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2009-12-19 5:55 PM
in reply to: #2559403

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Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Let's see...  I didn't add much the first time.

I'm an accountant by trade - don't hold it against me - married with teens and two cocker spaniels.  We live in a suburb of Salt Lake City, Utah. 

I got this crazy idea last year that I'd do a triathlon.  I've run for years - mostly 5k - but also 10ks and 3 half-marathons.  My joints aren't as strong as they used to be, so I thought I'd mix it up a little with the swimming & biking.  Only problems were that I didn't own a bike and hadn't been swimming since I was a kid.  I bought a hybrid bike for a couple hundred dollars, joined a triathlon club and tried all of the swimming tips that people gave me.  I did the sprint and was totally hooked.  Did a mini sprint a few weeks later, but by then the weather had turned and the season was over.  I talked my hubby into a nice new road bike for Christmas and I've picked out several tris for next year.

Short term goals:

Improve my endurance in swimming.  I just finished lessons with a Total Immersion coach and I think I've got a semi-good technique.  I need to refine & practice.

Longer Short term goal:

Learn to ride that shiny new bike that Santa is bringing me.  I've never tried clipless pedals and I'm VERY nervous about crashing.  I bought a trainer so that I can practice clipping & unclipping in my basement before I try it on the pavement.

I'm really excited about this mentor program, in part because everyone is about my age.  My goals and challenges are a bit different than they are for someone in her 20's.  Starting a new sport at 40 is a little intimidating.

Lisa L

Edited by lklarsen 2009-12-19 6:22 PM

2009-12-19 7:38 PM
in reply to: #2559403

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Queens, NY
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
did anyone watch Kona on tv today? I did and I could have watched more -great way to spend  a snowy evening!
2009-12-19 7:45 PM
in reply to: #2569178

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Extreme Veteran
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED

Edited by Nats 2009-12-19 7:45 PM
2009-12-19 8:15 PM
in reply to: #2569186

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Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED

I agree.  There are no words....

Nats - 2009-12-19 6:45 PM

2009-12-19 8:22 PM
in reply to: #2569178

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2009-12-19 8:47 PM
in reply to: #2569053

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2009-12-19 9:06 PM
in reply to: #2569220

Extreme Veteran
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Dr Hammer - 2009-12-19 9:15 PM

I agree.  There are no words....

Nats - 2009-12-19 6:45 PM

Yup... Speechless... LOL!

I did watch the broadcast and it sure gave me additional motivation and inspiration for my first Ironman next year.  

2009-12-19 9:27 PM
in reply to: #2559403

Metro NY Area
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
I watched IM Kona this afternoon too, as always the real people stories really tug at your heart strings.

A tip for clipless pedals: I always unclip my right foot first, one less thing to think about. I haven't fallen...yet.
2009-12-20 12:58 AM
in reply to: #2559403

Mesa, Arizona
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
I always, always unclip the same foot first. For me, it is my left foot. You will fall. It's been a long time since I have fallen(knock on wood). My riding partner falls all of the time!!!!
2009-12-20 8:50 AM
in reply to: #2569178

Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
bluwatersoul - 2009-12-19 8:38 PM

did anyone watch Kona on tv today? I did and I could have watched more -great way to spendĀ  a snowy evening!

I agree...although the bottom of the screen was blocked with church/activity closings...
2009-12-20 8:54 AM
in reply to: #2569053

The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
lklarsen - 2009-12-19 6:55 PM Let's see...  I didn't add much the first time.

I'm an accountant by trade - don't hold it against me - married with teens and two cocker spaniels.  We live in a suburb of Salt Lake City, Utah. 

I got this crazy idea last year that I'd do a triathlon.  I've run for years - mostly 5k - but also 10ks and 3 half-marathons.  My joints aren't as strong as they used to be, so I thought I'd mix it up a little with the swimming & biking.  Only problems were that I didn't own a bike and hadn't been swimming since I was a kid.  I bought a hybrid bike for a couple hundred dollars, joined a triathlon club and tried all of the swimming tips that people gave me.  I did the sprint and was totally hooked.  Did a mini sprint a few weeks later, but by then the weather had turned and the season was over.  I talked my hubby into a nice new road bike for Christmas and I've picked out several tris for next year.

Short term goals:

Improve my endurance in swimming.  I just finished lessons with a Total Immersion coach and I think I've got a semi-good technique.  I need to refine & practice.

Longer Short term goal:

Learn to ride that shiny new bike that Santa is bringing me.  I've never tried clipless pedals and I'm VERY nervous about crashing.  I bought a trainer so that I can practice clipping & unclipping in my basement before I try it on the pavement.

I'm really excited about this mentor program, in part because everyone is about my age.  My goals and challenges are a bit different than they are for someone in her 20's. 
Starting a new sport at 40 is a little intimidating.

Lisa L

Lisa.....I started at age 43....and was NEVER really athletic before that in my entire life other than some cycle commuting in my 20's. That is one of the great things about triathlon....... it attracts people of all ages and shapes.
Re the clipless pedals I think Kevin has given you some fantastic advice. will fall.......but these will most likely be what i like to call "slow motion " falls. And that kind of fall hurts nothing but your pride.   

The first time I tried clipless I rode slowly out of my neighbourhood thinking "this is not so bad!". Came to a red light and for some insane reason thought I would do what the cool kids do.....not unclip and just hang on to the sign. Ummm...yeah....easier said than done. Down i went. There was a guy standing on the sidewalk waiting to cross. He looked at me as if I had completely lost my mind!!

So off I go.....pride slightly wounded....and carry on. "Aha i think..unclip before the red light and lean .....perfect!". Umm....yeah......Did that and was waiting for a light to change, unclipped on left. Well, I leaned slightly to the right....and down I go again. I get back up.....pretend like its a normal state of affairs and try and get my bearings. I placed my foot ever so gently on my pedal......and inadvertently clip in without realizing it and go down AGAIN!!! Little old lady in the car beside me rolls down her window to ask if I need help!! am a CYCLIST. See my cool gear?? This is normal behavior I assure you!!

It was actually really funny......and I never fell again. Oh...wait....I am lying. I switched pedal systems this spring and on my Cervelo's maiden voyage I fell. And broke my seat in the process!!

Ya just gotta roll with it.    

2009-12-20 9:19 AM
in reply to: #2569550

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2009-12-20 9:31 AM
in reply to: #2569565

The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Bopper - 2009-12-20 10:19 AM

I forgot to relay my experiences with falling... probably would have been a good idea... thanks for reminding me Helen.

First time riding with clipless pedals. We are waiting to leave on my maiden voyage with a group of other people. Sitting in the parking lot, I clip in and lean against a vehicle to wait for the others... couldn't straighten back up and couldn't get out of the clips... down I went. Hadn't even travelled 2 feet in them... embarrassed yes... did it stop me from riding... heck no. :D

Next week... we're riding along and come to a stop to wait for some other's to catch up... I forgot to clip out and was trapped between another cyclist and the ditch. Down I go, right into the ditch. Fortunately it was a soft landing... because it was a long way down compared to landing on the road.

20 minutes later... just taking off from another rest stop, the guy in front of me has trouble clipping in and is coming to a stop in front of me... I couldn't get out of the clips in time and down I go again. This time on the other side and not into the ditch. So... in two weeks of riding with clips I fell 3x... all the riders around me didn't start laughing until I did. They look out for you and make sure you're alright before they start laughing... because they ALL have fallen and know what it's like.

Since then, I've almost fallen a few times (at stop signs/lights) but always seem to get the foot out just in time to save me from landing on my a$$ets.

Now... high speed falls... those I've done... more then I care to share with you. I'm still in one piece and haven't broken anything. Everyone of those wipeouts can be attributed to high speeds, wet roads, and other circumstances that I couldn't control. Cycling is an activity that involves some risk.... but you learn quickly that you're responsible for your own safety. Never assume a driver sees you. Never take more chances then you're prepared for. Never give up.

Enjoy your riding, and stay safe.

Yep. Should I post pictures of my road rash from my fall in July?? not!. Twas a high speed fall.....and I have since learned that trying to do a 40K TT in the pouring rain is perhaps NOT the best plan.
But if and when any of you do get decorated with some road rash I have a great method of dealing with it that does not leave scars that are too horrid! 
2009-12-20 10:32 AM
in reply to: #2559403

British Columbia
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED

Welcome Lisa!  I did the same thing.  I got my bike in the fall.  I spent the winter on the trainer practicing clipping in and out.  When spring came around I felt comfortable enough to venture out on the bike.  I haven't fallen yet, but I know the day will come. 

Kevin... thanks for the tip.  Wish you were around when I started cycling.

Helen... your story made me laugh.  It's good to know it happens to all of us. you have a group to cycle with?  My group is great.  The more experienced cyclists watch out and protect us newbies from traffic.

Watched the Ironman World Championships on TV yesterday.  I feel so bad for those that didn't make the cut-off times.  Recorded it on the PVR so I can watch it on those days I need a little inspiration to head out the door to train.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone. 

2009-12-20 10:39 AM
in reply to: #2559403

Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Thanks for the pointers!  I have to remind myself that everything new takes practice and one day (hopefully in the not too distant future) I'll look back on the clipless learning experience and think - what was I worried about??

Lisa L
2009-12-20 10:45 AM
in reply to: #2569547

Subject: ...
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2009-12-20 3:06 PM
in reply to: #2559403

Auburn, Wa
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
I'm not being antisocial. Working a 36 hour shiftn won't be done till 2300 tonight. Hope all u east coasters are staying warm. Enjoy the rest of the weekend! Chris
2009-12-20 5:27 PM
in reply to: #2559403

Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Whoo whoo! I trained today!

I reset my training plan back to the beginning and rode my trainer for 25 minutes (plan called for 20 - I'm an overachiever like that ).

I had 1 diet Pepsi...tomorrow will aim for none.

We are enjoying the snow - this afternoon Sugar Daddy (my husband) and I took the Monkeys (girls) sledding. It was awesome fun.

2009-12-20 6:13 PM
in reply to: #2569934

The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
erlifeguard - 2009-12-20 4:06 PM I'm not being antisocial. Working a 36 hour shiftn won't be done till 2300 tonight. Hope all u east coasters are staying warm. Enjoy the rest of the weekend! Chris

Ugh...I thought my 12 hour shifts were bad!! 36 hours?? Is that legal??? 
2009-12-20 6:15 PM
in reply to: #2570037

The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
enders_shadow - 2009-12-20 6:27 PM Whoo whoo! I trained today! I reset my training plan back to the beginning and rode my trainer for 25 minutes (plan called for 20 - I'm an overachiever like that ). I had 1 diet Pepsi...tomorrow will aim for none. We are enjoying the snow - this afternoon Sugar Daddy (my husband) and I took the Monkeys (girls) sledding. It was awesome fun.

Looks simply awesome!! I will really miss skiing this winter.....will probably ski a bit pre op....but post op I think it will not be happening.    
2009-12-20 6:17 PM
in reply to: #2559403

Queens, NY
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
The snow ended leaving us with about 18" overall. Had lots of fun plowing out the street and others houses - NYC has no clue of how to handle this weather. We used to live upstate in Syracuse, so this is old hat.

My daughter came home from college in MA today - woohoo! the holidays are truly underway.

2009-12-20 6:26 PM
in reply to: #2559403

Queens, NY
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
So check this out - totally random - there is a flock of Sout American Parrots that have been hanging out in the treetops of my neighborhood the last few days courtesy of JFK...they are LOUD and beautiful!

more parrots" border="0" />

Photobucket" border="0" />

Edited by bluwatersoul 2009-12-20 6:28 PM
2009-12-20 7:24 PM
in reply to: #2569053

Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
lklarsen - 2009-12-19 6:55 PM Let's see...  I didn't add much the first time.

Learn to ride that shiny new bike that Santa is bringing me.  I've never tried clipless pedals and I'm VERY nervous about crashing.  I bought a trainer so that I can practice clipping & unclipping in my basement before I try it on the pavement.

I'm really excited about this mentor program, in part because everyone is about my age.  My goals and challenges are a bit different than they are for someone in her 20's.  Starting a new sport at 40 is a little intimidating.

Lisa L

Hey Lisa,
Dont worry about your age! I started at 48 ( now 51) . The most competative age group is often the 40-45 year olds!!!

The first time you go out on the road on your bike with clipless do it on a road that has a few stops and is NOT heavily trafficed. You will get the hang of it in no time. EVERYONE FALLS!!!

What kind of bike is Santa brining??? Pics please
2009-12-20 7:27 PM
in reply to: #2569232

Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Bopper - 2009-12-19 9:22 PM

bluwatersoul - 2009-12-19 8:38 PM did anyone watch Kona on tv today? I did and I could have watched more -great way to spend  a snowy evening!

I'm not sure what snow you're talking about... there's NO snow coming down here. It's really quite extraordinary that the USA is getting snow and we're not... I thought once you crossed the border it was all sunshine and green grass. Who knew??!!! LMAO

Stay safe all you East coast peeps. Snuggle up with your loved ones and enjoy the snowy weather.

Its been quite the weekend being snowed in with 10 of your closest relatives!!! We got about 12 inches but alot of drifting. Really quite beautiful!
2009-12-20 7:32 PM
in reply to: #2570100

Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
bluwatersoul - 2009-12-20 7:17 PM The snow ended leaving us with about 18" overall. Had lots of fun plowing out the street and others houses - NYC has no clue of how to handle this weather. We used to live upstate in Syracuse, so this is old hat.

My daughter came home from college in MA today - woohoo! the holidays are truly underway.

Where does she go to college? I live about an hour outside of Boston. 10 miles from the start of the marathon.
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