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2008-05-14 8:12 PM
in reply to: #1352162

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2008-05-16 1:37 PM
in reply to: #1352162

Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)

Hey!  Hope everyone is having a better training week than I am - well, its partly motivation, mostly that I'm in San Francisco visiting family.  I did bring running shoes, so might, might run at some point this weekend. 


I'm with Verna on the fruit flavored GUs.  ew.  I really really like the espresso, chocolate and vanilla.  But I did discover Luna Moons.  Kinda like clif bloks, but smaller and portioned around 100 calories per package.  The clif bloks are like 200 cal per package - a bit much for a shorter workout.  For long rides, I'll pack a 1/2 PB&J sandwich and eat that halfway through.  Just try a bunch of different things Good luck!

Have a great weekend! 

2008-05-19 6:05 AM
in reply to: #1352162


Columbus, WI
Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)

I'm another one who likes the Luna Moons because they are easy to eat while training. I also like the Jelly Belly Sportsbeans, gain because they are easy to eat. I haven't tried any of the gels yet and don't think I will anytime soon.

I have a few very busy weeks coming up, so even though I am now under 8 weeks until race day my training is going to be tough. On Thursday, my boyfirend and I are going to New York City to visit my brother for the weekend, so my workouts will only consist of running. The running this weekend will be a good thing because I am going to run the Race for the Cure with a team from work on May 31st. This will be the 5th year I have participated, but it is the first year that I plan to run the whole 5k. Finally, the first weekend of June I am going to Denver. I am hoping that my workouts don't suffer that weekend, but our hotel does have a workout room and I am an early riser so my goal is to get an hour workout in each morning before everyone else gets up.

As I will be traveling quite a bit over the next month(for both pleasure and work), my question is... what is the best way to stay on track with nutrition while traveling and training? I am pretty good about fitting my workouts in where possible, but I know that my nutrition lacks when I am eating in restaurants constantly.

2008-05-19 12:01 PM
in reply to: #1410089

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2008-05-20 6:32 AM
in reply to: #1411022


Columbus, WI
Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)

When I am traveling for work I try to pick hotels with refrigerators and microwaves in the room. My plan for my upcoming work trip is to prepare my normal breakfast in my room each morning (Weight Control Oatmeal, some fresh fruit, and a glass of skim milk). I also plan to take the snacks that I normally eat with me (fresh vegetables). For lunch we tend to eat whatever is quick, my choices are usually Culver's or Quiznos and I tend to get the side salad and a bowl of soup at Culver's and either a salad or a small sub with soup at Quiznos. In the evening we tend to eat at Applebee's, Olive Garden, or we like to find some place only found in the area. I love a couple of the salads at Applebee's, but at other places I don't usually eat as well. The one thing that keeps me from selecting healthier options is that I do not like fish at all, only shrimp, so I am usually limited in the selection of healthier choices.

When I travel for pleasure, like this weekend to New York, we usually just eat whatever is quick. I know that we plan to have pizza once and on Saturday we are going to the Yankee game so I will be eating at the ballpark. Other than that I try to choose the healthier options when I eat out. My biggest downfall this weekend will be the piece of New York cheesecake that I have already promised my boyfriend.

2008-05-21 5:07 PM
in reply to: #1352162

Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)
Hey guys!  Just dropping a quick note to see how everyone is doing this week.  I have not had the best week training wise but there wasn't much I could do about it.  I'm happy to report that today was better.  Hope you all are doing well! Cool

2008-05-25 2:22 PM
in reply to: #1352162

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2008-05-29 11:32 AM
in reply to: #1423699

Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)

Hi everyone! Sorry I've been MIA, but I was in SF, CA for a long weekend then my girlfriends came in for Memorial Day Weekend.  We ran the Bolder Boulder and had a great time - we dressed up and were all obnoxious like... it was fun. 

 These past 2 weeks have been training non-existent for me.  But I'm back on a more normal schedule so my training log will be updated and more consistent! 

Whats everyone doing this weekend? Anyone racing?  I've got a century on Sunday I'm totally not prepared for. Oh and my bike computer isn't working quite right, which doesn't really make me happy. Argh.

Hope everyone has a good thursday! 

2008-05-30 7:46 AM
in reply to: #1352162

Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)

TGIF everyone!  I have one more week until my first tri.  I am super excited BUT a bit annoyed since my wetsuit STILL isn't here!  Yikes.  They told me it would be here today BUT, it doesn't look like it will come until Tuesday or Wednesday.  Nothing like cutting it close.  It still gives me a few days to test it out but I'm a bit nervous about it.  Sigh.  I'm almost at the point that I can't wait until it's OVER!  

What has everyone else been up to this week?  I hope you all had a great Memorial Day weekend and enjoy this weekend too!

2008-05-30 5:39 PM
in reply to: #1352162


Columbus, WI
Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)

I feel like I have been really bad about my training this last week. I spent Memorial Day weekend in New York City visiting my brother, so training was tough. I spent most of the weekend walking 5-10 miles around Manhattan each day.

I am participating in the Komen Race for the Cure tomorrow in Madison and plan to run the 5K for the first time. My goal is to finish in around 30 minutes and I should be able to do it because I am running with a group from work who will make sure I keep up with them.

Hope everyone has a good weekend! 


2008-06-02 12:47 AM
in reply to: #1352162

I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)
Hey gang! Sorry I've also been MIA. I had a friend in from Detroit visiting for a couple of weeks. We had a great time while he was here, including a trip out to Palm Springs & Joshua Tree National Park for some hiking. He headed back home yesterday, so it's back to the real world for me.

Hope everyone has a great week!

2008-06-02 6:20 AM
in reply to: #1352162

Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)
Taper week this week, finally!!!  I am so excited/terrified about my race Sunday.  I am very glad it is almost here since I have been training since January (thank goodness I added this race and didn't wait until August, I'd go crazy!) BUT, due to the fact I just did my first OWS yesterday and it was a DISASTER, I am more nervous then I was last week!  The water was so choppy and the wind was insane!  I had more water in my mouth than anything!  So, my group, any tips on OWS in choppy, windy conditions?  On a positive note, I LOVE my wetsuit.  I was not the least bit cold and felt like I could bob on the surface for hours!  Thanks guys!
2008-06-03 10:28 AM
in reply to: #1352162

Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)

Hi everyone! Sorry I've been MIA - but I'm back.  I added 2 race reports - BolderBoulder which was fun and we were obnoxious.  I added pics.  and the century I did on Sunday - so pretty yet I still can't believe that I did 100 miles! Ah!

My unemployment is starting to almost bore me!  I've stepped up my job search stuff and have an interview tomorrow and am going in to another company this afternoon to meet a program manager and the HR person.  *sigh* really, do I want to work?  

I know some of us have races this weekend, so I'm off to check logs   Happy Tuesday everyone!



2008-06-03 12:26 PM
in reply to: #1437508

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2008-06-05 10:13 AM
in reply to: #1352162

Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)
Hit the OWS again this morning.  OWS-1, Erica-1.  I evened the score.  I had to do a double take at my watch when I came out of the water.  I did the half mile swim in 13:24.  I love my wetsuit.  I did have a few sighting issues but not too major.  I have my confidence back and that is what I needed.  Thanks for all the tips guys!
2008-06-05 10:16 AM
in reply to: #1447005

San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)

ebshot - 2008-06-05 8:13 AM Hit the OWS again this morning. OWS-1, Erica-1. I evened the score. I had to do a double take at my watch when I came out of the water. I did the half mile swim in 13:24. I love my wetsuit. I did have a few sighting issues but not too major. I have my confidence back and that is what I needed. Thanks for all the tips guys!


That's great! IMO, confidence is very important for a successful OWS. Taking notes of what went well and what not - will help you too. Focus on what you think is your weakest point and the next OWS will be even better! 

2008-06-06 10:48 AM
in reply to: #1352162

Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)

Erica, that's awesome! I have yet to get a wetsuit, so I haven't been able to get in an OWS.  Its just way too cold here to go w/out one just yet. Yesterday it was 58 degrees with crazy wind!  Today though is really nice so I'm going to try to get a bike ride in. We'll see!


Happy Friday everyone  

2008-06-06 4:24 PM
in reply to: #1352162

Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)
Race weekend is here!!!!!  I am super excited.  I picked up my new contacts so I will be able to see (bonus) and tomorrow I head in to get my packet.  I'm dropping my kids off at the grandparents tomorrow night (hubby back out to sea) and home to get my stuff all packed up and ready to go.  I hope to get a little bit of sleep (yeah right) and up early for my coffee and off to race.  How's everyone else's weekend shaping up?  Anyone else racing?  I'll check back in Sunday night/Monday morning!  Have a great weekend everyone!
2008-06-09 9:21 AM
in reply to: #1352162

Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)
Hey guys!  Hope everyone had a good weekend!  My first tri is in the books.  Sweet!  I am so glad to be a triathlete!  I did have problems, my rear derailleur  crapped out on my a few miles from the end of the bike.  I didn't think twice about it and just started running with my bike.  I made it and it was a race I will NEVER forget!  Verna, how was your race?  Hope it went well!


IMG_4475.jpg (24KB - 42 downloads)
2008-06-10 6:03 PM
in reply to: #1352162

Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)
Okay guys, I'm starting my quest for a new bike.  I'm not sure where to start.  What do you all ride/recommend for a beginner bike?  
2008-06-10 6:48 PM
in reply to: #1352162

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2008-06-11 7:30 AM
in reply to: #1352162

Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)
I am thinking $1000 is my top end budget.  I'd love to say unlimited!!  
2008-06-11 11:00 AM
in reply to: #1458934

San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)

ebshot - 2008-06-11 5:30 AM I am thinking $1000 is my top end budget. I'd love to say unlimited!!

Staying within a budget is a must for most of us. Keep in mind that there might be some accessories that you'd need to purchase after getting the bike.

Assuming that you know the frame size that fits you best, you can look for a used road or tri bike. I had seen quite some good deals on Craigslist. There are people out there, that are selling 2-3 years old bikes that were barely used. You may need to get a new set of tires and have them tuned up - but this will still cost you way less than a new bike.

If you prefer to get new bike, you may want to wait to the end of the calendar year, as the manufacturers are releasing their next year's models. This way, this year's models are significantly discounted as the stores want to sell them off.

I chose the second option as I could not find used bike that fit me (I ride on a 61 cm frame).

Whatever you decide on, don't rush it (as long as you have something else to use). Inquire on forums, ask local bike shops and search the internet. You'll learn a lot this way and like in anything else - an educated customer is a happier customer in the end...

Just my 2 cents.

2008-06-13 1:52 AM
in reply to: #1352162

I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)
Congrats on your first tri, Erica!!
2008-06-14 1:32 PM
in reply to: #1352162

I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)
I'm home from my little local 5k here in Anaheim. Here are my unofficial results taken from my Garmin.

Time: 52:57
Lap 1: 16m 07s, 1.00 miles, 16m 07s /mile
Lap 2: 17m 12s, 1.00 miles, 17m 12s /mile
Lap 3: 17m 59s, 1.00 miles, 17m 59s /mile
Lap 4: 01m 09s, 0.07 miles, 15m 54s /mile

Yes, my wog is slower than some people actually walk. LOL

I almost beat my PR which is amazing since I set it a couple of years ago right before I started having my back problems. I was nearly 50 pounds lighter then than I am now, too, since I put on so much weight during my surgery/recovery. So, I'm feeling pretty good about that!

I think if the conditions had been different, I would have made it today. They didn't completely close the streets to traffic. They only closed off 1 lane. Since we were on some of the major thoroughfares near Disneyland, there was a lot of traffic whizzing by us on the left, so we were all sucking in exhaust fumes. I'm a borderline asthmatic, so I found myself starting to wheeze several times, so I would back off to let my lungs recover.

Since I only missed my PR by about 40 seconds, I think I would have gotten a new one today if I hadn't been backing off. On the upside, even with the backing off, I managed to shave ~2 minutes off my time from my April 13 race and over 5 minutes off my first 5k of this year back on Feb. 3.

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