BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Tripletmom01 Group FULL Rss Feed  
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2011-01-10 10:45 AM
in reply to: #3257156

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Waukesha, WI
Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL

How was everyone's weekend??  I got to ski with my daughters for a couple hours  yesterday.  I have twins and they are so different especially when it comes to sports.  It was the first time out this season for the more athletic one...she kept saying "that looks too hard..." and then before we could catch up she was already going down the hill   too funny!

Got to ride 1:30 on the trainer this morning...nothing like going 20+ miles without actually "going" somewhere

2011-01-10 10:50 AM
in reply to: #3257156

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New user

Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL
Hi kduncan,

Back in 2009 I got my first road bike, I bought an entry level Jamis for around $600. I was looking for a used frame but used XS frames are really hard to come by. I don't regret my decision of buying a new bike, I haven't had a single problem with it and it's still practically new.

My fiance, on the other hand, bought a used road bike and after a year of riding, he built his own bike. He ordered a carbon fiber frame from ebay and bought all the components. It took him about 2 months to complete it, but now he's got the ultimate racing machine! ...

I guess my advice, like others have posted, is: do not spend a lot of money on your first bike.

Edited by pacificsand 2011-01-10 10:53 AM
2011-01-10 4:06 PM
in reply to: #3289905

Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL
I didn't have the best weekend in terms of exercise. I ran a few miles on Saturday. I'm starting a half marathon training program and it starts very slowly. I injured myself while training for my last half, probably because I did too much too soon, so I'm trying to follow this program perfectly this time around. On Saturday, I did an hour long ride on a Spin bike. I was supposed to go to soccer last night, but I decided to fall asleep on the couch instead. Running again today.
2011-01-10 6:49 PM
in reply to: #3257156

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL
Managed to get myself up this AM to ride "the monster" (stationary bike). Ouch--did the first workout of the "Jorge off-season" "prep" and almost died just doing warm-up. (I have done the tests and figured out thresholds and everything--it just takes me forever to warm up.) Finally got into it and managed the main set okay.  Hopefully I can keep this up 2-3 days a week. It feels so good when you stop!

Checked out trainer options at what passes for our local bike shop and they aren't too impressive--some obsure brand from taiwan and it doesn't even have a front block. I will wait till next month.
2011-01-10 7:57 PM
in reply to: #3291172

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL

Hot Runner - 2011-01-10 6:49 PM Managed to get myself up this AM to ride "the monster" (stationary bike). Ouch--did the first workout of the "Jorge off-season" "prep" and almost died just doing warm-up. (I have done the tests and figured out thresholds and everything--it just takes me forever to warm up.) Finally got into it and managed the main set okay.  Hopefully I can keep this up 2-3 days a week. It feels so good when you stop!

Checked out trainer options at what passes for our local bike shop and they aren't too impressive--some obsure brand from taiwan and it doesn't even have a front block. I will wait till next month.

Jorges plan is pretty should benefit from it!

LOL about the trainers

2011-01-10 7:59 PM
in reply to: #3257156

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL

So....what do you guys want to talk about?  What are your concerns with your training for the off season?  What are you worries about the upcoming season?

2011-01-10 8:30 PM
in reply to: #3291289

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Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL
Hi all...need some good cycling videos to watch while I am on the trainer!  Need to envision that I am going somewhere!  Any suggestions and if so where do I purchase them???  I don't have a computrainer so just DVDs.

Thanks all!!!Tongue out
2011-01-10 8:35 PM
in reply to: #3291289

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Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL
Sorry answer the question you concern in the off season is not getting so freakin bored on the treadmill and trainer.  I am an outdoors kinda gal and this indoor stuff is getting way old.  At least I am back at Adult Swim League tomorrow night...pending how I feel after taking a digger down a flight of steps after work today.  The swim coach for league is pretty brutal so I am exhausted after the one hour in the pool.

As for the upcoming season...just want to ensure that I am prepared and really hoping I can stick to and complete my scheduled races!!!

2011-01-10 8:50 PM
in reply to: #3257156

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL
Had a rough weekend here emotionally.

 Saturday I had a wonderful swim with my two daughters.  it was awesome.  Lap swimmed with them and taught my 10 year old how to flip turn!!!       it was so cool lap swimming right next to my girls (one at a time)  they are getting soooo good.  (proud dad moment there)

  On Sunday managed to get a 6 mile run in but honestly Ive been battling ongoing injuries for much too long.  Finally life issues and these injuries became too much and I had to bag my January marathon.

  Need to really heal these up before embarking on Ironman training.   Not an easy thing for me to drop a race.  I HATE that.  But really its the best decision.   

 Good thing about being a triathlete is that while these injuries heal  Swimming is not affected.  Trying to wrap my maniac brain around a big time swim focus!!!   Make something positive about this.  its by far my worst discipline  (well in triathlon anyhow

Also finally also have decided along with my coach that I need to do strength training (not into that typically other than abs) to help this situation.     It makes sense.  if I want to improve I have to do this.  AND listen to my coach better

I also saw my podiatrist tonight.  Was casted for orthotics that will help with my bizarro toe joint issue.   Can't hurt right?   

Have to say that my therapy for life is training.  It may not necessarily be the right way to approach things, but it really helps me to feel better and manage stress. 

2011-01-10 9:22 PM
in reply to: #3257156


Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL
The plan I am using has 2 a days on Mondays. Short bike and swim.  Ideally it says to split them am and pm my 50 hour wrk wk wont allow that but I have done this the last 2 Mondays. I know they should be more drill like in format. Any suggestions on intervals etc. I am using the balanced 2times a weeks each sport from this site. My speed is NOT good I did 26 minutes on the stationary bike tonight because a spin bike was not available and only did 5.5 miles. I cannot yet sustain 90RPMS for very long intervals.
2011-01-11 6:44 AM
in reply to: #3257156

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL
My concerns--basically just how to train so I improve without getting injured/burning out. I have a pretty good idea about training for the run and swim as separate events, but adding the bike, and pulling them altogether in a balanced way, is hard. I can't seem to find a "prepackaged" plan I like. The run/swim components seem to be oriented toward people who are new to the run distance or intimidated by the swim. I'm not--I just want to be stronger in those events. The HIM plan on BT looks more on the mark for run and swim but I think run training is a bit different for the 10K vs. HM.

Then, if/when I do have a plan, working it out with reality--inflexible work hours (well, they flex to become longer sometimes!), pool available at very limited times, road biking only possible Sunday AM..... Basically the workout(s) I do each day is the workout(s) I CAN do on that day. I would have to modify any pre-existing plan quite a bit to reflect that.  On the plus side, I never have to deal with snow and ice around here! 

I did get a great book of 60-minute workouts (for all events) for Christmas--left it at work so can share title and author tomorrow. It's a super resource if anyone else is in a similar situation--imagine many are with families, jobs, and training!

2011-01-11 8:05 AM
in reply to: #3257156

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Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL

HotRunner - You may want to consider a coach to customize a plan for you, your fitness level, and your goals that you have set. I tried to use a prebuilt plan and was getting frustrated by not seeing the improvement I wanted.. I got a coach and took 1st in my AG in a 5k and hit the podium on a National Event. Just a thought..

2011-01-11 8:22 AM
in reply to: #3257156

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Waukesha, WI
Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL
Dave - You did the right thing. I know how hard it is to make that decision to not race.  Good idea to listen to your body.  Now...listening to your coach is an even better idea

My main concern this year:  Keeping my endurance and speed on the run while still training to get my bike split fast.  My first race is a  half mary and I want to PR but that goal is really ambitious so I am also setting the same goal for a half mary later in the season. 
2011-01-11 9:55 AM
in reply to: #3291287

Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL
tripletmom01 - 2011-01-10 7:57 PM

Hot Runner - 2011-01-10 6:49 PM Managed to get myself up this AM to ride "the monster" (stationary bike). Ouch--did the first workout of the "Jorge off-season" "prep" and almost died just doing warm-up. (I have done the tests and figured out thresholds and everything--it just takes me forever to warm up.) Finally got into it and managed the main set okay.  Hopefully I can keep this up 2-3 days a week. It feels so good when you stop!

Checked out trainer options at what passes for our local bike shop and they aren't too impressive--some obsure brand from taiwan and it doesn't even have a front block. I will wait till next month.

Jorges plan is pretty should benefit from it!

LOL about the trainers

What is Jorge's plan?

2011-01-11 10:15 AM
in reply to: #3291959

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL
lrunfit - 2011-01-11 8:22 AM Dave - You did the right thing. I know how hard it is to make that decision to not race.  Good idea to listen to your body.  Now...listening to your coach is an even better idea

I wish i was that smart!  u give me too much credit.    I really was not listening to my body.  That is secondary, i'd probably race anyhow.   But I'm learning. 

Also learning to listen to Tammy better.  This is Ironman year!!!  I need to DO this!
2011-01-11 10:43 AM
in reply to: #3292295

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL
Lol.. Daves workout for today is to write 100x I will never doubt my coach. you can add 10 pushups after each sentence too

2011-01-11 6:47 PM
in reply to: #3257156

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL
In response to a couple of people:

Jorge's plan is an off-season cycling plan for triathletes. You can find it on the Challenge forum of this site. There's a link to his blog where he posts the workouts. You can do it based on power (watts), heart rate, or RPE (perceived effort). Most are 45-60 minutes, except for an optional longer ride (which will be my one outdoor ride of the week). 

The book I mentioned is "One-Hour Workouts", put out by Velo Press.  It appears to be waterproof, so it could even go with you poolside!  It has workouts for swim, bike, and run, plus some strength and cross-training workouts, and is divided into sections for base, tempo, and speedwork.  Many of the workouts seem more intermediate/ advanced level but could be modified down. The swim stuff definitely gives me a good workout!

I've considered a coach but the fact that I live in Vietnam ten months a year is a challenge! I also have financial limitations and family issues with how much I spend on my hobby. I did have an excellent running coach when I was running at my highest level and it was great not to have to worry so much about WHAT  to do--I'm much more of a "just do it" kind of person than someone who likes to agonize and analyze everything. Unfortunately I have lost contact with this guy and don't know if he still coaches--he would be getting up there.

We (tri group at school) are hopefully getting a master's swim coach next week--I know he's worked with triathletes on the swim, but I don't know if he's qualified with the other two events. Time is also problematic--he can only work with us for an hour, twice a week, at present. It would be nice at least to get some structured workouts and feedback on my stroke.

It is great to have this forum--I have learned a lot. All of my tri-buddies at school are similarly newbies, we're pretty isolated here, and the learning curve is steep!
2011-01-11 7:29 PM
in reply to: #3291752

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL

Hot Runner - 2011-01-11 6:44 AM My concerns--basically just how to train so I improve without getting injured/burning out. I have a pretty good idea about training for the run and swim as separate events, but adding the bike, and pulling them altogether in a balanced way, is hard. I can't seem to find a "prepackaged" plan I like. The run/swim components seem to be oriented toward people who are new to the run distance or intimidated by the swim. I'm not--I just want to be stronger in those events. The HIM plan on BT looks more on the mark for run and swim but I think run training is a bit different for the 10K vs. HM.

Then, if/when I do have a plan, working it out with reality--inflexible work hours (well, they flex to become longer sometimes!), pool available at very limited times, road biking only possible Sunday AM..... Basically the workout(s) I do each day is the workout(s) I CAN do on that day. I would have to modify any pre-existing plan quite a bit to reflect that.  On the plus side, I never have to deal with snow and ice around here! 

I did get a great book of 60-minute workouts (for all events) for Christmas--left it at work so can share title and author tomorrow. It's a super resource if anyone else is in a similar situation--imagine many are with families, jobs, and training!

The most important things when training is to get your long stuff in and to make sure you have your recovery days and weeks.   Lots of other stuff to incorporate but those are probaly the most important.  IMO

2011-01-11 9:35 PM
in reply to: #3292372

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL
tripletmom01 - 2011-01-11 10:43 AM Lol.. Daves workout for today is to write 100x I will never doubt my coach. you can add 10 pushups after each sentence too

I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach
I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coachI will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach, I will never doubt my coach

Push up?  sorry don't know what that is.   Me no likey push ups     besides you said wobble board and bosu

2011-01-12 7:37 AM
in reply to: #3257156

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Waukesha, WI
Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL
You can do push-ups on the BOSU
2011-01-12 7:41 AM
in reply to: #3257156

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL
Comic telief--have had runs interrupted by many things here in Vietnam, but today was a first. Just as it was getting dark, I headed across the pedestrian bridge to a waterfront area where I do almost all of my weekday runs, as it's well-lit and traffic-free....only to find the bridge blocked by a giant 3D musical toothpaste ad for "Close-Up". It appears there's no way around it; the guys putting it together indicate I can crawl out on the bridge supports to do so!  Declined and ended up going the long way around, extra half mile or so out onto the car bridge past two construction sites just getting off work--event of the afternoon for those guys.  Sometimes I think I should carry a video camera and make a movie!

2011-01-12 9:19 AM
in reply to: #3257156

New user

Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL
Back at it on the eliptical today.  First day back since the dreaded COLD set in last week.  My Whole family got it including my husband who is also training for the triathlon.  He's not too happy right now.  I am bummed with this little setback and was only able to do 30 minutes on the eliptical today, but I am glad to be getting back on track.  I think this evening I may try to get another short workout in. 

Hope everyone is having a good week.
2011-01-12 2:44 PM
in reply to: #3257156

New user

Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL
Well my computrainer class last weekend was eye opening for me. First, I was shocked how much fitness I have lost taking the last few months off. Second, I have been considering purchasing a new road bike to help with my performance, however I noticed in my computrainer class the tiny woman next to me had the same bike as me but was consistently averaging 5mph faster than me. Clearly the bike isn't the problem.....I AM.

So I really need to work on my performance on the bike. I plan to do a spinning class during the week at my local gym as well as the computrainer class on the weekend until it warms up a bit outside here in Chicago.
2011-01-12 4:40 PM
in reply to: #3257156

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Waukesha, WI
Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL

Glad to hear everyone is getting in their workouts. I got in a run today and a spin.  I am staying with my parents in California right  now and the area they live in there are a lot of hilly, windy roads and a lot of cyclists.  Next time I am here I am going to have to rent a bike and get in some riding!

2011-01-12 6:49 PM
in reply to: #3257156

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Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL
So far it has been a great workout week! Two runs, elliptical, adult swim league (1600m swim workout), 60 minute bike on the trainer while watching Ironman Kona (love it), and weights!!!  Gonna try to keep up the momentum!!!I definitely feel great to be back in the groove!
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