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2011-01-20 3:12 PM
in reply to: #3052903

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
Just thought I'd chime in. I've done this plan for my 1st and 2nd IMs and they went great. Each year I did the first 4 weeks 2x so right now I'm on Week 2 and in February I'll repeat Week 2 again for real

The swim times are estimates but Jessica's right just focus on the distances and if you swim with a Master's group or your tri club just count whatever the workout is towards a similar length workout. Always make sure you get your long swim in and you should be a-ok! The thing I LOVE about the program is how easy it is to move things around within a week to suit my work and travel schedule. The other thing I've done to tweak the plan is add time to the long bikes in April/May (since I'm a 7:30 IM bike person).

2011-01-20 7:05 PM
in reply to: #3052903

Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
Hey Everyone,

I am currently using the 1/2 IM plan and so far so good. Was looking at the IM program and so far everything I'm reading here sounds good. I have an Olympic in March, 1/2 IM in April and then the big one.

I have done all distances, but the IM and am doing IMAZ this November for my first one.

Will keep up with the forum

2011-01-21 3:26 PM
in reply to: #3312303

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Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
mbare - 2011-01-20 7:05 PM Hey Everyone,

I am currently using the 1/2 IM plan and so far so good. Was looking at the IM program and so far everything I'm reading here sounds good. I have an Olympic in March, 1/2 IM in April and then the big one.

I have done all distances, but the IM and am doing IMAZ this November for my first one.

Will keep up with the forum

Cool. Sounds like you have a challenging year ahead of you!
2011-01-27 1:03 PM
in reply to: #3052903

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Extreme Veteran
Canton, MI. via Detroit
Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
Sundays long ride and Mondays swim & run were missed. I had a cold.  Tuesdays run went well. Wednesdays swim was easy. (like I rested up for it). 90 minute run tonight, fingers crossed.
2011-01-28 10:47 AM
in reply to: #3324965

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Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
Detroit Dan - 2011-01-27 1:03 PM Sundays long ride and Mondays swim & run were missed. I had a cold.  Tuesdays run went well. Wednesdays swim was easy. (like I rested up for it). 90 minute run tonight, fingers crossed.

Glad you are feeling better. Keep it up!
2011-01-29 11:16 AM
in reply to: #3052903

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Extreme Veteran
Canton, MI. via Detroit
Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
The first 4 weeks (Prep Period) went well except for a cold near the end. It's decision time. There are 24 weeks left.
I could...

A. Carry on into (Base 1), then go back and repeat the first 8 weeks.
B. Do the (Prep Period) 2 more times.
C. Carry on into (Base 1), then repeat base 2 when I get there.
D. Any other combo that would be better.

2011-01-29 12:20 PM
in reply to: #3328411

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Extreme Veteran
Silicon Valley
Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
Detroit Dan - 2011-01-29 9:16 AM The first 4 weeks (Prep Period) went well except for a cold near the end. It's decision time. There are 24 weeks left.
I could...

A. Carry on into (Base 1), then go back and repeat the first 8 weeks.
B. Do the (Prep Period) 2 more times.
C. Carry on into (Base 1), then repeat base 2 when I get there.
D. Any other combo that would be better.

Way to go Dan! I vote for B. Sounds like you're doing really well but 24 weeks is still a long haul - don't want to burn out too early!

I'm wrapping up my 4th week now and so far I'm following the plan to a T. I'm already noticing big improvements in my swimming and I'm actually looking forward to the next training block! Plus...I found out my dad is going to make the trip to IMTX with me which is awesome.
2011-01-29 1:14 PM
in reply to: #3052903

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Extreme Veteran
Canton, MI. via Detroit
Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
I have also been following the plan very close. The only exception is the Friday Swim. I've been trading it for some weight lifting / core training. So after the Thursday long run, I get Friday, Saturday and Sunday without going to the gym. When the weather breaks here, I'll add it back in.
2011-01-31 8:33 PM
in reply to: #3328411

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Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
Detroit Dan - 2011-01-29 11:16 AM The first 4 weeks (Prep Period) went well except for a cold near the end. It's decision time. There are 24 weeks left.
I could...

A. Carry on into (Base 1), then go back and repeat the first 8 weeks.
B. Do the (Prep Period) 2 more times.
C. Carry on into (Base 1), then repeat base 2 when I get there.
D. Any other combo that would be better.

Stay in Prep for 4 more weeks, then do Base 1 twice, then move on as planned.
2011-02-13 5:36 PM
in reply to: #3052903

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
Hi gang, just found this feature.  I started off the couch at the end of 07 with my first sprint in December.  I have worked my way up with 2 HIMS, 2 Marys and 2 IMs so far.  My challenges this season are that I broke my collarbone in a bike crash in September that required an operation to plate the pieces (5) together.  My shoulder isn't 100% yet, but I am back to swimming slowly.  I got in my first 1000 yards continuous last week at like a 2:20/100 pace 8(.  And I can now get into areo on the bike (on the trainer still icy out there) without taking 15 min to get my shoulder into position and comfortable. 

Also I am running the Boston mary this year (4/19) and doing Vineman (7/29) or some such.  So I will need to build some base in swim and bike (strength issues in the shoulder) while building miles for the mary and then start the IM plan 1 month before the race, taper and recover and be in shape for the IM.  Not ideal. 

So in base building I'm swimming 2500 and 2000, biking 40 and 20 and running 9, 4, 8, 9, 19 for next week.  I'll keep checking in here now that I know the forum exists.
2011-02-15 4:14 PM
in reply to: #3353114

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Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
Baowolf - 2011-02-13 5:36 PM Hi gang, just found this feature.  I started off the couch at the end of 07 with my first sprint in December.  I have worked my way up with 2 HIMS, 2 Marys and 2 IMs so far.  My challenges this season are that I broke my collarbone in a bike crash in September that required an operation to plate the pieces (5) together.  My shoulder isn't 100% yet, but I am back to swimming slowly.  I got in my first 1000 yards continuous last week at like a 2:20/100 pace 8(.  And I can now get into areo on the bike (on the trainer still icy out there) without taking 15 min to get my shoulder into position and comfortable. 

Also I am running the Boston mary this year (4/19) and doing Vineman (7/29) or some such.  So I will need to build some base in swim and bike (strength issues in the shoulder) while building miles for the mary and then start the IM plan 1 month before the race, taper and recover and be in shape for the IM.  Not ideal. 

So in base building I'm swimming 2500 and 2000, biking 40 and 20 and running 9, 4, 8, 9, 19 for next week.  I'll keep checking in here now that I know the forum exists.

Welcome! Glad to have you here and glad your shoulder is getting better. Sounds like quite an ordeal you have been through. Your base looks great for this time of year - keep up the great work!

2011-02-16 7:35 AM
in reply to: #3052903

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Extreme Veteran
Canton, MI. via Detroit
Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
Good God this is getting BOORING! C'mon spring!
2011-02-16 12:01 PM
in reply to: #3052903

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
Fun 9mile run in 40-50 mph winds yesterday... 4 inches of snow today... spring is not here yet.  I have a lite run 4 miles (probably in the snow) and a 2000-2500 yard swim on tap for the day.  Still recovering from a cold that adds to my fatigue load and made me drop my 20 mile bike and lifting last week 8( and impacted run speed.  Oh well.  Hopefully I am back up to snuff for my long run this week.  How's everyone else doing?
2011-02-21 10:54 AM
in reply to: #3052903

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Extreme Veteran
Silicon Valley
Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
Okay I've reached the end of week 7 of the plan. This week will be recovery which wraps up the Base 1 Phase, which peaked at 14.8 hours.

Looking ahead to Base 2, I was surprised to see that the volume peaks at 14 hours. I know these are "focus" weeks so maybe the quality/intensity is higher?

There are only 3 of the remaining 13 weeks that are higher volume than week 7 was (weeks 14/15/16) - they are all in Base 3.

Should I just get over it and trust in the plan? Has anyone else tried adding an extra hour or two to the Base 2 weekly volume?

PS - The plan appears to be working really well for me. I'm shuffling the workouts around within the week to fit my schedule but so far I'm really building lots of good fitness. I'm surprised when I look in the mirror and see some shredded lean dude standing there. I'm building lots of confidence that I'll be successful at IMTX!
2011-02-21 6:38 PM
in reply to: #3052903

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Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
Hi everyone!

I'm training for my first full Ironman using this plan. I've completed the first 7 weeks and training is going really well.  The hardest part I've found so far is the time management part of it. That said, I'm wondering if there is any problem with combining some of the workouts together for one longer workout.  For example, if the schedule has a 1 hr swim in the morning then a 1 hr bike in the afternoon, could I just put them together for a 2 hour brick session? Is there a benefit to doing the workouts separately or is that just done for time convenience?

Also, my travel schedule for work in March is about to get pretty crazy. Anything wrong with moving the workouts around during the week to compensate for when I have access to swimming facilities?  It's kinda hard to find a hotel with a good lap pool

2011-02-22 4:26 PM
in reply to: #3365149

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Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
dhopman - 2011-02-21 10:54 AM Okay I've reached the end of week 7 of the plan. This week will be recovery which wraps up the Base 1 Phase, which peaked at 14.8 hours.

Looking ahead to Base 2, I was surprised to see that the volume peaks at 14 hours. I know these are "focus" weeks so maybe the quality/intensity is higher?

There are only 3 of the remaining 13 weeks that are higher volume than week 7 was (weeks 14/15/16) - they are all in Base 3.

Should I just get over it and trust in the plan? Has anyone else tried adding an extra hour or two to the Base 2 weekly volume?

PS - The plan appears to be working really well for me. I'm shuffling the workouts around within the week to fit my schedule but so far I'm really building lots of good fitness. I'm surprised when I look in the mirror and see some shredded lean dude standing there. I'm building lots of confidence that I'll be successful at IMTX!

Yes, you should trust the plan. And yes you can add volume if you like, but it's not necessary. Adding 10% to the bike volume is a great place to start, as it won't trash you as much as adding time on the run. However, if you are a much stronger cyclist than runner, it's ok to add 10% to the run volume instead.

2011-02-22 4:32 PM
in reply to: #3365933

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Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
wilbanksmatt - 2011-02-21 6:38 PM Hi everyone!

I'm training for my first full Ironman using this plan. I've completed the first 7 weeks and training is going really well.  The hardest part I've found so far is the time management part of it. That said, I'm wondering if there is any problem with combining some of the workouts together for one longer workout.  For example, if the schedule has a 1 hr swim in the morning then a 1 hr bike in the afternoon, could I just put them together for a 2 hour brick session? Is there a benefit to doing the workouts separately or is that just done for time convenience?

Also, my travel schedule for work in March is about to get pretty crazy. Anything wrong with moving the workouts around during the week to compensate for when I have access to swimming facilities?  It's kinda hard to find a hotel with a good lap pool


Welcome to BT! Thanks for joining the conversation. The answer to both is your questions is YES. You can do both the sessions together if that works best for your schedule. The benefit to spreading them out is the time to recover between the sessions, but the most important thing is making the time commitment work for you. I had to do many back-to-back sessions when I trained for my last IM because I only had until 1pm every day to train.
With your travel schedule, the same applies: your schedule comes first, so adjust as needed to make the most of the time and facilities you have available to you.
2011-02-22 4:53 PM
in reply to: #3367608

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Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
Thanks Jessica! I'm sure I'll be back with more questions later  
2011-03-03 10:39 AM
in reply to: #3052903

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Extreme Veteran
Canton, MI. via Detroit
Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
Week 16. Base 1. Thursday.
 "Stop if your legs feel exhausted"
um... Yeah they are going to be. I ran yesterday (per plan) oh... I'm 51 years old. recovery time is a bit slow.
My question is this. Help me define exhausted? Because I can and probably will PUSH through the workout.
2011-03-03 1:13 PM
in reply to: #3381018

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Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
Detroit Dan - 2011-03-03 10:39 AM Week 16. Base 1. Thursday.
 "Stop if your legs feel exhausted"
um... Yeah they are going to be. I ran yesterday (per plan) oh... I'm 51 years old. recovery time is a bit slow.
My question is this. Help me define exhausted? Because I can and probably will PUSH through the workout.

Yes, that is a great question. Only you can tell the difference between exhaustion and normal tired legs. Sometimes that is the hardest part of training - trusting yourself to know the difference. I must be blind because I cannot find that wording in the plan on week 16, so can you tell me what the workout is?
2011-03-03 1:37 PM
in reply to: #3381278

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Extreme Veteran
Canton, MI. via Detroit
Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
Tri Take Me Away - 2011-03-03 1:13 PM
Detroit Dan - 2011-03-03 10:39 AM Week 16. Base 1. Thursday.
 "Stop if your legs feel exhausted"
um... Yeah they are going to be. I ran yesterday (per plan) oh... I'm 51 years old. recovery time is a bit slow.
My question is this. Help me define exhausted? Because I can and probably will PUSH through the workout.

Yes, that is a great question. Only you can tell the difference between exhaustion and normal tired legs. Sometimes that is the hardest part of training - trusting yourself to know the difference. I must be blind because I cannot find that wording in the plan on week 16, so can you tell me what the workout is?

Hope the link works.

It should look like this...

R: 60 minutes with strides every 10 minutes. Finish run then add 5 more

20second strides back to back before stretching. Remember, strides should

be easy speed effort. Stop if your legs are feeling exhausted.

B: 90 minues easy spinning of RPE 3.


2011-03-04 2:15 PM
in reply to: #3052903

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Extreme Veteran
Canton, MI. via Detroit
Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group

I just went ahead and did it.  You're trying to kill me. right?

1 hour *Recovery* run? What's up with that?

I hate you. Wink

2011-03-07 9:36 AM
in reply to: #3052903

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Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
And how do you feel now, Dan? Was doing the workout the right call?
2011-03-07 2:25 PM
in reply to: #3052903

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
Looking at this plan vs. Ironfit ...doing first Full in Arizona this year...alternate between happy excitement and sheer panic..
Have been doing shorter distances since 05 with one half  07 (grossly undertrained for ) one marathon the same year .Lost 08 due to injuries & life events..and resumed sprint end of 09 season..had fun in 2010 and now determined to get to the start line at Tempe in the best shape of my life- injury free & prepared....have been lurking a bit & decided to go public lol
2011-03-07 2:36 PM
in reply to: #3052903

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Extreme Veteran
Silicon Valley
Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group

I was doing really well then got really sick last week during week 9 "swim focus" week. I missed 100% of the swimming but was able to get better by the weekend to do all the biking and running. Luckily swimming is my strength so I think I can recover pretty easily from this hiccup. It would have been nice to get a little faster in the pool though! =)

I'm in week 10 now - run focus week. I can't believe I'm about half way through! The meat of the plan is coming up though so I'll have to stay really disciplined! So far the plan is working really well!



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