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2012-02-28 11:20 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Hi All!

Life has thrown a couple of new challenges at me this past few days, so I am sorry I have been absent. I was rear ended on Friday morning on my way to work and it has left me carless for five days as well as trying to figure out the whole car insurance thing. Clearly the other guy was at fault, was ticketed and his insurance company is paying for things (finally getting a  rental car tomorrow) but my worry is that my car will be "totalled" by the adjuster when he/she sees it. The guy that hit me had an SUV and was able to drive away after the whole thing without probably a scratch.

In other news, I road part of the IMCDA course on Saturday with the computrainer group. It was VERY tough! I don't think I had the energy that I usually have (at 5:30am energy is minimal at best anyway) as I seemed to be struggling more then usual.  I think I will be doing it again this Saturday and it will be interesting to see if I do any better. It is a tough course either way.

Here are a couple of pics of my car. The trunk doesn't close and we had to bungee cord the bumper to the car to get it home.




(back of car1.jpg)


back of car1.jpg (95KB - 6 downloads)
bumper1.jpg (98KB - 3 downloads)

2012-02-28 11:29 PM
in reply to: #4071954

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Kath2163 - 2012-02-28 11:20 PM

In other news, I road part of the IMCDA course on Saturday with the computrainer group. It was VERY tough! I don't think I had the energy that I usually have (at 5:30am energy is minimal at best anyway) as I seemed to be struggling more then usual.  I think I will be doing it again this Saturday and it will be interesting to see if I do any better. It is a tough course either way.


...I *KNEW* something was up when you weren't the "Lead Out Man" at the Computrainer Class... 'cause NO ONE can spin a sprocket quite like you can!

Hang in there... being involved in an accident, especially one that isn't your fault, can be very tramatizing.  That coupled with the financial outlay and transportation inconveniences are tough to balance.

Let's keep the "High Vision" of the outcome from the adjuster and trust and know that the best will unfold with ease and grace for all involved!

Hugs "Renshaw"!!  We'll see you at P2P/DTC!


2012-02-28 11:33 PM
in reply to: #4071954

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Morgan Hill, CA
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Kath2163 - 2012-02-28 9:20 PM

Hi All!

Life has thrown a couple of new challenges at me this past few days, so I am sorry I have been absent. I was rear ended on Friday morning on my way to work and it has left me carless for five days as well as trying to figure out the whole car insurance thing. Clearly the other guy was at fault, was ticketed and his insurance company is paying for things (finally getting a  rental car tomorrow) but my worry is that my car will be "totalled" by the adjuster when he/she sees it. The guy that hit me had an SUV and was able to drive away after the whole thing without probably a scratch.

In other news, I road part of the IMCDA course on Saturday with the computrainer group. It was VERY tough! I don't think I had the energy that I usually have (at 5:30am energy is minimal at best anyway) as I seemed to be struggling more then usual.  I think I will be doing it again this Saturday and it will be interesting to see if I do any better. It is a tough course either way.

Here are a couple of pics of my car. The trunk doesn't close and we had to bungee cord the bumper to the car to get it home.

Oh wow, Kathy, that's too bad.  At least you were in your car and not on your bike... That's surprising it took the insurance company so long to approve a rental car for you. You should be compensated in the pay-off for your days without a car. Hopefully things will get better for you soon. Good luck with everything.

2012-02-29 5:39 AM
in reply to: #4071954

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Kath2163 - 2012-02-28 11:20 PM

Hi All!

Life has thrown a couple of new challenges at me this past few days, so I am sorry I have been absent. I was rear ended on Friday morning on my way to work and it has left me carless for five days as well as trying to figure out the whole car insurance thing. Clearly the other guy was at fault, was ticketed and his insurance company is paying for things (finally getting a  rental car tomorrow) but my worry is that my car will be "totalled" by the adjuster when he/she sees it. The guy that hit me had an SUV and was able to drive away after the whole thing without probably a scratch.

In other news, I road part of the IMCDA course on Saturday with the computrainer group. It was VERY tough! I don't think I had the energy that I usually have (at 5:30am energy is minimal at best anyway) as I seemed to be struggling more then usual.  I think I will be doing it again this Saturday and it will be interesting to see if I do any better. It is a tough course either way.

Here are a couple of pics of my car. The trunk doesn't close and we had to bungee cord the bumper to the car to get it home.




Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!! Your poor car!!!!!  We went through a lot of insurance drama earlier this year with my daughter's car, between someone first running a red light and slamming into her car and then having the same car stolen a month later. It actually went all right but I was one stressed mom. Just glad you are ok. 

2012-02-29 6:03 AM
in reply to: #4071816

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
IceManScott - 2012-02-28 10:30 PM

The flip turn and the momentum coming off the wall helps to perfect the form, including the need to stretch out.   Why debate it.  You got to turn in a pool.  Flipping is easier than holding onto the wall.  What breaks tempo more?

I took a lesson Sunday from another swim coach.  he made some great points that I used at Masters this morning.  Lower RPE, faster speed. Roll more, stretch more, turn head less. All to make me more aero as if swimming through a small hoop.  Also has me doing lots of catch up drills to get me to glide more. 

I have moved into the lactate threshold work on the bike.  Hoping for real improvement in the ability to hold high power over long term.  Did an hour today on the steelhead computrainer course at 85%.  Ouch.

Kettlebells continue to improve.  Stronger by far.  Lighter too.  Lost another pound.  13 since Jan. 1.  Snce it is comnig off I am going to keep going down.  Maybe 200 by race day?  200 and more muscle?  Nothing wrong with that.

Last day at work was Friday.  Weird.

Talked to my coach today by Skpe from Tucson.  Going to try taking the online coaching certification. 

You all have a great week.






You haven't seen my flip turns Ice! Embarassed But I am trying!

Nice work with the training and the continued weight loss! 

2012-02-29 6:04 AM
in reply to: #4071945

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CarlaLThompson - 2012-02-29 12:12 AM

Tuesday's Double Smack Down: 

Morning:  75 Min Trainer Ride - Zone 2 / High Cadance

75 Min as
7 x [9:40min @ 90+ RPMs (Small/17),
20 sec Pickup]
1 x 5min cool down

Solid work today!


Evening:  80 Min Treadmill Tempo Run

w/u: 15m @ 4.8, 4.9, 5.0MPH

[10m @ 5.4MPH - HR 145,
   5m @ 5.8MPH - HR 152,
 10m @ 5.4MPH - HR 145,
 10m @ 5.8MPH - HR 154,
 10m @ 5.4MPH - HR 145,
   5m @ 5.8MPH - HR 156]

c/d: 15m @ 3.5MPH (Walk)

* Ran at the top of Zone 2 & 3
* Had to talk myself through
* Good work!


Z2 = 135bpm - 145bpm
Z3 = 146bpm - 157bpm
Z4 = 157bpm - 168bpm

Bed now since Kenj has "turned out the lights!"  !!!!  ZZZzzz... !!!

Great work Carla! 

2012-02-29 6:10 AM
in reply to: #4071954

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Kath2163 - 2012-02-29 12:20 AM

Hi All!

Life has thrown a couple of new challenges at me this past few days, so I am sorry I have been absent. I was rear ended on Friday morning on my way to work and it has left me carless for five days as well as trying to figure out the whole car insurance thing. Clearly the other guy was at fault, was ticketed and his insurance company is paying for things (finally getting a  rental car tomorrow) but my worry is that my car will be "totalled" by the adjuster when he/she sees it. The guy that hit me had an SUV and was able to drive away after the whole thing without probably a scratch.

In other news, I road part of the IMCDA course on Saturday with the computrainer group. It was VERY tough! I don't think I had the energy that I usually have (at 5:30am energy is minimal at best anyway) as I seemed to be struggling more then usual.  I think I will be doing it again this Saturday and it will be interesting to see if I do any better. It is a tough course either way.

Here are a couple of pics of my car. The trunk doesn't close and we had to bungee cord the bumper to the car to get it home.




Sorry about your car accident Kathleen!  I hope you get through the process easier now than it started out.  Don't be shy with his insurance company, you could have been hurt worse than you were.  Also, your insurance company will handle this for you if you chose to file with them so expedite things, then they will subregate back against the other insurance company.  I hope everything works out and glad you weren't hurt.

Considering the day you had Friday, I wouldn't say that you had your best to give that course Saturday.  Nice work getting it done though!

2012-02-29 7:28 AM
in reply to: #4072058

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Yikes. Sorry to hear about the drama. I hope the week improves....
2012-02-29 7:45 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED


Sorry for the drama.  My husband and I lived through the exact same thing just a few months ago.  The car ended up being totaled, and we purchased a used car through Enterprise car sales.  They sell their cars after 2 years of use.  Best price for a used car.

Chin up, this too will pass.

On a lighter note, I went to spin class this morning.  Talk about suffering!  It feels good though.  My biking muscles are getting a nice workout.

2012-02-29 8:09 AM
in reply to: #4071954

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Kath2163 - 2012-02-28 11:20 PM

Hi All!

Life has thrown a couple of new challenges at me this past few days, so I am sorry I have been absent. I was rear ended on Friday morning on my way to work and it has left me carless for five days as well as trying to figure out the whole car insurance thing. Clearly the other guy was at fault, was ticketed and his insurance company is paying for things (finally getting a  rental car tomorrow) but my worry is that my car will be "totalled" by the adjuster when he/she sees it. The guy that hit me had an SUV and was able to drive away after the whole thing without probably a scratch.

In other news, I road part of the IMCDA course on Saturday with the computrainer group. It was VERY tough! I don't think I had the energy that I usually have (at 5:30am energy is minimal at best anyway) as I seemed to be struggling more then usual.  I think I will be doing it again this Saturday and it will be interesting to see if I do any better. It is a tough course either way.

Here are a couple of pics of my car. The trunk doesn't close and we had to bungee cord the bumper to the car to get it home.




Kathleen, sorry this happened. It's a pretty big inconvienience not having a car! Anyhow, that guys insurance should cover a loaner car for you. Call them and get it set up. Sometimes the insurance co's won't tell you that unless you ask. Glad you are ok!
2012-02-29 9:00 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
everyone is making big improvements! I'm impressed!!

I'm still having trouble on the bike! Had computrainer last night, it was just a disaster. Couldn't spin my numbers for anything! I thought I felt well going into class and running easy over the weekend helped. But once I started spinning it was a different story.

I think I'm at a crossroads here. I don't think I can continue the run schedule and make improvement on the bike. Not sure why I can't run 4 days a week and still make improvements on the bike???(Confused) If I was running 5-6 days a week I could see it. So I think I have to either figure out a better schedule to get this to work better, or go down to running 3 days a week and start adding to bike workouts.

Here's what I'm thinking:
-The Palos Half Marathon is my first race of the season May 6th. I'd like to do well and was targeting a <7:00/mile pace and a top 20AG finish. Palos is not a qualifier for anything and would just be me doing well in a local race for my family who will be there spectating.
-My other BIG A race is Racine 70.3 and qualifier for Vegas. If I do well here (<5hours) and enough people infront of me give up their spots to Vegas I could get a slot!
-My run is already almost at a 7:00-7:30/mile pace which is right where I want to be for Palos and Racine.
-I need to keep up on my swim and try to stick to 3 days a week. I found out last year at Racine how important getting out of the water feeling fresh and having no problems is. Swimming is my weakest link being I just learned a few years ago.
-Making Vegas 70.3 might be a little bit of an unrealistic goal for me, but I want to give it a go.

If I look at my training right now realistically, and had a perfect day at RAcine I think I could do:
swim: 40min
bike: 2:45
run: 1:45
transitions :10
total: 5:20

I think that shaving :25 off my total time would get me in the running to get a spot for Vegas. Obviously, :35-50 minutes off would probably cement it, but those are some seriously unrealistics gains I'd have to make. I'm on a good track to bring down my swim time to the 32-35 min range by race day, and my run could be much better than 1:45 by race day depending on:
1. how fresh I can feel off the bike with more bike work
2. if I keep going on putting big run mileage in and improving the way I am

Pheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew!!! after getting all that off my chest! I guess these are the only choices I can think of:
1. Keep going the way I'm going and pray my bike doesn't deteriorate further and I have enough improvement on the bike and swim to put myself in the running for a Vegas spot
2. Switch up the plan. Get on Jorge's bike plan and move to running 3 key runs per week to hold on to what I've gained on the run
3. Give up the pipe dream of making Vegas 70.3 and just keep doing what I'm doing. Have fun, and do well in the local 13.1 run race
4. Seek some professional help to sort this out
5. Sit on couch, play xbox and get fat!

Any thoughts?

Edited by Meulen 2012-02-29 9:35 AM

2012-02-29 11:51 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Sin City
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Kathy - So sorry to hear about your car! Hope all the issues get solved quickly and timely. 

Robin - Great job on learning Flip Turns. I don't normally do it, as for some reason I always get a head rush and it HURTS like h-e-double hockey sticks when I get up.  I think I'm flipping too hard. I'm still going to try as I've gotten better, but I keep missing the wall...I'm so short! :-)

Ken - Great job on your cold race!

Carla - that's a BEAST of a workout! Great job!! :-)

Brian - If I were you...I would put in more swimming (3x a week or maybe even 4 if you can manage), Keep your running schedule until after the Half marathon (4x a week), and keep your bike schedule (3x a week). After the Half Mary, switch it up, and put in 4x a week bike, 3 or 4 x a week swim, and 3x a week run.   You obviously have the running base down. 

I could totally be wrong, I ain't a coach.  However, Sitting on the couch playing my Xbox 360 sounds good too!! Can I count that as a workout?! I've been dying to finish Morrowind and Fallout 3 due to school conflicts!

2012-02-29 12:15 PM
in reply to: #4072948

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CyborgQueen - 2012-02-29 11:51 AM

Kathy - So sorry to hear about your car! Hope all the issues get solved quickly and timely. 

Robin - Great job on learning Flip Turns. I don't normally do it, as for some reason I always get a head rush and it HURTS like h-e-double hockey sticks when I get up.  I think I'm flipping too hard. I'm still going to try as I've gotten better, but I keep missing the wall...I'm so short! :-)

Ken - Great job on your cold race!

Carla - that's a BEAST of a workout! Great job!! :-)

Brian - If I were you...I would put in more swimming (3x a week or maybe even 4 if you can manage), Keep your running schedule until after the Half marathon (4x a week), and keep your bike schedule (3x a week). After the Half Mary, switch it up, and put in 4x a week bike, 3 or 4 x a week swim, and 3x a week run.   You obviously have the running base down. 

I could totally be wrong, I ain't a coach.  However, Sitting on the couch playing my Xbox 360 sounds good too!! Can I count that as a workout?! I've been dying to finish Morrowind and Fallout 3 due to school conflicts!

thanks DJ! You know what??.....I think there is 10 weeks between the Palos HM and Racine. That should be enough time to get a round of Jorge's cycle plan in. It could work!, as long as I can deal with the frustration of not seeing any gains now while I keep running.

I have yet to Prestige on MW3!!! Haven't turned it on in weeks!! LOL
2012-02-29 1:17 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Kathleen - sorry to hear about your accident, that really sucks.  I am glad you weren't hurt.

Brian - don't have much advice for you on your training, however I would try to get a spot in Vegas if I could, don't know until you try. Is hiring a coach a possibility?

2nd day on the bike - and wow my nether regions are sore after my 20 minute spin yesterday.  Looooong way to go, but excited to get there! Foot feeling awesome! fingers crossed! PT and swim/aquajog tomorrow.

2012-02-29 7:46 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED


Looks like everyone is doing well and training is going well for all. Sorry to hear about the accident Kathleen. Well after getting the employee passing behind me last week then the bug that was going around found me..Got back into the groove today after a week of sickness..Monday I will be 8 weeks out from my first tri of the year..Looking for a PR there so I need some kick in the to get it going and get some quality workouts in..

Great job everyone keep it up...

2012-02-29 11:44 PM
in reply to: #4072423

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Meulen - 2012-02-29 10:00 AMeveryone is making big improvements! I'm impressed!! I'm still having trouble on the bike! Had computrainer last night, it was just a disaster. Couldn't spin my numbers for anything! I thought I felt well going into class and running easy over the weekend helped. But once I started spinning it was a different story.I think I'm at a crossroads here. I don't think I can continue the run schedule and make improvement on the bike. Not sure why I can't run 4 days a week and still make improvements on the bike???(Confused) If I was running 5-6 days a week I could see it. So I think I have to either figure out a better schedule to get this to work better, or go down to running 3 days a week and start adding to bike workouts.Here's what I'm thinking:-The Palos Half Marathon is my first race of the season May 6th. I'd like to do well and was targeting a <7:00/mile pace and a top 20AG finish. Palos is not a qualifier for anything and would just be me doing well in a local race for my family who will be there spectating.-My other BIG A race is Racine 70.3 and qualifier for Vegas. If I do well here (<5hours) and enough people infront of me give up their spots to Vegas I could get a slot!-My run is already almost at a 7:00-7:30/mile pace which is right where I want to be for Palos and Racine.-I need to keep up on my swim and try to stick to 3 days a week. I found out last year at Racine how important getting out of the water feeling fresh and having no problems is. Swimming is my weakest link being I just learned a few years ago.-Making Vegas 70.3 might be a little bit of an unrealistic goal for me, but I want to give it a go.If I look at my training right now realistically, and had a perfect day at RAcine I think I could do:swim: 40minbike: 2:45run: 1:45transitions :10total: 5:20I think that shaving :25 off my total time would get me in the running to get a spot for Vegas. Obviously, :35-50 minutes off would probably cement it, but those are some seriously unrealistics gains I'd have to make. I'm on a good track to bring down my swim time to the 32-35 min range by race day, and my run could be much better than 1:45 by race day depending on:1. how fresh I can feel off the bike with more bike work2. if I keep going on putting big run mileage in and improving the way I amPheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew!!! after getting all that off my chest! I guess these are the only choices I can think of:1. Keep going the way I'm going and pray my bike doesn't deteriorate further and I have enough improvement on the bike and swim to put myself in the running for a Vegas spot2. Switch up the plan. Get on Jorge's bike plan and move to running 3 key runs per week to hold on to what I've gained on the run3. Give up the pipe dream of making Vegas 70.3 and just keep doing what I'm doing. Have fun, and do well in the local 13.1 run race4. Seek some professional help to sort this out5. Sit on couch, play xbox and get fat!Any thoughts?
I wouldn't cut back on the running, maybe look at effort the day before hard bikes or maybe the amount of rest. I know you were putting in some long days. Also, maybe your nutrition was not right? I know I struggle with night time workouts if I don't eat right.Bottom line, I would finish the run plan, hit the bike as hard as you can, but if you struggle, don't give up all together, just cut back the effort a little. You do have time between races as well. Maybe a bike focus week or 2 after the half? Good luck Brian!

2012-02-29 11:46 PM
in reply to: #4073264

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
robingray_260 - 2012-02-29 2:17 PM

Kathleen - sorry to hear about your accident, that really sucks.  I am glad you weren't hurt.

Brian - don't have much advice for you on your training, however I would try to get a spot in Vegas if I could, don't know until you try. Is hiring a coach a possibility?

2nd day on the bike - and wow my nether regions are sore after my 20 minute spin yesterday.  Looooong way to go, but excited to get there! Foot feeling awesome! fingers crossed! PT and swim/aquajog tomorrow.

Good to hear about positive progress Robin!
2012-03-01 8:08 AM
in reply to: #4074292

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2012-02-29 11:44 PM

Meulen - 2012-02-29 10:00 AMeveryone is making big improvements! I'm impressed!! I'm still having trouble on the bike! Had computrainer last night, it was just a disaster. Couldn't spin my numbers for anything! I thought I felt well going into class and running easy over the weekend helped. But once I started spinning it was a different story.I think I'm at a crossroads here. I don't think I can continue the run schedule and make improvement on the bike. Not sure why I can't run 4 days a week and still make improvements on the bike???(Confused) If I was running 5-6 days a week I could see it. So I think I have to either figure out a better schedule to get this to work better, or go down to running 3 days a week and start adding to bike workouts.Here's what I'm thinking:-The Palos Half Marathon is my first race of the season May 6th. I'd like to do well and was targeting a <7:00/mile pace and a top 20AG finish. Palos is not a qualifier for anything and would just be me doing well in a local race for my family who will be there spectating.-My other BIG A race is Racine 70.3 and qualifier for Vegas. If I do well here (<5hours) and enough people infront of me give up their spots to Vegas I could get a slot!-My run is already almost at a 7:00-7:30/mile pace which is right where I want to be for Palos and Racine.-I need to keep up on my swim and try to stick to 3 days a week. I found out last year at Racine how important getting out of the water feeling fresh and having no problems is. Swimming is my weakest link being I just learned a few years ago.-Making Vegas 70.3 might be a little bit of an unrealistic goal for me, but I want to give it a go.If I look at my training right now realistically, and had a perfect day at RAcine I think I could do:swim: 40minbike: 2:45run: 1:45transitions :10total: 5:20I think that shaving :25 off my total time would get me in the running to get a spot for Vegas. Obviously, :35-50 minutes off would probably cement it, but those are some seriously unrealistics gains I'd have to make. I'm on a good track to bring down my swim time to the 32-35 min range by race day, and my run could be much better than 1:45 by race day depending on:1. how fresh I can feel off the bike with more bike work2. if I keep going on putting big run mileage in and improving the way I amPheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew!!! after getting all that off my chest! I guess these are the only choices I can think of:1. Keep going the way I'm going and pray my bike doesn't deteriorate further and I have enough improvement on the bike and swim to put myself in the running for a Vegas spot2. Switch up the plan. Get on Jorge's bike plan and move to running 3 key runs per week to hold on to what I've gained on the run3. Give up the pipe dream of making Vegas 70.3 and just keep doing what I'm doing. Have fun, and do well in the local 13.1 run race4. Seek some professional help to sort this out5. Sit on couch, play xbox and get fat!Any thoughts?
I wouldn't cut back on the running, maybe look at effort the day before hard bikes or maybe the amount of rest. I know you were putting in some long days. Also, maybe your nutrition was not right? I know I struggle with night time workouts if I don't eat right.Bottom line, I would finish the run plan, hit the bike as hard as you can, but if you struggle, don't give up all together, just cut back the effort a little. You do have time between races as well. Maybe a bike focus week or 2 after the half? Good luck Brian!

Thanks, I'm leaning toward struggling with the bike till after the HM. I can do Jorge's plan for 8-9 weeks up to HIM and do a long bike on the weekends. I'm definitely going to hit you guys up after HM to figure out how to transition from run focus to bike focus and try to hold onto my run fitness! I know I will struggle with that since running is the only thing that's convienient for me with the gym at my office. What I will do is modify the run plan slightly. Since I'm using a full marathon plan to train for HM I'm going to cut the peak mileage off here. No more runs over 16 miles. Continue to slow down the pace on long runs and pay attention to recovery.

I'll play with nutrition a little for my bike workouts. Yes, these are usually tough days for me. I have to put dinner off a 2-3 hours to get them done, and come to think of it, I forgot my energy bar before computrainer class Teusday. I'm also netting an average of 1000 cals/day right now. Seems to be the only way I lose weight! So that may have something to do with it too, however, I'm curious why it doesn't effect my running.

New month, new goals, and an honest look at last months. Let's see 'em .........

March goals:

1. Carry over- continue to work on the bike and get comfortable with 2x20's and DO MORE BIKE VOLUME this month!!!

2. Run 13.1 miles under 1:40. Hopefully, this happens on the first weekend of the months training run

3. Get to 165lbs- This will be a HUGE challenge!

4. Plan a trip to Vegas and some breaktime

February Goals:

1. Get weight below 170 and break that plateu - Success!
2. Add at least 2 swims a week for the rest of the month - Exceeded!
3. Get acclimated to doing 2x20's at FTP on the bike so I quit blowing up during my FTP tests and finally break the plateu I've been at on the bike - Subjective- did some good work with 2x15's but still had some bad bike workouts this month. Going to carry this over and work on it more next month.
2012-03-01 3:01 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Good point mentioning the goals Brian!  I have been so busy this month I never got around to changing the January goals off of the top of my log.  Not sure that part is going to change in March, but I guess it is better to miss updating the goals than to miss doing them.

Hopefully March will get us outside a little more, and continue the bike improvements. 
Shoulder is still a little touchy to commit to a swim focus but I may if it starts feeling better.  
Run frequency is good (every day for the last 2 weeks), now is time to start building a little more distance
Finish Insanity program strong!
Another 6 - 7 pounds of weight loss

post em if ya got em!! 

2012-03-01 3:15 PM
in reply to: #4075790

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Carla's Accomplishments/Goals:February:* Focused on transitining to new job while continuing training commitment* Introduced power and endurance in training* Begin to get clear on streamlining life to support training* Relaxed yet conscious about diet - Down 4.6lbs from Feb 1stMarch:* Steady state - Remain consistemt with training* Continue to build power and endurance* Contiue to keep social commitments "supportive of training goals"* Step more fully into "Plant Based Diet" - Goal to be under 200Lbs (201.6lbs today)* Use tools - Jounnal, meditation, affirmations to support new image of self as faster athlete* Nurture connections with motivated and uplifting people (Post in BT Forum)* Represence myself with my goals daily!
2012-03-01 4:06 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

OK Ken, I need your advice.

I'm traveling next week.  Any tips on how to keep up the workouts while on the road? 

 Do you do it first thing before you go to work? 

Any tips on finding paths in the new city?

Do you do anything besides running while traveling?

2012-03-01 5:58 PM
in reply to: #4075824

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CarlaLThompson - 2012-03-01 4:15 PMCarla's Accomplishments/Goals:February:* Focused on transitining to new job while continuing training commitment* Introduced power and endurance in training* Begin to get clear on streamlining life to support training* Relaxed yet conscious about diet - Down 4.6lbs from Feb 1stMarch:* Steady state - Remain consistemt with training* Continue to build power and endurance* Contiue to keep social commitments "supportive of training goals"* Step more fully into "Plant Based Diet" - Goal to be under 200Lbs (201.6lbs today)* Use tools - Jounnal, meditation, affirmations to support new image of self as faster athlete* Nurture connections with motivated and uplifting people (Post in BT Forum)* Represence myself with my goals daily!
Sounds like a solid plan Carla!
2012-03-01 6:07 PM
in reply to: #4075914

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
russrisher - 2012-03-01 5:06 PM

OK Ken, I need your advice.

I'm traveling next week.  Any tips on how to keep up the workouts while on the road? 

 Do you do it first thing before you go to work? 

Any tips on finding paths in the new city?

Do you do anything besides running while traveling?

I generally do most of my training in the morning anyhow, but yes I do try and get it done early. I am somewhat fortunate in that 80% of my traveling is to the same places so I learn where to run, but I do a lot of my running on the road using the hotel treadmills as it is usually safer. Hilton has outsourced their fit rooms to precor so they are usually nice. This includes Hampton, Embassey, etc. you can also check or even here on BT for routes. I don't usually mess with the bike or swim unless I am gone more than the business week, but I will try to get some strength training in. It is also a good time to try and fit your recovery week in, although matching the lower calorie intake when on the road can be challenging.Anyone else have a suggestion?
2012-03-01 7:00 PM
in reply to: #4075914

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
russrisher - 2012-03-01 4:06 PM

OK Ken, I need your advice.

I'm traveling next week.  Any tips on how to keep up the workouts while on the road? 

 Do you do it first thing before you go to work? 

Any tips on finding paths in the new city?

Do you do anything besides running while traveling?

where are you traveling to?  If you are downtown in a city there are usually health clubs within walking distance - maybe they would have a pool?   Also you could ask on the BT state forum page for running routes. Ken's advice was good - don't have much else to add.

2012-03-01 7:07 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Oy - don't know if I want to post my Feb. nos. they are so dismal.  But here goes:

February's totals:
Bike:50m  - 11.6 Mi
Swim:2h 21m  - 6600 Yd
Strength:10h 20m
Aqua Jogging:40m
Yoga:1h 00m

My goals were to rehab foot - still working on it, but optimistic and get under 150 - stuck at 151! so close.... I am happy with the weight though, hard to lose the pounds when you can't burn off the excess calories!

March Goals:   continue rehabing the foot. Get under 150 (and stay there).  Build endurance on the bike 3x/week.  Continue swimming 2-3x/ week and aquajog 1-2x /week.  If I am super lucky maybe start walking.

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