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2008-02-04 7:21 PM
in reply to: #1115197

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
Well, I had a morale victory and defeat today. After feeling near death all of last month, I got back on the treadmill today. Made it 40 minutes but that was about all I could do. Heart rate was running about 20 bpm higher than normal. It felt fantastic to run again, but horrible thinking that was all I could do after working so hard all last year.

I'm still not recovered to full health and the doc said it could take another month for that. I'm just wondering how much fitness I lost by not working out last month. If anyone has been out of commission for a month or more due to illness or injury, how much do you think that effected your fitness level and how long did it take to get back to normal?

2008-02-05 8:08 PM
in reply to: #1194289

New user
North Carolina
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
Congrats for getting back in the game! You might want to check the runners world forums. Those guys get injured a lot I think it depends in part to your fitness level before your illness and unfortunately as we get older, it takes longer to heal. So keep that in mind when you do your research. My $0.02, take it slow and don't push it too much too soon.
2008-02-06 7:56 PM
in reply to: #1115197

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL

The wail of tornado sirens kept us up until 3:00 AM this morning.  Back up at 5:45 AM.  Felt horrible today at the office.  We took it on the chin last night from Mother Nature, 30 killed in our state.

I'll take a yellow square today, I'm exhausted.  Did post a bunch of new pics tonite while trying to stay awake until bedtime.

Will get plenty of rest tonite.

2008-02-06 8:19 PM
in reply to: #1115197

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
Terry - I'm glad you and your family weathered the weather. Those were some wicked storms that went through!

Dale - Thanks for the advise. I'm definately going to take it slow, I don't want to induce any more training delays by over doing it. It definately feels good to be doing some training again though.
2008-02-08 12:45 PM
in reply to: #1115197

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL

Three days off from working out this week.  I needed a light week anyway.  The 2-hours sleep on Tuesday really blew me out of the water and I needed a few days to recoup w/o getting myself run down.  I'm sooooo not 25 years old anymore!

I need encouragement or advice on how to get myself to the pool in the morning a few times a week.  Does anyone do a morning swim, run or bike?  I usually have time in the evening to run or bike on the trainer.  Hitting the pool (6 or 6:15 AM) in the morning would work well with my schedule.  A cup of coffee (& another and another) with the sports section is hard to turn down!  Anyone else fight that temptation?


2008-02-08 6:30 PM
in reply to: #1201416

New user
North Carolina
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
I always seem to feel better if I can swim even for a few minutes in the morning. I can clear my head and plan out my day. Get all of your stuff laid out the night before. Besides, you get to have the ode de chlorine cologne smell on your skin all day

2008-02-08 7:14 PM
in reply to: #1115197

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
I am so not a morning person, but, I have found that if I get up and get my planned workout in before life starts getting in the way, I feel much better. If I plan on working out later in the evening and circumstances keep rising that mess up my plans, I start getting cranky (or so my wife says!)

As far as motivation, is anyone up for a group challenge? How about we all try to get a morning swim in once a week? Schedule permitting of course, I don't know if thats even possible for everyone.
2008-02-08 7:44 PM
in reply to: #1115197

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL

I'm up for it!

A challenge; that is exactly what I need!

Edited by orange223 2008-02-08 7:45 PM
2008-02-08 10:12 PM
in reply to: #1202294

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Northern NY
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
I'm not sure about the morning part....but I'm in for the swim a week...
2008-02-10 4:39 PM
in reply to: #1202472

New user
North Carolina
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
I'm in 2
2008-02-10 4:40 PM
in reply to: #1203890

New user
North Carolina
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
We have talked a little bit about clothing and quick laces so let’s take it a bit further. This is the time of year that the new stuff is coming out so you can find some deals on last year’s stuff. This is a topic that is frequently covered on the forums so I won’t go into great detail. If you have any specific questions, let me know and we can take this a bit further.

With the exception of ironman races, there are no places to change other than a porta potty and the rules won’t let you get down to the buff. So you race with what you start with. Both men’s and women’s bottoms have a piece of terry cloth for a pad which means you don’t have a pad. I use a slip on neoprene saddle cover. This helps some but after a few hours, well …… There are rumors every year that the USAT is going to require men to wear shirts. But for both sexes, it all gets down to what you feel comfortable with.

For both sexes, you have a choice of a two piece or a tri suit. I use a tri suit for short races. I got the worst sunburn in my life after a half ironman in a tri suit. I used sun screen before the swim, but by the time I was done, I was cooked . So now I use a bike jersey for more UV protection.

As far as brands, I have had nothing but bad luck with TYR. The just don’t hold up. After a few washings, they start coming unstiched. I have used Sugoi for several years. Unfortunately, they have gotten bought out by Cannondale and their quality is also going downhill. Zoot holds up real well but they are a bit pricey. Keep in mind that they run a half to a full size small. If you can, try it on before you by it. I have gotten a couple pieces of 2XU that seem to be working out real well.

If you have any other questions, raise your hand and ask away.

2008-02-11 7:22 AM
in reply to: #1115197

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL

I followed the advice and packed my swim bag last night.  I put the car in the garage and got up at 5:45 this morning.  However, (there's always a "however", huh?) the wind chill this morning was 8. Eight degrees.  I'll get a swim in another morning or evening and/or this weekend.  Brrrr!

At the tri expo the other week, I met a guy who is opening a tri shop a scant 4 miles from my house.  Darn the bad luck, huh?  He talked about the brand 2XU.  He said, and I quote him, that they use the same material and or construction as the higher priced brands like Orca and Zoot.

I got one tri outfit from Hammer last year and it has held up well.  It is made by Voler and I like it fine.  Some of their 2007 tri and cycling shorts are on clearance on their website  When I say clearance, I mean like $24 for the padded shorts.



2008-02-11 9:02 PM
in reply to: #1115197

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
Dale, Great info on race apparel. If wearing a two piece tri suit, does one wear the top under their wetsuit for the swim, or do you put it on during transition?

I'm planning my morning swim for tommorrow. I think its going to be extra "fun", because we are expecting another 3-6 inches of snow tonight, so I'll have to shovel before I go to the pool...
2008-02-12 1:10 PM
in reply to: #1115197

Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
Nothing since Thursday last week. 102 degree fever and bed ridden with influenza and chest infection since Saturday. I literally just crawled out of bed for the first time in 72 hours.
2008-02-12 5:23 PM
in reply to: #1207437

New user
North Carolina
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
Ouch John, I was wondering what happened to you. Try to drink as much as you can, you are probably dehydrated. Glad you are back.
2008-02-12 5:32 PM
in reply to: #1206376

New user
North Carolina
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
I put mine on after I get out of the wet suit. I don't want the top balling up under the suit. It takes a couple of seconds more to put your top on particularly when you are wet but you won't get rubbed raw. If you haven't found body glide, get some. It's like chap stick. Another trick is to put plastic bags on your feet to put your wetsuit on. Use rubber bands to hold them on. I get strange looks when I use them but they make those pesky last few inches easier to get it on

2008-02-12 10:16 PM
in reply to: #1115197

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
Hey Everyone,

A major victory today. I weighed in at 199lbs this morning, finally breaking the 200 barrier! Look out new bike, here I come!

I also got a morning swim in today. Even got a little extra workout in since I had to shovel the driveway for an hour before I could get out to the pool!

Hang in there John. Look on the bright side, a nice chest infection is really helpful in the weight loss department

Dale, thanks for the apparel info. I was reading somewhere that pam cooking spray is a good wetsuit lubricant. Ever heard of that?

Take care everyone and stay healthy.
2008-02-13 6:53 AM
in reply to: #1115197

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL

Good advice about the wetsuit!   I don't own one yet, but there is a shop locally that rents them.  I've never worn one either.  I'd like to do the Atomic Man half iron next year and they say we'd need one for that.  Ever done that one Dale?  Lenoir City, TN.  Anyone have a good experience with a particular brand?  I'm considering 2XU and Xterra brands.

Good to hear from you John!  I had a documented case of influenza several years ago that went into pneumonia.  I didn't know up from down for a week.  Like Dale said, fluids, fluids, fluids. 

Great job on the weight loss and swim Tim!  Woot!  Woot!  What kind of bike are you considering?


2008-02-14 9:13 AM
in reply to: #1115197

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
I'm not sure on what bike yet. I'm going to get a fit kit done and see what recommendations come from that. Here are a couple of questions for you guys though. 1) Double or triple chain ring? , 2) Carbon, aluminum, or other? I have no knowledge of road bikes, so any light you can shed is greatly appreciated!
2008-02-14 12:52 PM
in reply to: #1115197

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL

If you are in a generally flat area and/or will be competing in a flat area, a double is fine.  Mine has a triple, so I don't mind it at all as we are in a hilly area.

Carbon / aluminum?  Depends on your budget.  A full carbon bike is expensive.  You can get an aluminum bike with carbon seat stays and a carbon fork.  Carbon smooths out your ride, which your derrier will appreciate over a long ride.

Has anyone seen the ads in Triathlete magazine where one shop is offering a tri bike, wetsuit, helmet, shoes, and tri shorts for the price of almost a bike alone?  With an income tax refund and/or Mr. Bush's rebate check, it may make some folks say "Hmmmmmm...." Seriously, if anyone does go that route, get fitted at a local shop first, then go (travel) to pick up the bike and make sure it is fitted to you properly.  Or, have the bike shipped to a local shop and let them fit it to you.

I've seen some decent prices on 2007 models still on bike shop floors!


2008-02-14 5:30 PM
in reply to: #1208643

New user
North Carolina
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
Yes I admit to using Pam The only bad thing I have heard about using it is that over time it will break down the wet suit material. I only use mine three times a year so I'm not too worried about decay. Congratulations on the weight loss! Definitely time to celebrate with a new toy.

2008-02-14 5:37 PM
in reply to: #1208876

New user
North Carolina
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
I have signed up for the atomic man this year, so I will let you know. It is supposed to be hilly too so I am hitting the mountains this summer. I got a Blue Seventy from Go Tri Sports. They are fantastic to deal with. I think they are family owned. We talked for a good 15 minutes to figure out what would work best for me.
2008-02-15 8:29 PM
in reply to: #1115197

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL

Thanks for the link, Dale! 

I'll stick with a few Olys this year and try either Atomic Man next year and/or the 70.3 down in the panhandle of Florida.  I hear it is really flat!  A guy at the Expo I went to said they moved the location of Atomic Man "back" to (an original?) location on Melton Hill Lake this year.  He said it will be a "bear", to put it gently.

Terry still doesn't have his swim in for this week.  Tomorrow, Virginia.  Tomorrow.   Seriously, I'll get one in today and next week I'll start knocking it out in the mornings hopefully twice a week.

Anyone do the contest?


Edited by orange223 2008-02-16 9:34 AM
2008-02-16 1:22 PM
in reply to: #1115197

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
Terry, I didn't know about until you mentioned it. Do we get to view your entry? Sounds like a pretty cool deal.
2008-02-16 5:09 PM
in reply to: #1115197

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL

I got the swim in today and I purchased a card that gives discounted visits.  Monday I start the 20-week Oly 2x BT plan.  I hope I grow scales over the next few months!

The EvoTri thing, I'm sure there are thousands entered.  Would be wild to win tho.  My link is

I'm leaning over the handlebars, so I think it makes me look fat.  Oh well.  Shoudda' sucked it in, but I only had one "take" on the video.


Edited by orange223 2008-02-16 6:30 PM
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