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2010-05-26 1:14 AM
in reply to: #2882399

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Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
zionvier - 2010-05-26 12:04 AM I took the weekend off (with the exception of volunteering for those two races, a 5k and a sprint tri).  So yesterday I was feeling a bit antsy to get out for a run.  Got home, didn't have much of a plan, so I got two bike water bottles together, grabbed my ultra waist belt, threw my cell phone, money, some clif shots and two clif bars in it and headed out the door.  Ended up being out there for 3 hours and doing 17.2 miles.  Felt great too, didn't care were I went or how fast, just went for a run.  My friends commented: "Dean Karnazes style huh?" ... I guess so, just not quite as far as him

Today I was still feeling awesome, went out for my usual group run... we started off easy and I realized I was just feeling TOO good to be going that slow, so I started increasing the pace every mile.  My previous PR for that run (~5.1 miles) is 39:39... even with starting so slow for that first mile, I set a new PR, 38:25!  And I felt I could have I could have continued that pace.

I now have a really hard decision to make.  I have the San Diego Marathon in just under 2 weeks.  2 months ago I ran a half marathon in 1:36 here in Denver.  Which is basically the pace I need to BQ.  Two months of solid training + sea-level = me thinking I can hold that pace for the entire marathon.  So my choice is:  Do I go for my original goal I set back in January of 3:25 (which I think I can easily do)... or do I go for broke, hit the half marathon point on pace at 1:34-1:35 and see if I can hold the 7:15 pace needed to BQ with a 3:10.  I could potentially blow up, but by that point, even if I did... I'd still be setting a new PR since the only mary I have done was a 4:02 back in February (I 'took it easy' that race to enjoy it and get the experience, plus it was hilly and at 4k feet in Sedona). 

How close are you to an IM? I would say if you are at least 2 months from one then I say go for it. I'm guessing it will be more mental than physical for you. San Diego can be a little hilly though.

2010-05-26 1:19 AM
in reply to: #2769226

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Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
I keep hammering away at the run. I did 3 miles in 31:09 tonight which was a PR by about 4 minutes. I ended up doing 3.95 miles in 41:19 and I felt great doing it.

I consciously picked up the pace tonight and I could handle it. Even added two laps around the .44 mile neighborhood loop that I run a lot.

My goal has been 12-15 miles a week or running and I've hit it every week. I have about 4 months until my next triathlon so I'm going to need to keep myself motivated and getting PR's helps.
2010-05-26 7:00 AM
in reply to: #2882404

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Sun Prairie, WI
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
phxphotog - 2010-05-26 1:19 AM I keep hammering away at the run. I did 3 miles in 31:09 tonight which was a PR by about 4 minutes. I ended up doing 3.95 miles in 41:19 and I felt great doing it.

I consciously picked up the pace tonight and I could handle it. Even added two laps around the .44 mile neighborhood loop that I run a lot.

My goal has been 12-15 miles a week or running and I've hit it every week. I have about 4 months until my next triathlon so I'm going to need to keep myself motivated and getting PR's helps.

Looks like your emphasis on the run is paying off, taking 4 minutes off a 3 mile run is a substantial difference.  Great work your progressing well in your HIM training. 
2010-05-26 10:15 AM
in reply to: #2882404

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
phxphotog - 2010-05-26 2:19 AM I keep hammering away at the run. I did 3 miles in 31:09 tonight which was a PR by about 4 minutes. I ended up doing 3.95 miles in 41:19 and I felt great doing it.

I consciously picked up the pace tonight and I could handle it. Even added two laps around the .44 mile neighborhood loop that I run a lot.

My goal has been 12-15 miles a week or running and I've hit it every week. I have about 4 months until my next triathlon so I'm going to need to keep myself motivated and getting PR's helps.

great work!! All of your hard training is paying off! 4 min is a hell of a lot of time!!!  Thats over a 10% PR. thats just fantastic! And i love the swet facebook pics i have seen u post
2010-05-26 10:21 AM
in reply to: #2882399

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
zionvier - so I started increasing the pace every mile.  My previous PR for that run (~5.1 miles) is 39:39... even with starting so slow for that first mile, I set a new PR, 38:25!  And I felt I could have I could have continued that pace.

Wow another PR in this group. Great work!! and the best part of it all is your last sentance that you could have kept it up. I find that to be such an amazing feeling when you are PRing and know you still have more in the tank. Great work!
2010-05-26 12:56 PM
in reply to: #2882399

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Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
zionvier - 2010-05-26 2:04 AM

I now have a really hard decision to make.  I have the San Diego Marathon in just under 2 weeks.  2 months ago I ran a half marathon in 1:36 here in Denver.  Which is basically the pace I need to BQ.  Two months of solid training + sea-level = me thinking I can hold that pace for the entire marathon.  So my choice is:  Do I go for my original goal I set back in January of 3:25 (which I think I can easily do)... or do I go for broke, hit the half marathon point on pace at 1:34-1:35 and see if I can hold the 7:15 pace needed to BQ with a 3:10.  I could potentially blow up, but by that point, even if I did... I'd still be setting a new PR since the only mary I have done was a 4:02 back in February (I 'took it easy' that race to enjoy it and get the experience, plus it was hilly and at 4k feet in Sedona). 

Is BQing something that you can decide on come race day?  I know it's nice to have a plan, but you may want to play it by ear... if you have a BQ hanging over your head you might accidentally overtrain! I did this when I had visions of time goals for LP dancing in my head!

2010-05-26 1:21 PM
in reply to: #2769226

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Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

Can anyone recommend an appropriate Spinnervals DVD for IM training?

2010-05-26 2:08 PM
in reply to: #2883754

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

WittyCityGirl - 2010-05-26 2:21 PM

Can anyone recommend an appropriate Spinnervals DVD for IM training?

There is one that is one loop of the LP bike course, I haven't used it or even seen it but I bet there are folks in the LP that can offer an opinion.

I like the time trial and Z3 spinnervals that force me out of my comfort zone for an hour or 2.

2010-05-26 2:11 PM
in reply to: #2882399

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

zionvier - 2010-05-26 2:04 AM I took the weekend off (with the exception of volunteering for those two races, a 5k and a sprint tri).  So yesterday I was feeling a bit antsy to get out for a run.  Got home, didn't have much of a plan, so I got two bike water bottles together, grabbed my ultra waist belt, threw my cell phone, money, some clif shots and two clif bars in it and headed out the door.  Ended up being out there for 3 hours and doing 17.2 miles.  Felt great too, didn't care were I went or how fast, just went for a run.  My friends commented: "Dean Karnazes style huh?" ... I guess so, just not quite as far as him

Today I was still feeling awesome, went out for my usual group run... we started off easy and I realized I was just feeling TOO good to be going that slow, so I started increasing the pace every mile.  My previous PR for that run (~5.1 miles) is 39:39... even with starting so slow for that first mile, I set a new PR, 38:25!  And I felt I could have I could have continued that pace.

I now have a really hard decision to make.  I have the San Diego Marathon in just under 2 weeks.  2 months ago I ran a half marathon in 1:36 here in Denver.  Which is basically the pace I need to BQ.  Two months of solid training + sea-level = me thinking I can hold that pace for the entire marathon.  So my choice is:  Do I go for my original goal I set back in January of 3:25 (which I think I can easily do)... or do I go for broke, hit the half marathon point on pace at 1:34-1:35 and see if I can hold the 7:15 pace needed to BQ with a 3:10.  I could potentially blow up, but by that point, even if I did... I'd still be setting a new PR since the only mary I have done was a 4:02 back in February (I 'took it easy' that race to enjoy it and get the experience, plus it was hilly and at 4k feet in Sedona). 

I would plan to go for it and if you have to retreat on race day for what ever reason so be it!  Great job on the PR's!!

Edited by kenj 2010-05-26 2:11 PM
2010-05-26 2:12 PM
in reply to: #2882404

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

phxphotog - 2010-05-26 2:19 AM I keep hammering away at the run. I did 3 miles in 31:09 tonight which was a PR by about 4 minutes. I ended up doing 3.95 miles in 41:19 and I felt great doing it.

I consciously picked up the pace tonight and I could handle it. Even added two laps around the .44 mile neighborhood loop that I run a lot.

My goal has been 12-15 miles a week or running and I've hit it every week. I have about 4 months until my next triathlon so I'm going to need to keep myself motivated and getting PR's helps.

Nice job!!! Keep it up, your plan is working!!!

2010-05-26 2:21 PM
in reply to: #2882399

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Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
zionvier - 2010-05-25 11:04 PM I took the weekend off (with the exception of volunteering for those two races, a 5k and a sprint tri).  So yesterday I was feeling a bit antsy to get out for a run.  Got home, didn't have much of a plan, so I got two bike water bottles together, grabbed my ultra waist belt, threw my cell phone, money, some clif shots and two clif bars in it and headed out the door.  Ended up being out there for 3 hours and doing 17.2 miles.  Felt great too, didn't care were I went or how fast, just went for a run.  My friends commented: "Dean Karnazes style huh?" ... I guess so, just not quite as far as him

Today I was still feeling awesome, went out for my usual group run... we started off easy and I realized I was just feeling TOO good to be going that slow, so I started increasing the pace every mile.  My previous PR for that run (~5.1 miles) is 39:39... even with starting so slow for that first mile, I set a new PR, 38:25!  And I felt I could have I could have continued that pace.

I now have a really hard decision to make.  I have the San Diego Marathon in just under 2 weeks.  2 months ago I ran a half marathon in 1:36 here in Denver.  Which is basically the pace I need to BQ.  Two months of solid training + sea-level = me thinking I can hold that pace for the entire marathon.  So my choice is:  Do I go for my original goal I set back in January of 3:25 (which I think I can easily do)... or do I go for broke, hit the half marathon point on pace at 1:34-1:35 and see if I can hold the 7:15 pace needed to BQ with a 3:10.  I could potentially blow up, but by that point, even if I did... I'd still be setting a new PR since the only mary I have done was a 4:02 back in February (I 'took it easy' that race to enjoy it and get the experience, plus it was hilly and at 4k feet in Sedona). 

You just have to ask yourself one question...What would Rocky do?  I'll tell you what he wouldn't do, and that's settle in to an easy pace and not go for it.  There's a reason he's spurned multiple top 10 Survivor hits, and its not because he settles for the easy path.

Rocky would go out like Steve Prefontaine and BQ, and so should you!

2010-05-26 7:01 PM
in reply to: #2882399

Subject: ...
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2010-05-26 7:32 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
BTW thanks for all the kind 'congrats!' messages! You all are a fun group!
2010-05-26 8:36 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
i say...GO FOR IT! Give it your best shot...its looking like its within reach
2010-05-26 9:12 PM
in reply to: #2882399

Sun Prairie, WI
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
zionvier - 2010-05-26 1:04 AM I took the weekend off (with the exception of volunteering for those two races, a 5k and a sprint tri).  So yesterday I was feeling a bit antsy to get out for a run.  Got home, didn't have much of a plan, so I got two bike water bottles together, grabbed my ultra waist belt, threw my cell phone, money, some clif shots and two clif bars in it and headed out the door.  Ended up being out there for 3 hours and doing 17.2 miles.  Felt great too, didn't care were I went or how fast, just went for a run.  My friends commented: "Dean Karnazes style huh?" ... I guess so, just not quite as far as him

Today I was still feeling awesome, went out for my usual group run... we started off easy and I realized I was just feeling TOO good to be going that slow, so I started increasing the pace every mile.  My previous PR for that run (~5.1 miles) is 39:39... even with starting so slow for that first mile, I set a new PR, 38:25!  And I felt I could have I could have continued that pace.

I now have a really hard decision to make.  I have the San Diego Marathon in just under 2 weeks.  2 months ago I ran a half marathon in 1:36 here in Denver.  Which is basically the pace I need to BQ.  Two months of solid training + sea-level = me thinking I can hold that pace for the entire marathon.  So my choice is:  Do I go for my original goal I set back in January of 3:25 (which I think I can easily do)... or do I go for broke, hit the half marathon point on pace at 1:34-1:35 and see if I can hold the 7:15 pace needed to BQ with a 3:10.  I could potentially blow up, but by that point, even if I did... I'd still be setting a new PR since the only mary I have done was a 4:02 back in February (I 'took it easy' that race to enjoy it and get the experience, plus it was hilly and at 4k feet in Sedona). 

If you race and don't push for your long term goal I have a feeling your going to regret not going for it.  No harm in going for it and potentially blowing up, but if you lay back your going to be asking yourself "what if" until your next marathon.  If you blow up you know it was in pursuit of your long term goal. 
2010-05-26 11:07 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
I just swam 2100 yds tonight. Still might go run around 10pm. It's starting to get warm here so either really early or late at night for working out outside.

2010-05-27 12:04 AM
in reply to: #2769226

Thornton, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Thanks everyone.  With everyone saying go for it, and especially Greg's reminder that I'll be wondering "what if" if I don't... I think I have to go all or nothing on this race.  My A race isn't until November (IMAZ), and even my B race isn't until mid-September, so I guess there's nothing to lose and everything to gain.  Either I fall short and learn what I need to improve and focus on, or I hit the mark and don't have that BQ thought looming in my head for the rest of the year.

I have to show up and change my corral number at the Expo the days before the race.  I registered back in January when my 5k time was 24minutes and my half mary time from November was 1:43, so I put down 3:27 as my projected time.  I'll have to change that so I don't have to try to make up a couple minute deficit after the first two miles.

Like always, I'll have the MyAthlete GPS unit on me for the race so I can be tracked.  So I'll post that link again before the race.  There's something to knowing other people may be "watching" you that helps keep you motivated to not slow down.  Random people on the side of the course is one thing, but when you know friends and family might be refreshing their computer screens or iPhones 3k miles away, you feel an extra sense of obligation to not let them down. 
2010-05-27 12:32 AM
in reply to: #2885069

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
zionvier - 2010-05-26 11:04 PM Thanks everyone.  With everyone saying go for it, and especially Greg's reminder that I'll be wondering "what if" if I don't... I think I have to go all or nothing on this race.  My A race isn't until November (IMAZ), and even my B race isn't until mid-September, so I guess there's nothing to lose and everything to gain.  Either I fall short and learn what I need to improve and focus on, or I hit the mark and don't have that BQ thought looming in my head for the rest of the year.

I have to show up and change my corral number at the Expo the days before the race.  I registered back in January when my 5k time was 24minutes and my half mary time from November was 1:43, so I put down 3:27 as my projected time.  I'll have to change that so I don't have to try to make up a couple minute deficit after the first two miles.

Like always, I'll have the MyAthlete GPS unit on me for the race so I can be tracked.  So I'll post that link again before the race.  There's something to knowing other people may be "watching" you that helps keep you motivated to not slow down.  Random people on the side of the course is one thing, but when you know friends and family might be refreshing their computer screens or iPhones 3k miles away, you feel an extra sense of obligation to not let them down. 

I'll be watching from my laptop while eating a big bowl of vanilla ice cream with a whole bunch of chocolate syrup. I'll be wondering why you're going so slow and that I could do sooooo much better. Well....the ice cream part may be true.
2010-05-27 1:05 AM
in reply to: #2885080

Thornton, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
phxphotog - 2010-05-26 11:32 PM
I'll be watching from my laptop while eating a big bowl of vanilla ice cream with a whole bunch of chocolate syrup. I'll be wondering why you're going so slow and that I could do sooooo much better. Well....the ice cream part may be true.

Haha, awesome!  It's been so long since I've had ice cream..... is there any kind that's considered "good for you"?... I mean, it is a milk product right? It's got to have SOME protein in it!?!
2010-05-27 6:02 AM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: ...
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2010-05-27 10:05 AM
in reply to: #2885069

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
zionvier -  so I guess there's nothing to lose and everything to gain. . 

Yep. And you have 5 and a half months before the IM....plenty of time as you stated. Let us know when you get your bib number

2010-05-27 10:11 AM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Whats on tap for training today??

As a side note i did 3750 Y yesterday morning and the groin felt ok..not great...but not bad at all. I was happy w the swim overall and it was encouraging. I later biked 1 hour 30 min...approx 25 miles and felt some pain but it was sporatic and isolated.

So my plan is still to do a long ride this weekend (80ish miles)...assuming my groin can tolerate that.

Anyways..todays training is just a 1 hour run to see how running affects the groin and whatnot.
2010-05-27 11:32 AM
in reply to: #2885771

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

dharris13 - 2010-05-27 11:11 AM Whats on tap for training today??

As a side note i did 3750 Y yesterday morning and the groin felt ok..not great...but not bad at all. I was happy w the swim overall and it was encouraging. I later biked 1 hour 30 min...approx 25 miles and felt some pain but it was sporatic and isolated.

So my plan is still to do a long ride this weekend (80ish miles)...assuming my groin can tolerate that.

Anyways..todays training is just a 1 hour run to see how running affects the groin and whatnot.

Nice work, I hope the bike goes well for you with out issue!

I wound up doing yesterdays missed shorter run this morning due to work issues tieing me up so hopefully tomorrow will be todays medium-long run. 

Looking forward to doing some hill climbing again this weekend with the bike shop group!!

2010-05-27 11:45 AM
in reply to: #2885771

Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
dharris13 - 2010-05-27 8:11 AM Whats on tap for training today??

As a side note i did 3750 Y yesterday morning and the groin felt ok..not great...but not bad at all. I was happy w the swim overall and it was encouraging. I later biked 1 hour 30 min...approx 25 miles and felt some pain but it was sporatic and isolated.

So my plan is still to do a long ride this weekend (80ish miles)...assuming my groin can tolerate that.

Anyways..todays training is just a 1 hour run to see how running affects the groin and whatnot.

Glad your injury is starting to feel a bit better!

It is rainy and thunderstorming today so I'll be on the trainer tonight for 1.5 hours doing some intervals. Usually May is beautiful here, but we've been having bad weather on and off all month!
2010-05-27 12:00 PM
in reply to: #2886091

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
calimavs so I'll be on the trainer tonight for 1.5 hours doing some intervals.

trainer rides build character hehe
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