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2007-03-25 10:39 PM
in reply to: #625440

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Wellington, North Island
Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
Hello ladies,

I hope everyone has had a good weekend. I'm still recovering from the drive home yesterday.

The season gets closer and closer each week and I just wanted to check in with everyone to see how you're feeling about your training overall and to see what you've got planned for training this week. Kristin, you've got a race coming up very soon. We also haven't heard from you for awhile so please check in just to let us know how you're doing. With your training it's obvious you'll have no problem at all, but we'd love to hear from you (and everyone else) all the same.


2007-03-28 12:49 PM
in reply to: #625440

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Wellington, North Island
Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
Hello everyone,

It seems the forum has fallen out of favor as I'm the only one who's posted for awhile. That's okay though. I can talk to myself all day long if necessary (he he he). Seriously though, it's been a few days . . . or a couple of weeks since we've heard from a couple of you in your blogs or otherwise. I hope everyone is doing well and please let us know how you are if you can.

2007-03-31 11:56 AM
in reply to: #625440

New user

Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
Hey Kelly. I've just been really busy with work

My bike is in the shop getting a tune up, picking it up today. Life is good.

2007-04-01 7:55 PM
in reply to: #625440

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Wellington, North Island
Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
No worries Cindy. I just wanted to check in with everyone.

I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend. What does everyone have on the training agenda for this week?
2007-04-02 10:35 PM
in reply to: #744822

New user

Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
I'm hoping to kick up my aerobic workout this week!

Hey Kelly, what do you recommend for a wetsuit for the Tri in Boulder? I'm not sure about "thickness". I have a full wetsuit that I scuba dive with but it is a 5mm (thickness). I'm afraid that is too thick and I might get to warm.
2007-04-03 8:57 AM
in reply to: #625440

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Extreme Veteran
Olathe, KS
Bronze member
Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
Hi everybody...

I would also be interesting in hearing some opinions on wetsuits. I have a tri in May that I'm pretty sure will have cold lake water, and then I'm assuming I'll need one for the HIM in Lake Michigan.... but I don't know if I should just rent one for those two occasions, or if I should bite the bullet and get a new (or used) one. I'm leaning toward buying, since I'm hooked on tris and see myself doing them for a long time, but don't know too much about the brands. So if anyone has some experience with these, please share. I'll also search the forums.

Training is going well for me. I'm on my 11th day straight of swim/bike/run workouts, and in my second month of doing something every day (even if just 15 minutes of strength exercises). It feels really good to accomplish that, although I'm looking forward to some rest days.
I really didn't want to work out yesterday, but I said that I'd just go for a quick jog, no pressure, and if I felt good, I'd keep going. Well, sure enough, it felt GREAT to be outside, so I ended up going almost 4 miles. I love tricking myself like that.

I started doing Masters Swimming classes this past week, and would highly recommed them to all of you. It's a great workout, and so much more interesting than just swimming laps... plus, knowing I'm supposed to meet people there is a huge motivator to get me out of bed at 5:30 am. I also am getting my tri bike - and new saddle- fitted this week (Thursday), and am looking forward to that. Plus I tried the aerobars on my bike for the first time on Sunday, and they were pretty comfortable, although a little scary, too.

Whew- it's been a big week for me! Hope everything's going well for you all too!
Please keep updating your logs, so we can all keep in touch and inspire one another!!!!

2007-04-03 9:32 AM
in reply to: #746858

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Wellington, North Island
Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
You have done a great job with your training Linda. You should be proud of yourself. Hopefully I'll get a chance to try my aero bars out this weekend. I'm nervous just thinking about it.

Re: wetsuits. Generally wetsuits for other sports (scuba, surfing, skiiing, etc) are not great for tris. Tri-specific wetsuits have more give in places like the shoulders for the swim stroke. If you exert too much energy struggling through a stroke in a resistant wetsuit you may exhaust yourself and/or get painful raw areas where the suit rubbed because it wasn't made for long bouts of swimming. Other suits can also be a bit too thick because they may be made for activities in colder water than what you will find in tris (this obviously depends on region, time of year, size of the body of water, etc), which could cause you to overheat.

I generally would recommend using a tri-specific suit. If you think you can get by with the scuba suit, I would try swimming the distance in it a couple of times to be sure.

If, like Linda, you see yourself doing a few tris a year for several years, investing in your own suit would be worthwhile. If you aren't sure yet, check the water temp of the water you'll be swimming in for the time of year when you'll swim. If it's fairly warm, wetsuits may not even be legal and the point is moot. If it will be fairly cold, you will find places that rent them (sometimes the race website has a plan). I would try renting one far enough in advance you can do at least one swim before the race to be sure it doesn't rub somewhere you need to body glide (neck, around the armpits, etc) and that it's comfortable.

I have a sleeveless Blue Seventy suit that I really like. I'll need to get a full sleeve suit for Alcatraz. When I start trying on some different brands I'll let you all know what I settle on. I'll probably try Blue Seventy first since I have one that fits. I've also heard that Zoot suits are really comfortable.
2007-04-03 10:11 PM
in reply to: #625440

New user

Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
Thanks for the wetsuit advice! I really don't think my scuba wetsuit will work for me during the tri. I'm going to research a little more here in town for a rental or else buy one. I'm thinking - buy. I'll keep you all posted.
2007-04-06 12:05 PM
in reply to: #625440

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Wellington, North Island
Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
Good luck with it Cindy and definitely let us know what you end up with.

It's Friday again. And Easter weekend for those who celebrate it. I have a long run tomorrow and an even longer bike on Sunday. Otherwise nothing planned. I'm hoping to catch up on a little bit of my sleep.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and let us know what you have planned: training, Easter celebrations, or otherwise.

2007-04-07 5:13 PM
in reply to: #625440

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Wellington, North Island
Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
Hello everyone,

Today is my mom's birthday. She will be doing her first tri in June and I'm flying out to do it with her (Incidentally I'll also see Cindy since she'll be doing the same race). My mom is here on BT. Her username is rmarzano. Please go to her blog and wish her a happy birthday if you would. Thanks.


BTW, when are all of your birthdays?
2007-04-10 8:14 PM
in reply to: #625440

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Wellington, North Island
Subject: Wetsuits
Hey Ladies,

I took my bike to Mission Bay for a tune up and decided to peruse their wetsuits. The guy gave me quite a bit of info I thought I would pass along. He was WAY more informed on the different brands than I am.

Many wetsuits are 5mm in the body (the thickness of yours Cindy, here are a couple of websites on the difference btw scuba and tri suits:, the second one suggests you could get buy with a scuba suit if swimming a half mile or less . . .). Most however are 4mm in the lower legs, which makes it a little less resistant when you pull it off in a hurry in transition. Quintana Roo is the exception. Their legs are 5mm.

Zoots suits, while nice, fit a bit oddly. The legs end up being a little shorter than you would imagine so often when people get the legs long enough the rest of the suit is too big or else the body part fits and the legs are too short.

Blue Seventy suits have tighter necks with less give (this I can attest to), whereas Zoot and Quintana Roo have more flexible, comfortable necks. Quintana Roo has a super cool Quick Zip on all their suits. When the suit is on and zipped up, you yank the cord up real hard and then you can just pull the suit right off because the zipper will come undone automatically when you pull on the suit. VERY cool.

Lastly, de Soto offers a suit where you can buy one bottom and separate tops, one sleeveless and one full sleeve. The bottoms look like overalls. It was kinda weird, but a cool idea. If I didn't already own a sleeveless I'd give it a try. Anywho . . . that's what I found out. Cindy, if your suit works maybe you won't have to fork out for a new one!

Edited by kmarzano 2007-04-10 8:21 PM

2007-04-13 12:41 PM
in reply to: #625440

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Wellington, North Island
Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
Hey ladies,

I feel like I've been a little out of touch the past couple of days. I've had a very crazy schedule, but I have been checking your logs even if I haven't been as on top of the inspires.

I hope everyone is doing well. What do you all have planned for the weekend?

2007-04-13 6:47 PM
in reply to: #625440

Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL

I don't really have much planned for the weekend. I was toying with a 9k trail race, but I missed the registration, so instead of registering for that I went ahead and registered for a 4 mile trail race in May. Hopefully I won't forget that I signed up for that.

Other than that, probably going to just lounge around and try to enjoy the weekend, perhaps try to take advantage of the decent weather here and go mountain biking. I heard that over there in the mid-west - east will be experiencing some extreme weather. Good luck to you guys out there!
2007-04-17 7:24 PM
in reply to: #625440

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Wellington, North Island
Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
Hello everyone,

I'm a little late getting this out. Things have been crazy for me lately. I hope everyone had a great weekend and I wanted to see what's on the training agenda for this week. The season is definitely kicking into gear and there are events everywhere now.

If you need some time on the bike, I've been talking to Linda about SAG rides. I'm not sure what SAG stands for exactly, I just know it involves someone driving around with basic bike repair/maintenance stuff in case anything goes wrong or else a ride back to your car if it can't be fixed. There are also maps and markings on the road so you don't get lost. They usually involve periodic stops with snacks, gatorade and water, restrooms, sometimes sunscreen, and most of the time very cheerful volunteers. They also usually have 10, 25, 45, and 65 (or even 100 mile) options so you can pick your poison.

I'd highly recommend them to log some miles on the bike in a more controlled and supported setting. It gives you a chance to practice riding the distance and to try out race nutrition etc without the worry of being stuck miles from anything with a broken bike or upset stomach.

Everyone please let us know how you are.

2007-04-22 5:33 PM
in reply to: #625440

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Wellington, North Island
Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
Hello everyone,

Just wanted to check in and find out what's on everyone's training agenda for the week and how everyone is feeling about their training and/or any upcoming races.

On a non-tri-related note, late Wednesday night my aunt's blood pressure went really high and she got a severe headache and numbness in her arms. She went to the hospital and a small blood vessel had burst in her brain causing bleeding. She's mostly been sleeping since then, improving and then struggling with a terrible headache and an inconsistent ability to move her limbs. It will be a very long recovery for her. Please keep her in your thoughts.

I hope you've all had a great weekend and please check in and let us know how you are.

2007-04-27 11:13 AM
in reply to: #625440

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Wellington, North Island
Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
Hey everyone,

It's Friday again. What is everyone up to this weekend? I have an hour and a half run tomorrow and a 62 mile bike on Sunday. I'll probably spend the rest of the weekend laying around trying to recover.

I think we've lost Kristin from the group. She hasn't posted in weeks. I've inspired her multiple times and sent her a PM. If any of you hear from her, let me know.

On a brighter note, my aunt is doing well. She's had some rough days but now she's consistently making more progress than setbacks and they are feeling very optimistic about her recovery.

I hope everyone is well and please check in.


2007-05-02 5:56 PM
in reply to: #625440

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Wellington, North Island
Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
Anyone wanna do a May challenge?
2007-05-02 7:13 PM
in reply to: #625440

Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
Sure! May challenge, since I didn't succeed in the March challenge. For May, to work out at least 5 times a week to start out. Is it against the rules to tack on more later?
2007-05-02 7:46 PM
in reply to: #625440

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Wellington, North Island
Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
Of course you can tack on more later!!!

My goals will stay the same as well. I seem to have come to a screeching halt with my swimming pace so I'll keep working on that.
2007-05-02 8:50 PM
in reply to: #625440

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Extreme Veteran
Olathe, KS
Bronze member
Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
I'm in for the pink square challenge yet again. A couple people here in Kansas City liked the idea so much they're going to do it too.

Now I just need to get a reward for myself (besides all those beautiful pink squares...).
2007-05-04 7:15 AM
in reply to: #786120

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL

Me too, I'm for pink challenge, and at least 15 light pink squares!

Also to spend weekends out of house and not get totally absorbed in my decluttering project. ;-)

I hope OWS season to start earlier this year for me... water temp is 18 degrees C already!

2007-05-04 2:21 PM
in reply to: #625440

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Wellington, North Island
Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
Welcome to the May challenge Sanja.

After whining for almost three months about my horrible swimming, I've had a really great week this week with it and think I might have met one of my time goals this morning. I've been smiling like a big dork ever since (oh wait, I'm a big dork most of the time anyway).

Anywho, Dan and I are chilling out tonight watching movies, tomorrow I have an hour and a half run and some studying, and a 70 mile ride on Sunday. What does everyone have planned this weekend?

Linda, did you find any organized rides you want to do? Even just the couple I've done this season has really helped my cycling. How is everyone else feeling about their training? Any organized rides or races your thinking of checking into?

Check in with us please!
2007-05-11 7:39 AM
in reply to: #625440

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Wellington, North Island
Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
Hello ladies,

It's Friday again and I wanted to see what everyone has planned for the weekend. Jennifer, you have your trail run, which should be really fun. What is everyone else doing?

Since the next few weeks will be total chaos for me I requested the weekend off from training and it's going to be the weekend of Dan and Kelly. Not sure what we're doing tonight, but we're sleeping in tomorrow and then going to Six Flags Great America tomorrow. I'm bringing my running shoes and bike in case I can get out, but nothing is on the schedule. This has somewhat turned into an unexpected recovery week for me.

I hope everyone feels good about their training right now and please check in with us!!

2007-05-11 8:56 AM
in reply to: #625440

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Extreme Veteran
Olathe, KS
Bronze member
Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
That sounds like a fun weekend... have a good time at Six Flags!

My weekend's going to be pretty low-key. Dave and I don't have anything really planned for tonight. He may go for a ride to the Plaza (a very nice shopping distrcit in KC) with his motorcycle buddies. They all work on and ride vintage bikes (cafe racer style if you're interested). His favorite bike is a 73 Yamaha RD350 (I think). I should put some pics up sometime... his bikes are actually pretty cool.
Anyway, if they go out, I'll probably just stay home and go to bed early. That actually sounds pretty good to me.
Tomorrow I'm doing a 7 mile slow run (I think I've decided against the "Run for the Dogs" but we'll see) and probably a short recovery type swim. Then Dave and I are going to the KC Symphony Saturday night. Sunday, church and a local open water swim in the afternoon. My first of the year... hopefully my wetsuit will be in!

My first tri of the year is next weekend! I can't wait!!!
Have a good weekend all!
2007-05-11 12:43 PM
in reply to: #625440

Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
Wow, sounds like you guys have pretty cool things planned for the weekend! I hope you all have a great time relaxing and spending time with others.

I don't know if this is a dumb question, but when I was in high school, there was a belief that the night before a race you should eat pasta and such for a carb load. I was just curious if you all eat something in particular the day before a race that gives you more energy for the race? Thanks!
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