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2010-05-16 3:51 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED

Thanks for the information.  I don't have paddles, but that can be easily remedied.  You said you have "shaped" paddles; is there a particular "shape" I should look for?

You threw me a bit by the "drawing a keyhole" analogy; until I realized that in butterfly both arms work in concert so, together they were drawing a keyhole.  Embarassed

I don't think I have a concern about sinking - I think I just learned the stroke incorrectly and now have to figure out how to correct it.  Even so, what do you mean by trying it with a kickboard first?  I can't picture working on my stroke while using a kickboard....

Thanks again,  Ann-Marie 

2010-05-17 2:01 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
It's alright, I figured what I posted might be hard to understand... (picture me making movements with my hands while I am typing, lol... I need video to explain!!)

Basically, with the kickboard, you are pretty much doing catchup... always holding the board out the front with one hand. One arm at a time, holding the board with the other. That way, you can concentrate on the stroke, rather than taking a mouthful of water if you don't float so well.

As for the paddles... mine are curved like your hand, but then at the index finger, they are curved slightly up. It's hard work on your arms though!

Did that make more sense? Otherwise I can send you pics of the paddles, and I'll see if I can find a video of the drill or something.... Lol.
2010-05-17 9:40 AM
in reply to: #2855517

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Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
I raced in a regular Speedo swimsuit for my first race. That works as long as you are comfortable running with nothing on your legs. A speedo or tyr bikini top will do too. I also like the Zoot tops with a built in bra - but I'm not big on top so don't need to much support.

You will always swim faster in a wetsuit. That being said, you don't need one for your first race if the water is above the upper 60s. If you do get a wetsuit I recommend purchasing one with sleeves. The new ones allow for full range of motion when they fit properly.
2010-05-17 10:11 AM
in reply to: #2862431

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Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
swayerm - 2010-05-17 3:01 AM

It's alright, I figured what I posted might be hard to understand... (picture me making movements with my hands while I am typing, lol... I need video to explain!!)

I know exactly what you mean! I do the same thing!

Ann-Marie - Jess has some good advice here. These are some additional things I would add:

The straight arm/windmill pull is something a lot of people struggle with. When I teach lessons I ask people to try to get out of the pool (when side of pool is about shoulder height) using their arms without bending them - next to impossible. Then try pushing yourself out of the pool with your hands about shoulder width apart and elbows bent at about 90 degrees. This should be much easier. This basically mimics what your arms are doing in the water (although one at a time).

You want to continually pull still water. Pulling your arm straight down means your pulling moving water so it won't make you move forward as quickly as pulling still water (physics). This is where the "S" or what I like to call "q and p" pull comes in. Take a look at this freestyle catch drill video and this video of freestyle swimming for good examples of "the catch." Your should be getting the most forward propulsion out of the front quadrant of your stroke (the top part of your pull) versus the back part of your pull.

Some drills to work on this:
1. Fist drill - swim with hands closed so you have to pull the water with your arms
2. Swim with paddles and buoy (paddles help with feel of water and buoy helps keep you aflot and isolates arm movement)
3. catch up stroke - Start with arms fully extended above shoulders. Pull with right arm and do not start the left arm pull until the right arm is back in the starting position ( another isolation drill).

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.

Also, this goes for everyone. If you would like me to critique your stroke the best way is to send me a video

If you can get someone to videotape your swimming (1 lap right side, 1 lap left side, 1 lap swimming away from camera and 1 lap swimming towards camera) I can take a look at your form to give you some pointers. If you have access to an underwater camera get the same shots underwater too.

2010-05-17 11:47 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Jess and Megan,

thanks for the tips.  I worked on the stroke this am and think that I made progress - at least if you define progress as "man this is a lot harder!".  I did notice that there seemed to be some hesitation between the end of one stroke and the start of another; in other words, the stroke did not seem as fluid, although it did seem like I was moving more water and was faster,  I also did not seem to have the endurance that I normally have.
Those videos were helpful and I'm sure with a couple of more workouts I will look exactly like those swimmers  
2010-05-18 10:12 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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, Texas
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Included in my masters group is underwater video. It is completely awesome and I recommend it to anyone if you have the means. Coach breaks out the camera about once a quarter and sometimes lets us burn it to DVD.

Anyway, here is mine from about a year ago.
I've changed a few things since then, but feel free to critique it anyway. My biggest things I've worked on are the kick (more from hips & fix right kick) and high elbow during catch, especially on the right side. Also, when I converted it from the recorded format to avi, it slowed down the video. So, even though the video is 2' long, the time in the actual video clip is correct

Hopefully I'll get a current one soon.

2010-05-19 6:40 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
I think I've been inspired to drag Superman to the pool to video my stroke now :D
2010-05-19 7:27 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
I think I may have had a swimming break through this am!  Last wednesday part of our swim workout was a timed 500 yd swim; we repeated it this morning and I dropped more than 30 seconds from my time!  There were 2 differences b/w the days:  first 500 was done after a "normal" warm up and with my standard windmill stroke; the second 500 was done after a longer warm up and done with me concentrating on my catch and pull.  The differences in the warm up were done by our coach to highlight how our self-imposed warm ups are too short and that a longer warmup will provide a better/faster workout.  So, I'm sure the difference in warm ups had some positive effect on my time, but I think my improved stroke had a bigger effect.  In fact, I finished slightly ahead of a woman who always is faster than I am (of course she was having a bit of an off day, but I'm going to ignore that).

So, thanks for the tips - I still have a long way to go, but it is nice to see positive gains. 
2010-05-19 9:25 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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, Texas
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Great job Ann-Marie. 30 secs is a huge drop in time and it has to be mostly an improvement in stroke. Also, being under 2:00 per 100 has you well on your way to a good triathlete swim.
2010-05-19 2:01 PM
in reply to: #2867600

New user

Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
I do not swim with a coach or a team but I have started following workout plans that I found on They are  3200+ meter workouts to be completed within an hour.  I have also noticed that I swim much stronger after a longer warm up and that it takes me at least 30 minutes to really get going strong.  On that note, I am wondering how to approach the swim of my first triathlon (sprint) in August. I can see two problems already.  The first, I don't feel like I swim very strong in the mornings.  I feel much more powerful in the afternoons and that is when I usually practice.  The second, if it takes 30 minutes to warm up how do people address that aspect of the race? or shall I say pre-race?
Thanks ladies for the input on the gear for racing.  I am built larger and I am not sure what I will find to wear.  There is no chance I will be running in a speedo, it just won't work.   I will have to get something that offers maximum support.  What do you know of that offers more support and you can swim in and it dries fast?  Who knows, maybe I am asking for something that has not been developed yet.  
2010-05-19 2:33 PM
in reply to: #2867969

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Thanks! Of course another potential reason for the drop in time is that I may have been dogging it on the first 500, but I'm going to stick with finally improving my stroke a bit

2010-05-19 2:41 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED

First, you are way faster than I am in the swim if you are getting 3000+ meters in one hour!  that's great.  I'm not the most experienced triathlete here, but regarding your concern of not getting in a 30 minute warm up before the race, in many (most) races, you can get in the water a warm up prior to the race.  I don't know if you can get in a full 30 minutes, but you be able to get some warm up done.  Others can speak more intelligently than I about the best way to get into a groove in the swim as I'm still trying to figure that out.  

As far as what to wear, I know a number of women that will wear sports bras under their tritop (or in my case yoga top), some even double them up.  After the swim, you can toss on another shirt if you are more comfortable and/or don't want to wear a race belt on the run. 
2010-05-19 7:52 PM
in reply to: #2865585

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Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Chris - Your video looks pretty good (for a triathlete )

Here is what I noticed -
1. Right arm is entering the water by your head, then going forward and down in the water. This action shortens your catch because it's starting about 6" below where it should. Try entering the water with your hand with your arm fully extended so that you can start the catch closer to the surface of the water. Your left arm seems to be doing a better job at this.
2. When you breath you bend your left leg - work to narrow that kick when you take a breath.

Body position and rolling looked pretty good.
2010-05-19 7:59 PM
in reply to: #2869044

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Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Ann-Marie - Great job with the 500 TT! It is great to put in the work and see results like that!

Amanda- Here is what I do before a triathlon race for warmup when possible:
After setting up my transition area, getting body marked, etc. I go for about an 8-10 min jog with about 2 pick ups at the end of the jog. Then I go for a ride - maybe the first and last part of the bike course. I usually go for about 20 minutes. Again, most of this is easy with a few 1 min threshold efforts sprinkled in near the end. Then I usually make sure everything in my transition area is ready to go and hop in the water for 5 to 10 minutes of swim WU (again with a few 10-15 stroke harder efforts sprinkled in). Then I usually have 5-10 minutes before the start.
2010-05-20 3:48 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED

I'm a bigger girl too, and in my first tri, I wore a sports bra, under speedo's and then just chucked on a pair of shorts and a singlet for the run. Worked fair enough, except I fell over trying to put them on  in transition, lol.

I have just bought a 2XU tri suit for next season, and I will still wear my sports bra under the suit (to try NOT to give myself a black eye!!) but the suits make transition much faster. It was kind of expensive though...
2010-05-20 9:18 PM
in reply to: #2869692

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, Texas
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED

Thanks for the tips. Trust me, I'm reminded that I'm not a "swimmer" at my normal masters swims
It is humbling to see it in video though.

2010-05-21 1:09 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
I had a revelation today. If I kick my dog in the butt, I run faster.
Think I'll be allowed to take her in events? She's very sociable, lol.

I still have killer sore hamstrings from weeding the garden. But it did cause me to learn how to run, so I had a good one today. More walking that I would have liked due to thinking I could breathe, forgot my inhaler... but I am getting there!
Might make a runner out of me yet!

I've got a 5km fun run on the 6th of June. So that's a start

What's plans for the weekend? Superman and I are heading to his family's holiday house to celebrate his birthday (which is Monday) cos I am on call for his ACTUAL birthday.
I am getting him a road bike :D
Dad just got a new one, and he has a classic old centurian that's perfect for Superman. Yay!
2010-05-21 7:26 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Nothing too special this weekend, although I am running a 1/2 marathon tomorrow.  It is an unofficial run put on by the runnng store that sponsers the marathon training sessions that I do.  The race marks the end of the maintence session.  The really cool thing about the race is that at the end we all get to pick out race shirts that were either not picked up or were left over from the various races the store puts on throughout the year.  I live in those shirts year round!   
2010-05-21 9:51 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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, Texas
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
I've got a campout with my son in cub scouts. It's the end of the season camping party and should be fun.
I really need to get on the bike for a decent 2-3hr ride. I've got an Oly on June 6'th and I've yet to have a ride more than 20 miles this year Surprised.
2010-05-23 6:17 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Hope everyone had a good weekend and those that were racing were pleased with their results.

I was able to start biking again this weekend and road rash is healing nicely. Hoping my black eye will vanish by tomorrow in time for my birthday.

Was planning on doing the Rev3 1/2 in two weeks, but due to the bone bruise in my leg I downgraded to the Aquabike instead. Should be a good day of training and will allow me to compete in a sprint on fresher legs the following weekend.

2010-05-23 7:33 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED

Sounds like you had an epic crash!  Makes me feel like a wimp complaining of minor muscle fatigue.  
Happy BirthdayLaughing


2010-05-24 3:03 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED

It's Superman's birthday today too.

I love birthdays

I got Dad's old road bike for him for his birthday (yes, I know, second hand bike, but hey...) and I bought a kindle for us to share... It's an ebook reader for those not in the know, download and read instead of buy the hardcopy and read. It's awesome.


Edited by swayerm 2010-05-24 3:03 AM
2010-05-26 6:25 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED

Where is everyone???

I just resigned from my job. Seriously, I feel like 20kg lighter, it's fabulous.
Going to be interesting when we have the "meeting" to "announce" my departure.
I finish up here on the 10th.

Start my new job on the 21st of June.


And I have an RDO tomorrow. Even better!

How's everyone doing?

Oh, I entered the Hexman at the Half Ironman event in my hometown. I don't think I can handle ironman so early, so I'll do it next year. Just build this year me thinks
2010-05-26 8:07 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED

Changing jobs is exciting - congrats!  And I assume RDO means regular day off, those are always nice.  I'm taking Friday off to make a nice 4 day weekend, so yea for me!
I'd say congrats on the Hexman, but I don't know what that is  Surprised; sounds exciting though!

2010-05-26 10:30 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Lol, Ann-Marie, the Hexman is a sprint tri attached to the Half Ironman.

I think it's like 650/30/7 so quite a bit smaller, but I can still be around and be part of the atmosphere for the day.

So looking forward to it!
Now just need to get that bike of mine fixed and get back to riding!! All I've been doing recently is (trying to) run and strength sessions! At least my running is getting better :D
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