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2012-02-22 7:30 AM
in reply to: #4059832

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
abake - 2012-02-22 5:51 AM

Kath2163 - 2012-02-22 3:19 AM

Thanks for all the support regarding the 10 mile Snowman Stampede!  Carla did amazing and I was very happy for her. Not having run more then six miles since November, I did a lot of walking the last few miles but I am OK with that.  I was a bit little sore but was running on my treadmill the next day.  I have been running A LOT of days for me. I am hoping it is going to pay off. I don't have a set plan (ie.. how far, what pace) but I think I am on the right track. (I always welcome advice). Some days I do a strait run for a certain distance, other days like today I did a couple of miles and then did 8X.25 miles and increasing speed with a minute or so break in between. I am trying to break things up so I get the running in and not get bored. 

I am still without a formal training plan but should be receiving Fink's Ironfit book from the library soon. I am enjoying not HAVING to swim, bike and run but there is a little part of me that keeps saying "get to the pool. get to the pool".  I have all the stuff in the trunk of my car. I guess that is a start



I really like this book and am somewhat following the intermediate plan, only using it for HIM. Great job on your 10 miler!

I need to put this book on my list of things to do/read. Thanks!

Had a tough computrainer class last night. I'm getting to the part of my run plan where it's getting tough to recover from the long runs. It's much better than it was the first time I did the plan for my marathon last year, but still tough. My time on the bike later in the week is going to become much more important in getting quality workouts in. I'm also having a REALLY hard time with Allergies and Sinuses this year. The unseasonably warm weather is great but really playing games with my sinuses. The pool and chlorine has always been a struggle too. My wife accused me last night of being a cranky old man and said I've been looking frustrated all the time. Of course she thought it was her......women! lol I assured her it had way more to do with the feeling that my face was swollen and my eyes were going to pop out of my head at any moment all the time!! Darn Allergies!!

2012-02-22 8:27 AM
in reply to: #4059804

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2012-02-22 4:24 AM

It also looks like we may need to implement a curfew for the girls from CO! Cool

W H A T ????   A Curfew??????????????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Don't be closing the Forun at 9:30pm!!!  It should be open 24 hours!!!  That's what the "Service Level Agreement Said!"  I read the fine print!  !!!!

Edited by CarlaLThompson 2012-02-22 8:28 AM
2012-02-22 8:28 AM
in reply to: #4059940

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Meulen - 2012-02-22 8:30 AM
abake - 2012-02-22 5:51 AM
Kath2163 - 2012-02-22 3:19 AM

Thanks for all the support regarding the 10 mile Snowman Stampede!  Carla did amazing and I was very happy for her. Not having run more then six miles since November, I did a lot of walking the last few miles but I am OK with that.  I was a bit little sore but was running on my treadmill the next day.  I have been running A LOT of days for me. I am hoping it is going to pay off. I don't have a set plan (ie.. how far, what pace) but I think I am on the right track. (I always welcome advice). Some days I do a strait run for a certain distance, other days like today I did a couple of miles and then did 8X.25 miles and increasing speed with a minute or so break in between. I am trying to break things up so I get the running in and not get bored. 

I am still without a formal training plan but should be receiving Fink's Ironfit book from the library soon. I am enjoying not HAVING to swim, bike and run but there is a little part of me that keeps saying "get to the pool. get to the pool".  I have all the stuff in the trunk of my car. I guess that is a start



I really like this book and am somewhat following the intermediate plan, only using it for HIM. Great job on your 10 miler!

I need to put this book on my list of things to do/read. Thanks! Had a tough computrainer class last night. I'm getting to the part of my run plan where it's getting tough to recover from the long runs. It's much better than it was the first time I did the plan for my marathon last year, but still tough. My time on the bike later in the week is going to become much more important in getting quality workouts in. I'm also having a REALLY hard time with Allergies and Sinuses this year. The unseasonably warm weather is great but really playing games with my sinuses. The pool and chlorine has always been a struggle too. My wife accused me last night of being a cranky old man and said I've been looking frustrated all the time. Of course she thought it was her......women! lol I assured her it had way more to do with the feeling that my face was swollen and my eyes were going to pop out of my head at any moment all the time!! Darn Allergies!!

Tough to ramp up HM and Marathon training and keep the bike and swim thing going. Unfortunately for me, when I focus solely on running and not keeping a balance I seem to wind up with nagging injuries.  Listen to the body though if it is asking for rest! 

2012-02-22 8:31 AM
in reply to: #4059834

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
abake - 2012-02-22 6:58 AM

Our local Y is FINALLY offering some Adult Swim Lessons. I rearranged my lunch hour so that I could go and had first lesson yesterday. Coach is sort of the old school, college swim team type. It's a mixed bag of participants, mostly older women (yes I am including myself in that Demographic). Some of them did not want to get their hair wet. The coach watched me swim a lap and said that my arm position/catch and pull look great and he would not change anything (wow) but my kick was very inconsistent so we would be working on that. 

I learned to swim in 2008 and the instructor used Total Immersion practices. This did get me confident in the water but I hit a plateau and haven't progressed much. We really didn't kick at all, so I am kind of excited about the possibilities this class might open up. 

After 45 minutes of various kick drills, my legs are kind of feeling it today. 

Does he have you doing vertical kicking?  My swim coaches love that, I am just hoping they missed the article in Triathlon last month where it was suggested to do weighted verticle kicking drills! Yikes, I would need scuba gear!

Kicking is an under appreciated skill in triathlon circles except by folks that started as swimmers.  It may not help you win a tri, but a bad kick, as I have proven, can certainly become a liability.  I have managed to at least get mine to a point where I go forward instead of backwards doing the kicking drills!  Good for you Anne in getting signed up for the lessons!!

2012-02-22 8:32 AM
in reply to: #4059940

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Meulen - 2012-02-22 7:30 AM
abake - 2012-02-22 5:51 AM
Kath2163 - 2012-02-22 3:19 AM

Thanks for all the support regarding the 10 mile Snowman Stampede!  Carla did amazing and I was very happy for her. Not having run more then six miles since November, I did a lot of walking the last few miles but I am OK with that.  I was a bit little sore but was running on my treadmill the next day.  I have been running A LOT of days for me. I am hoping it is going to pay off. I don't have a set plan (ie.. how far, what pace) but I think I am on the right track. (I always welcome advice). Some days I do a strait run for a certain distance, other days like today I did a couple of miles and then did 8X.25 miles and increasing speed with a minute or so break in between. I am trying to break things up so I get the running in and not get bored. 

I am still without a formal training plan but should be receiving Fink's Ironfit book from the library soon. I am enjoying not HAVING to swim, bike and run but there is a little part of me that keeps saying "get to the pool. get to the pool".  I have all the stuff in the trunk of my car. I guess that is a start



I really like this book and am somewhat following the intermediate plan, only using it for HIM. Great job on your 10 miler!

I need to put this book on my list of things to do/read. Thanks! Had a tough computrainer class last night. I'm getting to the part of my run plan where it's getting tough to recover from the long runs. It's much better than it was the first time I did the plan for my marathon last year, but still tough. My time on the bike later in the week is going to become much more important in getting quality workouts in. I'm also having a REALLY hard time with Allergies and Sinuses this year. The unseasonably warm weather is great but really playing games with my sinuses. The pool and chlorine has always been a struggle too. My wife accused me last night of being a cranky old man and said I've been looking frustrated all the time. Of course she thought it was her......women! lol I assured her it had way more to do with the feeling that my face was swollen and my eyes were going to pop out of my head at any moment all the time!! Darn Allergies!!


Neti pot cleared up my sinuses X10. 

FTP test went well after a day battling a migraine brought on my bright lights at the eye doc.  FTP increased from 288 to 297 in the past 10 weeks or so.  Not bad.  Now the fun begins with lactate threshold stuff, riding at or near threshold for ever longer periods.  Plus hill repeats and longer rides.  Bike 4 to 5X a week.

Running club get started after winter program begins tonight.  For me, should be good.  I've been running pretty much all winter, 3X.  Will do 3 to 4X now. 

Swim will be 2X masters, maybe add a lesson or another 1X week on my own.

Strength training with k bells continues.  LOVE IT.

Friday is last day at the paper.  Then look for work, maybe International Triathlon Asso Certificate on line, etc.  Book writing Fat man to IronMan.  Excited for the next phase of life to start.




2012-02-22 8:33 AM
in reply to: #4060067

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CarlaLThompson - 2012-02-22 9:27 AM
kenj - 2012-02-22 4:24 AM

It also looks like we may need to implement a curfew for the girls from CO! Cool

W H A T ????   A Curfew??????????????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Don't be closing the Forun at 9:30pm!!!  It should be open 24 hours!!!  That's what the "Service Level Agreement Said!"  I read the fine print!  !!!!

We need our athletes properly rested!  

2012-02-22 8:34 AM
in reply to: #4060085

User image

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
IceManScott - 2012-02-22 9:32 AM
Meulen - 2012-02-22 7:30 AM
abake - 2012-02-22 5:51 AM
Kath2163 - 2012-02-22 3:19 AM

Thanks for all the support regarding the 10 mile Snowman Stampede!  Carla did amazing and I was very happy for her. Not having run more then six miles since November, I did a lot of walking the last few miles but I am OK with that.  I was a bit little sore but was running on my treadmill the next day.  I have been running A LOT of days for me. I am hoping it is going to pay off. I don't have a set plan (ie.. how far, what pace) but I think I am on the right track. (I always welcome advice). Some days I do a strait run for a certain distance, other days like today I did a couple of miles and then did 8X.25 miles and increasing speed with a minute or so break in between. I am trying to break things up so I get the running in and not get bored. 

I am still without a formal training plan but should be receiving Fink's Ironfit book from the library soon. I am enjoying not HAVING to swim, bike and run but there is a little part of me that keeps saying "get to the pool. get to the pool".  I have all the stuff in the trunk of my car. I guess that is a start



I really like this book and am somewhat following the intermediate plan, only using it for HIM. Great job on your 10 miler!

I need to put this book on my list of things to do/read. Thanks! Had a tough computrainer class last night. I'm getting to the part of my run plan where it's getting tough to recover from the long runs. It's much better than it was the first time I did the plan for my marathon last year, but still tough. My time on the bike later in the week is going to become much more important in getting quality workouts in. I'm also having a REALLY hard time with Allergies and Sinuses this year. The unseasonably warm weather is great but really playing games with my sinuses. The pool and chlorine has always been a struggle too. My wife accused me last night of being a cranky old man and said I've been looking frustrated all the time. Of course she thought it was her......women! lol I assured her it had way more to do with the feeling that my face was swollen and my eyes were going to pop out of my head at any moment all the time!! Darn Allergies!!


Neti pot cleared up my sinuses X10. 

FTP test went well after a day battling a migraine brought on my bright lights at the eye doc.  FTP increased from 288 to 297 in the past 10 weeks or so.  Not bad.  Now the fun begins with lactate threshold stuff, riding at or near threshold for ever longer periods.  Plus hill repeats and longer rides.  Bike 4 to 5X a week.

Running club get started after winter program begins tonight.  For me, should be good.  I've been running pretty much all winter, 3X.  Will do 3 to 4X now. 

Swim will be 2X masters, maybe add a lesson or another 1X week on my own.

Strength training with k bells continues.  LOVE IT.

Friday is last day at the paper.  Then look for work, maybe International Triathlon Asso Certificate on line, etc.  Book writing Fat man to IronMan.  Excited for the next phase of life to start.




Nice improvement Ice!

2012-02-22 8:38 AM
in reply to: #4059768

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CarlaLThompson - 2012-02-22 1:11 AM
kenj - 2012-02-20 8:14 AM
IceManScott - 2012-02-19 5:54 PM

Congrats Kath and Carla.  You rock.

Rest day Friday, two easy spins over the weekend, leading to a new FTP test on Tuesday.  Then start my runner club warm up program with group runs once a week on Wednesdays.  They push me.  K bells on Wednesday. 

No weight loss ...but that has been the pattern on paleo.  Two weeks nada, one week lots.  

Last week as a newspaperman coming up.  Weird.

Enjoy your last week as a newspaper man Ice!!  What's next?  Full time Ironman and motivational speaker? 

Sounds like a nice week of training ahead of you!

I think Iceman will be an eCoach!  We'll all sign up for the amazing Webinars that will include "Motivational Speaking/ Weight Loss Support/ and Triathlon Power Training!"  !!! ~Carla


Thanks for your support! 

2012-02-22 8:43 AM
in reply to: #4059765

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CarlaLThompson - 2012-02-22 1:07 AM
kenj - 2012-02-21 11:28 AM

Meulen - 2012-02-21 11:51 AM Hey...just fishing here, but do any of you guys/girls have any longer power based bike workouts for the trainer. Like, 2+ hour stuff?

The plan I am doing now is mostly steady state @ about 75% for the longer rides of 2 hours or more.  There was one that increaded 5% every 30 minutes starting at 70%, I think that was an hour and 45 minute workout, with a 10 minute warm up and 5 minute cool down.  I know that there is some spinervals that are longer rides, I think I have one that is 3 plus hours, but I haven't tried it yet.

I have yet to test my power.  Haven't been able to fit it in with all my other training.

I heard of an interesting testing protocol:

w/u:  10  min

m/s:  30 min Power Test ... starting your watch 10 min into this set, so basically first 10 min of "Test" is counted as a warm up and the final 20 min is your actual reading.

That's it.  1 x 20 min Power Test.  Seemed reasonable.  I must test soon.  My power is so low.  I occasionally glance at my training sets to see my power... ::: hiding :::


That's what VQ does.  15 min. WU....20 min FTP test.  10 min. cool down.  Then do it again to complete the workout.  First 20 min interval is for the money, the one that counts.  Watts minus (watts X .05) equals FTP. 

Edited by IceManScott 2012-02-22 9:04 AM
2012-02-22 8:46 AM
in reply to: #4060089

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2012-02-22 8:33 AM
CarlaLThompson - 2012-02-22 9:27 AM
kenj - 2012-02-22 4:24 AM

It also looks like we may need to implement a curfew for the girls from CO! Cool

W H A T ????   A Curfew??????????????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Don't be closing the Forun at 9:30pm!!!  It should be open 24 hours!!!  That's what the "Service Level Agreement Said!"  I read the fine print!  !!!!

We need our athletes properly rested!  

::: Mumbling :::: ... I did rest properly from midnight until when I got up...

2012-02-22 8:55 AM
in reply to: #4060123

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
IceManScott - 2012-02-22 8:43 AM

CarlaLThompson - 2012-02-22 1:07 AM
kenj - 2012-02-21 11:28 AM

Meulen - 2012-02-21 11:51 AM Hey...just fishing here, but do any of you guys/girls have any longer power based bike workouts for the trainer. Like, 2+ hour stuff?

The plan I am doing now is mostly steady state @ about 75% for the longer rides of 2 hours or more.  There was one that increaded 5% every 30 minutes starting at 70%, I think that was an hour and 45 minute workout, with a 10 minute warm up and 5 minute cool down.  I know that there is some spinervals that are longer rides, I think I have one that is 3 plus hours, but I haven't tried it yet.

I have yet to test my power.  Haven't been able to fit it in with all my other training.

I heard of an interesting testing protocol:

w/u:  10  min

m/s:  30 min Power Test ... starting your watch 10 min into this set, so basically first 10 min of "Test" is counted as a warm up and the final 20 min is your actual reading.

That's it.  1 x 20 min Power Test.  Seemed reasonable.  I must test soon.  My power is so low.  I occasionally glance at my training sets to see my power... ::: hiding :::


That's what VQ does.  15 min. WU....20 min FTP test.  10 min. cool down.  Then do it again to complete the workout.  First 10 min interval is for the money, the one that counts.  Watts minus (watts X .05) equals FTP. 

VQ has been changing things up with that in the last few years. When I was there they did a course with 3 climbs for 30 minutes. It was pretty tough to keep the power up on the downhills. Last year one my friends at VQ did a 2x20' test and a 6x4' test there. I'm at Endure it. They always do a 30 min TT on a flat course. Lots of different ways to test FTP.....sooooo confusing! LOL

Big improvement Ice!! Nice!! I've really been strugglign to get any improvement on the bike. I've been stuck around 250-260 for a couple years now.......frustrating.

Thanks for the neti pot suggestion, I've already been doing them 2x/day for more than 2 years now. Only seems to help a little.

Edited by Meulen 2012-02-22 9:02 AM

2012-02-22 8:55 AM
in reply to: #4060132

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CarlaLThompson - 2012-02-22 7:46 AM
kenj - 2012-02-22 8:33 AM
CarlaLThompson - 2012-02-22 9:27 AM
kenj - 2012-02-22 4:24 AM

It also looks like we may need to implement a curfew for the girls from CO! Cool

W H A T ????   A Curfew??????????????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Don't be closing the Forun at 9:30pm!!!  It should be open 24 hours!!!  That's what the "Service Level Agreement Said!"  I read the fine print!  !!!!

We need our athletes properly rested!  

::: Mumbling :::: ... I did rest properly from midnight until when I got up...

LOL.. I rested from 11:00pm to 2:00am.. That should count for something...Wink

2012-02-22 9:10 AM
in reply to: #4060080

User image

Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2012-02-22 8:31 AM
abake - 2012-02-22 6:58 AM

Our local Y is FINALLY offering some Adult Swim Lessons. I rearranged my lunch hour so that I could go and had first lesson yesterday. Coach is sort of the old school, college swim team type. It's a mixed bag of participants, mostly older women (yes I am including myself in that Demographic). Some of them did not want to get their hair wet. The coach watched me swim a lap and said that my arm position/catch and pull look great and he would not change anything (wow) but my kick was very inconsistent so we would be working on that. 

I learned to swim in 2008 and the instructor used Total Immersion practices. This did get me confident in the water but I hit a plateau and haven't progressed much. We really didn't kick at all, so I am kind of excited about the possibilities this class might open up. 

After 45 minutes of various kick drills, my legs are kind of feeling it today. 

Does he have you doing vertical kicking?  My swim coaches love that, I am just hoping they missed the article in Triathlon last month where it was suggested to do weighted verticle kicking drills! Yikes, I would need scuba gear!

Kicking is an under appreciated skill in triathlon circles except by folks that started as swimmers.  It may not help you win a tri, but a bad kick, as I have proven, can certainly become a liability.  I have managed to at least get mine to a point where I go forward instead of backwards doing the kicking drills!  Good for you Anne in getting signed up for the lessons!!

Thanks for the encouraging words, Ken. I really wish my parents had sprung for swimming lessons when I was a kid!

I didn't do any of the vertical kicking but we started out in the shallower pool. He said that next week he will send me into the regular lap pool where there is a deep end, so I suspect there will be some of that in my future. I cannot imagine doing that drill with weights.



2012-02-22 9:11 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

OK - a first time in a long time for me.  I got up early to work out.  My wife and I did some strength training before the baby woke up.

I hate waking up early, and it ruins my work day because I'm dragging for the rest of the day.

However, with the little one and my wife wanting to work out as well, my afternoons were getting pretty booked.  I don't plan on being a morning person full time, but this will help us be sure we get our work in and still have plenty of time to play with the baby.  It's 1/4 after 9 and I'm still ok.

We were lucky this morning.  The baby slept through the night and through the workout.  Hopefully, that will be a trend.

Anyone giving up anything for Lent?

2012-02-22 11:52 AM
in reply to: #4060208

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
russrisher - 2012-02-22 9:11 AM

OK - a first time in a long time for me.  I got up early to work out.  My wife and I did some strength training before the baby woke up.

I hate waking up early, and it ruins my work day because I'm dragging for the rest of the day.

However, with the little one and my wife wanting to work out as well, my afternoons were getting pretty booked.  I don't plan on being a morning person full time, but this will help us be sure we get our work in and still have plenty of time to play with the baby.  It's 1/4 after 9 and I'm still ok.

We were lucky this morning.  The baby slept through the night and through the workout.  Hopefully, that will be a trend.

Anyone giving up anything for Lent?

Red meat (which I really don't eat much of anyway), junk food and no wine during the week.

2012-02-22 11:56 AM
in reply to: #4060676

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
I am giving up sugar......awaiting withdrawal....

2012-02-22 1:16 PM
in reply to: #4060157

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Meulen - 2012-02-22 8:55 AM
IceManScott - 2012-02-22 8:43 AM
CarlaLThompson - 2012-02-22 1:07 AM
kenj - 2012-02-21 11:28 AM

Meulen - 2012-02-21 11:51 AM Hey...just fishing here, but do any of you guys/girls have any longer power based bike workouts for the trainer. Like, 2+ hour stuff?

The plan I am doing now is mostly steady state @ about 75% for the longer rides of 2 hours or more.  There was one that increaded 5% every 30 minutes starting at 70%, I think that was an hour and 45 minute workout, with a 10 minute warm up and 5 minute cool down.  I know that there is some spinervals that are longer rides, I think I have one that is 3 plus hours, but I haven't tried it yet.

I have yet to test my power.  Haven't been able to fit it in with all my other training.

I heard of an interesting testing protocol:

w/u:  10  min

m/s:  30 min Power Test ... starting your watch 10 min into this set, so basically first 10 min of "Test" is counted as a warm up and the final 20 min is your actual reading.

That's it.  1 x 20 min Power Test.  Seemed reasonable.  I must test soon.  My power is so low.  I occasionally glance at my training sets to see my power... ::: hiding :::


That's what VQ does.  15 min. WU....20 min FTP test.  10 min. cool down.  Then do it again to complete the workout.  First 10 min interval is for the money, the one that counts.  Watts minus (watts X .05) equals FTP. 

VQ has been changing things up with that in the last few years. When I was there they did a course with 3 climbs for 30 minutes. It was pretty tough to keep the power up on the downhills. Last year one my friends at VQ did a 2x20' test and a 6x4' test there. I'm at Endure it. They always do a 30 min TT on a flat course. Lots of different ways to test FTP.....sooooo confusing! LOL Big improvement Ice!! Nice!! I've really been strugglign to get any improvement on the bike. I've been stuck around 250-260 for a couple years now.......frustrating. Thanks for the neti pot suggestion, I've already been doing them 2x/day for more than 2 years now. Only seems to help a little.


I think I did that three-hill repeat for FTP the first time when I joined VQ.  We've been doing this 20 min TT for a while now.  The downhills fry my legs trying to spin up to power.   I was at 319 before IronMan.  They keep telling me my age is going to level me off and I think they are right, 320 is probably going to be it unless I train like a pro every day for hours.  But there is 7% between 319 and where I am so I have a lot of room to improve just to get where where I was. 



Too bad about the neti pot.  I always had colds and sinus problems until I started to use one.  I only use it once a day.  Could you be overdoing it? 

2012-02-22 1:46 PM
in reply to: #4060938

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
IceManScott - 2012-02-22 1:16 PM

Meulen - 2012-02-22 8:55 AM
IceManScott - 2012-02-22 8:43 AM
CarlaLThompson - 2012-02-22 1:07 AM
kenj - 2012-02-21 11:28 AM

Meulen - 2012-02-21 11:51 AM Hey...just fishing here, but do any of you guys/girls have any longer power based bike workouts for the trainer. Like, 2+ hour stuff?

The plan I am doing now is mostly steady state @ about 75% for the longer rides of 2 hours or more.  There was one that increaded 5% every 30 minutes starting at 70%, I think that was an hour and 45 minute workout, with a 10 minute warm up and 5 minute cool down.  I know that there is some spinervals that are longer rides, I think I have one that is 3 plus hours, but I haven't tried it yet.

I have yet to test my power.  Haven't been able to fit it in with all my other training.

I heard of an interesting testing protocol:

w/u:  10  min

m/s:  30 min Power Test ... starting your watch 10 min into this set, so basically first 10 min of "Test" is counted as a warm up and the final 20 min is your actual reading.

That's it.  1 x 20 min Power Test.  Seemed reasonable.  I must test soon.  My power is so low.  I occasionally glance at my training sets to see my power... ::: hiding :::


That's what VQ does.  15 min. WU....20 min FTP test.  10 min. cool down.  Then do it again to complete the workout.  First 10 min interval is for the money, the one that counts.  Watts minus (watts X .05) equals FTP. 

VQ has been changing things up with that in the last few years. When I was there they did a course with 3 climbs for 30 minutes. It was pretty tough to keep the power up on the downhills. Last year one my friends at VQ did a 2x20' test and a 6x4' test there. I'm at Endure it. They always do a 30 min TT on a flat course. Lots of different ways to test FTP.....sooooo confusing! LOL Big improvement Ice!! Nice!! I've really been strugglign to get any improvement on the bike. I've been stuck around 250-260 for a couple years now.......frustrating. Thanks for the neti pot suggestion, I've already been doing them 2x/day for more than 2 years now. Only seems to help a little.


I think I did that three-hill repeat for FTP the first time when I joined VQ.  We've been doing this 20 min TT for a while now.  The downhills fry my legs trying to spin up to power.   I was at 319 before IronMan.  They keep telling me my age is going to level me off and I think they are right, 320 is probably going to be it unless I train like a pro every day for hours.  But there is 7% between 319 and where I am so I have a lot of room to improve just to get where where I was. 



Too bad about the neti pot.  I always had colds and sinus problems until I started to use one.  I only use it once a day.  Could you be overdoing it? 

I wish it was that simple. It's a hereditary thing. My dad has sinus problems too. He even tried the surgery and it didn't work. Plus I got jumped when I was younger. A bunch of thugs beat the snot out of me. They shattered all the sinus cavities in the left side of my face, among other things. Just something I have to deal with.
2012-02-22 7:54 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

WOW,  this is an active group.  My computer has been a little quirky and life really busy so I havent been checking in very often.    Way too many threads to catch up on!  You guys are motivating though.  I havent been doing much training.  I can usually get my running in but the bike is gathering dust on the trainer and I have only been in the pool once.  On a good note, I am changing jobs at the end of april and will have more time to train but between now and then will be dificult and my pool situation will not be good.  I might have to re think my goal of HIM in July which makes me sad, might have to do it in oct but dont want to train hard during the hot summer.  Not sure what to do!

Keep up the good work everyone!


2012-02-22 8:11 PM
in reply to: #4061581

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Roadtoad22 - 2012-02-22 7:54 PM

WOW,  this is an active group.  My computer has been a little quirky and life really busy so I havent been checking in very often.    Way too many threads to catch up on!  You guys are motivating though.  I havent been doing much training.  I can usually get my running in but the bike is gathering dust on the trainer and I have only been in the pool once.  On a good note, I am changing jobs at the end of april and will have more time to train but between now and then will be dificult and my pool situation will not be good.  I might have to re think my goal of HIM in July which makes me sad, might have to do it in oct but dont want to train hard during the hot summer.  Not sure what to do!

Keep up the good work everyone!


Paula, MarlaS and I are doing an October HIM if you need virtual training buddies!
2012-02-22 10:00 PM
in reply to: #4059803

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2012-02-22 3:18 AM
Kath2163 - 2012-02-22 4:19 AM

Thanks for all the support regarding the 10 mile Snowman Stampede!  Carla did amazing and I was very happy for her. Not having run more then six miles since November, I did a lot of walking the last few miles but I am OK with that.  I was a bit little sore but was running on my treadmill the next day.  I have been running A LOT of days for me. I am hoping it is going to pay off. I don't have a set plan (ie.. how far, what pace) but I think I am on the right track. (I always welcome advice). Some days I do a strait run for a certain distance, other days like today I did a couple of miles and then did 8X.25 miles and increasing speed with a minute or so break in between. I am trying to break things up so I get the running in and not get bored. 

I am still without a formal training plan but should be receiving Fink's Ironfit book from the library soon. I am enjoying not HAVING to swim, bike and run but there is a little part of me that keeps saying "get to the pool. get to the pool".  I have all the stuff in the trunk of my car. I guess that is a start



For this time of year in your planned race schedule I think you ard doing the right thing.  Building the frequency and endurance for the run slowly will pay off!  The speed work is good in small doses, and mix it up some.  Do longer intervals a little slower one week, then shorter ones harder the next.  I would also suggest doing some high incline intervals one week instead of the "speed work".  Here is a good workout for incline from Dave Scott.  The article also has some other good advice on treadmill training.


Thanks for the advice and link Ken. I appreciate it!

2012-02-22 10:09 PM
in reply to: #4061692

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED


Really interesting to review my stats... power workout playing with different gearing:


3x[3min 85RPMs (Big/24), ('30)] (110W @ 90RPMs),
3x[3min 80RPMs (Big/19), ('30)] (185W @ 81RPMs),
6x[1min 80RPMs (Big/16), ('60)] (264W @ 81RPMs),
6x[1min 70RPMs (Big/14), ('60)] (265W @ 70RPMs)

Selected slightly easier gear than coach suggested.
Really struggled the last two sets but held on to finish. 
Would have sworn out loud, but couldn't catch my breath.
Tough set. 


2012-02-22 10:16 PM
in reply to: #4061581

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Roadtoad22 - 2012-02-22 7:54 PM

WOW,  this is an active group.  My computer has been a little quirky and life really busy so I havent been checking in very often.    Way too many threads to catch up on!  You guys are motivating though.  I havent been doing much training.  I can usually get my running in but the bike is gathering dust on the trainer and I have only been in the pool once.  On a good note, I am changing jobs at the end of april and will have more time to train but between now and then will be dificult and my pool situation will not be good.  I might have to re think my goal of HIM in July which makes me sad, might have to do it in oct but dont want to train hard during the hot summer.  Not sure what to do!

Keep up the good work everyone!


Paula - Love your name by the way... that was going to be my name... my father's name was Paul... at any rate, hang in there with work.  I had a very tough year last year with respect to working 10+ hour days and training suffered... just see what's possible... still race... just adjust the goal of the race.  I raced and focused on being "PRESENT" and really remembering what it was I enjoyed about triathlon.

It didn't look that great on the clock, but I really enjoyed the venues I got to race in last year and reconnected with the "Spirit of Triathlon! ~Carla

2012-02-22 10:18 PM
in reply to: #4060160

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Kath2163 - 2012-02-22 8:55 AM
CarlaLThompson - 2012-02-22 7:46 AM
kenj - 2012-02-22 8:33 AM
CarlaLThompson - 2012-02-22 9:27 AM
kenj - 2012-02-22 4:24 AM

It also looks like we may need to implement a curfew for the girls from CO! Cool

W H A T ????   A Curfew??????????????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Don't be closing the Forun at 9:30pm!!!  It should be open 24 hours!!!  That's what the "Service Level Agreement Said!"  I read the fine print!  !!!!

We need our athletes properly rested!  

::: Mumbling :::: ... I did rest properly from midnight until when I got up...

LOL.. I rested from 11:00pm to 2:00am.. That should count for something...Wink

Kathleen - Hurry up and post before Kenj turns out the lights!!!!!

2012-02-22 11:10 PM
in reply to: #4061590

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
abake - 2012-02-22 8:11 PM
Roadtoad22 - 2012-02-22 7:54 PM

WOW,  this is an active group.  My computer has been a little quirky and life really busy so I havent been checking in very often.    Way too many threads to catch up on!  You guys are motivating though.  I havent been doing much training.  I can usually get my running in but the bike is gathering dust on the trainer and I have only been in the pool once.  On a good note, I am changing jobs at the end of april and will have more time to train but between now and then will be dificult and my pool situation will not be good.  I might have to re think my goal of HIM in July which makes me sad, might have to do it in oct but dont want to train hard during the hot summer.  Not sure what to do!

Keep up the good work everyone!


Paula, MarlaS and I are doing an October HIM if you need virtual training buddies!

I will be here too as I am still hoping to do a HIM in Sept.!!!! God only knows when I will be able to start training though!

Can't turn off the lights yet - it is only 8 pm here!

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