BT Development Mentor Program Archives » bigDH's accountability training a.k.a Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society Rss Feed  
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2011-12-31 1:00 PM
in reply to: #3963244

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!

kathie - 2011-12-31 4:55 AM OHHHHHHH GOOOOOOD LOOOOORRRRRRRRDDDD. Ok I'm really freaked out right now. I just received a huge package of reeses peanut butter cups. And peanut butter cookies. And I don't know what else peanut. I haven't taken anything out of the box so I really don't know what all is in it. I love reeses and we can't get them in Germany. That's why a friend sent them. She thought she'd be doing me a favor. But now I'm all freaked out. I can't have it here because I'm gonna eat it all. But I love it so much!!! I can't just have it at the house and have a treat every once in a while. Ok I guess I just answered my own question. NEED. TO. GET. RID. OF. IT. I'm invited to a new year's party tonight. Guess I'm going to take it with me and have other people take care of it. Now I'm gonna shovel the driveway. Exercise should help me get my mind of the ohhh so yummy food in my house. Hopefully.

LOL! What a great friend! But I know what you mean! I love Reeses peanut butter cups also. Good for you in doing the right thing and sharing them with your friends.


2011-12-31 1:05 PM
in reply to: #3963765

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!

Ending the year right with a six mile run this morning. So I guess this means the half marathon training has officially begun!


2011-12-31 1:16 PM
in reply to: #3963761

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
pdc33 - 2011-12-31 11:55 AM

BigDH - 2011-12-30 9:35 PM
kevinbe - 2011-12-30 1:12 AM

Hope I'm not too late!

Name: Kevin

Family status: Married to wife (going on 10 years) Sarah, 2 daughters Esther 6, and Mercy 2.

Story:  I was very athletic growing up.  I have a wrestling background.  Running was always a natural supplement to wrestling training and weight cut.  I did my first half marathon when I was 20 to make a college wrestling team.  I started marathoning after watching the biggest loser t.v. show.  I figured if they could do it, I could.  I finished my first marathon in May of 2009.  I have done 3 since then.  I now have a goal to do an IM.  I love seeing the Kona wrap up show each December and have a goal to one day complete that race.  My goal is to do HIM this year, full IM next year, and KONA qualifier in 2014.  I am finishing up grad. school, a full time special ed. teacher, a hockey coach, father, husband, and fanatic of training.  I could use an accountability group to push me towards meeting and exceeding goals, and get me off the couch during holiday season.

Currently training for 2(A) races in 2012.  Windermere Marathon (5th marathon) in May.  Troika HIM.  (1st triathlon) in August.  Many other runs, and maybe 1 other tri in-between.

I am 5'6".  I have trained with weights off and on for last 20 years, and have built a stocky frame.  Now that I'm 34, the evening barly pops and snacks are taking a toll on my body as matabolism is slowing.  currently weighing in at 195 and hoping to drop 20-30 pounds this year.  I've been saying this for a year now, and could use help with changing eating habits.  HELP!

Hopefully you have room.  I know I would benefit from accountability as I have not built any contacts in tri since starting training last fall.




Hey Kevin, dang, you go big or go home huh. Kona in 2 years. That would be wild. that 35-40 age group is a hard one to get through on. Wow. What type of plan are you following?

So how DOES one get into Kona? Occasionally you'll see people from the Biggest Loser, and some other peeps who may have got in because they have a good story (woman who beat cancer).


Usually 2 or 3 years of consistant 15-20 hour weeks, I think. Lots of free time helps. Basically each IM race has a number of slots in each age group to give away and they go to the fastest, although there is a roll down.

Or win the lottery. Or go on the Biggest Loser. Ha.
2011-12-31 1:17 PM
in reply to: #3963628

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
katieduffy - 2011-12-31 10:15 AM

Hi everybody! Lots of new faces... welcome to you all... I wasn't in the forums yesterday, early work start and a scheduled rest day for me. I'm off for a long run in a little while, but "long" is relative these days. I'm just building base as a lead in to formal training plans this spring.

Weekend plan: run in a few minutes, set up the trainer this afternoon (still haven't gotten to that!) swim tomorrow depending on the status at my pool plus a trainer ride during football (go Jets! 6% chance of making the playoffs, LOL!) run and maybe a weights workout on Monday.

Beer talk everywhere! I gave up drinking entirely several years ago, but I can still practically taste a nice cold one ... Stella Artois ads practically kill me, ha ha!

Sounds like a good plan for the weekend. Where do you get the 6% chance?

mmmmm Stella, Draft, Yes.
2011-12-31 1:34 PM
in reply to: #3963637

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
swimmindy - 2011-12-31 10:18 AM

BigDH - 2011-12-30 9:16 PM
swimmindy - 2011-12-30 11:53 AM

NAME: Melinda, but my family calls me Mindy or Mel

STORY: I was a D1 swimmer and "retired" in 2008.  I have a love hate relationship with the pool.  I started looking into triathlons because a teammate of mine was doing them and planning on an IM.  I needed something to use as a goal, especially since I'm so competitive.  I have a M.S. in Sport Psychology.  I have about 40 more lbs I want to lose after successfully taking off 20 over the past 3 months.

FAMILY STATUS: Single, living at home, in-limbo

CURRENT TRAINING: Mostly on my own, sometimes my dad will swim or bike with me.  I couldn't afford to renew the BT silver membership so I printed out a couple sprint and sprint-oly transitions to make a plan.

THIS YEARS RACES: I'm hoping to make the Marineland Sprint my first tri in March/April.  The swimming and biking are right on pace, but I am so not a runner.  After 2 knee surgeries (1 on each knee) I stopped running in college.

GOALS for 2012: Lose 40lbs., complete 1 sprint and 1 oly, begin my Ph.D. program

I'm currently not able to train bc I have exercise induced asthma that was diagnosed in college and I don't have an inhaler  I have to wait until I can get into a doctor probably early next week to get back into it, so I start posting training sessions when I can.  Until then, I plan on doing a lot of stretching and maybe some low impact core work.  

And of course running after my 2 year old niece!

Ahhhh Melinda, awesome, WE HAVE A SWIMMER. Ha. Think I already said welcome but I will say it again. How far are you into setting up a plan?


The original plan was to compete in the Ocala Sprint on March 24, but I've decided to go for the April 15 Marineland Tri (it's cheaper and probably a better, less competitive, first triathlon).  And because of the inhaler issue I can easily push back the couch-2-sprint plan or change it to the beginner sprint plan.  

The only issue I have with the beginner sprint plan is the running.  I may take the running from the couch-2-sprint and do the swimming and biking from the beginner sprint plan.  Has anybody gone from no running to a 5k?  How long did it take to build up?

Hey, running is the trickiest, ESPECIALLY if you are carrying some extra baggage, ESPECIALLY if you are a former swimmer and probably have great fitness in your lungs and heart whihch will easily outpace your leg muscles/tendons/bones causing you to run faster than you should leading to overuse injuries.

So yeah, be very careful. I did the couch to 5k for 2 or 3 years before it stuck. But it is a solid program and if you continue to build on it could easily lead to 10ks and Half Marathons within a year.

I don't know a lot about the programs offered here, but I can see by the description that they are probably just enough to get you by. That is great. I mean the point of the beginner programs is to get people through the front door, develop good training habits, see if you like the sport (and for lots of people learn to swim). Just be careful about cutting back on the running since you say it is your weakness.

There is a saying, train your weakness race your stregnth.

What scares you about the running?
2011-12-31 1:38 PM
in reply to: #3963594

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!

kevinbe - 2011-12-31 10:44 AM Went to a New years eve eve party last night.  woke up this morning to a 3 pound weight gain.  Oh well, can't take that back.  Time to hit the bike.  Hope all have a Happy and Safe New Year's celebration. 

Hey Kevin - I ran into the same problem with weight gain.  I oinked during the last two days of visiting friends in family and was troubled to find that I had "gained" 2 pounds.  So I got back on the wagon and waited three days to weigh myself again.  This morning I was down three pounds.  Moral of the story - your bike ride today will probably get you back on track on your journey to Kona (bodacious goal by the way!).

Happy New Years,
Dave (DQ

2011-12-31 1:50 PM
in reply to: #3963244

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!

kathie - 2011-12-31 3:55 AM OHHHHHHH GOOOOOOD LOOOOORRRRRRRRDDDD. Ok I'm really freaked out right now. I just received a huge package of reeses peanut butter cups. And peanut butter cookies. And I don't know what else peanut. I haven't taken anything out of the box so I really don't know what all is in it. I love reeses and we can't get them in Germany. That's why a friend sent them. She thought she'd be doing me a favor. But now I'm all freaked out. I can't have it here because I'm gonna eat it all. But I love it so much!!! I can't just have it at the house and have a treat every once in a while. Ok I guess I just answered my own question. NEED. TO. GET. RID. OF. IT. I'm invited to a new year's party tonight. Guess I'm going to take it with me and have other people take care of it. Now I'm gonna shovel the driveway. Exercise should help me get my mind of the ohhh so yummy food in my house. Hopefully.

Kathie:  First off - I'm so jealous of you living in Bavaria.  I travelled there when I was in college and didn't appreciate the beer as much as I would now.  How I would love to go back

As for the Peanut Butter Cups - you have a lot more will power than I have.  Last week, after a trip to Dogfish Head Brewery - I did some serious damage on a bag of RPC.  Ate almost the entire bag.  Good luck getting rid of them today (and good luck with the driveway)!

Happy new Year!


2011-12-31 1:57 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!

Hi All:

Glad to hear y'all are getting your workouts in before the NYE festivities begin.  I just rode my trainer for 50 minutes and I went all out.  Probably my hardest workout since Jully when I was training for my century. Why - so I could drink more beer tonight.  

I'm not surprised by the fact that many of us are beer lovers.  Our love for beer is why we probably need to lose a few pounds.  However, it's offers a lot of motivation - at least it does to me and so I plan on using it to create some new habits.

Happy New Years everyone!


2011-12-31 2:02 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!

Sorry All - One last post.  I keep a beer log where I rate beers on a scale of 1-5.  Here is my list of beers I liked best/least.  

What do you all think?

Beers that earned a 5

Harpoon Chocolate Stout

Harbin Lager

Lagunitas IPA


Schneider Wiesen Edel-Weisse

Weihenstephaner Original

Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier

Great Lakes Aloha Ale

Great Lakes Holy Moses White Ale

Founder’ Cherise

Bells Two Hearted Ale

Shorts Beachwheat

Jolly Pumpkin Weizen Bam

Oude Geuze

ScaldisPeche Mel

Kasteel Rouge Cherry Beer

Gulden Draak

Southern Tier Choklat



Beers that earned a 1 or less


Leinenkugal Berry weisse

Michelobe Ultra

Busch Light

Molsen XXX

Natural Ice

Kolsch 45

Mama’s Strawberry Milk

Detroit Export Ale

Coors Lite


2011-12-31 2:04 PM
in reply to: #3963804

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!


Hey, running is the trickiest, ESPECIALLY if you are carrying some extra baggage,ESPECIALLY if you are a former swimmer and probably have great fitness in your lungs and heartwhihch will easily outpace your leg muscles/tendons/bones causing you to run faster than youshould leading to overuse injuries. So yeah, be very careful. I did the couch to 5k for 2 or 3 yearsbefore it stuck. But it is a solid program and if you continue to build on it could easily lead to 10ksand Half Marathons within a year. I don't know a lot about the programs offered here, but I cansee by the description that they are probably just enough to get you by. That is great. I mean thepoint of the beginner programs is to get people through the front door, develop good traininghabits, see if you like the sport (and for lots of people learn to swim). Just be careful about cuttingback on the running since you say it is your weakness. There is a saying, train your weakness raceyour stregnth. What scares you about the running?"

I've had a couple knee surgeries while in college and was forced to stop running (the first was caused by running), so there's always the fear of re-injury.  You kind of hit it on the head with my leg muscles not keeping up with my lungs and my competitiveness. 

I had started a couch-to-10k program that was going good, but my schedule messed up and I never got back on it.  There's also those "i look like an idiot" thought that comes with walking/running intervals.  But that's something I've been working on.

Edited by swimmindy 2011-12-31 3:26 PM
2011-12-31 2:18 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!

just start running.  no excuses no crap just run.  doesn't have to be fast or long to start just get out there and run.   keep a pace that you can carry on 1 - 2 sentence conversation or if you are like me and run alone sing to yourself :p


not that they couch to 5,10,half,marathon,triathlon wont work... they will but they are way too slow if you have any type of back ground in anything but pie eating.   start with a mile... run it slow... if you cant breathe then slow down or walk but finish the mile.  it is as much mental as physical. 

1              1                 1               1

1              1                 1               2

1              1                 1               2

1              2                 1               3

2              1                 2               3


repeat your long distance a couple weeks and up your weekly total mileage.  will be amazed as to what you can do when you dont analyze the distances and just listen to your body... you will be runnin 5 miles for your regular runs during the week before you know it

2011-12-31 2:19 PM
in reply to: #3963761

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business


I looked into it last night and there are 50 qualifying spotts at CDA IM.  These spotts are given one to each gender in each age group.  The rest are split up between the age groups proportioan to size of age group.  My AG qualifying time is around 9:30:00.

2011-12-31 2:26 PM
in reply to: #3963811

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
Qua17 - 2011-12-31 11:38 PM

kevinbe - 2011-12-31 10:44 AM Went to a New years eve eve party last night.  woke up this morning to a 3 pound weight gain.  Oh well, can't take that back.  Time to hit the bike.  Hope all have a Happy and Safe New Year's celebration. 

Hey Kevin - I ran into the same problem with weight gain.  I oinked during the last two days of visiting friends in family and was troubled to find that I had "gained" 2 pounds.  So I got back on the wagon and waited three days to weigh myself again.  This morning I was down three pounds.  Moral of the story - your bike ride today will probably get you back on track on your journey to Kona (bodacious goal by the way!).

Happy New Years,
Dave (DQ

Thanks Dave-  I think I'll give it a week of hard workouts and better eating before I step on a scale again.  Your right, the ride felt good.  I had planned a 22.5 miler, but haven't been riding neer as much since switching over to marathon focus, and cut it short to a 13.5 miler.  I'd like to say it's because it was cool out at 34 deg., but no, it's because my legs were sore from the hills.  Great to get outside though.  Thanks for the encouragement.

2011-12-31 2:39 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!

To qualify for Kona there is a set amount of slots given to each race.  The spots are divided up to the men and women age group winners and then divided depending on the number of racers in each age group.  So the group of 35 year olds will have a harder time qualifying than the 70 yo that can finish.


You have to basically win your age group in the early events because everyone is pushing to get KQ out of the way early.  In the later races you will have a farther roll down because others have secured the KQ already.  But you cant count on getting a roll down spot ever.  So top 3 in your age group will get you a spot...


Just so everyone know the times look like this


Swim        :55  = 1:25 per 100m

Bike        5:15  = 21.33/hr

Run         3:10 =   7:15/mile

with 10 min for transitions and oops i have to hit the porta potty or crap my pants cuz i am going to KQ



anyone that KQ is a monster i dont care what they say on ST.. if you can put down a 930 you are a freakin machine

2011-12-31 4:18 PM
in reply to: #3963906

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
rn86314 - 2012-01-01 12:39 AM

To qualify for Kona there is a set amount of slots given to each race.  The spots are divided up to the men and women age group winners and then divided depending on the number of racers in each age group.  So the group of 35 year olds will have a harder time qualifying than the 70 yo that can finish.


You have to basically win your age group in the early events because everyone is pushing to get KQ out of the way early.  In the later races you will have a farther roll down because others have secured the KQ already.  But you cant count on getting a roll down spot ever.  So top 3 in your age group will get you a spot...


Just so everyone know the times look like this


Swim        :55  = 1:25 per 100m

Bike        5:15  = 21.33/hr

Run         3:10 =   7:15/mile

with 10 min for transitions and oops i have to hit the porta potty or crap my pants cuz i am going to KQ



anyone that KQ is a monster i dont care what they say on ST.. if you can put down a 930 you are a freakin machine

This really puts it all into perspective!


2011-12-31 7:01 PM
in reply to: #3963637

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
swimmindy - 2011-12-31 11:18 AM
BigDH - 2011-12-30 9:16 PM
swimmindy - 2011-12-30 11:53 AM

NAME: Melinda, but my family calls me Mindy or Mel

STORY: I was a D1 swimmer and "retired" in 2008.  I have a love hate relationship with the pool.  I started looking into triathlons because a teammate of mine was doing them and planning on an IM.  I needed something to use as a goal, especially since I'm so competitive.  I have a M.S. in Sport Psychology.  I have about 40 more lbs I want to lose after successfully taking off 20 over the past 3 months.

FAMILY STATUS: Single, living at home, in-limbo

CURRENT TRAINING: Mostly on my own, sometimes my dad will swim or bike with me.  I couldn't afford to renew the BT silver membership so I printed out a couple sprint and sprint-oly transitions to make a plan.

THIS YEARS RACES: I'm hoping to make the Marineland Sprint my first tri in March/April.  The swimming and biking are right on pace, but I am so not a runner.  After 2 knee surgeries (1 on each knee) I stopped running in college.

GOALS for 2012: Lose 40lbs., complete 1 sprint and 1 oly, begin my Ph.D. program

I'm currently not able to train bc I have exercise induced asthma that was diagnosed in college and I don't have an inhaler  I have to wait until I can get into a doctor probably early next week to get back into it, so I start posting training sessions when I can.  Until then, I plan on doing a lot of stretching and maybe some low impact core work.  

And of course running after my 2 year old niece!

Ahhhh Melinda, awesome, WE HAVE A SWIMMER. Ha. Think I already said welcome but I will say it again. How far are you into setting up a plan?


The original plan was to compete in the Ocala Sprint on March 24, but I've decided to go for the April 15 Marineland Tri (it's cheaper and probably a better, less competitive, first triathlon).  And because of the inhaler issue I can easily push back the couch-2-sprint plan or change it to the beginner sprint plan.  

The only issue I have with the beginner sprint plan is the running.  I may take the running from the couch-2-sprint and do the swimming and biking from the beginner sprint plan.  Has anybody gone from no running to a 5k?  How long did it take to build up?

I had never ran, biked or swam.  Started run,(jog really)/walk...eventually there was more jogging than walking as time went on and now I can jog the entire 5K.  With time I am sure I will run and not jog so much.  For me it took awhile but I can be a mental midget and not work nearly as hard as I should or could.  My first 5k my body thought it was in a marathon and I needed water on the run.  Now I can do a 5K without it.  Everyone is different so listen to your body.  I have gone slow but I am also injury free.

2011-12-31 7:43 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!

New Year's Eve 5K race review:

  • Never try anything new during a race - yes even a small 5K.  Wore some new, capri style, running pants that I received for Christmas. Good news, I am officially wearing a medium not a large...these were large and I had to hold them up the entire race....ooohhh maybe even a small!
  • No snow this year, but it was still cold out there.
  • I have always wanted to work so hard I threw up and I accomplished that this race. Strange goal I know but for a mental midget I was a giant! 
  • I don't think my time is much better than last year, maybe two minutes or so but I gave it my all!  
  • Learn from the elderly.  Some man, 20 + years my senior, dressed like he just got done feeding the cows, wearing wrangler jeans and a Carhart jacket left me in the dust. He said he runs a lot...ok I will run a lot.


2011-12-31 8:23 PM
in reply to: #3963540

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
pdc33 - 2011-12-31 11:17 AM
Emmanem - 2011-12-29 8:26 PM
pdc33 - 2011-12-29 8:25 AM

Goal for today: NO MOUNTAIN DEW!


Are you a mountain dew addict too?? I'm going to try to limit myself to one a week and then eventually not drink soda at all.

Yes! I'm a Mountain Dew fiend! Even though I just read about another bad ingredient in it. So far, I'm on a two day streak of no Mt. Dew, planning on making today day number three. Since I'm exercising more I'm trying to feed my body better, and I just don't have room for that MD. In addition to dropping the Dew, yes, I too want to eliminate all soda, especially when you think of all those empty calories! So yay! someone who understands! And we can help each other: DON'T DO THE DEW! Smile


Haha starting tomorrow I'm only allowing myself one mountain dew a week so I'll have to post it here to keep myself accountable!
2011-12-31 8:49 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
Just wanted to tell everyone Happy new year! Here's to an awesome year of training and racing!
2012-01-01 12:23 AM
in reply to: #3964328

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
Emmanem - 2011-12-31 7:49 PM

Just wanted to tell everyone Happy new year! Here's to an awesome year of training and racing!

x2 for sure!
2012-01-01 12:24 AM
in reply to: #3964263

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
SportzVision - 2011-12-31 6:43 PM

New Year's Eve 5K race review:

  • Never try anything new during a race - yes even a small 5K.  Wore some new, capri style, running pants that I received for Christmas. Good news, I am officially wearing a medium not a large...these were large and I had to hold them up the entire race....ooohhh maybe even a small!
  • No snow this year, but it was still cold out there.
  • I have always wanted to work so hard I threw up and I accomplished that this race. Strange goal I know but for a mental midget I was a giant! 
  • I don't think my time is much better than last year, maybe two minutes or so but I gave it my all!  
  • Learn from the elderly.  Some man, 20 + years my senior, dressed like he just got done feeding the cows, wearing wrangler jeans and a Carhart jacket left me in the dust. He said he runs a lot...ok I will run a lot.


ahhhhhhh, threw up, wild! And a 2 min better time on a 5k is a bit of an approvement if you ask me. Nice job!

2012-01-01 1:35 AM
in reply to: #3964444

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
BigDH - 2012-01-01 10:24 AM
SportzVision - 2011-12-31 6:43 PM

New Year's Eve 5K race review:

  • Never try anything new during a race - yes even a small 5K.  Wore some new, capri style, running pants that I received for Christmas. Good news, I am officially wearing a medium not a large...these were large and I had to hold them up the entire race....ooohhh maybe even a small!
  • No snow this year, but it was still cold out there.
  • I have always wanted to work so hard I threw up and I accomplished that this race. Strange goal I know but for a mental midget I was a giant! 
  • I don't think my time is much better than last year, maybe two minutes or so but I gave it my all!  
  • Learn from the elderly.  Some man, 20 + years my senior, dressed like he just got done feeding the cows, wearing wrangler jeans and a Carhart jacket left me in the dust. He said he runs a lot...ok I will run a lot.


ahhhhhhh, threw up, wild! And a 2 min better time on a 5k is a bit of an approvement if you ask me. Nice job!

Yes, 2 min is awesome improvement on a 5k.

2012-01-01 9:42 AM
in reply to: #3964263

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
SportzVision - 2011-12-31 8:43 PM

New Year's Eve 5K race review:

  • Never try anything new during a race - yes even a small 5K.  Wore some new, capri style, running pants that I received for Christmas. Good news, I am officially wearing a medium not a large...these were large and I had to hold them up the entire race....ooohhh maybe even a small!
  • No snow this year, but it was still cold out there.
  • I have always wanted to work so hard I threw up and I accomplished that this race. Strange goal I know but for a mental midget I was a giant! 
  • I don't think my time is much better than last year, maybe two minutes or so but I gave it my all!  
  • Learn from the elderly.  Some man, 20 + years my senior, dressed like he just got done feeding the cows, wearing wrangler jeans and a Carhart jacket left me in the dust. He said he runs a lot...ok I will run a lot.



A 2 minute improvement at 5k is HUGE. Especially when you consider the time lost by holding up your pants, LOL.

2012-01-01 10:05 AM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
Of course what I meant to say was that I approve if ur improvement.
2012-01-01 2:13 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!

I had to cancel the long run, but was able to get a speed workout in before going to in laws for New years party.  My goal was to run an 8 min pace, and I would have been happy doing 8:10's.  I ran 4.6 miles at a 7:45.  Happy about that.

On a side note, my wife has lost 105 lbs in a little over 2 years.  I am amazed.  she started at 283, and her goal is 155.  I'm trying to catch some of what she has.  We've both been motivated by the show the biggest Loser.  Ali Vincent got her going, and I have hugely been inspired by Tera Costa.  If your a fan of people, it's a great inspiring show.

Happy new years all. 

2012 goals:

finish windermere marathon in 3:30 or better.  May

finish Troika Tri HIM.  First Tri.  August

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