BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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2010-05-30 9:38 AM
in reply to: #2890421

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

calimavs - 2010-05-29 7:22 PM Happy Memorial Day weekend everyone! Just got back from my first ride over 50 miles - we ended up doing 55 today before a quick transition run. Since this was my longest ride ever I wrote a novel about it in my blog which I thought I'd share here. The short version is that my bike fitness is better than I thought for this course, but I desperately need a new saddle for my bike. Yell

Happy training everyone, hope you are all having a great long weekend! Laughing

Here's the long version:
Wow. First ride over 50 miles! 

So I roll up to Windsor high school (the site of T2 for Vineman 70.3) at 7:45 and start to get my stuff ready for the ride and I go to turn on my Garmin and - nothing. It won't turn on. I charged it last night and it looked fine when I went to bed, today nothing. So the ride starts out with me throwing a mini-tantrum about my Garmin not working. 

Then I realized that it was probably God's way of telling me that I have been focused too much on speed (and beating myself up about it) lately and that I need to just ride my bike and have fun. I figured I could get the total ride time from my cell phone clock and the distance from one of the other people riding in the group with me. So off we went. 

The first 35 miles or so were awesome. The course is a bunch of rolling hills and felt pretty easy after Wildflower and some of the hill repeats I've been doing lately. 

Around mile 35ish my butt/saddle area started to hurt. Bad. My tri shorts kept bunching up and it seemed like all the chamois butter I put on wasn't helping. I kept squirming but could not get comfortable. We got to Chalk hill around mile 42 and I was able to just power up it without much problem. It did spike my heart rate a lot but it was ok. 

After Chalk hill things went to hell. My butt hurt so bad that every time I went over a bump (and there were lots since the roads were in bad shape) I would cry out in pain. I basically gritted my teeth the last 10 miles or so and tried not to cry. My legs felt strong, and I could have been riding a lot faster, but the pain just made moving excruciating. Long story short, I need a new saddle, badly. The problem isn't chafing, it's more the pressure on my saddle area, so I think I'll be looking for one with a cut out to take some of the pressure off. 

Fueling went really well on this ride. I was a bit hungry at the start of it since I ate breakfast at 5:45 and we didn't start riding till 8:20. During the ride I ate 3 packages of honey stingers, one packet of Accelerade (which I won't buy again, didn't like it) and had lots of water. Looks like 620 calories total which is only 155/hour but it seemed to be ok. I'll try to eat more next time to get it up above 200 and see if that is better. 

All in all a tough ride mentally but I'm really happy with where I am fitness wise. Today my fitness wasn't the limiter, my saddle was. 


Too bad your saddle gave you fits, other wise it sounds like you had a great ride and a confidence building day!!  Great job!!

2010-05-30 9:41 AM
in reply to: #2769226

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

I had a great ride with the Saturday ride group yesterday!! Between the group ride and me taking the long way to the shop, I did about 61 miles with over 6100 feet of climbing!!  I can really tell that all the climbing I am doing is helping my cycling power and can't wait to test it in a race!!

Off for a medium length run this morning!!

Have a great weekend everyone!!

2010-05-30 12:23 PM
in reply to: #2769226

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Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Went for my 1st large group ride this morning and it was great. We just did under 32 miles but it was nice to get out with other people and they are all tri people from BT. The first half was basically a gentle climb (490 feet) and then a descent back into town. I know that as time goes on my strength and stamina on the bike will increase quickly.

Need to get in 4 more miles of running today to make my week. If I can get 11 miles of riding in tomorrow, I'll make my month (150 miles bike, 50 miles run and 10,000 yds swim).
2010-05-30 1:30 PM
in reply to: #2769226

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2010-05-30 2:30 PM
in reply to: #2890883

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
kenj - 2010-05-30 8:41 AM

I had a great ride with the Saturday ride group yesterday!! Between the group ride and me taking the long way to the shop, I did about 61 miles with over 6100 feet of climbing!!  I can really tell that all the climbing I am doing is helping my cycling power and can't wait to test it in a race!!

Off for a medium length run this morning!!

Have a great weekend everyone!!

That's a whole lotta climbing. Great job.
2010-05-30 2:51 PM
in reply to: #2890883

Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
kenj - 2010-05-30 7:41 AM

I had a great ride with the Saturday ride group yesterday!! Between the group ride and me taking the long way to the shop, I did about 61 miles with over 6100 feet of climbing!!  I can really tell that all the climbing I am doing is helping my cycling power and can't wait to test it in a race!!

Off for a medium length run this morning!!

Have a great weekend everyone!!

Where did you guys go?

Nm, I saw your logs...

Edited by furiousferret 2010-05-30 2:54 PM

2010-05-30 3:09 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

The cycling world hasn't seen a comeback since stage 17 of the 2006 Tour de France (and we all know how that turned out).  I swear I'm clean!

After my poor performance yesterday in dreadful heat and unrelenting winds, I was able to adjust to the heat today, and with no winds beat my previous time on my course by 9 minutes!

Going out there I knew it would be a headwind but it was very light so I pushed as hard as I could;  as soon as I knew it 3 riders were on my wheel for about 15 minutes.  I tried to get them off but couldn't then I hear 'lets drop this guy' and they blew by me and turned off at the next block.


I continued on and hit the turnout at a really good time, came back and had another wheelsucker.  Again, I tried to ride him off my wheel but he stuck.  Then as I slowed a tad he came up to me and said, 'I can't let you do all the work'.  Even though I didn't want to draft, we took turn for about 6 miles until he turned off.  

So I can't really call it an 'official' pr since I had help; but I would have bested my time without the help.

This is my biggest cycling month ever if I do a 50 miler (which I doubt) I will break 500 miles.  I'm definately seeing results.  I'm doing all this in a roadie without aero bars which is about 1 mph slower than my tri setup and I'm still flying.  Looking forward to the days averaging 20 mph on a relatively flat ride is commonplace; I've always considered that the standard.

2010-05-30 3:54 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
I finally took my tri bike out on the open road today. The winds made for some challenging moments as I felt myself and the bike being pushed sideways.   With the exception of some rough patches of road and downhills that I am not yet comfortable riding in the aero position, I spent most of the time in my aerobars. I am very happy that I have aerobars on my road bike as the learning curve is not as great as it otherwise would have been. I have an 11-25 cassette on my tri bike (what I had on my road bike until recently) and I was actually able to stay out of the easiet gear for more of the climbs then I was last year.  





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2010-05-30 5:35 PM
in reply to: #2891178

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Kath2163 - 2010-05-30 2:54 PM I finally took my tri bike out on the open road today. The winds made for some challenging moments as I felt myself and the bike being pushed sideways.   With the exception of some rough patches of road and downhills that I am not yet comfortable riding in the aero position, I spent most of the time in my aerobars. I am very happy that I have aerobars on my road bike as the learning curve is not as great as it otherwise would have been. I have an 11-25 cassette on my tri bike (what I had on my road bike until recently) and I was actually able to stay out of the easiet gear for more of the climbs then I was last year.  

We were talking on our morning ride how beautiful it was but that it being AZ is so different than riding in a green area like the midwest. Those pictures are beautiful and I could see how you could ride forever.
2010-05-30 7:39 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Thornton, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Just wanted to let everyone know I'll be a little weak on the posting over the next week most likely.  I'm leaving to drive to San Diego tomorrow morning for the marathon next Sunday.  I'm taking the bike though since it's a good alternative to running a lot the week before a marathon.  Hopefully I can find some good (and safe) areas to ride.  Definitely looking forward to a change in scenery... and I'm planning on getting some good OWSs in while I'm out there too.... plus a little surfing if the gods of surf cooperate.
2010-05-30 9:16 PM
in reply to: #2891153

Sun Prairie, WI
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
furiousferret - 2010-05-30 3:09 PM

The cycling world hasn't seen a comeback since stage 17 of the 2006 Tour de France (and we all know how that turned out).  I swear I'm clean!

After my poor performance yesterday in dreadful heat and unrelenting winds, I was able to adjust to the heat today, and with no winds beat my previous time on my course by 9 minutes!

Going out there I knew it would be a headwind but it was very light so I pushed as hard as I could;  as soon as I knew it 3 riders were on my wheel for about 15 minutes.  I tried to get them off but couldn't then I hear 'lets drop this guy' and they blew by me and turned off at the next block.


I continued on and hit the turnout at a really good time, came back and had another wheelsucker.  Again, I tried to ride him off my wheel but he stuck.  Then as I slowed a tad he came up to me and said, 'I can't let you do all the work'.  Even though I didn't want to draft, we took turn for about 6 miles until he turned off.  

So I can't really call it an 'official' pr since I had help; but I would have bested my time without the help.

This is my biggest cycling month ever if I do a 50 miler (which I doubt) I will break 500 miles.  I'm definately seeing results.  I'm doing all this in a roadie without aero bars which is about 1 mph slower than my tri setup and I'm still flying.  Looking forward to the days averaging 20 mph on a relatively flat ride is commonplace; I've always considered that the standard.

Nice work, kinda cool being the guy others are drafting off.  Keep up the effort and you will continue to make gains on the bike.

2010-05-30 9:27 PM
in reply to: #2890421

Sun Prairie, WI
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
calimavs - 2010-05-29 6:22 PM Happy Memorial Day weekend everyone! Just got back from my first ride over 50 miles - we ended up doing 55 today before a quick transition run. Since this was my longest ride ever I wrote a novel about it in my blog which I thought I'd share here. The short version is that my bike fitness is better than I thought for this course, but I desperately need a new saddle for my bike. Yell

Happy training everyone, hope you are all having a great long weekend! Laughing

Here's the long version:
Wow. First ride over 50 miles! 

So I roll up to Windsor high school (the site of T2 for Vineman 70.3) at 7:45 and start to get my stuff ready for the ride and I go to turn on my Garmin and - nothing. It won't turn on. I charged it last night and it looked fine when I went to bed, today nothing. So the ride starts out with me throwing a mini-tantrum about my Garmin not working. 

Then I realized that it was probably God's way of telling me that I have been focused too much on speed (and beating myself up about it) lately and that I need to just ride my bike and have fun. I figured I could get the total ride time from my cell phone clock and the distance from one of the other people riding in the group with me. So off we went. 

The first 35 miles or so were awesome. The course is a bunch of rolling hills and felt pretty easy after Wildflower and some of the hill repeats I've been doing lately. 

Around mile 35ish my butt/saddle area started to hurt. Bad. My tri shorts kept bunching up and it seemed like all the chamois butter I put on wasn't helping. I kept squirming but could not get comfortable. We got to Chalk hill around mile 42 and I was able to just power up it without much problem. It did spike my heart rate a lot but it was ok. 

After Chalk hill things went to hell. My butt hurt so bad that every time I went over a bump (and there were lots since the roads were in bad shape) I would cry out in pain. I basically gritted my teeth the last 10 miles or so and tried not to cry. My legs felt strong, and I could have been riding a lot faster, but the pain just made moving excruciating. Long story short, I need a new saddle, badly. The problem isn't chafing, it's more the pressure on my saddle area, so I think I'll be looking for one with a cut out to take some of the pressure off. 

Fueling went really well on this ride. I was a bit hungry at the start of it since I ate breakfast at 5:45 and we didn't start riding till 8:20. During the ride I ate 3 packages of honey stingers, one packet of Accelerade (which I won't buy again, didn't like it) and had lots of water. Looks like 620 calories total which is only 155/hour but it seemed to be ok. I'll try to eat more next time to get it up above 200 and see if that is better. 

All in all a tough ride mentally but I'm really happy with where I am fitness wise. Today my fitness wasn't the limiter, my saddle was. 


Sorry to hear about the saddle, when you have a more comfortable saddle it will make your rides so much more enjoyable.  Sounds like your saddle is putting pressure on "sensitive" areas.  One thing to try prior to getting rid of it would be to put a very slight nose down angle on the seat.  This can help a bit.  If it is really bad, I think your on the right track about getting a saddle with a cutout.  For me they are much more comfortable than a standard road saddle, especially if you are using a road saddle in a tri position.  I love my adamo, but I also hear great things about the cobb saddle as well.  Both designed by the same guy.
2010-05-30 9:28 PM
in reply to: #2891380

Sun Prairie, WI
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

zionvier - 2010-05-30 7:39 PM Just wanted to let everyone know I'll be a little weak on the posting over the next week most likely.  I'm leaving to drive to San Diego tomorrow morning for the marathon next Sunday.  I'm taking the bike though since it's a good alternative to running a lot the week before a marathon.  Hopefully I can find some good (and safe) areas to ride.  Definitely looking forward to a change in scenery... and I'm planning on getting some good OWSs in while I'm out there too.... plus a little surfing if the gods of surf cooperate.


Great biking up and down the coast near San Diego.  Take the PCH north, good hills, lots of bikes and great scenery.

2010-05-30 9:49 PM
in reply to: #2891380

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
zionvier - 2010-05-30 6:39 PM Just wanted to let everyone know I'll be a little weak on the posting over the next week most likely.  I'm leaving to drive to San Diego tomorrow morning for the marathon next Sunday.  I'm taking the bike though since it's a good alternative to running a lot the week before a marathon.  Hopefully I can find some good (and safe) areas to ride.  Definitely looking forward to a change in scenery... and I'm planning on getting some good OWSs in while I'm out there too.... plus a little surfing if the gods of surf cooperate.

I would recommend going to Coronado Island and biking up and down the strand from Coronado down South. It is a beautiful ride and right by the ocean. Also right where the Navy Seals train.
2010-05-30 10:35 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Thanks everyone for the advice/thoughts on the saddle. The hunt will begin in earnest this week so that I can hopefully have something new to try out for my long ride on Saturday.

Today wrapped up my biggest volume week ever, which I sort of can't believe. I finished it off with a 2600 yard swim and a 7 mile run today. Feeling pretty good but happy to have a rest day tomorrow, we'll be having a picnic with some friends. Hope everyone enjoys the last day of the long weekend.
2010-05-31 6:14 AM
in reply to: #2891380

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2010-05-31 6:15 AM
in reply to: #2891574

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2010-05-31 6:41 AM
in reply to: #2769226

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2010-05-31 9:00 AM
in reply to: #2891178

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

Kath2163 - 2010-05-30 4:54 PM I finally took my tri bike out on the open road today. The winds made for some challenging moments as I felt myself and the bike being pushed sideways.   With the exception of some rough patches of road and downhills that I am not yet comfortable riding in the aero position, I spent most of the time in my aerobars. I am very happy that I have aerobars on my road bike as the learning curve is not as great as it otherwise would have been. I have an 11-25 cassette on my tri bike (what I had on my road bike until recently) and I was actually able to stay out of the easiet gear for more of the climbs then I was last year.  

Great job on improving and getting some quality aero time!!  Beautiful place to ride!!

2010-05-31 9:01 AM
in reply to: #2891380

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

zionvier - 2010-05-30 8:39 PM Just wanted to let everyone know I'll be a little weak on the posting over the next week most likely.  I'm leaving to drive to San Diego tomorrow morning for the marathon next Sunday.  I'm taking the bike though since it's a good alternative to running a lot the week before a marathon.  Hopefully I can find some good (and safe) areas to ride.  Definitely looking forward to a change in scenery... and I'm planning on getting some good OWSs in while I'm out there too.... plus a little surfing if the gods of surf cooperate.

Good luck and have a great week!!!

2010-05-31 9:02 AM
in reply to: #2891750

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

PennState - 2010-05-31 7:41 AM Last week was a 220 mile bike week for me despite travelling to Toronto from Mon-Wed. Feeling pretty fried at this moment so thinking about a rest day today

That is a lot of saddle time in a short week!  It will serve you well in LP!

2010-05-31 11:00 AM
in reply to: #2891866

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2010-05-31 11:00 AM
in reply to: #2769226

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2010-05-31 11:57 AM
in reply to: #2891991

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

PennState - 2010-05-31 12:00 PM
kenj - 2010-05-31 10:02 AM

PennState - 2010-05-31 7:41 AM Last week was a 220 mile bike week for me despite travelling to Toronto from Mon-Wed. Feeling pretty fried at this moment so thinking about a rest day today

That is a lot of saddle time in a short week!  It will serve you well in LP!

my 'rest day' turned into a run day. oops

I have a tough time with rest days too!  I had 3 in the month of May and I did strength training on 2 of them. 

2010-05-31 12:55 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Got almost 4 hours in yesterday. My group ride and a speed walk with my wife for 5 miles. My body feels tired today but in a good way. I really want to get my ride in today so I can make my goals for this month. Each month the goal will go up a little bit until the Fall.

Probably going to do 12 miles on the bike and a run today.
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