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2007-12-23 10:01 AM
in reply to: #1114843

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Nashville, TN
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and Big Pimpin thru the Holidays
atlrunnergirl - 2007-12-23 9:59 AM

Ahhh, heart rate training.  I've been wearing a monitor for the past few years and have seen my overall heart rate come down with the same level of exertion.  It is interesting - and I would like to really understand the proper use for it. 

For example - Garmin says my max HR is 185.  I'm not sure if I set that.  It says my zones are -

  • Zone 1 - 92-111 (50-60%)
  • Zone 2 - 111-129 (60-70%)
  • Zone 3 - 129-148 (70-80%)
  • Zone 4 - 148-166 (80-90%)
  • Zone 5 - 166-185 (90-100%)

I generally stay in Zone 4, though during races or high exertion, I get into the 170s or even the 180s on a steep hill. 

Is this usable info? Am I just missing what the next steps are in terms of knowing this info? 

I tend to believe that ALL data/information is is a matter of sorting out what and how to use it. 

Over time, you heartrate and pace *SHOULD* drop with the same level of efforts because you fitness is improving.  In all likelihood, you are spending too much time in zone 3 and 4.  It is really difficult to understand (I always struggle with it) but you have to go slow before you will ever go fast.  Zone 2 is where its at.  You will see more positive gain by staying here. 

Back to your max heartrate can been important depending on which method you can use.  And here is one of the biggest debates on the HR topic....who's theory do you use????   There are about 4-5 different theories and they all yield different results.  That is the frustrating part. 

I personally subscribe the to Friel method using my Lacate Threshold (LT).  I begin with that number and build my zones from there.  You have a strong running base and would be a good candidate for a LT test.  You might want to consider setting out and doing a field test one day...just to see what the data might look like.  It might take you a time or two.  Then you can input your data into the BT HR zone calculator on your profile and it will spit out zones.

That is just a thought.  You are probably fine using your current method but just need to slow down and spend most runs in zone 2.  (I will look for an article that briefly explains zone 2 benefits...I just can't seem to find it right now)


To everyone else--- 

If all this HR discussion is overwhelming are not alone.  It is a difficult concept to grasp.  Despite the fact that I train with it, I have to think through each one of these postings to make sure I understand what I am saying.  As I previously stated, HR training isn't for everyone.  What's more important for most beginners is more swimming, biking and running, learning how to prepare for a race and nutrition. 

2007-12-23 11:10 AM
in reply to: #1089582

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Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and Big Pimpin thru the Holidays
I was thinking about doing an LT test - so it's something I can do on my own and don't have to go pay someone $100 for?  Excellent!!
2007-12-23 4:42 PM
in reply to: #1114926

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Nashville, TN
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and Big Pimpin thru the Holidays

atlrunnergirl - 2007-12-23 12:10 PM I was thinking about doing an LT test - so it's something I can do on my own and don't have to go pay someone $100 for?  Excellent!!

It is something you can do on your own via a field test.  Check out the link I posted in response to the question on the last page for instructions on how. 

Both field and lab tests have their limitations.  Lab tests are subject to updated and properly calibrated equipment.  Field tests require you to perform them properly and to make sure you push yourself 100% for the given time limit.  It is really up to you which route you want to go and which numbers you will trust the most. 

If you are interest in lab testing, I recommend Tony Myers at ATS (Athletic Training Services) or The Sport Factory.   I tested through Tony and then spent about an hour afterwards going over my results and what the numbers mean.  He was very thorough and answered tons of my questions. 




2007-12-23 6:05 PM
in reply to: #1089582

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Nashville, TN
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and Big Pimpin thru the Holidays

To add to the misery of HR training philosophy, here is a link I found that describes each of the different methods.  Feel free to play around with the calculations.

As a reminder, under your HR options on your logs, BT has built in calculators that will do the work for you.  

2007-12-25 8:59 AM
in reply to: #1089582

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Urbandale, IA
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and Big Pimpin thru the Holidays
I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!!!!!!!

A funny story. I told my daughter that I was going to do a bike workout before we went on our trip tomorrow. She got this huge smile on her face but would not tell me what she was smiling about (she is 14). When we sat down to open presents yesterday (we had them for Chistmas Eve and their father has them for Christmas day, I am the step father), she couldn't wait to hand me the present she got me. I opened it and it was two Spinervals videos. They were Have Mercy and Have Mercy, The Sequel. I asked her why she picked those two and she said that she went to the LBS and asked the guy there what were the hardest ones he had, because it doesn't look like I am working that hard when she watches me on the trainer.

Wasn't that a piece of honest feedback.
2007-12-25 10:22 AM
in reply to: #1116254

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Nashville, TN
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and Big Pimpin thru the Holidays

jdwright56 - 2007-12-25 9:59 AM I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!!!!!!! A funny story. I told my daughter that I was going to do a bike workout before we went on our trip tomorrow. She got this huge smile on her face but would not tell me what she was smiling about (she is 14). When we sat down to open presents yesterday (we had them for Chistmas Eve and their father has them for Christmas day, I am the step father), she couldn't wait to hand me the present she got me. I opened it and it was two Spinervals videos. They were Have Mercy and Have Mercy, The Sequel. I asked her why she picked those two and she said that she went to the LBS and asked the guy there what were the hardest ones he had, because it doesn't look like I am working that hard when she watches me on the trainer. Wasn't that a piece of honest feedback.

That's hilarious!

But the real question is...did you do the workout and how was it?  At least you will be in great biking shape for the season, lol

2007-12-25 5:57 PM
in reply to: #1089582

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Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and Big Pimpin thru the Holidays
Awesome gift!! I got my first Spinervals - Competition 1.0 - No Slackers Allowed.  I'm really excited to try it out - just gotta go buy my bike tomorrow!!
2007-12-26 9:35 AM
in reply to: #1116254

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work, road, bike, pool
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and Big Pimpin thru the Holidays
jdwright56 - 2007-12-25 8:59 AM

I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!!!!!!!

A funny story. I told my daughter that I was going to do a bike workout before we went on our trip tomorrow. She got this huge smile on her face but would not tell me what she was smiling about (she is 14). When we sat down to open presents yesterday (we had them for Chistmas Eve and their father has them for Christmas day, I am the step father), she couldn't wait to hand me the present she got me. I opened it and it was two Spinervals videos. They were Have Mercy and Have Mercy, The Sequel. I asked her why she picked those two and she said that she went to the LBS and asked the guy there what were the hardest ones he had, because it doesn't look like I am working that hard when she watches me on the trainer.

Wasn't that a piece of honest feedback.

That is really funny! sounds like something my little cousins would say
2007-12-26 2:42 PM
in reply to: #1114847

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Nashville, TN
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and Big Pimpin thru the Holidays
atlrunnergirl - 2007-12-23 10:10 AM

I think for me, the confusion lies with how complicated the training schedule needs to be. There are a few schedules that I'm looking at -

  • Olympic, Basic 12 Week - HR Zone Based
  • Olympic Basic 12 Week - RPE Based
  • Sprint to Olympic Bridge - 12 Week
  • Olympic - 3x Balanced - 16 Week -

The Olympic 3x Balanced uses just minutes - so for Day 1 it's swim 24 minutes/bike 48 minutes. That doesn't seem so overwhelming, but I wonder if it's detailed enough?

Compared to the Sprint to Olympic Bridge where Day 1 has biking -

Big Gear
Start in big ring, easiest gear. Spend 3' in each gear gradually working your way to hardest gear (total 27'). Leaving it in big ring, hardest gear, do 10 x (30" grind, 30" all out, 30" grind, 30" stand). Do 5' grind in big ring, hardest gear. Gradually work your back to your easiest gear by 1' for cool-down. Grind means sitting back on saddle, turning pedals over, not worrying about cadence.

I've never done any of that stuff!

The 12 Week Beginner Program has Day 1 -

50 minutes biking -
Bike ME
Muscular Endurance
WU: 15'
MS: 5x3' w/ 1' RI:
#1 End at low RPE 7
#2 End at middle RPE 7
#3 End at upper RPE 7
#4 End at lower RPE 8
#5 Build to RPE 8 in first 45s and hold
CD: 15'

I'm not really sure where to start!  I understand a lot of the swimming workout language, and some for the running, though for me, just steady base mileage is what I need to build during the week.  I think where I get confused is the biking stuff since I've never done any real bike training.    

Sarah--Pick the plan that you are comfortable with but one that also challenges you.  All the plans are designed to get you to the finish line.  The difference is the intensities and structures of the workouts (as you explained). 

Personally, I would shy away from a minutes only plan...but that is my preference.  I like to have a goal in each workout....a primary and secondary objective.  This helps me stay engaged in each workout and focused throughout the week (as opposed to just running because I have too).  What you will find with the more structured plans are workouts that are geared toward speed, strength and base/endurace throughout the week.  Ultimately, this will make you stronger and get you to the finish line quicker. 

So the question for you is do you want to train by RPE or HR???  Make that decision and then pick the corresponding plan. Don't be afraid of the jargon, feel free to ask all the questions you want about the the prescribed workout and I will help you all that I can.  My plan has all kinds of things in it and their are plenty of days I ignore the details and do my own workout.....that is ok too

2007-12-26 2:48 PM
in reply to: #1089582

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Nashville, TN
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and Big Pimpin thru the Holidays

Ok...share your holiday stories if you have them.  Also if you got equipment/tools/toys or you are reading other threads about new stuff, feel free to ask if you are not sure what people are discussing or how to properly use them

Added to my list of toys:
new swim goggles
new pull buoy
polar s150 HRM (likely to be exchanged for a new aero helmet)
1 month of masters swim classes


Workouts this week
Monday:  60 minute run
Tuesday  30 minute recovery run
Wednesday:  Bike/weights ?
Thursday:  Tempo run 90 minutes; 7x1 mile repeats at MP
Friday:  Swim
Saturday:  120 minute run
Sunday 45' run with biking

2007-12-26 3:13 PM
in reply to: #1117333

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Extreme Veteran
Incline Village, NV
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and Big Pimpin thru the Holidays

Nothing too exciting for the holidays.

I went home on Friday and did presents with my family.  Nothing really to open, my parents paid for half of my trip to Honduras and my brother is still trying to track down a Wii for me.  Although I did get them all to commit to coming to Monterey for the Big Sur Marathon.  (Which translates to me not having to drive or pay for a hotel.)

Haven't done Christmas yet with the roommates.  We were all too tired last night to deal with presents.

This weeks committment is to get back into it.  I completely slacked last week.  I'm not going to set a schedule, I will settle for just getting some running and swimming in.  Oh yeah....and I need to figure out how to balance my marathon training with getting ready for an Oly.

I hope you all had wonderful holidays!!! 

2007-12-26 4:41 PM
in reply to: #1089582

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work, road, bike, pool
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and Big Pimpin thru the Holidays
I am looking to order a tri suit today with some of the $ i got for xmass.... I am inbetween L and XL .... chest is xl waist is L.... witch one do i want to get so that i dont cut off circulation but still get a good fit?
2007-12-26 5:18 PM
in reply to: #1117562

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Extreme Veteran
Incline Village, NV
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and Big Pimpin thru the Holidays

tri-dg - 2007-12-26 2:41 PM I am looking to order a tri suit today with some of the $ i got for xmass.... I am inbetween L and XL .... chest is xl waist is L.... witch one do i want to get so that i dont cut off circulation but still get a good fit?

Maybe try them on before purchasing?  If you're ordering online, I usually order one in each size and then return the one that doesn't fit.  Most companies will pay for the return shipping, but if not, it's probably not more than $10.

2007-12-26 5:22 PM
in reply to: #1117562

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Nashville, TN
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and Big Pimpin thru the Holidays

tri-dg - 2007-12-26 5:41 PM I am looking to order a tri suit today with some of the $ i got for xmass.... I am inbetween L and XL .... chest is xl waist is L.... witch one do i want to get so that i dont cut off circulation but still get a good fit?

Honestly that might be really difficult for you because of your chest.  Each manufacturer fits a bit differently so the sizes aren't as standard as you would like them to be.  When I was hunting for a trisuit I tried on nearly a dozen before I found a great fit. I would consider calling the shop and discussing the sizes to find out which one runs a bit large (not sugoi....they run small and tight). 

If you find the process difficult, you might be better off going with large tri shorts and an xl tri top.  It will do the same job as the the suit. 

2007-12-26 7:43 PM
in reply to: #1117621

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Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and Big Pimpin thru the Holidays

Oof, yah, tri sizing can be wacky!  I have some shorts that fit great, and others in the same size are teeny tiny. 

Sounds like everybody had a great holiday!  I'm just trying to keep moving and getting in some kind of workout.  Feel like I'm moving through sand - but now that all the obligations are over, I can get back to a better diet .

I got lots of awesome tri and running related gear for christmas!

  • My first Spinervals DVDs - 'No Slackers Allowed', Totally Time Trial, Uphill Grind, Lean & Mean
  • Some earplugs for the pool
  • TYR Paddles
  • Yankz Laces
  • Triathlon Stories Book
  • Frame Pump
  • Tire Gauge
  • Choco Mint Gu
  • Several different types of Kashi Bars to try
  • New bike jersey (Twin Six Argyle) - Gift to myself
  • And the best for last - I'm buying my new road bike tomorrow!! My very first road bike - I'm stoked!! (This is a gift to myself, hooray bonus!)



2007-12-26 7:47 PM
in reply to: #1089582

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Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and Big Pimpin thru the Holidays

Dollar - thanks for the tip on the schedule.  I think I want to try HRM training (I might as well, since I've got one). So I think I'm going to go that route.  I can always ignore the specifics if I need to. 

So that leaves me with the Sprint to Olympic Bridge or the Beginner Olympic.  Both are 12 week plans.  I think I'll check 'em out tonight and then load one in and adjust for my marathon training long runs. 

I think the only other thing on tap would be a LT run test to get an idea of my zones.  I was happy to see how quickly my hr comes down in spin class - I had a great workout tonight. 



2007-12-26 7:54 PM
in reply to: #1089582

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work, road, bike, pool
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and Big Pimpin thru the Holidays

This is the one That i want to get.... in red. do you know any about the sizing of these? smaller or larger then tag says?
2007-12-26 8:23 PM
in reply to: #1107921

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Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and Big Pimpin thru the Holidays
ADollar79 - 2007-12-18 12:34 PM

I also stole a few documents on race day nutrition from a different mentor (Jonathan22). They are great guidelines on how to prepare for race day.


Those PDFs are great, I've been a client of Ilana Katz before, she's got some great nutritional knowledge, plus she's a triathlete, so she knows what she's talking about! 

2007-12-26 8:25 PM
in reply to: #1117749

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Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and Big Pimpin thru the Holidays

tri-dg - 2007-12-26 7:54 PM This is the one That i want to get.... in red. do you know any about the sizing of these? smaller or larger then tag says?
Hmm, I would definitely call the shop and ask - not sure about Zoot.  I know that She Beest runs small, but that's a girly brand, sorry I can't help!

But I've heard red is fast!!  

2007-12-26 9:39 PM
in reply to: #1089582

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Extreme Veteran
Incline Village, NV
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and Big Pimpin thru the Holidays

Random questions that popped into my head when I was working out tonight:

  1. What is the proper way to sight when swimming?  I thought I'd try practicing in the pool, but it definitely wasn't smooth or comfortable.  I used to be a competitive swimmer and I've been trained to follow the black line and flip at the cross.  Sighting is definitely going to be some re-training.
  2. How long should you really use a pair of running shoes? 
  3. Should I have more than one pair of running shoes? My feet feel like they're getting awfully comfy in the ones I have, maybe to the point that some joints that never hurt before are starting to be sore now.
  4. Any recommendations on how to relieve tight calves?  I've always been prone to calf cramps and they feel tighter than usual, probably due to the skiing.  I take a potassium supplement and it seems to be helping.  And please don't answer "eat bananas," those tend to come right back up when I eat them.

Feel free to weigh in on any or all.  Thanks!

Sarah - I'm interested to see what you come up with for a training plan...I'm working on something similar myself.  My oly is a few weeks after my first marathon.

2007-12-27 7:37 AM
in reply to: #1117749

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Nashville, TN
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and Big Pimpin thru the Holidays

tri-dg - 2007-12-26 8:54 PM This is the one That i want to get.... in red. do you know any about the sizing of these? smaller or larger then tag says?

My tri suit is a zoot as I found them to fit me the best. 

I say order it and make sure you can return it if needed.  It is on clearance at a steal price, might as well take the gamble. 

2007-12-27 8:00 AM
in reply to: #1117849

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Nashville, TN
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and Big Pimpin thru the Holidays
pipscweek - 2007-12-26 10:39 PM

Random questions that popped into my head when I was working out tonight:

  1. What is the proper way to sight when swimming?  I thought I'd try practicing in the pool, but it definitely wasn't smooth or comfortable.  I used to be a competitive swimmer and I've been trained to follow the black line and flip at the cross.  Sighting is definitely going to be some re-training.
  2. How long should you really use a pair of running shoes? 
  3. Should I have more than one pair of running shoes? My feet feel like they're getting awfully comfy in the ones I have, maybe to the point that some joints that never hurt before are starting to be sore now.
  4. Any recommendations on how to relieve tight calves?  I've always been prone to calf cramps and they feel tighter than usual, probably due to the skiing.  I take a potassium supplement and it seems to be helping.  And please don't answer "eat bananas," those tend to come right back up when I eat them.

Feel free to weigh in on any or all.  Thanks!

Sarah - I'm interested to see what you come up with for a training plan...I'm working on something similar myself.  My oly is a few weeks after my first marathon.

Great questions Kendra.  Good to know that you are mentally focusing on the goal during your workouts!!!!

1.  IMO, sighting for those who grew up swimming competitively is often difficult because you were taught to keep your face submerged in the water looking at the black line.  The rest of us, who aren't great swimmers, tend to keep our head up a bit.  For triathlons, I think it is better to have the head up a bit with the water line at one's forehead.  As for sighting, the only way to get better is to practice (and even on race day it will mess you up).  One way to practice is to incorporate sighting drills into your swim workout.  Set up a big, bright object (I use a kickboard) at one end of the pool and when you swim down that direction work on finding it.  I tend to sight about every 6 strokes...and on my dominant (right) side when I bilaterally breath.  I will take my breath and lift up a bit out of the water, bringing my head forward, gaze out toward the buoy/object, and dip back into the water.  I feel like BT just did a video on sighting....but I can't seem to find it right now. 

2.  This depends on too many factors for a concrete answer.  The general belief is that you should get 350-400 miles out of them.  But again, that depends on the shoe, running style, size of the athlete, etc.   You will know when it is time to get new shoes because you mechanics breakdown and you joints ache more than usual.  For me, I get shin splints

3.   Yes....If you can afford to do so.  Studies indicate that you decrease your susceptibility to injury if you alternate shoes.  But I understand if this isn't practical for everyone. 

4.  Eat more bananas?  Lol....sorry I had too!!!   Calf cramps are one of the most common forms of cramping for runners and unfortunately I don't think there is a consensus on the causes or remedies for them.  I often wonder if people are simply running in the wrong shoe.  Have you ever had a gait analysis or been fit for a proper shoe?  (not by the 13 year old kid at the sporting goods store).  Finding the right shoe for me made a world of difference in my running.  Second, do you stretch a lot?  I would stretch, stretch and then stretch....maybe try to strengthen the ankle and achilles area.  Finally, the old home remedy of R.I.C.E.  Rest--Ice--Compression--Elevation (plus anti-inflammatories to make the muscle relax).  Maybe that would help some???


Great discussion and questions over the past few days everyone.  It sounds like everyone is beginning to feel a bit of pressure that the new year is here and with it brings a more realistic sense to how far off your races are.  I know I had a panic moment the other day....but I am jazzed to start racing again!!!

2007-12-27 8:04 AM
in reply to: #1117740

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Nashville, TN
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and Big Pimpin thru the Holidays
atlrunnergirl - 2007-12-26 8:47 PM

Dollar - thanks for the tip on the schedule.  I think I want to try HRM training (I might as well, since I've got one). So I think I'm going to go that route.  I can always ignore the specifics if I need to. 

So that leaves me with the Sprint to Olympic Bridge or the Beginner Olympic.  Both are 12 week plans.  I think I'll check 'em out tonight and then load one in and adjust for my marathon training long runs. 

I think the only other thing on tap would be a LT run test to get an idea of my zones.  I was happy to see how quickly my hr comes down in spin class - I had a great workout tonight. 

Glad to see that you are willing to take on a new challenge!  I run 90% of the time by HR and according to the plan.  I rarely bike by I tend to ignore those workouts.  MUST GET BETTER AT IT, lol.  

Either of the plans will be fine.  Obviously you don't need to worry about your run volume.  Take a look at the first few weeks of the Sprint to Oly plan in terms of swim and bike volume.  Can you finish those workouts with some ease?  If so, stick to that plan.  Otherwise, you might want to start with the Beg. Oly and slowly build up your bike/swim base.   Just a thought.....

2007-12-27 8:26 AM
in reply to: #1089582

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Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and Big Pimpin thru the Holidays

Yah, I ended up going with the Beginner Oly plan - it looks do-able. I'll need to take a better look as I get further into the plan and figure out how to move around a few of the workouts when I have longer Saturday runs (17, 19, 23, 26)

I was also wondering, do I need to plan out a schedule for the year or do most people start a new schedule after their race. Since I know I'll be doing Chattanooga in July 

Edited by atlrunnergirl 2007-12-27 8:27 AM
2007-12-27 8:28 AM
in reply to: #1117849

User image

Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and Big Pimpin thru the Holidays

Sarah - I'm interested to see what you come up with for a training plan...I'm
working on something similar myself. My oly is a few weeks after my first marathon.

Sure!! I'll let you know once I get a few of the weeks sorted out around the marathon, but for now, I've got the Beginner Olympic loaded into my calendar.  


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