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2011-08-09 1:11 AM
in reply to: #3633399

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Sink or SWIM! with WittyCityGirl - CLOSED

Mike - good luck with the repeat week. Great job on the low SPL. I need to reassess mine soon because I have a feeling they are going down.

Sara - I thought so, then again you counted washing the dishes, lol.

Didn't go too far in the swim today because my big toe started getting irritated - not sure if it's the floor surface surrounding the pool or of the pool itself but I'm going to look at buying a cheap pair of thongs to see if it will prevent the surrounding floor aggravating my feet. I did however average around 2 mins for the 2 50m warm up laps.

Edited by suzielea 2011-08-09 1:17 AM

2011-08-09 6:07 AM
in reply to: #3294922

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Sink or SWIM! with WittyCityGirl - CLOSED

Back to the pool today, and it was spectacular. Felt awesome in the water, and post swim I had some sort of endorphin boost thing going on. Felt like I could have gone for a 10 mile run without a problem. Such a thing as "swimmer's high"? Did 2200 yards this AM, and if I hadn't run out of time, probably would have stretched it to 3000 or so.

I've had a few folks IM me about the swim drills I am doing in masters class. I"ll put together a write up here and post it, and will email it to anyone who'd like it as well. No guarantees the write ups will be very good, but I'll try.

EDIT -- Just realized the BT Site already has ALL of the things I was going to mention, written by folks far more knowledgeable than me, and with videos! So, point your browser to the link below and check it out. I have been doing drills # 1,2,3,5,6, & 8 recently with good results.

Edited by Mike_D 2011-08-09 6:17 AM
2011-08-09 8:11 AM
in reply to: #3294922

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Subject: RE: Sink or SWIM! with WittyCityGirl - CLOSED

Thanks for sharing Mike!

Took me a second to remember thongs are another word for flip flops!

Hope everyone is having a good day so far.  I was doing a swim lesson with a woman who wants to do her first sprint tri this fall.  She's also in the middle of running a marathon in all 50 states (something she's trying to accomplish in the next few years).  She asked me what sort of training I've been doing lately and I had to sheepishly say NOTHING!  Uh oh! I better get on it! 


2011-08-09 5:55 PM
in reply to: #3294922

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Citrus Heights, CA
Subject: RE: Sink or SWIM! with WittyCityGirl - CLOSED

As my mom-in-law has gone to visit others, I can now focus on my life again--my race report is FINALLY posted--sorry for the delay...Here's the link:
2011-08-09 6:10 PM
in reply to: #3636681

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Extreme Veteran
Naperville, IL
Subject: RE: Sink or SWIM! with WittyCityGirl - CLOSED
You did great Kate!  Thanks for posting the report.
2011-08-09 7:12 PM
in reply to: #3294922

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Subject: RE: Sink or SWIM! with WittyCityGirl - CLOSED
Thanks for the RR Kate, great job!!  You're going to continue kicking butt at this pace!

2011-08-09 9:41 PM
in reply to: #3294922

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Subject: RE: Sink or SWIM! with WittyCityGirl - CLOSED

Wow, Mike! That was a killer swim session! If I get in 1500, I'm a happy girl! Kate, great report! You should be proud!

Had a small breakthrough in our group ride. We have A, B, C, D groups. Started in C, did that for a couple of weeks, moved to B group and have been pretty comfy there. The work is hard, but not too...if you know what I mean. I've wanted to try A, but was pretty sure I couldn't hang... Those ladies are tough, averaging about 16.5 MPH on a fairly hilly ride. B group met up with them at an intersection last night with 10 miles to go. I decided to try to hang and did surprisingly well. (although my knees are pretty sore today) I passed a few and ended up in the middle of the group by the end. I am now pretty sure that I CANNOT hang for the entire 30 mile ride! LOL but I was able to keep up for a bit, at least!

2011-08-10 6:04 AM
in reply to: #3294922

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Sink or SWIM! with WittyCityGirl - CLOSED
Well done, Kate! I left my comments on the RR page! Great news on the run!

Today was a brick workout w/ a 30 min bike trainer 'ride' and a 15 min run. Due to some bad math done by me mid run, the run was actually a bit over 14 minutes. I was just happy to be out running as all as there was a massive downpour when I first woke up. No rain at all by the time the run came around.

Had something interesting happen on the run. I was nearing the end when my legs started screaming at me to run faster. It was as if some button was pushed to give me a good burst of energy. I complied and picked up the pace, and felt great. I don't recall having had that happen before.
2011-08-10 12:53 PM
in reply to: #3294922

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Subject: RE: Sink or SWIM! with WittyCityGirl - CLOSED
Laura and Mike, it's great you both had such awesome experiences!
2011-08-10 1:43 PM
in reply to: #3294922

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Sink or SWIM! with WittyCityGirl - CLOSED
Thanks, Sara!

Anyone check out the swim drills I posted yesterday? I highly recommend them. For me, they are now part of my routine.

So far, this 'repeat' week is working out nicely. Another swim tomorrow, then some good runs & bikes this weekend. Very excited about it!

Edited by Mike_D 2011-08-10 1:49 PM
2011-08-10 10:07 PM
in reply to: #3635443

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Sink or SWIM! with WittyCityGirl - CLOSED
WittyCityGirl - 2011-08-09 8:11 AM

Thanks for sharing Mike!

Took me a second to remember thongs are another word for flip flops!

Hope everyone is having a good day so far.  I was doing a swim lesson with a woman who wants to do her first sprint tri this fall.  She's also in the middle of running a marathon in all 50 states (something she's trying to accomplish in the next few years).  She asked me what sort of training I've been doing lately and I had to sheepishly say NOTHING!  Uh oh! I better get on it! 


That's ok Sara - I'm always trying to catch you guys out in regards to the thongs/flip flop thing. Hmm, maybe you should train for the sprint with her - it'd at least get you doing something right?

 Nada - great work on moving up through the groups. I'm sure you'll be an A person soon. I'd probably be in group E or something - 30 miles is still too far for me, lol.

 Mike - great work on your brick. Love the button pushing to get faster. Hope the rest of your repeat week goes well.

I'm going to get back in to yoga today - thinking I may make Thursday my regular day as dad isn't home on those days. Then I'm going to start weeks 7 and 2 of my running and biking programs respectively.

2011-08-11 6:26 AM
in reply to: #3294922

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Sink or SWIM! with WittyCityGirl - CLOSED
So tell me about yoga. I don't do much in the way of scheduled/coordinated stretching, and this seems like it would be a great thing to do. I know nothing abou it.

Swam again this AM, and did 2300 yards. Felt very good, and I'm growing to really enjoy the heck out of swimming. Its fun, I enjoy the challenge, and I can feel the improvements. The masters class has done wonders for me.  stroke is smoother, I feel the water better, and its taken the mental block I had and crushed it.

This past week has been my most productive swim week of my tri career. I've done nealry 9,000 yards the past week, which is more than I did the entire month of August 2010, just a year ago (5300 yards).

This week has been fantastic training wise as well. I'm feeling great, and looking forward to continuting on w/ the program. 

Edited by Mike_D 2011-08-11 6:34 AM
2011-08-11 9:07 AM
in reply to: #3638752

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Sink or SWIM! with WittyCityGirl - CLOSED

Mike_D - 2011-08-11 6:26 AM So tell me about yoga. I don't do much in the way of scheduled/coordinated stretching, and this seems like it would be a great thing to do. I know nothing abou it.

Swam again this AM, and did 2300 yards. Felt very good, and I'm growing to really enjoy the heck out of swimming. Its fun, I enjoy the challenge, and I can feel the improvements. The masters class has done wonders for me.  stroke is smoother, I feel the water better, and its taken the mental block I had and crushed it.

This past week has been my most productive swim week of my tri career. I've done nealry 9,000 yards the past week, which is more than I did the entire month of August 2010, just a year ago (5300 yards).

This week has been fantastic training wise as well. I'm feeling great, and looking forward to continuting on w/ the program. 

Not much to tell as I ended up not doing it today, lol - I'll try getting up early tomorrow. A good way to start would be to check out your local gym/health centre and see if they have any classes - that way you're not losing money buying stuff you may not use. Although looking on you tube may work too if you're shy of going to a class - most of the ones I've been to are all women for some reason but I do know some guys do it. It's mostly stretching, flexibility and some strength/core stuff rolled in to one depending on the poses you do. This is a "beginner workout" I found on youtube before I bought my kit - mat, dvd, brick and strap - you really only need the mat - you can find poses anywhere and brick/strap are there to help but not compulsory - and it's really beginner with some sequel workouts that you can build to if interested. - I believe there is also a "yoga for triathletes" thing somewhere on the site - I keep seeing it under the beginners section when looking going to my programs.  Great work on all that swimming. I have no idea where I'm at in totals but I'm definitely beyond this time last year, lol. Love the smashed mental block.

2011-08-11 6:18 PM
in reply to: #3294922

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Extreme Veteran
Naperville, IL
Subject: RE: Sink or SWIM! with WittyCityGirl - CLOSED

Sunday's my final event of the year -- another sprint about 10 minutes from my house.  Have taken it easy this week so far with two runs.  Plan an easy bike tomorrow and probably 3 x 200yards fast Saturday AM.  The swim in this one is easy and last year the event went great.  Likely that I'll try and push the run for the first time in this one.

Would welcome any advice on how to avoid cramps -- has been an issue in the previous events this year.  Hopefully the cooler weather and normal breakfast at home will help with the issue.

2011-08-11 8:36 PM
in reply to: #3640108

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Sink or SWIM! with WittyCityGirl - CLOSED
croixfan - 2011-08-11 6:18 PM

Sunday's my final event of the year -- another sprint about 10 minutes from my house.  Have taken it easy this week so far with two runs.  Plan an easy bike tomorrow and probably 3 x 200yards fast Saturday AM.  The swim in this one is easy and last year the event went great.  Likely that I'll try and push the run for the first time in this one.

Would welcome any advice on how to avoid cramps -- has been an issue in the previous events this year.  Hopefully the cooler weather and normal breakfast at home will help with the issue.

Good luck with the race. Don't have any advice about cramps but I hope you find something that works.

2011-08-12 6:09 AM
in reply to: #3640108

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Sink or SWIM! with WittyCityGirl - CLOSED
croixfan - 2011-08-11 7:18 PM

Sunday's my final event of the year -- another sprint about 10 minutes from my house.  Have taken it easy this week so far with two runs.  Plan an easy bike tomorrow and probably 3 x 200yards fast Saturday AM.  The swim in this one is easy and last year the event went great.  Likely that I'll try and push the run for the first time in this one.

Would welcome any advice on how to avoid cramps -- has been an issue in the previous events this year.  Hopefully the cooler weather and normal breakfast at home will help with the issue.

Good luck with the race - let it all hang out!!!

As for cramps, I'm no help. I have not had to deal with them, so I got ntohing for you.  you may want to throw the question out to the TT Forum.

5 mile run this AM. Felt good, and I feel even better post run.

2011-08-12 7:57 AM
in reply to: #3638752

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Subject: RE: Sink or SWIM! with WittyCityGirl - CLOSED

Mike_D - 2011-08-11 7:26 AM So tell me about yoga. I don't do much in the way of scheduled/coordinated stretching, and this seems like it would be a great thing to do. I know nothing abou it.

Swam again this AM, and did 2300 yards. Felt very good, and I'm growing to really enjoy the heck out of swimming. Its fun, I enjoy the challenge, and I can feel the improvements. The masters class has done wonders for me.  stroke is smoother, I feel the water better, and its taken the mental block I had and crushed it.

This past week has been my most productive swim week of my tri career. I've done nealry 9,000 yards the past week, which is more than I did the entire month of August 2010, just a year ago (5300 yards).

This week has been fantastic training wise as well. I'm feeling great, and looking forward to continuting on w/ the program. 

Mike! Your energy and enthusiasm is contagious because.... I got in the water, too!!!! Did a dinky swim in comparison to your workouts, but I'm trying to do a better job of balancing getting in shape and recovering from this hernia crap.  I tried to look at the drills you posted, but I'm not a performance member at the moment, so it's blocked.  Guess I better pay up with marmadaddy (Mike is one of the guys that runs this BT site). =)

I cannot say enough GREAT stuff about yoga!!!!!!!  I've been going to a morning pilates class on and off over the last month and she incorporates a few yoga moves here and there.  Sun salutations are the bomb diggity.  I am THAT person who does downward dog before a tri race and the physical therapist I went to this summer told me to make warrior 1-3 my go-to stretches before riding my bike.  Plus, child's pose is a lovely little position to chill out in, feels soooo good for the back.

I don't have any video recs for you, but I DO know that the P90X yoga may kick your butt the first time or two (or beyond that, I still can't hold some of the poses!). 

2011-08-12 8:10 AM
in reply to: #3640108

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Subject: RE: Sink or SWIM! with WittyCityGirl - CLOSED
croixfan - 2011-08-11 7:18 PM

Sunday's my final event of the year -- another sprint about 10 minutes from my house.  Have taken it easy this week so far with two runs.  Plan an easy bike tomorrow and probably 3 x 200yards fast Saturday AM.  The swim in this one is easy and last year the event went great.  Likely that I'll try and push the run for the first time in this one.

Would welcome any advice on how to avoid cramps -- has been an issue in the previous events this year.  Hopefully the cooler weather and normal breakfast at home will help with the issue.

Well, most people would recommend not doing anything different on race day.  But for cramps... you could try eating salty foods (like some tortilla chips) with dinner the night before.  Have a sports drink the evening before (not too late or else you'll be up all night going to the bathroom).  Have a sports drink and banana with breakfast (larger breakfast if it's 2-3 hours before the event, smaller if it's under 2 hours before the event- actually, time that according to your swim wave, sometimes you end up standing around for 45 minutes waiting for your wave...I know I get hungry waiting to swim sometimes!).  Have something salty while on your bike (either a food or sports drink).  At least that way you'll know your electrolytes are looking good.

If it's not an electrolyte thing you may want to...

Back pedal within a couple hundred yards before you dismount your bike, you don't have to back pedal a ton... just enough to get your leg muscles from being in the cycling zone... it tells them "hey, something else is coming up soon, so be alert!.  It's helpful to the muscles before you stop the pedaling and start the running.  You may even want to do a quickie stretch in T2, esp of those hamstrings!

Look into a gait analyses to see if how you run is a factor.  I've never heard of that being the case for anyone, but it's just a thought...

Lastly, more bricks.  In general, I don't see triathletes doing enough brick workouts.  It makes a big difference to your race when you train hard on the bike and immediately jump off and do a cheesy easy 10 minute run here and there.

2011-08-12 8:13 AM
in reply to: #3294922

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Subject: RE: Sink or SWIM! with WittyCityGirl - CLOSED

Forgot to brag about my husband, he was in the paper for being a cancer survivor and Ironman finisher... 

2011-08-12 10:18 AM
in reply to: #3640615

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Sink or SWIM! with WittyCityGirl - CLOSED
WittyCityGirl - 2011-08-12 9:13 AM

Forgot to brag about my husband, he was in the paper for being a cancer survivor and Ironman finisher... 

Wow! What a great story! Didn't realize the 2 of you were so young! (hey, I'm 44, so 28 sounds down right kid-like! ).

Trizilla, huh? New BT handle, perhaps?
2011-08-12 2:29 PM
in reply to: #3294922

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Extreme Veteran
Naperville, IL
Subject: RE: Sink or SWIM! with WittyCityGirl - CLOSED

Now we know what Sara's tatoo should like like!!!!!


Headed out for an easy ride after work.  Was very pleased with how it went.  Saw a lot of "93" on the cadence meter and felt great.  Neat thing was that the speeds were pretty solid.  Overall ride was just a shade slower than a normal ride, but felt great through out.  Did have a little fun at one stop light where I had a very slight downhill and slight tailwind.  Got on the gears and hammered it.  Went from 10 mph to 30.4 mph in nothing flat and saw a 103 cadence reading!!!!  When I started riding, anything over 75 felt wierd.  Today 90's were fine and even on the hard push it felt normal.  Regardless of how Sunday goes, have had a great year, made tons of progress, and my health is better than it has been in over a decade!

Edited by croixfan 2011-08-12 6:54 PM

2011-08-12 11:16 PM
in reply to: #3640592

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Sink or SWIM! with WittyCityGirl - CLOSED
WittyCityGirl - 2011-08-12 7:57 AM

Mike_D - 2011-08-11 7:26 AM So tell me about yoga. I don't do much in the way of scheduled/coordinated stretching, and this seems like it would be a great thing to do. I know nothing abou it.

Swam again this AM, and did 2300 yards. Felt very good, and I'm growing to really enjoy the heck out of swimming. Its fun, I enjoy the challenge, and I can feel the improvements. The masters class has done wonders for me.  stroke is smoother, I feel the water better, and its taken the mental block I had and crushed it.

This past week has been my most productive swim week of my tri career. I've done nealry 9,000 yards the past week, which is more than I did the entire month of August 2010, just a year ago (5300 yards).

This week has been fantastic training wise as well. I'm feeling great, and looking forward to continuting on w/ the program. 

Mike! Your energy and enthusiasm is contagious because.... I got in the water, too!!!! Did a dinky swim in comparison to your workouts, but I'm trying to do a better job of balancing getting in shape and recovering from this hernia crap.  I tried to look at the drills you posted, but I'm not a performance member at the moment, so it's blocked.  Guess I better pay up with marmadaddy (Mike is one of the guys that runs this BT site). =)

I cannot say enough GREAT stuff about yoga!!!!!!!  I've been going to a morning pilates class on and off over the last month and she incorporates a few yoga moves here and there.  Sun salutations are the bomb diggity.  I am THAT person who does downward dog before a tri race and the physical therapist I went to this summer told me to make warrior 1-3 my go-to stretches before riding my bike.  Plus, child's pose is a lovely little position to chill out in, feels soooo good for the back.

I don't have any video recs for you, but I DO know that the P90X yoga may kick your butt the first time or two (or beyond that, I still can't hold some of the poses!). 

Yay for getting back in the water again Sara. Hope balance of getting in shape/hernia recovery goes well


2011-08-13 7:03 AM
in reply to: #3641262

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Sink or SWIM! with WittyCityGirl - CLOSED
croixfan - 2011-08-12 3:29 PM

Now we know what Sara's tatoo should like like!!!!!


Headed out for an easy ride after work.  Was very pleased with how it went.  Saw a lot of "93" on the cadence meter and felt great.  Neat thing was that the speeds were pretty solid.  Overall ride was just a shade slower than a normal ride, but felt great through out.  Did have a little fun at one stop light where I had a very slight downhill and slight tailwind.  Got on the gears and hammered it.  Went from 10 mph to 30.4 mph in nothing flat and saw a 103 cadence reading!!!!  When I started riding, anything over 75 felt wierd.  Today 90's were fine and even on the hard push it felt normal.  Regardless of how Sunday goes, have had a great year, made tons of progress, and my health is better than it has been in over a decade!

Fantastic stuff, Curt!!! Congrats! Great attitude, and lets face it - for us non podium folks, isnt' this what its all about? 

2011-08-13 7:52 AM
in reply to: #3641262

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Sink or SWIM! with WittyCityGirl - CLOSED
croixfan - 2011-08-12 2:29 PM

Now we know what Sara's tatoo should like like!!!!!


Headed out for an easy ride after work.  Was very pleased with how it went.  Saw a lot of "93" on the cadence meter and felt great.  Neat thing was that the speeds were pretty solid.  Overall ride was just a shade slower than a normal ride, but felt great through out.  Did have a little fun at one stop light where I had a very slight downhill and slight tailwind.  Got on the gears and hammered it.  Went from 10 mph to 30.4 mph in nothing flat and saw a 103 cadence reading!!!!  When I started riding, anything over 75 felt wierd.  Today 90's were fine and even on the hard push it felt normal.  Regardless of how Sunday goes, have had a great year, made tons of progress, and my health is better than it has been in over a decade!

Congrats on the progress in both biking and health.


OH and I looked at the results of my tartget tri just now - I don't yet know how long transitions will take me so my time could be slightly off - and even at my fastest speeds I'll be second to last or even DFL depending on who else shows up. I'm working on around 1h30mins based on my current speeds but I'm hoping to speed up a little by race day.

2011-08-13 8:28 AM
in reply to: #3294922

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Extreme Veteran
Naperville, IL
Subject: RE: Sink or SWIM! with WittyCityGirl - CLOSED

Hit the pool this AM just to spend a little time in the water.  Did 500 yards -- nothing longer than 100 at a time and mixed in some drills and breast stroke.  Big news was that for the first 100 I decided to swim just a little bit harder.  Felt strong and solid, but was not killing myself.  When I checked my watch saw 1:59 -- think that's the first time I've ever been sub-2 for a 100 yards!!!!  Noticed that during that 100 could feel my arms pulling/moving water and the body was up on top of the water.  After Sunday I'll start mixing in the harder efforts on the swim / follow Sara's advice and see how it goes.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

ETA -- Turning in for the evening / ready for tomorrow.  Race report to follow mid-day....

Edited by croixfan 2011-08-13 9:50 PM
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