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2009-02-10 1:06 PM
in reply to: #1862005

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
so, how was everyone's day?  I had my master's class and it was fine.  I wish the coaches gave more feedback though.  They seem to have very hands off approach sometimes.

2009-02-10 8:45 PM
in reply to: #1954967

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Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED

Doing well over here... spent some time on the bike in the gym. Gave myself a good workout and I'm feeling pretty good overall.

Swimming and running tomorrow (Wed) - looking forward to an early start to the day.


2009-02-11 3:06 PM
in reply to: #1862005

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Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED

Kevin, you'll need to post some videos of yourself with that sweet new swim stroke.  Man, that's huge for you to overcome the concern with the swim.  Glad that worked out for you!

I'm planning to get out and run early tomorrow morning again.  Not important for any of you to know but I figure posting it here may make me accountable.  Can't hit the snooze button now... 

2009-02-12 2:49 PM
in reply to: #1862005

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
How was everyone's day today?
2009-02-12 3:31 PM
in reply to: #1959315

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Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED

tricrazy - 2009-02-12 2:49 PM How was everyone's day today?

 I made my early morning run goal and even got a lunch time bike ride in.  Beautiful day in Dallas!  Week 2 of IM training is almost over.  Swim tomorrow and some weekend bikiing on tap.


2009-02-12 9:01 PM
in reply to: #1862005

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Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
Hey guys! I'm still here...

I've done zero workouts since Sunday. And it's making me feel like crap.

Let's just say, I've been doing everything I can to stay afloat at work this week. For some perspective, I've already put in 47 hours and there's a good chance I'll be working through the long weekend. I've been treading water all week long, unfortunately it's just not in the pool.

I hope to be back in the swing of things and chatty soon...

(Thanks for stalking me, Todd!!)

2009-02-13 12:37 PM
in reply to: #1862005

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
Hope your work schedule eases up soon!
2009-02-13 3:41 PM
in reply to: #1862005

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
I went for a run this afternoon and it was so gorgeous out!!  About 65 degrees, sunny, with a little breeze.  North carolina is awesome!!!
2009-02-14 1:20 PM
in reply to: #1862005

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
How was everyone's Saturday?
2009-02-16 2:54 PM
in reply to: #1862005

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
Where is everyone?  I'm lonely.  Frown
2009-02-16 9:22 PM
in reply to: #1862005

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Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED

I'm here!  Maybe if we pose some very controversial triathlon theory here they will jump back in.

We could question the whole theory behind Total Immersion.  That will at least get one person going! 

2009-02-16 9:48 PM
in reply to: #1862005

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West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED

Indeed it will Todd!!!  I have been mia on posting - been logging more frequent flyer miles than training/blogging miles.  Back on plan today, felt great and will certainly sleep well tonight.

As for TI, today was my first swim since the workshop. What's nice is that I have a whole plan to build on - both distance, but really more on "muscle memory" for proper form.  I'm still amazed at the effortlessness that it takes for me to now do 200 yds.  Two weeks ago, it was a stretch to finish 100.

So, anyone have any TI q's???


2009-02-17 9:21 AM
in reply to: #1862005

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Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
I'm so glad the TI class was beneficial for you!!! You'll be doing timed 1,000m's before you know it.

After the week I had last week (seriously people...63 hours in 5 and a half days) I needed a day to unwind and let my body I didn't do anything over the weekend (except eat an extra slice of cake at my nephew's birthday party). I felt bad about it for all of 5 seconds. I worked a few hours yesterday, but not until after I got 1650 in at the pool. It felt good and easy. I watched the catch and pull drill a few times before I left and felt my "gliding" form coming back quickly. The only issue was that I found when I really focused on my pull through, I didn't drive my hips.

It'll take some time for everything to click.

I'm just thankful that right now is our super crazy time for my core team rather than later in the summer when I'll need all the daylight hours I can get!

I'm so ready for this excessive work stress to be over!
2009-02-17 5:26 PM
in reply to: #1862005

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
How was everyone's day?  Mine was good.  Had my masters class.
2009-02-18 5:48 AM
in reply to: #1967097

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Ann Arbor,MI
Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED

Good morning everyone! Just got back from the pool. Today I hit it for 1000 yards in 22:45. I felt pretty good the whole time. It is time to get out my TI book and re-read it. From what you guys say, it seems like it really can help. 

 Running tomorrow. Maybe outside.


2009-02-18 8:35 AM
in reply to: #1862005

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
Great swim!  I would love to be able to swim that well!!

2009-02-21 6:15 AM
in reply to: #1862005

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Ann Arbor,MI
Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED

Going to the pool before the big storm hits. How much snow is there in Chicago?


2009-02-21 10:10 AM
in reply to: #1974407

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Ann Arbor,MI
Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
tommyp2602 - 2009-02-21 7:15 AM

Going to the pool before the big storm hits. How much snow is there in Chicago?


 So I did another 1000 yards. I managed to better my time by 30 sec.  - 22:16. If I would just read the TI book, I might be able to get a bit faster. Hope everyone has a great weekend!


2009-02-22 5:17 PM
in reply to: #1862005

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Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED

Hey everyone-

All is well over here in NJ. Went to the Y yesterday (Sat) for a swim and a run. Today was a 4 mile ride on the mountain bike.

Still sticking with the plan (but added an extra swim this week b/c I felt like spending more time in the water) - looking forward to increasing the volume a bit more this week.

I also borrowed my friend's TI book & DVD yesterday. I'm looking forward to incorporating some of the techniques in the coming weeks.

On a personal note, today my wife and I celebrated six years of marriage. 

Hope everyone has a good start to their week tomorrow.



2009-02-22 7:05 PM
in reply to: #1862005

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
Congrats on the anniversary!  We will be going on 11 in June.
2009-02-25 5:59 AM
in reply to: #1862005

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Ann Arbor,MI
Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED

Hit the pool again today. Was just going to wimp out and do a quick 500, ended up doing 750, same timing as before. 

 Does any body have a Facebook account? If you do, my email on there is [email protected].

 Come on people - where is everyone?

2009-02-27 6:41 AM
in reply to: #1980664

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Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED

Hey everybody...

Had a great week over here in NJ.  My first race keeps on getting earlier and earlier... originally it was going to be July... then people at my work are doing a fundraise for Children's Hospital of Philadelphia for the Philly Triathlon in June, so I signed up for that one.  Then the fact that there will be over 1000+ people at the Philly Triathlon made me realize that I would like to get some race experience under my belt at a smaller event, so I'm signing up for the Hammonton Triathlon down for the Sat of Memorial Day weekend.

I don't want to jinx myself, but I'm REALLY excited about the races - I feel really good, I've dropped a little weight and I'm really confident that I'll be ready by May.

Hope to hear from everyone else soon,


2009-02-27 6:56 AM
in reply to: #1862005

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Subject: Good Sources for Used Road Bikes


I'm on the market for a used road bike in the $400 - $600 range.

I have a friend of a friend who owns a bike shop and he said that my ideal frame size is 57.2cm.

I'm checking the following places for listings:

I also will be calling around to local bike shops to see what they might have available.

Any other suggestions on where to look for used bikes?

Thanks for your help.


2009-02-27 7:30 AM
in reply to: #1862005

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Ann Arbor,MI
Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED


Hey AJ,

 Loading up the races eh? That's cool. I need to get my butt in gear and get signed up for mine. I registered for one, but there are a few more I want to hit this year. 

 On a side note- I hit the pool again today - for part of the swim I had to swim circles. First time for that, it was weird. But we managed just fine. 1000 yds in 22:15 again. I'm nothing if not consistent.

Have a good weekend everyone!



2009-03-02 1:11 PM
in reply to: #1862005

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Ann Arbor,MI
Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED

So I got up to go swim this morning - but when I took the dog out at 5:05am, it was 3 degrees. I really didn't feel like getting in any water. 

 So instead, I stayed home and did a 40 min workout of strength, cardio and abs. My wife was bugged when she came down and saw me working out and that I didn't wake her up to workout too. I love her. What wife gets mad at you becasue you DIDN'T wake them up to workout? (We also fight over who gets to shovel the driveway when it snows, we both want to.)

 I might run tonight anyway, just 'cause I need to.                                                                                                                                                                                                              Tom

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