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2008-01-10 5:28 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Extreme Veteran
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

Thanks Jenny!

Babs, I forgot to include you in my heartfelt thanks... Embarassed

2008-01-10 9:15 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

I'd like to apologize to all of you for not being a very attentive or supportive mentor the past week.  We are having a bit of a crisis at home, and it's been quite stressful.  

Luckily this is a very supportive mentor group and I'm glad to see you all supporting each other with posts here and inspires... thanks everyone for the inspires you've sent me as well.  I'll try to get caught up with everyone's logs over the weekend.



2008-01-12 2:37 AM
in reply to: #1090940

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
I, too , am struggling with a personal crisis (divorce).  Last week was just terrible.  Emotionally spent, no appetite, no sleep, gallons of stomach get the picture.  Anyway, I was scrounging around for a book to read and (seriously) a self help book fell out onto the floor.  The title caught my eye "Can I Still Be Me and Be Loved By You?".  I made sure no one was looking as I hid the book in my shirt.  The book has been a GODSEND.  My outlook has improved, my optomisim has returned a bit and I don't feel like my head is being held underwater anymore.  Call it fate or good luck, whatever, but the rest of the week was...OK.  I'm still hurting, but I've made some good discoveries about me (and her) that help to explain where we went so wrong.  I'm starting to think that, perhaps, I'm NOT broken beyond repair.  Sorry-maybe TMI for some, but I'm among friends, right? 
2008-01-12 1:56 PM
in reply to: #1151765

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

hey jeff ... divorce is one of the top five stressful life events ... and a tough one to deal with, especially when you have young kids.  I'm sure you've gotten lots of advice from people around you... mine is to try to take care of yourself and look out for the best interests of your children.  And venting to strangers on the internet always helps !!

2007 was a bad year for my husband.. he was diagnosed with diabetes, high blood pressure and has to have thyroid surgery....2008 is not looking much better now - he turns 50 in June and loses his job in July, so he is pretty stressed right now.  Life sucks sometimes.

You're doing well keeping up the training... looks like the swimming is coming along.  Good work.

2008-01-13 5:32 AM
in reply to: #1090940

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
Welcome back, Jeff! Sorry to hear about what you're going through... I'm afraid I can't offer you any advice, but if it's any consolation, from what I know of you here in this forum, you certainly don't seem like a guy who is "broken beyond repair"! Take care of yourself, and it's good to have you back!
2008-01-13 11:30 AM
in reply to: #1090940

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Citrus Springs, Florida
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

I tried to post this before.  If this is a double, sorry. 

Check it out, I made the local paper.  The story is not quite accurate in all the details, but I think it is still pretty cool

2008-01-13 1:48 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
Wow! You're famous! Pretty cool!!
2008-01-14 10:34 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

Hey everyone, I am back.  I got out of the habit of working out over the holidays because I was spending a lot of time snowboarding during my vacation.  Then last Monday I lost my job.  The contract changed and I was no longer needed.  So my boss called me into the office and told me to go home.  Needless to say it was a stressful week for me.  But I have an offer for a new job.  Please cross your fingers and pray that it goes through.

But now I am back on track and working out.  It really does feel good to get out and workout. 


2008-01-15 4:06 AM
in reply to: #1090940

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
Does someone (Lori) have a birthday coming up?  How young is she??????
2008-01-15 9:27 AM
in reply to: #1156570

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Citrus Springs, Florida
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

jeffnboise - 2008-01-15 5:06 AM Does someone (Lori) have a birthday coming up?  How young is she??????

You are a real blabbermouth, aren't you.

2008-01-17 5:41 AM
in reply to: #1090940

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
I noticed our thread fell to almost the bottom of the second page - and I just couldn't let that happen! So here is a meaningless post to put us back on top again!

How's everyone doing? I've had a good couple of weeks with my training, and feeling pretty good about my chances of actually being able to finish an HIM this year! I've manged to get all of my planned workouts in for a week & a half, so I feel pretty good about that! The kids will be off on Monday (Martin Luther King Holiday), so depending on what we decide to do (may take them skiing for the day), that may be the first missed day in my plan.

I took a bunch of time off from the bike for marathon training last fall -- and boy, can I tell! I'm gonna need to spend some time building back up my bike fitness, for sure! Would I get any benefit at all from jumping on the trainer for maybe 15 or 20 minutes on days that are mainly swim or run focused? Just to add a little extra bike base?

Have a great day, everybody!

2008-01-17 7:00 AM
in reply to: #1161271

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Citrus Springs, Florida
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

jsnowash - 2008-01-17 6:41 AM I noticed our thread fell to almost the bottom of the second page - and I just couldn't let that happen! So here is a meaningless post to put us back on top again! How's everyone doing? I've had a good couple of weeks with my training, and feeling pretty good about my chances of actually being able to finish an HIM this year! I've manged to get all of my planned workouts in for a week & a half, so I feel pretty good about that! The kids will be off on Monday (Martin Luther King Holiday), so depending on what we decide to do (may take them skiing for the day), that may be the first missed day in my plan. I took a bunch of time off from the bike for marathon training last fall -- and boy, can I tell! I'm gonna need to spend some time building back up my bike fitness, for sure! Would I get any benefit at all from jumping on the trainer for maybe 15 or 20 minutes on days that are mainly swim or run focused? Just to add a little extra bike base? Have a great day, everybody!


Sorry I have been MIA.  I started my job this week and on Mon. they gave me another class (and another prep) for Thurs. nights.  I have been frantically trying to get 11 weeks of work put together for a class I have never taught before.

Jenny, don't worry.  A day skiing is definitely not a missed day from your plan. It could sub for a running day quite easily.  I used to be really murder on sticking to the plan, but the tris have taught me "it's all good."  Have fun.

I hear your warning about the running and biking. It makes me want to be a little more consistent with my biking right now.   A new colleague of mine is in our local bike club.  He is pushing hard for me to come out to their rides, but I am terrified to ride in a group, on open roads, with my tri bike.  The route I ride here is all bike route and all by myself.  I think  I am going to wait until I have health insurance because he said "Yeah, people crash sometimes."Undecided 

2008-01-17 7:28 AM
in reply to: #1090940

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
Eh - I'm not worried about mising a day in my plan. I'm actually pretty excited that I have managed to make it through most of 2 weeks without missing anything! I know days of missed or reduced training here or there are inevetible. And it'll be fun to go skiing with my kiddos if that's what they want to do with their day off!

Riding with a group can be fun. I like it better than riding by myself - unfortunately, it's tough for me to find folks to ride with during the day when I do most of my training . But you're right, "people do fall off"! So waiting 'til your insurance kicks in might not be a bad idea!

Okay, enough time on the 'puter for now -- time to get the kids off to school....

2008-01-17 11:07 AM
in reply to: #1090940

Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
Yeah, many of us are going through life stress, work demands, health issues, general busy-ness. Maybe we can liven it up with a discussion on some of our favorite things? Maybe, music for your workouts? I love to hear what people listen to (if they do) on their runs, or bikes or SwimP3 (how exactly does that thing work anyway?).

On my long runs I often listen to podcasts, especially NPR programs such as This American Life which often has long, in-depth discussions and interviews that I find amusing and absorbing. As far as music, currently some selecions on my iPod:

Vintage 80's:
Moments in Love by The Art of Noise
Psycho Killer by The Talking Heads

The Great Beyond
Orange Crush
At My Most Beautiful

Music is a big part of my workout, it is a major part of why I so look forward to them.
2008-01-17 12:39 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

Sorry for my absense from the group, as you know we've had some issues going on at our house but things are settling down.  I'll try to catch up with everyone here.

Steve - we're glad you're back at training, it's easy to get sidetracked and can seem overwhelming to restart when you have a race coming up fast... May is not so far away, what can we all do to help you stay consistent and get back into the training plan for Columbia?

Lori - congrats X 3 - first on making the paper, second on your smoking fast 5K last weekend, and third on your birthday! And a new job.. you've been busy !! And you are an inspiration to the rest of us with your consistent training.

Jeff - your training consistency looks great and keep at the swimming... it comes together but takes time.  Sometimes your empty logs scare us but when you update them we see that you've been working hard where it matters. Good work.  Looks like you've got lots of races planned for this season.

Jenny - thanks for keeping the thread going.  Looks like your Black Bear training is going well - what plan are you using or did you design your own?  I still haven't ruled out BB - have you registered yet?

Natalie - glad you are feeling well again, now you need to ease back into it. Do you have a training plan in mind for Muskoka?

Barbara - fabulous.  Keep listening to the bod and take it easy. And I love reading your blog, it's so much more interesting than mine.

Monica - I can't say anything nice to you sitting in the sun on vacation when I'm getting ready to do a long run in the freezing cold !!  j/k   -  hope you're having lots of FUN !!

As for myself I've been back swimming for 2 weeks now and it's feeling good.  I really think I could have been a good swimmer when I  was younger but there was no opportunity for that where I grew up.  So now I have to try to become a good old swimmer and I think I can.  I really like swimming, it's the inconvenience of getting to the pool that I don't like.  I took almost a week off running for no particular reason other than I didn't feel like running, but did run the last couple days and will do a long run today.  I'm overdue to get on the bike so it'll be a trainer ride later - I can run in the cold but not bike. 

For anyone that asks my advice or opinion on anything please remember - Do as I say, not as I do !!   I give really good advice, but I don't necessarily do what I know I should do.

I think by now most of us have at least picked out an A race for the year, although some of us are not commited yet.   I have a couple weeks before I taper for the half marathon, then I need to decide what I'm doing in the spring - either Black Bear HIM or something closer, or depending on the outcome at the 1/2 marathon I may do another half or a full marathon in May instead of BB. I'm still hoping to get into Muskoka 70.3 in Sept.

What is your A race for this season? What training plan are you using/planning to use or are you designing your own?

2008-01-18 6:28 AM
in reply to: #1162089

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
cathyd - 2008-01-17 12:39 PM

Sorry for my absense from the group, as you know we've had some issues going on at our house but things are settling down.  I'll try to catch up with everyone here.

Hey, Cathy, no need to apologize! Seems like just about everybody in this group is dealing with some sort of life struggle at the moment... So we all understand how it is

Jenny - thanks for keeping the thread going.  Looks like your Black Bear training is going well - what plan are you using or did you design your own?  I still haven't ruled out BB - have you registered yet?

Taining is going well so far, but hey, I'm only on the second week!! I've based my plan on the half ironman plan on Tri-Newbies, with a few modifications of my own... I haven't actually registered yet. I think I still have time, and I would like to see how I handle increased training volume as I get further along in the plan. I think I'll be able to handle it, but I figure, why lay down the money yet if I don't have to? It would be GREAT to have you there at BB with me, but if you decide otherwise, I totally understand....

I think by now most of us have at least picked out an A race for the year, although some of us are not commited yet.   I have a couple weeks before I taper for the half marathon, then I need to decide what I'm doing in the spring - either Black Bear HIM or something closer, or depending on the outcome at the 1/2 marathon I may do another half or a full marathon in May instead of BB. I'm still hoping to get into Muskoka 70.3 in Sept.

What is your A race for this season? What training plan are you using/planning to use or are you designing your own?

Good luck with your half marathon! My targeted A race is Black Bear... If for some reason I decide not to do it, my A race will probably become the Philadelphia Olympic Tri. I think the rest of my summer will be pretty casual, race-wise...

2008-01-18 9:14 PM
in reply to: #1162089

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
My MOST special "A" race is the Western States Police and Fireman Olympics, held here in Boise in Aug.  Problem is-I'd like to do some bike racing during that week, as well, but I'm afraid a good bike race will wipe me out for a good tri 3 days later.  Shall see!
2008-01-19 9:28 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: cathyd's group -Fundraiser

To my new friends from BT: 

On March 1-4,  I will be in Moab, Utah for a Lance Armstrong cancer benefit (  Each of the four days will feature a 45-60 mile ride through some of Moab's beautiful landscape (last year average temps were 25-30 degress...burrrr).    I'm asking for your help with this most worthy of causes.

I wouldn't impose on any of you if I didn't feel it was important.  thanks.   jeff

2008-01-28 6:02 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Worcester, MA
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

hello all, I am officially back from sunny cabo to frigid MA.   I am not thrilled to be back at work, but I suppose that just makes me appreciate vacations, right?   at least my husband's schedule changed and he is home this week.

anyway, my A race is cranberry, 8/24.   it will be my first oly.  right now my plan is to focus on running (my major weakness) for the next 12 weeks starting monday with one of the hal higdon plans, working in some swimming and biking too.  after that, I'll do the 16 week beginner oly program here on bt to take me up to cranberry.

the current plan is also to work in some local running races and sprint distance tris.  a woman I know locally (she runs the bootcamp I take) is putting together a training group for the danskin sprint (late july) - I'm interested, but I'm not sure how it will fit with the oly plan, plus I think I'd have to monkey with my work schedule as one of the workouts will be wed PMs.

how have you guys worked shorter distance, lower priority races into your plan for your A race?  do I just go easy the week before and after?  these would all be sprint distances.

2008-01-29 5:52 AM
in reply to: #1180569

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
em73 - 2008-01-28 6:02 PM

anyway, my A race is cranberry, 8/24.   it will be my first oly.  right now my plan is to focus on running (my major weakness) for the next 12 weeks starting monday with one of the hal higdon plans, working in some swimming and biking too.  after that, I'll do the 16 week beginner oly program here on bt to take me up to cranberry.

the current plan is also to work in some local running races and sprint distance tris.  a woman I know locally (she runs the bootcamp I take) is putting together a training group for the danskin sprint (late july) - I'm interested, but I'm not sure how it will fit with the oly plan, plus I think I'd have to monkey with my work schedule as one of the workouts will be wed PMs.

how have you guys worked shorter distance, lower priority races into your plan for your A race?  do I just go easy the week before and after?  these would all be sprint distances.

Welcome back from Cabo! We're all jealous, you know....

I think trying to work in a few sprint distance races before your A race is a good idea. It will give you a chance to experience the open water swim, practice transitions, and just feel what it's like to be in a race in general.

How you approach the sprint races may depend on where you are in your training cycle. You might just do them as "long workouts", in other words, not really pushing your pace, but just doing the whole event at basically an aerobic pace. Or you could use them as pacing practice, trying to maintain a certain target pace on the swim, bike, or run for all or part of the race. How much recovery time you will need after the sprint races will depend somewhat on how hard your effort during the race is.

It looks like the Danskin race is about a month before your oly, which should give you plenty of time to recover and continue to train for your A race. You might consider starting your olympic plan a week or two early to allow yourself some taper/recovery time for the sprint races you'd like to do without "loosing" any time from your olympic training plan. You might find training with a group to be fun! I think I would do it if I could -- but I seem to be on a different training schedule from most people in the sport...

Anyway, welcome back, and have fun training!
2008-01-29 6:43 PM
in reply to: #1180569

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

hi Monica - I agree with jenny's advice.  You can work the sprints into your plan and use them as training bricks.  I found the recovery from a sprint was really quick, and didn't really taper other than a day off before the race.  I think doing a sprint or two would be a good idea as 8/24 is well into the season so it would be nice to have some fun races to do to break up the months of training.

Training with a group sounds like a great idea.  Most people seem to enjoy Masters swimming and group runs and bike rides.

2008-01-30 5:54 PM
in reply to: #1182594

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Worcester, MA
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

thanks guys!   I've never trained with a group before, just my husband (who is faster than I am, of course).    I have fun at boot camp, but that's not the same.

I think I'd get super bored just training for one late race.

2008-02-04 6:56 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Extreme Veteran
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

Hello ladies and gentlemen!

I have not posted in this thread for a while...  All is good, I had to back away from training for a couple of weeks after I recovered from my bronchitis. I needed to focus on my new job so that became my number one priority.

Now that things are much better on the work front, I can get back to training. I am still building my base training schedule, just trying to fit my workouts into my busy schedule. I signed up for all the races I wanted to participate in except for one and paid their fees already. That is a huge motivator to resume training. I have also joined one of the February challenge teams (running) to kick start my running abilities and also joined a running clinic.

I hope everyone is doing well!

2008-02-07 5:03 AM
in reply to: #1194263

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

Welcome back Nats.  Your logs are looking good and joining a running group is a great idea.  Nice to have you back.


2008-02-07 8:49 PM
in reply to: #1198513

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Worcester, MA
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

hey, where is everybody???  I'm currently rocking week one of my running program... this is the first time in my life I've run three days in a row, so I'm happy about that.

 I think we need a good discussion question....   how about this:  what are the top three things that you say to yourself during the hardest part of a workout to keep yourself from quitting/backing off?

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