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2010-12-06 10:03 AM
in reply to: #3237310

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Subject: RE: Aggressive Couch-to-5k Training Group
GmrGirl - 2010-12-05 2:10 PM I'm doing the same thing as Mickie was.  Plugging away at running for longer times each time I go out.  I'm not even measuring how far I run, just taking the stopwatch so I know how long I ran.  Glad someone else is doing the same thing.  My running is slow slow too so now I don't feel bad.

On week 4 of the program.  Some days I can't get outside for the full training so do just the running portion.  Up to 9 and 1/2 minutes of running.  Planning on doing a 5K in March although if I'm doing well enough may do the local hash run in January.

VERY cool! You are doing great - keep it up!

2010-12-07 9:44 PM
in reply to: #3052868

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Subject: RE: Aggressive Couch-to-5k Training Group
How many days a week should I be running vs how many days off for recovery.

2010-12-08 4:07 AM
in reply to: #3240606

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Extreme Veteran
Northampton, UK
Subject: RE: Aggressive Couch-to-5k Training Group
If you are following the plan from BT, it should be 3 days a week running with at least a day off between each run.

When I did the plan last year, that is how I followed it and it got me to the full 5k in the 16 weeks without any problems
2010-12-08 6:55 AM
in reply to: #3052868

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Subject: RE: Aggressive Couch-to-5k Training Group
thanks sicone, thats what Ive been doing (mon/wed/fri) theres just so much different information out there , some info states running  6 days a week with the 6th day a long run, that must be for advanced runners.
2010-12-08 2:55 PM
in reply to: #3240759

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Subject: RE: Aggressive Couch-to-5k Training Group
Barry1963 - 2010-12-08 6:55 AM thanks sicone, thats what Ive been doing (mon/wed/fri) theres just so much different information out there , some info states running  6 days a week with the 6th day a long run, that must be for advanced runners.

Yes, you will always find tons of different recommendations out there for every race distance. This thread is for people using this 5K plan, which is perfect for beginner runners looking to complete their first 5K.
2010-12-11 8:51 AM
in reply to: #3052868

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Augusta, GA
Subject: RE: Aggressive Couch-to-5k Training Group
Hi everyone, my name is Court and I am about 8 weeks into the 5k program.  I have done OK, but still have some problems and would like to know if anyone else has the same problems.  First, other than a small time period a few years ago when I walked or biked to work, I was never an athlete, but not lazy either.  Second I have done road work and tread mill during this program.  OK so my calves ache every run.  Some days more than others leading me to have more troubles completing the runs.  Does this "vanish" at some point?  My cardio is good, I barely feel winded while running, but the muscles are screaming.  Any ideas?  Thanks....

2010-12-13 6:50 PM
in reply to: #3245143

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Subject: RE: Aggressive Couch-to-5k Training Group
ltcsh1 - 2010-12-11 8:51 AM Hi everyone, my name is Court and I am about 8 weeks into the 5k program.  I have done OK, but still have some problems and would like to know if anyone else has the same problems.  First, other than a small time period a few years ago when I walked or biked to work, I was never an athlete, but not lazy either.  Second I have done road work and tread mill during this program.  OK so my calves ache every run.  Some days more than others leading me to have more troubles completing the runs.  Does this "vanish" at some point?  My cardio is good, I barely feel winded while running, but the muscles are screaming.  Any ideas?  Thanks....

Welcome! Yes, your calf soreness will go away eventually. While you are in good shape, you are getting used to using different muscles, and that takes some time. Stretch your calves after you run, but not before.
2010-12-14 6:57 AM
in reply to: #3247506

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Augusta, GA
Subject: RE: Aggressive Couch-to-5k Training Group
Thank you for the reply.  I did 21 minutes yesterday and seem OK this morning.  I guess I'll see how it goes tomorrow.  One last questions......I seem to run slower on a treadmill than on the open road.  Does this seem right?  Thanks
2010-12-14 3:45 PM
in reply to: #3247807

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Subject: RE: Aggressive Couch-to-5k Training Group
ltcsh1 - 2010-12-14 6:57 AM Thank you for the reply.  I did 21 minutes yesterday and seem OK this morning.  I guess I'll see how it goes tomorrow.  One last questions......I seem to run slower on a treadmill than on the open road.  Does this seem right?  Thanks

Yes, absolutely normal. The other day I had to run inside for the first time in probably over a year. The pace I ran on the treadmill is the same pace I run outside but it felt incredibly difficult. I had the treadmill at 1% incline to mimic outside running and just got through it as best I could. I was sore the next day, too - from a 3 mile treadmill run!
2010-12-23 9:46 AM
in reply to: #3052868

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Corpus Christi
Subject: RE: Aggressive Couch-to-5k Training Group
Hi, My name is Angie and a Friend and I are going to do a Sprint tri on Mothers Day. I am starting my Running training, I have never been much of a runner except for soccer or basketball. I am start my training the day after Christmas for the running part. I am a swimmer and mountain biker so I am focusing on running and throw the others in on off days, is that a good plan? I also trikke which is like downhill skiing on pavement and gets your HR up like running. 
2010-12-23 10:42 AM
in reply to: #3259035

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Subject: RE: Aggressive Couch-to-5k Training Group
crittershooter - 2010-12-23 9:46 AM Hi, My name is Angie and a Friend and I are going to do a Sprint tri on Mothers Day. I am starting my Running training, I have never been much of a runner except for soccer or basketball. I am start my training the day after Christmas for the running part. I am a swimmer and mountain biker so I am focusing on running and throw the others in on off days, is that a good plan? I also trikke which is like downhill skiing on pavement and gets your HR up like running. 

Welcome to BT! If you feel you are strong in swimming and biking already, then yes it is a good idea to focus on running over the winter. Let us know how it goes once you get started!

2010-12-23 10:51 AM
in reply to: #3052868

New user

Corpus Christi
Subject: RE: Aggressive Couch-to-5k Training Group
THanks I will do that. I have a question though.
On the training plan for couch to 5K when I start running should I runn the whole "run" time at once or break it up?
2010-12-23 10:49 PM
in reply to: #3259194

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Subject: RE: Aggressive Couch-to-5k Training Group
This is what I did that works really well for me:
1st run - Split into 3 parts (ex. walk 6 run 4, walk 6 run 4, walk 6 run 4)
2nd run - Split in half  (walk 9 run 6, walk 9 run 6)
3rd run - Walk 18, run 12

I've had a couple knee surgeries and found this helps a lot with pain management.  Others have told me that just doing all the running at once works for them. 

Hope this helps!
2010-12-27 2:27 PM
in reply to: #3259194

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Subject: RE: Aggressive Couch-to-5k Training Group
crittershooter - 2010-12-23 10:51 AM THanks I will do that. I have a question though.
On the training plan for couch to 5K when I start running should I runn the whole "run" time at once or break it up?

It is up to you. Some people find it easier to break up the running into segments at first, and as their fitness progresses they switch to running the entire run at once. You can try both ways and see which one you prefer, or even alternate from day to day. Whatever helps you feel strong and motivated is what you should do!
2011-01-06 11:28 AM
in reply to: #3052868

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Subject: RE: Aggressive Couch-to-5k Training Group
Hello my name is Linda,

I am here to start the C25k programme. I have waited too long to do this. It is winter here and I suppose that I am starting at a bad time weather wise but if I can make it NOW I can totally do this. I have plans to walk the Appalachian Trail in March of 2012 and am hoping this will help in getting me somewhat prepared to do it or better yet so I don't have a heart attack in my first few mountain ascents. I hope I can find some help and motivation from here because motivation is my down fall. After working in the operating room all day its hard to get the energy to run and getting up early enough to run is going to be a challenge too. Time to KICK some butt and get going!!!!!
2011-01-06 11:35 AM
in reply to: #3282265

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Subject: RE: Aggressive Couch-to-5k Training Group
I will be starting this Monday 1/10/2011 I first need to get fitted for a new pair of running shoes so aching feet wont be my downfall.

2011-01-06 11:48 AM
in reply to: #3282265

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Subject: RE: Aggressive Couch-to-5k Training Group
ljdoss369 - 2011-01-06 11:28 AM Hello my name is Linda,

I am here to start the C25k programme. I have waited too long to do this. It is winter here and I suppose that I am starting at a bad time weather wise but if I can make it NOW I can totally do this. I have plans to walk the Appalachian Trail in March of 2012 and am hoping this will help in getting me somewhat prepared to do it or better yet so I don't have a heart attack in my first few mountain ascents. I hope I can find some help and motivation from here because motivation is my down fall. After working in the operating room all day its hard to get the energy to run and getting up early enough to run is going to be a challenge too. Time to KICK some butt and get going!!!!!

Hi Linda! You have such exciting goals - I love it! If you are a morning person, try to get in the habit of waking up and doing these workouts in the morning. It will give you energy for your busy day at work. I have trouble with motivation sometimes, too, and I think it really helps to write down what you BIG goal is, and then break that down into yearly, monthly, and weekly goals. So your goal for this week might be to get every workout in before work. Over the month your goal may be to have completed 90% of the planned workouts and to have asked one person to join you on one of those days. Lots of different things you can do, but the important thing is to write them down and put it where you can see it every day.
2011-01-06 11:48 AM
in reply to: #3282283

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Subject: RE: Aggressive Couch-to-5k Training Group
ljdoss369 - 2011-01-06 11:35 AM I will be starting this Monday 1/10/2011 I first need to get fitted for a new pair of running shoes so aching feet wont be my downfall.

Great! Let us know how your new shoes work out.
2011-01-17 6:04 AM
in reply to: #3052868

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Orlando, FL
Subject: RE: Aggressive Couch-to-5k Training Group
Hey Everyone!

I am coming back from a stress fracture in my foot, and so I need to ramp up slowly. I have a long history (I'm 49) of running/cycling/tri, etc, always a tortoise, but tend to not be consistent and get injured as a result. This year I want to change that. I've imported this plan to my training, and will be starting at week 5 today in order to make my Muddy Buddy training goal of April 9th.

I am feeling a bit confused by the plan, and haven't taken the time to read back through all these posts, so I hope someone can help. I'm not sure how to divide up the intervals. For example, this week it says

Walk 21/Run 9

Do I need to find the common factor (3) and then divide the runs up that way. So today I would do Walk 7/Run 3 three times?

Is there a place in the training plan that describes this?

THANKS and good luck to everyone using this plan!!!

2011-01-17 3:07 PM
in reply to: #3303740

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Subject: RE: Aggressive Couch-to-5k Training Group
annabananamc - 2011-01-17 6:04 AM Hey Everyone! I am coming back from a stress fracture in my foot, and so I need to ramp up slowly. I have a long history (I'm 49) of running/cycling/tri, etc, always a tortoise, but tend to not be consistent and get injured as a result. This year I want to change that. I've imported this plan to my training, and will be starting at week 5 today in order to make my Muddy Buddy training goal of April 9th. I am feeling a bit confused by the plan, and haven't taken the time to read back through all these posts, so I hope someone can help. I'm not sure how to divide up the intervals. For example, this week it says Walk 21/Run 9 Do I need to find the common factor (3) and then divide the runs up that way. So today I would do Walk 7/Run 3 three times? Is there a place in the training plan that describes this? THANKS and good luck to everyone using this plan!!! Ann

Hello, my friend! Don't worry, this question gets asked a lot. It is not really described in the plan. You can break it up any way you like. Some people will walk 21 minutes, then run 9. Some will break it up in half or thirds like you suggested. It jumps depends on how you are adapting to the running and what feels ok to you. I think for you it might be better to break it up into three 7/3 segments since you want to go easy on the foot. Once you feel more confident that everything is ok, you can do all your running at the end of the walk if you want.
Glad to have you here.
2011-01-18 5:28 AM
in reply to: #3304761

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Orlando, FL
Subject: RE: Aggressive Couch-to-5k Training Group
Thanks Jess! I did decide to divide it up for now, as I really want to ease back into the pounding on my foot. I also need to work a bit on form, as I tend to be a stomper and that exacerbates my problems. I am using these 30 minute runs to run 'low tech', with only a count down timer - no HRM, headphones, cell phone, gps, etc. I really want to listen to my body and learn from it, so I don't end up with another stress fracture.

In addition, I'm finding that core strength is CRITICAL to injury-free running. My loose core let's my legs weeble wobble all over the place, instead of running from a position of strength and clarity.

So...second run done yesterday, still some minor tweaks and tightness from re-aligning after 5 weeks in a boot, but overall it went well and I'm looking forward to tomorrow!

SO GLAD that you are here, too, my friend and inspirer!

2011-01-19 4:38 PM
in reply to: #3305679

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Subject: RE: Aggressive Couch-to-5k Training Group
annabananamc - 2011-01-18 5:28 AM Thanks Jess! I did decide to divide it up for now, as I really want to ease back into the pounding on my foot. I also need to work a bit on form, as I tend to be a stomper and that exacerbates my problems. I am using these 30 minute runs to run 'low tech', with only a count down timer - no HRM, headphones, cell phone, gps, etc. I really want to listen to my body and learn from it, so I don't end up with another stress fracture. In addition, I'm finding that core strength is CRITICAL to injury-free running. My loose core let's my legs weeble wobble all over the place, instead of running from a position of strength and clarity. So...second run done yesterday, still some minor tweaks and tightness from re-aligning after 5 weeks in a boot, but overall it went well and I'm looking forward to tomorrow! SO GLAD that you are here, too, my friend and inspirer!

As SOON as my Core Strength Ebook is done I will send it to you to try out for me. Just being lazy and not finishing the pictures. It's written and everything. Sigh.
2011-01-27 12:21 AM
in reply to: #3052868

New user

Subject: RE: Aggressive Couch-to-5k Training Group
Hi, my name is Steph and I am planning on starting the aggressive couch to 5k as of next week. I have always been a runner but since having my daughter (who is now almost 4) I have not been consistently training. I am looking forward to comfortably running 5K is 4 months time and then getting into some tri training for my first sprint triathlon towards the end of the year!!!
2011-01-28 10:48 AM
in reply to: #3323900

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Subject: RE: Aggressive Couch-to-5k Training Group
saylmer - 2011-01-27 12:21 AM Hi, my name is Steph and I am planning on starting the aggressive couch to 5k as of next week. I have always been a runner but since having my daughter (who is now almost 4) I have not been consistently training. I am looking forward to comfortably running 5K is 4 months time and then getting into some tri training for my first sprint triathlon towards the end of the year!!!

Hi Steph! Welcome to BT. You are so smart to use this plan to get back into shape. Take your time and enjoy your return to fitness. Please let me know if you have any questions.
2011-01-31 8:46 PM
in reply to: #3052868

New user

Subject: RE: Aggressive Couch-to-5k Training Group
Hey Everyone!

Well, here it goes!  My name is Andy, and I haven't ran since 1986. Trying to find something to get me started.  Tomorrow is Day 1.
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