BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Bob Stocks Group - Closed Rss Feed  
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2010-02-06 3:52 PM
in reply to: #2658885

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
hrliles - 2010-02-06 4:36 PM Lots of snow and cold weather across the Us.  Are you guys getting outside?  For NC, it is frigging cold!  I am getting out but the wind and cold are painful!

Spring is around a corner somewhere! I have no idea where but I'm ready to turn that corner! I have a nice, cold run in the morning with our newly formed triathlon club. Last week we had 7 brave souls meet for a run in -6 degree temps, this week is a balmy 10 degrees!!

Try to stay focused and get something in every day, even a 15 min walk will help with the motivation.

2010-02-06 4:07 PM
in reply to: #2658912

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New York
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
I hope the warm weather is coming soon for you all.

I'm heading off for a 70km ride around the island now.  It's probably 85F at 6am now. 

Have a great day!

2010-02-06 4:25 PM
in reply to: #2579109

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Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed

drainer ride dreadmill run brick!!!!

this weahter sucks in the north east

2010-02-06 7:11 PM
in reply to: #2658936

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
tpnguyen10 - 2010-02-06 5:07 PM I hope the warm weather is coming soon for you all.

I'm heading off for a 70km ride around the island now.  It's probably 85F at 6am now. 

Have a great day!

THAT was just cruel!! NOT FUNNY!!!
2010-02-07 10:01 PM
in reply to: #2658936

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
just wrong in every way!  Unless you are inviting us over, don't brag man! 
2010-02-07 10:10 PM
in reply to: #2660464

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New York
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
hrliles - 2010-02-08 12:01 PM just wrong in every way!  Unless you are inviting us over, don't brag man! 

you all are always invited over!  The invitation has always been there.

2010-02-10 7:45 PM
in reply to: #2660474

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
My wife, 2 dogs, and 3 young kids are excited.  We plan to stay for about 3 weeks.  See you Saturday.  BTW, where do you keep the beer?

Same goes here my friend, door's always open.
2010-02-11 10:33 PM
in reply to: #2666934

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New York
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
hrliles - 2010-02-11 9:45 AM My wife, 2 dogs, and 3 young kids are excited.  We plan to stay for about 3 weeks.  See you Saturday.  BTW, where do you keep the beer?

Same goes here my friend, door's always open.

Perfect! we love dogs. Had to leave our Vizsla behind when we moved out here . your kids can babysit Emma while we train and the girls go to the spa!  We have a hard workout this weekend... Sat: 15km run and 2km swim. Sun: 70km bike and lifting.  Oh, did I mention that we have a kegerator .

I heard the NE got dumped with tons of snow and was a snow day for NYC and NYC public schools. did any of you guys get hit by it?  Stay warm and stay safe!
2010-02-13 7:49 PM
in reply to: #2579109

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
Today, 49 US states had snow!  Myrtle Beach SC cancelled ther Marathon!  I did run 8 miles and biking 63 tomorrow.  NC got a good snow as well!
2010-02-13 8:26 PM
in reply to: #2671793

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
hrliles - 2010-02-13 8:49 PM Today, 49 US states had snow!  Myrtle Beach SC cancelled ther Marathon!  I did run 8 miles and biking 63 tomorrow.  NC got a good snow as well!

Sorry to hear about your registration woes. Glad you got a run in anyways. What's the weather look like for your ride tomorrow?
2010-02-14 5:59 AM
in reply to: #2671842

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
a balmy 29 right now warming to 40.  Saying it feels like 21-32 today  Oh well, ride on

2010-02-20 2:14 PM
in reply to: #2579109

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
1st Marathon in 5 weeks!  Longest run to date is 13 miles.  Hope Im ready!  My goal is to just finish in less than 5 hours.  I want to get 2 Marys done befoer IMKY so I know what to expect at the end.

Hopr you all are doing great and training hard!
2010-02-23 12:20 PM
in reply to: #2579109

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
Current weight 210, down from 214.
2010-02-23 12:23 PM
in reply to: #2688552

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed

hrliles - 2010-02-23 12:20 PM Current weight 210, down from 214.


2010-02-23 12:27 PM
in reply to: #2683641

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed

hrliles - 2010-02-20 2:14 PM 1st Marathon in 5 weeks!  Longest run to date is 13 miles.  Hope Im ready!  My goal is to just finish in less than 5 hours.  I want to get 2 Marys done befoer IMKY so I know what to expect at the end.

Hopr you all are doing great and training hard!

How exciting that your first marathon is coming up!!  I did my first (and only) marathon last Oct - so I'd at least know what a marathon felt like before signing up . . . what training plan are you following for IMKY?  I'm doing IMWI in Sep and using Going Long to develop training - tho I may change that . . .


2010-02-23 12:46 PM
in reply to: #2688581

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed

Hey All!

Been busy training here.  I've been so focused on my IM training that I just realized my first half-marathon is coming up in less than 10 weeks - sneaking up fast!  I'm very excited to have a race on the horizon!  I can't wait for warmer weather - I know I'm not alone there . . . upper 30's or low 40's would be AWESOME!  Soon . . . very soon   I'm also hoping to do a 5k on Mar 17th - I started doing races in 2008 - and just realized I don't think I've done a 5k yet?!

I'm still enjoying masters swimming - getting faster.  Apparently I have a strong kick - any thoughts on that - good/bad for a triathlete?  My coach says it is a myth that it is bad and to keep it.  On the flipside, when we do pull drills I am SUPER slow - very dependent on my kick apparently.  I asked him about that last week and he said that's why we did the "stack the hips" drill - for my benefit - apparently I swim flat like a board.  I'm open to tips on improving the pull portion of my stroke if anyone has any . . .

Running - still focusing on form - still running 1 min/mi faster than I was - simply from following a few form techniques from the chi running book - stoked about that and hoping to see bigger improvements this year.  My main focuse right now is on becoming a midfoot runner (I probably was a heel runner).  I've been trying some striders out at the gym after my runs barefoot to get a feel for running softly and gently.  Anyone else dabble in barefoot running or changing form over to midfoot?  Anyone have a pair of Netwon's?  I tried some on at an expo last Jan and liked them, but the sales guy didn't push them on me since I was more of a heel runner and they are made for midfoot runners.  Now that I'm making the change I'd LOVE to get a pair - but I know they were pricey.

Biking - UGGGGHHH!!!  I'm miserable on my bike   Doesn't make for good IM training!  I'm low on cashflow right now and think I need to change some things.  The seat is horribly uncomfortable - I'm going to try to adjust it myself and see if that helps.  I have a feeling I need a different one.  I'm getting better at aero, but find now both feet hurt after only an hour.  The left always did (poor fitting shoe-rubs along the outside by the pinky toe).  Now the right foot goes numb where my foot meets the pedal.  The first time that happened I didn't think feeling was going to come back - like I damaged a nerve - scared me bigtime!  Anything I can do to help with that?  New shoes are needed - just not ready to spend the money.  I'd also like a bike fit at some point . . . anyhow . . .

I'd love any thoughts from anyone on any of this   How's everyone else doing??


2010-02-23 1:32 PM
in reply to: #2579109

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed

Can't help you on swimming.  Running, I'm working on mid foot stikes, I was a heel runner.  My Plantar fasciitis is less intense when I put less pressure on the heel though.  On the bike...I had a comfort problem and bought a Cobb saddle, the ISM Racing saddles, White w/ red white blue, the Olympic one, I love the feel, less pressue on the privates.

I'm following the plan on BT for IM, right now Im still in winter maintenance, running focused.



2010-02-26 12:40 AM
in reply to: #2579109

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New York
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
any tips on how to properly pick up a baby??? Rudy? my back is killing me.. and it's not from the training

Checked my weight recently.. was down to 186 a few days ago, but I'm back up 188.  Damn those french fries!

How's training going for everyone?

I have an aquathlon this weekend to kick the season off.  Plan to go out there and just have a good time .

2010-02-26 9:35 PM
in reply to: #2579109

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed

Gently!  Pick up baby in front of mom, get points.  Put dishes away, only and only if mom is watching, if she does not see it , it never happened, put your clothes away, only is mom is watching, if she is not wait to she is in same room, then begin to put clothes away.  Note main points here.  If she didn't see it, it didn't happen.  It must be a visual and subtle on your part as not to be obvious, I guarantee 110% the woman is watching with the piericng internal GPS radar xray vision.  Get it.  So when you pick the baby up, gently, don't make a big fuss, just do it, be cool, and watch the brownie points months.

Marathon in 3 weeks.  My first.  down 4 pounds, go is 5 more by start time.  Good luck in the event!

What's up Bob, where are you man?  Get this group pumped man.

2010-02-27 4:05 AM
in reply to: #2696508

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
hrliles - 2010-02-26 10:35 PM

Gently!  Pick up baby in front of mom, get points.  Put dishes away, only and only if mom is watching, if she does not see it , it never happened, put your clothes away, only is mom is watching, if she is not wait to she is in same room, then begin to put clothes away.  Note main points here.  If she didn't see it, it didn't happen.  It must be a visual and subtle on your part as not to be obvious, I guarantee 110% the woman is watching with the piericng internal GPS radar xray vision.  Get it.  So when you pick the baby up, gently, don't make a big fuss, just do it, be cool, and watch the brownie points months.

Marathon in 3 weeks.  My first.  down 4 pounds, go is 5 more by start time.  Good luck in the event!

What's up Bob, where are you man?  Get this group pumped man.

Thanks for the kick in the a$$ Harold. I couldn't agree more with your assessment of how to pick up a baby. (Putting laundry away and cleaning house are huge on the brownie list.)

Honestly Tuffli, with my kids I used to pick them up and carry them around with them facing forward with my forearm across their chest and hand holding their crotch. Then there was the occasional "football" hold with the arm going between the legs supporting the chest and thumb and forefinger supporting the chin. How is mom and baby doing? Any pics?

I apologize for not being around as much as I would like. We have some shake-ups going at work that has kept me offline and I broke my rib snowboarding a couple weeks ago which has made my marathon training challenging (and painful).

How was the cold ride in Myrtle Beach Harold? We just got a couple feet dumped on us, I'm sooooo ready for spring! You're going to have a blast at your marathon Harold. Take it easier for the first 10 miles than you think you have to, it will make the last 6 much more manageable.

Let's get the chatter going again and bring this group back from the bottom feeding!
2010-02-27 6:50 AM
in reply to: #2579109

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
Coldest and most windy ride I have ever done.  Took 3:47 to do 63 miles.  One I want to forget.

2010-02-27 8:17 PM
in reply to: #2694617

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Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
tpnguyen10 - 2010-02-26 1:40 AM any tips on how to properly pick up a baby??? Rudy? my back is killing me.. and it's not from the training

Checked my weight recently.. was down to 186 a few days ago, but I'm back up 188.  Damn those french fries!

How's training going for everyone?

I have an aquathlon this weekend to kick the season off.  Plan to go out there and just have a good time .


Dood, you are not back has never hurt so much.

On a training note, i have been running pain free, gettingtho the pool once a week, and have my first Road Bicycle race (Crit series) nest sunday.

Sorry i have been MIA, just alot of stuff going on!!

Take care all, i will be back sooon!!!

2010-03-01 8:12 PM
in reply to: #2579109

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
Where is everyone on weight goals? 
2010-03-02 6:26 AM
in reply to: #2579109

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Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
holding at 240, cannot get lower, very disappointed, hopefully spring will chane it with warmer weather and more outdoor activity

2010-03-02 12:32 PM
in reply to: #2688849

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed

hrliles - 2010-02-23 1:32 PM

Can't help you on swimming.  Running, I'm working on mid foot stikes, I was a heel runner.  My Plantar fasciitis is less intense when I put less pressure on the heel though.  On the bike...I had a comfort problem and bought a Cobb saddle, the ISM Racing saddles, White w/ red white blue, the Olympic one, I love the feel, less pressue on the privates.

I'm following the plan on BT for IM, right now Im still in winter maintenance, running focused.



I REALLY need to look into a bike seat (and a fit) next - but for now I did get a new pair of shoes!  That should help some - looking forward to giving them a try tonight. 

For those of you riding aero - was it a hard adjustment to make?


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