BT Development Mentor Program Archives » kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!! Rss Feed  
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2011-08-23 5:40 PM
in reply to: #3655864

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

I haven't had a chance to write my RR yet, but unfortunately I wasn't even close to  a PR. Ken mentioned tire trouble and I did have a flat, but even before that I wasn't close. The course was tougher than I anticipated.

My flat was only about a mile from T2, and was pretty exciting. Steep downhill with some cobblestones at the end. I'm still not sure what happened, but there was a bang, and I struggled to stay upright while skidding to a stop. There was a big hole in my tire, so I couldn't just replace the tube. There is a trick of using a dollar bill to temporarily patch a tire , but I had no money on me since it was a race. Luckily found a wrapper of some kind by the curb, and used that so was able to finish. Here's a picture of my tire. You can see the shiny wrapper inside:

Manged to finish the bike, but it took over 10 minutes to fix the tire.

I had to leave early because we were going to a party for my wife's cousin, so I missed the awards, and the post race food which really hurt because it was done by a BBQ place. When I checked the results  this AM, I found I was 3rd (of only 7) in my AG. Got an email from the RD that he will mail the medal, so that is pretty cool.

It was the first year for this race, and they really did a great job, and I had a blast! Can't wait to do this one again next year!

2011-08-23 9:28 PM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
Wow! and I thought I had tire issues! Congrats on finishing the race and placing!
2011-08-23 9:56 PM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

Here is a link to my RR report from this past weekend..


Tough break on the tire,way to hang in there and finish.


Viv--welcome to the triathlete side..Way to go..

2011-08-24 7:56 AM
in reply to: #3656066

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
amschrod - 2011-08-23 5:40 PM

I haven't had a chance to write my RR yet, but unfortunately I wasn't even close to  a PR. Ken mentioned tire trouble and I did have a flat, but even before that I wasn't close. The course was tougher than I anticipated.

My flat was only about a mile from T2, and was pretty exciting. Steep downhill with some cobblestones at the end. I'm still not sure what happened, but there was a bang, and I struggled to stay upright while skidding to a stop. There was a big hole in my tire, so I couldn't just replace the tube. There is a trick of using a dollar bill to temporarily patch a tire , but I had no money on me since it was a race. Luckily found a wrapper of some kind by the curb, and used that so was able to finish. Here's a picture of my tire. You can see the shiny wrapper inside:

Manged to finish the bike, but it took over 10 minutes to fix the tire.

I had to leave early because we were going to a party for my wife's cousin, so I missed the awards, and the post race food which really hurt because it was done by a BBQ place. When I checked the results  this AM, I found I was 3rd (of only 7) in my AG. Got an email from the RD that he will mail the medal, so that is pretty cool.

It was the first year for this race, and they really did a great job, and I had a blast! Can't wait to do this one again next year!

Wow!  That's a pretty neat trick.  . . .and you placed 3rd!

Way to go!

2011-08-24 8:00 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
Nice work Tim!  Sounds like a pretty nice course, especially the tree-lined run. Smile
2011-08-24 10:26 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
Happy Wednesday everyone! I hope your training is all going well this week!   

2011-08-24 1:50 PM
in reply to: #3434537

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

Wow Tony!! That is one beat up tire! nice job finishing and way to go on the taking 3rd even with the tire difficulty!

Had my first outdoor bike ride today in a month - my bike fitness has really suffered, but it was also a steep climb out of town that I hadn't forseen. Next time it will be easier!!!!

2011-08-25 8:23 PM
in reply to: #3657398

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

Finally got around to posting my RR here, so if anyone is having trouble sleeping, this may help

Is anyone racing this weekend?

2011-08-26 2:22 PM
in reply to: #3660003

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
amschrod - 2011-08-25 9:23 PM

Finally got around to posting my RR here, so if anyone is having trouble sleeping, this may help

Is anyone racing this weekend?

Good RR Anthony! 

Looking at peoples race schedules it looks like Steve has a tri this weekend and Adam has a 10K.  Good luck and have fun fellas! 

Adam and Anthony, I know you guys are in the path of our former friend Irene, be safe!
2011-08-26 9:12 PM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
Good luck racers and be safe all!
2011-08-27 2:52 PM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
Been a busy week at work, so trying to get some serious training in this weekend. Good luck to all that are racing..Hope everyone has a great weekend..

2011-08-28 7:40 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

A belated good luck wish to those who are racing.

It has been a busy week but I have managed to get in most of my training. I did a 3.5 hour trainer ride yesterday and am now convinced that I need to get some good cycling shorts for these longer rides and IMAZ. Tri shorts aren't going to cut it.  Does anyone have any good recommendations? 

As you know, Julie and I had flats last weekend. Well, like Julie when I went out to check on the bike the other day, the tire was flat again. Not sure what it going on as it held up for the ride back to the car last week. We both obviously rode over something that is not tire friendly. 

I hope everyone is having a good weekend and if you are in the hurricane zone, I hope you are safe and not feeling to many of the effects of it.


2011-08-28 5:44 PM
in reply to: #3662563

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

Kathleen, a 3.5 hour trainer ride is real dedication! I'm impressed! Can't help you much with the shorts since my longest ride ever is only 60 miles and I only use tri shorts. I know lots of people like the DeSoto 400 mile shorts, and I have always liked the quality of DeSoto products. I've also always been very happy with anything from Peal Izumi. It's a good time of year to find good prices on summer clothing, so you may be able to find some bargains.

Looks like Hurricane Irene wasn't as bad as anticipated which is good news. I'm about 60 miles from NYC and the coast so we wouldn't get hit too bad anyway. We had lots of rain and it was windy, but I only have a couple of branches down in my back yard. It was still raining hard and windy this AM, but I was still able to get my long run in. The worst thing for me was I had tickets for Saturday's Mets game for me and my 2 boys, and only ten rows behind the Mets dugout.

I hope Sherri in Connecticut, and Adam out on Long Island made it through the storm OK!

2011-08-28 6:32 PM
in reply to: #3434537

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

Sorry I've been scarce.  The peak week was two weeks ago, then taper started last week but was still intense.  This weekend was only 5 hours of riding spread over two days.  

My bike is fixed.  I was having trouble with the head tube coming loose so the handlebars were loose after they raised me up trying to get rid of lower back pain.  Finally surrendered and urged them to get me a new fork and start over so the extensions weren't needed anymore.  Took care of all the weakness.  The back pain was minimal today after I spent 3 hours working on position.  I realized if I kept my knees to the top tube, the back wasn't feeling sore at all.  The upper back in the shoulder and middle of my back at the neck still persists a bit.  I think it's me not relaxing from the start.  I will talk to him tomorrow but I think the fit is good, the bike is strong.  That is out of my head now.

Friends are racing IM Louisville as we speak.  One is just a couple years younger than I am.  I'm hoping he does well.  He is on the run so that is good.  It would be a boost for me.  Do you kow that 95% of the people who start at IM Wisconsin finish?  The odds are in my favor.  The only real things I worry about are nutrition and physical problems due to my ancient longterm back problems.  I've had my back go out during a tri, which I finished in decent time.   But it wasn't an Ironman.  We shall see. I'm ready. 

2011-08-29 4:12 AM
in reply to: #3662563

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
Kath2163 - 2011-08-28 8:40 AM

A belated good luck wish to those who are racing.

It has been a busy week but I have managed to get in most of my training. I did a 3.5 hour trainer ride yesterday and am now convinced that I need to get some good cycling shorts for these longer rides and IMAZ. Tri shorts aren't going to cut it.  Does anyone have any good recommendations? 

As you know, Julie and I had flats last weekend. Well, like Julie when I went out to check on the bike the other day, the tire was flat again. Not sure what it going on as it held up for the ride back to the car last week. We both obviously rode over something that is not tire friendly. 

I hope everyone is having a good weekend and if you are in the hurricane zone, I hope you are safe and not feeling to many of the effects of it.


Wow, what a trainer ride! 

Shorts are such a personal thing the only suggestion I would make is to try some on at the LBS or order some from an online retailer with a generous return policy.  I know there have also been a lot of forum threads over the years in tri talk on the subject.      
2011-08-29 4:14 AM
in reply to: #3662969

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
amschrod - 2011-08-28 6:44 PM

Kathleen, a 3.5 hour trainer ride is real dedication! I'm impressed! Can't help you much with the shorts since my longest ride ever is only 60 miles and I only use tri shorts. I know lots of people like the DeSoto 400 mile shorts, and I have always liked the quality of DeSoto products. I've also always been very happy with anything from Peal Izumi. It's a good time of year to find good prices on summer clothing, so you may be able to find some bargains.

Looks like Hurricane Irene wasn't as bad as anticipated which is good news. I'm about 60 miles from NYC and the coast so we wouldn't get hit too bad anyway. We had lots of rain and it was windy, but I only have a couple of branches down in my back yard. It was still raining hard and windy this AM, but I was still able to get my long run in. The worst thing for me was I had tickets for Saturday's Mets game for me and my 2 boys, and only ten rows behind the Mets dugout.

I hope Sherri in Connecticut, and Adam out on Long Island made it through the storm OK!

Glad you got through it relatively unscathed Anthony!  X2 on the Sherri and Adam comment!  I know a lot of folks are without power too! 

2011-08-29 4:21 AM
in reply to: #3663024

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
IceManScott - 2011-08-28 7:32 PM

Sorry I've been scarce.  The peak week was two weeks ago, then taper started last week but was still intense.  This weekend was only 5 hours of riding spread over two days.  

My bike is fixed.  I was having trouble with the head tube coming loose so the handlebars were loose after they raised me up trying to get rid of lower back pain.  Finally surrendered and urged them to get me a new fork and start over so the extensions weren't needed anymore.  Took care of all the weakness.  The back pain was minimal today after I spent 3 hours working on position.  I realized if I kept my knees to the top tube, the back wasn't feeling sore at all.  The upper back in the shoulder and middle of my back at the neck still persists a bit.  I think it's me not relaxing from the start.  I will talk to him tomorrow but I think the fit is good, the bike is strong.  That is out of my head now.

Friends are racing IM Louisville as we speak.  One is just a couple years younger than I am.  I'm hoping he does well.  He is on the run so that is good.  It would be a boost for me.  Do you kow that 95% of the people who start at IM Wisconsin finish?  The odds are in my favor.  The only real things I worry about are nutrition and physical problems due to my ancient longterm back problems.  I've had my back go out during a tri, which I finished in decent time.   But it wasn't an Ironman.  We shall see. I'm ready. 

Glad to hear the bike is fitting and performing the way it should!!  You have done the hard work to get you to the finish line Ice!  I am looking forward to seeing your success on race day!! 
2011-08-29 8:18 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Bradford, PA
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

Glad to hear that you are OK Anthony.

I raced a sprint tri on Saturday and finished 20th OA and 2nd AG in 1:09:18. Didn't hit my goal times so I was/am a bit bummed at the result. Looking forward to building on the swim progress and improving my bike substantially over the winter.

I'll let you know when the RR is complete.

2011-08-29 1:18 PM
in reply to: #3434537

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Bradford, PA
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
2011-08-29 2:19 PM
in reply to: #3664275

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

I enjoyed your race report! Like Steve did in his race report, I encourage, whether it is in a race report or somewhere else, for everyone to list what you want to work on during the off season.  Once you reach your off season that is.
2011-08-30 9:46 PM
in reply to: #3663024

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
IceManScott - 2011-08-28 6:32 PM

Sorry I've been scarce.  The peak week was two weeks ago, then taper started last week but was still intense.  This weekend was only 5 hours of riding spread over two days.  

My bike is fixed.  I was having trouble with the head tube coming loose so the handlebars were loose after they raised me up trying to get rid of lower back pain.  Finally surrendered and urged them to get me a new fork and start over so the extensions weren't needed anymore.  Took care of all the weakness.  The back pain was minimal today after I spent 3 hours working on position.  I realized if I kept my knees to the top tube, the back wasn't feeling sore at all.  The upper back in the shoulder and middle of my back at the neck still persists a bit.  I think it's me not relaxing from the start.  I will talk to him tomorrow but I think the fit is good, the bike is strong.  That is out of my head now.

Friends are racing IM Louisville as we speak.  One is just a couple years younger than I am.  I'm hoping he does well.  He is on the run so that is good.  It would be a boost for me.  Do you kow that 95% of the people who start at IM Wisconsin finish?  The odds are in my favor.  The only real things I worry about are nutrition and physical problems due to my ancient longterm back problems.  I've had my back go out during a tri, which I finished in decent time.   But it wasn't an Ironman.  We shall see. I'm ready. 

Iceman - you are so ready!!!!! I have really enjoyed watching (reading) you put in the effort day after day for the last year! You will do awesome - remember how far you have come during the race (that should put a smile on your face) - your story is truly inspiring and makes me want to work harder when I think of you!

2011-08-31 2:46 PM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

Hi! Remember me??  Lol!  Too freakin' busy.  We survived the Hurricane!  It was no big deal.  We lost power Sunday morning and it came back sometime Sunday night/Monday morning.  I didn't even get a day off work.  boo!  There was just a lot of branches and leaves in our yard.  One small, dead tree came down in our back yard.  Lots of trees took out powerlines in our town.  I heard we were VERY lucky to get power back as quick as we did.

This weekend is binge drinking and eating too much... we are going away for the weekend with about a dozen of our closest friends.  (we do this every year)  Then the following weekend is my *first* sprint tri.  Then the weekend after that is my *first* HM.  I am ready for the Tri.. but not for the HM.  I am only up to 8 miles.  I was supposed to go for a 10 miler this past weekend... but between a bachelor party, a wedding and a hurricane, it didn't pan out.  I am going to shoot for a long run this weekend (between games of beer pong).  The HM is going to take me a long time... I hope I don't look stupid.

2011-08-31 5:23 PM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
Thanks for the inspire Ken..Starting to feel some fatigue but I guess that is part of it..For our group that have completed a Half Ironman what type of nutrition worked for you.I know we are all different but trying to plan this out only 3.5 weeks out till my first Half.. I feel confindent in the swim and bike portion and if I pace properly I should be fine during the run, just lately during some of my long runs I have had to walk some..I wish I was a fast runner like Trout LOL..Hope everyone is having a great week..
2011-09-01 10:55 AM
in reply to: #3667849

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
scraver - 2011-08-31 3:46 PM

Hi! Remember me??  Lol!  Too freakin' busy.  We survived the Hurricane!  It was no big deal.  We lost power Sunday morning and it came back sometime Sunday night/Monday morning.  I didn't even get a day off work.  boo!  There was just a lot of branches and leaves in our yard.  One small, dead tree came down in our back yard.  Lots of trees took out powerlines in our town.  I heard we were VERY lucky to get power back as quick as we did.

This weekend is binge drinking and eating too much... we are going away for the weekend with about a dozen of our closest friends.  (we do this every year)  Then the following weekend is my *first* sprint tri.  Then the weekend after that is my *first* HM.  I am ready for the Tri.. but not for the HM.  I am only up to 8 miles.  I was supposed to go for a 10 miler this past weekend... but between a bachelor party, a wedding and a hurricane, it didn't pan out.  I am going to shoot for a long run this weekend (between games of beer pong).  The HM is going to take me a long time... I hope I don't look stupid.

I'm sure you wont be any where near the back of the field at your HM. 

Glad to hear you survived the storm ok!  Doesn't sound like I need to tell you to have fun this weekend!
2011-09-01 11:00 AM
in reply to: #3668090

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
shake-n-bake - 2011-08-31 6:23 PM Thanks for the inspire Ken..Starting to feel some fatigue but I guess that is part of it..For our group that have completed a Half Ironman what type of nutrition worked for you.I know we are all different but trying to plan this out only 3.5 weeks out till my first Half.. I feel confindent in the swim and bike portion and if I pace properly I should be fine during the run, just lately during some of my long runs I have had to walk some..I wish I was a fast runner like Trout LOL..Hope everyone is having a great week..

I would be worried if you weren't feeling the fatigue, part of the joy of long course racing I guess!  If I were you I would use the long weekend to do a longer bike/run brick to test a nutrition strategy.  I like a combination of gels and a Cliff bar or 2 on the bike, along with either Infinit or Gatorade Professional. Plus water.  You can use what ever drink and bar brand you prefer, ideally it is what is served on the course.

On the run, I just enjoy the smorgasbord that the aid stations of the longer races have become.  Just make sure you don't over eat/drink as it is easier to get in more if you need it, but only one way to get rid of having a gut that is overfilled for the effort of a race!

Let us know how you make out trying things!
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