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2011-02-11 6:19 PM
in reply to: #3108621

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 California : Official Thread
The 19th should work for me.  I'm about 40 minutes away, so anytime is good.  If you want to shoot for 10, I can be there.  If you want to make it later, just let me know.  We can meet at one of the lots where we'll be parking on race morning.  Reminder: Don't forget to bring your ID or they won't let you on base.

2011-02-11 6:48 PM
in reply to: #3108621

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 California : Official Thread

4:20.  Dayum.  Save me some pizza,  For about 2 hours 

2011-02-11 6:54 PM
in reply to: #3351216

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 California : Official Thread
Destroyer - 2011-02-11 3:36 PM I did a little snooping around last years results and saw that for my age group only 2 of the top 10 are returning this year.  The age group winner is coming back, but will be racing as a pro, and the 7th place finisher will be back.  I really don't know where I stand right now, but I'm setting my overall time goals at 4:50, 4:30, 4:20, & 4:18  with 4:20 being the main target, 4:30 being a great race and 4:18 being magic.

I did the same sleuthing and 10 of the top 12 from my AG will be back. Looks like a couple of them might be aging up, but I assume they will be replaced with new AGers. 4:24 won the division last year. It looks like the top guys swim around 30 (winner was sub-26), bike around 2:30 and run around 1:30 (winner was 1:19!). I'll be lucky to swim a 35, I might bike 2:30 (but I doubt it) and my goal is still to break 1:30 on the run. If everything goes perfectly, I might be able to squeak out a 4:40.  I would be ecstatic - and probably just out of the top 10.
2011-02-12 9:57 AM
in reply to: #3351216

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Sunny Southern Cal
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 California : Official Thread

I did some snooping, and the top two thirds of my age group will be racing again...

Chris has it right.  You speedsters should leave some pizza for the rest of us!  And don't hog all the massage time, either.

If I start swimming more than a half hour each week, then hopefully I will break :30 on the swim.  Bike, who knows.  2:50 last time I think, so maybe 2:45?  2:40 would be stellar.  Goal is anything over 20 mph, 21 and I'd be ecstatic.  And then there's the run.  I hope to break an hour on the run.  Per lap.  Sub 1:59 would be great.  What's it all add up to?  A sore body on Sunday.

2011-02-12 10:40 AM
in reply to: #3351738

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Extreme Veteran
Woodland Hills, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 California : Official Thread
SevenZulu - 2011-02-12 7:57 AM

A sore body on Sunday.

And that's what it's all about!   My times are just goal times that I set up to push me through training.  You can probably add 20 minutes to them for where I'll actually be.  

Long day today.  3:15 on the bike and then rest up a bit before 40 minute run followed by some short sprints.    Have a great weekend! 
2011-02-13 2:38 PM
in reply to: #3351785

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 California : Official Thread
Destroyer - 2011-02-12 8:40 AM
SevenZulu - 2011-02-12 7:57 AM

A sore body on Sunday.

And that's what it's all about!   My times are just goal times that I set up to push me through training.  You can probably add 20 minutes to them for where I'll actually be.  

Long day today.  3:15 on the bike and then rest up a bit before 40 minute run followed by some short sprints.    Have a great weekend! 

We are staying Saturday night and going to a restaurant in La Jolla called Whisk N Ladle.  AMAZING hamburger.  That's going to get me thru miles 6-13. 

Tough ride yesterday on the SG river trail, only 65 and relatively flat, but pacing at 23-25 on the return leg into the wind.   3 mile run to the end of Seal Beach pier and back.  Then 10 miles this morning.  WOOT!  First double digit run since Wildflower long 2009.  And hilly to boot, out and back up into Palos Verdes.  Not sure if I will run any longer.  At my 10 /mile pace, that's starting to get close to 2 hours, and I am not sure there's much benefit in that.  But we'll see

Legs feel pretty good, I should probably try to get a swim in but I doubt that's going to happen.    I think I am content with 2X a week, hope to get around 30-33

2011-02-14 6:44 PM
in reply to: #3108621

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 California : Official Thread
Anyone wanna give some input on my proposed run schedule for the last 7 weeks?  Won't get 13 in, but one 12 miler, , two 11s, and two 10s.  These are all on Sunday and follow a 50-75 mile ride with a 2-3 mile brick (i'd like to be fresher but so be it.....

My last 5 weeks total mileage on 4-6 runs/week has been 15.6 miles, 18.8 miles, 21 miles, 23.2 miles and 25.2 miles, so I don't know if I am being a little too aggressive.  No injuries to speak of (knock wood). 

Run weeks countdown to Oceanside
7.  5, 2, 5, 2, 2, 11 = 27 miles.
6.  5, 3, 5, 2, 3, 12 = 30 miles
5.  4, 2, 4, 2, 1, 6 (race) = 19 miles
4.  6, 2, 6, 2, 2, 10 = 30 miles
3.  6, 2, 6, 2, 4, 11 = 31 miles
2.  5, 2, 5, 2, 6 = 20 miles
1.  4, 2, 2, 13.1
2011-02-15 10:48 AM
in reply to: #3108621

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Extreme Veteran
Woodland Hills, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 California : Official Thread
Seems reasonable to me.  I've never trained specifically for a half marathon before.  What is the normal peak run?  If you can run 12 in training you should be able to run 13 for the race.  
2011-02-15 1:36 PM
in reply to: #3108621

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 California : Official Thread
Most plans I've seen top out at 13 or so.  I just want an objective eye on it if it's way out of whack, or too much of an increase.  It's not exactly 10%, but close enough I think....
2011-02-15 10:13 PM
in reply to: #3356415

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 California : Official Thread
ChrisM - 2011-02-15 11:36 AM Most plans I've seen top out at 13 or so.  I just want an objective eye on it if it's way out of whack, or too much of an increase.  It's not exactly 10%, but close enough I think....

Chris - my first thought is that it looks like a lot of run days.  The volume isn't what concerns me most (although it seems like a lot), it's the lack of non-running days.  Coming off of an injury, I think the key for you is to stay healthy and feeling good heading into the race.  You know that so long as you make it to the race uninjured, you'll finish.  I don't know how much benefit you'll get out of those 2-mile runs (unless they're off-the-bike brick sessions).  IMO 3-4 runs per week (especially in week 4, following the Desert Tri) are plenty.

[4-6], [2-3 (brick run)], [4-6], [long (8-13)] would be more than enough to get you ready for the HIM run - and hopefully (and more importantly) keep you injury free.

But who knows...longer runs on fewer days, mixing in some intensity, is what works for me and YMMV *shrug* You've already come a long way back in just a short time and you could hold up just fine.  I would just caution to listen to your body and not force a run if you feel a bit beat up from the day before.
2011-02-16 1:02 PM
in reply to: #3351216

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 California : Official Thread
Destroyer - 2011-02-11 5:36 PM
Speaking of the 19th...  Next Saturday, February 19th I'm planning on heading down to Oceanside to bike what I can and then run the course.  I'll be driving in from North Hollywood so nothing super early.  I think it takes 2 - 3 hours to drive there so anytime between 10 - 2 would probably be comfortable for me.  Anyone and everyone that is interested in meeting up can let me know what time works best.  There is some rain the forecast that may cancel this for me though. 

are you guys still going to ride if it rains?  and how far were you guys planning to go?  Would like to join you guys. 

2011-02-16 1:17 PM
in reply to: #3108621

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 California : Official Thread
Mike, I don't think we're going to ride if it rains - and it looks like Saturday is going to be the worst day.  Sunday looks to be clear, but I was thinking of heading out to Pine Valley / Noble Canyon.  If we were to preview as much of the course as we can then it will be about 25 miles up, 25 back, so maybe somewhere around 50-55 miles.  I know of at least one other that may want to join us.
2011-02-16 3:18 PM
in reply to: #3108621

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Extreme Veteran
Woodland Hills, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 California : Official Thread
With a 70% chance of rain on Saturday I think we'll have to cancel and hope to reschedule.  March 19th is still good for me, but I can work something in on a different date if needed. 
2011-02-17 12:32 PM
in reply to: #3108621

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 California : Official Thread
Well, maybe it is too much.... volume was feeling good, pace was feeling good, but 3 miles into this morning's run, coming up a small rise, my left calf tweaked.   A slight pull on the outside.  Walked the 1.5 miles home.  Rolled out, compression now, will put some ice on it.  I have to find a way to stay off this injury train...  Seems like every time I get into a groove, I get sidelined.
2011-02-17 2:52 PM
in reply to: #3360093

Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 California : Official Thread
Chris -
I hear you about the injury train.
I was headed down to SoCal for a 1 week training camp kicked off with the Surf City 1/2M.
Was feeling really good and strong - looking for a 1/2M PR.
Got bit by a black widow spider on Thursday before and 13 days later I am just getting healthy  enough to train again.
The whole time on vacation was spent in bed with a 103 fever and a nasty rash moving up my leg.  The swelling is almost all gone, but my overall fitness took a big hit.
I need to revisit my expectations for 70.3 Cal.
2011-02-17 3:46 PM
in reply to: #3360093

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Sunny Southern Cal
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 California : Official Thread

That sux.  Rest it, maybe aquajog for a couple workouts if you've got a place that you can do that.

I just went through it a few weeks ago -- calf/achilles again.  Took it easy on the running for about a week and a half.  Still not back to where I was with the running fitness, but I'm trying not to get carried away with the tempo and see if I can just get to the starting line healthy with some sort of reasonable run base.  I don't know why that's so darned hard to do.

2011-02-17 3:47 PM
in reply to: #3360395

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Sunny Southern Cal
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 California : Official Thread

jmorgantri - 2011-02-17 12:52 PM Chris -
I hear you about the injury train.
I was headed down to SoCal for a 1 week training camp kicked off with the Surf City 1/2M.
Was feeling really good and strong - looking for a 1/2M PR.
Got bit by a black widow spider on Thursday before and 13 days later I am just getting healthy  enough to train again.
The whole time on vacation was spent in bed with a 103 fever and a nasty rash moving up my leg.  The swelling is almost all gone, but my overall fitness took a big hit.
I need to revisit my expectations for 70.3 Cal.

Black widow bite?  Yikes.  How did that happen?

2011-02-18 12:24 PM
in reply to: #3108621

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 California : Official Thread
Looking back it was my own da*n fault.  I knew my legs, and especially my calves, were tight, and I wasn't rolling them out.  I was also doing hard trainer sessions the night before longer runs, which contributed.

The black widow story (which sucks, sorry), is a better story though.   Glad to hear you're on the mend.  The way I see it, I wasn't winning my AG anyway.  just another bump in the road.....
2011-02-18 3:02 PM
in reply to: #3360531

Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 California : Official Thread
Good question - I have no idea!
The rash started at my ankle and was marching up my leg when I went to the Doctor.  The first set of antibiotics did nothing and they had to move me to the more potent set. My ankle still looks like a grapefruit, but is finally coming down.
I had no dreams of winning the 40-44 AG - just looking to go sub 5:30.  Thinking that is still possible if I can put some good training weeks together, but 5:45 - 5:50 is the more likely target right now.
2011-02-18 6:39 PM
in reply to: #3108621

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Extreme Veteran
Woodland Hills, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 California : Official Thread
Sorry to hear about the troubles.  It sounds like you'll both be healed up and good to go in no time though.  Any exciting workouts or goals lined up for the weekend?  I have a brick tomorrow, but the bike may have to be indoor if we get hit with more rain or the roads are too wet.  Sunday is a mid-distance run and a long continuous swim.  This swim is my focus of the week.  It's a straight 2k that I want to try to push a bit.  I think I have a mental barrier that is holding my pace back during long swims.  My training plan has been giving me sets of 100's on 5 seconds rest.  I'm up to doing eight 100's on 5 and can knock those out no problem at a good pace, but when I go to do a longer swim without rest my pace drops a couple seconds.  My goal for Sunday is to keep a strong steady pace and beat my 2k time from last Sunday.  I have another 2k next weekend as well, with the only difference between these being an extra 50 meters added onto the warm up and cool down each week. 
2011-02-18 6:56 PM
in reply to: #3108621

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Extreme Veteran
Woodland Hills, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 California : Official Thread
oh, and a sports massage on Saturday evening. Cool

It will be my first ever massage that's over 15 minutes and not at the end of a finish chute.

2011-02-19 6:00 PM
in reply to: #3108621

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 California : Official Thread
Don't get too excited about the massage..   if'n ya know what I mean...   Hope you like it.  I've only had two ever, one about a month ago, something I want to do 2X month or more.  I am thinking it might help with leg tightness that I think may be the root of my troubles.

I haven't been swimming that much lately, so today decided to hit the Saturday masters.  It's run by an Ex USC backstroker, so there's always a lot of stroke work, but always a good workout.  Did the 2800 yd set, then added 4 x 300 on my own for 4K.  Would like to be 3500-4000 3X a week.  If I can't run a good HIM, at least I can try to finally break :30 for the swim, which I've never been able to do

Going to test the calf on the trainer today.  Hopefully can still ride, but not planning on pushing big watts.  Will probably take a full week off running, leaving a 4-5 week build and short taper to an 8-9 miler or so.  That's the plan at least
2011-02-19 11:06 PM
in reply to: #3108621

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 California : Official Thread
after looking at the bib number from the last few years am I correct in assuming that age groups go off in pretty much the same waves every year at this race. It looks like the 45-49 is the second to last group. I was hoping not to swim through a lot of the leftover swimmers from the earlier groups.

My worst swim ever came when I got to close to a guy hanging onto a buoy with the worst look of panic I have ever seen. I had to go right next to him because 2 other guys where being rescued at the same spot on the course. That through me for a loop. 
2011-02-20 12:40 AM
in reply to: #3363634

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Sunny Southern Cal
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 California : Official Thread

When I looked at the wave starts a while back, they appeared to stay consistent with the order from one year to the next.  I was thinking the same thing -- starting near the back won't be a whole lot of fun, either on the swim or the bike.  Oh well, it is what it is. 

It also seems like there are quite a few more participants registered than when I did the race a couple years ago.  That will make for a crowded course.  Maybe that's what people's beef is with the IM-branded races in some of those threads that I didn't bother reading a while back.

2011-02-20 1:36 PM
in reply to: #3108621

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 California : Official Thread
I do not mind passing people on the bike Sealed. Much tougher on the swim
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