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2008-06-10 2:45 PM
in reply to: #1372061

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Brentwood, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
I am back, been super busy, sorry...

Odd about your tire pressure. Most likely, the loose spoke is sticking up and poking or rubbing a tiny hole in your tubes. Get the bike tuned up, wheels trued and you should be fine. Also, if you do not have it already, get rim strips which is a thin lining that goes around your rim and protects the tube from rubbing on the spoke nipples. This will help. You should also rub down the inside of the rim when the tires are off to make sure there is not a small burr or something poking tiny holes in your tubes. I had this problem once, changed like 4 tubes. Then did this, and it stopped, don;t know why. Must have been a small burr that I wiped off and did not even feel, but it was enough to drive me batty! ps - do not use your bare hands. If the "tiny burr" is a "not so tiny burr" you will be bleeding, alot...

Edited by gremlin327 2008-06-10 2:48 PM

2008-06-10 2:48 PM
in reply to: #1372061

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Brentwood, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
oh, 1 more thing, the burr could also be something stuck in your tire. When the tires are off check them very closely. We checked a friends the day before St. A's, she had what appeared to be a tiny slice. We took the tire off and looked inside the slice, there was a piece of glass. You could not tell from the outside when the tire was blown up and it had not poked through the inside of the tire...yet... She got lucky, would have probably flatted during the race.

Edited by gremlin327 2008-06-10 2:50 PM
2008-06-10 4:55 PM
in reply to: #1436435

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Athens, Georgia
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
Thanks for the help. I hope to get my bike to the shop on Fri. We will see.
2008-06-11 5:31 AM
in reply to: #1372061

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Extreme Veteran
Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED

Hope you get the tire issues resolved Mike. 

 Things are going fine here.  Getting to the point where I think I need to start doing more double-duty workouts, and start bricks.  Which is kinda hard because of this stupid shin issue.  I'm getting better, just apprehensive about throwing myself into bricks.  Any suggestions as to how to go about increasing endurance and doing some brick work w/o killing my shin right now???

2008-06-11 6:22 AM
in reply to: #1372061

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Athens, Georgia
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
My brother gets shin splints alot so I have good experience taping for that. It sucks having to tape up every time and doing shins takes forever. I know that thing did improve for him with a fitting at a LRS and getting the right running shoe. When does your shin hurt? Just running or on the bike too?

Like anything else start slowly and work your way up. I have found in my bricks that I don't have to run really far after the bike ride for it to be beneficial. In my opinion bricks are not just important for the aerobic value but also just to get your legs used to switching from biking to running. If you kill it on the bike and then try to go run that first mile feels like you have spaghetti i legs. Or as my baby girl calls it scabeti.

I would start small. I see from your logs you have been doing some 30 and 40 minute runs. I would try and a 20 or so minute ride followed by a 15 or so minute run. Don't over do it especially if you have shin issues.

2008-06-11 7:26 AM
in reply to: #1372061

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Brentwood, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
Mike is right on. If training for a sprint, the Brick should only be a 1 - 2 mile run. It is the bike to run transition you are adapting your body to. You use different muscles on the bike and run, so you need to get that transition. One thing that helps, on the last mile of the bike go down (up?) 1 gear (increase your cadence) to like 90 - 95. This does 2 things... 1) it helps loosen your legs up and gets the blood flowing 2) your run cadence will follow your bike cadence, so you will acually run a little faster. Don't increase your cadence too much or you will actually run too fast. My biggest problem is running the first mile too fast. In both St. A's and FLIM 70.3 my first miles were wayyyy too fast and I burned out. However, last year (when I was not doing bricks) my first miles were embarassing slow, so they do work.

Shin splints. I do not get them (lucky me), but my boss does, really bad. Taping is good. Also, make sure you ice after every run, this will help. Also, shoe fit and rotation is key. Make sure you go to a running store and get fit, talk to them about the shin splints. If it seems like the person you are dealing with really isn't listening, go somewhere else. Also, my boss finds a shoe that works, and buys 2 pair and rotates. This is a good idea anyway (your shoes will last like 20-30% longer doing this), but it is really good for people with shin splint issues. Lastly on shoes, do not over mileage them. 300-400 miles, then they are done. If a shoe starts to look worn (heel wearing through, stress marks on bottom, etc...) it is WAY too late.


Edited by gremlin327 2008-06-11 7:32 AM

2008-06-11 8:26 AM
in reply to: #1372061

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Extreme Veteran
Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED

Thanks guys!  I think I am going to try a brick this weekend but like you said only do like a mile run afterwards.  I just don't want to fall into the false sense of security that just because I can swim 400, bike 12, and run 3 *individually*, that I can do them *all together!* 

As for the shin I have been seeing my orthopaedic and a PT.  They haven't mentioned taping but I have a removable aircast that is VERY helpful.  I wear it all day and during biking and running. It definitely keeps everything in-line and seems to reduce the load on my shins.  I have 2 pairs of NB shoes (same model) that are good for my pronation problems, and I rotate them as mentioned.  Also have started w/ athletic gel inserts which help too.

Doc thinks I caught it soon enough before it got real bad; I've seen enough of my running friends suffer from it to know you don't want to mess around with it.   

2008-06-11 8:49 AM
in reply to: #1372061

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Brentwood, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
the air cast is probably doing what the taping would have done and the shoe rotation is awesome. Did I mention icing it? If I did not, you should do that after runs. Shin splints are the muscle tearing away from the bone, so icing helps reduce swelling and encourages healing. It is a PITA, but time well spent.

The biggest problem with Shin splints is that it is plain and simply an over use injury (even if you have not really over trained, some people are just more suseptible). The only way to "fix" it is to rest it and let it heel (see, only bike and swim for 2-3 weeks). I reccomend after your tri you give that a shot, then when you start back up with running, use all of these new strategies to hope it doesn't come back. This is the great thing about being a triathlete is that rest=biking and swimming vs. just simply being a runner where rest=sitting on sofa eating chips. Of course, you live in Cleveland, so you have what... 10 months of winter to rest :-)
2008-06-11 2:20 PM
in reply to: #1372061

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Extreme Veteran
Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED

Yeah i think that's pretty much going to be my approach: lay off running long-term after the race,  unless I'm healthy again (I was debating another sprint in beginning of Sept).  And I DO love the ability to switch disciplines, it's been great for me.  If I was just running and this happened, I would have been completely depressed and feeling like I couldn't do anything. 

Anyways, there's no backing out now.  I clicked SUBMIT and pre-registered for my race online!   

2008-06-13 7:12 AM
in reply to: #1372061

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Brentwood, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
Happy Friday all!!

So who is still with us on this forum? I only seem to have 4 fairly active participants. We need more chatting.
2008-06-13 8:28 PM
in reply to: #1372061

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Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
Well we (me & my hubby) signed up for a sprint on 7/13 so I am now actively preparing for the 2nd time for our first tri. The swim on this one is short and the water temp will probably be too high for wetsuits so I am thankful for the shorter swim.

Hopefully the water levels here will be ok by then. I'm volunteering at the Hy-Vee triathlon next weekend and they had to change it to a run-bike-run due to water contamination and I know there are many people who are really upset about that - I would be too. That said, if you have seen pictures of Iowa on the news lately, I can honestly tell you the least of our concern is upset athletes.

On another note I am rolling around the idea of signing up for a tri class at our local YMCA. Has anyone on here ever taken such a course. I am wondering about your experiences.

2008-06-14 7:34 AM
in reply to: #1372061

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Extreme Veteran
Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED

The tri class sounds neat! I would do more group training if I had the time.  Let us know how you like it!  Sorry about all that flooding, I hope this race goes off without a hitch for you!!

 So something isn't right with my stupid rear tire.  Changed the flat, reinflated it.  Won't hold air.  Any suggestions?

Since I desperately needed to get out for a ride, I reverted back to my mountain bike, The Beast.  Yell  I liked the new route I tried, but it's about 50% level and 50% hills.  Oh and it rained most of the time.  It was really challenging for me.  I was able to keep spinning most of the time, but it was tough.  My time wasn't great (8.7 mi/48 min), but I've got 5 weeks still to keep at it.  Got off and walked for about ten minutes aftewards just to get used to that transition.  May attempt a short brick tomorrow if I feel ok.

So my brain is misbehaving.  It's trying to psych me out.  I think I've left the ignorance-is-bliss, "Hee Hee I'm gonna do a triathlon!" phase, and moved into the "OH SH-T I'M DOING A TRIATHLON" phase.  I dreamed twice this week about something going wrong at my race.  Like I realize I forgot my bike helmet.  Or something equally dumb.  I just like being prepared and there's still this element of unfamiliarity about tri'ing for me.  Might see if I can find a race to just go watch in the next few weeks, see if that helps. 

2008-06-14 9:06 PM
in reply to: #1372061

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Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
Nicole, did you check to see if something is stuck in your tire that continues to injure it? That is the only thing I can think of besides something being wrong with the valve on your stem.

You have plenty of time to get ready for your race. Put in the time and probably more importantly keep the intensity up and you will be fine. Rest assured that most likely you won't feel "ready" going into it. I've never felt really ready when attempting something for the first time and I think that is normal. Either that or I am really messed up!!!

2008-06-15 9:49 PM
in reply to: #1372061

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Brentwood, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
Volunteering is such an awesome experience, especially at big races. I dod last year at the 70.3 Worlds in CLearwater, what a blast. Yeah, upset triathletes are definitelly the least of Iowa's problems. Good luck with all of that, what a disaster! We are thinking about you.

Nichole, gotta figure out what is going on. I did the exact same thing as you once. Kept flatting when I got my first tri bike (one every 2-3 rides). Got to the point I did the same thing as you, I gave up and started riding my mountain bike. Mine was just road debris, kept running over glass, etc... People at the shop thought I was whack. Finally I bought good solid tires that have flat protection and new tubes and started over. I run ONLY Continental Gator Skins. I put a set on, rode 'em almost 3,000 miles and just replaced them. Flatted 2X's, both were pinch flats and not cuts (ie... not the tires fault). I get my tires at they are relativelly cheap. The tires are like $30/piece, which is pretty mid range to cheap for name brand tires that last that long. They are bullet proof and well worth the cash vs. training 5 month to end up on the side of the race course with a flat. If you do not want to go the new tire route, I reccomend taking it to the shop you bought it from and giving them the WTF look... Most shops will be more than happy to help you figure it out. In the long run, it does them no good if you hang the bike in the garage and never ride it again. Good luck!

2008-06-16 8:14 AM
in reply to: #1372061

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Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
I did my first - very short - triathlon yesterday, the Manassas Mini Tri, and it's on my blog along with a few pictures at:
2008-06-16 9:09 AM
in reply to: #1372061

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Extreme Veteran
Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
Nice work!!!  Sounds like a good race, your pics are nice too!  I think it's wise to start with a supersprint like that, just to get a feel for things.  Looks like you had a good time!  And I love the green bike. 

2008-06-16 9:32 AM
in reply to: #1372061

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Brentwood, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
Wow! That is soooo awesome. My favorite part of the oics are that you are smiling in all of them. I think you are even smiling in the one in the pool :-)

Great idea starting with a Super Sprint. All of you guys are going to figure out it is the intimidation of the 3 sports and Transitions that freak out 1st timers. The distance, heck, that is the easy part. Pool races with time trial starts are odd, I still find them weird. The biggest thing it does to help first timers is spread out the field. You tend to be more on your own on the bike than with a wave start, where you may head out on the bike with a pack of people and have to really learn NOT to break the drafting/overtaken rules.

Nice work again, glad you enjoyed it and thanks for sharing.

2008-06-16 12:30 PM
in reply to: #1372061

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Extreme Veteran
Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED

I did my first real brick today, and happy to say it went really well!  Felt great; probably could have gone faster/longer on the run but with the shin thing I kept it easy (aren't you proud of my self-restraint Gary?). Ha!

I kinda had a moment about the whole thing.  A year ago I was coming out of 4 months of rehab for a messed up back; I couldn't do 10 minutes on an elliptical w/o dying.  Today I biked over 6 miles and ran 1.5 without so much as flinching.  Pretty darn awesome.  I haven't even raced and I already feel like I won! 

2008-06-16 12:41 PM
in reply to: #1372061

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Brentwood, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
Pretty darn amazing! Great attitude. Great self restraint!
2008-06-16 1:41 PM
in reply to: #1372061

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Quad Cities
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED

Great job everyone on your races. I had my first race of the season this past weekend and you're welcome to read the report

The race went pretty well and the weather was perfect. I definitely need to train harder on the bike to get my speed up a bit. Had a great time out there and it was nice to have my family in town to watch. They enjoyed seeing all the people out there competing.

2008-06-16 2:10 PM
in reply to: #1372061

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Brentwood, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
6 Mins off last year is fantastic. Bike is simply miles. I reccomend to everybody, if you can find a sat or sun morning ride and get a 30-50 mile ride in 2-4 times/month, you will get so much better so much faster. Do not be intimidated, most of these groups have a good mix of people. Just remember, NO AERO, that really makes roadies upset.

As far as getting the wetsuit off, how long are the legs? ie - do they go all the way down to the tops of your feet? If you look at alot of the pros, their wetsuits only go down to 2-3 inches above their ankle bones. They cut them, with scissors (I know this sounds scary). The 3 inches of wetsuit does not help buoyancy, but can inhibit exiting the wetsuit. If you find an OWS with people wearing wetsuits, ask about it, get reccomendations of length, etc... Or, at your next race, look to see what pros and elites are doing. If you decide to shorten the legs, be very careful. Measure twice, cut once. Go a little at a time, you do not want to chop 8 inches off of a $400 wetsuit and have a shortjohn. Also, products like suit juice, glide (I use glide) and some use PAM cooking spray (I am not a fan of PAM, but it works). all up and down your legs. And also as you mentioned, practice.

Good luck, great race!

2008-06-16 2:34 PM
in reply to: #1372061

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Quad Cities
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED


I agree that I need to get out and do longer rides. My training up to this point is 1 to 2 hr rides and that's great and all, but I need to start logging in more miles. Thanks for the input. I went back and reread some of the bike training tips that you had given earlier to work those into my training as well.

My wetsuit comes down right above the ankle bone. It wasn't so much that the suit was too tight around my ankles it was that I was tired and failed to pull my leg out on the first attempt so I struggle with pulling it by hand over my foot. Usually I just step on part of the suit and lift my leg out and go. I think with a few practice tries this problem will be a thing of the past.  


2008-06-16 4:38 PM
in reply to: #1372061

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Brentwood, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
No, thank you... Thinking about writing the post to you made me re-think my trainer rides and take my own advice. As a result, I had a really challenging workout today that kicked my butt. Sometimes when I get on the trainer I just spin, which is kinda a waste and honestly, really boring. Take my own advice of "every workout must have a reason". Doing drills on the trainer made it go faster. That and i was watching the US Open playoff, which was a freakin' nailbiter (not something you usually say about golf).

As far as the suit, yeah, kinda one of those, "if you miss it the first pull, you get bound up and tangled" and it messes you up. I reccomended the length because I am short, and have to cut my suits, they are always WAYYY too long. I just got a new one, my Fiance' went nuts and spent WAYYYYY too much on a Blue Seventy Helix. It fits perfect, but I should probably cut it a touch, I am just too scared to :-)

Edited by gremlin327 2008-06-16 4:39 PM
2008-06-16 5:11 PM
in reply to: #1372061

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Extreme Veteran
Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED

Nice race Matt!  I'm sort of glad to see that others have mentioned needing to work more on the bike, as I am in that camp too.  Seems like everyone on BT is like "ooooh I just LOOOOVE biking, I spend so much time on it!"...and I'm like eh.  It's a necessary evil for me at this point.  I don't get the whole loving to go fast, bike porn thing.  But maybe in time...

Gary I always view my runs that way: make SOMETHING of it every time.  I rarely have a workout where I just run at constant pace.  Speed work/intervals/climbs/etc all make it more challenging and make it go MUCH faster, IMO.  

 Interesting about the wetsuits.  I'd be scared to cut it!!  Talked to a BTer who is doing my race and think I'm going to pass on the wetsuit this time. 

2008-06-16 8:02 PM
in reply to: #1470086

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Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
I agree, nice race Matt! I wish I would have come over to Davenport and competed with you! Having not done my first tri yet I really eat up the race reports!

Also, thanks to all of you for the training motivation. Sometimes I get into the habit of putting in too many junk miles. You guys have helped shake some sense into me and if I hadn't just gotten back from a run I would be headed out the door right now!

Edited by jhinrichs11 2008-06-16 8:03 PM
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