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2011-08-07 8:39 PM
in reply to: #3632982

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
KeriKadi - 2011-08-07 8:07 PM

The race went OK. I am disappointed in my run Frown It was hot but they did a great job doing their best to keep us cool. They actually had ice on the run course in Houston!!! They also gave us sponges soaked in cold water which were lovely. I started with a calf cramp I had to stop and strech out and just past 3 miles I hit a wall and walked for a very short time. The slow start had a huge impact on my average.

The good news is I had a good swim, took a minute off last year, my bike speed goal was 19 and I went 18.91 but like I said it fell apart on the run and I was a minute/mile slower than I wanted to be with a 12:52 avg.

Next race is an Oly with the same RD September 25, looking forward to it but need to beef up the training.


Way to hang in there with the heat...

2011-08-07 8:40 PM
in reply to: #3632030

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
Trout - 2011-08-06 4:44 PM

Hey everyone! I wanted to post a quick report from this morning. I finished 7th overall and 1st in age group (M30-34). No ideas of splits as the times aren't posted yet. I'll let you know when the race report is up to read. Going to enjoy the rest of today and then off to a kiddie park tomorrow with the boys/family.




Great Job Man...Very nice time...Looking forward to the rr.

2011-08-07 8:43 PM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

Well done Kath!!

And great job defeating the "I can't do an IM" demons. Can't imagine how large they must seem in a race like that.

Living the dream!!


2011-08-08 6:32 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

i've made three trips to Wisconsin now to ride the course.  Fun course but approaching it analytically now.  Where can I use my strength on relatively flat places, where do I have to just spin to get up the hills without burning many matches.  Where do you have to just gut it out.  All good.  I rode it in 6:15 Saturday.  Open course, lots of cars and bikes. so I was happy with that.  

The big point is the bike is working perfectly now after three bike shops.  Finally found someone who knows what he is doing with TT bikes. The fit is OK.  I'm sitting up where being aero makes do no difference on slow areas in the hills and that made a huge improvement.

Nutrition is coming along.  

Ran 90 mins after the ride.  Hot, too little water on the course I ran.  Felt like crap at the end.  I knew I would do to hydration and nutrition falling apart.  Wont be that way race day. 

Swam an hour Sunday, 1.5 miles.  Bought myself a new sleeveless wet suit.  Looking forward to trying it in open water.

Plan calls for staying home this weekend and riding 112 around here, running and swimming, then heading back to Madison the weekend after that for the Masters OWS at the lake and ride the course.

Feeling strong.  The main problem is the rest.  Always feel like I could use more sleep and food.  Trying to keep up with both. 

Have a great week. Cooler temps coming.  WooHoo!

2011-08-08 8:24 AM
in reply to: #3632982

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
KeriKadi - 2011-08-07 8:07 PM

The race went OK. I am disappointed in my run Frown It was hot but they did a great job doing their best to keep us cool. They actually had ice on the run course in Houston!!! They also gave us sponges soaked in cold water which were lovely. I started with a calf cramp I had to stop and strech out and just past 3 miles I hit a wall and walked for a very short time. The slow start had a huge impact on my average.

The good news is I had a good swim, took a minute off last year, my bike speed goal was 19 and I went 18.91 but like I said it fell apart on the run and I was a minute/mile slower than I wanted to be with a 12:52 avg.

Next race is an Oly with the same RD September 25, looking forward to it but need to beef up the training.

Great race Keri!  I love the races where they have the cold sponges!  A big help in keeping cool and feeling fresh!
2011-08-08 8:28 AM
in reply to: #3633078

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
julta - 2011-08-07 9:02 PM So yea....that was hard. It was pretty toasty out there (95ish), but I feel like I did a really good job on managing nutrition/hydration and keeping cool, lots of ice, sponges and fluid. Although my sighting was not really that great I was pleased with my swim. Bike was going good then flat at mile 44...bummer! I had it mostly done when one of the "angles" showed up. Which was good, after he finished pumping it up I realized I had not looked for what caused it. He let the air out and went looking. Dug out several pieces of glass which probably came from a training ride. 15ish minutes later I was on my way. Kind of killed my bike average though. The run...well it was mostly a walk.. as I said not pretty 7:44 overall. Will let you know when I have a race report posted on my blog.

Soiunds like you had a great race going before the flat.  Good that you had some help, just to take the pressure off of changing it yourself in the middle of a race.  Ice and sponges on the run sure help a lot in that type of heat!

Great job Julie! I look forward to the race report!

2011-08-08 8:29 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

Results were just posted for my A race (sprint) yesterday. Looks like I missed my (ridiculous) target time of 1:30 by 12 seconds - can't be upset because my previous best was 1:37.05 which means I took off nearly 7 min. The the swim course was 50m shorter so that's a minute right there. There were also shorter distances into transitions which helped. Water was warm so I went sans wetsuit (also an experiment for speed comparison) so saved a little in transition.

The course was dead flat which accounts for a considerable amount of the change, my new (to me) tri bike is likely much of the rest.

Out of 243 finishers I was 209 on the swim, 87 on the bike, and 216 on the run, 174 overall. There were some seriously fast cyclists, I was in awe.

My average speeds in the swim and run were PR's, but not the bike. The course was 4 loops and I found out the 180 degree turn at the ends kill your speed. Still beat my bike speed for every race but one. Overall it was a great day.

2011-08-08 8:32 AM
in reply to: #3633100

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
Kath2163 - 2011-08-07 9:12 PM


Hi All,

Here is a mini race report that I sent to my coach.

Well, I finished without any crashes or need for IVS so that is good!
Unlike last year where we at least had some cloud cover on the bike, there
wasn't a cloud in the sky and the winds got crazy during the run. My swim
was a couple of minutes slower for some reason, my bike was one second
slower (that is because I didn't have my mountain bike shoes on and still
struggle with the Speedplays a bit) and my run/walk was a few seconds
faster. It really was a minute or two faster but I needed to visit the
port-a-potty. It was blistering hot!!!! I spent a lot of time at each aid
station getting water, ice, sponges etc. By the second loop I dumped my
Infinite and relied on water, ice chips, GU chomps a couple of Salt Sticks.
I walked the hills and did the best I could on the run. I must admit that
there were a few times where the thought "I can't do an ironman" started
creeping into my head but I immediately put an end to that. The wind on the
second loop of the run was really strong! My hat almost blew off and the
dirt from the parking area was blowing into our faces. Even walking into the
wind was like running uphill.  As soon as I was done I went right to the reservior and got in.

I purchased some arm coolers yesterday and
used them on the run. I was skeptical but they were GREAT!

Thanks for the support everyone! I hope you all had great weekends.


Sounds like you had a great race under less than ideal race conditions.
I look forward to reading your race report!  Thanks for the info on the arm coolers.

Doing a HIM as part of your training for a full IM has its advantages, but one of the disadvantages is the mental aspect of a difficult HIM and the questioning of abilities.  Doing a half is challenging, spending the day thinking I have to do this double is stressful especially without a lot of experience at the longer distance.  But trust your coach and trust your training and you will have a great IM experience!
2011-08-08 8:45 AM
in reply to: #3633561

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
marvintpa - 2011-08-08 9:29 AM

Results were just posted for my A race (sprint) yesterday. Looks like I missed my (ridiculous) target time of 1:30 by 12 seconds - can't be upset because my previous best was 1:37.05 which means I took off nearly 7 min. The the swim course was 50m shorter so that's a minute right there. There were also shorter distances into transitions which helped. Water was warm so I went sans wetsuit (also an experiment for speed comparison) so saved a little in transition.

The course was dead flat which accounts for a considerable amount of the change, my new (to me) tri bike is likely much of the rest.

Out of 243 finishers I was 209 on the swim, 87 on the bike, and 216 on the run, 174 overall. There were some seriously fast cyclists, I was in awe.

My average speeds in the swim and run were PR's, but not the bike. The course was 4 loops and I found out the 180 degree turn at the ends kill your speed. Still beat my bike speed for every race but one. Overall it was a great day.

Taking 7 minutes off of a sprint time is no small feat!  Congrats and way to go!
2011-08-08 8:48 AM
in reply to: #3633390

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
IceManScott - 2011-08-08 7:32 AM

i've made three trips to Wisconsin now to ride the course.  Fun course but approaching it analytically now.  Where can I use my strength on relatively flat places, where do I have to just spin to get up the hills without burning many matches.  Where do you have to just gut it out.  All good.  I rode it in 6:15 Saturday.  Open course, lots of cars and bikes. so I was happy with that.  

The big point is the bike is working perfectly now after three bike shops.  Finally found someone who knows what he is doing with TT bikes. The fit is OK.  I'm sitting up where being aero makes do no difference on slow areas in the hills and that made a huge improvement.

Nutrition is coming along.  

Ran 90 mins after the ride.  Hot, too little water on the course I ran.  Felt like crap at the end.  I knew I would do to hydration and nutrition falling apart.  Wont be that way race day. 

Swam an hour Sunday, 1.5 miles.  Bought myself a new sleeveless wet suit.  Looking forward to trying it in open water.

Plan calls for staying home this weekend and riding 112 around here, running and swimming, then heading back to Madison the weekend after that for the Masters OWS at the lake and ride the course.

Feeling strong.  The main problem is the rest.  Always feel like I could use more sleep and food.  Trying to keep up with both. 

Have a great week. Cooler temps coming.  WooHoo!


Riding the course that many times is a huge advantage Ice.  I did both my IM's blind from that perspective, but they were just too far away to justify. 

Nice training Ice!
2011-08-08 9:19 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
Nice work to all who raced this weekend.  Great going guys!

2011-08-08 11:47 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

Sounds like everybody had good races this weekend, congrats to all those who raced. 



2011-08-08 3:56 PM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
2011-08-09 4:04 AM
in reply to: #3634628

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
KeriKadi - 2011-08-08 4:56 PM Race Report

Great race report Keri!  Thanks for the link! 
2011-08-09 11:21 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
Here is something to think about for your swimming.

After maybe 5 years or so of training for and competing in triathlons of every distance I really became frustrated with my swim and lack of progress.  The sprint tri I did in early June where I had probably the worse swim time per 100 since I started racing was the straw that broke the camels back.

The friday before the race I had received an e-mail from the YMCA that I belong to and swim at about a new under water video stroke analysis that they were offering.  By noon Monday I had an appointment later in the week.  The lady that did the video taping immediately gave me some things to work on with each lap and right away I started improving.  I talked to her about lessons and how that program worked.  Basically it is 7 weekly lessons of 30 minutes with a follow up workout for homework.  Plus a couple of times they video camera comes back out to track progress.  Friday will be my 7th lesson.

It would appear from this weeks workout that I will have picked up about 15 - 20 seconds per hundred in short sprints that should grow some and extend to the longer distance as I work to build back the endurance with the new technique.  Some of the low hanging fruit she found was that my kick was a liability at best, at worse it was pulling me backwards.  I had almost zero body rotation at all and I was crossing my arms over center on my pull.  

Why do I bring this up here?  I think most of realize now that with this sport there is an opportunity to spend money to get some additional speed.  By the time I am done I will have about $175.00 including the video work.  When the workouts specific to my short comings are included and when compared to some of the other expenditures I have made in the pursuit of being a faster triathlete, I waited far too long to do this.  Besides, I may actually enjoy swimming enough now to do it as often as I should!

2011-08-09 9:32 PM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!


Great info on the swim I have been wanting to look into that or getting a coach for my swim, it is only my second year in but for some reason I have lost time this year in the swim. The grade 2 ac/joint separation doesn't help it gets  frustrating for sure.


Tough run workout tonight..10 x800 repeats

1st-3rd 800 7:30 min/pace 4th 800- 8:00 min/pace  5th 800-7:30 min/pace 6th 800-8:00 min/pace

7th-8th 800- 7:03 min/pace 9th 800-7:30 min/pace  10th 800-7:03 min/pace

12:00min/pace jog recoveries..

My legs were jello at the end...Hope all is well to all.. Happy Training..

2011-08-09 10:07 PM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
Ken that is great info on the swim. I think it's something I should consider in the winter. Having really just learned how to swim in the last couple of years I can use some help.

I did post a race report on my blog if anyone is interested. It's almost as long as the race.
2011-08-10 7:18 AM
in reply to: #3635850

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

kenj - 2011-08-09 11:21 AM Here is something to think about for your swimming.

After maybe 5 years or so of training for and competing in triathlons of every distance I really became frustrated with my swim and lack of progress.  The sprint tri I did in early June where I had probably the worse swim time per 100 since I started racing was the straw that broke the camels back.

The friday before the race I had received an e-mail from the YMCA that I belong to and swim at about a new under water video stroke analysis that they were offering.  By noon Monday I had an appointment later in the week.  The lady that did the video taping immediately gave me some things to work on with each lap and right away I started improving.  I talked to her about lessons and how that program worked.  Basically it is 7 weekly lessons of 30 minutes with a follow up workout for homework.  Plus a couple of times they video camera comes back out to track progress.  Friday will be my 7th lesson.

It would appear from this weeks workout that I will have picked up about 15 - 20 seconds per hundred in short sprints that should grow some and extend to the longer distance as I work to build back the endurance with the new technique.  Some of the low hanging fruit she found was that my kick was a liability at best, at worse it was pulling me backwards.  I had almost zero body rotation at all and I was crossing my arms over center on my pull.  

Why do I bring this up here?  I think most of realize now that with this sport there is an opportunity to spend money to get some additional speed.  By the time I am done I will have about $175.00 including the video work.  When the workouts specific to my short comings are included and when compared to some of the other expenditures I have made in the pursuit of being a faster triathlete, I waited far too long to do this.  Besides, I may actually enjoy swimming enough now to do it as often as I should!


I need this. 

My coach had me start hard VO2 drills.  Any distance as long as the last 25 were hard, then follow quickly with 4 X 25 hard.  So I've been doing 400, then 4 X 25, 300, then 4 X 25, 200, 4X 25, 100, 4 X 25.  Interesting results.  Faster.  My cadence is turning over much faster.  I am turning better.  And I am kicking more efficiently.   Distance swims seem easier because I am getting more oxygen. 

2011-08-10 7:26 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

I did a windy 25 mile time trial last night with the club.  Right at 21` mph with a 20 mph headwind for much of the time.  Good with that. 

Been riding the IM Moo course a lot.  Doing centuries around here when I'm not in Wis.  I have 112 miles this weekend, Saturday I think.

Runs (x3/week, 2 plus hours each) have been harsh in the heat.  It is cool here today, 70 something for the first time in weeks and I get to run 2.5 hours so it will be good to see the difference.   There will be one, I know that.  85 plus and it saps me.

Swimming has been good. Bought a sleeveless wetsuit to try.  I think I will like it as long as I'm warm enough.  Having my arms constrained really plays on my mind and I would think buoyancy on my arms isnt a good thing when I have to push hard to get them through the water.  Wouldn't buoyancy push back?  Also, I'm thinking a 2.4 mile swim is going to heat my core up.  The arms free should help cool me.  I'll take both up to Madison next weekend for the Masters OWS there and try them out.  Same set up as the IM Moo.  Great chance to see the course in race conditions, learn the sighting and get a feel for the green water.

Mind games are not playing too heavily on me.  22 years in 12 step programs living a moment at a time is helping to stay focused on the day at hand.  Let the future take care of itself.


2011-08-10 8:05 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Bradford, PA
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

It's great to see so many awesome race results coming from the group this summer! Hats off to Ken for great mentoring and inspiring!!

I appreciated your swim comments Ken. It's something that I think about often - getting a video analysis and/or lessons - but just haven't pulled the trigger. This winter may be a good time for that.

My race report is finished: Hopefully the link works.

The Erie, PA tri club was there in full force and the competition was as good as it's been for this young race. I was happy with my results, but there's always more to work on/improve. I have one more sprint tri this year on 8/27 in Erie.

2011-08-10 10:25 AM
in reply to: #3637187

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
IceManScott - 2011-08-10 8:26 AM

I did a windy 25 mile time trial last night with the club.  Right at 21` mph with a 20 mph headwind for much of the time.  Good with that. 

Been riding the IM Moo course a lot.  Doing centuries around here when I'm not in Wis.  I have 112 miles this weekend, Saturday I think.

Runs (x3/week, 2 plus hours each) have been harsh in the heat.  It is cool here today, 70 something for the first time in weeks and I get to run 2.5 hours so it will be good to see the difference.   There will be one, I know that.  85 plus and it saps me.

Swimming has been good. Bought a sleeveless wetsuit to try.  I think I will like it as long as I'm warm enough.  Having my arms constrained really plays on my mind and I would think buoyancy on my arms isnt a good thing when I have to push hard to get them through the water.  Wouldn't buoyancy push back?  Also, I'm thinking a 2.4 mile swim is going to heat my core up.  The arms free should help cool me.  I'll take both up to Madison next weekend for the Masters OWS there and try them out.  Same set up as the IM Moo.  Great chance to see the course in race conditions, learn the sighting and get a feel for the green water.

Mind games are not playing too heavily on me.  22 years in 12 step programs living a moment at a time is helping to stay focused on the day at hand.  Let the future take care of itself.


Great training and great attitude Ice!  Nice!

As far as sleeved vs sleeveless, there  is some speed advantage to the sleeved in a lot of cases due to the ribs and other gimmicks the manufacturers put on the arms to improve the pull.  But at the end of the day, if YOU think you are slower in it and uncomfortable in it you will be and 2.4 miles is a long way to have that weighing on your mind. 

2011-08-10 10:50 AM
in reply to: #3636987

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
julta - 2011-08-09 11:07 PM Ken that is great info on the swim. I think it's something I should consider in the winter. Having really just learned how to swim in the last couple of years I can use some help. I did post a race report on my blog if anyone is interested. It's almost as long as the race.

I read your report, very well done!

Too bad about the bike tire issue, knock on wood, so far I have avoided that!
2011-08-10 2:02 PM
in reply to: #3637616

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
kenj - 2011-08-10 9:50 AM

julta - 2011-08-09 11:07 PM Ken that is great info on the swim. I think it's something I should consider in the winter. Having really just learned how to swim in the last couple of years I can use some help. I did post a race report on my blog if anyone is interested. It's almost as long as the race.

I read your report, very well done!

Too bad about the bike tire issue, knock on wood, so far I have avoided that!

Ken the thing is I'm sure it could have been avoided had I known a little more about bike maintiance and what to look for. I'm learning more all the time about these things and with any luck will not make the same mistakes again!
2011-08-10 2:04 PM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

Either way, hopefully now you'll be even better prepared (and therefore more confident) in your next event.

2011-08-11 1:53 PM
in reply to: #3635850

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Bradford, PA
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

kenj - 2011-08-09 12:21 PM Here is something to think about for your swimming.

It would appear from this weeks workout that I will have picked up about 15 - 20 seconds per hundred in short sprints that should grow some and extend to the longer distance as I work to build back the endurance with the new technique.  Some of the low hanging fruit she found was that my kick was a liability at best, at worse it was pulling me backwards.  I had almost zero body rotation at all and I was crossing my arms over center on my pull.  

Why do I bring this up here?  I think most of realize now that with this sport there is an opportunity to spend money to get some additional speed.  By the time I am done I will have about $175.00 including the video work.  When the workouts specific to my short comings are included and when compared to some of the other expenditures I have made in the pursuit of being a faster triathlete, I waited far too long to do this.  Besides, I may actually enjoy swimming enough now to do it as often as I should!

What does she have you doing to improve your kick? This is an area of my swim that I feel I'm not doing correctly. When I kick with the board I feel like it takes me forever to get from one end to the other and my hips are quite tired/tight/sore by the end of 100y.

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