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2012-04-05 5:47 PM
in reply to: #4123247

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED
Dewayne, I'm a pretty big fan. My golden retriever's name is Gus

2012-04-05 8:30 PM
in reply to: #4132938

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED

Yeah, I'd love to hear what others are reading/listen to! I can usually find the latest issue of Competitor at the gym. 

Not that it's about training, but has anyone read "You are an Ironman" by Jaques Steinberg? It's an excellent audio book.  The author follows several age groupers through their training up to Ironman Arizona. 

2012-04-05 9:21 PM
in reply to: #4133258

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED
Jen2012 - 2012-04-05 8:30 PM

Yeah, I'd love to hear what others are reading/listen to! I can usually find the latest issue of Competitor at the gym. 

Not that it's about training, but has anyone read "You are an Ironman" by Jaques Steinberg? It's an excellent audio book.  The author follows several age groupers through their training up to Ironman Arizona. 

Jen, I've heard many people say it is an excellent book.  Guess I will have to get it.  Anything that adds to the motivation is helpful!  I have many old Ironman Hawaii DVD's and sometimes they get me going when on the trainer.

2012-04-05 9:28 PM
in reply to: #4133321

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED

Hey all-made it to California.  Relatively uneventful trip other than a 1+ hour traffic jam headed to the Atlanta airport.  Was able to get a short run in.  Really beautiful the mild temps and the lack of humidity.


2012-04-06 7:54 AM
in reply to: #4133258

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED
Just finished reading "Iron War" "I'm here to Win" and "You are an Ironman" & "Can't Swim, Can't bike, Can't run". All of them were great reads. The last book by Andy Holgate is hilarious while at the same time true. That darn Kindle is costing me $$$ Laughing
2012-04-06 8:07 AM
in reply to: #4123247

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED

Randy: I spent my young years in Cali. Fond memories of the place. Sounds like a great start. Enjoy!

I really don't have much time to read. Actually, I try to read, buy usually end up passing out, and I have a short attention span, so watching anything on a screen is difficult. Wait, unless it's soccer related. I can watch soccer 24/7. Thank goodness, for the sake of my family, it's not played on tv here 24/7. I like to read about average people's struggles and triumphs in little snippets, so I'll sift through website forums for specific topics.

The consistent in my training this week has been p90x. It's killer. Started Monday and am still sore today, but I'm starting to get my range of motion in my shoulders and arms back.

Kids return to school on Monday, so back to my running and I'll be incorporating swimming twice a week.

Hope you guys have a wonderful Friday.

2012-04-06 8:30 AM
in reply to: #4133665

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED
Blanda - 2012-04-06 9:07 AM

I can watch soccer 24/7. Thank goodness, for the sake of my family, it's not played on tv here 24/7.

Fox Soccer Channel + DVR, not that I would know Wink.


2012-04-06 8:48 AM
in reply to: #4123247

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED
If you have not read "Once a Runner" and "Again to Carthage," by John L. Parker, Jr, you should. Not triathlon specific books but books about what it takes to be an elite athlete. I haver read and reread both books, often right before I am starting a tough training block. It reminds me about how much harder some people are training than I am. Humbling, inspiring and entertaining at the same time.

Funny/strange story: Background: we have a new dog, a rescue dog that we have had for three weeks. She is six years old and a great, great dog. No accidents in the house, maybe a little bit of chewing my kids toys but we are working on that. I am currently home alone as my wife and kids are in Chicago for spring break and I did not have time off from work. Last night I am on the trainer, working hard. Dog keeps walking in and looking at me and walking around, kind of acting agitated. I assumed it was because of the trainer; the tv, the fans, etc. She goes in the next room. A few minutes later..... "what is that smell?" "Hmmm, kind of smells like poop." "Oh my gosh! The dog pooped!" Had to stop the trainer ride for clean up duty. Fortunately the basement is a tile floor so no real harm. I was mad at first but quickly realized that it was my fault for not recognizing that she was trying to tell me she needed to go out. Anyways, I just thought it was kind of funny. It made me laugh when I was done. Of course I had to take the dog out in the back yard in my bike shorts/workout gear so that probably made the neighbors laugh too.
2012-04-06 8:52 AM
in reply to: #4123247

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED

Is your son running in the Arcadia Invitational? If so, he must be a pretty great runner to be going to national level meets. Hope the race goes great.
2012-04-06 9:24 AM
in reply to: #4133712

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED
sschaar - 2012-04-06 12:30 PM
Blanda - 2012-04-06 9:07 AM

I can watch soccer 24/7. Thank goodness, for the sake of my family, it's not played on tv here 24/7.

Fox Soccer Channel + DVR, not that I would know Wink.


Ha! Fortunately for the people who rely on me for survival, I don't think we have DVR! That cuts it down to all night Saturday, and all morning and sometimes late into afternoon Sunday. Hooey!

2012-04-06 9:28 AM
in reply to: #4123247

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED
Good Morning! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Randy- have a great weekend in California. Your son is going to have an awesome race! Keep us posted!

Blanda- P90X is a killer! I love the Yoga and AB Ripper X videos. That blonde girl (the high wire artist) is amazing. Probably my least favorite exercise on AB Ripper X is the Crunchy Frogs! I have a love/hate relationship with those. You're going to kick some serious butt doing those workouts!

I really don't read that often either. I'm trying to get back into the habit of going to bed by 9 every night. By the time I get home from work, workout and do everything around the house it doesn't leave much time for anything else. Which is probably why I don't post that frequently on BT.

Happy Easter!!

2012-04-06 11:16 AM
in reply to: #4133258

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED
I just finished reading "you are an Ironman" it's a pretty quick read and got the general gist of their stories. entertaining and emotional.  Looking for some others to read and now a see a few more. thanks.
2012-04-06 11:20 AM
in reply to: #4133766

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED

wannabefaster - 2012-04-06 8:52 AM Randy, Is your son running in the Arcadia Invitational? If so, he must be a pretty great runner to be going to national level meets. Hope the race goes great.

Yep-Saturday night Invitational 3200. He's very excited.

Got in a nice run in Arcadia this morning. Wow...its so nice here. Beautiful park about half mile from the hotel so we ran around there and took a look at the meet site.

Reading.....I don't read nearly as many books as I did in the past.  Hate to admit it but I do most of my reading while surfing the net.  Following tri related info, lots of college search reading over the last year, news and general worthless information. I drive a good bit with work so I listen to alot of books on cd.  Not the same but a great way to pass the time.  I also listen to alot of ESPN radio on XM while in the car.  Colin Cowheard, an ESPN anchor, was on our flight from Atlanta to California.  Of course he was in first class and we were in "low class". Sad that I recognized I see him on TV this morning. 

Heading out to see some sights in a few. Will check in later.


2012-04-06 2:56 PM
in reply to: #4123247

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED
Hey everyone. Quick check-in on my phone in the middle of a bike ride (no phone or internet at the cabin). I thought of you all when I gotto this point because of the amqzi g view I now hace of where I just came from. Took a pic and I'll share later. I'll have internet tomorrow and will catch up then...
2012-04-06 5:57 PM
in reply to: #4123247

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED
Is this a sign?

Tomorrow I'm racing in a sprint triathlon. I recently purchased a pair of HED 5 wheels to use on windy race days instead of the SRAM60 and DT Swiss wheel (power meter) with wheel cover that I normally use. I train with power but wanted to use the new wheels in shorter sprint races. Yes, I also know that the wheel cover/deep front wheel is more stable in wind than a matched set... The 5's are more for mental comfort than rational proven science.

I'm sort of superstitious when it comes to racing. Probably because I've had so many bad things happen at races over the years. Set the bike up to test out the new race wheels before the race tomorrow. This was my first ride out on the wheels because I had to drive to Houston to pick up long stemmed tubes. Yes, I know using new wheels before testing them out probably isn't the best idea.. But I've been dying to ride them.
While out on my ride a small dog ran out in front of me. I was able to clip out and lay the bike down without any scrapes to myself. Missed running over the dog by 1/2 inch. It was a small pug looking black dog. I fell so hard that one of the lenses fell out of my sunglasses. The owner of the dog heard several choice cuss words. I was really afraid that I'd ruined my rear wheel when it went down. It doesn't appear to have anything wrong with it. But now I'm really hesitant to use the rear wheel in the race. Not afraid that something is wrong but that this was a sign not to use the wheels tomorrow. It took about 3 minutes for me to stop shaking after almost hitting the dog.

Would you use them? I know this is totally irrational. Right now I'm leaning towards using what I've used in the past until the HED wheels have a positive ride experience.
2012-04-06 7:04 PM
in reply to: #4123247

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED

First of all good luck on your race tomorrow. You will do great! 

I am not superstitious and wouldn't take it as a sign ... you bought new wheels that are meant to be used! 

Let us know about your race tomorrow ... would bee great to hear about it.  

2012-04-06 7:54 PM
in reply to: #4123247

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED
Jason: Now we know to take the doggy out when she does that again, haha! Good thing it wasn't on carpeting.

Rene: Lord, those crunchy frogs are hard. I have to pause a few times on it. Hardest for me though are the twisty things at the end! I don't know if my arms are too short or what, but it's so hard for me to reach around and touch the floor each time and it hurts!

Good luck with your race! I'm actually very superstitious. I will not play in any other soccer jersey number that 5, so probably wouldn't use the new wheels if I were you and this concerned. That's me though! I don't wash my socks during playoffs either, lol!

Randy: Sounds like a big deal for your son (I don't know these things)! Good luck to him at his race. I know he'll do you very proud.

If we get to skype with my oldest and my husband sometime early enough in the day (waiting on them), we'll be hitting the beach afterwards. It's a gorgeous day! I want to swim around the kids as they play. See if the body still knows what to do since it's been a while since I've swum.

Have a great evening.
2012-04-06 9:08 PM
in reply to: #4123247

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED

Cat - I say use the wheels if you want to. Kick bu>** on your race!


My legs felt shot all day today.  Long day at work but did manage to get in a decent swim tonight.  Having a challenging week keeping up with training volume but I'm doing the best I can with the time I have.

2012-04-06 9:38 PM
in reply to: #4134753

Hudson Valley Region
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED

Is this a sign?

Cat -- Hopefully you're sleeping in preparation for your race tomorrow so I'll write this as if it's already tomorrow:

Congratulations on a great race.  Glad to hear the new wheels worked out!


2012-04-06 10:42 PM
in reply to: #4123247

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED
Thanks! No, I'm still awake.

Decided to use the HED 5 front and wheel cover/power meter wheel rear.
2012-04-06 11:34 PM
in reply to: #4123247

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED

Rene-good luck tomorrow!


2012-04-07 4:41 AM
in reply to: #4123247

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED

Rene - best of luck in your race today!  I used to believe in signs, now I just believe in chaos.  But I do believe in our need for meaning which impacts outcomes, so you should follow your thoughts on race day.  Personally, I think you'll smoke it regardless of your choice!

Randy... hope Gil does great.  After his disappointments last year, this has got to feel fantastic.  Great life lesson and his success is well deserved.  More proud papa time.  Enjoy your time in SoCal - away from the humidity of the SE!

Reading... I've become a catch as catch can reader.  I try to take an hour in the morning to keep up on things on the internet, but book reading has really been fading in recent years (not a good thing in my opinion).  My FIL gave me about 20 books recently which now are stacked on the floor next to my bed.  They may remain there until retirement!  Anyway, hope to read Macca's book sometime this year.  I enjoyed a couple of the short story books... one with stories from Runner's World and another on triathletes.  Both titles escape me now, but liked the fact they were in small chunks so I could read here and there.  Definitely some good inspiration in there.  Some new ones to me that you all mentioned - thanks for the recs. 

Yow... we've got an active group!  I will have to catch up.  I finished up one of my marathon weeks.  Was facilitating a simulation with 318 students in 4 days.  All went very smoothly, but still takes a chunk out of me.  Had hoped to do some bike training in the evening, but pretty much was toast at the end of each day.  Anyway, back in saddle today.  Did a short run and swim last night which felt good to get back.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone and a meaningful Easter or Passover celebration for those who observe them!


2012-04-07 9:20 AM
in reply to: #4123247

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED

I had so much planned for yesterday and got nothing done ... had the day off with the wife and no kids ... enjoyed one hour of sports massage in the morning after a nice relaxing run/walk with the wife. These are the words that came out of her mouth yesterday " I actually might do a triathlon with you but I suck at the swimming part!" My jaw dropped and I almost fainted ... My wife was always a runner but hasn't done any running since our first daughter was born almost 7 years ago. She is starting back up and after her saying " I will never do a triathlon" hearing her say that she might do one ... I first thought I didn't hear right. 

My daughter turning 7 this year loves to see me at races and it seems that she is interesting in doing one too. I can't believe that making such a big change in lifestyle almost 1.5 years ago has such a  big impact on my family. I can't wait to see them doing their first tri. 

Fast forward to today ... got up at 7 am and went for a 17 mile ride. I am seeing small improvements but not as much as I would like ... this weekend I will check out all the training plans and stick to one and see where it leads me. 

Now to teach TKD and possibly a swim in the afternoon. I hope you guys have a great weekend!

2012-04-07 11:40 AM
in reply to: #4123247

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED

Lots to catch up on.  I'm still posting from a phone in the mountains (another mid-ride post taking advantage of riding 'through' cell access!).

Have a great rest of the weekend!  Probably no more from me until Sunday, when I'll catch up with everybody.  Good luck to all racers!

2012-04-07 5:48 PM
in reply to: #4123247

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED
Thanks for the notes! Race went well today. Write up is on my training log. Let me know if there is anyone that still needs to be added to my friends list.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
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