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2009-04-24 7:40 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
i have a friend that never did a tri but thought that tri's were easy and that he only needed a couple of weeks to train because he came from a biking background (he raced in college)..  he saw my time from the last tri i did in October and said he could beat my time by 20min..  I convinced him to do a tri with me at the end of May.  well as of now he's just hoping to finish.  He's worried about the swim and the transition between the bike and run..

2009-04-24 10:21 PM
in reply to: #2107184

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
I completed my first duathlon a little over two years ago while I was working at a small DIII university in the athletics department.  The STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING COACH scoffed and me when I said I was going to do a 10k run 40k bike and 5k run race.  

Sometimes people who think THEY can't do something automatically think others can't.  It's tough to keep your mojo going, but honestly, the RUSH of finishing that race after all the blood, sweat, and tears is worth it (so is going back to someone and either saying a) EFF YOU, I did it! or b) I finished and it was the best experience.  

I've witnessed 80+ year old men finish almost last and I say, "Hell, if they can do it then I have no reason not to!" and I've also witnessed a women whose goal was to complete her first sprint tri on her 50th birthday.  This sport IS a challenge, but you'll feel so confident from the mental and physical edge you have over people who aren't doing it. =)

jae.miles - 2009-04-24 1:28 AM My training is going fairly well, I think. I have so appreciated having BT and this forum to help encourage and educate me along the way. I need to push myself a little more, and find some time (and a pool) to start swimming, but other than that I feel good. Which is nice.

Goals for the rest of this week: don't miss a training session.
Goals for next week: move from interval run/walking to running for the whole time.

One question I have is this: Has anyone had to deal with people be less than enthusiastic and supportive of your goal to complete a triathlon? I know I can do it, I'm working hard so that I CAN do it, I'm just getting discouraged. Bleck.
2009-04-24 10:25 PM
in reply to: #2108209

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
You're absolutely right.  Triathletes are a different kind of athletic COMMUNITY.  Everyone starts out with a leg that they are strong at and one, or more, that they are weak at.  We all understand it and appreciate the hard work it takes to get to the starting line, let alone the finish line.  My first race, someone got a flat tire when they racked their bike.  Right before the start of the race an announcement was made about it.  They held the start of the race for that one person AND someone else offered an extra tube.  We all want to see each other succeed. =)

Betsy0706 - 2009-04-24 1:42 PM Unfortunately Jessica you will get some negative comments from others.  (They just don't understand the discipline it takes and are jealous!)  Like the guys said's not about the's about you!  You are accomplishing a goal and you should feel great about that!  I've found most triathletes are extrememly encouraging (even ones you are competing against on race day)!  That's one of things I find so great about the sport!  No matter if you finish first or last...someone is there cheering for you! 

You CAN do this!
2009-04-24 10:39 PM
in reply to: #2108864

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
My experience with triathlon has been that my first time racing a distance is the toughest.  The last 1/2 hour of the race has been a real challenge.  In fact, after my first Oly it took every ounce of energy to walk down to the lake and plop down in freezing water to help the aches and pains I already felt.  THEN, I completed an Oly race about 3 months later and I finished like a rock star-I was able to enjoy my beer after!  

A few weeks ago I finished my first 1/2 marathon and I tell you, the last 2 miles HURT.  I've noticed that my cardio endurance far surpasses my muscular/bone/tendon/ligament endurance.  I just peeped at your training and I highly, highly, highly recommend getting some sort of strength training in there-lifting weights, doing plyometrics (a REALLY good idea!), etc.  I should practice what I preach, and I know how tough it is to train for three sports PLUS get strength training (and even stretching!) in...but I tell you it'll make a helluva difference for your first Oly race!

chichitao - 2009-04-24 6:36 PM Jessica,

Oh, and my goals for being in this group....I am mostly doing a similar sprint season that I did last year, but ending with my first ever Olympic.  
2009-04-25 9:44 AM
in reply to: #2072537

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
Sara, thanks for that.  Yeah, the weights are the one thing I just don't enjoy doing at all.  I know I need to be doing it, but have a hard time convincing myself to "squeeze" it in to my schedule.  My goal this year was to try to do it once a week, but I've only gone once this year.  I really despise working out indoors (even my pool is outdoors).  I need to find a total body workout that I can get in in about 30min.  Is that even possible?  If I could find one that short then I bet it would be easier to force myself to go.
2009-04-25 7:13 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Twin Falls, ID (not from here, I just live here)
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
You guys are amazing! Thanks for the encouragement.

2009-04-25 7:37 PM
in reply to: #2109597

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
chichitao - 2009-04-25 10:44 AM Sara, thanks for that.  Yeah, the weights are the one thing I just don't enjoy doing at all.  I know I need to be doing it, but have a hard time convincing myself to "squeeze" it in to my schedule.  My goal this year was to try to do it once a week, but I've only gone once this year.  I really despise working out indoors (even my pool is outdoors).  I need to find a total body workout that I can get in in about 30min.  Is that even possible?  If I could find one that short then I bet it would be easier to force myself to go.

What about an at home routine with push-ups, dips, core work & lunges?? 
2009-04-25 7:51 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
Take this hotel routine with a grain of salt, but I was looking around at other sights with routines that don't require gym equipment:
2009-04-25 8:52 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
Thanks for that.  I never even thought to look at utube.  I did a search on there for bodyweight workouts and came up with a ton of stuff.  I have been doing pushups and situps but just not posting them.  I will give some of the stuff a try. 
2009-04-26 8:05 AM
in reply to: #2072537

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

Circuit training can be very efficient- for triathlon training you could work it into an interval running session- do the strength exercises in between intervals.  Or between bike intervals on a trainer.  I do need to do more strength training (I need to do more training, period!).

2009-04-28 12:28 PM
in reply to: #2072537

Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

Well I did an 85k bike ride yesterday on my mountain bike, with 40km/h wind gusts.  Lets just say, it was a long day!  It was complete headwinds on the way down, and I figured it would be nice since the ride back would be a tailwind, but it just wasn't enough.  The ride into the wind tired me out so much I hardly had any left in me to get home.  I managed around 20kmh with the wind, so I hope on a more peacefull day and on a proper road bike, I would be able to hold closer to 30kmh on race day (we'll see though!)

2009-04-28 4:10 PM
in reply to: #2115792

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

Robb - 2009-04-28 12:28 PM

Well I did an 85k bike ride yesterday on my mountain bike, with 40km/h wind gusts.  Lets just say, it was a long day!  It was complete headwinds on the way down, and I figured it would be nice since the ride back would be a tailwind, but it just wasn't enough.  The ride into the wind tired me out so much I hardly had any left in me to get home.  I managed around 20kmh with the wind, so I hope on a more peacefull day and on a proper road bike, I would be able to hold closer to 30kmh on race day (we'll see though!)


Still a great ride!  Niccccccccceeeeeee

2009-04-28 4:29 PM
in reply to: #2115792

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Upstate NY
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
Robb - 2009-04-28 1:28 PM

Well I did an 85k bike ride yesterday on my mountain bike, with 40km/h wind gusts.  Lets just say, it was a long day!  It was complete headwinds on the way down, and I figured it would be nice since the ride back would be a tailwind, but it just wasn't enough.  The ride into the wind tired me out so much I hardly had any left in me to get home.  I managed around 20kmh with the wind, so I hope on a more peacefull day and on a proper road bike, I would be able to hold closer to 30kmh on race day (we'll see though!)

Yeah great ride!

Glad to hear all of you have the same issues with the bike and high winds.  I did my first ride in high winds last week, and it was tough.  (thought I was doing something wrong
2009-04-28 5:28 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
Man, any ride on a MTB for 85km is a great ride!  Wind or no wind.  Great work.
2009-04-28 6:29 PM
in reply to: #2115792

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
Robb - 2009-04-28 1:28 PM

Well I did an 85k bike ride yesterday on my mountain bike, with 40km/h wind gusts.  Lets just say, it was a long day!  It was complete headwinds on the way down, and I figured it would be nice since the ride back would be a tailwind, but it just wasn't enough.  The ride into the wind tired me out so much I hardly had any left in me to get home.  I managed around 20kmh with the wind, so I hope on a more peacefull day and on a proper road bike, I would be able to hold closer to 30kmh on race day (we'll see though!)

very nice ride!  i'm with everyone else if you can ride and just be in the saddle that long it's a great training ride. 
2009-04-28 8:08 PM
in reply to: #2115792

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
Eighty five kilometers on a mountain bike?! You win today's "Stud Award"!!!! Wowzers!  I think that only folks who've put some time on a mountain bike can truly appreciate a road bike. =) Kudos!

Robb - 2009-04-28 1:28 PM

Well I did an 85k bike ride yesterday on my mountain bike, with 40km/h wind gusts.  Lets just say, it was a long day!  It was complete headwinds on the way down, and I figured it would be nice since the ride back would be a tailwind, but it just wasn't enough.  The ride into the wind tired me out so much I hardly had any left in me to get home.  I managed around 20kmh with the wind, so I hope on a more peacefull day and on a proper road bike, I would be able to hold closer to 30kmh on race day (we'll see though!)

2009-04-28 8:12 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
Any other USAT members online here?  If not, I thought this was a very appropriate blurb from the recent e-newsletter to share, particularly for the folks who've never raced or haven't raced much (hell, even for us more experienced folks!):

“Stuff” always seems to occur during training and racing whether it’s a flat tire, choppy swim conditions, a dropped water bottle or oppressive heat on the run. Sometimes we can control the “stuff” and sometimes we can’t. 

I once heard triathlon legend David Scott give a powerful, yet simple piece of advice: “Be in the moment.” In other words, focus on what you can do in the here and now instead of dwelling on what has already happened in the past or worrying about what might happen in the future.

When faced with the “stuff” that we inevitably all face while training or racing, the choice we have as athletes is how we respond to the "stuff" – whether we get angry and frustrated or whether we simply shrug it off and focus on the next moment of the race. By being “in the moment” and not reacting to or dwelling on “stuff,” it is much easier for us to move forward and achieve success.

What obstacles or challenges have you faced in the past during training or racing and how did you respond to them? How could you have responded differently?

David Glover

2009-04-29 9:09 AM
in reply to: #2072537

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Extreme Veteran
Houston, TX
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

Good job Rob!  That's freakin impressive! 

And thanks for the blurb Sara.  I'm a USAT member but didn't pay attention to the newsletter.   You definitely can't control everything in a triathlon which is what makes it all the more challenging! 

Happy Hump Day everyone!

2009-04-29 11:45 AM
in reply to: #2072537

Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

Thanks everyone.  I think my sunburns are finally starting to go down so maybe I will try and get out again today lol.  Trying to talk the GF into a hike or trail ride since its another nice day out here.

2009-04-30 8:15 AM
in reply to: #2072537

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Upstate NY
Subject: First tri of the season Sunday

My first triathlon of the season is on Sunday.  It is a sprint that has a 350 yard pool swim, 10 mile bike and a 3.1 mile run.  It is the first of two "practice" races I have before my HIM in June.

I really want to use these two races to test my transition and gear for my race in June.  I am going to try to take it easy, but I know my competitive side might take over and I'll try to push harder and faster.  (but I am going to try not to push it)

Should be fun, we should have nice weather and the course is flat. 

2009-04-30 9:43 AM
in reply to: #2120299

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Extreme Veteran
Houston, TX
Subject: RE: First tri of the season Sunday
Good luck!  You will do fine.  Just remember to enjoy yourself out there!

RobbyN210 - 2009-04-30 8:15 AM

My first triathlon of the season is on Sunday.  It is a sprint that has a 350 yard pool swim, 10 mile bike and a 3.1 mile run.  It is the first of two "practice" races I have before my HIM in June.

I really want to use these two races to test my transition and gear for my race in June.  I am going to try to take it easy, but I know my competitive side might take over and I'll try to push harder and faster.  (but I am going to try not to push it)

Should be fun, we should have nice weather and the course is flat. 

2009-04-30 11:33 AM
in reply to: #2120299

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: First tri of the season Sunday

RobbyN210 - 2009-04-30 8:15 AM

My first triathlon of the season is on Sunday.  It is a sprint that has a 350 yard pool swim, 10 mile bike and a 3.1 mile run.  It is the first of two "practice" races I have before my HIM in June.

I really want to use these two races to test my transition and gear for my race in June.  I am going to try to take it easy, but I know my competitive side might take over and I'll try to push harder and faster.  (but I am going to try not to push it)

Should be fun, we should have nice weather and the course is flat. 


I am the same way, always have a plan to use a smaller race as a warmup race and end up getting into it. Whichever way you approach it, have fun out there!

2009-04-30 8:49 PM
in reply to: #2072537

Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

Well, thats the end of the month!  Hope everyone got in what they had hoped :D



Here is an open challenge for May.  Since we are finally getting into some nice weather where most of us are, I challange everyone in this group to beat Aprils totals in r/b/s.  Obviously stay safe, but lets see if we can each beat this last month, and at the end of May I will post up everyones differences between the months (based on your logs).

2009-05-01 5:49 AM
in reply to: #2072537

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
Robb, count me in!
2009-05-01 10:50 AM
in reply to: #2072537

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

I got my first wetsuit swim in the pool this morning, and it felt so nice so be so bouyant! We tested the lake temp also and it said 71! Surprised me it was that warm already, so Sunday is going to be the 1st OWS of the season. The first one always makes me nervous, but I am glad to be able to get some in before my race on the 17th.


Also I tried out a tip I got on putting on a wetsuit, some of you may know it already. I took 2 plastic bags and put them over my feet before sliding my wetsuit on and it went right on my leggs, then I did the samething with the hands and it was amazing at how easy it slid on. I still had to work it with some adjustments, but what normally took me 20 minutes, only took me about 10 minutes.!

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