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2010-01-04 7:51 PM
in reply to: #2557483


Nassau County, NY
Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Closed
hey...I have a question for you guys... does anyone here find that stress from their job or personal life interferes with their training? if so, how do you deal with it to still get the best out of your workout? 

2010-01-04 8:04 PM
in reply to: #2557483

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Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Closed
I find the opposite - that workouts help me deal with stress the rest of the time and keep me on a more even emotional keel. Is the problem getting yourself to go work out, or how you attack it once you're there, or feeling distracted?
2010-01-05 6:01 AM
in reply to: #2557483

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Southern Indiana
Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Closed
Personally, I agree that training helps relieve my stress, especially if I'm running or riding in the great outdoors.  I can get bogged down overthinking when I am on a treadmill or spin bike, and I'll find my pace dropping off.  I try to then refocus (not always successfully) by changing the song  or thinking about how blessed I am to be able to run for an hour.  Swimming is another issue for me, as it gives me so much time to think.  I'm new to tri training, so when I get down overthinking about work, I try to concentrate on technique and just breathing.  That's hard enough.
2010-01-05 8:25 AM
in reply to: #2593828

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Extreme Veteran
Carrollton, Virginia
Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Closed
duvman93 - 2010-01-04 7:51 PMhey...I have a question for you guys... does anyone here find that stress from their job or personal life interferes with their training? if so, how do you deal with it to still get the best out of your workout? 

Hey, absolutely. And in much agreement with the posts below, indoor training is hard. I try to get my swim out of the way first thing any day I have one scheduled/planned. If i put it off until lunch or after work I often have trouble completing it because I can think so much.

I usually do the following sorts of things:

AM: Swim or Spin or Treadmill if it is just too nasty out

Mid or Night: Run outside or bike outside (once the weather is warmer I bike outside too, preferably mornings but on 2-a-days I'll do afternoons).

Doing this helps me manage what I can and can not do with stress from work.

Also, I try to workout early. Not because I have to, my job actually doesn't make me do that as it is flexible, but because I am swimming when I realistically couldn't be doing much else. I enjoy swimming usually but just find I can think about too many things and lose focus.
2010-01-05 11:23 AM
in reply to: #2593828

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Woodbridge , Virginia
Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Closed
duvman93 - 2010-01-04 8:51 PM

hey...I have a question for you guys... does anyone here find that stress from their job or personal life interferes with their training? if so, how do you deal with it to still get the best out of your workout? 

I tend to use the stress to get through workout. when i get fatique, i remind myself of what stressed me.. and normally that will get me through.. stress is gone by end of workout..

2010-01-05 2:10 PM
in reply to: #2557483

, Indiana
Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Closed
Question:  Does anyone know the ratio or comparative time to riding on the trainer and riding outside?  Or is there even a comparison, is the amount of time you spend on the trainer, just like the amount of time you would be spending riding outside? 

2010-01-05 3:15 PM
in reply to: #2595664

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Woodbridge , Virginia
Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Closed
wabashtriguy17 - 2010-01-05 3:10 PM

Question:  Does anyone know the ratio or comparative time to riding on the trainer and riding outside?  Or is there even a comparison, is the amount of time you spend on the trainer, just like the amount of time you would be spending riding outside? 

There are many questions about this the discussion forum...

I come pair it to spinning actually.. you are constantly pedaling.. so constant work.. so when outside you coast, stop lights etc... so i approx 1 on trainer equals 1.5 outside.

i have a rear mount computer set up on my bike.. no more guessing.. lol
2010-01-05 3:18 PM
in reply to: #2557483

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Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Closed
How did you manage that? On ours the cables are all too short.
2010-01-05 5:04 PM
in reply to: #2595885

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Extreme Veteran
Carrollton, Virginia
Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Closed
HNewman - 2010-01-05 3:18 PM How did you manage that? On ours the cables are all too short.

Wireless FTW!

If I use a spin bike I just guestimate my effort/mph and mark down a "distance"

If I am on my actual trainer I use the distance my computer yields.

If you train a lot on the trainer and don't get out much, don't sweat it.  You definitely need road experience, but the fitness level will rise with either method. 
2010-01-06 4:37 AM
in reply to: #2557483

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Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Closed
My goals for this year are to to 2 sprint distance tri's. the first one just to finish and the second to improve on the first

2010-01-06 8:26 AM
in reply to: #2596890

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Extreme Veteran
Carrollton, Virginia
Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Closed
Blinddave - 2010-01-06 4:37 AM My goals for this year are to to 2 sprint distance tri's. the first one just to finish and the second to improve on the first

Awesome!  You will definitely do it!  Get some swim time in, I didn't see any on your log.  It will be proportionately less time than the other 2 disciplines during your race, but can also be hte hardest to start to do in training if you do not have experience with it! 

2010-01-08 2:15 PM
in reply to: #2557483

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New user

Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Closed
I'm still struggling with my swimming.  I keep getting out of breath after a few lengths of the pool!  I'm thinking it is time for some lessons!

2010-01-09 8:32 AM
in reply to: #2557483

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Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Closed
Jason I suck at swimming too. I was FINALLY getting to the point where I could do 50m between rests, but then the pool closed to fix something and it's STILL closed. By the time it finally reopens (Jan. 15th) it will be over a month since I've swam and I'm worried I will lose all of my progress.

Question - someone told me that if I find the crawl so exhausting I should crawl one length (25m) and then do another stroke for the alternate length and keep switching it up so I can get more distance in. Over time I would phase out the other strokes. So far I've just been doing crawl and having to rest a lot. Does anyone think this would be a good idea to try? I figure at least I would spend more time swimming and less time standing and panting in the corner of the lane...
2010-01-09 9:41 AM
in reply to: #2557483

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Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Closed
I'm so glad to hear you guys talking about this. I thought I was the only one having issues with swimming endurance.
2010-01-09 10:04 AM
in reply to: #2557483

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Extreme Veteran
Carrollton, Virginia
Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Closed
Swimming is hard to get "endurance" up because you really can't stop or slow down that much and still move.

Try alternating strokes, even though breast stroke is more energy inefficient, it is easier for people to do.  Why?  Easier to keep your breathing rhythym.

With that said... focus on that when you are doing freestyle.  Get a breath rhythym and stick with it.  When you aren't breathing, release breath slowly underwater.   
2010-01-09 11:47 AM
in reply to: #2604732

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Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Closed

I seem to be breathing in or out too much or to little.  It is hard to find the right rythym!  I would think that if I can run for hours I should be able to swim more than five minutes at a time! Hopefully I'll see some improvement next week!

2010-01-09 2:34 PM
in reply to: #2557483

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Closed

Finally! I feel that my training plan has officially started! With all the travel, family, holidays, etc. I felt procrastinating. Well I finally jumped in the pool today and got a decent workout.
First 400 with my new, first ever wetsuit. It was kind of weird; I couldn't wait to get out of it to tell you the truth. I guess it's going to take a while to get use to it.
Everything else started to come together and at the end was able to push it a little.
Still doing trainer and treadmill...... brrrrrrrr...... too cold outside!
Eating habits are also getting better, doing my protein shake first think in the morning and after workout and cutting aggressively on carbs and sugars.
Trying the challenge of no bleach flour and no artificial sugars....... it's harder than it sounds, I'm still trying.
My challenge for next week:  DON

Double or nothing! Two training events everyday with a day off in the week. I'm also trying to increase the volume of strength training.  Got the book "Strength Training for Triathletes" and what I like the most about is that I don't even have to go to the Gym. Just need some bands, dumbbells, a Swiss ball and that's it.

Edited by boxer 2010-01-09 6:36 PM
2010-01-09 6:34 PM
in reply to: #2557483

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Closed


If you are getting tired too soon and running out of breath in a hurry, I recommend you take it easy! You might be trying to hard too much too soon.

Start with a light stretch - warm up outside the pool. If nothing else 3 series of 20 jumping jacks. Loosen up a little and rise your hr a little.

Jump in the pool and before you start swimming, put both hands on the edge of the pool and just go up and down trying to find your breathing rhythm. Do this at least ten times. Take a little brake and then start an easy/slow swim. Breathe either on your right or left side every stroke, inhaling and then exhaling under water. Do a few 25's (4) with 30' int. and then again easy go a few 50's (4) with 30' int. Make your initial goal 2 100's. Breathing is the first thing you need to nail before you start working on stroke technique, different drills, etc. Just DON'T rush it.

Don't want to cause any panic, but it is very important to learn to control your breathing and HR at the start of your swim. At any level, on race day, with the adrenaline and excitement going on, it's easy to hyperventilate and you can end up blanking out. Pacing is the secret.
And the only way to train for this event is in THE WATER swimming. Just be patient and CONSISTENT.  No pain, no gain. In no time you'll be AQUAMAN!! AQUAGIRL!!

2010-01-09 7:18 PM
in reply to: #2557483

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New user

Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Closed
I was breathing every third stroke.  I thought it would be better in the long run if I started that way.  Next time I'll try breathing every second stroke.  I bet that will make a big difference.

Thanks for all the advice!  I will let you know how it goes.

2010-01-11 5:58 AM
in reply to: #2557483

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Southern Indiana
Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Closed
How important is bilateral breathing?  I breathe on every stroke to my right side, but if I try to switch off or breathe on the left I lose my rythym, and it is just not as comfortable.  I have only done one tri open water swim.
2010-01-11 8:32 AM
in reply to: #2606887

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Extreme Veteran
Carrollton, Virginia
Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Closed
Phillipians - 2010-01-11 5:58 AMHow important is bilateral breathing?  I breathe on every stroke to my right side, but if I try to switch off or breathe on the left I lose my rythym, and it is just not as comfortable.  I have only done one tri open water swim.

Depends on the OWS environment. I've done a beach OWS where it didn't matter, so long as you could breath to the side of the shore.

But in another OWS in a lake, it was very important for sighting as there were a few turns and it helped a lot to be able to do it.

I learned how to bilateral breath by forcing myself to do it for 3-4 straight swim sessions. It actually became second nature and now I find it harder NOT to do it.

2010-01-13 6:39 AM
in reply to: #2557483

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New user

Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Closed
I tried breathing on one side yesterday for a while.  I swam 250m that way no problem but I think I'm going to keep working toward bilateral breathing.  I'm pretty sure the challenge is a technique thing and not a cardio issue.  I seem to have trouble breathing on my right side....feel like I'm sinking and don't have time to catch a breath.

2010-01-13 9:11 AM
in reply to: #2611104

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Woodbridge , Virginia
Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Closed
jason158 - 2010-01-13 7:39 AM

I tried breathing on one side yesterday for a while.  I swam 250m that way no problem but I think I'm going to keep working toward bilateral breathing.  I'm pretty sure the challenge is a technique thing and not a cardio issue.  I seem to have trouble breathing on my right side....feel like I'm sinking and don't have time to catch a breath.


it takes a min to get use to.. have someone look at you swim. we tend to over/under rotate when breathing on the other side because it sort of unnatural.. getting another set of eyes of your technique will benefit you greatly.
2010-01-13 4:54 PM
in reply to: #2557483


Nassau County, NY
Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Closed

I just found out that I cannot do the NYC tri for various reasons...anyone know of any good Olympic distance tris in the NY (within driving distance) area in the June-July period?

2010-01-13 5:36 PM
in reply to: #2612550

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Extreme Veteran
Carrollton, Virginia
Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Closed
duvman93 - 2010-01-13 4:54 PM

I just found out that I cannot do the NYC tri for various reasons...anyone know of any good Olympic distance tris in the NY (within driving distance) area in the June-July period?

check that out! 
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