BT Development Mentor Program Archives » kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!! Rss Feed  
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2011-08-11 2:09 PM
in reply to: #3639704

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
Trout - 2011-08-11 2:53 PM

kenj - 2011-08-09 12:21 PM Here is something to think about for your swimming.

It would appear from this weeks workout that I will have picked up about 15 - 20 seconds per hundred in short sprints that should grow some and extend to the longer distance as I work to build back the endurance with the new technique.  Some of the low hanging fruit she found was that my kick was a liability at best, at worse it was pulling me backwards.  I had almost zero body rotation at all and I was crossing my arms over center on my pull.  

Why do I bring this up here?  I think most of realize now that with this sport there is an opportunity to spend money to get some additional speed.  By the time I am done I will have about $175.00 including the video work.  When the workouts specific to my short comings are included and when compared to some of the other expenditures I have made in the pursuit of being a faster triathlete, I waited far too long to do this.  Besides, I may actually enjoy swimming enough now to do it as often as I should!

What does she have you doing to improve your kick? This is an area of my swim that I feel I'm not doing correctly. When I kick with the board I feel like it takes me forever to get from one end to the other and my hips are quite tired/tight/sore by the end of 100y.

One of the first things she started with me was vertical kicking in the deep end.  Started with 3 sets of 20 seconds and now I am up to 4 sets of 30 seconds.  Try to not let your arms assist you and do the last 5 seconds or more if you can with your arms out of the water.

There is also a kick off the wall drill which there is an example on the web page here

One other thing that is explained in pretty good detail on that link is that you kick more to keep balance and to keep your legs from dragging and not as much for propulsion.  As a runner, you may also have tight ankles which don't allow your toes to point or as my coach tries to get me to understand is to push the water backwards off the top of my feet. 

Let me know what you think about the information on the webpage.  It was new from her this week and I am just starting to try some of the stuff that is suggested.  This set of lessons is ending tomorrow and I won't take them back up again until late this year or early next so she has been giving me some material to keep the things she has taught me available.  I am going to be practicing the basic stuff that she has been working with me on and getting that committed to muscle memory so it is more natural and I don't have to think about it.

2011-08-11 9:25 PM
in reply to: #3639734

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

Finally got a chance to read everybody's race reports. Great stuff everybody! Definitely some good inspiration to push myself a little harder at my next race!

Ken, your link has interesting info about the kick. I definitely kick just enough to try to keep a good body position and to help with the roll. To tell you the truth, I'm not really coordinated enough to kick really well. Plus, since I don't swim train enough due to time constraints, kicking too much tires me out. The last 100 yards or so in a race I do try to kick a little more to try to get the blood flowing to my legs.

I am looking forward to seeing if your lessons help in your race this weekend. Maybe Dud won't have so much of a lead coming out of the water!

2011-08-12 8:16 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

Hi Ken's group!!!!

Looks like Arrogant Bastard hasn't been around to brag, so I'll do it for him.  Jon was in our local paper yesterday for his Ironman finish:

Jon turned 30 today, too!  =)

Happy and healthy training,

Sara (the wifey a.k.a. "trizilla")

2011-08-12 8:26 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

Well done Bastard!!

You've come a long way since 3 lbs 6 ounces.

2011-08-12 8:57 AM
in reply to: #3633100

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
Kath2163 - 2011-08-07 8:12 PM


Hi All,

Here is a mini race report that I sent to my coach.

Well, I finished without any crashes or need for IVS so that is good!
Unlike last year where we at least had some cloud cover on the bike, there
wasn't a cloud in the sky and the winds got crazy during the run. My swim
was a couple of minutes slower for some reason, my bike was one second
slower (that is because I didn't have my mountain bike shoes on and still
struggle with the Speedplays a bit) and my run/walk was a few seconds
faster. It really was a minute or two faster but I needed to visit the
port-a-potty. It was blistering hot!!!! I spent a lot of time at each aid
station getting water, ice, sponges etc. By the second loop I dumped my
Infinite and relied on water, ice chips, GU chomps a couple of Salt Sticks.
I walked the hills and did the best I could on the run. I must admit that
there were a few times where the thought "I can't do an ironman" started
creeping into my head but I immediately put an end to that. The wind on the
second loop of the run was really strong! My hat almost blew off and the
dirt from the parking area was blowing into our faces. Even walking into the
wind was like running uphill.  As soon as I was done I went right to the reservior and got in.

I purchased some arm coolers yesterday and
used them on the run. I was skeptical but they were GREAT!

Thanks for the support everyone! I hope you all had great weekends.


Great job Kath! Gotta take the victories where you can find them.

What arm coolers did you get? I might be in the market.

2011-08-12 9:07 AM
in reply to: #3637187

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
IceManScott - 2011-08-10 7:26 AM

I did a windy 25 mile time trial last night with the club.  Right at 21` mph with a 20 mph headwind for much of the time.  Good with that. 

Been riding the IM Moo course a lot.  Doing centuries around here when I'm not in Wis.  I have 112 miles this weekend, Saturday I think.

Runs (x3/week, 2 plus hours each) have been harsh in the heat.  It is cool here today, 70 something for the first time in weeks and I get to run 2.5 hours so it will be good to see the difference.   There will be one, I know that.  85 plus and it saps me.

Swimming has been good. Bought a sleeveless wetsuit to try.  I think I will like it as long as I'm warm enough.  Having my arms constrained really plays on my mind and I would think buoyancy on my arms isnt a good thing when I have to push hard to get them through the water.  Wouldn't buoyancy push back?  Also, I'm thinking a 2.4 mile swim is going to heat my core up.  The arms free should help cool me.  I'll take both up to Madison next weekend for the Masters OWS there and try them out.  Same set up as the IM Moo.  Great chance to see the course in race conditions, learn the sighting and get a feel for the green water.

Mind games are not playing too heavily on me.  22 years in 12 step programs living a moment at a time is helping to stay focused on the day at hand.  Let the future take care of itself.


Your training is very impressive Scott.

I think it's great you are able to draw on your 12 step programs to stay focused. I can totally see where that would come into play. My Dad has been in the program for 30 years.

So much of this sport is mental. We can do more than we think we can. I had a very troubled childhood and not only did I survive it but was smart enough to seek therapy as an adult to deal with the PTSD. I know for me this gets me through some of the mental stuff. Another thing I draw from is my births. I've had 5 babies without pain meds and the last 3 are at home. Talk about needing to be strong mentally! You'd be surprised how much triathlon and birth have in common, the emotions and fears/anxieties are very similar. I use my experiences both good and bad to get me through tough training days and races.

I know this past Sunday I lost my mental edge. I was pretty annoyed with the cramp at the beginning knowing what it was doing to my overall pace. Then at the end I stopped repeating my mantra and the walkers got to me. I wasn't going much faster than they were and I started walking, it was only a short time but still I lost that mental edge. I need to work at staying focused no matter what I am experiencing externally.

2011-08-12 9:56 AM
in reply to: #3640622

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
WittyCityGirl - 2011-08-12 8:16 AM

Hi Ken's group!!!!

Looks like Arrogant Bastard hasn't been around to brag, so I'll do it for him.  Jon was in our local paper yesterday for his Ironman finish:

Jon turned 30 today, too!  =)

Happy and healthy training,

Sara (the wifey a.k.a. "trizilla")

Sara, thanks for sharing that.

Happy birthday Jon, and way to go.  You have a great story and a great wife too.

2011-08-12 10:05 AM
in reply to: #3640622

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
WittyCityGirl - 2011-08-12 8:16 AM

Hi Ken's group!!!!

Looks like Arrogant Bastard hasn't been around to brag, so I'll do it for him.  Jon was in our local paper yesterday for his Ironman finish:

Jon turned 30 today, too!  =)

Happy and healthy training,

Sara (the wifey a.k.a. "trizilla")

Truly impressive and inspirational!

2011-08-12 10:32 AM
in reply to: #3640622

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
WittyCityGirl - 2011-08-12 9:16 AM

Hi Ken's group!!!!

Looks like Arrogant Bastard hasn't been around to brag, so I'll do it for him.  Jon was in our local paper yesterday for his Ironman finish:

Jon turned 30 today, too!  =)

Happy and healthy training,

Sara (the wifey a.k.a. "trizilla")

Hey, who gave out the secret password to our clubhouse! Wink

Sara was in my first mentor group a couple of years ago!!

Thanks for the link, Jon didn't tell us that he was going to have the write up!  Great story Jon, that has to be a huge inspiration to the people going through what you went through as a kid!!

Have a great birthday Jon!!

Sara, you can stop by anytime you like!
2011-08-12 10:35 AM
in reply to: #3640305

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
amschrod - 2011-08-11 10:25 PM

Finally got a chance to read everybody's race reports. Great stuff everybody! Definitely some good inspiration to push myself a little harder at my next race!

Ken, your link has interesting info about the kick. I definitely kick just enough to try to keep a good body position and to help with the roll. To tell you the truth, I'm not really coordinated enough to kick really well. Plus, since I don't swim train enough due to time constraints, kicking too much tires me out. The last 100 yards or so in a race I do try to kick a little more to try to get the blood flowing to my legs.

I am looking forward to seeing if your lessons help in your race this weekend. Maybe Dud won't have so much of a lead coming out of the water!

We'll see, swimming in Lake Ontario brings on a whole new set of challenges and if the weather forcast is correct it may turn into a duathlon.  Lets hope the weatherman keeps his track record of being wrong a lot!
2011-08-12 10:36 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
I have a 5K tomorrow and a sprint tri on Sunday, both are "train through" races for me.  I like to use 5k's as supported speed work.

I didnt see that anyone else had a race listed, but I know that not everyone uses that feature.  Does anyone else have a race this weekend?

2011-08-12 1:02 PM
in reply to: #3640888

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

kenj - 2011-08-12 10:36 AM I have a 5K tomorrow and a sprint tri on Sunday, both are "train through" races for me.  I like to use 5k's as supported speed work.

I didnt see that anyone else had a race listed, but I know that not everyone uses that feature.  Does anyone else have a race this weekend?

No, but I have one next weekend.  Getting nervous, but excited.

Good luck on the 5K and sprint this weekend!

2011-08-12 3:36 PM
in reply to: #3640888

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

kenj - 2011-08-12 10:36 AM I have a 5K tomorrow and a sprint tri on Sunday, both are "train through" races for me.  I like to use 5k's as supported speed work.

I didnt see that anyone else had a race listed, but I know that not everyone uses that feature.  Does anyone else have a race this weekend?

Good luck this weekend Ken.

Re swimming: I'm not sure if this will help the guys but it might help the girls. I know my kick is good when my thighs are rubbing together. When my legs are not rubbing it means my legs are too far apart or there is too much bend in my knee creating drag.

2011-08-12 3:59 PM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
Go get 'em Ken!!!
2011-08-12 5:47 PM
in reply to: #3641335

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
KeriKadi - 2011-08-12 4:36 PM

kenj - 2011-08-12 10:36 AM I have a 5K tomorrow and a sprint tri on Sunday, both are "train through" races for me.  I like to use 5k's as supported speed work.

I didnt see that anyone else had a race listed, but I know that not everyone uses that feature.  Does anyone else have a race this weekend?

Good luck this weekend Ken.

Re swimming: I'm not sure if this will help the guys but it might help the girls. I know my kick is good when my thighs are rubbing together. When my legs are not rubbing it means my legs are too far apart or there is too much bend in my knee creating drag.

Thanks Keri!

Funny you mention that as my lesson tonight we worked on that.  What really helped was imagining pinching a quarter between the butt cheeks!  Helped keep the legs tight and the driving the swim from the core.  Sounds funny, but it helped a lot!   
2011-08-12 9:22 PM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
Great article Jon! What a true inspiration you are for so many reasons! Good thing someone came to tell us about it! And Happy Birthday!

Good luck this weekend Ken !

I've got to get some kind of plan going for the rest of the season....I've got nothing on the books except a 5k that I won't be racing, I will be a personal motivator for a girl that is going through some rough times. This is a program put on by Skirt Sports. I'm excited about that but neeeddddd a training plan and a race on the books. Considering another sprint in September. I've done nothing this week...I'm not sure that's what is suppose to happen in recovery weeks but that is how it went. Felt really pretty good after the 70.3 last weekend.

2011-08-14 11:48 AM
in reply to: #3641701

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
julta - 2011-08-12 10:22 PM Great article Jon! What a true inspiration you are for so many reasons! Good thing someone came to tell us about it! And Happy Birthday! Good luck this weekend Ken ! I've got to get some kind of plan going for the rest of the season....I've got nothing on the books except a 5k that I won't be racing, I will be a personal motivator for a girl that is going through some rough times. This is a program put on by Skirt Sports. I'm excited about that but neeeddddd a training plan and a race on the books. Considering another sprint in September. I've done nothing this week...I'm not sure that's what is suppose to happen in recovery weeks but that is how it went. Felt really pretty good after the 70.3 last weekend.

I find I have to have something to look forwared to, especially this time of year.  I can justify "winter maintenance" in the off season, but if I don't have a race plan in the summer, it is too easy for me to find other ways to keep busy! 
2011-08-14 11:51 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
Happy with my races this weekend considering no taper and no real fucus on this.  

24:04 for yesterdays 5K, considering I ran the 6 miles to the race to get my full run training in, I am happy with that.  Todays sprint was 1:21:18 with a good swim, a very good bike for me (first bike over 20 mph avg,) and my 5K time was faster than yesterdays. 7/26 in AG and 43/192 overall.

I'll do up a race report later today or tomorrow.   

Everyon else having a good weekend?     
2011-08-14 11:53 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

Well done Ken!!

Nice results.


2011-08-14 8:20 PM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
Nice Ken!!!! Can't wait for the race report!
2011-08-15 4:57 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
Thanks guys!

Here is a link to the race report!   

2011-08-15 7:52 AM
in reply to: #3639734

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Bradford, PA
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
kenj - 2011-08-11 3:09 PM
Trout - 2011-08-11 2:53 PM

kenj - 2011-08-09 12:21 PM Here is something to think about for your swimming.

It would appear from this weeks workout that I will have picked up about 15 - 20 seconds per hundred in short sprints that should grow some and extend to the longer distance as I work to build back the endurance with the new technique.  Some of the low hanging fruit she found was that my kick was a liability at best, at worse it was pulling me backwards.  I had almost zero body rotation at all and I was crossing my arms over center on my pull.  

Why do I bring this up here?  I think most of realize now that with this sport there is an opportunity to spend money to get some additional speed.  By the time I am done I will have about $175.00 including the video work.  When the workouts specific to my short comings are included and when compared to some of the other expenditures I have made in the pursuit of being a faster triathlete, I waited far too long to do this.  Besides, I may actually enjoy swimming enough now to do it as often as I should!

What does she have you doing to improve your kick? This is an area of my swim that I feel I'm not doing correctly. When I kick with the board I feel like it takes me forever to get from one end to the other and my hips are quite tired/tight/sore by the end of 100y.

One of the first things she started with me was vertical kicking in the deep end.  Started with 3 sets of 20 seconds and now I am up to 4 sets of 30 seconds.  Try to not let your arms assist you and do the last 5 seconds or more if you can with your arms out of the water.

There is also a kick off the wall drill which there is an example on the web page here

One other thing that is explained in pretty good detail on that link is that you kick more to keep balance and to keep your legs from dragging and not as much for propulsion.  As a runner, you may also have tight ankles which don't allow your toes to point or as my coach tries to get me to understand is to push the water backwards off the top of my feet. 

Let me know what you think about the information on the webpage.  It was new from her this week and I am just starting to try some of the stuff that is suggested.  This set of lessons is ending tomorrow and I won't take them back up again until late this year or early next so she has been giving me some material to keep the things she has taught me available.  I am going to be practicing the basic stuff that she has been working with me on and getting that committed to muscle memory so it is more natural and I don't have to think about it.

Thanks for the link Ken! I think I had stumbled upon that site awhile ago when first learning how to swim, but there is great info there for kicking. It was reassuring to read that the kick isn't necessarily used for propulsion - it takes me a LONG time to do a 50/100 kick interval. I'll be focusing on some of those tips today in the pool.

2011-08-15 12:21 PM
in reply to: #3642889

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

kenj - 2011-08-14 12:51 PM Happy with my races this weekend considering no taper and no real fucus on this.  

24:04 for yesterdays 5K, considering I ran the 6 miles to the race to get my full run training in, I am happy with that.  Todays sprint was 1:21:18 with a good swim, a very good bike for me (first bike over 20 mph avg,) and my 5K time was faster than yesterdays. 7/26 in AG and 43/192 overall.

I'll do up a race report later today or tomorrow.   

Everyon else having a good weekend?     


Great job Ken!!! I took Saturday and Sunday off this week I was in a recovery week but that is over, I ended up going to the PGA Championship so I logged pleanty of miles walking(lol) I have a sprint coming up this weekend but I'm going to use it for speed work this week because I start back my build phase for my 70.3 in September..

2011-08-15 3:17 PM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

Great RR Ken.

So..... this is pretty cool.

2011-08-15 3:33 PM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

Very nice piece Keri.

Looks like you've come a long way!!

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