BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2014-03-24 11:31 PM
in reply to: Catwoman

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Extreme Veteran
Silicon Valley
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Rene that really put a smile n my face. Thanks. The only thing is Bambi on ice has better form that I do running.

Thank you everyone for the words of encouragement. I will get through this. In fact, like my Dad likes to say 'By the time your 90 you will have forgotten all about it'. I just wish I didn't feel like I was 90 now!

2014-03-25 7:47 PM
in reply to: Stuartap

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Stuart, Great attitude, although I am not surprised. Save for a couple small slip ups, you have had a better attitude through this whole hip thing than anyone could ever be expected to have. If it makes you feel any better, I felt like I was 90 on Sunday.

Suzy, I love your Orthopod's plan. I am glad that he is giving you some time to see if it really needs to be operated on. Maybe you will get lucky and not need the surgery. There are some recent studies out there about cartilage injuries that are pretty interesting. Sometimes surgery is the best and only option but other times it is not. Of course, I am not an orthopedic surgeon so I will leave the bone and cartilage decisions up to the experts.

I am still feeling a lot of OCD triathlete guilt over skipping my run on Sunday. I do think it was the right decision but I am having trouble letting it go. I am feeling way better overall. I think my swim coach telling me that I had never looked worse than I did on Sunday and her basically refusing to let me do a swim workout sent some kind of message.

Today I had a swim that came out of nowhere. I guess all of this floating around on my face with a snorkel in my mouth is having a positive effect. I feel like a weirdo but I also feel way more balanced in the water. Sometimes the strangest thing will make something click.....
2014-03-25 7:58 PM
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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Jason-get over it! Yeah, easy to say but not so easy to do. Here is a paragraph on rest from Chrissie Wellington. I'll link the whole article below which are her 10 Performance Tips:

Performance tip #4: Rest is as important as training.

"Recovery is an integral part of training. People have their log books, and they tick everything off in all of the columns, but where's the column for recovery? That's the 4th pillar. Without that, the whole structure collapses. I break recovery down into nutrition, compression garments (which I wear), getting enough sleep, and resting between sessions. Also learning not only to relax your body but also relax your mind. Without recovery, I wouldn't be the athlete I am."

We get so obsessive about our watts, time, speed etc. but when we really make gains is when we are resting. With your work schedule I suspect skipping that run was far more beneficial both physically and mentally. You were right to listen to your body. Being disciplined and being able to recognize when you need a break is hugely important....its a long season.

On the other hand maybe you are just a slacker  





Edited by slornow 2014-03-25 8:35 PM
2014-03-25 8:26 PM
in reply to: slornow

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Originally posted by slornow


On the other hand maybe you are just a slacker  





Yeah. That is what I was thinking too.
2014-03-26 7:27 AM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Hey guys, sorry I haven't been around much. Did the promotion thing at work and took on some new projects which are incredibly time consuming during the day. I was supposed to start my Oly specific training plan this week and I'm trying to work it in when I can, but swimming at lunch is more difficult right at this moment. Right now I'm just shooting for one quality training session per day. I'm 32, kid is 2, we want another one next year, realistically I have to do all I can at work right now to make my career pop. I realize it's priorities and everyone has them, just have to get used to being in charge and delegating work and all that good stuff. Everyone else, keep up the butt kickin!
2014-03-26 8:09 AM
in reply to: jonD81

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Keep up the good work, at home, at your job, and with the training. It sure isn't easy. Like your sig says, currently training for life. It certainly takes a lot of skill to keep all of the balls up in the air, and every once in awhile one of them gets dropped.

2014-03-26 10:13 AM
in reply to: 0

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Let's call this: Randee's daily complaint

I cannot catch a break. Had a migraine yesterday that I was able to keep at bay with lots of aleve but by 8 last night it got the better of me. I got home and passed out until 430 this morning. Today I feel better but I have that post headache fuzzy head feeling. URGH. SO much for my day on the trainer today.

Just under 3 weeks to go now and I'm just holding my breath to get through.


on another note, I've started the process with Mike for him to be my coach this summer. I'm really excited about it. I do much better when I'm accountable.

Hope everyone is having a good week. Jon - keep moving forward!! Those balls won't catch themselves!

Jason - I don't think you're a slacker. OCD for sure, but not a slacker

Edited by mtnbikerchk 2014-03-26 10:14 AM
2014-03-26 10:27 AM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Here's a good, straight forward article about strength training for running. I started doing some strength training at the beginning of the year but as things ramp up heading into the season I have a hard time figuring out where to fit it in.

2014-03-26 7:59 PM
in reply to: slornow

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New user
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Randy I liked that article thanks for posting it. It seems like running on its own should be really strengthening but I keep seeing things about the importance of ST.

I have also been reading The Nonrunners marathon trainer about a 'marathon' class' they run out of a university in Iowa. The class gives training and mental preparation tips and plans for the class. They do group long runs as a class. It is pass fail, finish the marathon or not. So far of the hundreds in the class only one didn't finish! I read a mental mantra the other day that I really liked and have used some,
I don't stop when I am tired, I stop when I'm done.

I am tapering which I don't like but I'm doing it.

2014-03-26 8:41 PM
in reply to: 0

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Grand Rapids, Michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Good evening everyone-

I feel like I haven’t checked in for a few days so just touching base. I've been in a bit of a funk since before the weekend, mostly work related but just generally not as excited to get to my workouts as I normally I am. I haven’t missed anything but normally I am just itching for the next workout and it’s been a week or so since I had that feeling.

I think some of it has to do with the fact that I spent two plus months building volume and working out more and more and getting back in shape. Then, as I started into the front end of my actual training plan, my volume has actually decreased…a lot. I also feel like that decrease in volume has slowed the weight loss a good deal too and I still have a significant amount of weight that needs to come off. I’m just being whiny…

On a good note, today was a bike and run day. On the run I got to do some 30 second strides at 5K pace. One problem with that; the last time I raced a 5K was about 20 years ago and somehow I just don’t think I can hold 4:45/mile pace…even for 30 seconds. I just ran the strides at about 7 minute pace but it did feel good to do something a little faster. I also wore my Brooks Glycerins instead of my new Hokas tonight and it really drove home how much I’m not sure about the Hokas. Granted it’s only been three runs and I will certainly give it more time but I’m just not sure I like the way they fit in the toe box.

All right, that’s enough whining from me for one night. Have a great night and rest of the week everyone!

Edited by 43YORook 2014-03-26 8:44 PM
2014-03-27 1:01 AM
in reply to: 43YORook

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Morgan Hill, CA
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Jon -  Work sure does get in the way of things doesn't it? Actually, one quality workout a day is pretty good. Keep up the balancing act. You can do it!

Randee - Sorry to hear about your migraine. Hope you can get back to the training again.

Randy -  Thanks for the pointer to the strength training article and the earlier links on recovery. I just read another article today on recovery, so it must be a hot button topic right now: "Train To Recover — Don’t Recover To Train"

Chris - I hear you on the frustration with weight loss. Getting those stubborn lbs. to leave your body is tough. After several years of getting absolutely nowhere, I finally went gluten-free a couple of weeks ago. So far, I've dropped a little more than five pounds. I didn't realize how much fat gets packed on by wheat. My body is a little slow adjusting to the change, but it's all good.

2014-03-27 8:50 AM
in reply to: slornow

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Xterra Guam Saturday. I'm always going to doubt myself after my DNF.

<3 you guys. Hope you're having a good week. I had a GREAT mountain bike session yesterday. I'm hoping it'll last through the race.
2014-03-27 10:13 AM
in reply to: Blanda

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Originally posted by Blanda

Xterra Guam Saturday. I'm always going to doubt myself after my DNF.

<3 you guys. Hope you're having a good week. I had a GREAT mountain bike session yesterday. I'm hoping it'll last through the race.

2014-03-27 11:08 AM
in reply to: 0

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Blanda-you are ready. If you get stressed just think of the picture of your daughter running in the recent race. All the joy and excitement she just like her on raceday. Enjoy every minute of it.

Mary-the marathon class sounds interesting. You are when is the race? Want to wish you good luck at the appropriate time.

Steve-nice article. Lots of good points there on recovery. Nice job on the diet. I can't imagine going gluten free although I do need to cut back on my bread and butter consumption.

Group question-What brand/type transition bag do you use? I have been using a Desoto bag since I started and thinking about getting a new one. I like the Desoto fine but its getting pretty worn. Was looking at tthe Zoot Ultra Tri Bag.....not the "carry on" version. Anything you would recommend or warn against?

Edited by slornow 2014-03-27 2:27 PM
2014-03-27 12:22 PM
in reply to: slornow

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Originally posted by slornow

Blanda-you are ready. If you get stressed just think of the picture of your daughter running in the recent race. All the joy and excitement she just like her on raceday. Enjoy every minute of it.

Mary-the marathon class sounds interesting. You are when is the race? Want to send you wish you good luck at the appropriate time.

Steve-nice article. Lots of good points there on recovery. Nice job on the diet. I can't imagine going gluten free although I do need to cut back on my bread and butter consumption.

Group question-What brand/type transition bag do you use? I have been using a Desoto bag since I started and thinking about getting a new one. I like the Desoto fine but its getting pretty worn. Was looking at tthe Zoot Ultra Tri Bag.....not the "carry on" version. Anything you would recommend or warn against?

I got the DeSoto on your recommendation. I LOVE IT. I don't pack light and it has room for all my crap!

Two of my friends have the TYR and love it:
2014-03-27 12:34 PM
in reply to: slornow

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
I use an old Jansport duffle bag that I bought at TJ Maxx for about $9. Multi-thousand dollar tri bike, check. $10 duffel bag, check. No rhyme or reason.

I have a couple IM branded backpacks that I should pull out and use to up my street cred.

2014-03-27 1:22 PM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Originally posted by wannabefaster  I have a couple IM branded backpacks that I should pull out and use to up my street cred.

I'll let you borrow the trucker hat if you are serious about working on your "street cred."

Randee-yeah the Desoto holds alot of stuff and I don't tend to pack light for races.

2014-03-27 1:34 PM
in reply to: slornow

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New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
I have an old Burton snowboarding bag I used when I would do backcountry boarding. It's nice because it's all water proof, has a lot of pockets and has a bunch of straps to hang stuff off. It's just well constructed, seeing as it was meant to hold a snowboard and boots, it's also pretty roomy but not huge. Wow, it must be close to 10 years old now and it's still kicking.

Finally got a swim in today. Work calmed down for a few days so even though I've been keeping up with the plan it's nice to have a second to breath and really look things over. The swim stunk, which is what happens after you take 1 week+ off from the pool. Oh well, back to it again tomorrow to make up for lost time.
2014-03-27 2:22 PM
in reply to: jonD81

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Blanda--you have to wipe those thoughts from your mind before you get to the venue.  Stay positive and focus on your goal.  You have a goal firmly planted, right?

I do think Blanda brings up an interesting point and one I have thought about a bit.  How do you approach a venue where things have not necessarily gone right in the past?  does it affect you?  what tactics do you use to ensure it doesn't?

Case in point, I've wondered whether doing an IM in a different location would be a good idea.  in all four years, I have been a nervous wreck about the swim.  The last two years, the weather has been very windy and the swim was a challenge for even those that have no fear.  I admit that sticks with me and I am certain it really affected the outcome in '13.    I am good at moving on once I'm out of the H20, but a really bad swim time doesn't set you up for a good day no matter how you look at it.  As I plan for IM '15, it's on my mind.

I've made it through three bike rides with absolutely no knee issues, but today I hit the pool with the intent of not kicking and tweaked things. I guess I must kick a little even when I think I'm not.  Very angry with myself.  I should have used the pull from the beginning.  It's not a crisis, since it's already a crisis, but it made me aware that healing is probably not likely and surgery is.....wahh....enough whining.  Enjoy your weekends kids.


2014-03-27 4:55 PM
in reply to: SSMinnow

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Blanda, you've got this!!! I think it's understandable to be nervous, but it's all just training and mindset, and you've got both of those!

Update for me, it's been a good week of light training. I've done my swims and got in a good bike session yesterday. Tonight I'm heading out for something new, I'm participating in a 200 mile overnight relay race nearby. I'm on a 10-person team; we start tomorrow at 7am and then get done sometime on Saturday. Two things: I'm looking at about 30 miles total, so here's hoping my foot is ok! Also, the forecast is rain, so I'm thinking it's going to be a bunch of running in the rain! Randy and Jason, Nate and I are doing it, and we have the bulk of the mileage between us, about 60 miles, so no pressure, right? This promises to be a new, and hopefully, positive experience!
2014-03-27 5:30 PM
in reply to: WoodrowCall

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New user
New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
If someone would be so kind and explain to me how to embed a photo in to a post, I will show you my ultimate transition bag. You will all be extremely jealous.

2014-03-27 5:41 PM
in reply to: slornow

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Thanks so much, guys.

Randy, you made my eyes all teary. I should always have the attitude of a child with these things.

Suzy, you're so right. I need to turn my thoughts around. Last year when I finished, the biggest difference was that I felt more confident going into the bike after months of training with stronger riders. I also wore a watch to be more aware of the time. I wasted so much time the first round stopping to figure out my next move. I HAVE to just keep moving. Glad you got some painless biking in and you didn't do any damage on the swim. Yes, please use the pull buoy!

I'm taking the day off to make sure I'm mentally ready and am properly packed.
2014-03-27 5:58 PM
in reply to: WoodrowCall

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Originally posted by WoodrowCall Udate for me, it's been a good week of light training. I've done my swims and got in a good bike session yesterday. Tonight I'm heading out for something new, I'm participating in a 200 mile overnight relay race nearby. I'm on a 10-person team; we start tomorrow at 7am and then get done sometime on Saturday. Two things: I'm looking at about 30 miles total, so here's hoping my foot is ok! Also, the forecast is rain, so I'm thinking it's going to be a bunch of running in the rain! Randy and Jason, Nate and I are doing it, and we have the bulk of the mileage between us, about 60 miles, so no pressure, right? This promises to be a new, and hopefully, positive experience!

Sounds like a blast. About half way through ask Nate how that Crossfit stuff is working out..... Is this a RAGNAR event? Where you starting and finishing?


2014-03-27 6:00 PM
in reply to: GoldenSprocket

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Kevin-at the bottom of the area where you type a post there is a box you can check to "Attach a file after posting." Check that box and then you can browse the photos on your computer to attach to the post. I think max file size is around 90mb but I'm not sure about that.

2014-03-27 6:29 PM
in reply to: slornow

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Originally posted by slornow

Originally posted by WoodrowCall Udate for me, it's been a good week of light training. I've done my swims and got in a good bike session yesterday. Tonight I'm heading out for something new, I'm participating in a 200 mile overnight relay race nearby. I'm on a 10-person team; we start tomorrow at 7am and then get done sometime on Saturday. Two things: I'm looking at about 30 miles total, so here's hoping my foot is ok! Also, the forecast is rain, so I'm thinking it's going to be a bunch of running in the rain! Randy and Jason, Nate and I are doing it, and we have the bulk of the mileage between us, about 60 miles, so no pressure, right? This promises to be a new, and hopefully, positive experience!

Sounds like a blast. About half way through ask Nate how that Crossfit stuff is working out..... Is this a RAGNAR event? Where you starting and finishing?


Knowing Nate, he'll crush it It's not a RAGNAR event; it's called the Palmetto 200, starts in Columbia, SC and ends in Charleston, SC. Should be something!
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Playmobil31's Group - Open

Started by playmobil31
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The start of the race I had the jitters. I was watching the other age groups start as they seeded the swim with over 1000 participants.