BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2014-03-22 11:10 AM
in reply to: SSMinnow

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Extreme Veteran
Silicon Valley
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Suzy so very sorry to hear about your problems. I'm sure they will get you fixed up and back on the road in no time.

2014-03-22 12:16 PM
in reply to: Stuartap

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North Augusta, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Kevin...if I could make them run laps, they'd be running them!!! In general, they're usually pretty cooperative and do what I ask. They must've had spring fever yesterday because most of them were just downright obnoxious.

Just in from an hour long run. Funny thing, my Garmin said it only took me 32 minutes to run almost 6 miles. According to my upload, my average pace was 5:31 min/mile, but my fastest pace was a 7:50 min/mile. Ha!! The watch itself said it was an hour. My legs said it was an hour, too.

Off to 'spring clean' the yard this afternoon. Going to fire up the mower and chop down some weeds, cut back some shrubs that should've been cut back last year, and then pull up the weeds taking over the flowerbeds. For those of you still buried in snow...I'm sorry.

2014-03-22 1:33 PM
in reply to: glfprncs

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Suzy-I echo everyone else's comments. Whatever the ortho says I hope it lays out a solid course of action and a quick return to training.

This is not directed to you Suzy as you don't know what the future holds. But, I think sometimes a problem/injury that has a surgical "fix" allows a quicker return to competition than a sprain/strain or soft tissue type of injury. My son has been struggling with knee problems since early December. He has had a cortisone shot, done, PT and all kinds of exercises. MRI showed bursitis in the knee...not something surgery will correct as I understand it. He will ease back into running for a couple of weeks then have recurring knee pain. He has red shirted indoor and outdoor track seasons this year and is returning to see the ortho this week.

No one wants surgery but I have heard of people returning to training quickly after some meniscus surgeries. Not always the case as I know we have some folks here that have dealt with that. Alternatively, I have a team mate that had meniscus surgery and 3 weeks later won the local sprint tri. Every situation is different but I do think that getting something "fixed" and moving forward is sometimes better than tking time off, doing PT etc and hoping the issue resolves. Of course also depends on the severity of the injury and the invasiveness of the surgery. Just something I have been thinking about.

Pretty good workout this morning. Some hard bike intervals mixed with some half mile run intervals. Beautiful here today....other than the light green pollen that is coating everything! 

2014-03-22 5:46 PM
in reply to: slornow

, Georgia
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Suzy - So sorry to hear of the results. It sounds like you're done for the year, but I sincerely pray that you can get at least one Tri (or even a 5k) in this year. Take it easy and try to keep busy.

Jamie - Good luck on the first round of the season. I'll probably be spending that afternoon watching the Abu Dhabi Triathlon on YouTube while working on a paper, so I'll at least be with you in spirit.

As for my end, sorry to say I basically took the week off. I got one workout in, but that's it. Hoping to get my schedule set and be off and running starting next week. All I have to do is figure out how to recenter the front brake that the maintenance guy at the LBS accidentally left uncentered on Thursday and I shall be in business for next week.

I will be shifting to more early morning workouts beginning next week in the hopes of getting a solid schedule in place that's easy to keep up with. The kick off time for workouts will be between 515-615 depending on whether I want to be a 5am-9pm guy or a 6am-10pm guy; fairly certain I will be the latter in order to accommodate some early evening events that might as well be late night events.

Class schedules will cooperate with that schedule for this semester and next. In addition, it will be easy to readjust when I get a full-time job that demands my presence at 9am. Now if only I can make the meals drop to almost zero prep time beyond maybe a Saturday spent prepping meals for the week.

I am looking forward to getting busy again next week though. My motivation has been next to zero this week.
2014-03-23 1:15 AM
in reply to: Stuartap

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Morgan Hill, CA
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Suzy -- really sorry to hear the bad news... I hope you're able to recover soon and return to action better than ever.

2014-03-23 8:41 AM
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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Oh my gosh, I'm so behind. Fortunately it's because I've been getting in as much last minute training as I can for Xterra Guam this coming weekend, 3/29.

It's frustrating how my first DNF in this race affects my confidence level even after months of positive training.

This week is power up time.

Today my baby girl had a fantastic 1.5 mile race because she didn't feel the need to have me run with her. That's huge step for my very strong, athletic, yet incredibly shy 8 year old.

1st photo is of my boy hugging her and advising her to not worry about winning, but doing her best. The 2nd one is of her just enjoying herself!

Edited by Blanda 2014-03-23 8:51 AM



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2014-03-23 10:46 AM
in reply to: Blanda

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Extreme Veteran
Silicon Valley
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Blanda it looks like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree! Good for her!
2014-03-23 11:21 AM
in reply to: Stuartap

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New user
New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Blanda- Cute kid. #207 is looking around trying to figure what the heck just went flying by!

Question for the group. I missed yesterday's 90 minute trainer ride due to life getting in the way. Just finished my 8 mile long run and now I'm contemplating whether I should make up the trainer ride this afternoon or just skip it. What do you guys think?
2014-03-23 12:10 PM
in reply to: GoldenSprocket

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Blanda-great pictures. She looks like an athlete....very fluid....and very happy. You should be a proud mama.

Kevin-if you can do the bike workout without it adversely affecting tomorrow's workouts then go ahead. Perhaps do an easy ride. Then you feel like you made up the workout while not messing up things moving forward.

2014-03-23 1:54 PM
in reply to: slornow

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New user
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Suzy, very sorry to hear about your injury news. I know it must be hard to accept but I am confident you will return strong through it no matter what it takes.

Blanda your daughter is beautiful and she looks like a great little runner. Very joyful and so sweet that your son encouraged her with a hug!

I will start biking in a couple of weeks, have done no swimming for months. Marathon training has been all consuming for me. Since Dec 2 I have run 559 miles on my 'beginner' marathon training plan. I am down 17 pounds without really changing my diet. Never run this much weekly before but I am really enjoying it.
Taper this week and next with marathon April 6th. I am really excited and feel ready. The 20 to 26 mile part being a leap of faith!!


2014-03-23 6:03 PM
in reply to: Chunga

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Suzy-So sorry to hear about the injury! I can't imagine the frustration-just hang in there!

Blanda-great pics, as always!

My first tri of the season is in the books!

I did well, overall. I got 3rd in my AG, first race as a 35-39, which I was really surprised about. I didn't even stay for the awards ceremony, since my time wouldn't have gotten me near the podium based on previous years. Oh well, you only race who's out there, right? I had a frustrating swim (too many people in too small a space who don't know how fast they can swim), a great bike (2nd fastest in my AG), and a solid, although not mind-blowing run.

The foot feels ok. It doesn't feel perfect, but it feels all right. If I wasn't worried about it, it would just be a regular ache and pain after a race. I'll take it easy with the running for the time being, though-it's a long season with an IM at the end!

2014-03-23 6:51 PM
in reply to: 0

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Mary, thanks for the update. Sounds like marathon training has been good to you and that you are ready to race. The last 6.2 will hurt a lot but most of it is mental. You have to realize it will hurt, embrace it, and then run just a little faster to get it over with quicker.

Blanda, she looks like she was born to run. Such joy and such speed. Fabulous picture.

Jamie, congrats on the podium. Well done. You have made yourself in to a machine.

I have had another rough weekend of training. I am completely bushed. I actually skipped today's long run. I am just too run down and beaten up to run for 1:40. My coach won't be happy but I'll have to deal with it. I am a little concerned that I am getting sick. I feel worse than I should. Wah, wah, wah. Oh well.

Edited by wannabefaster 2014-03-23 6:52 PM
2014-03-23 6:53 PM
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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Aw, Suzy. So bummed for you.

Thank you guys for the sweet words. Looking at her with a soccer coach's eye, my baby girl is the most athletic of my three kids. She's such a physical child. Always running, jumping, kicking, and wanting to one up me with the little workouts I do at home. She can shimmy up the door frame to our pull up bar and bust out a couple quality chin ups. BUT, she is so, so shy and cannot stand attention. She won't play soccer because she doesn't want people looking and "yelling" at her (cheering, really.. ). *sigh*

1000m of 50m sprints today. Woo hoo! 16 mile run tonight that I was supposed to do last night. Arrgh. I hate when I do that.

Have a great Sunday night!

Edited by Blanda 2014-03-23 7:00 PM
2014-03-23 7:55 PM
in reply to: Blanda

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Suzy- sorry to hear about your knee. Get is fixed ASAP and you'll feel so much better. if you want to know what NOT to do after knee surgery send me a msg.

Jamie- congratulations on a great season opener! Only more good things to come your way this year.

Blanda- your daughter is so cute. She really looks like you. The pics of where you live are always so amazing

Bryan- good luck on getting your new morning routine down. Can't wait to hear what ends up working the best for you.

Nancy- 5:38 mile is smoking fast! My garmin does weird things like that sometimes. But it is always fun to imagine what it would be like to run that fast.

Stuart- your bike ride the other day sounded wonderful. I love being out in the heat.

Mary- a 17 pound weight loss is amazing! Congratulations!!

Jason- hope you aren't getting sick. 

I've started the tapering down for Galveston HIM on 4/6. Finished off my last bigger weekend with an amazing weekend of training. Which was a great confidence booster.

I was at race weight until eating 4 pieces of pizza tonight!

It looks like the swim may be cancelled for Galveston due to the recent oil spill 8 miles away from the swim. I'll just keep training for it as planned and wait and see what happens. It won't break my heart if the swim is cancelled. 

2014-03-24 9:57 AM
in reply to: slornow

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Originally posted by slornow

Suzy-I echo everyone else's comments. Whatever the ortho says I hope it lays out a solid course of action and a quick return to training.

This is not directed to you Suzy as you don't know what the future holds. But, I think sometimes a problem/injury that has a surgical "fix" allows a quicker return to competition than a sprain/strain or soft tissue type of injury. My son has been struggling with knee problems since early December. He has had a cortisone shot, done, PT and all kinds of exercises. MRI showed bursitis in the knee...not something surgery will correct as I understand it. He will ease back into running for a couple of weeks then have recurring knee pain. He has red shirted indoor and outdoor track seasons this year and is returning to see the ortho this week.

No one wants surgery but I have heard of people returning to training quickly after some meniscus surgeries. Not always the case as I know we have some folks here that have dealt with that. Alternatively, I have a team mate that had meniscus surgery and 3 weeks later won the local sprint tri. Every situation is different but I do think that getting something "fixed" and moving forward is sometimes better than tking time off, doing PT etc and hoping the issue resolves. Of course also depends on the severity of the injury and the invasiveness of the surgery. Just something I have been thinking about.

Pretty good workout this morning. Some hard bike intervals mixed with some half mile run intervals. Beautiful here today....other than the light green pollen that is coating everything! 

I totally agree with you. I'm plagued by tendon issues yet I saw my husband tear his acl twice, have surgery twice and each time he's come back stronger than before (and it's not fair LOL)

Jamie - congrats on a great first race of the season.

I ran outside today - 2nd time this winter and both days temps were sub 20. It was ok though. Today was under a lot of tree cover so the wind was tolerable.

Have a good day all!

2014-03-24 3:04 PM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Randee-picking up the bike today?

Had a longish swim workout today. Felt much better in the pool than last week. Only thing I can count on is that how I feel in the pool will change from day to day. Strength session and a 20 minute run this evening.

2014-03-24 3:16 PM
in reply to: slornow

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Extreme Veteran
Silicon Valley
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
As the Soup Nazi might say “No Aqua/Bike for you”. Saw the doctor today, a week earlier than planned to accommodate a schedule change. Didn’t get the OK I was looking for to do the Aqua/Bike in a few weeks. The muscles around the hip are just not where he wants them yet. Unbeknownst to me, he met with my PT last week. They are going to ramp up my therapy routine to really push the muscles around the hip.

I was feeling like I am behind schedule but both the doctor and the PT said not really given I was on crutches for over 7 months. So there is another event in May that he said should be no problem.

Angry at myself for not getting past the needed threshold I went out and rode my training route that I have been turning at 1:02:00 – 1:02:30 at just under an hour - 59:20. So that’s something.

I did get released to begin running if you want to call it that. He wants me to start with 30 seconds jog followed by a minimum 2:30 walk. No more than 30 minutes at a time and 3x/week. Then I can slowly do more jog and less walk. No specific timetable but he emphasized slowly multiple times.

The good news about that is my wife and daughter have started training for a half marathon. So I won’t be out there alone, just way behind!

2014-03-24 3:42 PM
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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Originally posted by slornow

Randee-picking up the bike today?

Had a longish swim workout today. Felt much better in the pool than last week. Only thing I can count on is that how I feel in the pool will change from day to day. Strength session and a 20 minute run this evening.

**sigh** I just can't get out of work early enough to get there. I was thinking about going Friday after work....but it's supposed to rain! I can't put my new bike on the car in the RAIN!!! Of course the other option is to clean out the back and put it IN the car. We shall see........

Chin up Stuart. I'm sure you'll catch right up to the wife and daughter and you'll be waiting for them soon enough.


Edited by mtnbikerchk 2014-03-24 3:43 PM
2014-03-24 3:49 PM
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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
btw, anyone ever go to or

they are sites that put up products and they rotate them by time or until they are sold out. I just wandered over to chainlove and they had the continental GP4000s clincher tire for $36.99 and I remember you guys talking about them so I jumped on em!


anyone looking for anything? I'm a self titled online expert shopper

of course now I see Amazon has them for nearly the same price - they must be blowing them out everywhere for next year's tire.

Edited by mtnbikerchk 2014-03-24 3:51 PM
2014-03-24 4:41 PM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Hi Gang

Ortho confirmed there was a lateral flap tear, but wasn’t certain that it happened while in Hawaii or if the flap may have just changed position when I was running and irritated things. He also told me that lateral resections are not generally as successful as medial ones from a patient POV and there could be greater wear as a result. The bone on the lateral side fits differently or some such thing.  He showed me, I got it.

 Suggested that I get on his surgery schedule in 3 weeks as a placeholder, to refrain from runnning for another two weeks and then try it out.  If there is no pain or it is very modest, follow a general rehab build schedule.  If I end up right back where I was when it happened I have the surgery on his books.  In the meantime, I can bike as much as I want.  He was less thrilled with the swimming because of the kicking and wall push off and suggested I use a pull instead with no wall push.

I feel like it's a decent plan, especially since it takes about two weeks to get on his schedule anyway.

That's all I've got.  I'm staying optimistic.

2014-03-24 4:46 PM
in reply to: SSMinnow

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Extreme Veteran
Silicon Valley
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Suzy glad it wasn't worse. Get it done and behind you. You will be back up an running in no time. I will be sending positive thoughts your way.

2014-03-24 5:45 PM
in reply to: Stuartap

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North Augusta, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Stuart...I'm sorry you didn't get the thumbs up for the aquabike, but the rest sounds REALLY promising!
2014-03-24 6:01 PM
in reply to: glfprncs

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Stuart-glad to hear that things look good for the May aqua/bike. Sounds like the cycling is coming along and I know the swim will be a breeze for you.

Randee-the Continental 4000s is a great overall tire. Good prices may be due to a new version of the tire coming out. Doesn't make the "old" one any worse. Its my go to tire for training and racing.

Suzy-I like how your ortho thinks. Good to go ahead and get on the schedule while seeing what happens in the mean time. That way you have a plan if things get better and also if surgery is needed. Careful in the pool. I tweaked my knee last year pushing off the wall. Keep it easy  

2014-03-24 6:38 PM
in reply to: slornow

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Randy--I have already committed to pushing off with the left leg only.  Key for me is really remembering not to kick.  Coming from the girl who barely kicks anyway.

Stuart--sorry about the aquabike delay.  The good news is you will get to start running.  I've gone through a long ramp up, similar to the one you described when I had a stress fracture.  It sucks, but not nearly as bad as not being able to run at all.  You'll come out the other end just fine.

Jason--smart man.  Why push a run when it may cause a little more harm than good.  Rest up!

2014-03-24 9:59 PM
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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Stuart, sorry to hear that the Soup Nazi gave you the no go on the AB. Great news on being able to start running again. That is basically the same running plan that i started back with. The hardest part was not going too fast for the glorious 30 seconds that I was able to run.

This is the song that went through my head the first time that I was able to run again :  

This is what it felt like learning to run again:


I'm so excited for you. You've been through a lot over the last year. Great Progress!! 



Edited by Catwoman 2014-03-24 10:05 PM
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2011-12-18 3:37 PM playmobil31
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The start of the race I had the jitters. I was watching the other age groups start as they seeded the swim with over 1000 participants.