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2010-01-27 1:39 PM
in reply to: #2632157

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Maine Rob

So how is everyone else doing as we get toward one month into the new year?

Well it has been 28 days without soda for me which is pretty huge given the quantity I used to drink.  I still sometimes get a craving for a Diet Coke but I have managed to resist so far.

I have also made it to every morning spin class (Mondays and Wednesdays) so far this month and this week I started going to morning Masters swim.  I'm not saying that I can keep this up forever but it is a really good feeling when you walk out of the gym in the morning and know you are done (or almost done) working out for the day.

You would think that the weight would be falling off me but I still love to eat and have little to no willpower.  So I haven't made any progress on the weight loss goal.

2010-01-27 4:21 PM
in reply to: #2636310

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
zannard - 2010-01-27 2:01 AM So here is one of my issues with triathlon training. You can tell me how you feel.

It seems no matter my intensity, low or high, I tank around 7pm for about an hour or two. And when I say tank, I mean i am ready for bed. Usually I power through it, maybe by posting on this website, then snap back into standard put the kids to bed, clean the house, ect mode.

I guess my point is - do any of you have the same problem? How do you control your energy levels? Through your diet? How many hours of sleep do you get? I think some of my problems may stem from not eating or at least having a healthy snack around 3 or 4.  I can only get about 7 hours of sleep max a night, which usually ends up being more like 6.

Anyhow, just trying to make some conversation.

Keep training.

I could easily fall asleep between 2 and 7 pm every night. And i had a 10 min  'power nap" in front of the tv tonight at about 6pm! I tend to work late shifts mainly which is between about middday and 8.30 pm  so i tend to eat rubbish all day and have tea at about 9pm at night and then I normally have to get up early for my son in the mornings. So I have the same problem of no energy and no time to train (that's my excuse anyway!!).  Embarassed

2010-01-27 4:54 PM
in reply to: #2589783

Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
I hear you on the tired thing.  I have had to make a concious effort to go to bed earlier to see if it helps because I found myself taking daily naps.   A quick 15 minutes here, maybe an hour if I was really lucky but I was just so tired I couldn't keep my eyes open. 

I know my diet needs major tweaking but I tried to make my snacks better, when I was feeling tired I would have an orange and a piece of string cheese.  I also don't know how much responsibility for the tiredness is that I gave up all meat for the month of Jan on a dare.  I don't know if I was taking in enough protein/iron.  Thankfully, I get meat back in a few days.  Laughing

Feb. food challenge will be to not eat out at all Mon - Fri.  Also, cutting back on soda as well, only with dinner and not two days in a row.  I know I should cut it out completely but its my biggest weakness so I am going to cut it down slowly.

2010-01-28 12:59 AM
in reply to: #2636310

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
I also hear you on the tired thing. I have a hard time finding the time to get to sleep early it has seemed at least a few times a week I find myslef going out for my run or ride start at 8 or 830 at night after the baby goes to bed. I would like to think I would get up at 445 everyday to workout but I would skip more than I would prefer. My diet is also pretty crappy right now as well. I have put alot of time in and seem not to be losing any weight. Hopefully being underway helps kick the bad habits of fast food. I will not be posting very much over the next 2 months since we do not have any real chances to get onto the internet. I will be training underway and will update my log as soon as I can. My goal is 280 miles on the stationary bike and 100 miles on the treadmill.
2010-01-28 5:03 AM
in reply to: #2639118

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
sneddie7 - 2010-01-28 6:59 AM I also hear you on the tired thing. I have a hard time finding the time to get to sleep early it has seemed at least a few times a week I find myslef going out for my run or ride start at 8 or 830 at night after the baby goes to bed. I would like to think I would get up at 445 everyday to workout but I would skip more than I would prefer. My diet is also pretty crappy right now as well. I have put alot of time in and seem not to be losing any weight. Hopefully being underway helps kick the bad habits of fast food. I will not be posting very much over the next 2 months since we do not have any real chances to get onto the internet. I will be training underway and will update my log as soon as I can. My goal is 280 miles on the stationary bike and 100 miles on the treadmill.

Best of luck with everything. It'll be interesting when you're back to see how far forward we all are. ;-)
2010-01-28 7:20 AM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

When I first started training consistently, I was really tired most of the time, and even found myself taking a short nap at work in the afternoon.  I still get pretty beat when I'm training hard, and tend to need a lot of sleep. Most nights I usually get to bed around 9:30-10, and get up at 6:30.  If I get fewer than 8 hours of sleep, then I tend to drag through the next day. 

So what are you eating, and when?  If you have a big meal with a lot of carbs, for example, around 6, then that could contribute to the sleepy feeling around 7. Caffeine intake and sugar intake can also play a role. 

2010-01-28 7:52 AM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

Becky - great work on the diet coke! I've reduced my intake from two large drinks each day down to one, and hopefully once I leave my job next month I'll cut down even more, since I won't have the cafeteria to go to every morning. Great work on the consistent training also.

Ed - Best of luck on your deployment, and thank you very much for your service.


2010-01-28 7:16 PM
in reply to: #2639118

Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
sneddie7 - 2010-01-28 12:59 AM I will be training underway and will update my log as soon as I can. My goal is 280 miles on the stationary bike and 100 miles on the treadmill.

I think it is excellent you have set yourself goals while deployed. Good luck while you are leagues under.
2010-01-31 6:53 PM
in reply to: #2589783

New user

Melbourne, Florida
Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
I had my first 10 miles bike ride this weekend borrowing a road bike - it's the first time I have ever been on a road bike (always had mountain bike and leisure types).  Got a lovely skinned knee figuring out the cage pedals but what a great feeling (no discussion of bruised bones and uncomfortable 'seats'

I've been fretting about buying a bike and making the significant investment when I don't know if I will be doing this for the long haul (should I admit that?).  Today one of my best friends up and offered to use her bike till I can find a good used one.  She's my height and build so the bike is a pretty good fit - a Cannondale R300!

All getting better and better

I agree with you all on the sleep - I usually hit the wall around 9pm and can fall asleep on the couch.  The problem I have if I do not get into the habit of working out in the morning (still persuading myself to do so even though I am up by 5:30) I am not consistent as the evenings get out of hand with things to do.
2010-02-01 6:50 PM
in reply to: #2646183

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

That's great news Sharon, and congratulations on the road biking milestone!

How's everyone else doing this week? How long til some of you get to your first races of the year?

I'm into the second phase of P90x, and I think I'm starting to see some tangible results. I'm down 8 pounds and nearly four percent body fat since new years, plus my wife says I'm looking pretty good .

I only have four more weeks at my job, then I'll be fully self employed, so that's exciting too.

2010-02-02 6:46 PM
in reply to: #2648647

Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Maine Rob - 2010-02-01 6:50 PM

How's everyone else doing this week? How long til some of you get to your first races of the year?

I'm into the second phase of P90x, and I think I'm starting to see some tangible results. I'm down 8 pounds and nearly four percent body fat since new years, plus my wife says I'm looking pretty good .

I only have four more weeks at my job, then I'll be fully self employed, so that's exciting too.

Congrats on the own business and on the P90x too!  My dh does that and its not easy! 

This week is ok so far.  I am pretty proud of the fact that I survived the first month and am trying to increase my run mileage.  Its not as horrible as I first thought.  On the bike, I think my butt is toughening up and I hope to get in at least 3 sessions a week. 

Swimming is still my fave but I feel like I've been really pokey and slow in the pool lately.  I think I'm just so tired from everything else, its bleeding over into the pool.  I swam 2750y today and it took me over an hour!  I mean, I did some drills and a kick set but still, I think I've slowed down.  About the only thing I've changed lately is incorporating a little TI technique to help with the longer endurance sets.  In high school, I was a sprinter for sure, I used to dread 500's day.  I don't even think twice about doing longer sets now.  Hopefully its just that my body and mind are so tired from all the new activities that when I'm swimming I just sorta zone out and relax through it  Oh and I've been running most days prior to the swim so maybe that's making me tired too.  Or maybe I need to look around for a master's class and have a coach evaluate and just being around other swimmers will push me too.  I don't know, now I'm rambling. 

Hope everyone is having a great week.

2010-02-06 9:18 AM
in reply to: #2648647


Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Anyone ever feel like your quads were pulling away from your bones.  Should I rest or keep pushing through it?  I think it's from the weights, I have been following the program to the tee.  On days where I swim 45m then bike 45m then weights then core i'm dead.
2010-02-08 5:55 PM
in reply to: #2651096

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

Swimfreak17 - 2010-02-02 7:46 PM
Congrats on the own business and on the P90x too!  My dh does that and its not easy! 

This week is ok so far.  I am pretty proud of the fact that I survived the first month and am trying to increase my run mileage.  Its not as horrible as I first thought.  On the bike, I think my butt is toughening up and I hope to get in at least 3 sessions a week. 

Swimming is still my fave but I feel like I've been really pokey and slow in the pool lately.  I think I'm just so tired from everything else, its bleeding over into the pool.  I swam 2750y today and it took me over an hour!  I mean, I did some drills and a kick set but still, I think I've slowed down.  About the only thing I've changed lately is incorporating a little TI technique to help with the longer endurance sets.  In high school, I was a sprinter for sure, I used to dread 500's day.  I don't even think twice about doing longer sets now.  Hopefully its just that my body and mind are so tired from all the new activities that when I'm swimming I just sorta zone out and relax through it  Oh and I've been running most days prior to the swim so maybe that's making me tired too.  Or maybe I need to look around for a master's class and have a coach evaluate and just being around other swimmers will push me too.  I don't know, now I'm rambling. 

Hope everyone is having a great week.

Thanks, and congrats to you on the great month! It does sound like your body is working to accommodate to all the additional training load, so some fatigue may be affecting your swimming, but having a coach or masters person check out your form is never a bad idea either.

2010-02-08 5:57 PM
in reply to: #2658503

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

HIRLR17 - 2010-02-06 10:18 AM Anyone ever feel like your quads were pulling away from your bones.  Should I rest or keep pushing through it?  I think it's from the weights, I have been following the program to the tee.  On days where I swim 45m then bike 45m then weights then core i'm dead.

If the pain is as nasty as the description you give, then I would lay off a bit.  What plan are you following that has you doing all of that in one training session (versus some in the morning, some later in the day)?

2010-02-09 3:04 AM
in reply to: #2658503

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
HIRLR17 - 2010-02-06 3:18 PM Anyone ever feel like your quads were pulling away from your bones.  Should I rest or keep pushing through it?  I think it's from the weights, I have been following the program to the tee.  On days where I swim 45m then bike 45m then weights then core i'm dead.

Obviously I am an novice and have never in my life been accused of over training - but its possible you might be.

2010-02-09 1:02 PM
in reply to: #2662725


Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
I am doing the sprint basic 12 week program RPE based, through the silver membership.  I started cuting out the weights this Mon. and I feel much better with core only.

2010-02-09 1:07 PM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

That's good - it sounded like a lot of training load you had going there, especially with the weights built in.

2010-02-14 10:28 AM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Success.. I have completed a whole weeks training!! (I did want also to do some core strength ex and my pilates dvd) but hey , I call that success.  I am even beginning to like it (not a lot). I am certainly feeling 'stronger' when wandering around in my normal life which is a nice feeling. And sometimes I am finding I can bike,swim jog and my mind wanders off onto other things..which at this point is good as up to now I have spent all my time thinking blimey this is hard - when can I stop.?
I hope you are all feeling good too.
I hope i can keep it up next week.
Right, I'm off for a lovely valentines day meal then which I will really enjoy.Smile

2010-02-14 6:21 PM
in reply to: #2672248

Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
jennifer65 - 2010-02-14 10:28 AM Success.. I have completed a whole weeks training!!

Great Job! If there is one aspect of my training that I am not happy with it is definetly consisitancy.  Seems like I have a good 3 day run then miss 2 or 3 days in a row. It is never intentional, just seems like there is always something eating up the time when I would/should be training.
Again, great job. Keep it going this week!

It has been pretty quite on here lately. I hope everyone else is doing good as well.
2010-02-14 6:50 PM
in reply to: #2589783

Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Hi Jennifer and Zane,

I'm still kicking around here too! 

Jennifer congrats on the great week!  I love looking at my logs afterwards, I feel so proud.

Zane, same here.  Some weeks I have a great routine and it all gets done and other weeks after a great 2-3 days, it gets away from me and then its hell trying to get back on track.  I really wanted an all peachy month but I NEED those completely off days right now.  Last Sunday, I was at least going to take the dogs for a walk but even that seemed like way too much work.  Poor pups.

Biggest problem I'm running into right now is the bike.  I'm a little down that I'm so bad at it but after whining on the tri talk board and listening to some very sound advice from a lot of very nice people, I'm trying to keep it in perspective and develop a plan with reasonable goals.

Running is actually sorta ok right now.  I'm at the point in the Couch to 5k where its just a warm up, a run (right now 25 minutes) and a cooldown.  No more walking intervals and its not that bad.  Physically it pushes me, but its totally do-able.  Mentally, I have to tell myself to shut up sometimes because that's where I find myself failing.  In my head I think things like that there's now way I can do this, 25 minutes is too long, its going to hurt too much, I'll never make it, etc.  I have to conciously make myself stop those thoughts and think about how much faster I am now then when I started, how much running I'm capable of doing now, how far I can go, etc.  This week I ran over 10 miles!  That number amazes me. 

Swimming is on the back burner.  I'm going at least 3 x a week and I did about 7000 yards this week but it was pretty slow and easy because right now I'm swimming usually right after running and I'm using it as a recovery tool more than a hard workout.  Its prolly not wise but it works right now for me and in a while, I'll start giving swimming the proper effort it deserves but right now, its the easiest for me so its also the easiest to dial back on so that I can fit in at least 3 workouts of each event in a week.

Talk to ya guys later. Hope everyone has a great next week.

2010-02-15 6:59 PM
in reply to: #2672248

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

Great work Jennifer! Keep that momentum going!

And I hope you enjoyed a nice valentine's dinner .

2010-02-15 7:11 PM
in reply to: #2672761

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

Consistency is one of the hardest things to get in this sport.  It's very difficult to keep at it day after day, week after week. You have a great workout, or some breakthrough like a new distance goal that you reach, and it's easy to kick back for a bit.  But to reach your potential, you need to enjoy each workout and be proud of what you did each day, but realize that you have to get right back at it the next day.  That being said, I'm glad to hear that Ronda (and hopefully others) are taking some full rest days. We need them, at least now and then .

Ronda - congratulations on the running milestone (dropping the walk intervals). Don't worry about the bike, just keep at it, and build that time in the saddle.

And spoken like a true swimmer: "Only" 3 swims and 7000 yards a week.  Sounds like an epic swimming week to me .

2010-02-15 7:15 PM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

How's everyone else doing lately?

I'm halfway through my P90X program, and I think it's working pretty well for me. I'm down some weight and body fat, and the little biking, swimming, and running I've been doing have felt fairly strong.

Only two more weeks til I'm done working at the VA, and then I'm hoping to have some more training time to ramp up the tri-specific training.  I don't have any races til at least May, so I've got some time.

Does anyone else have any races coming up soon? Are you feeling ready? What are your goals at this point?

Happy training all!


2010-02-15 7:19 PM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

Whoops, double post...

Edited by Maine Rob 2010-02-15 7:20 PM
2010-02-16 2:07 AM
in reply to: #2589783

Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Hi Rob,

You must be counting down the days!  So exciting.  Glad the P90x is paying off.

You are totally right on about those rest days...I thought I could make it all peach but literally that Sunday I don't think I even got out of pajamas until 1 pm.  So no peachy month for me. 

The run was a little rough today but eh, I'll push harder on Wed.  (and not eat a burrito right before leaving either).

Thanks for the encouragement on the bike.   I am hoping if I keep slogging away at it, eventually I'll start to enjoy it.  This week I want to pick places to ride to so I feel like I have somewhere to get to instead of aimlessly circling blocks.

The pool is my safe retreat right now.  Even tho I have been kinda slow and not really pushing the time since its always after a run lately, its my safe place where I feel strong and like I'm not about to have a heart attack.    Its nice to at least have one workout at the gym where I don't feel like a fish out of water.

Still aiming for the Tinsel Tri in Hemet.  Its a reverse, 5k run, 12 m bike, and 150yd swim in a pool.  Its way far off in December but I really want to feel confident about the run and bike before I try one.  My goal is to finish (and hopefully not last, 2nd to last is fine but last, I know someone has to be last but I really don't want it to be me).  I have some goals in mind for times in the run and bike too, but I don't know if they are totally reasonable or not since I've never tried to improve or do these before.  I would like to run the 5k in less than 35 minutes and I want to run the whole thing.  I would like to complete the bike in 50 minutes or less and not crash.  The swim, well, not worried about times since I read race reports that said it was so crowded it took longer so I don't really have a time but I guess in a perfect world I would like to do it in about 1:45.  I used to swim :25ish second 50's but those days are long gone I think.  Cry  As is the age and body weight/condition I used to be in to do those too.  And that was kinda slow compared to some others on my high school/year round teams.

I do have the 5k mud run in Orange County coming up in late April.  I have no goal other than to complete it, including all the obstacles on the way too, walls, tunnels, cargo net climbs, etc.

That's it from me.  I'm going to bed.

Have a good week,
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