26 4:49 PM So today I saw my doc to get the req for the xray .... she asked if I've been running, and I said mostly woggling, I'm starting slow and ramping up - I have a marathon in 6 months. She said - no you don't. I said - what? She said - I'd put that marathon out of your mind. You probably won't run again. I didn't say anything ... but come on. Now I like my doctor, she's very smart and very thorough, and the last time I had cancer she was VERY concerned (don't read too much into that .. my body just liked growing little things it shouldn't - it seems to be over that now) ... but seriously? I've been seeing my naturopath and my physio every week - sometimes twice a week - for months. They know my injury inside and out and upside and down. They both promise I'll be running again, eventually. My doctor, who has never seen me for this (just the cancer stuff) immediately and without an examination tells me I can never run again? I'm pissed. And I don't believe her - nor will I listen to her. I'll still see you in February at MGM, Cathy!

TR -- I just want to share a similar experience with an ortho regarding my shoulder a while back. I'd been having some pain and had a likely overuse injury. X-rays didn't show anything major, only an MRI would detect any tear. So I never really knew how "bad" it was or wasn't.. All I knew is it hurt when I did ordinary things. So after following a PT plan for months and months and icing and babying it, the dr. said you should never raise your arm above the line of the horizon. That meant no swimming, ever. I just smiled. Let's just say I haven't been back to that dr. and I have since swam hundreds of thousands of yards and done 12 or more tris, one of which was a HIM. So, I'm no dr., but I wouldn't take that one opinion to heart. Just my story. And, I"m glad you're cancer scare or incident is in the past as well. I've been there, too. hugs to you. thoughts are with you.



2009-08-26 11:31 PM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL

So I, too, am still alive, just plugging away at the everyday stuff. Both kids are back in school now, although the younger one will be out for most of the month of September. I haven't been doing much training. I have, however, been overseeing the finish/construction on my basement, and our patio cover. I currently have over $4000 of lumber on my driveway... I think we are singlehandedly keeping the economy recovery going.

Reading back it sounds like the manatees are having their fair share of ups and downs. Is it time for a flipper hug? (((hugs)))

2009-08-27 12:54 AM
in reply to: #2372851

El Dorado Hills, CA
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
TR- I would definitely NOT take that Dr.'s word as the gospel.  Especially if she hasnt seen you for this before.  They dont know everything...even though many think they do   Hang in there...push for a specialist visit.  Keep doing what feels right and dont take that for an answer.

Sending healing thoughts your way,

2009-08-27 7:50 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
TR- ditto what Carole said. They certainly are not experts on exercise. Most of them know nothing about it and don't even do it. I don't know how often you're running, but try not to run more that 3 times a week. Have at least 1 rest day off in between. Also, you may already be doing this, but I've found a combination of running and walking that gradually includes more running and less walking until the walking is comletely phased out helped me come back from injuries with the most success. Just take it slow. Keep cross training on the bike & in the pool if you can.
2009-08-27 10:17 AM
in reply to: #2373458

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Thanks guys ... and no I am most certainly not taking her word as the gospel! As I said before - I believe she is a very good and thorough doctor, but this is not her area of expertise. The two people I have been seeing for months and months are experts in this type of injury. I will take their words to heart, and no one else's.

I'm starting running on Monday ... I thought I'd do Mon/Wed/Fri short runs, on a tready so it's softer, and believe me I *have* to do a run/walk combo - even if I wanted to run straight through I couldn't ... I've lost so much fitness since this stupid re-injury.

Also - my boot camp starts in 2 weeks! (This is the boot camp that I own and operate - I took the summer off as it's never busy over the holidays, but classes start again Sept 9!). So although I won't be running with the clients - I'm finding places like tracks and out-and-back trails to run them on this year - I'll definately be a lot more active in the strength parts.

Cathy, I'll be following a marathon training program that starts Sept 20. It's just a "go the distance" plan and includes lots of walk breaks ... I'll likely finish BOP, but I definately plan to finish MGM! Feb 28 is a day I can hardly wait for.
2009-08-28 1:19 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL

Quick question-how many miles should you put on shoes before you trade them out for new ones? I should know this-I think I did know at one point... *blush*

2009-08-28 6:38 AM
in reply to: #2375623

Subject: ...
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2009-08-28 8:03 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
I usually replace mine about every 3 months. I can tell when it's time for new ones by the way they feel when I run on them. It's less comfortable and I seem to have more aches and pains.
2009-08-29 1:36 PM
in reply to: #2069346

Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Hi Manatees!  I hope everyone is doing well - it's hard to believe summer is winding down and it's almost labor day - I don't know about the rest of you, but it's flown by for me

TR - my ortho had a much different approach, his philosophy is that it isn't necessary to quit running, but to adjust the approach to reduce the risk of injury and minimize the wear and tear on the body - I agree 100% with the walk/run approach - and actually i've found that approaching it that way actually improved my pace

Amy - good to see you!  you've gotten good advice on the shoes - a trick i learned from Yanti is to mark your current mileage and date on your shoe when you buy new one's so you know when to replace them

Carole - Best wishes for your race tomorrow!  just relax and have fun!!!

Cathy - it's good to hear from you, I'm very glad to hear things are continuing to improve!

Hola to all the other manatees as well!

2009-08-29 1:44 PM
in reply to: #2069346

Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
In other news, I started 'running' again!!!

Don't worry, I'm taking it slow

it feels good to be getting back into it!

2009-08-29 1:49 PM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Carole, the best of luck for your race! Please post a race report as soon as you can!

We are home this weekend, getting some chores done today. Our beloved grandbaby is coming over tomorrow while her mom goes to a luncheon. Our med school daughter has moved back from Dominica and is home for a few days before she moves on to Miami for the next ster of her med school education. I'm cooking lasagna for any kids who can be here tomorrow afternoon. It should be a wonderful weekend!

Hope all you other Manatees are well!
2009-08-29 1:51 PM
in reply to: #2378037

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
lastcall2003 - 2009-08-29 1:44 PM In other news, I started 'running' again!!!

Don't worry, I'm taking it slow

it feels good to be getting back into it!

Isn't it the most wonderful thing? I know I'm lovin it! Just keep taking it slow so you don't re-injure yourself. I've been guilty of getting a little too eager because I was feeling so good. Take care!

2009-08-30 12:57 PM
in reply to: #2378037

Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
lastcall2003 - 2009-08-29 2:44 PM

In other news, I started 'running' again!!!

Don't worry, I'm taking it slow

it feels good to be getting back into it!

WOW, that's great! I'm really happy for you Beth!
2009-08-30 1:17 PM
in reply to: #2069346

Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Hi Manatees!

TR - Sorry about the continuing troubles. The more exposure I get to doctors, the more I realize there is a reason they call it "practicing" medicine.

Amy - The only thing I would add to the shoe comments is that when you get new ones consider donating the old ones to Goodwill, etc. They probably still look good and a non-runner would be happy to have them.

Cathy - lasagna....I love lasagna!

Lots of "stuff" going on at work right now and that isn't allowing for much training time. We have a company meeting scheduled for tomorrow morning and rumor is that it's not going to be good. Oh well, the way I look at it right now is that if it doesn't result in a trip to the hospital, it's going to be all right. The weather hasn't been helping either. I got some more time in on my trainer in the basement yesterday and a couple mile run this morning. Maybe I'll get a short ride outside this evening.

Have a great day!
2009-08-30 9:09 PM
in reply to: #2069346

El Dorado Hills, CA
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Well I survived...but it wasn't pretty.  I will do another but I'm pretty sure I wont do another in August.  The run course was really hot...and being fair skinned that didnt go so well...also knocked my front tire out of true on a speed bump i think so my brakes were rubbing.  Took me a lot longer than I had hoped it would but since I didnt give in to my mental urges to quit and actually finished's a win.  Oh and the announcer at the my name wrong.... Yell

2009-08-31 12:43 AM
in reply to: #2379519

Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
happybunny - 2009-08-31 9:09 AM Well I survived...but it wasn't pretty.  I will do another but I'm pretty sure I wont do another in August.  The run course was really hot...and being fair skinned that didnt go so well...also knocked my front tire out of true on a speed bump i think so my brakes were rubbing.  Took me a lot longer than I had hoped it would but since I didnt give in to my mental urges to quit and actually finished's a win.  Oh and the announcer at the my name wrong.... Yell



It's beyond a win. You did AWESOME in really difficult circumstances!
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