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2011-09-06 5:40 PM
in reply to: #3675248

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
kloofyroland - 2011-09-06 6:38 PM

Scout142, ShellbackScott, and I are racing this weekend!  Anyone else? ^_^



think everyones season's almost over!   

2011-09-06 5:41 PM
in reply to: #3675250

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
shellback1998 - 2011-09-06 4:40 PM
kloofyroland - 2011-09-06 6:38 PM

Scout142, ShellbackScott, and I are racing this weekend!  Anyone else? ^_^



think everyones season's almost over!   

What and where is everyone racing??

2011-09-06 5:43 PM
in reply to: #3675252

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
thor67 - 2011-09-06 6:41 PM
shellback1998 - 2011-09-06 4:40 PM
kloofyroland - 2011-09-06 6:38 PM

Scout142, ShellbackScott, and I are racing this weekend!  Anyone else? ^_^



think everyones season's almost over!   

What and where is everyone racing??


Berwick, ME. Pumpkinman 1/2 Ironman

2011-09-06 9:08 PM
in reply to: #3675248

Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
kloofyroland - 2011-09-06 5:38 PM

Scout142, ShellbackScott, and I are racing this weekend!  Anyone else? ^_^


Running another 5K. My last sprint will be October 1.

2011-09-07 12:33 AM
in reply to: #3675252

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
thor67 - 2011-09-06 3:41 PM

What and where is everyone racing??

Pacific Coast Triathlon, sprint distance, Crystal Cove State Park (near Newport Beach), CA.  They are commemorating the 10th anniversary of 9/11.  Firefighters, policemen, and military are going to compete in a heroes division and more than 1000 competitors are expected to be racing as it is also the location of the USAT Southwest Regional Sprint Championships!  =)

Edited by kloofyroland 2011-09-07 12:36 AM
2011-09-07 9:49 AM
in reply to: #3439366

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

I was going to run a half marathon this Saturday but the kids start soccer so that's out.

Today was 58 and raining outside but I sucked it up and ran my planned 13 miles. When people who are out of shape say crap like you're blessed with good genetics or other such excuses/myths I think of mornings like this one and call BS. When it's only mile 5 and you can feel your socks squishing water out under your toes we'll talk.

My season is more or less over. To be honest I'm pretty happy to be back base building and being consistent. Good luck to those racing. Looking forward to the Pumpkinman report as I was on the fence about doing an HIM this year but opted to wait. I'm going to do that one next year for certain.

2011-09-08 11:26 PM
in reply to: #3439366

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

Good luck to everyone racing this weekend.  It's reunion weekend for me.  My mom's family on Saturday and then on Sunday I am getting together with the gals I ran cross country with from 1977-1981.  I can hardly wait...should be a blast!!!

Have a great weekend.


2011-09-09 9:20 AM
in reply to: #3439366

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

Have a good time at your reunions.

Weekend will involve work tonight and possibly tomorrow morning depending on how tonight goes. Tomorrow ride somewhere between 30-35. Both the older girls have soccer games and then just hang out. Sunday a 50 mile ride and then the oldest has another soccer game.

Good luck racers!

2011-09-11 3:57 PM
in reply to: #3676122

Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
everlong - 2011-09-07 9:49 AM

I was going to run a half marathon this Saturday but the kids start soccer so that's out.

Today was 58 and raining outside but I sucked it up and ran my planned 13 miles. When people who are out of shape say crap like you're blessed with good genetics or other such excuses/myths I think of mornings like this one and call BS. When it's only mile 5 and you can feel your socks squishing water out under your toes we'll talk.

My season is more or less over. To be honest I'm pretty happy to be back base building and being consistent. Good luck to those racing. Looking forward to the Pumpkinman report as I was on the fence about doing an HIM this year but opted to wait. I'm going to do that one next year for certain.

I know what you mean about people who are out of shape say stuff like that. All I hear it "I could never do that" or "I wouldn't want to". I used to be 262 pounds, borderline diabetic and I got up off my *ss and come pretty far. What they don't realize is they can do this too, they've just convinced themselves that they can't.

Here's another one that happened to me. I weighed over 220 when I started running -- about 180 now. I was running on the treadmill at the gym and a skinny woman gets on the one next to me. I was nice enough to tell her how to operate it, etc. Then she looks me up and down and says "If you can run, so can I." She puts it on 5.5 and flew off the back -- I just kept running. I know it wasn't nice of me, but she got what she deserved in my mind.

When I look back, I have so much more confidence now. I remember finishing my first sprint tri in under 2 hours and feeling like nothing is impossible. I'm healthier and I have had no more blood sugar issues. All of us here have things to be proud of! OK, I'm done with my 2 cents.


2011-09-11 7:51 PM
in reply to: #3681228

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
charminchick - 2011-09-11 1:57 PMI was running on the treadmill at the gym and a skinny woman gets on the one next to me. I was nice enough to tell her how to operate it, etc. Then she looks me up and down and says "If you can run, so can I." She puts it on 5.5 and flew off the back -- I just kept running. I know it wasn't nice of me, but she got what she deserved in my mind.

When I look back, I have so much more confidence now. I remember finishing my first sprint tri in under 2 hours and feeling like nothing is impossible. I'm healthier and I have had no more blood sugar issues. All of us here have things to be proud of! OK, I'm done with my 2 cents.


You have come really far Joy and your continued achievements are very impressive!  So many people just don't wanna make a decision and take some risks.  Too bad for them!  Oh and too bad for that stupid skinny fat dumba$$ lady who messed up on that treadmill.  I would have done the same thing but would have smiled or chuckled hehehe!


2011-09-11 7:52 PM
in reply to: #3439366

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
Pacific Coast Triathlon DONE!  Race report to come!  ^_^

2011-09-11 11:53 PM
in reply to: #3439366

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

Greetings everyone!  Here it is! 

Pacific Coast Triathlon

Crystal Cove State Park, California
United States
Pelican Coast Events
60F / 16C
Triathlon - Sprint
Total Time = 1h 34m 28s
Overall Rank = 382/626 (There was about 400 more in the heroes division)
Age Group = 35-39
Age Group Rank = 46/57

Pre-race routine:

Saturday packet pickup. Biked the run course, surveyed the swim for sighting, drove through the bike course. Rolling hills throughout! Ate huge carb breakfast and tapered food rest of the day.

Event warmup:

Sunday morning, got to site at 5:45 and it was already busy! Mounted my bike in near middle of the wave 3 group rack a bit closer to swim entry and farther from bike entry. Dynamic movement warmup at T1 and walked 1/2 mile to swim start. Got into water and got acclimated and warmed up. Waves and swells were about 2-3 feet tall but infrequent.


00:17:29 | 900 yards | 01m 56s / 100yards

Course:    900 yard course, right shoulders to buoys. Saw alot of fish and dodged alot of kelp. This beach is so clean! I could almost see the bottom during the whole swim.


Got into the water and got smashed by a big wave. A racer hopped in front of me and disrupted my dive timing so I tried anyway but was too late. Smashed and pushed back. Another racer got smashed too but he recovered in time to grab me which was really nice of him. I was disoriented but fought through it and got into my groove quickly. Mentally thinking delayed catch/pull as much as possible. Looks like my pace has improved greatly! My new learned technique has paid off for this race (2nd ever + 30 seconds faster/100)!

What would you do differently?:

Next race start more to the left so I can get my own spot siting waves. Another 5 yards away from the turn buoy won't be much overall. I just don't want to get smashed again!


Time: 04:47 >.<


Ran up that crazy hill to T1. Passed 5 people who were walking up. A couple spectators said, "Whoa, that guy's pro!" ^_^ HR spiked but I did not crash or burn out. I need to get my mind more focused on changing. Removing the chip helped but I was still slow!

What would you do differently?:

Mentally break through the fatigue and just change!


00:43:58 | 12 miles | 16.38 mile/hr

Performance:    Average
148bpm avg HR 163bpm max.
Wind:    Little
Course:    Course was very rolling. Very well marked and volunteers were great!


Kept cycling cadence as even as possible 75-85rpm. Felt pretty good, never out of breath. Decided to hold back just a little to see what happens transitioning to the run. Passed a few and alot of aero bar cyclists with those unique rims passed me who seemed like monster AG'ers! They were super fast even on those hills! I passed most of the regular racers and mountain bikers. =)

What would you do differently?

Push harder next year.


Time: 02:22


Smooth T2. Racked bike w/o problems. Ate Clif Shot Blok. Did not forget race number belt this time! Left HR watch on the bike to save time and decided to hydrate on the course. Left foot started feeling blistery last 1/2 mile.

What would you do differently?:

Be more liberal with Trislide inside socks before race start as I was at Goleta Beach Tri earlier because no blisters were felt then.


00:25:50 | 03.1 miles | 08m 20s  min/mile

Performance:    Good

Did not bring HR watch. Used Nike Sportband to monitor pace. Pace myself for negative splits and used RPE to gauge performance. RPE7 on flats, RPE8 on hills.

Course:    Rolling hills. Good thing I did some interval training to strengthen running skill getting over those hills.


Kinda missed my Gatorade Perform but the 2 water stops at mile 1 and 2 were nice. Decision to hold back a bit on the bike helped my transition to run. Did not feel as wasted and got into a groove quickly after a quarter mile.

What would you do differently?:

Bring HR Watch to compare HR and RPE for feel and experience.

Post race

Warm down:

Walked around and stretched. Hydrated, ate bananas, watermelon, smoothie. Chatted with other finishers at transition.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Getting smashed by a big wave. Unsure if it was a bad decision to hold back a bit on the bike but the run felt great!

Event comments:

I did not see anyone with a finishers medal. I was hoping to get one. Very organized race. Very popular. Alot of pro elites and pro AGs competed. It was very nice to see the military guys, policemen, and firemen compete and chat with. Parking was a nightmare though, argh! 

I'm pleased with my overall performance in this race because it was tougher than my last (1st ever) one.  That was flat compared to this rolling hills one.  My interval training and swim technique practice since my first race last July has proven very helpful and it showed.  I decided to hold back a slight bit here to avoid injury because my next race is going to be the grueling Magic Mountain Man Olympic Triathlon in a month!  No holding back next year! ^_^


2011-09-12 7:38 AM
in reply to: #3681778

Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
Great job, Roland. Your swim was great!
2011-09-12 9:30 AM
in reply to: #3681228

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
charminchick - 2011-09-11 4:57 PM

I know what you mean about people who are out of shape say stuff like that. All I hear it "I could never do that" or "I wouldn't want to". I used to be 262 pounds, borderline diabetic and I got up off my *ss and come pretty far. What they don't realize is they can do this too, they've just convinced themselves that they can't.

Here's another one that happened to me. I weighed over 220 when I started running -- about 180 now. I was running on the treadmill at the gym and a skinny woman gets on the one next to me. I was nice enough to tell her how to operate it, etc. Then she looks me up and down and says "If you can run, so can I." She puts it on 5.5 and flew off the back -- I just kept running. I know it wasn't nice of me, but she got what she deserved in my mind.

When I look back, I have so much more confidence now. I remember finishing my first sprint tri in under 2 hours and feeling like nothing is impossible. I'm healthier and I have had no more blood sugar issues. All of us here have things to be proud of! OK, I'm done with my 2 cents.


She so deserved it!!!! I would never do that. There's a guy who's probably 55-ish and weighed 400 pounds. He started swimming every day and probably weighs about 180. I walked up to him when he got down to the low 200's and said hey one hell of a job keep up the hard work. Another woman was 300 if not more. A year of spin and she was about 130 and I did the same thing. I think they both appreciate it and my tone was very upbeat to let them know I wasn't being condescending of their original fitness but appreciative of the hard work and where they were now.

So know my tone is the same when I tell you, one hell of a job keep it up!!!!!!

2011-09-12 9:31 AM
in reply to: #3439366

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
Great job Roland you finished strong!!!!!
2011-09-12 10:08 AM
in reply to: #3439366

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

Scott did a great job in the PumpkinMan HIM as well.

Swim (1.2 miles): 49:33

T1: 3:28

Bike (56 miles): 2:54:05

T2: 2:43

Run (13.1 Miles: 2:30:25

Total: 6:20:16

2011-09-12 11:17 AM
in reply to: #3682172

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
everlong - 2011-09-12 8:08 AM

Scott did a great job in the PumpkinMan HIM as well.

Swim (1.2 miles): 49:33

T1: 3:28

Bike (56 miles): 2:54:05

T2: 2:43

Run (13.1 Miles: 2:30:25

Total: 6:20:16

Yay Scott!  I'd love to read another race report.  =)

2011-09-12 1:42 PM
in reply to: #3439366

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

Pumpkinman Race Report


Saturday Morning 9/10/11

7:00 Woke up early 

8:00 had my big breakfast. I had Pancakes, eggs and toast.  I have to eat before 9, and start tapering throughout the day. I had a bag pretzels,  set my watch for every 30 mins to drink at least 8 oz of water.  11:00 travelled up to Maine checked into the hotel

12:00-15:00 relaxed feet up and  hydrated and watched some college football.

16:00-17:00 pre registered for my race, got my shirt and race packet

17:30-18:45 drove the bike route with some teammates.

19:00 Dinner at Chili’s,  not my idea pre race meal but I had kids Pasta and ½ a chicken breast.

21:00 Bed Time

04:00 Woke up, had my two cups of apple sauce, banana, bottle of Gatorade and my Whey Protein Shake

04:30 Departed for the Race

05:00 Arrived at the race, temp was 44 degrees out, very foggy. Had my head  lamp on, putting my wheels on my bike and  pumping the tires.

05:20 Had to get my timing chip

05:30, set my bike up in transition, unpacked my wetsuit, laid out everything.

06:00 had my Powerbar

06:30 Warmed up swimming.

06:50 Star Bangle banner, moment of silence, RD said that the race was going to be postponed could not see the buoys 150 yards away

07:45 Elites start (First Wave)

07:46 Aqua Bike Starts (Second Wave)

07:47 Third Wave

07:50 Fourth Wave

07:53 Fith wave

07:56 Six wave start mine, started out hard for the first 400 yards, fell into my groove. 2:20 min/100 yards (Told you I am slow)

Finished my swim with a PR for me at that distance 49 mins and change.  

T1, there is a hill that is about 250 yards, it’s actually a challenge for the fastest person  to get up it, I walked up it. I was not going to burn a match for something like that.

The bike course is a lollipop, what I mean by that is that there is an out to a certain distance then two loops then back the same distance.  Now, on the bike, my coach says I have to Pee on the bike at least once for a ½ marathon, so around mile 49, I couldn’t hold it anymore and went.  Man what a relief, but I was hydrated, it was hot at times but cool. I definitely got sunburn but felt great. I came back after a good bike for me, averaged 19.3 for the 56 miles.  I have a restricted wattage on long distance; I can’t go above 320 watts so, on the hills but had to average 272-280 watts for the entire ride. My Average HR on the bike was 157. I finished with 279 watts. So far so good, I still can’t believe I was only doing 3-6 mph on some of the hills which SUCKS because I see all these people just passing me. 

I finished the bike, got into T2, feeling great. Put my socks on, running shoes, grab my visor and some cliff blocks and off I went. Mile one, felt great, pace was 8:08, second was slower and then I knew I was getting fatigue as each mile after that was positive splits. I finished the 13.1 miles with an average pace of 12:20 which is slow for me, especially when I can run a flat out ½ marathon at a 7:09 pace.  I had all my nutrition, each mile a cliff block, introduced caffeine after mile 7, felt great but just need to work on hills more. Well, that’s my Race report. Scott already posted my times.  So, hopefully next year this will be much faster 

2011-09-12 1:50 PM
in reply to: #3682098

Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
everlong - 2011-09-12 9:30 AM
charminchick - 2011-09-11 4:57 PM

I know what you mean about people who are out of shape say stuff like that. All I hear it "I could never do that" or "I wouldn't want to". I used to be 262 pounds, borderline diabetic and I got up off my *ss and come pretty far. What they don't realize is they can do this too, they've just convinced themselves that they can't.

Here's another one that happened to me. I weighed over 220 when I started running -- about 180 now. I was running on the treadmill at the gym and a skinny woman gets on the one next to me. I was nice enough to tell her how to operate it, etc. Then she looks me up and down and says "If you can run, so can I." She puts it on 5.5 and flew off the back -- I just kept running. I know it wasn't nice of me, but she got what she deserved in my mind.

When I look back, I have so much more confidence now. I remember finishing my first sprint tri in under 2 hours and feeling like nothing is impossible. I'm healthier and I have had no more blood sugar issues. All of us here have things to be proud of! OK, I'm done with my 2 cents.


She so deserved it!!!! I would never do that. There's a guy who's probably 55-ish and weighed 400 pounds. He started swimming every day and probably weighs about 180. I walked up to him when he got down to the low 200's and said hey one hell of a job keep up the hard work. Another woman was 300 if not more. A year of spin and she was about 130 and I did the same thing. I think they both appreciate it and my tone was very upbeat to let them know I wasn't being condescending of their original fitness but appreciative of the hard work and where they were now.

So know my tone is the same when I tell you, one hell of a job keep it up!!!!!!

Thanks! I know what you are saying! I don't like to be condescending, but too many people make too many excuses. I was one of them. There was no other reason for being that large except for the fact that I ate too much and moved too little!

2011-09-12 1:58 PM
in reply to: #3682729

Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
shellback1998 - 2011-09-12 1:42 PM

Pumpkinman Race Report


Saturday Morning 9/10/11

7:00 Woke up early 

8:00 had my big breakfast. I had Pancakes, eggs and toast.  I have to eat before 9, and start tapering throughout the day. I had a bag pretzels,  set my watch for every 30 mins to drink at least 8 oz of water.  11:00 travelled up to Maine checked into the hotel

12:00-15:00 relaxed feet up and  hydrated and watched some college football.

16:00-17:00 pre registered for my race, got my shirt and race packet

17:30-18:45 drove the bike route with some teammates.

19:00 Dinner at Chili’s,  not my idea pre race meal but I had kids Pasta and ½ a chicken breast.

21:00 Bed Time

04:00 Woke up, had my two cups of apple sauce, banana, bottle of Gatorade and my Whey Protein Shake

04:30 Departed for the Race

05:00 Arrived at the race, temp was 44 degrees out, very foggy. Had my head  lamp on, putting my wheels on my bike and  pumping the tires.

05:20 Had to get my timing chip

05:30, set my bike up in transition, unpacked my wetsuit, laid out everything.

06:00 had my Powerbar

06:30 Warmed up swimming.

06:50 Star Bangle banner, moment of silence, RD said that the race was going to be postponed could not see the buoys 150 yards away

07:45 Elites start (First Wave)

07:46 Aqua Bike Starts (Second Wave)

07:47 Third Wave

07:50 Fourth Wave

07:53 Fith wave

07:56 Six wave start mine, started out hard for the first 400 yards, fell into my groove. 2:20 min/100 yards (Told you I am slow)

Finished my swim with a PR for me at that distance 49 mins and change.  

T1, there is a hill that is about 250 yards, it’s actually a challenge for the fastest person  to get up it, I walked up it. I was not going to burn a match for something like that.

The bike course is a lollipop, what I mean by that is that there is an out to a certain distance then two loops then back the same distance.  Now, on the bike, my coach says I have to Pee on the bike at least once for a ½ marathon, so around mile 49, I couldn’t hold it anymore and went.  Man what a relief, but I was hydrated, it was hot at times but cool. I definitely got sunburn but felt great. I came back after a good bike for me, averaged 19.3 for the 56 miles.  I have a restricted wattage on long distance; I can’t go above 320 watts so, on the hills but had to average 272-280 watts for the entire ride. My Average HR on the bike was 157. I finished with 279 watts. So far so good, I still can’t believe I was only doing 3-6 mph on some of the hills which SUCKS because I see all these people just passing me. 

I finished the bike, got into T2, feeling great. Put my socks on, running shoes, grab my visor and some cliff blocks and off I went. Mile one, felt great, pace was 8:08, second was slower and then I knew I was getting fatigue as each mile after that was positive splits. I finished the 13.1 miles with an average pace of 12:20 which is slow for me, especially when I can run a flat out ½ marathon at a 7:09 pace.  I had all my nutrition, each mile a cliff block, introduced caffeine after mile 7, felt great but just need to work on hills more. Well, that’s my Race report. Scott already posted my times.  So, hopefully next year this will be much faster 

Nice job! I think those times are great!

Question: Did you pull over to pee or keep going?

Question 2: If the answer to question 1 is no, did you warn the people behind you?

Just asking.... and yes, I've done it in a run before-- no woods or port-a-pottys..... thankfully, I was wearing tri shorts that dry rather quickly!

2011-09-12 2:48 PM
in reply to: #3439366

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
Do you think the 157 average heart rate on the bike was too high? And what was your max?

2011-09-12 4:04 PM
in reply to: #3682729

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

I really like how detailed your Saturday pre-race routine went.  What kind of head lamp are you using?  I'm gonna need one next race. 

Nice PR on the swim distance!  I had 2  PRs as well with my swim and run yesterday. =)

2011-09-12 5:47 PM
in reply to: #3682910

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
I was dead on my target heart rate my avg HR on the run was 167 so it was my exactly as planned
2011-09-12 5:51 PM
in reply to: #3439366

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
Joy I pee on the bike and washed it last night
2011-09-12 7:37 PM
in reply to: #3683228

Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

shellback1998 - 2011-09-12 5:51 PM Joy I pee on the bike and washed it last night

Now I know what to do next time someone drafts me

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