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2009-10-08 2:21 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
OK weight this week 226 so loss of 1lb. Slow start but finger crossed for something better next week as I'm home based!

2009-10-08 4:26 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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Newark, Delaware
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself

I weighed in yesterday, and was at 161.4, so down about three pounds.  I was really excited!  I know it's probably first week luck, but still...I'll enjoy it while it lasts!

Yesterday I was starving all day, so instead of looking for a calorie deficit, I aimed to just break even.  I figured it was the day of weigh in (I weigh in the AM), and I have some big plans for the weekend, so I'll make it up throughout the week.  I did track everything, so was totally accountable.  I figure it was better to indulge that way, instead of letting it fester and build and make me miserable.  If I did that, I'd be grouchy and no fun at all, not to mention I'd probably end up binging on m&ms.  I think it worked, because I'm ready to get back on track today.

I hit all my workouts too, so I'm on a good track.  Just need to keep focused and keep motivation going strong.  Hope everyone else had a good week!

2009-10-08 5:46 AM
in reply to: #2426990

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
For 10/8/2009:  193.5/192.5/174

Right now I'm full of excuses - its been a tough week and I've been really tired so I haven't been working out as much as I would like.  I'm trying to ramp it back up.

Good luck everyone.
2009-10-08 6:09 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Morning everyone:

I had hoped for more but my weigh-in was a little disappointing.  I weighed in at 217.6 - which is a drop of less than a pound. 

As the off season starts, I've been less focused recently and I need to recommit to my health.  But I find myself a little sore these days which is odd since I'm actually doing less these days. 

Good job to everyone!

2009-10-08 7:11 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Okay, I'm doing well and am adjusting to tweaks I made in my eating and feeling optimistic I can make some progress.  My appetite is back under control now I just need to listen to my body and not eat by habit at certain time but when I am really hungry. Nice drop this week but not uncommon when I go back to the way I normally eat after eating processed carbs for awhile. Next couple weeks will really who how this is working for me.

2009-10-08 7:19 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself

My sins of last weekend camping are still present but I am happy to report that I am down 1 lb at 178!  Getting back to basics now and feeling much better overall.


2009-10-08 7:34 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Today weight was 228.  Down 2 pounds.  The weekend is going to be a challenge, going out of town and staying with people who..... ummm..... like to eat and eat alot.
2009-10-08 7:45 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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Longview, TX
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself

Headed in the right direction!
2009-10-08 7:55 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself

Well, this week was not really what I wanted to make it but I don't think I did that badly. I had one long ride on the bike on Tuesday and have been doing my strength DVD. I think I've gained because I'm retaining water. Whenever I do tough workouts I tend to gain weight for a few days after. Back to tracking my calories. Still need to drink more water.

I also took my measurements today and I think I will start posting them so I can see if I'm losing inches.

Bust: 34"
Waist: 26.5"
Hips: 39.5" (this is the one I'd like to see go down)
Thigh: 21.5"

Seems like everyone's doing really great so far, it's helping motivate me more.
2009-10-08 8:02 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
michlong: 224.4/221.2/200

so 3.2 pounds this week, i'll take that. (since i have had a couple of beers and a few nachos)

i have really cut out the carbs and milk, milk is my weekness i was drinking a couple of pints a day.

Edited by michlong 2009-10-08 8:03 AM
2009-10-08 8:52 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
124 / 122 / 118

Next week I start my new ratios and upped calories, let's hope I don't gain it back!

2009-10-08 8:57 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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scottsdale, az
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
2009-10-08 9:32 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself

I start my strength training routine next week and up my bike miles to around 200 miles per week, that should keep things rolling. This week did not seem so bad, maybe because I was so busy. I had my 43rd birthday yesterday and managed to only sneak a snikers bar, I can remember when I was young I could eat my holloween candy in one night, now I diet!Frown

2009-10-08 10:41 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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Pulaski TN
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself

Start 270 at 268.3 today. Its a start!!!

2009-10-08 11:38 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
I've been using my Friday weigh in as my "official" weigh in for the week in the past, but I'll shift it over to Thursday for the challenge.  I was down 3.2 pounds this week.  w00t!!
2009-10-08 12:16 PM
in reply to: #2449693

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Augusta, Georgia
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
ugh.  155/154.4/140...I've not been super accountable and been mostly eating crap since I finished my HIM a week and a half ago...and I have a marathon on sunday, so I've used that as an excuse to eat crabs out the wazoo.  but, that stops today.  I'm going to start logging food again.

Congrats to all of you that lost weight this week!  Way to go!!

2009-10-08 12:38 PM
in reply to: #2426990

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Pretty good week - I have been faithfully tracking on (which I *really* like). About the scale...I threw mine out a couple of years ago...which is why my update is late...I had to find a scale! I really don't like obsessing about the scale (which I did, which is why I threw it out)...I have been using clothes as my gage.

Looks like I'm doing something right so far:

Now - to stay focused during Halloween/apple season.

2009-10-08 1:40 PM
in reply to: #2426990

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself

ahh I always miss these things! too late to join?

2009-10-08 2:02 PM
in reply to: #2450043

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
turtlegirl - 2009-10-08 8:40 AM

ahh I always miss these things! too late to join?

It's never too late...just post your starting weight and goals!

2009-10-08 2:05 PM
in reply to: #2449412

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
nevergivin - 2009-10-08 4:32 AM

I start my strength training routine next week and up my bike miles to around 200 miles per week, that should keep things rolling. This week did not seem so bad, maybe because I was so busy. I had my 43rd birthday yesterday and managed to only sneak a snikers bar, I can remember when I was young I could eat my holloween candy in one night, now I diet!Frown

Well Happy belated Birthday Stuart!!!  And I have to ask...a snickers bar instead of cake??

BTW, congrats on the're off to a great start!!

Edited by Happychick 2009-10-08 2:06 PM
2009-10-08 2:08 PM
in reply to: #2449779

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
pennylope - 2009-10-08 7:16 AM ugh.  155/154.4/140...I've not been super accountable and been mostly eating crap since I finished my HIM a week and a half ago...and I have a marathon on sunday, so I've used that as an excuse to eat crabs out the wazoo.  but, that stops today.  I'm going to start logging food again.

Congrats to all of you that lost weight this week!  Way to go!!

At least you're heading in the right direction and know what needs to be done to achieve your goal!

I'm not sure when you are leaving for your marathon (for some reason I'm thinking it is out of town, no?!) so I want to wish you luck and wish you a HAPPY (early) Birthday!  (FYI...Penny's bday is Monday!)

Edited by Happychick 2009-10-08 2:09 PM

2009-10-08 2:13 PM
in reply to: #2426990

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
146 today.... Haven't been doing a very good job of monitoring food intake lately - must do better!!
2009-10-08 2:23 PM
in reply to: #2426990

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Awesome job to those of you who have lost!!  If nothing else we are all on the right track to getting ourselves closer to where we want to be!

I have been thinking about changes I personally need to make to be successful and several things have come to mind.  However, I don't want to make them all at once as I've already taken on several big changes so I was thinking of doing something small each week (in addition to what I'm already doing.)  Why am I telling you this, you ask?  Well, because I thought each week I would throw something out each week that is one of those "top tricks that people do to loose weight and keep it off."

This weeks tip:  Drink Water!  We've all heard that a million times but I know I slack off on it and I really notice a difference when I don't drink enough.  The old standard is 64oz a day but I know I usually aim for closer to 80oz.  Try drinking (at least a few sips) of water before eating ANYTHING in addition to sipping it all day long.  I have often found that after drinking some water I no longer want that snack I was thinking of eating (or craving!
2009-10-08 2:29 PM
in reply to: #2426990

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself

Weight: 141/137.5/130
BF: 27/27

I am very happy with my start but I (like others have mentioned) know that it is that initial loss after going back to more healthy eating.  However, it gives me hope that the tweaks I have made thus far are paying off!  I think the #1 thing that has made a difference for me is logging my food ~ I do so much better when it is in black and white and I can judge what I need to be eating for the day and I must say that it is getting easier to do as the days go on and it becomes habit!!

2009-10-08 2:58 PM
in reply to: #2426990

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself

I was evaluating my goal last night and decided to see if I could figure out a good way to get an approximate Body Fat measurement.  I used a tool online that had me measure my waist, hips, forearm (flexed) and wrist.  Using these measurements it calculated me BF at just shy of 20%
using a weight of 180 pounds or 36 pounds of fat and 144 lbs of lean tissue.

Assuming this close I think if I get down to 160 it might be difficult to maintain and a little uncomfortable.  Not to mention I am concerned I may be sacraficing some lean tissue to hit that weight.  BTW, 160 for me based on this estimation would be at 10% fat.

So long story short I am revising my goal to 165 which should put me closer to 13% body fat.  I think the 20% might be a little low anyway so hitting 165 would likely be more like 14-15%.

New/Revised Goal:

Key: Start/Current/Goal
Batlou: 179/178/165

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