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2010-09-16 5:02 PM
in reply to: #3083473

Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Pebble - 2010-09-06 7:05 AM

Docs orders are rest and Ibuprofen until pain stops then to stretch etc. Its so frustrating Cry

I have constant injury problems with running.  I was finally running three times a week with a long one on week-ends.  But now I am water running and using the elliptical except for my long run on week-end.  It is not ideal but what I am stuck with.  Doc said otherwise I am pushing to hard and really risk a tear.  

It is easier to say where I am not injured on my legs.  My calfs are good everything else has issues  

My major issue are my Achilles tendons.  More the right one.  I am training a hard 15 hours a week for the next three.  Not counting stretching, injury exercises.

If I survive I am golden for the race.  I am probably already pretty close.  Swim is good, did painful century two week-ends ago and ran 11 week-end before last.  Plan to ride century and run HM this week-end.

It is amazing how strong training for an IM makes you for a HIM.  I rode the quickest 60 miles I have ever ridden last week-end.  I felt incredible afterwards.  I think doing this first IM is going to really help me for HIM races in the future. 

On swimming I am basically the same speed for any distance above 400 yards.  So if I swim 500 yards my per 100 speed is basically the same as for a 2.4 mile swim.  Don't know what that means.  But considering I could barely swim 100 yards 18 months ago it is definitely a huge morale booster.   

2010-09-16 7:52 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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Madison, AL
Subject: Pacing Strategy
Hello folks,
1st time IM'er here.  Hoping I could ping my pacing strategy off you folks, as we're less than 2 months out.  So, first off, let me say I don't have a power meter and don't really train by heart rate.  Haven't sprung for the power meter and the heart rate strap gives me fits.

Couple of data points.   My last HIM was Gulf Coast in 2010, which shares most of the course with IMFL.  My splits were:
33:51 Swim (very rough sea state)
3 min T1
2:34 Bike @ 21.7 mph
2:17 T2
2:14 Run @10:16
total time 5:28

I'm real close to a sub 4-hr standalone marathon.  My best 2.4 mile pool swim is 1:04.  My 40k bike is real close to 23 mph.

So, all that being said, here is sort of what I was thinking.
Swim:  I've been told that there is some benefit of being done in under 1:08 because that is when the horde of swimmers is at it's highest.  One side of me thinks going out pretty hard and going as close to 1:05 as possible would be good, so I can be through T1 before it gets crowded .  Rational part of me says to slow down and have a very relaxing 1:10 swim.  Any thoughts?

Bike:  I've heard that a reasonable multiplier for HIM bike to IM bike is 2.2.  That would put my IM time at 5:39 or 19.8 mph.  That's quite a bit faster than my training rides of late.  But, I'm doing my training with rolling hills, unsupported, and open road conditions.  This is the biggest variable in my plan, so I was thinking about back off speed for an even 6 hrs (18.7 mph).

Run:  As I said, my open marathon time is close to 4 hrs.  At gulf coast HIM, I averaged about 8:45 min/mile for 9 miles.  The last 4 miles were a struggle as the heat became an issue for me and I ended up walking the last 4 at about 13 min/mile. So,  my thought here is to shoot for a 4:20 marathon, which would be about a 10:00 flat pace.  I like the endurance nation rationale of running the 1st 3 miles 30 sec/mile slower than goal pace.  So, if I'm able to hold that strategy that would put me at 10:30 for mile 1-3 and somewhere around 9:55 for the back 23.

My goal for this race is #1) Enjoy myself #2) Maybe go sub-12? 

Following the above strategy would put my into T2 at around 7:15.  Which, would mean I "just" have to do a 4:45 to go sub 12.

Any thoughts?  Too ambitious?

2010-09-16 8:07 PM
in reply to: #3103330

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Subject: RE: Pacing Strategy
Enjoying yourself and putting a time demand on the day are not especially a good blend. Why not choose one or the other, with me leaning towards enjoying yourself? If you have to go sub12, if you fail you will potentially think poorly of your day. Its a long day with lots that can go wrong out of your hands.

Yes with your GCT time you can eek in under 12. Don't pressurize yourself.
2010-09-17 4:42 AM
in reply to: #3103330

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Baltimore, MD
Subject: RE: Pacing Strategy
ironeric2010 - 2010-09-16 8:52 PM Hello folks,
1st time IM'er here.  Hoping I could ping my pacing strategy off you folks, as we're less than 2 months out.  So, first off, let me say I don't have a power meter and don't really train by heart rate.  Haven't sprung for the power meter and the heart rate strap gives me fits.

Couple of data points.   My last HIM was Gulf Coast in 2010, which shares most of the course with IMFL.  My splits were:
33:51 Swim (very rough sea state)
3 min T1
2:34 Bike @ 21.7 mph
2:17 T2
2:14 Run @10:16
total time 5:28

I'm real close to a sub 4-hr standalone marathon.  My best 2.4 mile pool swim is 1:04.  My 40k bike is real close to 23 mph.

So, all that being said, here is sort of what I was thinking.
Swim:  I've been told that there is some benefit of being done in under 1:08 because that is when the horde of swimmers is at it's highest.  One side of me thinks going out pretty hard and going as close to 1:05 as possible would be good, so I can be through T1 before it gets crowded .  Rational part of me says to slow down and have a very relaxing 1:10 swim.  Any thoughts?

Bike:  I've heard that a reasonable multiplier for HIM bike to IM bike is 2.2.  That would put my IM time at 5:39 or 19.8 mph.  That's quite a bit faster than my training rides of late.  But, I'm doing my training with rolling hills, unsupported, and open road conditions.  This is the biggest variable in my plan, so I was thinking about back off speed for an even 6 hrs (18.7 mph).

Run:  As I said, my open marathon time is close to 4 hrs.  At gulf coast HIM, I averaged about 8:45 min/mile for 9 miles.  The last 4 miles were a struggle as the heat became an issue for me and I ended up walking the last 4 at about 13 min/mile. So,  my thought here is to shoot for a 4:20 marathon, which would be about a 10:00 flat pace.  I like the endurance nation rationale of running the 1st 3 miles 30 sec/mile slower than goal pace.  So, if I'm able to hold that strategy that would put me at 10:30 for mile 1-3 and somewhere around 9:55 for the back 23.

My goal for this race is #1) Enjoy myself #2) Maybe go sub-12? 

Following the above strategy would put my into T2 at around 7:15.  Which, would mean I "just" have to do a 4:45 to go sub 12.

Any thoughts?  Too ambitious?

It does sound ambitious but then again this is my first as well so what do I know.  My only goals are to Finish and remember the finish.  My dad things that if I can do a half in 5:14 then naturally a full would be 10:30 right?  I just laughed and told him to bring warm clothes and a book with a reading light for after it gets dark.  Good luck to you.  This will be an adventure for us all.

2010-09-17 5:41 AM
in reply to: #2512129

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
You may want to put your pacing plan on the general IM thread as you may get more input from others.

It is hard to set pacing goals based on speed as conditions can vary day to day. Triangulating pacing by HR, power, and RPE works well and let speed fall where it does.

Have you done any longer bricks/race rehersals on similar terrain recently to see how your pacing has worked? For me it is key to see how I feel on my run towards the end..if strong and hitting my pace pretty good indicator pacing goals which for me are power and RPE on bike, and pace & RPE on the run are working well.

2010-09-17 6:06 AM
in reply to: #2512129

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peoria, az
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

Well, I'm injured!!!

Bursitis in my knee so I'm off for a week with meds, and RICE! So frustrated! Knee started to hurt befrore my half IM last weekend but I "pushed through the pain".  Made it through the race but my frist run out of the gate this week and it look like a golf ball sitting on my knee cap. I'm praying that taking the time off now and listening to my body will do the trick. I can swim!!! So , I will be doing lots of that this week.

2010-09-17 6:11 AM
in reply to: #3103667

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Sorry to hear that LisaF. take some down time and get yourself right. Still got some time....

I ran into a swim burnout wall yesterday. Just having a major hard time getting to the pool or in the lake.

ANd earlier in the week I was hitting a Z4 interval on the bike, the day after a 20 mile long run and I felt a serious pain in my left hammy. I tried to push through it but couldn't bear the pain. Depression ensued as I thought my hammy was torn or something, but I was able to run the next day. Thus, I am more optimistic. Today I hope to test it out on the trainer with a 2 hour Z1-2 ride. AND I HAVE TO GET IN THE LAKE THIS MORNING!

We are getting closer so everything is magnified and the anxiety is elevating.
2010-09-17 6:14 AM
in reply to: #2512129

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Hang in there Lisa.

Hope the RICE works quickly for you.

2010-09-17 7:14 AM
in reply to: #3103355

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Madison, AL
Subject: RE: Pacing Strategy
Thanks for responses.  I will repost in the main IM forum.
2010-09-17 8:38 AM
in reply to: #2512129

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
phatknot, you aren't the only one having a swim burnout lately.  I didn't swim at all last week (mostly due to kid's stuff, but I could have worked something out had I REALLY wanted to).  The pool has been really cold lately and it's just hard to get motivated.  I made myself do all three swims this week.

Lisa - sorry to hear about your knee.  

We are all getting into higher volume, so be careful folks.   
2010-09-17 9:15 AM
in reply to: #3103985

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
bar92 - 2010-09-17 9:38 AM

We are all getting into higher volume, so be careful folks.   [/QUOTE

This is so true....while swimming this morning I was thinking about all the BTers doing FL that have different mind does wander at time while swimming.

Have fun training this weekend everyone!

2010-09-17 1:05 PM
in reply to: #3103355

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Subject: RE: Pacing Strategy
phatknot - 2010-09-16 9:07 PM Enjoying yourself and putting a time demand on the day are not especially a good blend. Why not choose one or the other, with me leaning towards enjoying yourself? If you have to go sub12, if you fail you will potentially think poorly of your day. Its a long day with lots that can go wrong out of your hands.

Yes with your GCT time you can eek in under 12. Don't pressurize yourself.

+1 on this advice.

This will be my first IM also, and I just completed my first HIM this past weekend, and learned ALOT about what to expect.

I went into the HIM, thinking 6 1/2 hours to finish. But my primary goal was to just finish and use it as a learning experience for dialing in nutrition and maintaining energy/health for what to plan for Florida.

Well, I didn't manage nutrition and hydration well at all. Dealt with a calf cramp from the swim to the finish line, and didn't pack enough eats for the bike. So my finish time was 7:42. I was disappointed by that enough that it overshadowed the fact that I actually finished the race.

I honestly don't care how long it take me to finish Florida (as long as it's under 17 hours!). I just want to cross that line! Cool
2010-09-17 4:44 PM
in reply to: #3104742

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Madison, AL
Subject: RE: Pacing Strategy
I'm totally with you on that.  Whether  I cross the finish line in 12,14, or 16:55, I will be an Ironman.  You will never hear me diminish the accomplishment any FOP, MOP, or BOP achieves in a) getting to the start-line or b) crossing the finish line.
But, I would like to race smartly and have the "best" race that is reasonable.  I'm not one to beat myself up over not making time goals.  I have an amazing ability to rationalize my shortcomings, i.e., it was too hot, the on-course gatorade was too weak, hills too steep,  

Also...1ST REAL SWIM since my Bike wreck!!!!!!
2050 yards in ~32 minutes.  Shoulder was about 95%.  What a relief!
2010-09-17 5:17 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Great news shoulder was good on first post crash swim!

Did you separate it in the crash?

One pacing tip is go easy first 6 miles on the run like 45" per mile easier than you think you can run your IM at. Until mile 18-22 depending on your pace you should feel like it is your every day long run pace, the last 5-8 miles is when to give it your may not speed up but you may with increased effort not slow down like most everyone else does. I think is all three portions of IM goal should be to gradually increase your effort as the s/b/r progresses. To many it is easy to go to hard early on bike and run feeling fresh and well tapered to have it hurt you later in the race.

2010-09-17 5:53 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I think everyone goes into an Ironman with one main goal:  FINISH!   However, I see nothing wrong with setting some time long as you realize ANYTHING can happen on race day, and IT DOES   It's all good!!  How many times have you asked a doctor what their GPA was? 
2010-09-17 6:55 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I had a tough day at Coeur d Alene 2006 ...   16:57:31
best race I ever had!
Learned a lot about my self that day

gotta laugh... we paid for 17 hours- and that day,  I got my moneys worth

Edited by dkrrt 2010-09-17 6:56 PM

2010-09-17 7:43 PM
in reply to: #3105320

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I don't ask my doctor what their gpa was but I do ask everyone I know who is the best doctor for my problem. I'm not sure what that means for the time-goal discussion but its not like your numbers are insignificant. The larger issue, however IMO, is potentially ruining a perfectly good day by setting a time when there is little to no control over multiple variables that are impacting your results, like wind and heat etc. Does that mean not to srtive for your best time? No. Go for it. Just don't demand or expect it.
2010-09-17 8:22 PM
in reply to: #3105430

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
phatknot - 2010-09-17 8:43 PMMiMi
I don't ask my doctor what their gpa was but I do ask everyone I know who is the best doctor for my problem. I'm not sure what that means for the time-goal discussion but its not like your numbers are insignificant. The larger issue, however IMO, is potentially ruining a perfectly good day by setting a time when there is little to no control over multiple variables that are impacting your results, like wind and heat etc. Does that mean not to srtive for your best time? No. Go for it. Just don't demand or expect it.
just ironman is an ironman, regardless of a doctor is a doctor. And also saying -I believe in setting goals, time and otherwise..knowing that if you shoot for the moon an miss, you'll likely land among the stars. Do your best with what the day gives you.
2010-09-17 8:28 PM
in reply to: #3105430

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

phatknot - 2010-09-17 8:43 PM MiMi
I don't ask my doctor what their gpa was but I do ask everyone I know who is the best doctor for my problem. I'm not sure what that means for the time-goal discussion but its not like your numbers are insignificant. The larger issue, however IMO, is potentially ruining a perfectly good day by setting a time when there is little to no control over multiple variables that are impacting your results, like wind and heat etc. Does that mean not to srtive for your best time? No. Go for it. Just don't demand or expect it.

I'm planning on doing my very best with what my body and mother nature hand me on 11/6/2010,  All any of us can do.  Everyone has a ballpark of what might happen.  Some of our ballparks are bigger than others

2010-09-17 9:40 PM
in reply to: #3105288

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Madison, AL
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

Not separated...just bone & muscle contussion.  A week ago, I couldn't lift my arm to shoulder level.  So, I'm totally stoked after todays swim!  Managed to get a quick hour on the trainer this p.m. followed by a 30 min tempo run.

After the last two weeks, I needed today. 

2010-09-17 9:43 PM
in reply to: #3105558

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peoria, az
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

ironeric2010 - 2010-09-17 9:40 PM

Not separated...just bone & muscle contussion.  A week ago, I couldn't lift my arm to shoulder level.  So, I'm totally stoked after todays swim!  Managed to get a quick hour on the trainer this p.m. followed by a 30 min tempo run.

After the last two weeks, I needed today. 

Yippee!!!! Awesome!!!  So happy to hear good news.

2010-09-18 1:35 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Just finished my first ever 100+ mile ride and boy am I tired. I hadn't completely planned on doing one today, but it wasn't out of the question when I got up this morning.

I rode to meet up with a group to do a 65 miler and the starting point was 15 miles away (I thought it was less than 10) So After riding there and knowing I was going to ride back I just added in a few extra miles to get me all the way to the century mark.

I averaged 19.5mph for the first 85 or so miles then fell apart a bit towards the end. My nutrition and fluids were good but I'm pretty sore just from being on the bike for so long. I did end up getting some leg cramps about five miles from finishing, but nothing that some salt pills water and stretching couldn't cure. Looking forward to a shower a nap and some football.

Happy Training Everyone!
2010-09-18 2:48 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Nice ride today FLlonghorn. It is good to hear that everyone is starting to heal from their injuries.

2010-09-19 9:46 AM
in reply to: #2512129

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I've got another question for those that know about the course:

I'm wondering what type of course the run is. Concrete? Rocks? Smooth? Rough? Lots of cracks? Asphalt? Run at all off the street (grass, dirt, etc)?? I guess I could email the RD, but I'm sure I'll get an answer from you guys!

2010-09-19 2:07 PM
in reply to: #3106580

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

kevmk81 - 2010-09-19 10:46 AM I've got another question for those that know about the course: I'm wondering what type of course the run is. Concrete? Rocks? Smooth? Rough? Lots of cracks? Asphalt? Run at all off the street (grass, dirt, etc)?? I guess I could email the RD, but I'm sure I'll get an answer from you guys! Thanks!

Most of it is on streets which I assume are asphalt.  There is a section where you run on the concrete side walk.  IN the park its paved.  Really not too much in the line of cracks pot holes etc.  Really nothing on dirt/grass unless you choose to run on the side of the road.  I would highly suggest a light for your hat if you will be a late finisher (LIKE ME)  Its extremely dark in the park.

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