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2012-02-23 12:46 AM
in reply to: #4061590

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Sin City
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
abake - 2012-02-22 6:11 PM
Roadtoad22 - 2012-02-22 7:54 PM

WOW,  this is an active group.  My computer has been a little quirky and life really busy so I havent been checking in very often.    Way too many threads to catch up on!  You guys are motivating though.  I havent been doing much training.  I can usually get my running in but the bike is gathering dust on the trainer and I have only been in the pool once.  On a good note, I am changing jobs at the end of april and will have more time to train but between now and then will be dificult and my pool situation will not be good.  I might have to re think my goal of HIM in July which makes me sad, might have to do it in oct but dont want to train hard during the hot summer.  Not sure what to do!

Keep up the good work everyone!


Paula, MarlaS and I are doing an October HIM if you need virtual training buddies!

ME TOO!! I've decided to do October HIM (SOMA Triathlon).  While it's a month after my wedding, I WILL be able to get my long runs in (I think that's more important to me at the moment), and maybe a couple OWS at a lake that's right by my parent's house. Definitely will not be able to get any biking in, BUT I'm not worried about the endurance because as I'm going on a LOT of rides and longish rides and probably will be doing a century before the HIM, so I'm not too worried.  I have seen some people that trained for a HIM (their first), and they didn't get in their 50-60 mi rides until a month or two months before the HIM...while I'll be doing a lot of 50 mi rides way before.  While I do have a goal time for my HIM, but I'm treating it as a fun, get my feet wet for long distance type of race. 

2012-02-23 12:48 AM
in reply to: #4061700

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Sin City
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CarlaLThompson - 2012-02-22 8:09 PM


Really interesting to review my stats... power workout playing with different gearing:


3x[3min 85RPMs (Big/24), ('30)] (110W @ 90RPMs),
3x[3min 80RPMs (Big/19), ('30)] (185W @ 81RPMs),
6x[1min 80RPMs (Big/16), ('60)] (264W @ 81RPMs),
6x[1min 70RPMs (Big/14), ('60)] (265W @ 70RPMs)

Selected slightly easier gear than coach suggested.
Really struggled the last two sets but held on to finish. 
Would have sworn out loud, but couldn't catch my breath.
Tough set. 


Woooot that look hard! :-)  I do wish I knew what my power output is though!  I would love to do this set...maybe on Sunday! :-)

2012-02-23 1:01 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Sin City
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Just a little bit of rants/ news...

I SO cannot wait for school to be done...I have TWO more weeks before my Demo Reel needs to be turned in. I'm catching up well, and have a few things left, but tedious! :-) That's my rant. Looking forward into starting my Olympic training next week...eek!! Surprised

News - I've been eyeing on several tri bikes, and one that is selling now for $1300 (a QR with Zipps...c'mon, that's a great deal...and in my size). However, after talking to my fiance, he would be more upset if I decide to buy a bike especially when the wedding is coming up, I'm paying Student Loans instead of paying him for the mortgage, etc. I can't blame him, but he's right.   I most likely will be riding my road bike more frequently anyways.  However, I'm allowed to buy Aero bars. :-)

However - a friend of mine who used to do triathlons (she can't anymore due to severe shin splints, that seems to never go away), has a nice titanium tri bike that she will let me borrow. It's nothing fancy or very aerodynamic compared to the tri bikes these days (I've always said that it's the engine, not the bike...except when it's aggressive/aero geometry).  I figure that at least I'll get my feet wet with a tri bike.  She also has 650 Powertap wheel that she rarely use...I'll ask her if I can borrow that as well just to check it out. :-) So, I'm looking forward to that.

Had to take off today for school and my calf tightness (thanks Ken for your advice), and used my calf sleeves for the first time to see if I will recover faster...and in fact it works.  Two weeks ago, I had a similar issue, and it was tight for about 3-4 days. Now? Just one day. :-) I'm a happy camper. 

Hope everyone else's week has been going good!

2012-02-23 4:44 AM
in reply to: #4060208

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
russrisher - 2012-02-22 10:11 AM

OK - a first time in a long time for me.  I got up early to work out.  My wife and I did some strength training before the baby woke up.

I hate waking up early, and it ruins my work day because I'm dragging for the rest of the day.

However, with the little one and my wife wanting to work out as well, my afternoons were getting pretty booked.  I don't plan on being a morning person full time, but this will help us be sure we get our work in and still have plenty of time to play with the baby.  It's 1/4 after 9 and I'm still ok.

We were lucky this morning.  The baby slept through the night and through the workout.  Hopefully, that will be a trend.

Anyone giving up anything for Lent?

You will like it over here on the darkside of being a morning person!  

It is tough trying to fit everything in plus tend to a new baby!  Good for you for adjusting and getting the workouts in! A little quality time with the wife in the gym is nice too!

2012-02-23 4:47 AM
in reply to: #4061581

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Roadtoad22 - 2012-02-22 8:54 PM

WOW,  this is an active group.  My computer has been a little quirky and life really busy so I havent been checking in very often.    Way too many threads to catch up on!  You guys are motivating though.  I havent been doing much training.  I can usually get my running in but the bike is gathering dust on the trainer and I have only been in the pool once.  On a good note, I am changing jobs at the end of april and will have more time to train but between now and then will be dificult and my pool situation will not be good.  I might have to re think my goal of HIM in July which makes me sad, might have to do it in oct but dont want to train hard during the hot summer.  Not sure what to do!

Keep up the good work everyone!


Good to hear from you Paula!  Glad you are getting your running in.  Good luck with the new job when the change comes!

2012-02-23 4:51 AM
in reply to: #4061700

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CarlaLThompson - 2012-02-22 11:09 PM


Really interesting to review my stats... power workout playing with different gearing:


3x[3min 85RPMs (Big/24), ('30)] (110W @ 90RPMs),
3x[3min 80RPMs (Big/19), ('30)] (185W @ 81RPMs),
6x[1min 80RPMs (Big/16), ('60)] (264W @ 81RPMs),
6x[1min 70RPMs (Big/14), ('60)] (265W @ 70RPMs)

Selected slightly easier gear than coach suggested.
Really struggled the last two sets but held on to finish. 
Would have sworn out loud, but couldn't catch my breath.
Tough set. 


Nice workout Carla, if I read your link right your avg power for the total workout was a lot better than you have been talking about here in the past.  Keep training like you are and your bike will become impressive!

2012-02-23 4:54 AM
in reply to: #4061778

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CyborgQueen - 2012-02-23 2:01 AM

Just a little bit of rants/ news...

I SO cannot wait for school to be done...I have TWO more weeks before my Demo Reel needs to be turned in. I'm catching up well, and have a few things left, but tedious! :-) That's my rant. Looking forward into starting my Olympic training next week...eek!! Surprised

News - I've been eyeing on several tri bikes, and one that is selling now for $1300 (a QR with Zipps...c'mon, that's a great deal...and in my size). However, after talking to my fiance, he would be more upset if I decide to buy a bike especially when the wedding is coming up, I'm paying Student Loans instead of paying him for the mortgage, etc. I can't blame him, but he's right.   I most likely will be riding my road bike more frequently anyways.  However, I'm allowed to buy Aero bars. :-)

However - a friend of mine who used to do triathlons (she can't anymore due to severe shin splints, that seems to never go away), has a nice titanium tri bike that she will let me borrow. It's nothing fancy or very aerodynamic compared to the tri bikes these days (I've always said that it's the engine, not the bike...except when it's aggressive/aero geometry).  I figure that at least I'll get my feet wet with a tri bike.  She also has 650 Powertap wheel that she rarely use...I'll ask her if I can borrow that as well just to check it out. :-) So, I'm looking forward to that.

Had to take off today for school and my calf tightness (thanks Ken for your advice), and used my calf sleeves for the first time to see if I will recover faster...and in fact it works.  Two weeks ago, I had a similar issue, and it was tight for about 3-4 days. Now? Just one day. :-) I'm a happy camper. 

Hope everyone else's week has been going good!

Tough when you have your eye on a new bike to walk away, but probably the right thing in this case!  Maybe next year you can get an even nicer bike!

Glad the calf sleeves helped DJ!  It really does sound like it is just an adjustment to the new shoes!

2012-02-23 5:46 AM
in reply to: #4061778

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CyborgQueen - 2012-02-23 1:01 AM

Just a little bit of rants/ news...

I SO cannot wait for school to be done...I have TWO more weeks before my Demo Reel needs to be turned in. I'm catching up well, and have a few things left, but tedious! :-) That's my rant. Looking forward into starting my Olympic training next week...eek!! Surprised

News - I've been eyeing on several tri bikes, and one that is selling now for $1300 (a QR with Zipps...c'mon, that's a great deal...and in my size). However, after talking to my fiance, he would be more upset if I decide to buy a bike especially when the wedding is coming up, I'm paying Student Loans instead of paying him for the mortgage, etc. I can't blame him, but he's right.   I most likely will be riding my road bike more frequently anyways.  However, I'm allowed to buy Aero bars. :-)

However - a friend of mine who used to do triathlons (she can't anymore due to severe shin splints, that seems to never go away), has a nice titanium tri bike that she will let me borrow. It's nothing fancy or very aerodynamic compared to the tri bikes these days (I've always said that it's the engine, not the bike...except when it's aggressive/aero geometry).  I figure that at least I'll get my feet wet with a tri bike.  She also has 650 Powertap wheel that she rarely use...I'll ask her if I can borrow that as well just to check it out. :-) So, I'm looking forward to that.

Had to take off today for school and my calf tightness (thanks Ken for your advice), and used my calf sleeves for the first time to see if I will recover faster...and in fact it works.  Two weeks ago, I had a similar issue, and it was tight for about 3-4 days. Now? Just one day. :-) I'm a happy camper. 

Hope everyone else's week has been going good!

Dont' you hate when those kind of deals come along and you have to take the high road of responsibility? Had a friend who bought a $$$ tri bike on impulse and then was afraid to take it home because they were in the middle of doing a bunch of home improvements. She asked if she could hide the bike in our basement for a couple of months (it was winter) and I am ashamed to say I went along with her scheme.

2012-02-23 6:25 AM
in reply to: #4061819

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
I got back in the pool this morning. Yuck. It has been too long. Can I be lazy and ask whoever posted the deep water running articles to re post? I am too lazy to go through sixty pages
2012-02-23 6:35 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Lol I'm not one to pass up a good deal. I seem to always find an excuse to buy anew bike. Good thing my wife is understanding!

If it makes you feel better I can tell you the difference between an expensive carbon bike and some of the less expensive bikes is very minimal. I have a 2002 aluminum Cervelo P3 and a 2010 carbon fiber P4 and my TT times for each are not that different. Expensive bikes are cool but sure aren't necessary.
2012-02-23 11:15 AM
in reply to: #4061842

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Sin City
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Meulen - 2012-02-23 4:35 AM Lol I'm not one to pass up a good deal. I seem to always find an excuse to buy anew bike. Good thing my wife is understanding!

If it makes you feel better I can tell you the difference between an expensive carbon bike and some of the less expensive bikes is very minimal. I have a 2002 aluminum Cervelo P3 and a 2010 carbon fiber P4 and my TT times for each are not that different. Expensive bikes are cool but sure aren't necessary.

That's what I thought! I'm gonna see how my friend's bike holds up. Slight problem is the wheels is 650, so I cannot use my race wheels.    I saw this bike two years ago. At the time, I knew nothing about tri bikes.  I saw the picture again, it's more of a road frame with tri cockpit (not drops and clip ons).  But It doesn't hurt to try though. 

I figure that maybe next year or two years the current bikes that are nice will be selling, then I can save up for a nice one that will last me for a long time. 

2012-02-23 11:20 AM
in reply to: #4062411

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CyborgQueen - 2012-02-23 11:15 AM

Meulen - 2012-02-23 4:35 AM Lol I'm not one to pass up a good deal. I seem to always find an excuse to buy anew bike. Good thing my wife is understanding!

If it makes you feel better I can tell you the difference between an expensive carbon bike and some of the less expensive bikes is very minimal. I have a 2002 aluminum Cervelo P3 and a 2010 carbon fiber P4 and my TT times for each are not that different. Expensive bikes are cool but sure aren't necessary.

That's what I thought! I'm gonna see how my friend's bike holds up. Slight problem is the wheels is 650, so I cannot use my race wheels.    I saw this bike two years ago. At the time, I knew nothing about tri bikes.  I saw the picture again, it's more of a road frame with tri cockpit (not drops and clip ons).  But It doesn't hurt to try though. 

I figure that maybe next year or two years the current bikes that are nice will be selling, then I can save up for a nice one that will last me for a long time. 

there are tons of bikes out there cheap! I picked up my Cervelo P3 for $550. It didn't have wheels, but everything else was there. I came to my door and I slapped on an old set of wheels (well.....really a new set off a bike I bought better wheels for ). So far put 1500+ miles on it. It makes me cringe to think what I spent on the P4 when I ride the P3 Alluminum!!!!

Edited by Meulen 2012-02-23 11:21 AM
2012-02-23 11:25 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Old dog still has some good tricks left in it!!

this was a pic from the guy I bought it from. I have it set up a bit differently now with Hed Jet 90's and fizik Airone tri 2 seat

Edited by Meulen 2012-02-23 11:29 AM


P3-2.jpg (73KB - 13 downloads)
2012-02-23 12:01 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Gator - was this the article you will looking for on aquajogging?

Going to try and make it to the pool today for a swim and a short aquajogging session however it is snowing and I hate driving into town when it snows. You would think by now everyone would know how to drive on bad roads!

Meluen - nice bike!

2012-02-23 12:03 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Ditto on keeping your eyes open for used bikes.  They are out there.  I took some classes on bike maintenance and building and then bought frames...a titanium LeMond road bike that is bomb proof and an Orbea Ordu TT bike that was built up and then upgraded to red and return to center shifters and race wheels added.  If new, the bikes would have been $5000 and $6000 plus.  I don't have half that in ti bike and about half, maybe a bit more due to the wheels, in the TT.  

There are ALOT of good inexpensive bikes out there if you shop.  Spend time in bike shops and ask a lot of questions.  Get one of the good bike salespeople to figure out what size of a road and TT bike you need (they are NOT the same).  Ask questions about components.  Some are worth the extra money, many are not.  They shop, shop, shop.  Watch the triathlon club web sites in your area.  I bought both frames from a guy who is the same size as I am and likes to spend a lot of money for no reason so he buys bikes and he phones me with his castoffs.  Works for me.  Realize this, the moment you ride your bike away from the shop, it is used.  I let someone else take that initial hit is all.  


If you get a chance to ride that titanium bike, try it.  They are AWESOME.  Stiff so the power goes to the pedals, but they absorb road noise better than carbon. Plus it is on my trainer because it is literally bomb proof.  It is my everyday training bike outdoors too.  I have a Giant carbon road bike I also ride.  Oh, and a Stumpjumper MTB I bought used for a gun I didn't need and some cash.  Oh and my Trek Pilot 2.1 I use as a commuter, bought new on a great deal...




Love your bikes.




2012-02-23 12:33 PM
in reply to: #4061838

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

gator22 - 2012-02-23 7:25 AM I got back in the pool this morning. Yuck. It has been too long. Can I be lazy and ask whoever posted the deep water running articles to re post? I am too lazy to go through sixty pages

Good job Kirk!

2012-02-23 12:49 PM
in reply to: #4062437

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Meulen - 2012-02-23 12:25 PM Old dog still has some good tricks left in it!! this was a pic from the guy I bought it from. I have it set up a bit differently now with Hed Jet 90's and fizik Airone tri 2 seat


2012-02-23 1:11 PM
in reply to: #3943039

New user
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Training is going much better this week.  Work still sucks but as long as the training is good, I can live with the other.  It was perfect outside this morning.  Got a little brick when it was about 65 degrees.  Going back for another Masters swim class this evening and then back to work for the rest of the night.  I hope everyone else is having a good day.
2012-02-23 1:17 PM
in reply to: #4062565

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
IceManScott - 2012-02-23 12:03 PM

Ditto on keeping your eyes open for used bikes.  They are out there.  I took some classes on bike maintenance and building and then bought frames...a titanium LeMond road bike that is bomb proof and an Orbea Ordu TT bike that was built up and then upgraded to red and return to center shifters and race wheels added.  If new, the bikes would have been $5000 and $6000 plus.  I don't have half that in ti bike and about half, maybe a bit more due to the wheels, in the TT.  

There are ALOT of good inexpensive bikes out there if you shop.  Spend time in bike shops and ask a lot of questions.  Get one of the good bike salespeople to figure out what size of a road and TT bike you need (they are NOT the same).  Ask questions about components.  Some are worth the extra money, many are not.  They shop, shop, shop.  Watch the triathlon club web sites in your area.  I bought both frames from a guy who is the same size as I am and likes to spend a lot of money for no reason so he buys bikes and he phones me with his castoffs.  Works for me.  Realize this, the moment you ride your bike away from the shop, it is used.  I let someone else take that initial hit is all.  


If you get a chance to ride that titanium bike, try it.  They are AWESOME.  Stiff so the power goes to the pedals, but they absorb road noise better than carbon. Plus it is on my trainer because it is literally bomb proof.  It is my everyday training bike outdoors too.  I have a Giant carbon road bike I also ride.  Oh, and a Stumpjumper MTB I bought used for a gun I didn't need and some cash.  Oh and my Trek Pilot 2.1 I use as a commuter, bought new on a great deal...




Love your bikes.




I am fairly certain that Ice is really batman or macgyver.....
2012-02-23 1:23 PM
in reply to: #4062745

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2012-02-23 12:49 PM

Meulen - 2012-02-23 12:25 PM Old dog still has some good tricks left in it!! this was a pic from the guy I bought it from. I have it set up a bit differently now with Hed Jet 90's and fizik Airone tri 2 seat


thx!! that's just the training rig though!! I have a little addiction with purchasing toys! LOL
2012-02-23 9:20 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Alright getting back into the groove today. Got a 30 min run in then jumped on the bike in the trainer and followed a Rides training video for an hour workout. It felt good to get back moving...Hitting the pool tomorrow..Happy earlier Friday to everyone..

2012-02-23 9:28 PM
in reply to: #4062855

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Meulen - 2012-02-23 2:23 PM
kenj - 2012-02-23 12:49 PM

Meulen - 2012-02-23 12:25 PM Old dog still has some good tricks left in it!! this was a pic from the guy I bought it from. I have it set up a bit differently now with Hed Jet 90's and fizik Airone tri 2 seat


thx!! that's just the training rig though!! I have a little addiction with purchasing toys! LOL

You and me both, as I just pulled the trigger on the 910!

2012-02-23 9:29 PM
in reply to: #4063764

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

shake-n-bake - 2012-02-23 10:20 PM Alright getting back into the groove today. Got a 30 min run in then jumped on the bike in the trainer and followed a Rides training video for an hour workout. It felt good to get back moving...Hitting the pool tomorrow..Happy earlier Friday to everyone..

Good to see you back Tim, it had to be a tough week!

2012-02-23 9:29 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Ssshhhh!  Don't tell Carla and Kathleen that I am posting this late!
2012-02-24 12:11 AM
in reply to: #4062437

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Morgan Hill, CA
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Meulen - 2012-02-23 9:25 AM Old dog still has some good tricks left in it!! this was a pic from the guy I bought it from. I have it set up a bit differently now with Hed Jet 90's and fizik Airone tri 2 seat

Hey, that almost looks like my bike! I have a silver Cervelo Dual with red tape on the aerobars. I think I like your P3 better, though! Nice bike!

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